Saturday, February 16, 2013


After returning the rescued female high elf to her father and meeting the Everqueen, the group heads to Marienburg to take care of some business Theo has.

Goddard stays held up in his cabin most of the time. Since losing his specters and having his ship completely changed, he hasn't felt quiet as comfortable. When he is out on deck, he tries to conversate with the high elves but their sense of humor is a bit different than the druchii specters he had on board. This is no longer his ship, and he feels a bit lost again. The only reason he 'accepts' this change, is because it was brought about by the Everqueen.

She said I had a heart of gold...

"But then again, she told that to everyone else too..." he chuckles, looking out at Marienburg as the ship gets close to docking.

Oh but Master...yours is the goldiest!

Goddard sighs and pulls his hood and cowl up in preparation to head into the city. "Shut up Arha...that's not even a word!"

It should be, Master.

Goddard wraps the chain attached to the mechanical cold one around his wrist and walks across the deck with it.

I don't control these asur. I have to keep these safe...I have to keep all of this safe...


  1. After Aara's encounter with Chaos, she spends most of her time curled up in a corner of the cabin she shares with Goddard, not speaking much of the day. At night, she has nightmares and wakes clutching her shoulder. As they get closer to Marienburg, she slowly starts to leave the cabin and take in fresh air.

    Seeing Goddard walking his "not-moose" around the deck, she sighs. I've been that what it felt like him? How awful to have gone through that several times.

    Oh wait...he has such 'awful' slaves. I think he needs to make amends for that.

  2. Goddard walks toward Aara when he spots her on the deck. The nauglir takes a few extra steps and walks into her leg. He gives it a kick and looks at Aara. "Are you feeling any better, lecai? Maybe being back somewhere familiar and safe will help?"

  3. She reaches up and rubs her shoulder. "A little. Just don't ask me to go back anytime soon," she jokes weakly.

  4. "Merciful Morr no," he wraps an arm around her and heads toward the ramp to leave the ship. "Have I told you I'm sorry enough?" He kisses the top of her head. "Or do I need to say it a hundred times more? A million times more?"

  5. She smiles and walks with him. "At least a few more times."

  6. "I'm so sorry," he whispers and holds her tight. "I tried my best with her...I guess I'm not the all powerful mage I thought myself to be," he chuckles. "And do know I ran off...or flew off to try and get the Brides to help? I didn't try and run away...there was no way I was going to leave you. Oh and..."

    He speaks softly now. "I'm sorry I wasn't there to stop that spell sooner. Even after the beating I took, nothing hurt me more than to see you hurting like that...I know how it feels...not those particular ones...but..." He clears his throat and mutters, "Not now Arha!"

    But...Master...I didn't say anything!

    "Of course you didn't!" Godard grits his teeth, thankful that the familiar only speaks in his mind.

    Oh Master...I am sooooo confused...

  7. She shivers. "I guess we're even," she jokes in a small voice. "We've watched each other mutate now. It was...well, you know about the nightmares..."

  8. "I'm sorry that I can't make those go away. Don't you have tea for that?" he jokes and kisses her head again. "At least I was able to get rid of the worst part right away."

  9. "I can sleep dreamlessly with a tea, but it leaves me groggy. I'm not sure I want the trade-off." She lays her head against his chest as they walk. "And thank you for that, by the way. It almost makes up for calling me a horrible slave," she laughs.

  10. "Oh no no no lecai, you misunderstood! I was talking about the elves and our new friend with the big gun and the even bigger mouth!" he laughs. "Not're my best slave! Um...I mean...not...I...I mean that in the most loving way possible."

  11. She smothers a smile and raises an eyebrow. "Mmmhmm. I was there. I heard. And I am your best slave."

  12. "You were a very good body combat even," he grins. "Unlike that armor...but I;m glad it decided to just...jump off. It was pretty annoying and got in my way again."

  13. "You shouldn't wear it anymore, Otto told you it just hinders your magic."

  14. "I needed to look the part of a druchii noble. You know how nonthreatening and frail I look other wise. Like right know as soon as someone comes after me with their fists, I'm done!"

  15. "With it, you'd be done," she tells him. "You can't throw a punch."

  16. "But I can take a punch much better. Did you see how well I took those blades? Robes can't do that, lecai. I would have been headless! I'd like to keep my head attached. I'd assume you would also like me to keep my head?"

  17. "I can't remember much more than the pain," she admits. "Everything else is kind of pale in comparison, so I may not have seen it?" She takes a second to admire his face, fangs, and horns. "I suppose you look better with your head."

  18. Captain Zor-grat looks out over the deck of his ship with pride and a sense of honor. "Dez peepul needz me an I needz dem, day give me life purpuss and I will die fo dem if'n need be." He smiles as he say this to no one in particular. "Day be me famalee now."

    He turns to his first mate as the elf comes up the ladder-stairs to the upper deck. "Captain, looks like a smooth night o come, no sign of bad weather so the ship should be fine docked here."

    "Good job lad, 'ead below deck and grab us a couple of mugs o' coffee from da 'alfling. We'll take a bit o' time ta study the charts 'afore beding down fo' da night."

  19. "You don't even remember before it happened? My poor lecai." He looks sadly at her for a moment then looks away when he feels that she is studying him. He adjusts his hood and cowl and tightens his tail around the strap under the tabard. "I...I thought she may have killed me...the Everqueen. I was not expecting her to come onto the ship. I figured maybe I would just have to deal with her angry father. Not the Everqueen."

  20. "You wouldn't have died alone," she answers firmly. "I wouldn't have let her kill you without a fight. And you don't have to cover up, I'm well aware of what you look like." She smiles and tightens her arm around his waist. "I'm quite fond of your face."

  21. "I certainly hope you wouldn't have fought the Everqueen," Goddard laughs. "I don't know who else was around when she walked in, but I instantly dropped to a knee and did not look up. If I put myself in such a position, I will not have anyone defend me if that will be my end."

    "And I don't want anyone in this city to see me. I plan on just walking around. I need to feel the ground under my feet in a place that isn't so hostile."

  22. "I was there. And for you, I would have," she tells him softly. After a few minutes of walking, she speaks again. "We should find a bookseller. I want to look into a book or two about setting bones and caring for a wider range of injuries. I felt so useless not being able to set her bones and give her some relief."

  23. "I knew as long as we kept her alive, the asur would be able to help. You did a fantastic job. Far from useless. But...I may not have any asur conveniently around, willing to mend my broken body so these books will be very helpful." Goddard laughs and then looks at her fairly seriously.

    "But really...lecai...I sat in a cell when the Empire found out about my 'issues', I knelt on the stairs before the Brides of Khaine, and I knelt before the Everqueen. When I...I hate to say quit...but when I quit fighting, you save yourself if you can. You turn around, and you live."

  24. "we need ta see about gittin' deze lads sum shoreleeve. No need in dem gettin all stircarzy on da ship if we cun avoid it." He pats thje first mate on the back and grins widely as he brings up the topic of the elves. "Day bein' all repectabul and such, we shuldunt 'ave any problum wif dem causin' a ruckus or anyfing." The first mate nods in agreement as he drains the coffee from his mug. Not a horrible drink, this coffee, as long as I can season it up with herbs from the homeland.

  25. She nudges him with his shoulder. "Shut up. What would I do without you? Go back to Araby and be bored and married? That's a life," she snorts.

  26. "You'd be alive," he says softly. "And safe. That's what I want for you. You don;t have to go to Araby. You can do anything you want."

  27. "Stop, please. Safe or not, I'm not going anywhere."

  28. "I won't be much fun to be around once I'm dead," he chuckles.

  29. Sinadrin, the first mate, walks to the edge of the railing. "Captain, I do agree, it seems even we elves need some time to release our energies and being cramped on board, though we love the sea, still weighs on our need to move about freely." Zor-grat nods in agreement. "I know when I needz to moof about, I needz to do it when I needz to an if'n I dunt getz to , I can be quite da beastie ta deal wiff."

  30. She elbows him again, a little harder this time, but doesn't say anything about it. Instead, she studies the windows of the shops they pass. "We should get some chocolate," she decides. "We're always buying it for Otto, never for ourselves."

  31. Siegfried Stauffen leaned on the rail of the ship, staring off into the horizon. Everything was quiet, save for the gentle splash of the waves against the ship as it sailed on toward Marienburg.

    "Ach. Good to be going home." He said to no one in particular.

    Siegfried shuddered a little as he thought about the horrors he had witnessed the last few days. Daemonic mutations, foul magicks and human flesh being used as upholstery....give me a year in Lustria over one more second in that place. What kind of companions had he picked up that would willfully go to a dark elf city such as that? Then again, he was perhaps the only level headed one of the bunch. The halfling came close, but he eats more than any creature rightfully should.

    He looked around the ship at his new companions. Goddard and Aara were on the other side of the deck, in serious conversation. Captain Zor-grat had just "patted" his new first mate on the back. The poor elf had nearly been knocked over...Zor-grat didn't seem to notice. Siegfried stifled a laugh...maybe their peculiar behavior was rubbing off on him.

  32. "I only got it for him because he was around," Goddard chuckles. "This will be our chocolate. Although after what he's done for me, I think he deserves more than just chocolate."

  33. Gud day to ya Mista Zeegfreed, 'ow are ye on dis fine mornin'? Was wunderin' if'n ya might wish to 'ead into da cit-ee an' see wat we could do 'b out gittin' ya dim peestuls you be wantin'?" Zor-grat gestures toward the gangplank as the ship gelnty rocks in the waves.

  34. "He does," she agrees, laughing as Ibben moves from one shoulder to the next and then across Goddard's. With a chirping sound, he climbs up to sit on top of Goddard's head.

  35. "You'd better watch where you sit little furball," he warns with a laugh. "I don't want lecai smacking me because you skewered yourself. You sure you wouldn't rather have something like...a turtle or a snail? Ground pets?"

  36. Siegfried thought about Zor-grat's offer, then decided he could certainly use the company.

    "Ja, Captain. It vould be an honor to have you accompany me. I never thought I vould be picking up pistols, but since joining vith you, I keep fighting sings that won't die vith a single shot! It takes some getting used to."

  37. "I like Ibben," she says happily, handing him a treat from her pocket. "He keeps me company when you're in a sour mood."

  38. "Snails are pretty wonderful animals. Quiet...slow...I'd imagine they listen very well. Oh, very easy to feed. Just keep them away from salt."

    Master, snails are horrible little...

    "Just like you Arha!" Goddard suddenly says annoyed. A few people look at him with a mix of concern and confusion before continuing on their way.

  39. "Afta you gud sir, we got a lot o' fings to look at 'afore day day closes it's eyes on us." Zor-grat gestures for Siegfried to take the lead down the gangplank. He quickly follows the man down to the dock and they begin to make their way into the throng of the city's streets.

  40. Aara giggles. She doesn't need to know what the ethereal bat said to see that he's annoyed his master. "Nuur'eni, Arha has, once again, proven his usefulness. Maybe you should give him a break?"

  41. "Yeah yeah...I guess...but what could you possibly want Arha? I can't give you a treat and I can't...can't..." he shudders. "I can't pet you."

    Draw me again, Master. Aara can hear this request. She imagines anyone close enough could have also heard it. Arha is very excited to be getting anything from Goddard.

    Draw me and we can talk like we did that one time in Araby, Master.

    "Fine fine. That's easy enough. But stop talking where everyone can hear's ok if they think I'm crazy. I don't want them knowing that I'm...a wizard." He whispers the word wizard very softly and looks around to make sure no one heard.

  42. Siegfried and Zor-grat worked their way through the hustle and bustle of Marienburg's streets. Although the streets were crowded, it never hurts to have an ogre with you. Most of the burghers gave Zor-grat a wide berth, which he didn't seem to understand very well. Whenever someone stared at them too long, Zor-grat walked up and bellowed an introduction with a big toothy grin on his face. They ran away every time, but that didn't seem to deter him from trying again.

    It didn't take long for them to reach a gunsmith's shop. Siegfried had spoken with several townsfolk, who had all recommended this place. Indeed, Siegfried had even heard the owner, a Mr. Hans Jager, mentioned as far away as Hochland. He pushed the door open, and he and Zor-grat strode confidently into the shop.

  43. Aara pulls Goddard into a bookseller's shop and asks for a book on medicine. The seller raises his eyebrows at her, but directs her to the correct shelf. She looks over her shoulder, expecting to see Goddard light up with happiness the way he did in the library in Araby.

  44. Goddard seems disinterested in the books. He lazily pulls one or two off the shelf and flips through them quickly before sighing and putting them back. The nauglir clicks on behind him as Goddard walks around a bit before he stands next to Aara and wait patiently for her to choose some books.

  45. Zor-grat eyes the shop with a scrutiny typically reserved for some one that know what they are looking at. "Now dis looks like a fine spot to pick dim peestuls ye be lookin' fo' Mista Zeegfreed,Day's no way dis gun smiff culd make a bad piece o' weapunree."

    Zor-grat looks about the walls and display racks, taking it all in. He somehow hopes just looking at the weaponry could give him the understanding of how to use them properly.

  46. "What's wrong, nuur'eni?" she asks softly, leafing through a book. "You love books."

  47. "I have books...terrible books with incredible power in them. These regular...mundane books just don't appeal to me anymore. I'm sorry," Goddard sighs and carefully rests his bottom on the nauglir's head, using it for support.

  48. "Yours are terrible, yes," she agrees. She looks over her shoulder at him, realizing for the first time the toll this has taken on him.

    He's so different than when I met him so long ago, holding Katarina upside down in a sewer. He's not the silly elf who gave us flowers anymore.

    Making her selection, she pays the seller and offers him her hand. "Let's go find something to make you smile."

  49. Siegfried walked through the shop, stopping to examine particular firearms that interested him. He focused particularly on a long rifle that was set on a rack on the wall. Not a bad weapon...excellent rifling, walnut stock, telescopic sight, Altdorf steel barrel inlaid with gold. He gripped the weapon against his shoulder. just didn't feel right, and the scope felt a bit like cheating.

    He looked at Zor-grat as the ogre gazed longingly at the weapons.

    "Zor-grat. Vould you like to learn how to shoot? I'm sure ve can find you a gun zat suits your...talents."

    Siegried lifted a huge blunderbuss off the wall. "Here ve are. Zis is ze kind of gun you need. Nice and sturdy...and not hard to aim either."

  50. Goddard takes her hand and smiles. "This makes me smile," he kisses Aara's hand. "You make me smile and you'd better stop it before someone sees these crazy teeth."

  51. "Let them," she laughs. "We'll tell them it's the latest fashions and they should all file their own."

  52. He stares at the weapon in Siegfried's hands hungrily. "Oh no, Mista Zeegfreed, ain't no way ole Zor-grat could use a genelman's weepun like dat ya got dare. I wudn't know wich end to point at da bad fings." He holds up his hands to confirm his lack of knowledge on the weapon.

    He then looks out the window with a bit of embarrassment at his lack of skills. I 'ope Mista Zeegfreed don't fink me a fool for wishin' one o' dem shooty guns. He then places his hands behind his back and begins to whistle lowly as if to have lost interest.

  53. "How are we going to explain the horns and get those to be acceptable head gear?" Goddard laughs. "Oh and least we don;t have to melt anyone's face."

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. Siegfried wasn't fooled. The ogre may be many things, but a good liar wasn't one of them.

    "Vell...How about ve purchase ze Blunderbuss, just in case you change your mind. Maybe I could teach you one day."

    Before he could protest, Siegfried spoke to Hans briefly, and in a few minutes they walked out of the shop with a brace of pistols and a blunderbuss that looked more like a cannon with a grip.

  56. "Those are covered," she points out. "We were talking about your smile." Once they step outside the shop, she pulls him down by the collar and kisses him. "Which is another thing I'm rather fond of."

  57. "Fank ye, Mista Zeegfreed, dat's one o' da' nicest fings anybody eva dun fo' me. I don't know how ta repay ya."

    He carries the shiny new blunderbuss, turning it over in his hands and examining it as they walk.

  58. "My smile or my lips?" he grins. "Ooooor..." The nauglir runs into Goddard's leg and he trips over it, hitting the ground with a thud.

    "Sigmar's sausage! You blundering metal waste!" Goddard tries to punch it in the snout and quickly draws his hand close to his body. "Owww! I swear...I can hear father laughing at me now...just like when he gave me Arha."

  59. Aara laughs and helps him to his feet. "All of them," she answers, kissing his knuckles and giggling. "And I wouldn't blame Otto for laughing at you punching a metal not-moose."

  60. "If this thing wasn't so useful, I'd chuck it into the ocean. Kind of like Arha," Goddard chuckles. "Ok ok...I'm sorry Arha. You at least have some sense to you."

  61. She shakes her head. "You like it, and Arha too. You just don't like to admit it." Ibben climbs up her body to rest on her shoulder, clutching at her hair as they walk. Noticing the way he sometimes reaches toward Goddard's horns, Aara moves him to her far shoulder. "No, behaive," she says in Arabyan.

  62. Goddard mumbles what Aara believes to be an agreement and looks around for a place to buy chocolate. "Wow. There's a lot more...stuff than I thought."

    Goddard seems to be drawn to random trinkets and herbs. He may have seemed bored with the normal books, but he still hasn't lost his need to hoard anything and everything he could use for spells and potions.

  63. While he's distracted, Aara slips off into another shop and makes a quick purchase. Coming up behind Goddard, she wraps one arm around him and presents him with a rose- thorns intact.

    "Need something pretty?"

  64. Goddard takes the rose and turns to Aara. He looks into her eyes and smiles. "I already have the prettiest thing," he kisses her forehead. "This means a whole lot to me," he stares at the rose. "But I guess you already knew that."

  65. "Yes, I do. It's a symbol of Morr- and the flower you gave me," she adds. "Which is one of the reasons it means so much to me."

  66. He looks the flower over as if lost in a memory then carefully puts it on a small loop on his belt. "So...we have books, flowers, chocolate," he holds up the bar he purchased while she was off getting him the rose. "I can buy a few more supplies for my spells. What else do you need, lecai?" Goddard smiles at her before lowering his head to yawn. "Maybe something to wake me up," he chuckles.

  67. Aara laughs at him. "It's exhausting, isn't it?" she asks softly, leaning her head against his arm. "We run around the world, sleeping in jungles and on ships and never getting a good night's sleep. Fighting all the time. How about we find a nice inn and rest for a while?"

  68. Goddard sighs in approval. "I can get away from that damned shiny ship and my snobby, humorless cousins," he snickers. "I won't have to worry about drowning or lizards or other abominations coming to rip my head from my body."

    He grins. "And no bats...except for one...and..." he cringes a bit before continuing. "And this one bat, I am fine with...for now..."

  69. "Maybe just your clothes from your body, not your head," she snorts.

  70. "I am perfectly ok with that sort of ripping," he grins mischievously and goes to move quickly toward the nearest inn, but is stopped by the pull of the slow moving mechanical nauglir, who's chain is wrapped around his wrist a few times.

    He curses in druhir before quickly covering his mouth, hoping no one recognized the language, Slowing down his pace more than he would like to, he heads toward the inn again,

  71. Aara leans against the counter, lazily counting out coins for the innkeeper. "The biggest room you have," she tells him. "Baths for both of us- it might take more than one each. Laundry. A hot meal."

    The innkeeper grins through his bright red beard. "Aye, we can handle that, girl. Would you be wantin'"

    She raises an eyebrow at him and leans further across the counter. "Company, you say?" she asks, her accent getting a thick and silken. "Perhaps a strong man like you could entertain me while he bathes."

    The man's grin turns sheepish. "I, uh, I meant your sir," he mutters, blushing a little. "Pardon me, but you aren't exactly my type. Too ah...soft around the edges, if you know what I mean."

    Aara straightens up, back stiff and eyes round. "You mean him?"

  72. Goddard blinks quickly a few times in confusion, looking back and forth between Aara and the innkeeper. Once what was said fully sinks in, he can't help but grin. He leans his back against the counter and sighs. "Irresistible to everyone," he chuckles. "But...I do not think you could handle an asur such as myself," he says rather flatly.

  73. The innkeeper flushes to match his beard. "I'd sure give it my all," he mutters. "And I have a lot to give. I'll even take on your girl here if that's your pleasure."

    Aara stiffly places the coins on the counter with a sharp click/. "When you're done seducing my asur, you can have someone else show us our room," she snaps. For good measure, she stomps on Goddard's toe before spinning around.

  74. Goddard's jaw drops in shock at the response and he's thankful his back is to the innkeeper. "I...uhhh...OW! WAIT!" He limps after Aara and tries to hold her hand, "That hurt," he whispers. "And not in a good way...I didn't was I supposed to...UGH!"

  75. Aara grits her teeth as a young boy runs up and offers to take them to their room. With a scornful glance back at the innkeeper, Aara follows. "You're 'irresistible,' you should always anticipate being propositioned, right?"

    Upon entering the room at the top of the stairs, she's a relieved to see three girls already pouring steaming water into a set of large metal tubs. When they leave for more water, Aara starts shedding clothing and slips into a robe hanging on a peg. Rummaging through her packs, she finds her only clean piece of clothing- the purple and blue gown Rayya had insisted she bring with her when they last left Araby. With a sigh, she spreads it over the bed.

    "Wrinkled, but it'll do."

  76. "I used to be, ye...I mean! Merciful Morr!" he grits his teeth. "Just...end me now," he sighs to himself quietly.

    "Lecai...please...I'm...tired idiot..." Goddard pleads, before he suddenly goes quiet while Aara removes her clothing. Once she puts the robe on, he continues to seek forgiveness from her. "You know you'd look lovely, even in a potato sack."

  77. Rolling her eyes, she tosses him half a bar of soap. "Flattery gets you everywhere, nuur'eni," she says with a small grin. She starts to say more, but the girls return with more water. Once they're gone, Aara pours the last few drops of her jasmine oil into the water and slips in.

    "This is heaven..." she murmurs, sinking up to her chin.

  78. Goddard catches the bar of soap, hoping that she won't throw any pointier objects at him, then sighs in relief. Once the girls are gone, Goddard latches the door shut and blocks it with the scythe, making sure no one is able to walk in on them. He then parks the nauglir in a corner before stripping down to nothing and quickly running over to the unoccupied tub, practically diving into it. He too sinks into the water up to his chin and sighs. "This is wonderful..."

  79. Suddenly, Goddard feels a jet of water hit his ear, followed by Aara's giggle. "Did you see the way he blushed? If he hadn't been so insulting I might have enjoyed it."

  80. He quickly sits up and shakes his head. "What do you mean? Enjoyed what?" Goddard says narrowing his eyes.

  81. "Watching did he put it? Give all he had to give.'" She swirls the scented water a little. "He was even willing to let me join in, although I don't think I'm as soft around the edges as he thinks." She lifts an arm and flexes her bicep. "Aside from your height, you're almost puny."

  82. Goddard frowns. "Well...I may seem frail, but I am far from puny where it counts." He stares at her rather seriously. "And really, lecai? You like that...that...chaos beast he had growing on his face?" He rubs his chin and shakes his head slowly.

  83. She shrugs. "A well groomed beard can be quite attractive," she tells him with a grin. "His was impressive in volume at least."

  84. "You should see the more powerful bright wizards," he snorts. "Next time we are in Altdorf, I will show you their horribly hot tower and you can see all the terribly garish hair and clothes," Goddard says with a laugh before sinking back into the water.

  85. Aara hangs a leg over the edge, dangling a foot. "Hmmm, a hot tower full of colorful wizards," she muses. "Are most of them attractive, like your friend was?"

  86. "Was I always attractive to you? With my bony jaw? Because if I were, I'd have to say your idea of attractive is skewed and I cannot even begin to answer that question for you," he grumbles.

  87. She laughs and splashes water at him, the bath putting her in a better mood. "You were..." she pauses, thinking back to those first days. "Intriguing first," she decides. "Forbidden, second. Frightening, after I saw past the illusion."

  88. "None of those words were 'attractive'," he says pitifully. "Maybe I should go back to the front counter for my compliments from now on...or those water girls...we can get them back right? See what they think?"

  89. "Bring them up." Aara turns her back to him and starts soaping up her shoulders. "How fast do you think you'd have to run if I cut open their throats and climbed out the window?" she asks sweetly. Glancing over her shoulder, she raises an eyebrow. "And all those things equaled attractive. I was inexplicably drawn to you as if you were a flame. So shut up."

  90. Goddard chuckles to himself and lounges in the hot water. "So violent..."

    He passes his hand over his rib cage, feeling the raised scars and remembering how they happened. The ship. The vampire. He looks at his arms and his hands and thinks about all the blood he's needed for his spells then gently touches the mark that resulted from dealing with the books.

    He yawns and closes his eyes. "Lath," he whispers. He's quiet for a moment before he bolts up, coughing and sputtering.

  91. "Maybe you should go to bed and not drown," she offers, standing to rinse water from her hair. Twisting it over her should to wring the water out, she quickly turns so that her shoulder is towards the wall, shielding the mark of Khaine on her shoulder.

  92. Goddard quickly soaps himself, rinses off, grabs a near by robe, wraps himself in it and walks out, almost like the undead Aara has fought before, then tosses himself onto the bed with a loud thud. Aara can hear his loud groaning.

  93. She shakes her head, then follows soon after. "Well at least he didn't lay on my clothes," she chuckles. Once dressed, she sits at the small table nearby and starts another letter to Siba in Araby, detailing more of their journey. Once finished, she starts copying the story into the book Otto gave her.

    Koroush would like an account, and someday I might want to look back on it, she thinks, her pen scratching across the page.

  94. Goddard huffs and rolls over a few times as he tries to get comfortable but can't. He mutters a few words in Druhir and eventually sits up and pulls one of his books from the nauglir. On the cover is a symbol of what appears to be a wheel with a spike sticking from the top.

  95. Aara snickers. "Can't sleep now? You seem to be able to sleep anywhere."

  96. "It's loud in here," he mumbles, waving a hand toward the nauglir. "This will bore me," he says dramatically lifting the large tome with a snicker.

  97. "Loud? Aren't you being a diva." Pulling her bare feet up, she rests her chin on her knee and continues writing.

  98. "What?!" he snaps at her. "You obviously don't hear what I hear...not all the time...thought...sometimes...right now it's loud alright?" Goddard turns his back to her and hunches over his book.

  99. "I obviously don't," she snaps back. She mutters in Arabic and keeps writing, her free left hand absently rubbing at the set of scars running from behind her ear down to her collarbone. She shifts around in her chair, purposefully making the beading on her dress chime and doing her best to write as loudly as possible. This isn't particularly hard as sometimes she has to sound a word out before writing it down.

  100. Goddard grits his teeth and begins to mumble loudly and almost angrily what he is reading. Aara has heard this before but never so much of it streaming from him at once.


    The familiar speaks in Goddard's mind.
    "Kyndul!" he suddenly yells. "Shut up! Just shut up!"

  101. Aara flinches, and her face goes blank. Very slowly, Aara puts down her pen. Without a sound, she picks up her daggers and secures them on the decorative belt cinching her waist in. Picking up her cloak, she stiffly walks to the door and pauses halfway through it.

    "I wasn't aware I was such a bother," she tells him. "I'll leave you to your reading." Closing the door softly behind her, she leaves the inn.

  102. "What?" Goddard stares at her in confusion. "I were sort of..." He pauses and wonders why she spoke to him in Druhir, but she's already gone by the time it clicks.

    He quickly runs to the door and peeks out but doesn't see her. Goddard tries to get dressed quickly to go after her but gets tangled up in his robes and belts and even the blanket. He trips over the nauglir, knocking it over and spilling its contents out onto the floor.

    Goddard stares at the books and the crown then quickly clasps his hands over his ears. After a moment, he begins to shove everything back into the nauglir. "I still..." he stuffs his face into a pillow and when that does nothing for the sound he hears in his head, he bites into it, ripping it to shreds, sending fluff into the air. Suddenly, his mind is quiet. He takes a few deep breaths before he goes back to getting dressed and heads out in search of Aara. "Lecai! Arha! You idiot! Find her! This is your fault!"

    But Master...

    "What!? What is it now you useless sha..." Goddard stops speaking when he notices a few people looking at him strangely. He clears his throat and sulks off to an empty corner. "Look Arha...I'm sorry...I feel...I feel mad...I hear..."

    I know, Master. I wish I could help...

    "Yes...but right now...let's just find Lecai. I should probably tell her about this too. I can't keep it quiet..."

  103. She finds herself standing in front of a forge, watching a blacksmith work. All those books in such close proximity can't be good for him, she admits to herself. It still doesn't give him the right to be such a...a camel twat. I mean, we're all that's left of our original group. The others are all gone or dead...He shouldn't drive me away like that.

    She ignores the looks passerby give her, knowing that her clothes draws more attention than her usual would. A shame my black cloak is being cleaned. I'd prefer my normal clothes, not this glittering dress and lion fur of all things.

  104. This way Master! I've found her!

    Goddard quietly makes his way through the patches of people, dragging the clicking nauglir behind him.

    Hurry Master! Before she moves!

    "I hear you...shut up," he mumbles quietly. Maybe I should have just left my mutations alone...

  105. Aara sighs. He's just like Koroush. Doesn't ever want to talk about what's bothering him and thinks he can distract me with words. Chaos take both of the stubborn asses.

    The heat of the forge tickles some unclear memory of fire and pain, so with a shudder she moves on, pushing gently against the flow of people. Nothing's the same as it used to be. Not me, especially.

  106. Oh Master! She's moving!

    Goddard rushes past everyone and catches a glimpse of Aara from behind. "Lecai!" he yells loudly. He catches up to her and grabs her arm. "I have to talk to you! Please? Just...come back..." Goddard practically begs.

  107. "Now you want to talk?" she asks, her voice low but none the less sharp. "You just want to make sure I'm not mad at you." Crossing her arms over her chest, she stands in the middle of the crowd. "Alright, what should we talk about? How you'd rather hole yourself up in a room with those books and ignore everyone? What's going on with you and the books, anyway?" She pauses, then smiles cheerfully. "Yes, that's what I want to talk about. You and the books."

  108. He hooks his arm around hers and tries to drag her back to the inn. "I'll tell you when we get back," Goddard whispers. "Everyone will think I am crazy..."

    A few people look at them strangely but continue to walk by. "See! It's getting worse!"

  109. Aara leaves his arm where it is, but puts some obvious space between their bodies. "You don't think it could be because there's a tall, dark and cloaked individual chasing down and dragging a poor defenseless woman to a disreputable inn?" she asks. There's the slightest hint of amusement in her voice, but her face is blank.

  110. Goddard stops for a moment and takes in what she just described, before cursing and continuing to the inn. He speaks softly. "I...I hear my head...often...from that," he tries to discretely point toward the nauglir, walking behind them. "I can't sleep...I have nightmares...I feel like I'm going mad..."

  111. She flashes the innkeeper a smile as they pass through the common room. "You aren't the only one with nightmares and madness," she reminds him once they're in the room. "You and I have been through hell in the past three years, nuur'eni. One of us is always restless and unable to sleep these days. But that doesn't mean you get to yell and curse at me for nothing."

  112. "But I wasn't yelling at you!" Goddard says defensively. "I was yelling at the crown and the books and the stupid bat and everything in my head!" He pulls his hood around his face in frustration. "I wouldn't yell at you like that...for nothing anyway..."

    When they get back to the room, Aara instantly notices the fluff from the broken pillow everywhere.

  113. "I hope that's your pillow," she says, shifting through the feathers. Sitting on the bed, she gestures to the nauglir. "So Arha can't be helped, not really. But the books and crown? Why have you never mentioned this before?"

  114. Goddard sits down on the edge of the bed and holds his head in his hands. "I don't want to bother anyone," he says softly. "I cause enough problems already anyway, don't I?" he chuckles. "But it's ok...I can at least do one thing right...gather these books and keep my home and other's safe..."

  115. Aara lays across the bed and nudges him with her shoulder. "Really? You're the only person allowed to be a bother. All you have to do is talk to me. Not keep things like this to yourself hoping I won't get upset over it. I can't help if you don't let me."

  116. "And what if you can't help at all? It's magic...No point in wasting any time worrying about it. You should be enjoying everything. Not wondering if I'm ok or not..." He smiles and runs his fingers through her hair. "I'm doomed. I've accepted this. I've always felt I was only kept alive to do something great and once that was done..."

    He laughs again and stands up. "I've...begged Morr to take me many times and after 70 some years, he still hasn't...I wonder if when he finally comes for me, I'll beg not to be taken..."

  117. "What I should do and what I actually do are two different things. I'm going to worry about you whether you're beside me or across the world from me." She sits up. "You're only doomed to know I'm going to get old and ugly and very probably fat. Don't worry about when Morr sends for us."

  118. "Oh most definitely," Goddard nods in agreement. "But sadly, I may not be around to see know...when you get fat..." he chuckles, and waits for something to be thrown at him.

  119. Grabbing his clothes, she pulls him closer. "Listen to me well. The only way Morr gets you is if he takes me first. I'm far too attached and in love to give you up without a fight. I'll even eat Blasty's black mushroom if it'll help protect you."

  120. Goddard wraps his arms around Aara. "You fighting Morr? Before or after you challenge the Everqueen? Are you planning on going after the Phoenix King too? Or maybe the Emperor in Altdorf? They all may want to burn me in a bonfire."

  121. She frowns and tries to untangle herself from his arms. "You're as bad as Koroush," she tells him. "There's no point talking if you're just going to mock me."

  122. Goddard puts up a fight for all of two second before he lets her go and flops back onto the bed. "You're so feisty," he chuckles. "Lucky for me I'm on your good side. I don't think it would go well if you maybe...punched me or something. I think Morr and everyone else would have a tough time with you...little firecracker."

  123. Aara grins and climbs on top of him as the last of her irritation with him fades away. "If I punch you, it'll be because you've got your hands on another woman." She starts to nibble on his ear. "It's just...ever since I got my freedom," she whispers, "I like to have a little control."

  124. "It would either be no woman would want my hands on them or they would all want my hands on them," he snickers. "And you have control. You can do anything you want lecai."
