Monday, January 27, 2014

Leaving the Silver Pinnacle

The moment they leave the Silver Pinaccle, Aara's whole demeanor changes. She seems more calm than she has for some time, but doesn't speak. Instead, she studies the snow-capped mountains and considers her future. If we fail, we're all dead anyway. If we succeed, well... Either way, I won't ever grow old and weak. I'll be with the Queen. She was...everything they say about her. Koroush will love to hear this.


  1. Goddard slumps as he rides Pooh and rubs his aching ribs with a groan. He wished he could have stayed for a bit longer but under different circumstances. He already misses the warmth of the cavern and wishes he could have rested on the pillows. And the Queen...

    He grins a bit before he sighs and bundles himself up against the cold and tries to ignore the strange sensations in his head.

  2. "Are you cold?" Aara she asks, adjusting the fur around him to block out a draft. She also leans forward and gingerly wraps her arms around him, peeling off mittens to reveal her gloves underneath and offering them to him. She apologizes softly, then falls back into silence.

    Maybe one day I can be just half of what they were like...

  3. "Oh no lecai." He gently pushes her hands. "You wear them. I'm fine. What I could use is a new mind," he chuckles softly. "That may be ruined beyond all repair..."

  4. She nods, slipping them back on and staring ahead of them. I'm glad to have submitted to her "deal." It's kind of comforting.

  5. The group rides quietly for a while until they need to stop and set up camp. Goddard slides down from atop the bear and run his hand along it's side as he makes his way toward the massive creature's head.

    "Who's a nice little bear," Goddard says, patting Pooh's nose.

    Master...I wish you talked to me like that...

    "Oh hush Arha! I don't have to worry about you killing me..."

    He repeats the same words from the same spell he's been saying every five hours for many many days to the bear as he hands it a few blocks of sugar. "Good bear..."

  6. Aara busies herself with setting up her tent, hating the cold even more now. It was so wonderful there. I haven't felt such heat since...since I was last home. What, two years ago? She sighs and sinks down onto her bedroll. "I miss it," she admits softly to herself. "Home, family, friends. This is no environment for someone like me."

  7. The bear slobbers all over Goddard's hand as it finishes up the last bit of the sugar and puffs out a blast of warm air into his face. "Gross," Goddard mumbles and leans against Pooh, sliding down to sit in the snow. "I...I sort of like this," he says to the bear, looking up at the gentle snow fall.

    He looks back down toward the ground and spots Arha's shadow floating across the snow. A grin creeps across Goddard's face as he makes a snowball then throws it at the shadow.

    Master...that didn't really...

    "BAH! I know! You're just one disappointment after another..."

    I'm sorry Master.

    Goddard sighs and makes a small pile of snow.

    What are you making now Master?

    "A snow bat...but I'm using you as reference so shut up and don't move!"

  8. Nestled among wool and furs, Aara closes her eyes and breathes deeply. Uzzaya, you lead and I follow. My path has been dark and unclear for so long, I was beginning to fear I'd lost my way. You've lead me to a crossroads at the Pinnacle, and I made the same decision I've made time and again. Give me strength to continue.

    She opens her eyes, feeling better than she has in months. With a smile, she digs into the bottom of her pack and removes her khol liner, a mirror, and a heavy, warm veil and headscarf. In moments, she looks like the girl who began her journey with Koroush, albeit slightly older. Settling her daggers at her hips, she steps outside. Seeing Goddard playing with snow, she makes her way over to sit near him.

  9. Katarina bites her bottom lip as she watches Aara and Goddard. She turns away from the two and approaches the nearby ogre, head bowed. " Zorgrat, I need to apologize for what I said in the Silver Pinnacle. I would never want to cause you harm in anyway. I... just wanted to kill her... so... badly. Those creatures... ever since Araby... I... I'm sorry. "

    Sitting down in the snow, she holds her face in her hands. "You must hate me for being that willing to sacrifice you to even loose one arrow at her."

  10. "Finally!" Goddard says happily, looking down at his snow bat.

    Oh Master! It looks just like me! Mas...

    Arha stops talking when Goddard swings his hand down, obliterating the sculpture and chuckling softly.

    Master! You are indeed cruel!

    "You think so?" he asks with a pleased grin. Goddard hears the soft sound of someone walking in the snow behind him. He turns his head and looks up at Aara, surprised. "Wow! What happened?"

  11. Aara shrugs, not sure how to explain. "I'm cold?" she offers.

  12. Goddard narrows his eyes as he looks her up and down a few times. "Weird thing to do when you're cold...especially the eye liner." He suddenly grins again. "You've been cold other times and never put any on..."

  13. She narrows her eyes back at him. "Other times were before. And I've always liked the khol, seeing it on...her reminded me I even had it." She toys with the amethyst ring she wears and looks down. "I forgot what I looked like with it."

  14. "You look beautiful with and without it," he says with a smile before looking down at the snow. "Ya shouldn't have agreed to her deal. When you don't follow through, she's going to be mad..."

  15. "What do you mean when I don't follow through?" she asks. "I have every intention of doing exactly as she commanded."

  16. "What?!" Goddard looks back up at her, surprised. "Why?" he asks genuinely confused. "Why would you want to become one of those? I mean...I know I tried to help the Bretonian in his situation but...he didn't willingly become a vampire. He was dealt a terrible hand..."

  17. "I didn't see much of a choice," Aara tells him. "If we fail we'll all die anyway, except maybe you. If we succeed, then..." Might as well say it. "Then you don't have to know I'll grow old and weak. I don't want to ever be helpless."

    It's mostly true, at least.

  18. Goddard laughs. "Oh lecai...I've given myself to Morr a long time ago...and after these few years...I'm certain he'll take me when I finish my task with these books. That's why I didn't agree to her terms...I'm already spoken for..."

    He tilts his head. "You are human. You are supposed to grow old and weak and become helpless. At least then your soul will be saved and you will live the time you have left in freedom."

  19. She shakes her head. "I may be human, but you're not. You don't understand. Besides," she mutters, digging into the snow with the toe of her boot. "After the way you fell over yourself for her, I wouldn't mind knowing what it's like to be like her."

  20. "I'm sorry...I guess I don't understand...we live for so long...too long sometimes...I at least have a way out of that predicament. You don't have a way to live longer." Goddard looks down at his hands and watches the snowflakes land. His fingers are so cold, they don't melt very quickly.

    "You'd be dead," he sighs. "You'd be colder than I am now. You could never go anywhere without fear of someone hunting you down and killing you. You could never go back to one would give you any chance to show who you are and even would lose who you were. That's what it would be like to be her. I fell because she made me. I could think of nothing else but her because she willed it."

  21. "She wouldn't have let us leave without my promise. At least not with the book. So I promised to watch over and protect you. The rest of it I'll handle later. What else was I supposed to do?" She demands softly. "Tell her no and watch her rip you apart?"

  22. Goddard chuckles. "She still needed me. There were still books missing. What was she going to do? Get them herself?" he scoffs. "If she wanted to rip me apart, she would have done so the instant she had the smallest urge to."

  23. "And what of Koroush? She doesn't need him. Or my brother." She looks down, chewing on her bottom lion beneath the veil. "She knew I couldn't tell her no. I either wouldn't be able or wouldn't want to. But it doesn't matter," she says, waving a hand to brush away any more on the subject.

  24. "Don't worry about her...she'll be so happy I got rid of Nagash, she'll forget all about Araby. Hell...maybe I can get rid of her too," he laughs. "You'll be able to go home and see everyone just fine even finally put everything I've er...taught you to good use." He tries to keep smiling and laughing. "Too bad that guy was married... right? Yeah...too bad...though...that's never stopped me! Hey! He even had a chaos demon on his face. Just how you like."

  25. Aara stares at him, dumbfounded. "You don't honestly think that I'll ever be able to just go home and..."

    She throws a mitten at his head. "You ass."

    Before walking off into the trees, she throws the other one at him.

  26. Goddard laughs and yanks the mittens away from the curiously sniffing bear. "No mittens for you Pooh," he says shoving the bear's face away. He gets to his feet and follows behind Aara. "You need these," Goddard calls after her while he waves the mittens in the air. "You can't hold a dagger if your fingers freeze and fall off."

  27. "How dare you?" she demands. "You relentless ass. I had my reason for kissing him, and like every decision I've made in two and a half years, it revolved around you, you insufferable elf!"

  28. He stops in his tracks and stares at her puzzled. "What? Why on earth would you kissing him have anything to do with me? I's not like I was a part of it...not that I would want to be anyway...but..."

  29. She stomps through the snow up to him, pulls down her veil, and kisses him thoroughly. Grabbing his shoulders, she breaks away. "Because we've been at odds for nearly a month, and if I was going to walk in there prepared to give up my life for you, I needed to know that it's you I want to kiss for the rest of my life."

    Letting him go, she walks away. "He didn't even come close."

  30. Goddard's eyes widen when Aara stomps toward him and he slides one foot back in the snow, ready to run away from one or both of her fists. He makes a muffled sound when she kisses him and stumbles backward when she stops.

    "Of course!" he finally says, grinning, his scars making it look as if his smile was bigger than it actually was. "But...ya know..." he speaks more quietly as he follows behind her. "There's other things besides kissing you didn't have time for...I'm sure I'm still better," he laughs, "But uh...I guess you never know...maybe..." he bites his lip and kicks at the snow. He's certain he won't survive this quest. She has to stop thinking of just me...for everything...or she'll go with me...

  31. She sighs and turns to look at him. "You're an idiot. Even my deal with the queen was about you. I've...I've missed you, and you're too dense to either notice or care." She holds her hands out in a helpless gesture.

    "I love you, you moron. Uzzaya only knows why, but I do." Turning, she pins her veil back in place and walks away.

  32. Zor-grat sighs heavily as he looks into the darkness, away from the firelight. "Oh, miss Ka'arina, I knows ye would mean me no 'arm. It was out of fear and frustration dat ye said dose fings. Anyways, I could shrug off a bit o' poisun like nuffin', quick as a wink." He then gently leans down and picks her up from the snow, "No need in riskin' your deaff wit' a cold, now iz dere?"

  33. Katarina squeezes her eyes shut, wrapping her arms as far around the ogre as she can. "Thank you. You're right I should be more cautious about keeping Nippers at bay. None of us need to be losing a hand or foot."

    The Ice Witch stands there hugging the ogre for a little while. Opening her eyes she watches Aara walk away from Goddard and sighs. "Zorgrat, if any of us walk away from this, I hope its you and Theo. The world needs more like you."

  34. Goddard tenses up. "I'm not an idiot! I know exactly what I'm doing! You just don't know what you're doing!"

    He follows after Aara. "I...I love you too," he says softly. "And I'm obviously no good for you," he chuckles. "You'd have been much better off if you had never met me. I'm a terrible influence I'm sure."

  35. Aara just stops and her shoulders fall, all the fight seeming to drain out of her. "I know what I'm doing, too," she says quietly, not looking at him. "I made a promise to protect you until we either succeed or fail. I haven't thought past that because I don't know if we'll all live, and I don't like considering a world without you in it. Just let me do the one thing I can do for you."

    She looks at him over her shoulder, her bloodshot eyes making the green color even more vibrant. "I'd most definitely be different, that's for sure. But I don't think better."

  36. Goddard runs through the snow to catch up with Aara and walks beside her, smiling. "I don't see what protecting me has to do with kissing and all the other fun stuff that's out there."

  37. The ogre puts the ice witch down after a holding her close for a few moments. Katarina briefly glimpses a tear in the corner of Zor-grat's eye as he turns back to the fire. He speaks with a slight tremor in his voice, " You see, Miss Ka'arina, it's me place to bring peace and civility to de woild. I see it as me sworn duty to make it a better place for dos like you and Miss Aara and Mista Feo. Mista Goddard 'as been good to me but 'e knows, like I do, dat some of us aren't meant to be in dis betta, kinda woild." He leans his massive form over and picks up a stick and prods the fire, a shiver runs over his large bulk as he does so. "If soitian ones of us meet our end trying to bring about dis 'poifect woild', den dat's what da fates had for dem. As long as soitain peoples rememba us, dat's all dat matta's."

  38. She shakes her head, smiling, and tentatively puts an arm around his waist, moving closer to him. She hasn't had much contact with him lately, and she isn't certain he'll let her be so close now.

    "I don't want to do any of those things with anyone else. I might be too scarred up for someone else, anyway."

  39. Katarina lays her left hand on the ogre's back and pats him gently. "I know all too well what you mean." Her right hand runs across the hilt of her Brettonian sword.

    "Thank you for reminding me of what I am truly fighting for, Zorgrat." Standing on her tip-toes, she gives the ogre a gentle kiss on the cheek.

  40. The ogre turns a bright shade of red upon receiving the kiss from Katatrina. "You'ra gonna spoil me Miss Ka'arina wit dat kinda goin' ons. Dough, it iz nice to be tought of ... from time to time." Zor-grat smiles sadly as he goes about digging through his backpack, furiously searching for something.

  41. Katarina smiles warmly. "If you insist. What are you looking for?"

  42. Zor-grat stands up fully with a huge grin on his face. "Just a wee sumfin' I picked up for ye,miss Ka'arina." He presents her with a dark stained, wooden box with a snow scene of pine trees and a castle in the background on the lid. All the snow is made with mother of pearl and the pine boughs are inlaid with a very dark jade.

  43. Running her gloved hand across the lid of the box, she breathes deeply. "It's beautiful, Zorgrat. It actually seems familiar... Where did you find this?"

  44. The ogre slimes a toothy smile and replies, "Fings just seem to find me when day need to be finded be me. Dat's de best way to put it, miss Ka'arina." He gestures toward the box" Perhaps ye might be for openin' it?"

  45. Looking at the ogre's face, Katarina studies it for a second. She gently lifts the lid of the box and peers inside.

  46. When Katarina opens the box, she sees a crystal war-bear from her homeland mounted on top of a clear crystal 'ice cube'. Inside of the square crystal is a large snow flake. Zor-grat watches Katarina's face, trying to read her thoughts. The ogre stumbles of his words," The guy I got it from, 'e sayd it would make a cirle of cold around it's owna' if day choze it to. He sayd it might could even ...inhaanse a ice witch'es spells." Zor-grat shifts his gaze from the crystal bear to Katarina waiting for one of them to react.

  47. Eyes transfixed on the item, Katarina stands still for a minute. Looking back up a Zorgrat, shock is still manifest on her face. "It's...Zorgrat, it's... I don't know what to say. It's amazing. Thank you. I've never been given a gift like this before. I will cherish this always, Zorgrat."

    She leans in again and kisses the ogre on the cheek.

  48. Zor-grat continues to smile as he states," I hopes it will zerve ye well in da future and, when ye look upon it, ye might think kindly of me in yer past."

  49. "Always." Katarina says with certainty and a smile. "We'll put her back in the box for now, make sure she is safe on the journey. I couldn't bear for something to happen to this beautiful gift. We've still got a long way to go to the next location and then the return journey to Praag."

    Looking around for Aara and Goddard, she muses aloud "I wonder where the two love birds wandered off to?"

  50. "If I can get...well...ya know...and I look like this, you will have absolutely no problem," he snickers. Goddard puts his arm around her waist and looks up at the snowy trees. "Is it bad that I like all this snow? You probably think it's terrible."

  51. "Nothing else makes me feel farther from home, or more different," she says. "But it does hold all those wonderful memories of our vacations in Naggaroth."

  52. Goddard gently kisses the top of her head. "I hope we never have to go back there for anything again," he sighs. "Naggaroth will always be a place of nightmares."

  53. Aara bends over and scoops up a handful of snow. "You know...not everything that happened there was bad," she says thoughtfully, packing it into a ball. "We danced there, and climbed trees, and..." She trails off, trying to remember if anything else good had happened there. "Oh yes!" She laughs and throws a snowball at him.

  54. Goddard quickly ducks out of the way of the snowball and points an accusing finger at her. "You will not be happy until you finish me off will you woman!" he says over dramatically. "Even if you have to use projectiles made of ice! Has Katarina been teaching you anything?"

  55. Aara flutters her lashes and gasps softly. "Hyati," she pouts, "there are better ways to finish you off." She saunters up to him, hips wiggling, and puts a hand on his chest as she pulls her veil away. "Like get Zorgrat to squish you," she murmurs seductively.

  56. He gulps and sort of becomes putty in her hands then laughs. "I'd much rather have you on top of me than an ogre. But when you start throwing ogres at me and my cause of death is being crushed, that sort of leads all possibilities away from you."

  57. "If you were smart, you'd sweep me off my feet and carry me back to camp," she laughs, trailing her nails over him.

  58. "If we fall, it was all your idea," he chuckles and scoops Aara up. "At least I won't be crushing you if we do fall." Goddard carefully walks through the snow and heads back to the camp, carrying Aara the whole way.

    "That went a lot better than I thought it would," he says putting her down.

  59. Aara squeals in delight when he picks her up. "It's so rare that I can see from this height!" she laughs, wriggling in his arms a little. All the way back to camp, she toys with him, running her fingers over his neck or massaging his earlobe.

    By the time they get back to camp, she's tickling his nose with the end of her braid. "Good job nuur'eni," she praises when he sets her down.

  60. "It wasn't easy," he sighs. "You risked both our lives with your torture you know." Goddard checks on Pooh before he sits down by the fire to warm his hands.

  61. She lays her head on his shoulder, glad to no longer be at odds with him. "I keep trying to give you mittens," she says, peeling them off and handing them to him. "This isn't my only pair, you know." Under her mittens is a pair of velvet lined gloves with colorful embroidery.

    "Take them," she insists. "They're too long for my hands anyway."

  62. "Yeah but then I can't...touch things," he says looking down at his fingerless gloves. Goddard puts a mitten on and makes a face, putting the other mitten on and flexing his fingers. "What is this...two fingers? BAH!" He pulls the cowl away from his face. "Those are pretty," he gestures to her gloves. "When did you buy those?"

  63. She shrugs. "Praag, maybe? I can't really remember anymore. They were plain when I got them, though. I thought they needed some color." She holds up a hand, displaying an elaborate rose and vine design. "They match my hands."

  64. "You put all of that on themyourself?" He claps his mittened hands together. "That's what you can do lecai! When this is all done, you can sell this sort of thing! You can make millions! Or..." He holds out an arm and the long sleeve of his robe sways before her. "You can put something on this for me?"

  65. Aara gives him a weird look. "Do people pay a lot for this sort of thing? I never thought about it."

    When he asks her to embroider his robe, she smiles. "I'm not very good, but I can try. What would you like?"

  66. "Putting what on what now?" Katarina asks approaching the two. An ornate wooden box is locked in a vice grip under one arm.

  67. "He was admiring my gloves," Aara explains. "Rayya made sure I knew how to embroider, I just never had time to practice until recently."

  68. "Ah. I have great appreciation for the artistry." Katarina responds with a smile and a flourish of her Witch's robe revealing intricate embroidery of snowflakes across the robe. Small chips of blue and clear jewels sparkle in the fire light along with the shimmer of spun silver thread.

    "Mother deemed needlework as a talent of women of low-birth and forbid me and my sisters from learning it," she says with a roll of her eyes. "but of course the woman would go to war with an entire valet if she could. She'd be mortified to know I had to sew a rip in my clothes just a few weeks ago.

    "Your design is wonderful, Aara. Isn't this the same kind of flower that Goddard gave to us?"

  69. Aara nods. "It is. I haven't seen a desert rose in so long I'm not sure I could do it justice. Even the drawing I have for my names is very stylized." Shrugging, she looks down at the stitches in her gloves, some crooked or too long or too short as a result of little practice. "It's not perfect, but I managed."

  70. Katarina shakes her a head a little. "I don't know what perfect exactly means there, but it looks exquisite from where I stand. Don't sell your skill short, Aara; coming from one who can only hem and repair her own clothes."

  71. Aara shrugs again, eyeing the box Katarina has. "Kasha, what is that?" she asks, leaning forward to look at it.

  72. Katarina blushes immediately. "Oh, this! It's... a... gift... from... Zor-grat." she replies haltingly, quietly trailing off on Zor-grat's name.

    From beneath her arm, some of the mother-of-pearl snow and dark jade pine trees can be seen.

    "Just something pretty that found him and he thought I'd like it. " she states with a slight nervous smile.

  73. "Oh, what a lovely box!" She exclaims. "How kind of you, Zor'grat."

  74. "It was very kind and thoughtful of him, but the box isn't the gift despite its loveliness." Katarina says still blushing. She produces the lacquered wooden box in full showing the scenic design much like the setting they are in. Katarina opens the lid gently, allowing Aara to see the crystal figurine inside.

  75. Aara gasps softly when she looks inside. "How lovely," she murmurs. She grins, green eyes twinkling, and squints playfully. "You're blushing. That can only mean you're pleased with his gift," she teases. "Or the giver."

  76. Katarina's blush deepens. Looking down, she bites her lip before speaking. "All right, have your fun. Just get it out of your systems. Any comments on Pretzels? What about you, Goddard? Anything about Loaves and Sausage? Any other food related innuendos or euphemisms?"

    She looks back up expectantly at both Aara and Goddard.

  77. Aara laughs till she falls over in the snow. "Trust me," she gasps, "I can pretzel." Unable to stop laughing now that she's started, she covers herself with her fur and buries her head in her arms.

  78. Katarina shakes her head and kicks some powdery snow onto Aara. "Anything else you'd like to get out?"

  79. Aara rolls over and throws a handful of snow at her. "I'm only teasing," she laughs. "Pull the pinecone out, Katarina."

  80. Katarina rolls her eyes at the woman on the ground and sits down beside her. She puts the box down in front of them and dusts some of the snow off Aara. "I know you're teasing. Just hitting too close to the mark, that's all."

  81. Aara sits up, pushing the snow off her. "Are you saying," she whispers, "that your feelings toward our ogre friend are changing?"

  82. "Kind of. I don't know. Zor-grat is sweet, kind, brave, self-less..." Katarina whispers back. "All I know is that I kind of like being called ' lil gol'en 'air ' now."

  83. Aara grins wickedly. "Were I a not a good friend, I would help you along with the same well-meant meddling you did for me," she snickers. "But, I am a good friend, and will let it alone."

    She shakes the rest of the snow off and puts her back to Goddard's, leaning against him. "He's changed since you left us," she tells Katarina quietly. "Zor-grat, I mean. He's more...introspective, perhaps?"

  84. Katarina pulls the figurine out of the box and concentrates on it. After a momment, she replies. "We all change, its to be expected. I don't think any of us can say we're the same as when we first met, marks and scars aside."

    The Ice Witch pauses mid-thought and looks up from the trinket. "Introspective, you say? That's interesting. How so?"

  85. Aara shrugs, playing with a handful of snow. "I don't know how to describe it. He just is. It's like he feels responsible for us all."

  86. "Well, we'd probably be dead at least twice if it weren't for his skills in battle. Still that's something to thing about." Katarina muses.

    "He is a good friend, but I don't think things could work out between us..."

  87. "All our companions have been as skilled and brave. Well, maybe not all," she laughs. "Those rats weren't the most perfumed of companions." Aara glances over her shoulder at Goddard, then looks back to Katarina. "But it's nice not to be alone in this. Even if we never see one another afterwards."

  88. The ogre squats down in front of Goddard and looks him in the eyes, "I gotz a wee question for ye, mista Goddard. Wheen do ya tink we might be gittin' dun wit all dis book findin'? Ya see, mista Goddard, I would like to truly sit me sights on a speshul prize wot I fink would make me life poifect. I jus havta make shur dat I gotz you all safe and sound and back home." He then stare at Goddard, waiting for some kind of response to his 'small' question.

  89. "Six months," Aara whispers. "Or rather, there were six months left when Katarina joined us." She turns to look at Zor-grat and Goddard. "That's all the time we have left, Zor-grat."

    And then we all meet our destinies. Whatever they are.

  90. "Four months, 1 week and now two days." Katarina sighs. Looking down, she traces the contours of the figurine. "Alone... alone. You get used to it, it numbs you..." she whispers.

    Looking up again, she immediately tries to change the subject. "Aara, what do you think you would be doing right now if Karoush had never taken that job?"

  91. "I emagun dat iain't too long to wait, afta all I has been waitin' quite a spell now as it is. " Zor-grat stands and turns and begins to woak off from the campfire. He speaks to himself as he moves into the trees away from the rest of the group, "Not long now, me golden 'aired angel, den fings can be better for us all." He smiles sadly as he reaches up and crushes a pine cone between his massive fingers.

  92. She shrugs. "Something boring, I'd wager. Standing behind Koroush veiled and silent, listening to diplomatic nonsense." She makes a face. "Or worse, he'd have Rayya arrange a marriage for me and have me guard his First Wife until the match was made." She thinks a moment, looking out into the forest.

    "Best case scenario, I'd become an assassin and finish my tattoos. Then start training others like me."

  93. Zor-grat moves through the trees as silently as he can. He spies a deer, a large buck, off in the distance. The moonlight dancing across it's smooth coat, making it look almost ghostly in the cold night air.

  94. Katarina grins a little. "The boring lives of a bodyguard traveling the world or an assassin. Doesn't sound too boring to me.

    "I'd be living one of the things you hate if I had never stumbled across the trail of your coach. I'd be married to a man arranged for me, maybe a child on the way or at least told to actively try. I'd also be responsible for making sure he would support the Tsarina and the Sisterhood with his holdings. Then I'd need to start training more Sisters after I had a few children.

  95. "Koroush's days of travel are over," she explains. "Now that he's sultan, his responsibility is to his people. With him I'd always be half a step behind." She smiles almost cheerfully. "But none of that matters anymore."

  96. "I don't know. She did say we were going to have to return to Araby to see things done." Katarina grins a little teasingly. "Plenty of time for Rayya to find you a husband."

  97. Zor-grat stands and watches the buck until it bolts across the small clearing and shoots into the woods on the other side. He then spots the pack of wolves moving, strangely silent, across the open area in pursuit of the deer.

  98. Aara sticks her tongue. "While I am quite the catch- scarred temperamental women with knives are quite desirable, you know- I'm not sure I'll be able to accept a proposal." She chuckles. "I've just received a life-long assignment."

  99. Zor-grat begins to make his way back to the camp, concernd for his friends. "I would 'ate to see anyfing happen to me mates, day been to good to me to let any bad luck git to 'em." He softly talks to himself as he works his way back toward the light of the campfire.

  100. Goddard watches the two women chit chat about gifts and blushing and Zor-grat and rolls his eyes.

    When Katarina mentions loaves and such, he bites his lip, holding back the myriad of comments he he has buzzing around his head and looks down at the fire.

    He sighs when Aara leans against him and closes his eyes, trying to imagine they are in a different a different place.

    Goddard opens his eyes and looks at Zor-grat blankly. "I...uh..." he stops speaking when Aara answers the questions and he goes back to quietly listening to Aara and Katarina talk.

    What would you be doing, Master?

    "Cleaning dust," Goddard mumbles under the layers of clothing around his face.

  101. Aara reaches behind her and squeezes his hand. If things were different... "Your rooms at the college must be three inches thick with dust," she chuckles. "You'll have your work cut out for you."

  102. Goddard chuckles. "You know...father has a familiar too...the can actually manipulate things unlike someone...It can clean. He just always made me do it."

    He sighs. "And I'm glad he did...I get all the hell he put me through...Anyway, I'm sure the room just has the normal accumulation of dust."

  103. "Knowing Ustadh, he's probably danced around gleefully throwing dust around just waiting for you."

  104. "Maybe..." Goddard shrugs with a smile. "I've been thinking about what I might like embroidered, and I thought you could put whatever you wanted. Just so I can look at it and never forget you. Ever..."

  105. Aara looks over her shoulder at him. "Don't worry about forgetting me, hyati, I'll be around for a long, long time."

  106. He nods and tugs on his sleeve. I can't tell her the real reason...

  107. "You'll have to take that off if you want me to work on it," she chuckles. "I can't sew with it on you."

  108. "Aara, are telling Goddard to remove his clothes in front of another woman?" Katarina says with feigned shock before she begins to giggle a little.

  109. Aara looks at Goddard with a raised eyebrow. "Hyati, what do you think? Care to show Kasha your big, strong, muscles," she purrs, running her hands up his ribs and climbing into his lap. "You never know, she might decide to try to steal you away from me."

  110. Katarina gently places the figurine back into the box and close the lid. Smiling at Goddard and Aara, she shrugs nonchalantly. "You never know."

    Resting her chin in her hands she leans forward and gives her best flirtatious wink to Goddard.

  111. Goddard closes his eyes tightly and bites his lip. They are either serious...or they are trying to trick me... He opens up one eye and looks Katarina up and down quickly. I'm going to die anyway... Goddard carefully and slowly guides Aara to his side then leans forward and grabs Katarina by her shoulders, kissing her like he's been waiting much too long for this moment.

  112. Katarina goes rigid from shock as Goddard grabs her and begins to kiss her. Hesitating a second, she pushes him off forcefully and as gently as she can. "Down, boy!" she says smoothing down her hair.

    She laughs a little and shakes her head. "You get that one for free, my fault for taking the merriment too far. Sorry about that. At least the Goddard we first met is still around."

  113. Mute, Aara stares wide-eyed for a moment before she laughs, falling back into the snow. "Oh nuur'eni," she gasps, "you are either very brave or very stupid to kiss Katarina."

  114. Goddard turns to Aara. "Hey...she obviously has changed her mind about me." He turns to Katarina and grins. "That's a free one huh? Any other free things you want that you are just afraid to ask for? I'm getting tired of these games...and you didn't seem to mind that..."

  115. Curious, Aara sits up and waits for Katarina's answer. There's not a chance in seven hells she'll take him up on it. And if she does, I'll just make her suffer a slow and painful death. "Careful, Goddard, last time you asked her for something, she shocked you to your knees."

  116. Katarina raises an eyebrow. "Well, I'll ask if you happen have peace of mind, a long happy life, and dragon's hoard of gold all for free."

    "We shouldn't be teasing you like that. Though, I will be honest, its been a long time since someone has kissed me like that.. Still, we shouldn't be picking with you trying to get you all hot and bothered.

  117. Goddard crosses his arms. He looks to Katarina then to Aara and back to Katarina thoughtfully. "Are you worried about lecai? Because if you are, I know of ways for more than just two people to do anything," he snickers. "You two seem to get along well enough for it to work."

  118. Aara kicks him gently with the toe of her boot. "Greedy," she sneers. "But I'm in if you agree to fulfill a request of mine at a later date." She grins over at Katarina. "But I should tell you, he always leaves you wanting..."

  119. Katarina falls over laughing tears forming in her eyes. A few of her laughs squeak.

  120. Aara snorts. "Looks like a decline to me, nuur'eni," she chuckles. "Some people just don't want to see you naked."

  121. "I'll tell you right now Katarina...we have all seen you're prince Zor-grat tell me where that is even going to fit...and once you realize it isn't, you can always come back to me...and lecai...both of us..."

  122. Katarina gasps for breath. "There's always pretzeling!" She then bursts into a new fit of laughter.

  123. Laying her head suggestively in Goddard's lap, she groans. "That was the most uncomfortable moment of my life. And I had to hear from my brother that you were asking for a whore," she laughs.

  124. "I sure could use one now," he mumbles softly. " don't even know what that is!" Goddard says loudly to Katarina, hoping to cover up his last comment.

  125. Aara bites his leg. "You rat," she hisses. "You don't need a whore."

  126. Katarina sits up wiping tears from her eyes. "Oh, yes. That got explained two bottles in. And nearly got demonstrated 4 bottles in."

    After a few deep breaths, she sighs and shakes her head at the elf. "There's only one woman for you, Goddard, and its not me."

  127. "She lies," Aara defends. "I only gave her the bare bones of it, not the details." She grins wickedly. "That's really something that can only be learned through instruction."

  128. "Leaci!" Goddard says surprised at being bitten and looks down at her. "Do it again..." he grins and laughs then looks up at Katarina. "You don't know me at all ice witch..."

  129. Aara laughs and obliges him, biting his thigh hard. "Better?"

  130. Katarina smiles back at Goddard, but her eyes show a weariness all of a sudden. "Aara, do you think we should have the conversation with him? Because I think he should know now."

  131. Goddard nods then tilts his head at Katarina's comment. "You've already been with each other? Is that it? Damn!"

  132. All the humor leaves Aara as she sits up and cuddles close to Goddard. "It was bad," she jokes half heartedly. "She's cold to the touch."

  133. Katarina smirks, but the weariness still persists in her eyes. "Like a snow-woman."

    "Four months, one week, and now two days" she says

  134. Goddard scratches his head and shrugs. "Ok I'm done playing," he sighs and stands up. He removes his layers of robes and fabrics until he is down to the Amethyst robes he's kept well maintained since the beginning. He carefully removes those robes, standing in the tight black clothing ans wraps he wears underneath everything else and folds it before handing it to Aara.

    "Put something on this one," he smiles.

  135. Aara watches him appreciatively as he removes layers of clothing. "Need help?" she asks innocently, remembering the day on the ship when he got tangled in his Arabyan clothing and she had to help him out of it and embarrassed herself.

    When he hands her his robe, she nods, folding it carefully over her arm. "I'll think on it," she promises. Dropping a kiss on his shoulder, she goes off to get her threads from her tent before walking off into the woods.

  136. Katarina stands up and collects her gift. She starts to turn away, but stops. "Goddard? How much do you trust Otto?"

  137. Goddard begins to put his layers of clothing back on then stops and stares at Katarina. "What sort of a question is that?" he asks, almost offended. "I trust father with my life."

  138. He can see her visibly tense at his last words. "No offense intended, I just don't know Otto very well beyond your stories and two brief meetings. If he recommended a certain course of action, you would then believe it is for the best despite feelings to the opposite?"

  139. "Did he tell you something?" Goddard asks. "Does he need me to do something else?"

  140. It isn't long before Aara finds herself up in a tree, wrapped in her furs and staring at the sleeve of Goddard's robe. "What to do?" she asks herself, chewing on her bottom lip. "We've had so many adventures, there's a lot to remember."

    She finds herself thinking back to their meeting, when he gave her a rose and flattering words that embarrassed her, then later when she was dancing and fell into his lap. Laughing, she remembers how mortified she'd been, running away and hiding from him. And the night I was supposed to be meditating on the deck as punishment, and he kept me company until he and Katarina had an argument. That was the first time I'd slept beside anyone since I was a child. I suppose that was when I fell in love with him, the night he cried on my shoulder and the following day when I couldn't speak.

    "So much to consider..." she mutters.

  141. Katarina looks to the sky "Given his attitude, he probably figured I'd tell you anyway. I told Aara that day he teleported us to you... As of that day he and Egglinor estimated we only had six months before we automatically failed in our mission. I've been counting since then, four months, one week, and two days left."

    Turning to face Goddard, she sighs. "Otto felt that this knowledge would hamper our success should you learn. That the pressure would cause you to collapse. He was very blunt, he doesn't think you are going to survive this. I'm sorry."

  142. Remembering their time in Araby- arguably the happiest times they'd had together- the pattern she's looking for starts to form in her mind's eye. Tucking her feet beneath her, Aara threads and needle and starts embroidering the sleeve. It's meditative for her, and a soft smile plays on her lips as the gold thread shines in the weak winter sunlight.

    He will love this...

  143. Goddard blinks a few times then bursts out laughing. "That's it? The old fool and I know the same thing then, though, I am disappointed he feels I couldn't handle a little reminder that this is very urgent business."

    He shakes his head and finishes bundling up. "You had me worried..."

  144. "Should you fall into Chaos or under sway that dark magic, Otto ordered Egglinor to end you and for me to complete the ritual, probably at the cost of my life."

    Katarina bows her head. "Goddard, you are a friend. I want to help you find a way through this. I want Aara to be happy."

  145. "Ahh that is why my cousin was sent with you. That makes sense," Goddard says nodding slowly. "But don't worry about that. I plan on finishing this. It's why Morr has left me alone for so long."

    He snorts. "Lecai will be fine. It might be hard at always is...but she'll be fine..." Goddard looks around, hoping Aara isn't around, listening and fuming.

  146. "So you are decided then..." she says nodding. "The vampire queen, was she right in calling you a puppet?"

  147. "What in the world are you talking about?" Goddard asks, confused. "A puppet? Make least occasionally..." He shakes his head and sighs.

  148. "Nothing." Katarina says. "Just tired after today. Just too many perils. Vampires, threats, bear riding, you kissing me. All too much to take in one day. Time to get some of Theo's cooking and then some rest."

    "Can't wait to see what Aara makes for you. She really is talented!" Katarina says moving across the camp site to where Theo prepares a seven course dinner over a campfire.

  149. "I am no puppet," Goddard grumbles to himself and looks down at the fire. "What was that even supposed to mean?"

    I do not know Master, but the witch obviously has no idea what sort of person you are.

    "Indeed," he snorts. "I'd rather die..."

    Oh Master, do not speak of this anymore...I don't want to think about life without you!

    "You'd better start thinking Arha! I'd ask you to watch over lecai, but I don't know if I trust you..."

    How could you not trust me Master!?

    Goddard laughs. "If you don't suddenly cease to exist, go back to father. He'll figure something out."

  150. As Aara nimbly works the needle and thread, she is startled by the low rumble of the ogre's voice. "Miss Aara, tell miss Ka'arina I bodder 'er no more. I see she 'as eyes for mista Goddard and day's no need in me foolin' meself no longa. It seems a bit odd to me but I hope da free of you are 'appy in... whateva it is you's 'ave". He walks back into the woods, tearing a sapling from the ground and breaking it into pieces as he goes.

  151. Aara jabs herself with the needle when Zor-grat speaks. "Wait- what? Zor-grat, wait!" With a muttered curse she bundles up her things and jumps down from the tree. "Hey, wait!"

    She pauses when he starts ripping apart the sapling. I hope he doesn't do that to Nuur'eni.

    "Zor-grat, that was just a bit of teasing. We've known each other so long it's hard not to call her bluff when she does that." She catches up to the ogre and puts a hand on his fist.

    "Zor-grat, Katarina doesn't want him. She...she told me that her feelings have changed toward you. What you saw was nothing, I swear. I think she's kind of disgusted by Goddard, actually."

  152. A tear makes it's way down the ogre's huge face as his quivering voice begins to speak,"N-no, miss Aara, I unnerstan dat fings can't be da way I wisht day could, miss Ka'arina deroives a man, a good man, more 'er... size an wot-not. An mista Goddard 'as such a way wiff woids, 'e is so, wat's de woid fo' it? Eloquint, yeah, dat's it. I might could squish 'im like a bug, but 'e can out talk and outfink me any day." He sniffles as he continues," You free just be good to each otha and mak eachotha happy, please miss Aara, be good to 'er."

  153. "Zor-grat you aren't listening. Katarina doesn't want him- or me. Don't you understand? When this is all over, I belong to Neferata. I can't keep Kasha with me, I'll become something she hates. I'll be lucky if Goddard wants anything to do with me."

    She gets frustrated and slaps his arm. "Just stop feeling sorry for yourself and go to her, damn it! But don't you leave her in my hands, because they're full. You go and tell her whatever it is you need to, but stop this." Folding her arms, she scowls.

    "What is with you two? Goddard keeps acting like he's going to die, you're acting like you've lost a will to live, and the only one who knows her fate is back there waiting for you, you jerk!"

  154. The ogre appears lost at first, then a wave of realization sweeps over him." Oi, miss Aara, I bean a fool den, ain't I? I hoid da jokes and jabs about me, wait, dose were all mista Goddard wot said dem." An evil smile plays across his large face as he appears to be going into deep thought about something.

    His smile changes to a softer one quickly, "Foist I gotta go talk wiff me golden 'air an' see wot she finks on dis, den I gotta 'ave me a woid or ten wiff mista Goddard." Zor-grat heads toward the camp quickly, smashing through bushes and knocking small trees from his path.

  155. Aara watches him go, not quite sure what just happened. "If he kills or hurts Goddard, Neferata is going to rip me apart and use me as bird food..."

  156. Katarina reclines against a log near the fire. Her second empty bowl of Theo's delicious cooking sits beside her. "Theo, simply amazing! My highest praise to the chef. I don't know if I can ever go back to trail rations in my travels after this."

    With warm food in her belly, her eye lids begin to get heavier. Wrapping her arms around Zor-grat's gift. She begins to fall asleep a smile on her face.

  157. Zor-grat bursts into the campsite, almost breathless, and heads straight for Katarina. He kneels beside her, watching her sleep, with a huge warm smile on his face.

  158. Only half asleep, Katarina feels the ogre breathing deeply next to her. Lazily opening her eyes, she looks up at him. "Hello Zor-grat, Are you okay?"

  159. Aara drops her head into her hands, jabbing her forehead with the needle. "Seven hells!" she shouts, rubbing at the drop of blood forming. "I give up," she groans, making her way back to the tree she was in. "I'm just going to sleep out here and keep my gods-bedamned mouth shut till I finish this."

    Rubbing her forehead, she settles onto a low branch and gets back to sewing.

  160. Goddard watches Katarina and Zor-grat on the other side of the came and he chuckles to himself. "Ahh Arha...I feel bad for him."

    How so Master?

    "All she does is play..." he sighs.

  161. Zor-grat reaches out and gently takes Katarina's tiny hand in his. "Miss Ka', uh, Katarina, you see, I have feelings for you. Stronger dan any I 'ave ever felt. I 'ave a need to protect you and to be wiff you to dee end o' me days." He looks down at the ground trying to muster the courage to continue. "Katarina, me 'art is full win I see ya and emtie win ya is gone, let me be wiff ya, guard ya and provide for ya. I beg of ye." A tear rolls down his huge nose and melts a small hole into the snow on the ground.

  162. "Zor-grat, what's brought this on?" she asks still half asleep. Her eyes then go wide. Seeing Goddard lounging on the other side of the camp, panic creeps into her mind. Ulric beat me senseless, he saw Goddard kiss me!

  163. Master...I was...I was thinking...

    "You shouldn't do that Arha, you'll hurt yourself," Goddard scoffs.

    Actually Master, you may end up hurt...

    "Are you threatening me?" He responds angrily.

    No...Warning you Master. What if the ogre saw you and becomes jealous...

    "Saw me...oh...OH!" Goddard chokes on his words and begins to cough. "I really don't want to get smashed again," he grumbles, gritting his teeth. "Why the hell does everyone make such a big deal about this sort of thing..."

  164. "Well, Katarina, it got in me 'ead dat if I don't do somefing to show you how I felt, some otha bloke might. And, ya see, we can't be havin' nun o' dat foolishness goin' on." He smiles at her as tenderly as an ogre can smile, continueing to softly hold her hand.

  165. If he didn't see the kiss, he heard the proposition. Kasha, what a fool you are to have joked around like that.

    "Was it something you saw or heard, that put this idea into your head?" she asks rubbing her temples.

  166. The ogre stammers around the question for a bit and then finally comes clean on it. "Ya see, I know dat mista Goddard is a good man but he can't always cotrol himself around beautiful ladies. i fink if he knows dere is somebody else in da picture it might help 'im keep 'imself out a danga, so to speak." He glances over his meaty shoulder in the direction of Aara," It would also be unkind of 'im to 'urt miss Aara wiff da way she feels about 'im and all."

    He sighs a massive sigh. "You see, Katarina, I'm not a smart man but I do know wot's right and wot's best. You bein' wiff me would be da bestest fing eva to 'ave 'appened in da woild."

  167. Katarina shakes her head with a chuckle. "You're worried about Goddard?! I've seen what you are talking about, and trust me that's not Goddard. And I wouldn't worry about him hurting Aara, I think he knows what would happen if he really did so.

    "I didn't understand that you felt this way toward me. When we first met, you honestly unnerved me. As time passed, I saw you were brave, kind, honorable, and a good hearted person. It made me re-think my initial opinion of the rough sea-dog that started coming on to me in a tavern.

    "How much have you learned about me since we've met?"

  168. Aara takes a moment to stretch her hands and looks over her work. "So much left to do..." she sighs. "He better love it and wear this thing till he dies."

  169. "I know dat 'day' call you an ice witch. All dat means to me is you know da magicks to mkae and control ice and cold. Dat's why I got ya da bear, an I knew it would remind ya of home when ya weren't dere. Your peoples treat ya almost like a priestess because of de way wot you was raised and such." He looks thoughtful for a moment. "I know ye has dooties dat ya has to fulfill for your peoples and for your ancesters." He smiles again. "Da one fing I do truly know fur sure is dat I will worship ya as long as ye'll 'ave me."

  170. "Well...I guess I'm safe." Goddard relaxes and closes his eyes, listening to the fire crackle. "No stomping toward me..."

    You could take him if you had to Master.

    Goddard smirks. "Don't say things like that even if they are true...I couldn't..."

    It's because you are such a good person Master!

    "Heh...yeah...sure..." He's quiet for a moment before he begins to softly sing in eltharin.

  171. "They treat me like that not because of how I was raised, but because the first of the Sisterhood, forged the alliance that gave her our powers and allowed my people to drive out the original chaos tainted inhabitants of Kislev. Its fear and respect for the others.

    "I was supposed to be married after I returned to Kislev. That is a duty of my sisterhood, to take a husband they can control through me and bear as many daughters with my gift. But I felt myself caring for the man and found a way to end the engagement as I am cursed that every man I have cared for has been killed. And the way the curse has been would it be a cannon, a bolt thrower, or even a dragon that takes you down? To say the Sisterhood were displeased is an understatement. But my vows to Kislev, herself, hold me to fulfill my role one day and the Sisterhood is bent on seeing that happens.

    "What you have said to me sounds much like the proposals of marriage men give to women in my country. While I might tease Goddard's lusts as a joke, I will not play with your heart."

    Hugging the ogre, Katarina closes her eyes as a tear traces down her cheek.

    "I'm not a bauble, trinket, or prize. I do not want to be worshiped. While I would appreciate our companionship not ending after this is done... I don't want to you to have to endure the pain of what that might mean in how you care. My Sisterhood will not be denied, remember they did send a Witch Hunter after me. If they felt obliged, the next one might not just deliver an ultimatum or they might just remove what they believe is in the way."

  172. Looking over the embroidery, Aara smiles. This is perfect, she thinks, studying the way the words flow up and down the sleeves of Goddard's robe. He won't know what it says, but he has time to learn.

    Stretching, she realizes how late it's become and puts out the lamp she'd hung on a branch above her. Stomach growling, she tosses her sewing kit to the ground and hangs off her branch, swinging a moment and letting her shoulders and arms stretch. After she drops to the ground, she puts the robe on and starts back to the campsite.

    Robe dragging, she drops down next to Goddard and kisses the tip of his ear.

  173. Goddard's eyes are closed but he knows it's Aara and he smiles. "Guten Abend Sonnenschein," he yawns. "Did you finish already?" He sits up, stretches and looks over at Aara. "I'm surprised I'm still alive," he whispers. "I think the ogre saw me kiss his little icicle..."

  174. "Masah al khair, nuur'eni," she responds, holding her arms out. "And yes, they're finished."

    The right sleeve is hemmed with small black bats, from them flowing colorful Arabyan words. The left side if hemmed with golden skulls and skeletal hands, identical to those that trim her Walking Death dress, with a similar pattern of words moving up the sleeve. Goddard recognizes the pattern as the same that move up Aara's hands and arms, only the sleeve's pattern spirals to the top of the sleeve and ends in the familiar rose of Morr.

    "What do you think?" she asks, grinning.

  175. Goddard points to the bats and scrunches his nose. "I don't know how I feel about this...the other patters are amazing...what does it say?" He runs his hand across the stitching and Aara can see genuine appreciation on his face. HIs finger tips rest on the rose of Morr and he seems to sadden a bit.

  176. She blushes a little. "It''s our story. I know you can't read it, but I can't write in eltharin well, but the colors kind of go with the story." She points to a line of blue and silver words. "That's the night we sat on the deck and talked about stars, and further down it talks about when I had to sit on deck all night. It moves into the purple and pink and into the light blue for the next day when I couldn't speak because of Koroush." She looks on the right sleeve and points to some purple lines. "That's the college, when we spent time with Otto, and saw the bats pouring through the window." She ducks her head and bites her lip. "It just goes on and on. You said you wanted something to remember me by," she adds, her voice dropping.

  177. Goddard's breathing becomes a bit shaky and he looks up at Aara, tears welling up in his eyes. He throws his arms around her and pulls her close, holding her tightly in a hug. "It's beautiful," he whispers. "This is the most beautiful thing anyone has ever given me...the memories attached...I just..." he finally lets her go but before standing up, kisses her gently on the forehead for a few seconds. He goes through the process of removing all his layers again so he can put his robes back on.

  178. "Nuur'eni, don't cry," she pleads into his shoulder. "We're going to have a lot more adventures, I just didn't want you to forget the first ones." She holds all the layers of his clothes while he changes. "My marques look good on you," she jokes.

  179. Goddard examines the sleeves carefully again once he puts the robe on before putting all the layers back over it. Once he is finished, he sits next to Aara and puts an arm around her, holding her close. "Memories mean a lot to us...Amethyst wizards. When people are gone, they are gone. Their bodies are no more but the things that remain...physical items and the memories attached...those last forever."

  180. This comment has been removed by the author.

  181. Zor-grat seems mere inches from crumbling to dust as his smile fades and his massive shoulders drop."I unnerstan, you wanna be wiff a 'uman, like you. You dun need a big dumb ogre to have to look afta like a lil kid. I wud jus' cause ya trubbles and such."

    He stands and turns, beginning to walk away from Katarina when he suddenly gets a look of realization. "Oi!? Wait, you can't be wiff me. You dun bade oaths and such to your peoples and your church. No matta how bad you do want me, you can't be wiff me." The ogre drops to his knees," Oh Pleeeeese, Katarina, fo'give me fo' testin' your faif like I dun did. I gots no rites or place to make you chooze."

  182. Katarina hugs the ogre tightly. "There's nothing to forgive, Zor-grat. You didn't know. But I promise you this, I will always have your back if you have mine."

    With a kiss on his cheek, she pulls back to look Zor-grat in the face and smiles at him. The tears on her face have frozen. "Because between my curse and your magnetism for trouble, we'll need it."

  183. "You don't have to worry about me being gone," she says softly. "I intend to stick around for a long, long time. We have a lot left to see."

  184. " would hold memories of me as well for someone like...say...Otto..." he says looking up at the sky. "And yes...we do...although I think spending time sleeping in my dusty room and heading to a tavern every night would be far more relaxing than seeing anything new."

  185. She smiles up at him. "For a while, yes. But one day I'll get a letter with a name on it, and it will be time to take a trip." Laying her head on his shoulder, she sighs. "Do you think I can be one of those dancing girls in a tavern?"

  186. "Of course," Goddard chuckles. "But you'll make the rest of them quit. You have better moves than they do." He's quiet for a moment then laughs. "As long as you don't fall over like that one feels so long ago..."

  187. "I'd like to think I've gotten a little more graceful in the last few years," she laughs. She sighs, running her hands through his hair. "We've been gone a long time," she adds. "I wonder what Koroush would think of us now?"

  188. The ogre looks into Katarina's eyes for a moment and smiles. " I spose it betta to git a bit of ye than none at all. I do chairish your freend shep vera much. And, yes, I do 'ave ye back any time I fink it needs protectin'." With that he stands and excuses himself and moves off toward Theo's cook pot of amazingness.

  189. "I would imagine his opinion of me wasn't very high to begin with," Goddard smirks. "Maybe it would be worse. Now you've done some amazing things...maybe you could lead some sort of security."

  190. "He liked you," she tells him. "He appreciated your courage." She snickers. "Especially where I was concerned." When he mentions security, she shakes her head. "No, I've already spoken with Siba, and assuming this all goes well, I'll work for the same organization she did before she retired. Once I've finished my arms, I'll go from there."

  191. Zor-grat rummages through his backpack until he finds the object he's searching for. He extracts a 5 gallon barrel that has been cut in half and serves as a bowl. He laddles it almost full and then grabs a loaf of bread and makes his way over to a fallen tree and sits down and begins to fill his grumbing belly.

  192. Katarina leans up against Zor-grat and pats him gently on the arm. Soon enough he can feel her head resting against him and hear soft sounds of her sleeping.

  193. Zor-grat looks over at Katarina as he continues to feast upon the heavenly stew. He gently pats her on the head and smiles.

  194. Aara climbs into Goddard's lap, shivering. After the warmth they unexpectedly found at the Pinnacle the cold seems extra bitter to her.

    "I hope you weren't planning to go anywhere," she chuckles.
