Sunday, March 2, 2014

Camping in the Dwarven Ruins

As they party sets up camp, Aara unsaddles her horse and feeds her, making sure Kasida is settled before removing a small black pouch from her backpack. She takes her time tying her hair out of the way and rolling up her sleeves, eyeing the small creature tied to her saddle horn. "You and I are going to spend some time together," she says, dragging him behind her down a random hallway.


  1. Katarina sits huddled near the fire Theo got going. Wrapped in Zor-grat's cloak, she waits for her clothes to dry.

    As Aara drags the goblin off, a sadistic little smirk crosses her lips. Hell, hath no fury... "Just let us know if you need anything." the Ice Witch calls after Aara. "Have fun!"

    Holding out her hand, she flexes it a few times. The smirk falls from her lips, replaced with a pout. "Stupid Red Wind. It's smothering me here. Even my simplest magics are harder to cast. Smirking little elf laughing... let's see how he does when bombarded with the polar opposite to his magic."

  2. Goddard ties Zhane off and begins to almost yell at him in druhiir, pointing to his leg and waving his arms around. The black horse snorts and Goddard sighs. " was my fault," he mumbles, petting the animal's neck. "I'm sorry you got scared..."

    He watches Aara dragging the small goblin away and shakes his head then sits by the fire and watches the sparks fly before his eyes move upward and he looks at Katarina. "Are you naked under there?" he whispers with a smirk.

  3. Katarina stops muttering and looks up at Goddard. "Really?! Not 'Sorry for vomiting on you for 2 minutes solid and then covering you in flies.'? You ask me if I'm naked... did you not get a good enough look when I bathed?"

  4. Goddard furrows his brow. "Excuse me? No 'thank you for saving my life'? I mean...that whole bath thing could have been thanks enough but nooooooo! You had your...your meat wall get in the way..."

  5. The pout returns to Katarina's lips. "I didn't make him do anything! It's called being a gentleman. And could you seriously think that me wanting to get dried vomit out of my hair and clothes is a big naked fun show thank you?"

    She sighs. "But you are right. Whatever spell you cast in there did save me. Thank you. I don't want to seem ungrateful for a friend's help. I'm just on edge in this place. My magic is being arrested and just the nature of this place is unsettling to one of my kind."

  6. Once the goblin is secure and has a rag shoved into his mouth, Aara turns her lamp brighter and unrolls the black pouch. It's probably a good thing I never showed these to Goddard, she thinks, running her hands over the bright, sharp instruments. These are definitely not for play. Of course, getting away from the party long enough to search out a purveyor of such items hadn't been easy, but she had managed.

    Ustadh wouldn't be proud, but he would understand. It was him, after all, who taught us all the paths of the Walking Death.

    Selecting a scalpel with a dangerously sharp edge, she turns back to the goblin and pulls her veil into place.

  7. Goddard sighs. He crosses his arms low, across his mid section and and groans. "Tell me about it...I've never had so many things go so wrong when it came to magic. I thought I was just going to die there...just get turned inside out..."

  8. Katarina nods. "I thought more that they were going to liberate your insides than you eject them. But there is something just wrong about this place and I'm scared that the creature on the bridge is just the tip." She pulls the cloak tighter about her, hugging her waist.

    "Have you read about anything like this?"

  9. "You remind me of Ibben a little," Aara says sweetly, toying with one of her instruments. "Except, you know, he has considerably more flesh than you do now..."

  10. Katarina shivers a little and looks up at Goddard. "I'm scared, Goddard. Well and truly frightened."
