Tuesday, January 1, 2013


"My situation?" Otto asks curiously and looks at his guest expectantly.

Goddard takes a sip of wine and sits quietly. High elves are strange...


  1. "Its not often that one such as your self leaves the tower. Elves usually want to get into the Tower, not the other way around."

    " Im not questioning your choice, we all must walk our own path"

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. "I didn't necessarily want to leave..." Otto shrugs and takes a sip of wine before standing and gathering plates up to be cleaned.

  4. Pulling her hood up, Aara looks around. I'm not sitting on the frozen ground in snow. She starts walking towards the river, Ibben curled up happily around her neck. So Lavanos is Tel's brother...let's hope he has better luck than Tel. He's so quiet. Perhaps he would be more comfortable speaking eltharin instead of reikspeil? I didn't spend all those months learning to speak it just for Otto and Goddard. She only feels slightly bad about listening in on the conversation he had with Otto and Goddard about his siblings. Aara is, after all, merely a human.

    Scooping up a handful of snow, she packs it into a ball and sighs. And I thought we were finished with Naggaroth. When she reaches the river, she sees an empty bench near the edge. Brushing the snow away, she sits, folding her legs into what others would call an uncomfortable position. Relaxing her mind and closing her eyes, she listens to her breath and the river and lets the world fall away.

  5. ((eltharin))
    "Oh I...Didnt know. Apologies" Lavanos says quitely

  6. "Oh don't worry about it," Otto chuckles. "I didn't really want to go, but I didn't belong there in the end and I'm happy I ended up here with all that I have."

    "The winds of magic sort of have me something to follow..." Otto walks off with all the empty plates.

  7. "So, Goddard, You are on a...quest? Im interested to hear what could be so important that you would require a sword master from The Tower to protect you."

  8. "I'm collecting magical relics so that I may understand their power and put it to better use," Goddard tells him. "My father was the one who requested your brother. I don't know his reasoning but I appreciate the help all the same."

  9. "No not elven. Elves aren't the only ones who know powerful magic. This is why I need to understand it. Humans don't know what they are doing with the winds most of the time."

  10. "Humans in general dont know what they are doing most of the time, but thats beside the point. I'll be interested to see how this progresses "

  11. "It'll be interesting all right," Goddard mumbles. "And I don't know how much you have traveled, but there will be lots of traveling. And don't ask where," he chuckles. "I don't even know for sure myself yet."

  12. "Oh I hope their will be. I wont be able to track down the druchii that took my sister without traveling"

  13. "We'll find her," he says. "Once we can get everyone together, we'll go visit the Celestial college. They can give us some kind of lead. Any kind of information would be helpful."

  14. "There is more to your group other then Aara and Tel? "

  15. "Yes. A halfling, an ogre and a goblin, and another human. Quite the mix," he chuckles. "There was another elf...a wood elf but he had to leave us for a time."

  16. "I should have liked to meet your wood elf friend. And yes, quite an interesting mix indeed."

    "So you said we should go to the celestial college to find clues. Could Otto not conjure the same wind? I believe I would rather have the future read by an elf then a human"

  17. "It isn't the same thing. Sure he can call upon the same wind, but he can't work it the way someone specialized in it can."

  18. Lavannos shurgs. "I dont pretend to understand how magic is worked, only that it is all around us"

  19. "And the way the college is made sort of focuses the wind. Shyish blows through this building, making any magic related to it easier to cast. You'll see," he smiles.

  20. "Is it far from here? Im not familiar with this city "

  21. "It's not too far...well...to me nothing is far from here."

  22. "I think I might like to head outside for a bit. I dont like to be inside for long amounts of time. Perhaps you could show me the way to the college?"

  23. Goddard laughs. "Even if I showed you now, you could never get back to it. There is a spell on it that makes it so only other wizards can find it."

  24. "Wonderful" Lavannos says quietly. I still think Id like to go outside

  25. "Well go outside cousin," Goddard smiles. "And here," Goddard hands him twenty gold crowns. "Go get some good Altdorf food and drink. Especially drink!"

    "I should probably help father clean up. He may get irritated if I don't..."

  26. "Guren 'glassui, vellyn(you have a heart of gold, my friend)" Lavannos says with a smile.

    "perhaps I could help, and you could come along? In the woods I can track anything, in the city I might actually get lost"

  27. "Just go cynath," Otto says. "I'll let you escape this once."

    "Ahh well that's lucky," Goddard laughs. "Let's go then."

  28. "After you then" Lavannos says.

    He grabs his large axe and proceeds to re strap it across his back. Underneath the fur cloak, an elven bow and quiver are also visible.

  29. ((Arabyan))

    "You are far from home, Annisa."

    Aara looks up and sees a middle-aged man with dark hair and caramel skin. He's portly, is dressed nicely with a well-trimmed beard. "Can I help you, sir?" she asks. "Do you know me?"

    He nods to her hands. "There are only a handful of women with the marks of the Mashi Al'Maut. You are young and must be late from Araby. Tell me, is there news of home?"

    Aara unfolds her legs and makes room for him on the bench. "Of course. My news is a little old, but perhaps you have not yet heard of Emir Koroush Omid Benham's ascension to sultan..."

    In moments, the stranger has her laughing as they share stories of Araby and their lives there.

  30. Goddard grabs his scythe and heads down the stairs and out the college. After a bit of walking, they finally come to the section away from the college where you start to see a lot more people.

    "You should be able to navigate pretty easily. If you can get around trees and rocks that all look the same, you'll be able to get around Altdorf."

  31. "Its different. The forests is alive. These buildings are so...lifeless." Lavannos says, petting his Lion

  32. "How long will you be here in Altdorf?" he asks, leaning closer to Aara than she's comfortable with.

    With a small laugh, she stands, moving away to lean against the railing running along the river. "Not long, I imagine," she tells him, feeling better with some distance between them.

    He smiles charmingly. "Then it is settled, you must have dinner with me tonight. It would be an honor to treat the Mashi Al'Maut."

    Aara pairs a smile with a mudra for forgiveness. "I am sorry, but I cannot accept, I-"

    He waves his hand. "Nonsense, I am afraid I will not take no as an answer. A beautiful woman from my homeland stands before me, and I cannot let her leave my sight."

    Laughing and blushing, Aara again tries to decline.

  33. "Well you could always follow the riv..."

    Goddard turns a corner and then suddenly backs up into Lavannos. He drops to a knee and peers around the corner.

    "What? Is she? Did she? I mean...I'm not surprised..." He whispers to himself.

    it was only a matter of time Master. I'm sorry...

    The shadow appears on Goddard's shoulder.

    In the bright side Master, you caught her. She can't be sneaky...

    "She can do...whatever she wants," he pouts.

  34. "What exactly is she doing wrong? It seems like she is just talking to some one. Perhaps an old friend? "

  35. "No, I'm sorry, but I really can't," Aara says, nervously backing away. "You see, I'm- I'm-" Her mind works frantically. "Engaged!" she finishes. "I'm engaged, see?" she adds, holding up the hand with the amethyst ring. "To an amethyst wizard, no less."

    He raises an eyebrow. "Annisa, you cannot be serious. An amethyst wizard?" he laughs. "Preposterous!"

    Aara shakes her head, wishing Goddard or Otto would just magically show up. Never when I really need them, nooo. "Well, it's true," she says. "I kill them and he talks to them." Please, Allay? Just this once? Where is Goddard when I need him to save me?

  36. Lavannos hears a voice in his head.

    She flirts with Master...says she loves him...but I think she lies...

    "You need to watch humans more. He obviously likes her and might even be asking her to dinner..."

  37. "Why dont we go find out what is actually happening, and figure out why she is holding that ring up? "

  38. "No! Don't bother her! What if...what if she's just showing him her taste in jewelry...you'll make her lose out on free jewelry! Or a free normal person..." He grumbles.

  39. He crosses his arms, obviously not believing her. "Annisa, if you are engaged, why are you and your pet all alone in the snow? Where is this amethyst wizard?"

    Aara looks around. She's not in any danger, she knows that, but her first instinct is to draw a dagger. "I was meditating. He distracts me."

    He laughs and takes a step closer, his arms caging her against the rail. "I would never let you out of my sight, pretty assassin."

    Aara scowls in annoyance. "You don't really want me to hurt you, do you? I promised I wouldn't kill anybody, but I've said no- quite nicely- several times, and I've business to see to. Move your arms and let me pass."

  40. Goddard snarls and gets to his feet. He can tell the man is being pushy and Aara is not amused.

    He strides right over to Aara and quietly stands by them, string at the man.

  41. Lavannos follows Goddard step by step. He rests his hand on the pommel of his short sword, awaiting Goddards move. Cynath'cha stays behind the 2, also watching and waiting

  42. Her face lights up when she sees him. "Nuur'eni!" she says happily, removing her hand from her dagger hilt. "So you found me after all!"

    The man puts his arms down and steps back, obviously disappointed as he turns to look at Goddard. "My apologies, Annisa," he says, bowing. "It seems your amethyst betrothed exists after all."

  43. "You should take a woman's word a bit more seriously next time or bad things can happen," Goddard says.

  44. Almost as if on cue, Cynath'cha takes a step out from behind Goddard and Lavannos, and rubs up agiainst Aara affectionately

  45. He smirks and nods to Goddard and Lavannos, chuckling softly. "Forgive me, master wizard, but the young lady is far more frightening than you and your friend here. I know what she is capable of," he adds, turning on his heel.

    Watching him go, Aara sighs. "No wonder I wore a veil all those years," she mutters, stroking the lion's head slowly. "I'd have more names than I could count, it seems. You're timing is perfect, nuur'eni," she adds with a brilliant smile.

  46. Goddard sighs. "But as usual...you don't need my help...and he knows it. He knows what your tattoos mean...I had no 'timing' really. He just made me mad."

  47. She reaches for his hand. "And he knew well enough that I couldn't attack him here...and I promised you I wouldn't kill anybody," she adds, pulling him to her for a hug. "You showed up before I had to hurt him and get myself into trouble."

  48. "You can defend yourself. Just don't kill anyone. Defending yourself from someone so much weaker, doesn't necessarily mean they will end up dead."

  49. She raises an eyebrow and grins. "You do know what you're talking to, right? All the same, he's gone. Next time I'll just meditate closer to the college. What are the two of you doing?"

  50. "Self control lecai...sheesh!" He says sarcastically with a chuckle. "I was helping my cousin get used to the city. He's used to living in the woods...almost like the Autarii."

  51. She grins impishly. "Self control? What's that?"

    Aara watches Ibben inch his way down her arm, sniffing at the lion. "Shway, Ibben," she warns. The monkey chatters curiously at the lion from the safety of his mistress's arm.

    "He won't eat him, will he, Lavannos?" she asks.

  52. "I hope not...I don't want to see your reaction to that..."

  53. "No, Cynth'cha is a gental creature. You monkey will be fine "

  54. Aara laughs at Goddard and lets Ibben continue his slow pace down her arm. "It's alright, Ibben," she says, the monkey stretching his neck out to sniff at the lion again. With a squeak, the monkey dives back under her hair.

    Laughing, Aara lowers her hood. "I'm sure it will take time. Anywhere in particular you were headed?"

  55. "Not really. I'd show him how to figure his way around but I think just letting him figure it out on his own would be best," Goddard chuckles.

  56. "I disagree. That would be like turning you loose in the desert." Looking over at Lavannos, she frowns. "Are you well, Lavannos?" she asks in eltharin. "You look..." She pauses, searching for the correct word. "Bewildered?"

  57. Lavannos smiles, and responds in Eltharin "Human cities are...uncomfortable for me. It will take time for me to adjust"

  58. She returns his smiles. "Lucky for us," she tells him, switching back to reikspeil, "we have the best possible guide to the city. Hayati, your job is now to entertain us both in your city," she says, wrapping her arm around Goddard's.

  59. "It's hard enough to entertain myself," he groans. "And a desert is nothing like a city. Nature is more complicated to get around than a city."

  60. "Then we'll just wander around hoping we find Tel," she says as they walk. "We may even find the rest of our companions." Her eyes sparkle with mischief. "Maybe we'll find Katarina and her gentleman friend!"

  61. "Oh can we not?" He laughs. "Wandering around is fine though. That's what I usually did.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. "I think it's sweet, how devoted he is to her already." As they walk, Aara laughs as Ibben transfers himself from her shoulder to Goddard's, then back to her before sneaking over to sniff at Lavannos and Cynth'cha.


    "Lavannos, what is...this?" she asks, gesturing to all of him. "Are you a warrior like your brother?"

  64. ((Eltharin))

    "He's a White Lion," Goddard answers. "He's a warrior of sorts. They fight with axes and team up with lions...obviously," he chuckles.

  65. ((Eltharin))

    Aara nods. "Did Otto tell him everything? It seems Tel didn't know everything when he set out."

  66. ((Eltharin))

    "Father said what was necessary," he grumbles.

  67. ((Eltharin))

    "Don't grumble at me, hayati," she warns, growling at him playfully. "I just asked a question."

  68. "Hey you!"

    A woman stomps over to Goddard and crosses her arms, looking him up and down.

    "Do...do I know you?" Goddard squints while he looks at her.

    Damn she's good looking...

    The woman slaps him hard across the face and Goddard looks down. She doesn't see anything though. He has his good up because of the snow. His head snaps back up and he stares at her.

    "You said you'd come back!"

    "What? Who are you again?"

    "The girl from the bar!"

    "Which bar?"

    She kicks him hard in the shin and stomps away.

  69. Aara's jaw drops, and she watches the woman slap and kick Goddard in silence. Stunned, the woman is several yards away before she pushes up her sleeves and stalks after the woman.

  70. "Lecai!" Goddard quickly grabs Aara's arm. "No! Let it be!"

  71. Jerked to a stop, she looks over her shoulder in amazement.

  72. "If you want to hit anyone, hit me..." He sighs. "I deserved what I got honestly," he chuckles.

  73. "But she- I'm the only one who- she-" Aara pauses and takes a deep breath, narrowing her eyes at him. "You probably did deserve it."

  74. "This was before I left," he says quickly. "I haven't done anything with anyone else ever since...we...well..."

  75. Aara puts an arm possessively around his waist. "Good thing too," she laughs. "I find that I'm the jealous type."

  76. His ears droop. "You didn't think I...lecai..." he says sounding a bit offended.

  77. Aara squeezes him tightly. "Don't be stupid, I thought no such thing. She hit you, and everything in me says to go pummel her."

  78. "I can take a beating from a woman," he laughs and then quickly goes quiet. "I...didn't mean it that... never mind..."

  79. Aara stood walking and pulls him a little further away from Lavannos and his lion. "Nuur'eni, listen carefully to what I'm going to say," she tells him.

    "Your history with women was never a great secret from me. I know there are others- a great many from what I hear- and I'm fine with that. I don't care about the women before me, or the ones who will come after I'm gone. Just don't expect me to not act when someone walks up and hits you," she adds with a laugh.

  80. "Could you maybe hold off on your reacting until I need it?" he laughs. "What if one day I need to defend myself? I'll forget how to."

  81. "It's not nice for a man to hit a woman," she says. "Otto would have your hide. I, on the other hand, can hit a woman all day if necessary." She frowns. "Speaking of defense, we should dance tonight."

  82. "I'd rather not have to break up a fight between women...it can get really bad," he laughs.

    "Do we really need to? Can father not get in on it? He cheats!"

  83. She grins. "Yes, we need to. And just me and you."

  84. Goddard smiles and suddenly stops walking. He pulls Aara close and gives her a long hug.

    "Just me and you," he whispers and then pulls back. "I'm...sorry," he sounds embarrassed.

  85. Aara hugs him back tightly. "Don't be," she says, tugging on his ear. "I like it," she adds with a smile.

  86. "Hey...let's go get the horses and get out of here. There is this little spot in the woods I want to show you. I'm not much for nature but it can sometimes be beautiful."

  87. "That's a great idea! Except..." She bites her knuckle through her gloves. "Are there porcupines out there?"

  88. "Maybe?" he chuckles. "Is that the one thing in the world I can protect you from? Porcupines?"

    He thinks for a moment. "I guess I'll take what I can get."

  89. "That really hurt, though! It plunged it's barbed little arse spear into my hand!"

  90. Goddard laughs. "Little arse spear?" He coughs a bit from all the laughing. "Oh lecai! You're so funny! But that wasn't fair...you're going to kill me with laughter."

  91. Aara crosses her arms over her chest, trying not to grin. "It hurt like seven hells. If I see one, it's up to you to kill it."

  92. "Awww...I'm not going to kill a poor little porcupine. What do I look like? Some kind of animal killing monster?"

  93. "What if it attacks me? I can't guarantee that I'll stick around if one shows up."

  94. "It's not like it will chase us down. We just run away from it," he laughs. "And as long as we leave it alone, it won't bother us."

  95. "I wasn't doing anything to the one at the zoo and it attacked me," she continues, knowing Goddard is enjoying it. "You're just going to have to be my protector, simple as that."

  96. "It didn't attack you. It stood there. You have to be more careful around sharp points. You should know this."

    They continue to joke about the porcupine when they finally get to the horses. "Should I bring the sword? We may have room to practice in the woods."

  97. Aara nods. "I think I'll take my scimitars also. You'll need to be comfortable on all types of terrain."

  98. "That's exactly what I was thinking. It's one thing to practice in a room, it's another to be in the woods and have uneven ground."

  99. After making sure they have everything they need, they saddle the horses and start out.

  100. The woods are quiet except for the crunch of the horses hooves breaking through the thin layer of ice on the snow. There are a lot of very tall trees and the branches don't start until a few feet up the trunk. There are patches of deep snow once they leave the little road but the horses don't seem bothered by it, especially Zhane. He seems much more lively and awake than usual.

    The tall trees catch most of the falling snow and any snow that does come down, is from a squirrel disturbing the branches high above. The distant soft howl of wolves can be heard and then suddenly, they hear an otherworldly high pitched sound. Zhane and Goddard don't seem bothered by it...

  101. "It's so quiet," Aara breathes, breaking the crystalline silence around them. Letting her hood fall back, she looks high above her at the pale light trying vainly to filter through the shadows of the trees.

    When again the silence is shattered, Aara gasps and looks around. "What was that?" she asks, her voice barely above a whisper. "A porcupine?"

  102. Goddard chuckles. "Not a porcupine. An elk. The sound they make does not match with what they look like. The first time I had ever heard that sound, I started screaming."

    They finally end up in a clearing. The trees seem to bend around the space as if to make a roof over it. They didn't ride very far but the rest of the world seems to be very far away.

    "I looks much better when it's warmer. There are fairy circles and small colorful flowers and at night, it seems like it's the place to be for fireflies."

  103. Aara stares at him, unbelieving. "We saw an elk at the zoo. And that make that sound? I don't believe you."

    She can easily picture the clearing in summer. It feels different here, as though hours of play have infused the space, making it a haven for creatures like fairies and imps. Sliding from Kasida's saddle, she reaches out to touch the closet tree.

    "One of your playgrounds?" she asks, grinning. "Did you get lost like I did in the tombs?"

  104. "I was angry about something. I can't even remember but I decided trying to run away again was a good idea. I ended up here and was so relaxed, I just fell asleep. I woke up and Sethai was laying next to me. He led me back home but then helped me find this place whenever I wanted to just be alone."

    He hops off Zhane and looks up at the trees. "I'd come here as a kid and read and draw, so much, that I didn't need Sethai anymore to show me how to get here or how to get back."

  105. She smiles and leans against the tree. "I was ten and followed a crowd to watch a sheiks son interred in the tombs. I thought I would filch the jewels off his body. The bone priests found me playing rock-skip in the catacombs."

    Without warning, she throws a hidden snowball at him.

  106. Goddard dodges the snowball and it hits a tree behind him. Even he looks a bit surprised that he was able to get away from it and he laughs until a bunch of snow from the tree she hit falls from the branches and onto his head.

    "That's cheating," he mumbles and shakes the snow off. Goddard scoops up some snow and throws a snowball at Aara.

  107. Aara freezes for a second, stunned. "You dodged it. You don't ever dodge fast enough."

    When the snow falls onto him in a big heap, she's laughing so hard she has to grab onto the tree for balance. She doesn't even bother trying to get away from his snowball.

    "Cheating would be not telling you that I'm an expert marksman," she giggles breathlessly, throwing another snowball and hitting him in the stomach.

  108. Goddard laughs and then is suddenly tackled to the ground from behind by two men. Aara is grabbed by three others who seem to just materialize from the darkness of woods.

  109. "Three?" she asks, looking over her shoulder with disgust. "Isn't that a little extreme?"

  110. The man behind her rests his head on her should and whispers into her ear with a grin. "Two to hold you down while the other one..."

    "Shut up!" Goddard growls, turning his face to the side, trying to see what's going on.

  111. Aara turns and spits in his face. "Try it, if you're man enough."

  112. He slaps her hard across the face.

    Goddard manages to twist an arm free and elbows one of the men in the jaw. He tries to scramble to his feet and get to Aara but a hand clasps around his ankle and he falls to the ground.

  113. "We have a little spitfire, boys," he says, hand on his belt. "Breaking you will be funner than stompin' baby chickens," he murmurs, so close to her face that she can smell his teeth rotting. "Boys, when I'm done you can draw straws for her."

    Aara struggles against the two men holding her, but their brute strength is too much for her, and they both step back so that her arms are stretched wide. I can't do anything, she thinks, looking over at Goddard stretched out on the ground. Oh gods, they're going to make him watch.

    "I'd rather you just kill me," she spits. "Or are you afraid of a tiny girl?"

  114. Goddard twists around so he can see the men holding Aara. He starts to whisper words for a spell and one of the men holding onto him looks over shocked.

    "Make him shut up!" he yells. "It's magic!"

    The man who was trying to find anything of worth on Goddard's belt, dives on top of him. That alone knocks the air out of Goddard and interrupts the magic but then the man clasps his hand over Goddard's mouth. He pulls his hand back quickly.

    "What the hell!? That's not normal! I ain't touching him!"

    "What are you talking about! Don't let him speak!"

  115. Frantic, Aara giggles. "You don't think he's a threat, do you?" she asks, lowering her lashes and smiling flirtatiously at the two holding Goddard. "He's harmless."

    The one in front of her grunts and grabs her around the neck. "Don't be telling me no lies, now. I can make this real fun for everybody."

    Forgive me, nuur'eni.

    Aara looks up at him wide eyed. "I swear on my mother's life. He doesn't know anything. Just some rich casters son with nothing better to do than play dress up. His daddy pays me to keep him company." She smiles, hoping it's a seductive one. "I'm sure you can guess the business I'm in."

  116. Goddard stares at Aara in disbelief.

    What? You could have come up with something so much better!

    "He's not a threat as long as we keep him quiet! I don't trust her! Cover his mouth!"

    "No way! I'm not touching him again!"

    "Fine! I'll do it!"

    The two swap places and when the man's hand is close enough, Goddard bites down hard, cutting the man's hand up badly with his fangs as he rips his hand away.

    The man grabs at his hand, screaming. A patch of red snow, slowly grows.

  117. One of the men holding her instinctively recoils from Goddard, his grip loosening slightly. Aara uses the chance to pull her arm free, aiming a punch at the man in front of her. She gets him in the ribs and has the pleasure of feeling some break before she's grabbed again.

    Wheezing, the bandit straightens up and punches her in the ribs. "One for one, you whore."

    Aara collapses, gagging on the pain. "Bastard," she gasps as they pull her back up. When she spits on him again, he slaps her, harder this time.

    "Do that again you'll be spittin' teeth."

    Ignoring the throbbing in her ribs, Aara kicks out to one of the men at her side, her foot slamming into his knee with a satisfying crack. He screams and rolls around in the snow, clutching his knee at an odd angle.

    The man in front of her laughs. "I can't wait to hear you scream," he whispers, tugging her cloak off and throwing it on the ground. He runs a grubby finger down her throat, licking his lips.

    She raises her knee, hoping he's close enough, but he dodges and puts his fist in her stomach. "I'm tired of playing with the bitch. Put her on the ground and hold her."

  118. "What do I do! What do I do!" the man holding down Goddard asks frantically as he fights to keep Goddard from getting loose.

    "Stab him! I don't know! UGH! My hand!" he tries to wrap his hand up with a piece of cloth before grabbing at the hilt of a dagger.

    Goddard gets an arm free and grabs at the man trying to hold him down, not paying attention to the one with the bloodied hand. The dagger goes right through the empty space in Goddard's jaw.

    Goddard and the two men stop moving momentarily, shocked at what just happened. The man with the bloodied hand quickly jerks the dagger back and aims for something else. The dagger bites into Goddard's shoulder.

  119. Aara is pushed to her knees, hands on her shoulders holding her there. Hands near her feet, she wraps frozen fingers around a dagger hilt poking from her boot. When she sees Goddard get stabbed, she grins.

    "Wrong choice," she says. "He's mine."

    Her hand shoots out, burying the dagger in the the man's crotch. Blood pouring, he screams and falls over, clutching himself. Before she can retrieve her dagger, the one behind her pulls her to her feet by the hair.

    Holding her against him, he puts a blade at her throat. "Nobody move or she dies."

  120. "What's his name?" Aara asks softly.

    "What? Uh, Ralph. Why?"

    "And yours?"


    "I'm sorry, Albert. "

  121. Goddard quickly and softly says his spell under the screams. The man who is holding Aara suddenly feels extreme pain and Aara sees what looks like a thorn poke out from the skin in his arm.

    "I told you to keep him quiet!" The man is still sitting down in the snow but is still able use his foot to essentially club Goddard in his temple.

  122. Aara flinches when he screams, the thorns bursting from his arm so long they scratch her through her clothes. She grabs the hand at her throat and flips him over her back, trying to ignore the grinding and tearing she feels in her side. When he hits the ground, Aara already has a dagger in her hand.

    She sinks it into his heart, already reaching for the two weapons on her arms. Tensing to throw, she aims at the one holding Goddard.

    "You have one chance to run before I kill you both."

  123. The two men get up and run faster than Aara has seen before.

    Goddard lays down motionless on the snow, the dagger still in his shoulder.

  124. Aara looks over at her shoulder at the man crying over his knee. "Go." He nods, using a tree to stand and starts limping away before falling into the snow and crawling. When she's sure they're alone, Aara sinks to her knees, clutching her side. The adrenaline leaves her dizzy, and she sways on her knees.

    "Goddard, wake up," she manages through clenched teeth. When he doesn't move, she crawls across the clearing and rolls him over, gasping at the pain it causes her. She pulls the dagger out of his shoulder and covers it with her glove, shaking him gently.

    "Come on, nuur'eni," she says weakly. "Wake up. It's my turn to pass out..."

  125. Goddard groans a bit and then his eyes flash open. He bolts up right, grabbing Aara by her neck with a snarl.

  126. "It's me," she whispers, eyes wide. Before she can say or do anything else, her entire body goes limp.

  127. Goddard blinks his eyes quickly and then lets Aara go, his hands shaking. "Le...lecai," he squeaks. "I...I killed her," he gasps.

    He scoops her up and holds her close. "Oh lecai! What have I done!"

  128. Aara moans, her brow knitted in a scowl.

  129. "You're alive?" he looks down at her. "Wake up! Come on lecai!" He tries to stand and carry her but the pain from his shoulder shoots through his whole arm and half way down his back.

  130. Aara moans again, raising a hand to cover her eyes. "Nuur....eni?" She gasps and puts a hand on her side, pain waking her up instantly. Eyes opening, she looks up at him, frowning.

    "Are you alright?" she asks, moving her hand from her side to his shoulder and frowning even more when it comes away bloody. "My kit," she hisses, trying to sit up. "Can you get it?"

  131. Goddard gets up quickly and runs over to Aara's horse. He grabs her kit and slide beside her, handing it to her with still shaking hands.

    "I'm so sorry! I'm so so sorry! For everything...for not being able to help you...and for hurting you..."

  132. "Shut up," she says, "you didn't hurt me. Sit down and take your shirt off." Dampening a strip of linen with snow, she dabs at the wound in his shoulder. "You had your hands full," she whispers, hands shaking as she applies a poultice and packs the hole in his shoulder with a bit of cloth. "And you did help me."

  133. "Stop it!" he tries to push her away. "Take care of yourself first. I'll be fine!"

  134. "I can't," she tells him sharply, slapping at his hands. "I think he broke some ribs, and you can't help me if you're bleeding all over the place. The rest is just bruising."

  135. "What?!" he stands up, not letting her finish. "Come on! We need to get you on a horse and back to Altdorf." He drags Aara's horse over to her and tries to help her to her feet.

  136. "Nuur'eni, you're losing blood," she tells him patiently. "Calm down and let me stop your bleeding." She sighs, then winces. "And I promise I will get on that horse and go back to Altdorf and see a doctor."

  137. "Just come on." If his wound hurts him, Aara can't tell. "Father can fix you up."

  138. "Not until you let me put a bandage on that."

  139. He stares at her a moment then sighs. "Fine!" he plops down beside her and tugs the shirt away. "Just...hurry up...slap the thing on there..."

  140. To keep from testing him further, she makes quick, clean work of the bandage and then lets him practically throw her into her saddle. Ibben emerges from a saddlebag, chattering softly at his mistress as she slumps in the saddle. "I'm alright, Ibben," she whispers, clenching her teeth and trying to sit up straight.

  141. Goddard climbs up onto Zhane and takes the reigns of Aara's horse and quickly gets them back to Altdorf.

    "Are you still awake?" he asks her often, looking back at her.

  142. "Yes," she answers, huddled in her cloak. "I'll be fine, hayati. It's nothing to be so worried about." When they arrive back at the college, she looks up at the building, grimacing. "All those stairs..."

  143. "I have to make sure you're ok. You have broken bones. You know broken ribs can stab into you and break your lungs?" he helps her up the stairs after he realizes there is no way he can carry her.

    Otto meets them halfway and scoops Aara up. "Arha told me you were heading up...you'll be well soon."

  144. This comment has been removed by the author.

  145. "You are the most paranoid person on the planet," she laughs as they start up the stairs. Her strength flags quickly, and she's more than grateful when Otto picks her up.

    "Thank you, ustadh," she murmurs, closing her eyes. "Goddard is hurt too, don't let him tell you he's not."

  146. Otto places her on Goddard's bed and then sits down beside her. "Where's it hurt?" he asks and when she shows him, he rests his hands on her.

    "Oh come on cynath," Otto groans when Goddard flops down on Otto's bed. "Why do you always have to bleed on my bed?"

    "Shut up," Goddard groans and stuffs his face into a pillow. Now is when his shoulder really starts to hurt him.

    Otto looks back at Aara and closes his eyes as he slowly whispers something. A dim light seems to emanate from his hands and the area feels slightly warm.

  147. Aara closes her eyes when the warmth starts, but hisses and clenches her teeth when her side starts to burn a little. She can feel her ribs fusing back together, but it's not a comfortable sensation. When he pulls his hands away, she takes a slow breath, waiting for the pain. even the tenderness in her stomach is gone.

    "Otto...that was amazing," she says, poking her stomach. "You healed me completely."

  148. "And I bet the first thing you wanted to do was go to a barbaric doctor," he chuckles, patting Aara's hand. "Now...for this one..." he walks over to Goddard and its on the bed.

    Goddard rolls over and rests his head in Otto's lap. "You aren't going to kick and scream and fight?" Otto smirks.

    "No," Goddard sighs and closes his eyes.

    "My poor cynath." He places ones hand on Goddard's wound and runs his fingers through Goddard's hair with the other hand as he whispers the same words from before.

  149. "The first thing I wanted to do was get him bandaged," she says, sitting up. "Second was the doctor."

    She watches as father heals son. I promised I wouldn't let anything happen to him...and I can't even do that.

  150. Otto wipes his bloodied hand on the sheet and continues to sit with Goddard, stroking his hair, even though he's done casting the spell.

    After a few moments of quiet Otto speaks. "It's ok Aara," he says, not turning around. "He brought you here because he knows from personal experience that I can fix these kinds of 'serious' things."

  151. She stands and walks over the window, wrapping her arms around herself and leaning against the frame. The stone is cool against her slightly swollen cheek.

    "I'm a better bodyguard than that," she says quietly. "If we hadn't been halfway across the clearing from each other, it would have been different. My ustadh would be disappointed."

  152. "Is that what you just see yourself as?"

    She hears Otto's voice in her head and the dragon lands on the ground beside her.

    "His bodyguard? If you went outside of the city...and I'm assuming you did...I know where he took you and how else were you supposed to act? You weren't supposed to act like you were going to be attacked, that's for sure."

  153. Assuming she can talk through the dragon they way she has through Arha, she shakes her head. "Just a bodyguard? No. But I should be able to hear five men approaching through a quiet wood. I promised you nothing would happen to him. He could have died today, and I would have been powerless to stop it."

  154. Otto chuckles and Goddard sleepily grumbles.

    "Oops!" She hears Otto in her head. "I almost woke him up...yes...he fell asleep that fast."

    "He wouldn't have died. Neither of you would have. You have each other. And do not forget that he is druchii. Sometimes something kicks in with them and they will let nothing put them down without the fiercest fight."

  155. She smiles. "Yes, he does." After a long moment, she turns to face him. "That makes me feel better, knowing he has those instincts, thank you." Looking down at her bloody hands, she sighs, imagining where the two newest will go. "I should go clean up." When she walks past them, she kisses Otto on his cheek. "Thank you, ustadh."

  156. Otto smiles at Aara and looks down at Goddard. "Ok you...get up. Come on..."

    "Five more minutes," Goddard mumbles.

    Otto sighs and slides Goddard's head onto a pillow.

  157. Aara prepares her bath, pouring a generous amount of jasmine oil in the water. Letting the hot water sit for a bit, she sets about cleaning her daggers. "Ralph and Albert," she murmurs. "You don't deserve to be my responsibility, but I won't forget. I'll see to it tomorrow."

    Weapons cared for, she slowly undresses and puts her hair up before sinking into the steaming water.

  158. Goddard sighs when Otto walks away and sits up.

    "I was so comfortable," he stretches. "Is lecai ok?"

    "Yes she's fine."

    "I...was there anything noticeable on her neck?"

    "Little scratches..."

    "Iblith," Goddard mumbles.

  159. Eyes closed, Aara sinks up to her nose in the water, letting the heat erase the events of the afternoon. "Definitely wearing the veil more often," she mutters, thinking back to the overly eager gentleman.

  160. "I don't think she blames you, cynath. Don't let it bother you," Otto sits at his cluttered table.

    Goddard walks over and pulls out his notebook. He opens it to the last page he was working on. Otto looks up at him.

    "This is what I figured out," Goddard whispers. "I just...I don't know if you are supposed to eat this...or this..." he points at the last line on the page. "The rest of the ritual I'm positive on. It's just that last part. I figured I could try the one and see what happens..."

    "I can't let you do that..."

    "It's my ritual," Goddard grumbles. "And it can't go too badly. The rest of it is perfect. I'm sure of it. But...if something crazy does happen, at least I'll have you here."

  161. Goddard leaves the book on the table with Otto and moves around the room. He grabs everything he needs and lines it all on the table.

    "You don't have to do this," Otto says softly, looking at all the objects on the table.

    Goddard shrugs. "I can help you and Eglanor."

    "What about you?"

    "I'll be ok," Goddard smiles. "You don't have faith in my ability to 'cook' something good?" he grins.

    Otto chuckles. "I do. You'll be fine."

  162. Not able to sit still, Aara bathes and gets dressed. Clean, warm, and feeling much better than she had before, she goes in search of Goddard.

    "What are you cooking?" she asks behind them.

  163. Goddard quickly turns around to face Aara.

    "Nothing you can have," Otto says looking at the book still.

  164. She crosses her arms and raises an eyebrow. "You're eager to try it, aren't you?" she asks Goddard. "Reversing their mutations. I can't blame you."

  165. Goddard nods and rubs his hands together. "Well...now is as good a time as ever right? It's going to take about two hours and then we'll see what happens."

  166. "Is there anything I can do to help? And don't say leave," she adds. "I can sit quietly and out of the way, but I'm not going anywhere."

  167. "I want you to stay," he smiles at her and sits in the chair as Otto gets up. "Just...whatever you do...don't touch me. I don't care what happens...I don't want anything to happen to you."

  168. She nods. "I can do that." With a grin, she kisses him quickly. "For luck."

  169. Otto pulls up a chair and sits a few feet away from Goddard. "Stay behind me," he says.

    Goddard smiles and begins the ritual. It's a lot of talking in a langue Aara cannot understand and mixing things together with some strangely silent moments and finally Goddard quickly eats something he had sitting in a cup.

    He bends forward and gags and makes a disgusted face before he sits up and looks at Aara and Otto.

  170. "A-Are you alright?" she asks. "You don't look different..." She looks over at Otto. "I guess it didn't work?"

  171. Otto stares at Goddard. "I don't think it's done yet. Give it a minute. The winds are..."

    Goddard starts to sort of flicker and Otto and Aara can see all his mutations as if the illusion were gone.

    Goddard seems to be in pain as his horns shrink back and everything seems to go back to normal. He touches his face and gasps looking up at Aara and Otto.

    When Aara sort of moves toward Goddard, Otto puts an arm out to stop her.

  172. "Please Asuryan...protect him," Otto whispers. "That wasn't the right one..."

    Goddard's ears droop and he looks frantically around the room as if he is watching something Aara cannot see.

  173. "Otto what's happening? I can't see the winds!"

    She moves forward again, and again is stopped by Otto.

  174. A horrible pain shoots through Goddard's whole body. He drops out of the chair and holds himself up on his hands and knees. His claws grow out quickly and he slams a fist hard onto the floor and cries out in pain through clenched teeth.

    The tail seems to shoot back out from the base of his spine. The fluffy end is wet with blood. He begins to spit and four teeth land onto the floor followed quickly by blood.

    More blood trickles down his face as the horns quickly grow back in as well.

  175. Tears pour down Aara's cheeks, watching his mutations return. "Nuur'eni," she whispers, grabbing her chair for support. Please be alright...you have to be alright...you promised.

    "Let me go to him," she pleads through her tears. "Please, Otto."

  176. "I can't," Otto whispers. "I can't even go to him yet..." he continues to watch the winds swirl around chaotically. Otto hugs Aara tight.

    Goddard's hand slips out from under him and he hits the floor with a thud. He curls up and just lays there.

    After a few minutes of watching Goddard lay motionless, Otto looks around the room and then lets Aara go.

  177. Aara turns her face away and cries into Otto's shoulder until he lets her go.

    When he does, she kneels next to Goddard and gently lifts his head into her lap. Using her sleeve, she wipes away the blood on his face. When she touches his jaw, she gasps. She realizes that she can see his horns and tail, but his face feels normal.

    His face...Allay be praised. His jaw. He has lips and a nose...

    With a tearful chuckle she runs a shaking finger down the length of his nose. "Otto..." she whispers, "it's a beautiful nose, isn't it?"

  178. Otto kneels beside her. "Poor kid." He brushes the hair away from Goddard's face. "He lost the worst one...and the best one..."

  179. She shakes his head, awed by what's happened. "It doesn't matter. He was beautiful either way." She strokes his ear, humming a song from her childhood Goddard's heard many times before.

  180. "He won't...be the same. As you know him anyway." Otto motions for her to stand up and he picks Goddard up and puts him on the already bloodied bed.

    "I'll clean until he wakes up. We can't do much for him now."

  181. "What do you mean? He's still Goddard, isn't he? That can't really change, can it?"

    She follows him across the room and sits next to Goddard on the bed, holding his hand and waiting. Just like he waited the first time I saw his mutation. And when I fought my other self.

    "I'll watch over him," she says softly.

  182. "He'll act like Goddard," Otto says, scrubbing the floor. "Just a different Goddard. A scared shy Goddard again."

    Otto chuckles. "He's going to be a pain in the arse. But as long as he's ok..."

  183. Aara gets a clean cloth and a bowl of water and washes the blood from his face and hair. "We fought in Har Ganeth," she tells Otto. "Well, I fought. I was angry and hurt about his marriage and blamed myself for it because I'd killed the one who stole the tower."

    "But when I woke up half dressed and covered in blood in a street, he washed the blood from my hair and told me I wasn't a monster. Did he tell you about everything that happened after Death Night?"

  184. "No. He just gave me a summary of sorts. I'm sorry that his little sham of a wedding hurt you so much."

  185. "It shouldn't have. But when he blurted it out it was a kick to the face. Sudden and unexpected. I was already sick and raw, and afraid of the mark of Khaine I'd gotten and my new freedom." She chuckles softly. "But even after I yelled and said horrible things to hurt him, he still took care of me when I needed him."

    She looks up from Goddard to Otto. "So if he needs to be taken care of, I don't mind. He can be shy and scared for a while."

  186. "Because he cares," Otto says smiling.

    Once he finishes cleaning, he sits on the floor by the bed Goddard is laying on and rests his chin on the bed. "Come on...wake up already."

  187. She giggles. "This is the first time since we met that he isn't muttering about bats."

  188. "He was like this when the face and tail thing happened. Put him right out."

    Goddard takes a long deep breath and then slowly and carefully opens his eyes. "Wha...what happened," he looks at Otto worried. He doesn't move and lays very still as if afraid to move.

    "So how about those bats?" Otto chuckles.

    Goddard groans and rolls his eyes. "With the ritual you crazy old elf."

    Otto smiles and pokes Goddard's nose before standing up and walking off to find a mirror.

    "Wait...what was that?" Goddard asks confused about what he just felt.

  189. Aara bites her lower lip and grins, but doesn't say anything. Instead, she leans down and presses a quick kiss to his lips.

    Well that is definitely different...

  190. "Im not intruding, am I? " Lavannos asks in eltharin, standing in the door.

  191. Otto drops the small piece of polished metal he was holding and turns to Lavannos.

    "Yes...yes you are intruding," Otto says a bit more harshly than he meant to. "I'm sorry," he bends down and picks up the metal. "Goddard isn't well...take Sethai if you need help around the city and I'll let you know when cynath is better..."

  192. "Apologies. I simply ment to find out where Cynath's party was staying the night, as I have yet to locate my brother and the hours of darkness are approaching" Lavannos says, turning to leave

  193. Otto grits his teeth and walks out with Lavannos. "You can stay here at the college. I'll show you to an empty place you can stay at." Otto leads him up two more flights of stairs, down a hallway, and finally to a room that's almost set up like the room Goddard and Otto stay in except it is much less cluttered.

    "I can at least give you and your brother a place to stay since I asked him here..."

    Goddard kisses Aara and practically jumps backward. "What..."

    He touches his face and smiles but his smile fades when he sees his long nails. He purposely cuts his finger on a fang and quickly grabs onto his horns, as if he knew they were still going to be there. "It didn't work," he sounds as if he were on the edge of tears.

  194. Aara smiles and shakes her head. "Not entirely, no," she admits. She jumps up and grabs the mirror Otto had. "But look."

    She holds it up for him to see his face.

    "It's a beautiful nose, nuur'eni."

  195. "What do you mean...it's a beautiful nose..." he looks into the mirror with a bit of concern. "You always saw me with a nose..."

  196. "But this one is real," she says, sitting back down. "I can touch it," she laughs, putting the mirror down an demonstrating.

  197. "You are ever so generous, Otto" Lavannos says, bowing slightly.

    "If I can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate"
