Sunday, December 30, 2012

Back in Altdorf

The Elthrai docks in Altdorf once again. Goddard makes sure everything is secure on Zhane before he hops into the saddle and heads toward the Amethyst college.


  1. Kasida pulls up beside him, Ibben sitting between her ears. After Kislev it's almost pleasant in Altdorf, but she still thinks snow is overrated. "Do you think you'll be able to help them?" she asks, pulling the hood of her cloak up.

  2. "I think so. Nothing in the book actually says anything about fixing anything...but I think I can reverse these. Take something that causes mutations and flip it so it fixes them."

  3. Aara nods as they ride. "It makes sense, I suppose." She scowls at the heavily falling snow when it send Ibben crawling under her cloak. "At least Otto keeps it warm inside," she sighs.

  4. "Until he has to open the window to let the horrible flying rodents out," he pulls up his hood. "I'm getting so tired of snow," Goddard grumbles.

  5. "Makes the sandy beaches and warm waters of Araby sound like heaven?" she asks playfully. As they pass a particularly warm-looking shop, she tugs on Kasida's reins. "Can we stop for just a minute? I want to take Otto some chocolate," she says, sliding to the street. "I'll just be a minute."

  6. Goddard nods and and leads Zhane to the side. "He'll like that. I would hope he didn't already finish what I got him before we left but I wouldn't be surprised if he finished it all in one day."

  7. "If nothing else, we can make hot chocolate with it," she says over her shoulder as she goes inside. Ibben jumps from her saddle to cuddle up against Goddard, chattering angrily at being disturbed. In a moment, she returns with a giant block of chocolate wrapped in pink paper with a big pink bow. Mounting up, they ride on.

  8. "So what's wrong with Ibben?" Goddard asks. "He was being... snugly...confusing little critter."

  9. She laughs. "Taala hona, Ibben," she says, holding her arm out for him so the monkey can crawl under her cloak. "It's cold, nuur'eni. We aren't bred for snow. And his little vest is so thin."

  10. "You'll get used to the cold," he chuckles. "Especially if we end up staying in Altdorf for the most part after this."

    He's quiet for a while then sighs.

    No...I'll be ok after all of this.

  11. "I hope so, although Ibben will need better clothing," she laughs. "And we could always winter in Araby if it gets too cold."

  12. "We can try and find something better for Ibben to wear if you want. Or some kind of bag or basket thing for him to stay in?"

    They ride their horses on the street that runs along the river. "I always stopped before I set foot on the bridges and had to tell myself I wasn't going to fall in and drown," he chuckles. "And then I'd practically run across them."

  13. "He sleeps in one of my saddle bags when I don't hold him." When he talks about the bridge, she smiles. "You've changed so much," she tells him. "When I told Otto I taught you to swim a little, he gave me the strangest look."

  14. "He probably thought you were lying. He'd drag me to the beach he found me on just so we could get out and try to relax. I would put up such a fight."

    "But I went there just to get that ship back for us to use."

  15. "I don't think he thought I was lying. He just said I was special and you walked in, so he dropped it." She pauses a moment, remembering the long hours it took for him to raise the ship. "But you did it. Were you nervous about being on the beach by yourself?"

  16. "No. My cousin was there but I told him to stay a bit back. If I was nervous about anything, it was seeing that ship again. And remembering that day."

  17. She leans across the space between them and gives his hand a quick squeeze. "I dream about the whipping sometimes," she tells him, straightening. "Especially after we saw the post in the square. I understand not wanting to remember."

  18. "I sometimes have dreams about it. I'm ok until I hit the water. Even when the druchii find me. But the nightmares about bats are scarier," he laughs.

  19. She laughs with him. "I used to dream about my sisters waking up with noses like mine. They always had these delicate little noses and mine was always...well, this," she says, gesturing to her face.

  20. "At least you have a nose," he chuckles. "And hopefully you never lose your nose."

  21. "Oh nuur'eni," she sighs wistfully. "You say that, but you were never a plain girl with an unfortunate nose..."

  22. "'re poor normal nose," he smirks. "As opposed to my face and the amount of time I had to hide myself away before that last mutation happened that hid everything?" he says bitterly then sighs.


  23. "Don't be. You definitely win the rough childhood argument," she tells him.

    Watching him out of the corner of her eye, she pictures his real face. At some point, his bone jaw, horns, claws and tail became as dear to her as the face she sees now.

    "Will you change it, if it works?" she asks.

  24. "I...I don't know." He runs his hand across his face. Aara can see it go through the illusion. "And how will I fight without my balance?"

  25. Her heart aches for him. "Otto and I will love you anyway, no matter what you choose- that has no...elu?" she asks, trying to remember a word spoken months ago. "Is that the right word?"

  26. He smiles. "I know. I'm not worried about what others long as they aren't trying to kill me, I'll be fine. Elu means ending or denial. It depends on how you use it."

  27. "Then I used it correctly. This is much easier than trying to learn Kislevian. I feel like I'm chewing my tongue on half the words and cough up the other half."

  28. "Trying to expand your knowledge of different languages for when you travel?"

    The streets start to look deserted and empty. They are getting close to the college.

  29. "For when we travel," she corrects. "Katarina wants to learn Arabic, and I don't know where I'll be sent"

  30. "Are you sure you just don't want to get all dressed up in one of those ruffled low cut shirts and just sell flowers?" he smiles.

  31. "If I did that, I might as well dance in a tavern. Flower girls don't sell a lot of flowers," she reminds him, grinning deviously. "Dancing is easy and I'd only work part of the day. Not as easy as killing people, but easier than selling flowers all day and half the night."

  32. "I'd buy all of your flowers. Just your flowers though. I don't know what I would do with any more than that."

  33. She laughs. "That doesn't sound like good business, nuur'eni. Besides, I have a job waiting."

  34. Goddard gets Zhane settled in the stables and gathers his equipment and stuff.

    "I feel naked," he says gesturing toward his waist. "I had to get rid of all my ingredients," he sighs. "It's still bothering me."

  35. Aara nods, shouldering her backpack and saddlebags. Everything I own I can carry- and easily, she thinks, Goddard can hardly carry his books on his back. "I saw you drop everything as if it were on fire. Why don't we take all this upstairs and then see about replacing some of it?"

  36. "It may as well have been on fire," he smirks and then groans. "Where the heck am I going to get more vampire blood and vampire ash? That was not easy to come by!"

    He heads up the stairs and up to the room.

  37. She laughs softly. "Actually it was pretty easy to come by at the time." She taps the medallion hanging at the hollow of her throat. "Vampire weapon, remember? And we still have another vampire to deal with before it's over. Perhaps we'll get you some more."

  38. "But what if I need it right now?" he says, opening the door.

    As soon as Aara walks into the room, Sethai lands on her shoulder and makes a sort of chirping sound.

    Otto is sitting at his usual cluttered work table. Goddard walks up to the table and plops the book down. "I got it," he grumbles. "My 'babysitter' was almost killed. I had to watch him more than he was watching me and Riker about got himself killed."

    "Humans," Otto sighs. "But well done cynath!"

  39. Aara nuzzles Sethai with her cheek. Ibben climbs up to her other shoulder and peers around, staring at the dragon and chirps at it.

    "Behaive, Ibben," Aara warns him.

    She walks up to Otto and smiles brightly. "Salam, ustadh!" she says, presenting the pink wrapped chocolate. "I come bearing treats!"

  40. Sethai snorts at Ibbn and flies to Otto.

    "He's jealous," Otto says laughing. "Oh! Why thank you! I just finished my last bit from that other bar Goddard gave me." He takes the chocolate and then takes Aara hand and gives it a long kiss.

  41. She giggles and pulls her hand away. "Charmer," she smirks, pulling a chair next to him, rolling her eyes. "Riker...Ustadh, I completely understand your view of humans." She grins, raises an eyebrow, and looks from him to the chocolate. "Most humans, that is."

  42. Otto watches her eyes and practically hugs the chocolate. "You're my favorite human," he whispers and grins.

    "Cynath...where is all your...stuff?"

    "I had to get rid of it," Goddard sighs. "You should have warned me that magic was going to be extremely difficult to deal with in Prague."

    "I didn't really know? I'll pay for whatever you need to buy."

  43. "Good," she whispers, winking at Otto. Warm and dry, Ibben becomes his usual annoyingly adorable self and presents her with his ball. Aara tosses it and watches as he plays.

    "I need to pick up more bandages, too. My kit's nearly empty."

  44. "Just put it all together," Otto mumbles as he sits down with the chocolate.

    Goddard rolls his eyes and laughs. "We're spoiling him." He walks off to a far wall and grabs a shovel. "I'll just be outside. You can stay inside if you want lecai. I'll come back up when I'm done."

    "Don't go overboard," Otto says.

  45. "If it keeps your father on my side, I'm fine with that."

    Aara watches him leave and half considers going out in the snow just to watch him perform manual labor. "Grave dirt?" she asks Otto. As comfortable here as she is in Ali's safehouse, she fills a kettle with water and sets it over the fire for tea. "So does Tel know what we're about with the books?"

  46. "Dirt...and bones...and skulls. Maybe plants. There are all kinds of things out there. If you open that window you can see the mass grave from it. Just expect bats to fly above you." He points to the window he had opened before.

    "I didn't give Tel all the information. Just enough. I didn't want to scare him off," he chuckles. "Hopefully whatever happened to almost kill him doesn't scare him off."

  47. "He didn't seem scared off." She practically runs over to the window and swings it open wide. Squealing in delight, she hangs halfway out the window as the bats swarm out.

    "Who's buried out here?" she shouts over the flapping noise above her. "Anybody?"

  48. She can see Goddard down below and he almost trips and falls as he cringes at the bats. He doesn't turn around. He doesn't need to to know that a stream of bats has left the college.

    Once the bats stop flying Otto answers Aara. "Tens of thousands of people are buried there," he says. "It's a mass grave but we tried to make it...look nice."

  49. She pulls herself back inside, shivering as she closes the window. "Better than the catacombs in Araby," she tells him, preparing her tea. "Everything rots and becomes this disgusting, stinking mass of...of goo." Sitting back down next to him, she curls her feet underneath her.

  50. "It was pretty disgusting but it's not so bad anymore. So what's that taste like? Your tea." He swats at Sethai who is trying to snuggle on his neck. "Here...have some chocolate...go away. Damn caladh..."

  51. She smiles over her cup. "It tastes like flowers. Not as sweet as chocolate. Would you like some?" She rises and pours another cup of water, adding in the small linen pouch of dried tea.

  52. Otto nods. "Thank you very much." He's quiet for a moment then touches the cover of the blue book.

    "I don't know how he can just sit down and read these. I wouldn't dare open it. I wouldn't have been able to go after it either. I knew he could because he has you and everyone else."

  53. She shrugs, tucking her feet into the chair. "I promised I wouldn't let anything happen to him. When he went in after Tel, he was all confidence and bravery. I distracted the Skull long enough for him to grab the book, and he never hesitated." She smiles over her cup. "I've never been so proud. I may decide to teach swordplay and become an ustadh myself."

  54. "You'd be a good teacher. You got him to try and swim and he's fighting with a sword. Sometimes the scythe isn't the best weapon for every situation and magic can't 'fix' everything."

    He sips the tea. "Mmm very good."

  55. She nods. "My brother's wife told me there is an organization that will assign me to jobs. She's like me," she explains, raising a hand slightly. "But I don't think he wants me roaming around killing people for pay."

  56. "He won't be able to keep an eye on you if you're wandering around, killing people," he chuckles. "He'll try and follow you around like some puppy I'm sure."

  57. "Naturally I'd bring him along," she laughs. "I don't think I could trust him to stay put until I got back. And the closer I keep him the safer he is."

  58. "Would any part of your job require stealth? Cynath isn't reall the sneaky type," he chuckles. "He's fast but far from stealthy. And he's clumsy."

  59. She laughs. "Yes, he is." Ibben returns with his ball and jumps to her shoulder, chattering. "But teaching is a thought. There aren't many in the world who can turn someone into the Mashi Al'Maut."

  60. He raises a brow and sips the tea. "What's that?"

  61. "It means Walking Death. It's a reputation, really, but an important one in Araby. Bodyguards and mercenaries tattoo the names of their kills on their hands. Enough names in enough time and people start noticing. By the time I was eighteen I had enough names tattooed on my hands to earn it." She sets down her tea and rolls up her sleeves. "Koroush was the sultan's only surviving son. He was a target."

  62. "So you killed all those people? At least...that looks like a lot of people?" he chuckles. "I can't tell where a new name ends or begins except for the druchii name I see."

  63. "Yes, there are a lot of names," she tells him softly. The names she was always so proud of swirl from her fingertips halfway up her forearm in a beautiful pattern. If someone didn't know they were names, they would only think she had some very lovely tattoos.

    "Eighty-two on my left hand, Eighty-seven on my right. Five on my shoulder for Death Night. I'm very good at what I do."

  64. "I see. Goddard is lucky you didn't kill him then? His...particular brand of charm gets him into a lot of trouble with women."

  65. She laughs. "He would embarrass me so badly. I was so naive and virginal, and he was a sandstorm of...everything. At first it was all I could do to blush and run away."

  66. "Are you guys talking about me?" Goddard finally returns. He has some bones and pouches and skulls on his belt again but still no where near the amount of random objects he used to have.

    "Track mud in here, and I'll wring your neck," Otto says calmly taking a sip of tea.

    Goddard grumbles. "Fine. I'll just go back outside. Do you want to come, lecai? Or would you just like me to pick up bandages and stuff for you?"

    "Can you at least give me my scythe you old bat?" Goddard says annoyed.

    Otto slowly gets up, grabs Goddard's scythe and trades him for the shovel.

    "Bel’la dos..."

  67. "I'm coming," she says, calling to Ibben and getting her cloak. Taking his hand, she smiles. "A little about you," she tells him in the hallway. "But mostly about me."

  68. "He wasn't too boring was he?" Goddard chuckles. "Well...I'm sure talking with him was more interesting than if you were to stand out in the cold with me."

    Goddard takes them to a different market they hadn't visited before. This market was put together to have almost anything a spell caster might want. Vials, bells, pouches, beads, chalk. Goddard easily gets back almost every item he had lost.

    "Ahh. I feel much better now," he smiles.

  69. "Not at all. We talked about the possibility of me becoming a teacher instead of an assassin," she tells him as they walk. As he shops, she meanders around, looking at the beads and thinking of the little glass green bead she left in the tomb. It's no struggle to keep Ibben close since he huddles under her hair against the snow.

    "You don't look strange either," she laughs. "Whenever you aren't wearing all that I keep waiting for you to fall over."

  70. "A teacher? What would you teach? And the truth comes do think I look strange? AND you have little faith in my ability to stand? Oh lecai," he shakes his head and smiles.

  71. She rolls her eyes at him. "I'm just used to seeing you with all manner of strange things hanging off you. The fact that it makes you more fun to undress is just a bonus," she laughs, toying with a string of deep blue beads. "And I was thinking maybe swordplay? My ustadh said I was the best pupil he ever trained, a true Walking Death. There are few who could say they are capable of training them."

  72. Goddard grins. "I usually end up having to take all this stuff off."

    "That sounds like a good idea. If you can teach me anything, you can teach pretty much anyone." He takes the beads from her and looks them over. "Do you want them?"

  73. "It's a thought to entertain," she says, shrugging. When he asks her about the beads, she shakes her head. "They're pretty, but no. What would I do with them?" she asks with a laugh.

  74. He shrugs. "I don't know." Goddard buys the beads anyway and adds them to his belt. "Decoration at the least? They're pretty? Might have a use for them later? And now they are here and if you want them later you can have them," he smiles.

  75. She shakes her head at him. "If I knew you wanted beads I'd have taken the green one from the tomb," she laughs.

  76. "I guess the beads I had were hidden by all the other things I carried with me."

    "What did you need to get besides bandages?"

  77. "Some wool or something warm to make Ibben a jacket." When he hears his name, Ibben begins to chatter and pokes his head out from under Aara's hood. "Is there a cloth merchant near here?"

  78. "We'll have to walk a bit to find what you are looking for." He takes Aara's hand and leads her through the streets. Despite all the snow, there are still quiet a few people out and about.

    They turn a corner and three children run right into them. Goddard stumbles and almost falls on top of them. They all huddle together and look up at Goddard, terrified. "Please...please don't kill us...we didn't mean to...we're sorry mister mage!"

  79. Aara steadies Goddard, stunned at the children's fear. All three of them are dirty and painfully thin. Even worse, they all wear the look of real hunger on their faces. I remember that look...

    Kneeling, she reaches her hand out, a gentle smile on her face. "Are you all right?" she asks softly. "It's very cold, and snowing. You should be careful not to slip on the ice and hurt yourself." Ibben pokes his head back out, creeping onto her shoulder.

  80. "Run lady!" One of them grabs Aara's hand and tugs on her.

    "Eep!" another points at Ibben. "What's that!?"

    Goddard sighs and drops to a knee. They take a few steps back and stare at him, wide eyed. Goddard holds out his hand and they all scream and close their eyes tight. They carefully open them and squeal happily.

    He's holding out six gold crowns. Two for each of them. They stare at the coins, still hesitant to touch them.

  81. Aara tugs gently on the hand that grabs her, drawing the child closer. "This is Ibben," she explains. "He and I are both from a far-off land called Araby, where it's always hot and never snows."

    Tears form in her eyes when Goddard offers them the coins. "It's all right," she whispers softly. One of the children inch closer, curious about Ibben. "Do you have any coats or warm blankets?" When he shakes his head, Aara reaches into her own pocket and adds six more coins to Goddard's. It's a fortune for them.

    "Take it," she urges softly.

  82. They grab the coins and turn to Aara, all speaking at the same time. "Thank you! Thank you miss! It's always warm where you are from? Neat! We don't have coats but we have blankets at home! Can I pet this...Ibben? Will it bite?"

  83. She smiles and nods. "He won't bite, he's very nice and likes to play. Yes, it's always warm in Araby, it's like summer all the time." She lets them play with Ibben a bit longer before the monkey chatters and returns to huddle beneath her hair. Before rising, she waves the children closer. "I will tell you a secret before I leave, can you all keep a secret?"

  84. They all gather close around Aara and nod. Goddard stands up and then all practically hug Aara and let out little gasps.

  85. She laughs softly. "All right, this is the secret, so don't ever forget it. You see him?" she says, nodding to Goddard. "He's silly and warm and gives wonderful hugs and makes people laugh." She kisses each one on the forehead. "There is no reason to fear him, little ones. Now, run off and give that money to your mama or papa so you can all have a nice big dinner. But keep a little bit for yourselves," she adds with a conspiratorial whisper.

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. As Theo walks through the streets of of Altdorf, he happens to come upon Goddard and Aara. "Ah my new friends. How nice to see you. You seemed to vanish after the boat arrived here. I am sure you had pressing matters to tend to." He then turns to the children, having to look up at them. "My word, you must be freezing. Here," Theo hands them each a hand full of gold, "Now i insist you go and get your selves some proper clothes for this weather."

  88. They look suspiciously up at Goddard and cheer when Theo hands them even more coins. "Today is the best day ever! Thank you mister! Or are you a kid too? Whatever...Thank you!"

  89. Goddard sighs and his ears droop. "I at least wish kids weren't so terrified of me."

  90. Aara laughs and stands. "Hello Theo," she says, squeezing Goddard's hand. "Goddard had to replace his spell components, so we've been shopping."

    Watching the children run away, she smiles. "Maybe they won't be so afraid in the future?"

  91. laughing warmly, "No, i am not a child. I am simply small. But despite my size i can do big things, as you can one day when you grow older." He gives them a big smile and waves as the children as they run off.

  92. Goddard smiles but stays quiet for a moment.

    They'll always be afraid of me.

    "Um has traveling been so far? Did you get to do anything different?"

  93. "OH yes quite different. I was hoping to talk to someone about that. Seeing what we did, I think we may wish to take the conversation off the streets." Theo says looking around as if hoping to see something.

  94. Aara looks at Goddard. "You know the area, nuur'eni. Anywhere we can sit and talk without worry?"

  95. "Anywhere really...people will be too scared of me to get too close," he chuckles and walks off to an alley near by. He stands where everyone can see him. Everyone who walks by leaves plenty of space between themselves and Goddard.

  96. Still looking, "Yes I don't seem to know this part of the city. Hopefully i can find something worth eating where ever it is you take us." He says with another smile on his face.

  97. "True enough," she laughs. "You're a wonderful companion at the zoo."

  98. "I was hoping someone could tell me what that thing was that the ogre so aptly took care of. I, I could never ever begin to think of suck a monstrosity." Theo says as the smile falls from his face.

  99. "Just...some chaos beast," Goddard says with a sigh. "You usually can't imagine such things. That's why when you finally do see something like it, you tend to get frozen with fear...or just frozen in snow when it came to that place."

  100. Just remembering the tundra has Aara pulling her cloak closer, grateful Ibben is cuddled at the back of her neck.

  101. Riker leaves a note and the sack of Tannins Goods in Goddards quarters, and then heads off to the Bright College.


    From the farside of the market, the party can hear gasps of shock and awe, followed by a low Guttural roar, which sounds almost like it came from a large lion, but this is the market district. Surely that didnt just happen right?

    An elf can clearly be seen walking through the market district, the crowed parting in front of him. He wears a large white lions pelt on his back like a cape. His eyes are a sharp green, his hair a dark black. He wears high elven armor, but looks like he clearly belongs in his forest; a blatant contradiction. He looks rather similar to another elf the party knows, but at some point he acquired a large scar pattern starting over his left eye and moving down his cheek, as if he was mauled by a lion a long time ago.

    Speaking of Lions, a large, White Lion walks with the elf. It comes to about his mid bicep. Its icy white mane and blue eyes seem to further make it stick out from its master. The bottom part of his mane has been braided into 7 different strands, each with their own claps which are inlaid with elven holy symbols.

  102. Goddard's eyes widen when he spots the lion and he smiles. He slowly walks toward the elf and the lion.


    "I've never seen one of these in person," he stares at the lion. "Can...can I pet it?" He looks at the elf with hopeful eyes.

  103. Aara eyes the lion. No way am I walking over there. Nuur'eni can be stupid all by himself.

    Ibben begins to get agitated, chattering and pulling her hair until Aara grabs him and forces him to stay still in her hands.

  104. The elf cocks his head slighty, giving Goddard an appraising look. After a few seconds he says


    "I wouldnt try it, hes a fierce wa..." and is promptly cut off by the lion moving forward and rubbing his head on Goddards side affectionately.

  105. Goddard laughs and hugs the lion's huge head.
    "Look lecai! It's a white lion," he says over his shoulder.

    "What brings you here? You sort of stick out," Goddard says to the elf, still petting the lion. "Oh and I am Goddard."

  106. "Ibben, us kut!" she demands when the animal starts to shriek and fight. Muttering curses at him in Arabyan, she looks around and spots a fairly empty shop and hurriedly takes Ibben inside to calm him.

  107. This comment has been removed by the author.

  108. "Dark times, unfortunately. Looking for a pair of elves. A mage, and a Swordmaster. The former works in this city teaching magicks to the humans, the latter is my brother."

    With a bow, he says " Im Lavonos, my loyal companion here is Cynath'Cha"

  109. Aara breathes a sigh of relief when she enters the shop. "It seems I've found a cloth shop anyway," she says. It doesn't take long to purchase strips of linen and a bit of wool to wrap Ibben in.

    Tucking the monkey under her cloak, she steps back outside, praying Ibben doesn't go wild again.

  110. "Cynath," Goddard whispers with a chuckle. "My father calls me that. Um...elves...Would you happen to be looking for Tel? You both look pretty similar and maybe my father? He was the one who summoned Tel."

  111. "You know of my brother?! Is he well? I unfortunately have bad news to deliver to him. Is your Father Otto?" Lavonnos says

    The lion arches he back up, clearly enjoying the scratches

  112. Aara stands a few feet behind Goddard. "Tell? He's well enough." Ibben starts going crazy again, and she sighs. "Nuur'eni, I can't keep him like this. I'll meet you back at the college."

  113. "Yes Tel is fine. A little roughed up but he's well. I don't know where he's right now though. And yes Otto is my father. Did you need to speak to him? We could go to the college."

    He turns to Theo. "Would you like to see the college too? It isn't much."

  114. He thinks a moment, "I must respectfully turn down your offer, I have no real interest in the ways of magic. Not to say what you do isn't wonderful, but us halflings can do nothing with it thus I have no interest in the workings of it. I need to go see some people about resupplying the ships kitchen." With a wave he heads off in to the market place.

  115. Aara wraps Ibben in wool from head to toe and wraps his leash over it. Maybe if he can't see or smell it he'll calm down a bit. When the monkey stops screaming, she looks at the elf. Nothing subtle about this one, that's for sure.

    "I'm sorry, I couldn't hear your name a moment ago. I'm Aara," she says, still fighting a squirming Ibben.

  116. "I had thought to start with Otto in order to find my brother. What ever you think is best cousin."

    turning to Aara, he says "Lavannos Ideenna. The Lion is Cynath'cha"

  117. "Cynath," she laughs. "How appropriate. A pleasure, I'm sure."

  118. Goddard chuckles. "Ahh if only he knew how little magic actually went on in that building."

    He turns to Lavannos. "I don't think the old elf would know where your brother is sadly. I don't know how you lose someone as shiny as him in a city," he scratches his head. "You can search for him or I can introduce you to father. Whatever you wish."

  119. Aara groans and starts walking quickly to get Ibben away from the lion. Maybe he'll calm down on the way.

  120. "I will follow you cousin. It was good fortune to find one of my brothers companions, perhaps that fortune will remain"

  121. "I'm sure he'll show up soon enough," Goddard nods and leads Lavannos to the Amethyst college. Goddard smiles to himself as he watches everyone's reaction to the lion.

    They aren't even looking at me!

    They walk up the stairs and head down the hallway before getting to the door that enters the room where Otto is in.

    "Could he lay out here in the hallway? We can keep the door open but there is so much clutter, I'm afraid he wouldn't really have much space and the little monkey will go even more wild."

  122. Aara's sitting near the fire, Ibben in her lap and a book in her hands. She scowls at the page, mouthing the word several times before skipping over it. "Ibben, us kit," she murmurs, not noticing Goddard and the other elf entering.

  123. Lavannos motions to a spot in the hallway, and the large lion flops down. He leans down and scratches the Lions head, and whispers somthing to him in Elven. He then follows Goddard in.

  124. "Aara? Is that cynath?" Otto calls from another room. There are a lot of mechanical sounds following his voice out.

    Goddard walks in and looks at the door Otto is calling from confused.

  125. She looks up, a little surprised to see him there. "Yes, ustadh," she calls back, returning to the word she struggles with.

  126. "Good! I have a surprise for you! And you had better be appreciative and not act like a bastard for the rest of forever!" Otta says pulling on a chain, not even noticing the other high elf. "I commissioned this for you from the metal mages while you were away...I figured it could help your scrawny arse with moving your luggage."

    At the end of the chain is a small mechanical nauglir. "Tah dah!" Otto says proudly as he kneels beside it. "Look! It has space inside for you to carry your books." He opens a latch and the mechanical lizard is indeed, full of books."

    "Now you have to wind it up occasionally and all it does is carry your junk, but isn't it great?"

  127. Aara bursts into laughter. "Uzzaya save me, it's a not-moose!" Cackling, jumps up and wraps her arms around Otto's neck, kissing his cheek loudly. "Ustadh, you are brilliant. And hilarious."

  128. Goddard stares in shock for a moment and then bursts into laughter. "Father...thank you. So much." Goddard walks over to Otto and when Aara lets him go, Goddard hugs Otto tight, lifting him an inch or two off the floor.

    "You're welcome," Otto laughs. He then looks at Lavannos. "Oh! How in the world did I not notice you? I didn't send for anyone else. What brings you here?"

  129. ((Eltharin))

    "You sent for my brother, and in the weeks he has been away, our sister has been taken by the dark elves. I have been sent to find him and help him complete his tasks while we attempt to find her." Lavonnos says simply

  130. Aara returns to her spot near the fire, this time pulling out the writing supplies Goddard gave her. She begins drafting a letter to Rayya in Arabyan, only half listening.

  131. Goddard cringes a bit as he stands up from looking at his mobile bookcase.
    What have my kin done now? Why do you do stupid things that end up in my home!?


    "How unfortunate," Otto sighs. "I do not know where your brother is right now, but I can at least tell you why I called him, especially if you are going to be helping him. I asked him here to help my son, Goddard on a difficult, magic related quest."

    "The fact that he is druchii must also be mentioned. To try and hide that from you both, could result in problems later on. But don't let that bother you. I've raised him since he was very young. He is the worst druchii you will ever meet. And by that I mean he is nothing like druchii."

  132. ((eltharin))

    "My lion is typically a good judge of character. If he trusts Goddard, thats good enough for me, for now atleast. "

  133. ((eltharin))

    Otto crosses his arms. "None of this for now business. You will trust him starting now and always. He trusts you already. He trusted you the second he laid eyes on you. I know this. He has protected Tel and I'm positive he wants to help your sister."

    "We...we could go to the Celestial college when we find your brother," Goddard says softly. "And maybe they can help us find her. They have been pretty knowledgeable thus far. I want to help save her if I can. I'll do everything I can to help, cousin."

  134. As they're talking, Aara puts her writing kit away, removes another package wrapped in cheesecloth, and moves unnoticed to the kitchen. Once there, she scowls at the sight of his kitchen. Good thing I anticipated this, she thinks with a chuckle as she unwraps the rack of lamb and other ingredients she'd bought on the way back to the college.

    It isn't long before the kitchen starts to smell like Araby, and she sings softly to herself as she cooks. Finally beginning to calm down after the lion, Ibben plays with his ball, running back and forth across the floor.

  135. ((eltharin))

    "Then I will abide by your wisdom" lavannos says, speaking softly.

    Cyntha'cha lets out a guttural "meow" from the hallway, as if he was stretching

  136. "Well then. Now that that's settled, I smell something delicious and I propose we eat it! You are welcome to stay if you want Lavannos...unless you wish to search out your brother in the city. I would imagine he wouldn't be too difficult to find if he sticks out in a crowd as much as you do," Otto says as he steps over the mechanical nauglir and heads toward the food.

    Goddard tries to follow Otto, but the nauglir takes a step forward and trips him. "Stupid lizard!" he yells. "You did that on purpose didn't you?"'s just a hunk of metal...

    "It's smarter than you think I'm sure...the mages made it...who knows what devious plans it has going on in it's little clock-work mind..."

    It really is nothing to worry about Master...

  137. Lost in her own little world, Aara's singing to herself and putting the finishing touches on the lamb. Surveying the spread, she nods. While they spoke, she'd prepared lamb, roasted potatoes, a rich vegetable stew, salad, flat bread, and a large, syrupy al'solooq cake.

    She even found the bowls and plates Otto and Goddard never seem to use.

  138. "What is all of this?" Otto says with a grin. He sort of just appeared by Aara and is looking at all of the food. "You can do a different kind of magic that's for sure," he chuckles.

  139. Aara nearly jumps out of her skin. "Ustadh! I'm going to need you to make some noise when you come into a room. You're going to shave years off my already short life," she laughs.

  140. "Do I need to wear a cat bell?" Otto asks surprised. "In my own home? I think I'm going to have to ask you to leave for that! But...but....leave all the food."

  141. "A cat bell?" she laughs. "That's silly. But shuffle your feet or something to let me know you're there." She raises an eyebrow. "And if I have to leave, I'm taking the food. And this," she adds, shaking a paper-wrapped package.

  142. "You have more?" Otto whispers. "Fine can stay."

    Goddard sits quietly on a bed, looking over his notebook.

  143. "Of course I do," she whispers back with a grin. "You can have half of it when I'm done. I planned on melting it and pouring it over the al'salooq. You and nuur'eni will like it."

  144. Lavanos stands quietly by the door, observing the elves and the strangely marked human girl. He dosnt wish to intrude on their meal, but dosnt quite want to leave, as the younger of the elves and the girl seem to be the best way to find Tel.

    The old world is such a strange place. The architecture is so...dark and uninviting. Its not like the forests and towers back home

  145. "You know what," Otto says crossing his arms. "I don't like this...I don't like this chocolatey power you have over me..."

    "So..." Goddard starts not looking up from his book. "Are you going to eat? Or at least sit down? You're making me nervous."

  146. "Ustadh, it's not as though I'm lording it over you. I just want to stay in your good graces. Is there space on the table for this?" She asks, picking up several plates full of food.

  147. "Goheno nin, vellyn. (Forgive me, my friend)" He says, turning to Goddard.

    looking at Aara "I would appreciate the opportunity to sample your foods, if there is enough" Lavannos says, his Riekspiel clipped and accented. It seems as if Lavannos has a clear grasp of the language, but rarely, if ever, has an opportunity to speak it

  148. Aara smiles. "There's plenty. Grab a chair and help yourself."

  149. "You're already you can give me the chocolate and still be fine?" Otto smiles at Aara.

    "I can clear a space for all of that," Otto says heading over to a table. He simply shoves a bunch of objects and books out of the way. "Ok can we eat now?"

  150. Setting the plates down, she brings the rest of the food out. "Yes, yes, you can eat."

    Goddard is familiar with all the food since he helped prepare it once at the safehouse. But then she pours warm melted chocolate over the honeycake.

  151. "Le fael, Aara. (You are generous, Aara) "

    Lavannos unfastens a strap running along his chest diagonally, and from underneath his lion cloak he grabs and sets a large "sheath" for lack of better word down on the ground. clearly visible is a large, heavy two handed axe, and it makes a solid thunk sound when it is set down.

    He takes a seat at the table, but cautiously waits for everyone else to take their food, partly out of respect at being a guest, partly so he can mimic their actions

  152. She blushes a little. "Bel'la dos," she says, her Arabyan accent adding a certain charm to the language.

    Once she sits, she begins gathering food onto a plate and picks at it with her fingers, sipping water.

  153. Otto piles a little bit of everything onto a plate and takes it over to Goddard who still has his nose in a book.

    Goddard looks up surprised and takes the plate. "I'm sitting on your bed and you bring me food? I'm not responsible if I drop anything...ok?" Goddard says.

    Otto just pats his head and walks back over to the table, filling his own plate and taking a seat.

  154. "Pedig eltharin?(you speak elvish?)" He asks, placing food on his plate in a similar fashion to Aara, but in smaller portions

  155. "A little," she answers in reikspeil. "A smattering of eltharin and druhir."

  156. "Your accent is quite well" He says, sampling the foods on his plate, and smiling

  157. "It's kind of you to say so, but I've heard my accent," she laughs. "It lacks the fluidity of the elves."

  158. "Dish ish delishious!" Otto says with a mouth full of food. He washes it down with a good bit of wine.

    The small dragon lands on the table and walks around the plates and platters, sniffing everything.

  159. "Nuur'eni," she calls from the table. "Close your notes and come get to know your cousin. There is plenty of time for reading."

  160. Goddard sighs and closes the book, placing it on the pillow. He walks over to the table with his plate and sits down. He tries to shoo the dragon away but it completely ignores him and just goes limp whenever he tries to physically push it away.

    "Sethai, I don't remember you being this annoying," Goddard complains and gives up.

  161. Aara laughs, feeding Ibben and Sethai small pieces from her plate. "Don't pout, it's annoying," she tells him. "How do you like it, Lavannos?"

  162. "Most humans Ive encountered leave something to be desired, but I can see why Goddard values your companionship" Lavannos says, clearly intending a compliment

    "Your food is quite palatable. It is not at all like the food from home, but will indeed be a welcome replacement" he says with a smile

  163. "What kind of response is that?" Goddard snorts. "It tastes good is much less...wordy. Or even a yes or no."

    Otto stares at Goddard then looks at his plate, then at Goddard again. "I like this too much to throw any at you," Otto mumbles.

  164. ((eltharin))

    "Thats, what I said cousin. Did I perhaps say the wrong word and cause insult?" Lavannos says quickly to Goddard

  165. Aara laughs. "Well thank you," she says. Ibben chatters softly and curls up in her lap, content to be petted. "It's nice to get a compliment beyond 'it's food's now and then."

  166. Goddard laughs. "No. It's fine you weirdo...I'm used to being around humans and talking with them. They usually use far less words."

  167. Aara sticks her tongue out at Goddard. "Maybe you should use more words. Limiting yourself seems to let the stupid out."

  168. Otto almost spits his food out laughing. "Now you're just trying to kill me..."

  169. "This one understands what it it truly means to properly convey a message. To not...let the stupid out." Lavannos says with a chuckle

  170. This comment has been removed by the author.

  171. "Everyone is against me," Goddard hunches in his chair and nibbles on his food.

    Not me Master! I'm always on your side! ONLY on YOUR side Master!

    "Yeah yeah," Goddard grumbles.

  172. Aara looks at all three elves, all innocence. "Me, ustadh? I'd never! And nuur'eni, I'm always on your side, you just can't always tell, love."

  173. "You're on father's side. I can see it. You two have some kind of understanding and it involves chocolate..."

  174. Aara laughs. "Oh yes, I'm conspiring with Otto. You've caught me. I'm never on your side," she says, rolling her eyes dramatically.

  175. "I knew it," he whispers, narrowing his eyes at Otto.

    Otto shrugs and continues to shovel food into his mouth.

  176. Lavannos remains quite during all the "squabbling", observing the way they interact, and still slowly and quietly eating

  177. "Stupid elf," Aara giggles, tucking her feet underneath her. "I went to all the trouble of making you a chocolate covered al'salooq, and you accuse me of taking someone else's side."

  178. Otto kicks Goddard's foot. "Yeah cynath!"

    Otto faces Aara. "Since he doesn't appreciate'salooq...I'll just eat the part that was supposed to be his."

    Goddard stares at Otto as the high elf serves himself a large piece of the dessert.

  179. Aara lays her head on the table and sighs. "You might as well eat my portion, too ustadh," she says melodramatically. "Nuur'eni has wounded my soul. I don't think sweet treats will help."

  180. "Okie dokie!" Otto takes even more and leans back in the chair happily. "This is the best al'salooq I've ever's the only al'salooq I've ever had..."

  181. Aara keeps her head on the table, sighing. "If you were to be nice to me, I might not die of despair," she informs Goddard. "But I'll die of sadness, because you think I'm not on your side in all things..."

  182. "You have, been away from the tower long otto? " Lavonnos asks?

  183. "Oh hush," Goddard chuckles. "U ssinssrig dos."

    "Yes I have been," Otto nods. "I can't remember exactly how long but give or take a hundred years. Is it that obvious?" he chuckles.

  184. Aara smiles and sits up. "U ssinssrig dos," she repeats.

  185. "Ive yet to meet a mage from the tower quite like you, Otto" Lavannos says with a smile

  186. "Charming, wise, and easily bribed with chocolate?" Aara laughs.

  187. "That's why I'm not there anymore," he grumbles. "I'm too different. In Altdorf, I can be as different as I want and no one cares."

    "I care," Goddard smirks. "At least stop being crazy."

    "You stop first," Otto smiles.

  188. Aara rolls her eyes and stands. "I think I'll go meditate outside," she tells Goddard, grabbing her cloak. "It's easier out in the air and away from all the stone." Dropping a kiss on the top of his head, she calls to Ibben and heads out.

  189. Goddard smiles and nods. Both him and Otto put their plates down and lean back comfortably with a full glass of wine.

  190. After Aara leaves, Lavannos switches back eltharin.

    "Im sure Hoeth granted you the wisdom to help you make your decision. Your situation is...unique"
