Monday, October 19, 2015

Benham Alcazar in Araby

It's late when Aara slips out of her rooms and makes her way to the roof of Koroush's palace. Stepping out of her sandals, she unwinds her scarf and unpins her veil, leaving them in a pile before walking across the marble. I'm glad this is the same, she thinks, gazing at the rich surroundings and holding a blanket around her shoulders. Potted fruit trees, flowering arches, braziers, benches and softer seating are spread across the roof, arranged in intimate little spaces so that guests can gaze upon the city in comfort. As a girl, this had been her favorite place; for one so short, it had given her deep pleasure to stand on the thick, waist-high wall surrounding the area and look down upon the entire city. Now, it only served as a reminder of the suffering of her people by some unknown force.

Lifting her eyes to the stars, a smile spreads slowly across her lips. These are her stars, the stories and constellations she has so missed these years. Gathering her blanket and the long skirt of her nightgown in one hand, she jumps up onto the surrounding wall. Unlike her childhood, it's now covered in jasmine. Feeling a little like a girl, she spins around a few times, letting her loose hair swirl around her. It reminds her of a night on a barge years before, when she jumped onto the railing of the boat and performed flips and handstands for Goddard. With that thought, she returns to the roofs floor and considers Koroush's words.

"You're just going to have to wait," he'd said. "Give him time, and yourself time."

She scowls. "Do you have any idea how hard that is?" she mutters, leaning a hip on the wall. With a sigh, she wraps the blanket more securely around her and sits with her back to the wall, arranging her limbs in a meditation pose. Eyes closed, she fights to clamp down on the sandstorm of emotions in her heart and to silence the one question that goes through her mind again and again.

Why is he here? Why did he come? Why is he here? Why did he come? Why....


  1. Goddard gasps and quickly sits up in bed, inhaling heavily as if to catch his breath. He keeps having nightmares. Seeing faces, skulls, people, places and things he can't identify. He thought it would stop once the books and crown were gone but it seems to have no end.

    He gets up out of bed and wanders around the palace as he's done every night so far. He hates it here. It's too hot and sometimes it's too cold, and this place feels empty and has too many rules that'll get him killed. "Stupid Araby."

    "Stupid Sethai," he mumbles. Goddard rubs his aching head and gingerly touches the scrapes on his ears and nose. "Stupid dwarf."

  2. Eyes closed and breath even, Aara slowly calms her mind and asks herself one question:

    Even now, with this rift between you, would you miss him if he wasn't here?

    She meditates on it for some time, rolling the answer around in her mind before settling on it with a sigh. Yes.

    Why are you so angry with him?

    Because I hate feeling this way.

    What can you do about it?


    Something close to peace settles in her, and she's able to stop the madness of overthinking the situation. I can wait, she tells herself, feeling more stable than she has in months. Standing, she gathers her scarf, veil, and shoes and heads down into the house. Blanket trailing, she ducks behind a corner when she hears someone mumbling in the dark, until she realizes it's Goddard.

    He really does hate it here.

  3. "I want to go home, but I don't want to go home," he says as if he's talking to someone. "I would go to Ulthuan, but they'd kill me," he gestures to the right at an invisible pile of possibilities. Gesturing to the left he says, "I could go to Naggaroth, but I'd probably get killed there too or worse."

    He wrings his hands and paces, looking around, hoping no one heard him say he'd actually think to willingly go to Naggaroth.

  4. Aara slips around the corner, a soft smile on her face. She may not look peaceful, but she definitely looks far less tense and fragile than the last few months. In fact, this is the first time he's seen her without a veil since their return to Altdorf. Approaching him in bare feet, she touches his arm gently.

    "Nuur'eni, whatever your reason for being here, I would miss you if you weren't. Goodnight."

    Without waiting for a response, she walks away quietly, blanket trailing behind her. I can wait.
    I hope.

  5. Goddard jumps but calms down quickly when he realizes it's Aara. "Night," he almost whispers before he decides he should probably try to get some sleep.

    When he gets back to his room, he flops down face first onto the bed. Sethai curls up under his arm and he tries to settle in the dark quiet places hidden behind the figures and beyond the voices.

  6. Aara is up before dawn and finishes her morning routine of running, training, and meditating. After a light breakfast she wanders around the palace, hanging to the edge of the courtyard where Rayya and her ladies entertain themselves. The harem has been closed, but Rayya and the other widows are well cared for by Koroush, who could never abandon his sisters.

    The bright morning light plays on the fountains water, throwing reflections on the women. Some play music, others sew, read, or play small games. Rayya eventually draws Aara out of the shadows, settling her on the lip of the fountain, where she can particpate if she wishes but will be otherwise left alone.

    I wonder where Goddard is? I don't even know what room he is in, only that he is in the men's quarters. Will Koroush visit his mother this morning? Perhaps he will have an assignment for me.

  7. Goddard curses the sun and finally gets up with a yawn. After he gets ready and has a few bites of breakfast, he sighs. "I shouldn't have come. I don't belong here." Sethai lands on his shoulder and Goddard tenses up. "This is all your fault."

    Sethai chirps happily.

    "Your cute dragon squeaks won't work on me." He crosses his arms and wanders over to the courtyard, following the sounds of music and voices. He sees all the women around the fountain and decides it may be best for him to stay in the shade on the edges of the courtyard, Even if he sits off to the side alone, Goddard still finds comfort in their music and soft voices. It distracts him from the thoughts and images in his own mind.

  8. ((Arabyan))

    "Shadow, sing for us," Rayya commands.

    Aara looks up from the golden fish swimming in the fountain. "Malika, no," she protests. "Ask Aisha, she has a sweeter voice, and I would only look like a fool."

    Rayya grins. "But Aisha sings for us all the time, you do not. Come, sing Hayati Ma3aki for me. It is my favorite, and I am an old woman, you must humor me." Rayya claps her hands and commands one of the younger widows to play her lute. Laughing, she picks up her sewing. "Sing."

    With a sigh, Aara takes a breath. "You know how awful this will be..." She starts, her voice off key and wavering, glad to be wearing a veil to covering the burning in her face.

  9. Goddard only really understands one of the words from the song and it makes him think of Aara. He doesn't want thought of her to hurt so much, but he can't help himself. He knows eventually his feelings will sort themselves out, but he wishes it would happen sooner. With a sigh, he pulls out a small book and flips through the pages, hoping he can find a spell or potion to help with his headache.

  10. When it's over, Rayya thanks her and Aara returns to the outer edge of the courtyard, her hands making a mudra for embarrassment. Instead of sitting, she walks around the perimeter of the courtyard, weary of idleness.

    "Perhaps I should go into town," she mutters to herself in reikspeil so Rayya doesn't hear her.

  11. "If I can mix this and this...yes...i might be able to put myself out for...a year?" Goddard smiles down at Sethai who simply looks up pitifully. "Alright fine. I won't do that one." He closes the book and looks up, trying to see where the all too familiar reikspeil is coming from. Aara...

    "I...guess I could go into town and buy what I need for my poison..."

    Sethai makes a high pitched sound which makes Goddard cringe.

    "Potion I mean potion. What did I say...I said potion! What did you think I said?!"

  12. Aara starts as she hears Sethai from the shadow ahead of her. "Goodness! What have you done to make Sethai so upset?" she asks in amusement.

  13. "He's a lot noisier about potions than I remember," Goddard replies, forcing a laugh and scooping up the dragon to put him on his shoulder.

  14. "Potions? Are you ill, nuur'eni?" she asks, stepping forward to feel his forehead but stopping halfway through the motion. Knotting her fingers in front of her, she looks down. "Is there anything I can help you with?"

  15. "I've been ill for years," he says with a shrug. Goddard pretends to not notice her reaching for him. "I guess you could maybe show me how to get to town. I need some fresh ingredients...maybe some alcohol...I don't know we'll see what I find," he laughs.

  16. Patience, Aara...

    "I can do that," she says with a smile. "Although I'm loathe to let you wander about on your own. You don't speak the language," she adds hastily. "I'd be happy to help...if you don't mind a small detour."

  17. "You do as you wish. I'm sure I'd be fine. What's the worst that could happen?"

  18. She scowls and steps back. "I'm only trying to help. I'm going to change and leave in ten minutes."

    Just once I wish he'd be clear on something. Being vague isn't so damnably necessary.

  19. Goddard watches her walk away in confusion. "Is it that I don't understand women? Or humans? Or human women?" He shakes his head and figures he'll use these ten minutes to give Zhane a snack.

  20. Aara changes into a black sleeveless shirt and pants with tiny gold skulls embroidered on the collar and down the pants leg, then layers a sleeveless red vest over it that reaches to her knees, also heavily embroidered, but with black vines and roses to match her tattoos. A matching red scarf goes over her face and hair.

    Gently, she tucks the amethyst ring inside her shirt and lets the pendant of Morr stay visible. She straps her swords and daggers on as she walks to meet Goddard. Just try to be patient, Aara. Remember where you're going and be dignified, you idiot.

    When she sees Goddard with Shane, she sighs and makes a mudra for patience, taking a moment to breathe deeply.

    At least he speaks to you. Be grateful for that.

  21. Once he sees Aara approach, Goddard climbs up onto the saddle. He digs around in the many belt pouches for a moment until he finally finds what he's looking for. He breaks off a small corner of a piece of chocolate and feeds it to Sethai.

    "I'm sure he had you hooked too. At least it won't go to waste," he almost coos very softly in Eltharin. Sethai takes the treat and nuzzles Goddard like a happy cat. He almost wants to smile but instead bites his lip and looks at Aara. Clearing his throat he says, "Lead on."

  22. Aara chooses not to ride and walks ahead of him. For once she's glad they aren't on the best of terms, it will make her errand easier since he won't want to talk about it. They pass through the gates, stopping to speak with Aziz and tell him that she had spoken with Koroush about his concerns.

    She walks quietly until she comes to a cemetery with a fence around it. "Go that way a little further," she tells Goddard, pointing. "You'll see an apothecary on your right. I'm going to be here a little while."

  23. Goddard nods and heads in the direction she pointed. A few moments after leaving Aara, Goddard has to fight back tears. "I-I didn't even do anything for him. I didn't even visit the..." He runs his sleeve across his face and takes a deep shaky breath. "We'll do something tonight Sethai. We'll pick something up special. Not sure what but we'll make it work."

  24. Aara weaves through the cemetery until she stands in front of the tomb, head bowed. It's plain as these things go, his name and the design of his marques carved into the stone door.

    Oh ustadh, I hope I am not a disappointment. I hope I have not shamed you.

    She reaches out and touches the stone, remembering the harsh old man she had loved so much and his rare affection.

    "You are my legacy."

    "I don't feel like a legacy," she whispers. "I feel lost... I've been away from home so long, it's like I've forgotten how to be what I am. What you made me." She sighs, resting her forehead against the carved stone of his monument. "Help me, ustadh. Help me find what I've lost."

    She stands like that for a long time, missing her teacher more than she misses Goddard. She thinks back to the first time she ever liked a boy, one of her fellow students. Four, you are not gold to be so easily molded by emotion.

    When she raises her head, her eyes are bloodshot but dry. Securing her veil, she walks in the direction she sent Goddard, her steps a little lighter.

    1. Koroush looks up from his desk at the early morning shadows that creep across the floor. He knows he should eat but doesn't wish to take the time. He mumbles to himself about the ink being sticky but realizes he's just delaying going downstairs.
      At some point he will have to see Goddard and not split him in two like a ripe melon but that can wait. At some point he will have to look upon Aara and accept that he waited too long and she will never be his... He finally rises from his desk and walks down the stairs to the kitchen areas. He takes a handful of dates and begins to chew them as his mind drifts to what could have, should have been. After a few moments Koroush goes outside to the stables and finds the blacksmith. He instructs the man to leave him be for a while and begins to beat a glowing piece of iron until it is as this as a hair and , if metal could beg, pleading for mercy.

  25. Koroush stalks back into the buildings and goes to Aara's chambers. Upon finding her gone he then seeks out Aziz. Koroush approaches Aziz quickly, "Aziz, I'm sure you will tell me where Mistress Aara has gone to today. I'm sure you understand how improtant this information is to me." Aziz stammers a bit before responding, "She has gone to the marketplace, my master. I will retrieve her if you wish it so Master." Koroush involuntarily looks in the direction of the market place, "No Aziz, I will find her in due time." He then leaves quickly and heads to the marketplace.

  26. Before she eve reaches the apothecary she sent Goddard to, Aara is distracted by a bookseller hawking his wares.

    "Rare exotic books!" he shouts, seeing her. "Perhaps Anissa has seen the world? Perhaps she wants to read of more?"

    Entranced, she leafs through a few, noting one in eltharin that she can't quite read yet. "A blank book, if you please," she asks. "Something small, sturdy, good for travel."

    He nods and produces a journal with a flexible leather cover and ties around it. "Anissa has great thoughts, yes? Most Mashi do. Please, accept this as a gift, and may the blessings of God shower on one so skilled."

    Aara accepts, but purchases the book in eltharin and another blank book, this one hard covered. Koroush will want a full, written account of our mission, she thinks, intending to make him a fair copy of her own journal.

  27. Even though he doesn't have to cover his head anymore, Goddard still keeps his hood up as he absentmindedly browses the various ingredients at the apothecary. Sethai gives him little nips and wing and tail slaps when his hand stays too long above something that could be toxic. Goddard chuckles each time.

    He finally purchases a few ingredients along with some candles and heads out to wander around the rest of the market, hoping to find something Otto might have liked.

  28. Koroush gives the somewhat frightened man a handful of silver coins. "You may do as you wish with the melons, I merely cut them into. A type of therapy if you will." He turns and walks into the crowd as the man begins to pass out the split melons as samples of his ware. Making his way through the throng of people, Koroush hears a vender offering books. He remembers Aara's fondness for the written word and makes his way in the vendor's direction.
    Koroush sees Aara talking with the book dealer for a few moments. Watching her, he smiles at her grace and beauty.

  29. Once the seller wraps her purchases, she tucks it under her arm and moves further into the market. Pausing at a jewelry seller, she contemplates a new stud for her nose. Maybe something sparkly? No one will see it but me. On a whim, she buys a small garnet stud for her nose and an earring with a tiny scimitar hanging off it.

    Feeling eyes on her, she looks up and catches Koroush watching her.

  30. Koroush sees her turn but is too enthralled to look away in time. He smiles and waves to her, hoping she doesn't think it strange that he is watching her. Walking toward her through the crowd, he grins broadly as he get closer to her.

  31. He is confused by the piece of melon thrust upon him as he passes by a stand, but appreciates what appears to be a free snack. "He'd like this Sethai," Goddard says after tasting the fruit. "I could probably buy any kind of food and he'd like it right?"

    Sethai chirps and Goddard purchases one of the melons. He turns around and quickly picks Aara and Koroush from the crowd. "I wonder if I stand out as much as they do?" he whispers.

  32. "Good morning, my lord," she says brightly. "What brings you out- and unprotected, I might add? You should at least one man with you at all times!"

  33. "What use have I for a hundred men when you are with me. No man could ever better you, you are as nightshade, as deadly as you are lovely." As soon as the words escape his lips, he reddens and turns away. Hoping against hope that Aara did not see his embarassment at his forwardness, he turns and looks away into the crown. Koroush's eyes rest upon Goddard's tall yet frail frame. He smiles at the approach of the elf.

  34. Aara stares at him before laughing. "You're much better at joking, now," she tells him. "I could never believe that, when I was young you used to tell me how plain looking I was all the time!"

  35. "Well, yes, all part of keeping your guard up against attack. Any kind of attack. Things are not as they were when we were young my friend." He sighs at his weak attempt to trick her. He smiles at Goddard as he apporaches them, "Ah, Goddard, I see you have aquired some of our land's humble trinkets to entertain yourself with."

  36. Beneath her veil, she raises an eyebrow. What does he mean? When they meet with Goddard, she is instantly fascinated with the thin fabric wrapping her packages.

  37. Suddenly, Aziz and four palace guards rush to them as they greet Goddard. "My Master, you should not be in the open without protection. I must insist you allow us to remain with you while you are among the peoples." He and the guards look about nervously at anyone they feel is too close.

  38. "Entertain?" Goddard looks down at what he is holding and tries his best to figure out how any of this could be entertaining. "I would say probably the opposite of entertaining."

  39. Aara steps forward to speak with Aziz. "Peace, Aziz, I have already chastised your master for it. He claims my presence is enough protection for him." She straightens her shoulders and looks up at him. "After all, I am capable."

  40. Aziz looks relieved. "Are you certain, Anissa? Your inju-"

    "I'm sure," she cuts him off, not wanting to speak of her injury or assailant that caused it. "Aziz," she adds gently, "return to your duties, I will keep the Khalif close at hand."

    As the men leave them, she turns to Koroush. "See? I told you as much."

    Turning to Goddard, she looks over his shoulder and asks if he got everything he needed.

  41. Goddard nods. "I think so. What about you?" His eyes move between both Aara and Koroush.

  42. She shrugs. "I was coming to find you and make sure you didn't get too lost. My, ah, detour was all I needed to do." Risking a glance, she meets his eyes. "I didn't anticipate shopping for myself."

  43. "Your detour reminded me of something," he mumbles, staring down at his purchases to avoid eye contact. "I'm ready to go back if everyone else is."

  44. Aara tries to hide her disappointment when he refuses to meet her eyes. "We don't have to, we can look around more. This city is much larger than the one Ali lives in. Unless you want to go back."

  45. Goddard grits his teeth. "Then we can stay if you wish," he says calmly. "I am in no rush to take care of anything."

  46. I wish there were a mudra for "go to hell."

    Instead, her hands start to form "patience" and end in a tangle. "These two," she mutters in Kislevian, throwing her hands up and walking away. She nearly drops both her packages and curses softly in druhirr.

    It really is the most satisfying language to curse in, she thinks with a grin.

  47. Koroush smiles to himself when he sees the conflict going on between them but his smile quickly turns sour when he thinks of the pain it must cause Aara. He never wants her to be upset or anhappy ever again but he realizes there's no way to make that happen. He turns and begins to walk toward a sweets cart a little further down the street. A bowl of candied figs catch his eye.

  48. Stopping at a street artist, she sighs and dangles her purchases from one hand and reaches up for the opposite shoulder with the other. Just once- just ONCE- I want him to tell me exactly what he wants. Why does he have to be so vague? Doesn't he know it's maddening?

    Is it too late to join the church?

  49. Koroush eases toward the sweets cart, his mind centered on memories of his youth. A cart very much like this one where a dirty little street rat, starving for food and love, attempted to cut his purse. How things have changed, she no longer steals gold, she now steals his heart with every action she makes and every word she speaks. "Good sir, how much for all your wares?" Koroush gestures toward the cart as he addresses the vender.

  50. Goddard rolls his eyes and follows some distance behind Aara.

  51. "Anissa is a lover of art, yes?"

    Aara focuses on the street artist. "Something like that," she tells him.

    "Anissa would like her portrait painted?"

    She shakes her head. "No, I don't think so. I don't make a very good subject." She laughs. "Or a very good anything, really."

    The artist frowns, confused. "Forgive me, madam, but it seems to me you are very good at at least one thing."

    She nods. "Maybe it's time I quit that, too." Turning, she starts to walk back toward Koroush and sees Goddard a few steps behind.

  52. The vender looks at Koroush with doubt in his eyes until Koroush offers him a look at his coin. "For you good sir, fifty will clean out my inventory. Where should I deliver the good sir's purchase?" The man, a short but thick fellow with a greying beard and hair, grins hugely as he waits for directions. Koroush responds "No, good sir, I wish you to give it to the children here in the market. Tell them it is a present from the young Sultan." With that, he turns and walks off a few yards and then nods to the man.

  53. Goddard watches Koroush and sighs. He's reminded of the time before he looked old enough to get drinks in bars. No matter how old he told the bar keeps he was, no one would serve him a drink.

    To occupy himself and keep out of trouble, he'd give little trinkets and coins to the children running around Altdorf. Part of his reasoning was so someone would play with him. Being a wizard, especially of the Amethyst college, frightened everyone, but children were easily distracted with some candy. His other reason was he felt bad for them. Most were orphans and he knew how horrible it felt to be alone.

  54. The vendor calls loudly to the children, "Little ones, come to me. I have a gift for you from the Sultan! He gives you all the sweets before you upon this cart!" The children rush forth, scrambling to be in line for the free sweets. "No no, children! You must be good to get your reward! Everyone will got some, just be patient!" The children calm a bit and wait to be handed candy from the man. He smiles and reminds them who gave them this rare treat and to be thankful for it.

  55. "Must be good," he turns to Sethai with a smirk. "They used to ask for more coin based on who could steal more berries and I'd hand it out."

  56. Aara turns away from the sight of the children getting their treats and watches Koroush fondly. He's a good Khalif. I'm glad. Approaching him, she stands quietly beside him.

    "You have always been good to children, my lord," she says softly. "Even the bad ones."

  57. Goddard watches Aara and Koroush and furrows his brow. "She has no idea," he mumbles in druhiir. "But...but what do I care...I don't care! Shut up Sethai!"

  58. Aara looks over at Goddard. "No idea about what?" She asks.

  59. "Nothing!" he says quickly, looking her in the eye finally, even if just for a second. He turns from her just as fast and looks at the sky. "Sethai is just...he's being annoying. Yeah...bad Sethai! OW!"

    Sethai nips Goddard on the nose and flies off.

  60. The scene is so ridiculous Aara can't help but laugh when Sethai bites him. "Sethai, you can walk with me if you like," she snickers.

  61. "He's being a brat...ignore him," Goddard grumbles and busies himself with looking at whatever wares are at the nearest stall.

  62. She sighs, her attention torn between Goddard and Koroush. I just want to take his pain away... She makes a rarely used mudra before clutching the ring through her shirt.

    "That's not unusual for him," she agrees softly. She notices the stall he's looking at. "Oh, a chess set! Do you play?"

  63. "Yes. Father and I would play a lot of board games and card games before I was brave enough to wander the streets." Part of him is happy thinking about those moments and another part is wishing he could just forget it all.

  64. "Rayya taught me. She taught me a lot of things. Most of them pointless, like singing and embroidery," she laughs.

  65. "I can sew well enough to fix rips in my clothes. And singing isn't pointless. It helps with a lot of things."

  66. She blushes and hopes her coverings hide it. "It is when you don't do it well. Rayya makes me sing sometimes and it's so embarrassing." Idly she wonders what he did the purple robes she embroidered for him before it occurs to her that he might ha e heard her that morning.

  67. Goddard shrugs. "It doesn't matter. Even if it's as off key as the woman I heard earlier today, it's still nice."

  68. Aara groans. "You heard that? Ugh...kill me now..."

  69. Goddard's eyes widen. "Th-that was you? I uh...I mean, it wasn't that bad?"

  70. She nods shamefully. "It used to be better but...things have happened. I'm sure you didn't even notice, but I stopped singing a long time ago." She shrugs, toying with a chess piece. "It's just as well."

  71. "Just keep at it and it'll get better. That's usually how most things work."

  72. She shakes her head. "Theo said my voice is gone. Too much screaming," she says, trying to laugh it off. "At least I can still dance," she jokes, "so I still have my backup."

  73. Koroush smiles as Aara draws near to him. "Yes, even the bad ones need love and care. Especially the bad ones." His voice trails off as the smile eases from his face and his eyes are drawn toward the slowly dropping sun. He turns to Aara and Goddard, "Perhaps it is time we should return to the palace. It is well past noon and I don't want to worry Aziz."

  74. Aara nods and replaces the chess piece. She gently squeezes Goddard's bicep before turning to walk in front of Koroush. She waves cheerfully to the children eating candy in groups, grinning at their delight.

    This looks like home. I remember it as home.

    But it doesn't feel like home anymore.

  75. Goddard motions for Sethai to come back and he climbs onto the saddle, more than ready to get back. For one, he gets tired of the sun and heat quickly, and second, he wants to talk to Otto. Or at least try to.

  76. Aara gets them back quickly and sees a servant waiting at the gates. As soon as he sees Aara, he appraoches.

    "Anissa, there is a guest awaiting you and the great wizard. Malika Rayya bade me to tell you he is of great importance."

    Confused, she turns to Goddard. "It seems we have a visitor," she tells him.

  77. "Great wizard? Me? Finally, some respect," Goddard smirks.

  78. She ignores his comment and follows the servant into a sitting room and squeals in delight at the person awaiting them.


    A tall man in his early thirties turns to them, a dazzling smile ready. He's dressed colorfully in silks and gold hoops in his ears. His head is shaved, but a thick beard woven with gold thread more than makes up for it. All in all, he cuts a dashing figure.

    Aara tears away her veil and rushes to him, clasping his hands warmly. "Two! It's really you!"

    He laughs, squeezing her hands. "Four, I heard you were back. How is it you entered the city without fanfare, oh great hero?"

    Her eyes sparkle with happiness as she laughs at him. "We practically snuck in," she explains. "How did you know?"

    He grins at her again. "Siba told me. She got your last letter and sends me with her love and a note," he tells, handing her a sealed letter. "Now, I must meet this elf I've heard so much of." Still holding her hands, he shifts his gaze to Goddard. "You are, I assume, the wizard Goddard?"

  79. Goddard nods slowly, confused by what's going on. "Yes I am. And you are...?"

  80. He scowls playfully at Aara. "Four, you haven't spoken of me to your friends? I am shamed!" He releases her hands and bows deeply to Goddard. "My lord, I am Rafiq. I studied with Four during our younger days." When he rises, he offers a hand to Goddard. "My sister was one of those who was taken and came back in The Great Return. I owe you a great debt, my lord."

  81. Goddard shakes his hand. "I'm glad I could help reunite you. But really, no reason to think you owe me a debt. I just wanted to help."

    "But at least you seem more appreciative than others who say they owe me," he mumbles. "Thank you."

  82. "My family honors you, lord," he says before turning to wag a finger at Aara. "But you, you minx. Why do you not speak of me in great terms? Did we not always spar with passion and viciousness?"

    That is when Aara notices his hands. "Two...your hands..." she says sadly. "They're...empty."

    Two smiles sadly and shrugs. "Not all of us are put on the path to greatness like you and your lord here. Some of us guard wizened old sheiks with no enemies and many beautiful daughters. Though none could outshine you, Four." He reaches out and lays a hand on her cheek. "Those eyes could taunt a man for a century."

    She slaps his hand away. "You're ridiculous. Now, what news of Siba?" she asks, leading them to sit. Two sits rather close and keeps one of her hands in both of his.

    "She sends her love to the two of you, and hopes- and a I quote- 'the mangoon still remembers his lessons in swimming.' Ibben awaits you, although Tarik would be most distraught to lose his friend." He shrugs. "While you have been off saving the known world, life goes on. Ali prospers, the children grow."

    "And you?" she asks. "A wife? Children?"

    "Now Four...what would I want with a wife with bare hands?" he teases, tugging on her scarf and freeing her hair to run his hand through it. "My lord Goddard, would you do me the honor of telling the tale of The Great Return? I'm told you were most heroic."

  83. Calm yourself. You don't even like each other anymore anyway. Right? Right. Not to mention all the things you did to her that ended in the grand breaking of your face. Goddard watches them, him. He slowly drags a claw across the melon but snaps to attention when he hears his name.

    "Tell the tale," he stammers. "Oh no...I'm not very good at could ask Aara. I'm sure she'd love to tell you. I uh really need to go take care of...of...this," he holds up the melon. "Yes's for my father well not really. He's uh...never mind...I'm going. Don't have too much fun," he laughs nervously and quickly makes his way to his room.

  84. Aara watches him go, the easy smile she's worn fading. "Well, that was strange," she murmurs. "I wonder what..."

    Two leans closer, twisting some of her hair between his fingers. "Siba told me you and he were that right?" he asks.

    Aara turns her head to look at him, gasping at how close he is. "Uh- we- Two, you're far too close for comfort!" she laughs, untangling herself and moving to stand at a window. "He isn't- we aren't-"

    Two laughs and sits back. "If you aren't, I'm a sand worm. Siba also told me I wouldn't get far," he admits. "Have you gone to see him?" he asks suddenly, changing his tone and the subject.

    She nods. "Today. Two, do you ever feel like a great disappointment?"

    Two chuckles darkly. "You're asking one who was trained by a Mashi Al'Maut and has empty hands. Of course I do. Who wouldn't, after that kind of training?"

    She nods. "I just...Once, when we were young, you dazzled me. You were older, stronger, more talented. I fancied myself in love, and he told me to put it away, ignore it."

    He nods in agreement. "He told me as much when I first thought I had feelings for someone. Ustadh was right, love is dangerous for our- your kind. Let him go if that is what he wants, Four," he adds, gesturing to the door Goddard left through.

    They talk a while longer, the sun sinking slowly toward evening when Rafiq leaves. Alone again, she sits in the courtyard, trying to read her new book and wishing Goddard wasn't so distant.

  85. Goddard slams the door behind him and catches his breath. "I have no right feeling that way," he drops everything onto the bed. "I-I remember telling her not to get mad at me if my hands wandered. I can't get mad over someone else with hands. And why am I mad anyway? I'm not mad!"

    Sethai stares blankly up at Goddard as he rants and paces.

    "It doesn't matter," he says finally, picking up the melon and a dagger. He sits on the floor and takes a deep breath before quietly whispering the words for a spell. "I hope you're here. I hope we can talk. I got this for you." Goddard cuts a slice from the melon and holds it in his hand. A small thud can be heard from somewhere inside the room.

    "I miss you father. You haven't been gone long, but I miss you so much. I'm sorry for all the times I caused you trouble. I hope I've made up for that as I got older. I hope I've made you proud." Goddard listens for a sound, but hears nothing. He sighs. "Please. Tell me something. Show me something. Anything. I need to know you're here and you can hear me. You left so suddenly. I don't know what to do. I feel so lost."

    His eyes fill with tears and he looks down at the floor. It's red. The floor around him is covered in blood. Goddard's breathing quickens and he gasps when he sees the melon has been replaced by a severed head. The face is covered in long hair and gore and a piece of the skull is missing. He closes his hand around what was supposed to be the piece of melon he cut, but is now a mass of flesh, bone and hair. With a shriek, he throws it across the room.

    As he tries to move away from the head, he begins to feel as if he is sinking into the floor, into the blood. His calls for help seem to be caught in his throat. He closes his eyes tightly and when he opens them, everything looks as it did before. The melon sits on the clean floor across from him. The piece he had sliced from it is across the room, smashed after it hit the wall.

    He wraps the cloak tightly around himself and sobs. "Who are you? Why would you do this? I just wanted to speak to my father." A sound, louder than anything Goddard has ever heard, fills the room. It's as if the world around him exploded. He rushes outside to see what has happened, but everything is as it always had been. He rubs his hands on his cloak as if wiping away the non-existent blood and wanders around the palace, his hood pulled up to hide the terrified look on his face.

  86. Aara makes notes in the margins of her book, dissecting the eltharin phrases and words the way Goddard taught her before. It isn't too long before she realizes her book is full of poems.

    "Listen to the....something...of the elves," she mutters, "listen to the... This is impossible," she sighs. "I don't know enough to read it." Tossing the book down in frustration, she prowls the courtyard, thinking about Two and what he said. "Stupid. Why are all these men so stupid?" she growls. "I swear, the moment a woman gets around them they loose all thought processes."

    Her frustration with the book only serves to make her mood darker, and she finally draws her weapons to seek out a sparring partner, but sees Goddard practically running through the hallways. Sheathing them, she follows him at a distance.

  87. Goddard is mumbling very quickly in a mix of druhiir and eltharin. Aara can pick out a few words easily he seems to say often. 'Why', 'father', 'demons', and 'blood'. He finds a dark, lonely corner and pulls out a book and a piece of coal and scribbles something in it with shaking hands. This seems to calm him down some.

  88. "Nuur'eni?" she asks worriedly, approaching and squatting in front of him. "Love, can I help?" She doesn't lift his hood, but ducks her head enough to look inside it at him.

  89. The book snaps shut and he holds it close to his chest. "You can't!" he says in a panic. When he finally realizes it's Aara, the panic and fear melts from his face and is replaced by sadness. "I shouldn't have used those books. I shouldn't have, but I needed to. Everything would have been destroyed if I didn't. I shouldn't have..." He suddenly reaches out and wraps his arms around her, pulling her close and holding her tight, as he tells her what had happened in the room.

  90. She's stunned for a moment, and her heart leaps. Calm, Aara. You don't know what will happen...but this is so nice..."Oh darling," she murmurs, holding him tight. "I know. None of us should have ever been involved, especially you. But what could you do?" She listens silently as he tells her, combing her hands through his hair to soothe him. When he's done, she pulls back just enough to look in his eyes. "I'm so sorry. Is there anything I can do for you?"

  91. Goddard manages a grin, assuming what he says next will get a rise out of her. "You could just end me? Just make it fast. And clean maybe. Don't want to leave a mess for anyone to deal with."

  92. She grins a little at what she assumes is a joke and brushes his hair out of his face. "And do what with myself after? You're already a mess, hayati, but you've been my mess for so long I don't know if I could do without you," she adds with a more sincere smile. "Would you like me to make you some sleeping tea tonight? It helped a little before."

  93. "If I'm gone, you apparently have this two person," he laughs then stands up, checking the pouches on his belt.

    "I was planning on making something to make me sleep. That's what I needed ingredients for. Maybe if I sleep some, my mind can recover even just a bit."

  94. She scoffs. "Two is a fool who was testing the waters. I have no interest there." She stands with him, suddenly embarrassed. "If you need anything, please ask. Goddard, I-" She sighs and reaches up to kiss him on the cheek. "Dinner won't be long."

    She adjusts his cloak on his shoulders before walking away, kicking herself.

  95. He touches his cheek and waits a moment before he goes back to his room to prepare something before dinner to help him sleep later. Nothing 'interesting' happens in his room this time and he's incredibly grateful.

    He decides to scoop up Sethai and make his way to where dinner will be served.

  96. Aara retrieves her book and goes up to her room to change. Everything in her old room near Koroush's chambers has been moved to a lonely hallway. The widows and their children by the former Khalif live two floors above, and being neither of those, her place isn't among them.

    So it's an empty hallway in limbo for her, which suits her just as well. Her quarters are spacious and quiet and no one hears her nightmares or midnight walks. Aara sits on front of the window and unwraps the jewelry she bought, switching her simple gold stud for the new ruby one and hanging the scimitar in her right ear with a stud to balance the other.

    After dressing her hair, she decides to skip dinner and follows the stairs up to the roof instead.

  97. Goddard eats more tonight than he has in the past few days. Sethai eats as well and Arha complains about Goddard and Sethai eating too much. He feels like tonight he may actually get some real sleep and he smiles at this thought.

    He walks out into the courtyard and finds a spot where he won't get trampled to lay on his back and look up at the sky.

  98. Standing on the wall of the roof just over the courtyard, she looks out over the city. It's such a lovely night. The torch bearers all look like fireflies.

    Feeling light hearted, she starts doing handstands, thrilling at the feel of being so high and on the edge.

  99. Goddard blinks slowly and then gasps as he spots the shape of someone who looks like they are going to fall to their doom. He quickly gets to his feet and Sethai flies as fast as he can up to who he recognizes as Aara once he gets closer.

    Sethai squeaks at Aara then looks down at a concerned Goddard.

  100. "Hello Sethai," she says brightly, smiling at him upside down. "What can I do for you?" Slowly she readjusts her position until she's sitting on the wall with her legs hanging off.

  101. Sethai squeaks down at Goddard and then acts as though he is trying to push Aara back away from the edge.

    "Don't scare me like that!" Goddard yells up almost angrily. "You could land on me and kill me!"

  102. Aara laughs down at him and lets Sethai push her from the wall. "So angry, Sethai," she laughs softly. "He should be careful, someone might think he cares."

  103. The small dragon nods and flies back down to Goddard who crosses his arms and sits on the edge of the fountain.

    Sethai looks down into the water and upon realizing there are fish swimming around, tries to catch one.

  104. "What are you doing down there, anyway?" she murmurs, tossing down a handful of leaves and flowers. "You've been taciturn and argumentative, and then today..." She shakes her head, laughing. "Come up here," she shouts down to him. "The view is better."

  105. He squints up at her. "I'm fine down here," he yells up.
    "I don't want to be in a roof nook alone with you," he mumbles to himself, adjusting his crossed arms. "Who knows what might happen..."

  106. Aara shrugs and goes back to sitting on the walls, dangling her legs over the edge. Idly she twists jasmine vines together into a flower crown and puts it on, laughing at him. "Coward," she chuckles, ducking out of sight. At a run, she takes the servants staircase and slips into the courtyard from the side, spying on him.

  107. Goddard hunches and furrows his brow, watching the shadows for movement. He doesn't want to want to hug her or chase her. He wants to sit around and be gloomy and she's making it difficult.

  108. I wish Ibben were here...

    She stays right where she is, watching him ruffle his feathers without any help from her.

    Why IS he so upset? Because I kissed him? And he says Sethai is being a brat. Stop being so gloomy.

  109. "Why are you stalking me?" He says to the shadows. "Did you decide to grant my wish from earlier?"

  110. "Stalking and spying are two different things," she answers. "And maybe I will. One day." Her voice softens, but she doesn't move. "Are you so miserable, nuur'eni?"

  111. Goddard's shoulders droop and he sighs. "Honestly, I'm lost," he says softly, looking down at his hands. "I can deal with my hallucinations and nightmares. But this feeling..."

    "You have this place. You have Araby. I belonged with father. With him, I didn't have to hide. I was safe. But now...where do I belong? The only place I would have the slightest chance at would be my first home." He picks at the frayed ends of his sleeves. "I don't want to be that kind of monster."

  112. She shakes her head. "You aren't the only lost one," she tells him, wrapping her arms around her legs and resting her chin on her knees. "I wanted, so badly, to come home after we...separated. But I don't belong here anymore. Our society doesn't have a place for women like me," she explains. "You don't have to be alone. I don't want you to be alone. You could never be that kind of monster, you've proved that more than once."

  113. "You could go to Altdorf then," he says still staring at his hands. "A strong woman like you could do so many things. You wouldn't have to hide anything about yourself either. You could do whatever you wanted. Have whatever you wanted."

  114. She comes out of the shadow and puts her hand on his shoulder, wishing she felt confident enough to hug or even just sit next to him. "Don't you understand yet?" she laughs sadly. "Araby, Altdorf, it doesn't matter. Can't you just accept the fact that someone is crazy about you? That I want to watch over you so long as I can?"

  115. "I get it," he chuckles softly. "But you know you can do more. I need you to know you can be more." He doesn't look up at her. "And what if I can only be in Naggaroth? Would you go back there?"

  116. "I know that I can. You've shown me that." When he asks about Naggaroth, she shudders, remembering the horrors they lived through there, but doesn't hesitate. "Yes, I'd go, if that's where you went. But you'd have to promise to give me a pet moose."

  117. No matter how much he doesn't want to genuinely laugh he does. "Are you prepared to cover yourself in it's disgusting, numbing drool?" He turns just his eyes to her for a moment before looking back down.

  118. "A real moose!" she laughs. "I miss you looking at me. Sometimes it seems like you were the only one who could see past all this." She gestures to her head, indicating her absent scarf and veil.

  119. "Oh oh I see," he laughs. "That might be harder to get."

    Goddard turns his head and looks up at her. "I'm not from here. What you wore meant nothing to me."

    He looks away and laughs. "What women wear generally means nothing to me. But I looked at what you were capable of." He laughs again. "Ahh I am sorry. My head isn't right. I'm ruining everything as I always do."

  120. "I know it doesn't matter to you, but it did to me. So much more than you could understand." Now she does sit next to him. "You haven't ruined anything, and you deserve the time to get your head right. I'm not all right myself," she adds, "but I'm working on it. And working on waiting."

  121. Goddard stares at her blankly then raises a brow. "Me? To what? Die? This can go one of two ways. Either Morr realizes his mistake and takes me soon, in which case you won't have to wait very long, or you'll be waiting a long time, so long, you won't be around to see it."

  122. She laughs and shakes her head. "You really are a magnoon." She turns to face him fully, pulling one leg up to her chest. "You. For you to grieve, to heal. To decide if spending part of your long life with me is still something you want to do."

  123. "It would have been easier if you were waiting for what I suggested," he jokes.

    Goddard turns his body to face her but doesn't look up. "You will always be in my life. We will always be a part of each other's life. It's just a matter of how. Even when I am a thousand years old, you will still always be a part of my life."

  124. She smiles a little. "As nice as that is to hear, you know that's not what I mean." Aara picks up the hand wearing the ring she had made. "Do you like it?" she asks.

  125. He twists the ring on his finger. "It suits me. I guess I just generally like jewelry. I still kept all of mine. It's just away for now. I'll wear all again eventually."

  126. She nods. "That's good. You look a little strange not wearing all of it." She toys with the ring on her chain.

  127. "You can do with that whatever you wish," he says, pointing to her ring. "I won't be mad."

  128. She shrugs, tucking it back into her shirt. "It just didn't feel right wearing it. When it does, I'll put it back on."

  129. "I can understand that," he mumbles. "Nothing feels right. In time it'll get better. I have to keep reminding myself."

  130. "It will. At least, that's what I'm told." She looks down at her foot. "Did you really follow me here?" she asks shyly. "Koroush seems to think you did."

  131. "I-I wanted to be mad. I wanted to wander into the woods alone. Maybe get lost. Eaten. But...." Goddard motions toward Sethai. "He wouldn't let me. He's a lot like father. Pushing me to do the most insane things."

  132. "I wanted you to be mad," she admits
    "I wished you would get violent. Fight with me. Anything would have been better than silence." Glancing up, she fidgets with her earring. "When you got on Zorgrats ship I didn't know what to do except hide."

  133. "I guess I was lucky. Getting in touch with my nautical roots helped keep my mind occupied." He laughs. "Those idiots. They put me through hell."

  134. "It seemed like you needed it. The work, I mean. You built a little muscle," she jokes.

  135. She nods. "That's good. You look a little strange not wearing all of it." She toys with the ring on her chain.

  136. She nods. "That's good. You look a little strange not wearing all of it." She toys with the ring on her chain.

  137. She nods. "That's good. You look a little strange not wearing all of it." She toys with the ring on her chain.
