Friday, October 30, 2015

Goddard shrugs. "At least I was nice enough to back off when someone expressed total and complete disinterest in me. I'm at least leagues smarter than he is."


  1. She grins. "He's honest about what he wants, at least." She laughs in delight when he spins her out and back again. "That's fancy."

  2. "How can you keep saying anything positive about him? He's awful."

  3. Laughing, she taps his nose. "Because he is dear to me. We spent nearly every day together for years. I can't help but see my ustadh in him. Besides," she adds, "he's no worse than your friend Rieker."

  4. "A proud cry baby?" Goddard laughs. "Is that just a thing that happens in many male humans?"

  5. "Not at all. You're just very judgemental of we poor humans," she teases dramatically. "What torture it must be to simply be in our low presence."

  6. "Indeed," he sighs dramatically.

  7. Her eyes crinkle with a smile. "I'm glad you decided to join me. This is fun."

  8. The song seems to end and Goddard takes a step back. "Yes. This is fun. But..." He speaks softly while looking down. "I think one song will be enough," he chuckles.

  9. She keeps his hand in hers, tugging gently. "Not yet, don't run off to your dark corner yet..."

  10. "But it's so cozy. With the pillows and the fanged snake," he laughs. "How many more dances? One more?"

  11. She considers this playfully. "One more. But not the next one. I want to save it, to claim later." She pushes him toward his pillows. "You have a reprieve, albeit temporary."

  12. Goddard nods and goes back to his spot in the pillows. Gath lets out a heavy sigh. "Don't sound so happy to have me close again," Goddard snickers.

  13. Aara watches him go, trying not to smile too widely. Unthinkingly, her hands form a mudra she hasn't used in what seems a long time. Enthusiastically happy.

    "What a display," Two whispers in her ear. "Dance this one with me, he won't know it anyway," he says, pulling her closer than is necessary for such a fast routine. "I demand a rematch," he add with a chuckle in her ear. "No weapons this time."

    Aara laughs up at him. "Think you could handle me a second time?"

    He makes a sound deep in his throat. "Maybe a rematch isn't exactly what I have mind. More...hand to hand." Confused, she looks up at him in silence. "Come with me tonight," he offers.

    "I- ah-" Surprisingly, she realizes that she wants to take him up on it. Almost. To be held and wanted, even if for a short while...And he's upfront about it. Her surprise must show clearly, because he laughs and drops her into a low dip, brushing his lips against her forehead.

    "Think about it," he tells her. "Come with me now, come to me later. It doesn't matter."

    "Ah- um..."

  14. Goddard crosses his arms and watches Aara and Two. Gath turns to him to speak but Goddard interrupts. "Look...I don't care ok? She can chop him to pieces if she has to. I-I just don't like him."

    Gath nods. "Whatever you say my lord."

  15. "Oh Rafiq, I want to," she breathes as he pulls her close. Part of her yearns to lean into him and let his arms tighten around her, but only a small part. "I have missed being in someone's arms. Tonight has begun to remind me of how it feels."

    "So you'll come?"

    "I would," she repeats sadly.

    He frowns. "But."

    "But I can't."

    He scowls, pulling her away from the other dancers to the side of the roof. "Because of him? He doesn't want you, Four. He doesn't love you, whatever you had in the past. If he did, he certainly wouldn't make you feel this way."

    "But I want him all the same. I'm in love with him, Rafiq."

    "Why? He's cruel and cowardly and selfish-"

    She slaps him, hard.

  16. "I suppose you were right," Gath says.

    "See? He's probably over there saying something idiotic."

  17. "Damn it, Aara! You just broke my nose an hour ago!"

    "And I will do more if you say another word against him," she tells him. "You don't know the hell we went through together, and I won't allow that kind of talk. He's the first one who ever saw me for me, and-"

    He scoffs."You haven't changed at all, have you? You trip around, looking at us with those big green eyes pretending not to know everyone is falling in love with you." He grabs her shoulders and shakes her so hard her teeth rattle. "So cold and distant, just like Ustadh taught you- except to him! What more do you want, Aara? He's a wizard! Immortal! You're being written about in history books as we speak for being one of the greatest heroes Araby has ever known! How can a mortal man possibly compete with Oh Great Goddard of Har Ganeth?" He shakes her again, punctuating Goddard's name before tossing her to the floor.

  18. Goddard grits his teeth and gets to his feet quickly. He makes his way menacingly to Two with Gath close on his heels.

    "I've been wanting to do this since I've met you," Goddard hisses in druchii before punching Two as hard as he can in the jaw, hoping his rings leave a mark that will never leave him for the rest of his short life.

    "If you are mad at me for whatever reason, come to me. Coward. Or do you know you stand no chance?" Goddard says in reikspeil.

  19. Two looks as if he wants to retaliate, but his eyes fall on Gath behind him. "You're welcome to her," he sneers, rubbing his jaw and storming away.

    Stunned and embarrassed, Aara sits on the floor, staring wife-eyed up at Goddard silently.

  20. "I wouldn't need Gath to take care of you anyway," Goddard mumbles as Two leaves. He offers a hand to Aara to help her up. "You could stab him next time. Unless you want us to."

  21. "I- uh-" She flushes, her anger and embarrassment clouding her already spinning thoughts. She takes his hand to get up, but wraps her arms around herself and turns away as tears burn her eyes.

    "Thank you," she whispers.

  22. "I'm sorry," he says softly. "I probably shouldn't have...I mean I know you can handle's just...well he said my name like that but was picking on you...makes no sense."

  23. She shakes her head. "No, don't apologize. You didn't do anything wrong. I'm just - he said-" she sighs, "some of what he said is a little true, that's all."

    The others all keep their distance, having seen most of the altercation. Looking around, Aara's face burns even more. "I think I'm finished dancing," she mutters, heading for the stairs.

  24. "What did he say? Was it about me?" He chuckles. "Next time tell him to come to me. True or not. But...There are some true, terrible things about me. He can find them all out on his own."

    "If you need anything, just let me know. I can leave Sethai with you," he says with a more serious tone, following a little behind her.

  25. Aara just shakes her head, wanting nothing more than to get out of everyone's sight.

    "Let her go," Raj says from further behind. "They've been this way since we were children," he adds, approaching them. "Rafiq has always been jealous of her. He fires something off, she hits him, they fight. He'll come around and apologize in a day or two. Some grand gesture of humiliation for him and amusement for her." Grinning widely, he pats Goddard on the shoulder. "That was some punch, she teach you that?"

  26. "I don't see how anyone can just be fine with that," Goddard says annoyed.

    "And I can fight just fine. When I'm not being a grand wizard, I can wield a sword and a scythe," he shrugs.

  27. Raj shrugs. "I don't either, but it's how they are. But should someone hurt one, the other would come riding hell for leather." He grins. "I have no doubts, sheik, I have heard stories. Lady Siba thinks highly of you, and that is no small thing in our circle."

  28. "I'm glad I could be so impressive," Goddard grins and Gath rolls his eyes. "If she needs anything, I'm sure she'll let someone know." He looks at Gath. "We should probably go back to the room. Let everything calm down."

  29. Raj grins. "Let me collect the idiot before you go down." He bows. "Please, tell Four I hope to see her again soon. Good night, my lord."

  30. "Ah thank you. Wouldn't want him to try anything more stupid."

  31. Raj nods and bids the remaining guests good night before disappearing.


    Aara chews her knuckle, staring out the window. Miserable and sore, she just wants to crawl under a rock, but the fight took a lot of energy and she's starving.

    Maybe I can sneak down to the kitchens. Barefoot, she wraps her tone around herself tightly and makes her way quietly.

  32. The two druchii head toward their room, expecting to be attacked now more than they may have thought before.

    "You always make so many friends?" Gath asks.


  33. Aara pauses at the end of her hallway, realizing that she'll have to cross the same path of anyone leaving the roof.

    Why am I so embarrassed? I didn't do anything wrong. he right? Do I really act that way?

    Keeping her head down, she sticks to the wall and tries to be invisible.

  34. They avoid contact with anyone and get to the room without incident. Goddard sits on the bed with a few of his books and Gath sits in his usual seat by the door. "Is this all you do?" he groans.

    Goddard doesn't look up from his book. "I am a sorcerer. What did you expect? There's a lot of research and planning before you do anything."

    "I suppose..."

    "Sadly, I don't think I can get any more information from books. We're going to have to go somewhere else for information. Either another, bigger library, or..."

    "I like the thought of the or. It will most likely be more interesting."

  35. Aara hears giggles and whispers come from the kitchen, recognizing Aisha's and Tessa's voices. "At least this won't be so bad," she whispers, going in.

    "Aara!" Aisha cries. "Oh, are you all right? Rafiq was positively brutal in his treatment!"

    Aara nods and sits on the table with them. Plucking a piece of fruit from the bowl between them, she shrugs. "Well enough. My pride is more wounded than anything."

    "What was the fight about?" Tessa, the younger of the two, asks. "Your elf sheik?"

    Aara nods, nibbling a melon piece. "They do not like one another."

    Tessa snorts. "It's no wonder. Rafiq is handsome and exciting and dashing, and Lord Goddard is...well...the exact opposite."

    "Tessa!" scolds Aisha. "You should be grateful!"

    "I am. But it can't be denied that he is pale, thin, and those scars aren't exactly attractive."

    Aara chuckles. "If you knew how he got some of them, you might think otherwise."

    Both girls lean in expectantly, and with a deep breath, Aara starts into the tale of how the vampire Tannin nearly killed him. She conveniently leaves out Reiker and his help.

    When she's finished, both girls are silent. "Oh my..." Tessa murmurs.

  36. "You won't take it as a chance to run off will you? I quiet like having a retainer."

    "You are the best of a terrible situation my lord. I will have to make due."

    Goddard smirks. "Try not to gush with joy."

  37. "So he really is some great elf wizard," Aisha murmurs. "But, Aara..." she turns Aara's hand over to trace the crossbow scar on her forearm. "You've come home with some strange scars yourself. Like these," she says, pushing Aara's hair back to display three claw marks on either side of her neck. They run in long, deep trails from her hairline just behind her ears all the way down to her shoulder. "What creature gave you these?"

    Aara covers them with her hands. "The ways of love are not always gentle, Aisha," she says sadly.

    Tessa's eyes go wide and she covers her mouth with her hands. "Did he put them there?" she demands, on the verge of anger.

    Aara makes a mudra for calm. "Yes, but not to hurt me. Pleasure can be found in pain, too, and he simply got carried away once. It has never happened again, he was very careful."

    Tessa's eyes gleam. "Do you hurt him, too?"

    "When he asks."

  38. Tessa looks like she wants to ask more, but Aisha jumps off the table. "Aara, we should go to bed," she says apologetically. "We can' about that. Even if I'm dying to," she adds with a laugh.

    Aara nods, making an apologetic mudra. "I understand. It's late, anyway. I'll walk you to your rooms."

    The conversation shifts to Aisha and her suitor, and her agonizing over when Koroush will settle the marriage contract and how excited she is to be a First Wife. Aara smiles at her chatter, glad to know that even with her harsh experience in Naggaroth she seems to have come out relatively unscathed. Once she sees the girls to their chambers, she heads down the stairs to her own for bed.

  39. Everything is dark. All he can hear is his heart beating. Even though he can;t see, he's compelled to move forward. If he doesn't, he's afraid something will come up behind him. He feels like whatever it is is getting closer. He runs faster and faster. The sound of his heart is filling his head and sounds like thumping foot falls. He can't breath and now he can no longer move. He's screaming and fighting but it does nothing.

    Goddard's eyes shoot open and he blinks, trying to adjust to the darkness. He still can't move and he feels a sharp pain on his chest. He begins to panic until he hears a voice.

    "Goddard!" Gath whispers angrily.

    Gath is sitting on Goddard, pinning his arms to his sides with his knees. One hand is around Goddard's neck, the other is holding a dagger. The tip is pressed against his chest. Gath loosens his grip slightly on Goddard's neck.

    "Are-are you tying to kill me?" Goddard croaks.

    "Yes. But you were thrashing and speaking in a language I did not understand. If you had become possessed or were summoning a demon, I had to do something to protect myself."

  40. "I see," Goddard whispers. "Well...since everythig is fine now, if you could just loosen up so I can breath some, this might actually be nice," he grins.

    Gath stays where he is but sits up. "You are certain you did not worship Slaanesh?"

    "Nah. Too many tentacles. Can I have my arms back?"

    Gath raises a brow and watches Goddard carefully for anything that might tip him off to some sort of demonic possession.

    "Look," Goddard sighs. "I'm fine. There won't be any demons. So either let me up oooor...we can play with the dagger..."

    Without a word, Gath moves and let's him up. "Thank you," Goddard laughs. He then sighs and rubs his forehead. "This happens every night," he tells Gath. "I'd appreciate it if I didn't wake up to you trying to kill me each time."

    "How else am I supposed to handle possible demons?"

    "Just...wake me up?" Goddard chuckles. "Or leave me alone. It's just nightmares." He gets to his feet and puts on some robes. "I tend to walk around for a while after them."

    Gath makes sure the dagger is tucked away and follows Goddard as he wanders around the palace until he feels he is able to try and sleep again.

  41. Aara groans and crawls out from under the bed into the predawn darkness. "Again?" she asks herself. She vaguely remembers the nightmares that had her falling out of bed and scrambling to hide. "It never ends."

    She numbly goes through the motions of her daily routine, but her spirits are too low to care. As she dresses, a note slips under her door.

    Aara, in order to make good on Goddards wager, I request that you meet my dye delivery this morning, and send the marked barrel to him this morning.
    My thanks,

    Aara groans again and slips into some shoes to go to the delivery gate.

  42. Goddard slowly opens one eye and looks around. Gath is in his usual spot, leaning on the chair and resting.

    "I didn't think you closed your eyes," Goddard yawns.

    "It's a necessary danger, as you've learned last night."

  43. Setting the two small barrels on the floor, Aara glances around before knocking on Goddards door. "Delivery," she calls in Arabyan.

  44. Gath quickly jumps to his feet and opens the door just a crack. He narrows his eyes at Aara and looks down at the barrels. "That's it?" he scowls.

  45. "Pardon me," she snaps at him. "Next time smuggle and fetch it your damn self."

  46. "Why do that when we can have you do it?" he shrugs and opens the door more to move the barrels in.

  47. She knocks one of the barrels over and rolls it down the hallway with her foot. "Now's the perfect time to start," she sneers as she walks away.

  48. "I see. I cannot count on you humans to keep your word even for a simple bet," he says loud enough for her to hear. He only moves the one barrel into the room and closes it behind him.

    "What happened?" Goddard asks, craning his neck to try and see through the door. "Who was that?"

    "These humans have no respect. This seems to be all the wine we won for our bet."

    "That's it?" Goddard sighs. "Better than nothing I suppose."

  49. Aara sends a servant to collect the other barrel and take it to Rayya. I hate him, she thinks darkly. He's just like every other pointy eared bastard I've met.

    She reports to Aziz, who sends her to be outfitted in the janissary uniform before patrolling the city walls with another man. He tries to be friendly and talk, but falls into silence when he realizes her foul mood.

  50. They sit beside the barrel with full glasses of wine.

    "Should we water it? We can make it last longer."

    Gath frowns. "Nonsense. This may be the last time I see wine here, but I plan on enjoying every drop."

  51. "You might want to go back. The slums over here can get rough."

    Aara snorts. "Good. I could use a good fight."

    The soldier shuffles his feet. "'am, didn't you have a good fight last night? And the night before?"

    She snort again. "Last night's fight was fine. I've still got some frustrations to work out," she adds, stretching her arms. "Lets go."

  52. "It may not be a lot, but this is delicious!" Goddard smiles after taking a gulp.

    "I guess these humans are good for something. Greedy too. They obviously hoard it since it isn't easily available."

  53. Aara pouts in disappointment. "Not one fight?" she mutters. "All I've heard is how dangerous this section of the city is, but nothing."

    The soldier chuckles. "If you'll pardon me, ma'am, even in uniform it's pretty obvious who you are. And word of last nights fight is spreading."

    She pouts even more.

  54. They drink silently for a while until the wine makes them more relaxed. Goddard asks Gath multiple questions which Gath refuses to answer.

    "You won't tell me anything will you," Goddard pouts.

    Gath silently shakes his head.

    "You'll see. One day. We'll talk. We'll be best friends."

    Gath laughs. "That's absurd."

  55. Aara sighs, bored. "Do you walk the whole city? Is it always this boring?"

    The soldier chuckles. "Ma'am, when a soldier is bored, it is a time of blessings. But it is not always this way."

    "Remind me to never take a position on guard again," she mutters, and he laughs again.

    "Adventuring more to your taste, then?"

  56. "Know what?" Goddard mumbles.


    "She's lucky I don't get crazy like she does..."


    "Her and Two...and you...seeing her back!" he gasps.

    Gath snorts. "So what if I saw her back?"

    "But but she showed you!" Goddard says in disbelief.

  57. Aara shrugs. "I don't know. Maybe. Things just seem strange here is all."

    He nodded. "Adventures change you. It's safer to stay home, cozy and small."

    "Do you really believe that?"

  58. "You're making a big deal out of nothing," Gath mumbles, throwing his head back to finish another cup of wine. "Plus, she's only a human."

    "What about her being a human?"

    "I'd never see a human as anything other than...than...than cattle!"

    Goddard gasps. "Aara is not a cow!"

    "You've been away from Naggaroth too long," Gath laughs. "Not really cows!"

    "I-I-I know!" Goddard says feeling insulted. "I'm not an idiot."

  59. The man shrugs. "Maybe. I have a wife, a little girl. My adventuring days were done before I was old enough to have them. Some men go out into the world and return new men. Some don't come back at all."

    Aara nods, thinking of Tannin, who had left home for adventure and glory and died in Naggaroth. Of Katarina, who was changed forever. Of elves who died in blood and horror on a ship. "Sometimes adventuring doesn't agree with you."

    "Does it agree with you?"

    She shrugs. "Sometimes. I have nightmares. Home doesn't feel the same. I don't feel the same."

    "As a father, I would say your travels forced you to grow in a way that being home didn't allow."

  60. "You could have fooled me my lord," Gath snickers. "I can only appreciate another druchii and only another druchii could appreciate the things I'd do to them."

    Goddard stares at him wide eyed.

    "What?" Gath asks a bit concerned.

    "Wel-well...keep going. What would you do?"

  61. Aara shrugs again. "Is it always this boring?" she asks, ignoring the small nod he gives her when she changes the subject.

    He starts telling tales of his years in the janissaries as a way to kill the time while they finish their patrol.

  62. Gath raises a brow and shakes his head. "You wouldn't even be able to handle just hearing about it. Look at you. You frail...squishy highborn."

    Goddard scoots closer. "You have no idea. Try me."

    Gath pauses to drink more wine and then he frowns. "I see what you're doing. You're trying to get us to be best friends or whatever you said earlier."

    Goddard gulps down more wine. "No no! I mean yes but no! It's just..." He drinks some more before continuing. "See...when we were in Altdorf there was this woman and she was...well she was a human and you wouldn't understand but she was...yes...and I was this close to..."


    "No no but Aara...she scared her away," Goddard pouts. "I..." He watches Gath drink from the large cup. "I am that way you are with wine and at least you got wine!" he says dramatically.

  63. "There's a message for you," Aziz tells her when they return from their patrol. "It's in the gatehouse."

    She nods once she removes her helmet. "Thank you commander."

    He waits till she walks away a bit before speaking again. "Aara. You're one of mine, now. I don't really care who you are beyond that. Keep your suitors to the palace. You're enough of a distraction to the men."

    She nods, chastised, and goes on. Ducking into the cool shadow of the gatehouse, she nods a greeting. "Commander said there was a message?"

    He nods and hands her a sealed box and note with a desert rose pinned to it. "Tell pretty boy to deliver his balls to the house next time," he chuckles good-naturedly.

    She laughs with him as she leaves, heading to the small storeroom she uses to change out of her uniform, tucking it under her arm. She makes her way up to the palace, asking a girl for a bath to be brought to her room. While she waits, she undresses and wraps herslf in a robe before sitting to read the note. She knows who it's from, anyway, so there's no rush. Breaking open the seal, she starts reading.

  64. "As foul as it may be, you could easily be with that woman."


    "Yes, Aara...whatever."

    "No! I can't!" Goddard groans.

    "And why not?"

    "I can't!"

    "There are plenty of others around."

    "Do you know what would happen to me if I simply touched anyone? I'd be lucky if all they did was cut my hands off!"

    Gath chuckles.

    "Soooo," Goddard grins. "What would you do?"

    "Slit your throat," Gath says, raising a brow.

    "Not too deep..."

  65. Aara,

    I behaved deplorably, and for that I can't expect forgiveness. But I do want you and your elf sheik to know that I am tremendously sorry for the insult I dealt you. Normally this gift would be followed by some ridiculous act to make you laugh and forgive me, but I feel I went too far and to act like a fool would only injure you more. I am jealous of him, yes, but that does not excuse my actions or words.

    Forgive me, my old friend. I hope that you will join me for a quiet dinner tonight, where we might discuss my abhorrent behavior in such a way as to make you feel superior and myself your slave.


    Also, please pass this trophy to your elf sheik. He knocked it out, and I would have him accept his trophy.

    "Well...that is different," she murmurs. Tearing away the wrapping on the box, she sees an ornate carving across the top. While the box is a rich, earthy brown, the carving is painted a deep green, and after a moment Aara realizes it's Rafiq's marque design.

    The marque he never got... she thinks ruefully, admiring the thick interlocking lines designed to go from his knuckles up to his shoulders. Their ustadh had put as much thought and work into his design as he had her own, and it fits his personality perfectly. Arrogant, beautiful, and a little cruel. She opens it, and gasps at the contents. Lying on a cushion of green velvet is a long strand of teeth, each one carved with an impossibly tiny name and filled with black ink.

    Lifting the strand, she notices one tooth is strung on its own cord with a note beneath it. Picking up the lone tooth, she sees Rafiq's name carved into it, the relief in black ink so it can be read.

    "Hmmm...interesting," she murmurs.

  66. "You really aren't well in the head..."

    "Oh it's not that bad. Where's the dagger?"

    Gath shakes his head. "You're drunk."

    "So are you." Goddard leans closer.

    Gath puts a finger in the middle of Goddard's forehead and pushes him back. "Yes but that won't make me want to..."

    "You said it'd have to be another druchii," Goddard mumbles. "Are you not drunk enough?" he laughs.

  67. Picking up a pen, she scribbles a reply on the back of his note as the door opens to admit the hot water for her bath.

    I will only consider this if there is a snow-white camel, dressed in blue and purple silks trimmed in gold, awaiting me at sundown.

    She sends the note back with the servants who bring in her bath and settles in to soak and wash her hair in jasmine scented water.

    Well...I wonder what he has planned...

  68. Gath shakes his head and Goddard hands him a full cup of wine. Gath swaps cups and takes the full one, eyeing Goddard warily. "I cannot possibly be as desperate for wine as you are for this."

  69. After her bath, Aara sits in the courtyard mending some clothing, soaking up the sunshine and letting it dry her hair. She's strangely excited at the prospect of seeing Two that evening. I don't like being at odds with him. It's not right. Looking up, her eyes settle on the level the other guests are staying on.

    I don't like being at odds with him either...but there's nothing to be done with that. Rafiq was right- if Goddard still loved me, it wouldn't be this way between us. Otto told me before to let him go...Maybe now is the time to do just that.

    Her thoughts are broken when she stabs herself with her finger, and she curses at the blood welling up.

  70. Goddard frowns and rests his head on Gath's shoulder. "You don't understand," he says sadly.

    "No...I don't..."

    "I-I don't want to be so sad when I look at her," Goddard sniffles, sipping the wine. "My urges can't seem to over power that sadness." He grabs Gath's hand and puts it on his head and forces the limp hand to pat him. "You're so kind Gath."

    Gath groans and pulls his hand away.

  71. Sucking on her fingertip, she thinks about Otto, and how he had glowed when she first called him ustadh. Both Otto and her ustadh had been right: love was a distraction best left alone.

    Maybe I can put my feelings behind me. Lower myself into Heart of Stone, the way I was taught.

    Even as she takes up her sewing, she uses the repetition as a starting place to meditate. Maybe I don't have to love him so much.

  72. "Hic-you're so mean," Goddard pouts. He snuggles into Gath's side. "Let me stay here..."

    Gath leans his head back against the edge of the barrel and closes his eyes. "Whatever," he sighs. "I'm too relaxed to care about your silly mewlings."

  73. Calm, warm and relaxed, Aara's hands still in her lap, and she begins to doze.

  74. Goddard dozes off and Gath catches his cup before it tips over and wastes perfectly good wine. He pours that into his own cup, finishes it off, and as he's about to get some more, Goddard starts mumbling the same way he had last night. Gath's tenses up and then remembers what Goddard said.

    Gath grabs him tightly by the shoulders and gives him a shake. "Hey!" he says loudly. "Wake up!"

    Goddard inhales sharply and opens his eyes. He looks at Gath in confusion then throws his arms around him. "You saved me."

    "Get off you leech!" Gath tries to push him off but gives up quickly.

  75. Sleepily, Aara murmurs wordlessly as the dream begins.

    She's back on Goddard's boat, when it was still crewed by the dead druchii. Below deck she can smell hay and hear the horses whicker softly. She and Goddard are sitting on haystacks, and she's straddling and kissing him.

    Yes...I remember this...

    She watches herself take out a dagger and make a long, slow cut down his torso, giggling a little. But then he lifts his hands to her hair, dragging his claws down her throat. But this time he doesn't stop. He flips her over, pinning her down and biting chunks of her flesh away, laughing darkly.

    Oh gods! He's tearing me apart!

    Still trapped in her dream, she screams, her terror echoing off the stone.

  76. A loud scream echos through the halls, terrifying both druchii. "That'll sober you up fast," Gath gasps, hopping to his feet and grabbing the sword. Goddard follows behind him and they both move quickly down the hallway.

  77. No! Stop! She watches him lift his blood covered face and grin down at her. "So fragile..." he murmurs, dragging a claw down her arm.

    When dream Goddard yanks, she screams again.

    Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.

  78. "Aara?" Goddard runs over to her and gently grabs her by the shoulders. "Wake up Aara. You're safe." He shakes her a little bit, hoping that will get her to open her eyes.

  79. Panicked, she opens her eyes and sees Goddard there, holding her arms like on her dream. Eyes wild, she whimpers, begging him in four languages not to hurt her as she tries to get away.

  80. Goddard holds his hands up and tilts his head. "I-I won't do anything to you."

    "What did you do?" Gath asks as he moves close to Goddard and leans down.

    "Nothing," he hisses.

    "She's acting as crazy as you..."

  81. When she sees Gath, Aara lets out a pitiful sound and faints.

  82. Goddard shoots an angry glare at Gath who just shrugs. "Sigmar's're so ugly you made her faint!"

    Gath crosses his arms. "If I'm so ugly then why did you want me so badly..."

    "Shush!" Goddard can feel his face getting really warm.

  83. Aziz and two other soldiers come running weapons drawn. Seeing Aara passed out, her sewing needle completely stabbed through a fingertip, and two druchii standing over her, he frowns and puts his weapon away.

    "My lord...?" He asks, hoping they volunteer information.

  84. Goddard looks up at Aziz. "We heard a scream and came to see if we could help. It seemed like she was having a terrible nightmare and then she just fainted."

  85. One of the soldiers speaks quietly to Aziz, who nods. "Right." They leave quickly as Aara begins to come around.

  86. "Alright...fine...don't help," Goddard mumbles in druhir before turning to Aara. "Better now?"

  87. Ashen beneath her coloring and her entire bodu trembling, Aara shakes her head, biting her knuckle so hard the skin splits before realizing there's a needle stuck through her finger.

    She reaches out a hand and catches the front of his shirt, pulling him just close enough to lay her face against his neck. Breathing deeply, she jerks the needle out of he'd hand without flinching.

    "Please don't," she whispers against his neck.

  88. Unsure of where her room is and of anywhere else he could take her, he scoops her up and takes her back to his room, consequences be damned.

    Goddard lays her down on the bed and begins to tend to her wounded hand.

  89. "I'm fine," she protests softly when he picks her up, but she doesn't fight him. "It was just a nightmare. I'm fine. You know how they get. You don't have to."

  90. "No one else seemed like they were going to help you," Goddard mumbles. He finishes wrapping her hand and places his hand on her forehead. "You can rest here until you feel well enough to stand. I do know how they get and while having to rest after you've slept sounds ridiculous, it's usually necessary."

  91. She shudders under his hand, her nerves on edge. "They don't understand," she says. "To them a dream is just a dream. People here don't understand a lot," she adds a little bitterly. She looks around, seeing their cups and the wine barrel and tries to sit up. "Oh. Oh, I'm intruding."

  92. "We'll be done soon," Goddard sighs. "We didn't get very much to begin with. Don't worry."

  93. She swings her legs over the side of the bed. "I shouldn't be here."

    And just why not, Aara? It's not like anyone is going to come in here in a fury over your virtue. You have no place, remember?

    Because he and Gath...well, they are druchii, and when Goddards gets drunk, he gets...handy. If they were...

    She blushes deeply and she makes an embarrassed mudra. "Thank you," she says sincerely. "For the bandage, and the help."

  94. Goddard frowns. "As long as you're sure you're going to be fine. still don't have to rush anywhere."

  95. She wrings her hands together. I don't want to. "I- um- I don't want to interrupt," she stammers with a false laugh. "I know how you get when you've been drinking..."

    And I couldn't bear to watch. Or be part of it.

  96. "Uh...Oh...yes...I see..." he stammers feeling embarrassed. "I understand then..."

  97. She stumbles, backing away from the bed. "I'm sure you do," she laughs nervously. "And- and I have much to do. Mending. Rayya has ordered a new wardrobe for me. I need to meet with the marquist."

    She bites her knuckle, making a surprised face when she finds a bandage there. "Oh. Well. Thank you, nuur'eni," she says, numbing into the doorframe.

  98. "Watch the uh're welcome," he shrugs, forcing a laugh.

  99. As soon as the door closes behind her, she shoves her hands into her pocket and groans. "The tooth..." she mutters, bouncing her forehead on the wall and knocking on the door with her unhurt hand.

    "Damn me to seven hells," she groans.

  100. Gath answers the door in his usual fashion and groans. "What?"

    "Quit being so rude!" Goddard yells behind him.

  101. Aara glares at him and throws the tooth into the room. "Your master earned a trophy of his own last night," she says venomously.

    Pulling her shoulders straight, she walks away, seething. That is the worst servant ever. They're guests here, and he's just a puffed up bastard with an ego the size of a camel.

  102. Gath gently closes the door and picks up the tooth. Goddard takes it from him and looks it over carefully. "What is this for? She could have at least explained it. But you had to be a bastard!" he points angrily at Gath.

    Gath bats his hand away. "My's not my fault humans are ignorant little creatures who over react."

    "Don't act that way toward her," Goddard growls. "I don't care about anyone else, but not her."

    Gath flexes his fists, wanting to pummel Goddard, but he has no idea what Goddard may end up doing, casting. Instead, he turns around and punches the door.

    Goddard flinches, afraid Gath was going to hit him. He quickly regains his composure by the time Gath turns around and they stare at each other, waiting for the other to move.

    Eventually Goddard's face softens and he sighs. "Let's just stop...we aren't really going to fight are we?" He takes a seat by the barrel and pats the floor next to him.

  103. After gathering her sewing, Aara returns to her room to calm down before Rayya and her dressmaker arrive.

    "Well, at least when I leave, I'll be better suited this time." Rayya has designed everything she could want or need on a journey, all with a briar rose theme. Idly, Aara wonders where Zor-grat is, and what adventures he's planning.

    There's still so much of the Empire to see. Surely I can just work my way across. She flips through fabric samples. "It will be lonely, though. Doing it by myself."

  104. Gath sits beside Goddard who's now become his usual pile of despair. "Did you see that," he mumbles. "She doesn't want me to touch her.

    "What would make you think that?"

    "Didn't you hear her? She knows we're drunk..."


    "Shhh shhh! She knows we're drunk and she knows how I get when I'm drunk..."


    "And she just wanted to leave as soon as possible! She didn't want to be around me because she didn't want me to touch her!"

  105. Digging into her pack, she finally decides to unpack while she waits. First, she opens the leather case and draws out her most prized possessions: a dried rose, a painting, and her marque designs.

    She doesn't look at the canvas or the rose, but instead focuses on her marques, considering where the design changes will go, and if it's worth the trouble of tattooing over her whipping scars and the mark on her shoulder.

  106. "I'd leave too if I knew you wouldn't follow me," Gath sighs.

    "You don't want me to touch you?"

    "You can't possibly be as drunk as you were earlier...that whole event sobered us both for sure."


    Gath stands up. "I think I'll go for a stroll," he says heading for the door.

    "Wait no!" Goddard jumps to his feet and reluctantly follows Gath out of the room. "Hmm we can take this time have Aara explain this tooth and force you to be civil," he groans, pushing past Gath.

  107. ((Arabyan))

    "Malika, this wasn't in the designs you sent. What am I supposed to do with something like this?"

    Rayya cheerfully shrugs. "Look breathtaking, I imagine. Come out and let me see."

    Aara sighs and comes out from behind her changing screen. The first thing she was given to put on is a heavily beaded, sleeveless crop top and a skirt that sits two inches below her navel. "Look at how much skin is showing," she complains, studying herself in the mirror. "Look at all those scars."

    With so much of her torso uncovered, several scars can be seen. Thin, silver lines cross cross her sides and stomach, broken up now and then by larger scars gotten in battle. Her wound from last night is still pink and healing, promising her another bit of decoration.

    "You can even see my whipping scars. What kind of person are you, wanting to display such a ruined body?"

    Rayya stops toying with pieces of silk and studies her. "That body belongs to a hero. It has been damaged, but it is not ruined."

    Aara nods, and plucks at the heavy skirt. "It's too long, anyway."

  108. Goddard's stomach growls loudly. "That's a very smart idea. Food. Wine for breakfast may not have been the best idea." They make their way toward the dining area and kitchen.

  109. "I'm told you and Rafiq are having dinner together?" Rayya asks slyly. When Aara jerks her head up, surprised, she laughs. "Please, I've lived in this palace since I was a girl. What makes you think an unsealed note with your reply written on the other side made it out of here without my hearing of it?"

    Aara sniffs and goes to stand on the stool the dressmaker brought. "He wants to apologize, that's all."


    She shrugs. "He deserves the chance to apologize. And...and I can do whatever I want now."

    Rayya nods, arranging fabric samples with sketches. "Oh yes, you can. But does everyone concerned know this?"

  110. Aara arches a brow as the dressmaker marks the hem. "Meaning?"

    "Meaning you are a free woman. You've no male family or sponser to curb your desires. You have some wealth. You have lived outside our laws, and while that means you have no place or standing per se, it means that you also suffer no consequences." Rayya sighs a little wistfully. "My dear, you are the freest woman in Araby. In every sense of the word. I'm just curious to know of the magnoon knows that."

    Aara doesn't speak for a while, picking at the bandage on her hand. "It wouldn't matter if he did."

    "Are you sure of that?"

    Aara steels herself against her conflicting feelings. "Yes. He doesn't want me, Malika."

    "And Rafiq does."

    Aara shrugs. "Maybe he does. Maybe I don't want him to. I don't know, my lady!"

  111. Thankfully, the rest of the fitting goes quickly, and Aara is left to wander freely while waiting for the marquist. She and Rayya go into the gardens to watch the unmarried girls practice their court dances, but Aara keeps her distance from them.

    What will I do if Two makes his move again? I told Goddard I wasn't interested, but...I'm so lonely.

  112. Her meeting with the marquist goes longer than she anticipated, and she has to rush to dress for her dinner with Two, who arrives just as the sun is beginning to meet the horizon. Aara thanks the servant who fetches her and walks out to the courtyard. She laughs in delight when she sees the snow white camel, draped in red silks trimmed in gold. Rafiq himself stands beside another black as night, draped in green and gold.

    "You demanded blue and purple, but I thought red would suit the two of you best. I can see that I was right," he adds with a smug grin, nodding to her clothing. "You look radiant in crimson. The swords might be a bit over the top, though."

    She ducks her head, glad of her veil and scarf. "You're a horrible flirt."

    He comes forward and bows, offering his hand to help her onto the camel. "Perhaps I should practice more."

    "Where are we going?" she asks, climbing into the saddle.

    "I have something special planned."

    With one swift move he's atop the black camel and giving the order for them to rise. Instead of riding deeper into the city, they ride away from it, soon passing through the city gates and into open desert. Aara, confident in her safety with him, is content to let her mount follow his and admire the expansive view before her.

  113. "Look at those silly things," Goddard says when the camels walk into the courtyard.

    "Disgusting beasts," Gath nods.

    Goddard leans forward and squints at the man and woman by the animals. "Is that the nan and Aara?"

    "It would appear so."

    "Why is she all dressed...why is she getting on...why are they...what!?" Goddard looks on in disbelief. "May-maybe it's some sort of desert combat...camel wresting yeah camel wresting."

  114. Rayya, standing a few feet away, sighs happily as they ride off. "It's not to see that her change in our society won't be the end of her," she says cheerfully, looking over at Goddard. "Rafiq is a progressive soul, you see. He doesn't care that she now lives outside our laws and traditions."

  115. Goddard frowns. "Of course he wouldn't care. He's got a one track mind. He only cares about one thing..."

    "Sounds familiar," Gath mumbles. "By the way," he says to Rayya. "Two barrels were indeed delivered this morning but one was callously rolled down the hall and we couldn't enjoy it. I'd like to get that remedied. Maybe tonight."

  116. Rayya grins. "If he does indeed have a 'one track mind' as you put it, she can freely chose to take him up on it. With no consequences," she adds with a shrug. "I would be surprised if she does refuse him a third time. There doesn't seem to be any reason not to. Unless you know something I don't, my lord?"

    When Gath speaks to her, her face goes curiously blank. "Wine, you say? That is simply impossible. My son has banned wine for it's sinful nature. I can assure you, there has been no wine in these halls since the death of my husband."

  117. Gath grits his teeth. "Dye, my apologies."

    Goddard crosses his arms. "This is very true...she can do whatever she wants no matter how terrible of a person he may be..."

  118. Rayya ignores Gath and turns to Goddard. "You and he are more alike than you think," she informs him. "Otherwise, how could she be attracted to him at all? And to be honest, she's lonely. A woman can only be lonely for so long."

  119. "Do not compare me to him!" Goddard huffs. "She can be attracted to multiple people without us all being similar." He bites his lip.

    Gath taps his foot impatiently.

    "And men get lonely too..." Goddard grumbles. "This place isn't very helpful to lonely men however."

  120. Rayya's serene expression twists into a sneer. "From what I understand, you shouldn't be lonely at all. She told me of your afternoon of debauchery with your servant. How embarrassing for her to be brought to the very same bed you shared with him."

    The sands sparkle in the sunset, the heat blurring the horizon so that it looks like a passageway to another world. Away from the city, away from the stress of constantly seeing Goddard and his new lover everywhere she turned, she starts to relax.

    "Ustadh would be proud of you," Two says, brushing her arm with his riding crop. "You're nearly finished and you aren't even thirty."

    "Perhaps not. I met with a marquist to discuss some changes to the design." She pauses before asking the one question that has plagued her. "Why didn't you get yours?"

    He sighs, as if she's prodded an old wound. "A woman. The lord I serve has many daughters, as I've mentioned. I fell in love with her, and she with me, but she said she couldn't marry someone with something so morbid. I put it off, keeping the teeth, until I had made enough for her bride price, but her father refused me. By then, it was too late to change. My reputation was made."

    They ride in silence for a moment until she speaks. "I'm sorry, Rafiq. That must have hurt."

    She sees his jaw clench. "It did. That's when I learned that ustadh was right. Love is weakness."

    "You don't believe that, do you?"

    He laughs. "You're still stupid, that's for sure. Four, you're in love with someone who doesn't want you anymore," he says gently. "And here I am, waiting, just as stupid as you."

    A small laugh escapes her. "If it were only khyrkan, it wouldn't matter."

    "Khyrkan?" He laughs, shaking his head. "You don't even sound like yourself anymore."

    "I'm not, Two."

  121. "What!?" the druichii gasp in unison.

    "For one, Gath is my retainer! Not a servant! And two we didn't do anything!"

  122. Her eyes go wide in a purely innocent look that's more than a little familiar to Goddard. "Really? You could have fooled me," she chuckles, walking away.

    He sighs and shakes himself before shooting her a smile. "Enough of this. It's depressing. Race me."

    "To where?" she laughs as he speeds off.

    "Till we stop!"

    She gives the command and puts her heels to her camel, reveling in the animal's gait and speed. The wind rips at her scarf and veil, tearing then away and leaving them fluttering in the breeze behind her. Her hair will knot and she'll look a mess when they stop, but she doesn't care. Who's going to look at her anyway? They run until the silence and solitude are almost deafening, and Rafiq pulls rein on his camel. "Here is as good as any place," he explains as their animals kneel in the sand.

    "What are we doing?"

    He grins and reveals saddle bags previously hidden by his camel's drapings. "Having dinner." He unpacks a lamp for when it gets dark, and spreads a rug out for her to sit. In the warm glow of the sunset he looks devilishly handsome, and the temporary freedom from her cares gives her an almost drunken feel. For once her guilt and her aching heart are silent, and she can just enjoy the moment. He spread a simple dinner before them, with a bottle of fruit juice to pass between them.

    "This is lovely," she whispers.

    "Why are you whispering?" he chuckles. "Here you can scream and no one will care."

    Sheepishly, she smooths her hair. "Um, I'm not quite sure."

    He laughs too loudly and lets out a warcry their ustadh always shouted when he was happy. She laughs with him, feeling giddy, and doesn't move away when he sits too close.

  123. They talk, mostly him apologizing over and over, pledging his services dramatically and eliciting more laughter from her. The longer the night goes on, the more she lets herself relax and lean against him, reveling in the attention and warmth. She tells him of what really happened in Har Ganeth, about Death Night and the witch who had claimed Goddard's tower. She tells him about the nightmare of returning to Naggaroth, and what Goddard's wife did to her. The only thing she leaves out is the symbol emblazoned on her shoulder.

    "My first acts of freedom made me a murderer," she whispers sadly. "If I thought freedom would be like this, I'd have never accepted it."

    Rafiq tips her chin up, holding her gaze. "You did what you had to do to save our people. To save my sister. I cannot call you a murderer, Aara. I just wish he hadn't-" he broke off, jaw clenching again. "He shouldn't have let you do that alone."

    "I wasn't alone," she insists. "His familiar-"

    "Could have done nothing!"

    She laughs. "Oh, Two...He only thinks my temper is bad."

    He catches her hands and kisses them. "Aara of the Mashi Al'Maut, I would never let you go into hell unaccompanied."

    "I- I didn't..." she whispers, surprised of his seriousness.

    Kneeling in front of her, he takes out a dagger and cuts across his bicep. "Aara, I've been released from my lord's service, at my request. With this blood, I offer it to you, freely, to protect you from what harm I may," he says. Aara bites her lip at the ritual words she once uttered to Koroush years ago. "I will be your friend, your guard, your slave if you want," he adds. "Just accept my service, and lead me where you will."

    Aara reaches up, running her hand to sooth the tight muscles. "Rafiq," she whispers. "You're such an idiot. You don't want to follow me into darkness."

    "Yes, I do."

    She reaches out, her hand shaking, and presses his wound and getting his blood all over her hand. "This blood I accept," she whispers. "Offered freely, gratefully accepted."

    He nods sharply, seemingly glad to have it done. "There. Now you won't have to suffer like that ever again."

    "Oh you're a fool," she laughs, using a napkin to dab at his cut. Looking up, she puts her hands on his jaw and pulls him close, brushing her lips against his. "A mad, suicidal fool. I don't even know where I'll be going."

    "I don't care," he rasps, drawing her in for another kiss.

  124. "So that's what they think when they look at us!? Well I'm sure people think all kinds of things but that?!" Goddard groans.

    "You have some reputation my lord..."

    "Merciful Morr...I do!" Goddard gasps. "'s not a bad thing right? Everyone does's not debauchery..."

    "We didn't..."

    "Yes I know! But if we did it's nothing!"

    Gath sighs and rubs his pained forehead.

  125. Coming to her senses, Aara pulls away from him. "I can't," she says softly, sitting cross legged. "Two, I was with him for so long...I can't just let that go. I'm still in love with him."

    He frowns. "So..."

    She makes a mudra for honesty. "You said you would be whatever I needed, and right now, I need a friend. Not a new lover."

    He sits back, considering this. "I can do that, Four. But I don't want to see you in pain."

    "That's just part of it. It has to hurt if it's going to heal." She puts her bloody hand out. "Friends?"

    He shakes his head. "I think I'm going to regret this more than the vow I just made," he laughs. Clasping her hand, her nods. "Friends."

  126. "Well, I suppose I should pack this up and get you back," Two says, gathering dishes and food.

    Aara moves off the carpet and watches him load the saddlebags again. "I doubt anyone will miss me," she says, wrapping her arms around herself. "Koroush is distant and angry with me- I don't know, so don't ask why- and Goddard is...I don't know, disgusted by me or something. He runs away every time we meet."

    "Or you do," Two says conversationally, his back to her as he works. "That's your way, too."

    "It is not!"

    "It is, you silly girl. You ran away from home rather than let your mother marry you away, you ran away after your brother died, you ran away from poverty. You run," he finishes simply. "There's nothing wrong with it, Four. But it won't help if you and he aren't running in the same direction."

    "I hate you."

    He laughs. "You do not."

    "You're the worst retainer ever."

    "That remains to be seen." He bows, making a sweeping gesture toward her camel. "Shall I see you home, my lady?"

    They ride in silence, each contemplating this new venture they've begun. When they reach the palace, he helps her dismount, bowing solemnly and arranging a time to meet the next day. Deep in thought, she washes the blood off her hands in the fountain, picking at what got on her blouse.

    "Why is it always blood?" she sighs, scrubbing half heartedly at the stain.

  127. The elves haven't moved from their shadowed spot, mostly complaining about one thing or another. They see Aara and Two arrive. "Tck I wonder what took them so long," Goddard says crossing his arms. "They couldn't have really done anything. Too much sand..."

  128. Aara leans against the fountain for a moment, trying to uninitiated her hair and thinking about the situation. It's so absurd she can only laugh out loud.

    "Well...I guess I'm stuck with him now," she laughs to herself. "I've got his blood on my hands."

  129. "Blood? He didn't look dead...what did he do..." Goddard moves around the shadows and ends up beside Aara?

    "Blood? What did he do? Did you have to stab him?"

  130. She jumps when he pops out of the shadows beside her. "Do? Oh. He didn't do anything- well, he kissed me, but that's not why- I didn't stab him."

  131. Goddard's left eye and ear twitch. "Oh...oh...really? D-do tell what he did to get stabbed..."

  132. Aara doesn't miss his twitch. Jealous, my love? she wonders, trying to keep a smile back. "No...Should I have?"

  133. "I'm just curious really. If he was being annoying again I-I want to you know...keep an eye on him..."

  134. She raises an eyebrow slowly. "No, not annoying. Pretty gallant, in fact." She looks down and grins, plucking at the bloody stain on her shirt. "A perfect gentleman." Looking up at him, she offers him a smile. "You aren't worried about him, are you?"

  135. "Worried? Oh no no I mean well a little after what he did earlier and I had to take him down you can't be too careful with anyone really who knows what someone like that could oof!"

    Gath elbows him. "You're rambling my lord."

  136. She laughs a little, enjoying the moment. "Well, there's no need to worry about him," she assures him. "He's utterly loyal, if a bit hot headed. As you keep reminding me, I can take care of myself."

  137. "Yes...yes this is very true...but if you ever need me to knock him out again I will," he forces a laugh.

  138. She giggles. "Hmm, hopefully that won't be necessary. He's lost enough teeth." She steps closer, stroking his arm and looking up at him through her lashes. "That was impressive, by the way."

  139. "Lost teeth? Really? Impressive?" He chuckles, trying not to get lost in her eyes.

  140. She gives him a tiny nod, tapping the middle of his bottom jaw gently. "This one, he said. You can still see the mark your ring left. He sent it to you as a trophy."

  141. "Hmm?" He blinks a few times then fishes out the tooth from his pocket. "This? This is his?"

  142. She turns it so he can see the carving. "Mmhmm. This is his name. You won, you deserve your trophy," she breathes.

  143. The night of the temple uprising was a utter failure. Koroush was broken and exhausted. "How can I do this? I am not my father... He was twice the man I am. I should have stayed in the god-forsaken Empire and let things alone." He walks into his bed chambers, softly calling to Axis, "Axis, bring me wine." Aziz looks shaken at the request. "Kalief, you are serious? You have never taken of wine in all my days with you." Koroush looks up at him, " It is a new time we are in and I need a new comfort. It seems my old one has abandoned me." Aziz bows and quickly exits the rooms and Koroush drops his head from the weight of this stress of the past months.

  144. Aziz returns swiftly with wine and cheese and bread and sits it in front of the kalief. "axis, I did not ask for all this, take it with you and rest my friend." Axis backs away slowly "As my Kalief wishes." He bows and exits the room. Koroush slowly pours the rich,red wine into a chalice and drains it. Po7ring more into the vessel, he sighs to himself.

  145. Feeling bold, she kisses his knuckles, her eyes on his. "Goodnight, nuur'eni," she murmurs.

    Every step she takes away from him feels wrong, but she doesn't look over her shoulder or pause. Instead, she grins to herself and saunters away. Flirting with him was infinitely more satisfying that kissing Two, but she'd never tell either of them that. Further into the palace, she notices a sliver of light under a door and presses herself to the wall before realizing it's coming from Koroush's study.

    "My lord?" she calls, knocking softly. "Is anything amiss?"

  146. Koroush jolts at the little tap, spilling his wine across his desk. "Wata, no, just up for a bit," he responds with a slight quiver and a not so quite slur in his speach.

  147. She puts a hand on the doorknob. Five years ago- 3 years ago- she wouldn't have hesitated to walk right in. But his anger toward her when she asked to join the janissaries stays her hand. Instead, she speaks through the door.

    "May I come in, my lord?"

  148. Koroush stares at the door imagining her behind it, his mouth agape at her words. "Of coursh you may, no need for formalities with me in here of my room." He slowly stands to great her but quickly decides against it as the room slides from under his feet.

  149. She peeks inside before opening it far enough to admit her. "I- This is awkward," she admits, her fingers tangling. She winces when she puts too much pressure on her injured finger, putting her hands behind her back. "Since you freed me," she clarified.

  150. He looks up to her face, "Aara, that was just a formality, jou hash always been free to me." He smiles at her and attempts to stand. He stumbles as he does and grabs the desk for stability. "Jou hash could come and go ash you pleasesd. Don't ever, ever, never funk you owes me any ding."

  151. She gasps. "You're drunk!" she laughs, crossing the room. "Sit down before you fall down. How did this happen? Your mother said you'd banned all wine and liquor from the palace!'

  152. "I am not no drunker than I hash been drinking. I'll sit down right afFer I.stands back up." Korush smiles and then falls over.

  153. "My lord!" She runs over to help him up. "Your are thoroughly drunk. Here, let me help you to a chair."

  154. He looks up her and smiles a boyish smile of embarrassment as she helps him to his chair. "O Aara, you have always been there to help me, my one bright spot in the darkness. Well, almost always." His smile turns a bit sour as he appears to enter deep thought.

  155. "Almost?" she asks absently as she helps him into an armchair.

  156. He slumps into the padding and frowns deeply. A tear begins to form in one eye as he sighs. "Yes, almost always. Not your fault though. I told you to go. My fault, yes, all my fault." Koroush mumbled to himself, "No one to blame but myself... All my fault..." His eyes begin to get heavy.

  157. Oh no you don't...

    "Koroush, what are you talking about?" She kneels beside him, shaking his leg. "Wake up. Tell me what's plagued you since I came back."

  158. He grogily opens his eyes slowly. "Oh, nothing really, just when you left and I stayed here to rebuild the kingdom, you took my heart with you. Just that, it seems I love you but that is not your issue." He smiles faintly at her and oats her head softly.

  159. "What?" She looks up at him, then walks over to his desk and pours herself a glass of wine. "Did you just say you love me?" When he nods, she tosses back the wine, sighing. "Thought so. But- all these years? And you never once said anything?"

  160. He slowly shakes his head, "No, I didn't. That's why its my problem." He looks into her eyes, a pleading desperation on his face. "I knew you were beyond me, a wild spirit in need of adventure. I could only give you a life of servitude to my people and my station." He lowers his head so she can't see his pain.

  161. She downs another goblet of wine. "I would never have been good enough. I was too far below you then and even further now." She has more wine, hoping to ease her surprise and discomfort. "Koroush...I'm sorry this has hurt you."

    Three goblets in quick succession begins to make her dizzy, and she plops into the chair across from him. "Is this why you've been so wretched to me? Yelling at me or ignoring me?"

  162. As Aara walks away, Goddard snaps out of his daze. "I should have..." He whispers. "Nevermind..." He walks back to his room and throws himself on the bed.

    "Do we have enough wine for anything?" Goddard mumbles.

    "Probably not," Gath sighs as he looks into the barrel.

  163. He looks up, "I was trying to push you away, I imagine. Trying to ignore my feelings and hide them from you." He looks up again and looks into her eyes. "you have never been and never will be beneath me. I would be blessed if I could be with you." He begins to stand slowly and walk over to her.

  164. She puts a hand up to stop him. "You wouldn't. I am selfish and cruel and horribly jealous. And my lord, forgive me, but you need to pull your head from your arse. Khaleefs are warriors, not just statesmen. And you are not acting like a warrior." She looks up at him nervously as he gets closer. "A warrior...he doesn't mope."

  165. He stops in front of her and pulls her to her feet. "yes, you are correct. A kalief must be decisive and take action when need be." Koroush pulls her to him, pressing his body against hers and kissing her deeply and fully.

  166. When the kiss ends, she stares at him a moment. "Um." She wiggles her feet, realizing he's lifted her off the floor. You know...Goddard asked the first time we kissed.

    "That isn't exactly what I meant...but could you put me down?" When he does, she runs a hand through her hair. "Now that that's behind us, maybe you can loosen up a bit." Aara walks over to his desk and checks the pitcher of wine, noting that it's more than half full. "I'm taking this."

    Hands shaking, she escapes to the hallway and knocks her head against the wall.

    "What. The. Hell," she mutters in time with her head.

  167. Koroush walks onto the balcony and breathes in the cool night air. With a large grin upon his face he says to himself, "Well, here's another fine mess you've gotten us into."

  168. Goddard sits by the barrel and fills a glass. "It'll have to do."

    "No point in wasting perfectly good wine."

  169. I need to talk about this...

    Practically running, she finds herself knocking on Goddards door. "Are you awake?" she asks, panic rising in her voice.

  170. Goddard jumps, almost spilling his wine. He hands it to Gath and answers the door himself. "What happened? Are you alright?" He takes her by the arm and leads her in, closing the door behind her.

  171. She turns to Gath, shaking the pitcher. "I'll give you the Khalief's finest for a little privacy," she offers, slurring a little.

  172. "You want him to leave?" Goddard looks at Gath, a little worried.

    Gath takes the wine and heads for the door. "Trust me."

    Goddard bites his lip. "Fine."

    "That's a mistake," Gath says darkly.

    "Make up your mind you damned viper! Just go! I'll find you later."

    Gath nods with a sly grin and slips out of the room.

    Goddard turns to Aara. "What's wrong? It's not easy to rattle you."

  173. "Koroush just made a confession of love," she explains, pacing. "And then he kissed me! Picked me right up off the floor and kissed me like- like he knew what should come next!" She knots her hands in her hair and pulls. "That's two different men kissing me- tonight! TWO!"

  174. Goddard's ears twitch again and after staring at her blankly for a moment in silence, he laughs. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. That's what has you in a panic?"

  175. "You know, I had to get stuck in a tunnel underground and lost before I got any kisses. And you made me practically beg for them! And now- now nobody's asking anybody! Now they're just kissing Aara whenever they find her!" She puts a hand out, dizzy. "And driving her to drink too fast."

  176. Still chuckling, Goddard takes her hand and leads her to the bed to sit. "You learned from me and are using those skills without knowing it hmm?"

  177. She stares up at him, lost. "Huh? What skills?"

  178. "Making people want to...nevermind," he smiles.

  179. "I don't recall making you want anything," she snickers. "I had to do all the asking just to get a straight answer." She leans in closer. "Do all humans kiss funny?"

  180. "I'm immune to my own skills. But you wanted to kiss me..." He closes his eyes.

    "What do you mean? I think you kiss fine. Were they awful at it?" he smirks.

  181. "You taught me," she reminds him. "They weren't bad, but it was..." She shakes her head, trying to clear her vision. "Not like kissing you. That's music!" she giggles.

  182. Goddard laughs softly. "I've never heard that one before." He runs his fingers through a small lock of her hair.

    "I-I don't want to be kissing mistake number three tonight," he admits with a sigh, turning away. "No I feel...."

  183. She leans into his hand when he touches her hair. "Kissing you has never been a mistake."

    Reaching up, Aara turns his face to look at her. "I can't believe I'm doing this again, but will you kiss me?"

  184. He closes his tightly for a moment. He tries to image that there is nothing else. No one else. There is no past or future for him to think about or worry about.

    Goddard relaxes and cups her chin in his hands before kissing her gently.

  185. She gives in wholly, her heart pounding. This is a kiss...perfect, precise, and try not to hit the fangs.

    Desire courses through her, and when he breaks away, she's trembling. "See? Like a song, every note in place," she says, her voice quavering. She realizes that her hands are clinging to the front of his shirt, and tries to smooth the wrinkles out.

  186. Goddard holds her hands and gives them a squeeze before kissing them. " don't want this right now. Me right now." He taps his temple. "I'm not all there yet, but, think I can at least be here for this..." He kisses her again lightly on her cheek.

  187. She nods, throat tightening. "You say that," she whispers. "I can wait, I can." She lays her head against his arm. "I love you, you know. And I'm sorry for everything I've done."

  188. "You did what had to be done. I forgive you. I can't be mad with you. Just as he wouldn't have been mad with you if it were me." He runs his fingers through her hair with a chuckle. "I'm sorry you had such a terrible night full of kisses. You make sure you let everyone know ahead of time it is you who steals them."

  189. She laughs a little. "They weren't terrible, but you managed to save the evening." She looks down at her hands. "I should warn you. Two has sworn himself into my service. You'll be seeing a lot more of him."

  190. Goddard shrugs. "I have his tooth. I'll wear it proudly and if you have to put up with my lovely retainer, I can surely put up with yours," he snickers.

  191. "You should. You've bested one of the Mashi Al'Maut. I meant it when I said it was impressive."

  192. "Are you done?" Gath bangs on the door before opening it. "I'm not sleeping out there," he grumbles and lays over a few cushions on the floor. The pitcher falls over empty and Goddard stares in surprise.

    "I didn't think he slept," he whispers. "Isn't he cute sleeping though? In the way a venomous snake is cute," he laughs. "You don't have to leave if you don't want to. You're welcome to stay here."

  193. "It must be nice," she murmurs. She looks up when he offers to let her stay. "You won't mind? I mean, the nightmares seem worse lately, maybe not being alone will help."

  194. "Oh yes about that," he tries not to laugh. "I woke up after one with him trying to kill me. I don't think he'd worry so much about you but don't be surprised if he's by the bed with a dagger."

    "I hope not being alone can at least help one of us."

  195. She chuckles. "I've been waking up with my daggers out and hiding under the bed. Aside from today, of course. A needle isn't much for protection," she laughs.

  196. "I hope you can sleep tonight." Goddard gets to his feet and yawns. "I'm going to go over my books for a while. I'll sleep eventually."

  197. Aara nods, tugging off her jewelry and stacking it on a nearby table. After she tugs off her boots she lies down, watching Goddard read until her eyelids grow heavy.
