Sunday, October 25, 2015

New Friends

Aara chuckles. "It hurts," she admits, laying a hand across her midsection. "Catching statues wasn't exactly in my training."

The physician nods as he probes her bruised abdomen, moving her hand out of the way and raising her shirt higher. "You did a brave thing. You could have been seriously hurt."

She grimaces as he pokes her. "So could the Khalif. He is far more important."

The physician nods. "And you will live. There will be soreness, and much bruising. I suggest no sparring or strenuous activities for a few days. Relax. Allow the Khalif to treat you as a lady of leisure."

Aara groans. "No, please don't tell him that. I'll go mad if I have to lie around doing nothing."

The older man laughs and hands her a pot of ointment. "This will ease some of the discomfort."

She nods and watches him go, leaving her door open. Gingerly she pokes her stomach, testing the swelling herself. "It's not so bad," she mutters as she gets up. Catching herself in the mirror, she holds her shirt up. Her torso is bruised from ribs to hips, her back scraped and bruised, but nothing broken. "Mm, maybe it's a little bad."


  1. Goddard waits by the door until the doctor finishes with Aara. He's trying to act like he doesn't care but he isn't hiding it very well, peeking into the room and frowning as she accepts the doctor's medicine.

    She didn't want what I tried to give her...

    Once the doctor leaves, he pokes his head in. "Clean bill of health?" he asks.

  2. "Close enough." She tries to bend backward but stops abruptly. "That hurt," she grunts, rubbing her hip. She waves him further into the room, sniffing the ointment and making a face before tossing it into a paper filled garbage bin next to her desk. "Are you ok?"

  3. "You should probably use medicine when it is given to you," he mumbles, watching her toss it. "I'm fine. A few bumps and bruises. Nothing I can't handle. Especially since I can make and will use something to help with the healing process."

  4. She shrugs. "Honestly, I don't want to depend on something I might not have available later. especially something so simple." She flutters her lashes at him and tucks her undershirt in. "If it's really serious, you'd help me, right?"

  5. Goddard crosses his arms. "You wouldn't let me help anyway."

  6. "I would. If it were serious. Which this isn't." Tunic in hand, she rubs his arm. "It's enough to know that when I need your help, it's there. There is no point in wasting your skills and magic."

  7. "Wasting?" he snorts. "What do you mean?"

  8. She looks down. "On me. I know you could heal me, probably standing here now. But I don't want you to think that's why I want you around." She shrugs into her tunic, grimacing a little. "It sounds stupid, I know."

  9. "It's not a waste. If there was some finite pool I had to worry about using over my long life, well, supposedly long life, why bother using it at all?" He shrugs. "Using what you know is never a waste and will only make you better at it."

  10. She wraps her arm around his and starts walking from the room. "Very good point. But instant healing will just make me soft and to be honest...I kind of like it, in a way. Not the same way you and I..." she adds hastily.

  11. "That's completely different," Goddard laughs and quickly stops when Gath clears his throat as they walk through the door.

  12. "I know," she says, leaning on him just a little. "I just have to find a way to occupy myself for a few days now," she sighs.

  13. "Cartwheels?" Goddard suggests nervously.

  14. She grimaces. "Maybe not. That one hurt more than I let on." She looks up at him under her lashes. "Maybe you could read to me? I have a new book I can't read," she adds, pouting.

  15. Goddard laughs. "Read a book. Sure. I can do that."

  16. "And spar?" she asks brightly.

  17. "Not in your current condition. You'd never heal."

  18. "Yes I would!" she protests. "Unless you have a better idea," she adds with a sly grin.

  19. "Is this some cue for me to finally be able to be alone and away from you?" Gath asks flatly.

    "No!" Goddard quickly snaps.

    "Everyone is still in one piece, yes? Is that not enough reason to at least trust me to be alone in our quarters while you have your...moment."

    "Moment? What moment! There are no moments!" Goddard says quickly.

  20. Aara laughs. "Gath, I fear there are no moments to be had," she adds to Goddard's protests, a little disappointed.

  21. Gath simply nods.

    "I thought he'd be glad I saved him from certain death," Goddard mumbles. "But never mind him. Let's go read you this book."

  22. "Maybe he is, and just doesn't know how to show it. Your kin aren't exactly going to hug you for a job well done."

    She leads them into a sunny sitting room and reclines on a couch, slightly winded. "Are you sure you don't want to spar? Just hand to hand?" she pleads.

  23. Goddard sighs. "Fine. Very slowly. And only for a very short amount of time." He sits on the couch beside Aara and holds out his hand for the book. "I'll read some of this book so you can catch your breath, we'll spar, and then I can read some more until you catch your breath again."

    Gath stands quietly beside the couch and watches.

  24. The warmth of the room and exhaustion from the night's events work against Aara until she's yawning and laying her head on his shoulder while he reads. Before long she's curled up against him, scarf and veil askew, content to rest and listen.

    This is so nice...sleeping alone makes the nightmares worse.

  25. Control yourself. Just read the book. If you try anything, someone WILL stab you. It's inevitable.

    "Would you maybe want to take a nap?" he asks Aara. "You seem tired and you can get out of all that fabric you've been wearing around your head."

  26. Aara makes a sleepy sound and nuzzles his shoulder. "No, I'm listening," she protests softly, tugging at her scarf and tossing it aside. "Stay here with me, please. Keep reading."

  27. Goddard keeps reading while also slowly trying to escape her grasp. "Hand me a pillow," he whispers quickly to Gath before he continues reading. Once he has the pillow, Goddard tries to get her to snuggle it and not him.

  28. When he puts the pillow between them, Aara yawns and straightens, stretching her arms over her head with a groan. After a few minutes idleness starts to set in, and she fidgets as he reads, drawing a dagger and cleaning her nails with it, picking at a loose thread, trimming the ends of her hair.

    Finally she sighs and starts to pace.

  29. Goddard closes the book with a sigh. "What's wrong?"

  30. "I'm bored," she says bluntly. "And I never thought that would ever be a problem again," she snorts. "After the last few years boredom should be a blessing."

  31. "This is rather dull," Gath comments.

    "It's this whole place," Goddard sighs.

    "If you say so my lord..."

    "It is! The heat saps every bit of life from you."

  32. "You enjoyed it well enough last time," she reminds him. "And the time before."

  33. "Well, than was before I had to stay here," he pouts. "If it weren't so much more dangerous, I'd rent a room someplace."

  34. "If I didn't agree with you, I'd comment on the state of your manners," she teases. "What do you want to do? I'm sure there is a horse race or something we can find." She crosses her arms over her chest and leans against the windowsill. "This may be the most pious city in Araby, but sin is everywhere."

  35. "Really?" Goddard says excitedly. "I uh I mean...oh...I's hidden well..." He gets to his feet and puts the book away. "You would have a better idea as to what's around for us to do."

  36. She spreads her hands. "I at least know where to start. Just tell me what you want."

  37. "No no," Goddard crosses his arms and turns away from her. "It's probably best you pick something."

  38. She grins and raises an eyebrow. "Then I suggest you clean up," she says, sauntering over and plucking at his ragged sleeves. "I know exactly where to go." With a wicked grin, she twists her hair over her shoulder and walks toward the door, humming cheerfully.

  39. "I look fine!" he calls after her then turns to Gath. "I look fine don't I? Be honest. Go ahead."

    Gath takes a slow deep breath before he speaks. "My lord. Your clothing looks as if you took it from a beggar. Your hair looks simply horrific. You may want to stop butchering it. Your belt..."

    "Never mind! Just shut up!" Goddard hisses as he leads the way back to his room.

    "I don't really have anything else," he sighs. "As for my's growing," he mumbles. "I didn't want to look like druchii."

    "Have you looked in a mirror? You are druchii."

    "But I didn't want anyone to know!"

    "Humans and dwarfs...all the rest of these inferior races, can't tell the difference anyway."

    "I realized that so now, I don't care," Goddard grumbles and fixes himself up as best he can.

    "Give me the sword."

    "We already discussed this."

    "If we are going out into the streets, how am I to protect you lord?"

    Goddard groans and hands Gath a dagger. "Here. It won't be so obvious."

    Gath puts the dagger away. "There is something to be said about killing someone when they were never even aware of danger."

    "You're so positive to be around...."

  40. After being informed by a servant share Goddard and Gath were being housed, Aara walks directly into their chambers with an armload of clothing. "You do look like a beggar," she agrees, handing a pile of folded silk and linen to Gath. "I guessed as best I could," she explains before turning to Goddard. She herself is dressed in a plain blue dress with a simple black scarf and veil.

    "Put these on," she orders, handing him a pile of burgundy and brown clothes with lots of silk embroidery. "You won't be let in like that," she adds, sitting and crossing her arms with a grin.

  41. They both spin around quickly, ready to defend themselves from whoever so foolishly barged into the room and quickly relax when they see it's Aara.

    Gath does not hesitate and strips down to change while Goddard makes a face at the lack of black fabric but soon does the same.

  42. Aara notices more of Gath's scarring as he changes, eying both of them appreciatively.

  43. Gath raises a brow as he watches Goddard's tail swish back and forth. "I see," Gath smirks. "Slaanesh really must have touched you in ways that would make most blush."

    "Huh?" Goddard stares at him in confusion then follows Gath's eyes. "No! That had nothing to do with that! I had it way before that!"

    Gath shrugs and continues to get dressed.

    "What the hell happened to you?" Goddard asks, motioning toward the large scar in the middle of Gath's chest.

    "White lion axe."

    Goddard cringes. "Yeah those white lions," he shakes his head.

    "What, little, happened to you?"

    "Well, this was a vampire and..."



    "You're lucky to have me around. I can keep you from injuring yourself from tripping over your own shadow, my lord..."

  44. "Slaanesh was me," she corrects, wiggling her fingers. "Tie it on the other side, Goddards. That way looks foolish."

  45. "You seem to have come out of that fairly unscathed," Gath says. "He watches Goddard fumble with the silks. "Is it possible for him to not look foolish?"

    "Oh shut up," Goddard mumbles.

    They finally finish getting dressed and Gath finds a new place to hide the dagger.

  46. "Physically. I had some help, otherwise I'm sure it would be worse. "

    She leads them through the palace, bypassing the stables and exiting through the kitchen delivery gate. "Koroush would likely put me out if he knew I was even aware of this," she informs them, "so this escapade never happened." As they walk, she pulls on long leather gloves and pulls her scarf further down.

    They move through allies toward the eastern city slums, walking quickly. When she stops, it's outside a tannery, the stench wafting around them. She leaves them there and speaks in hushed Arabyan to the proprietor, almost arguing until she hands him a slip of paper. The heavy, sweating man laughs, shaking his head and bowing sarcastically, waving them through. With a chuckling curse, she beckons the two into the depths of the shop.

  47. Gath leans toward Goddard. "This may be a trap. It's a wonder you are still alive, wandering into these situations," he whispers in druhir.

    Goddard frowns. "I trust Aara," he whispers back.

    "You trust assassins too easily," Gath says slyly and the two catch up to Aara.

  48. "Technically I m not an assassin," she interrupts in the same tongue. "Body guard, executioner, and so on. But I have actually never taken a contract- yet."

    She pushes aside a pile of poorly tanned skins, revealing a trap door. After a quick series of knocks, she mutters a few words before it opens to a dark stairwell with fragrant smoke expelling from the darkness. Picking up her skirt, she ducks into the stairwell.

    "Follow me, gentlemen."

  49. Goddard follows her first. "You aren't going to tell us what's going on?"

  50. She pauses and turns to him. "Have I ever lead you astray? You didn't ask when I sent you into a host of other women's arms, or when I lead you blindfolded through a city." She continues down the stairs towards yet another door. "And since you have to ask, you will see soon enough."

  51. Goddard thinks for a moment and then grins. "Well, let's go!"

  52. When they reach the door, it is opened before she raises a hand to knock. Music, smoke, and dim light spills out, followed quickly by laughter and music. Again Aara brandishes her slip of paper to the doorman, who eyes the elves with suspicion before stepping aside.

    The room is large, sectioned off in intimate tables and couches all facing an empty stage. The room smells of incense and tobacco smoke, and there are women serving drinks. Each is scantily clad in scarves and bits of cloth and gloves, but her entire face and hair is covered in a veil, making it impossible to determine any expression or eye color.

    Before the door can close, an unveiled woman approaches with a cry of delight, throwing her arms open to receive them. She is in her mid to late forties, her hair piled atop her head graying heavily and her face painted. Along her arms are twisting brambles of names, sharp and angular, crawling up her shoulders and disappearing beneath her gown.

    "Ah! So you accepted my invitation," she exclaims in heavily accented reikspeil. "I have longed to meet you, Aara of the Mashi."

    Aara nods. "And I you, Hira of the Mashi. It is a great honor."

    The woman waves heavily tattooed hands, setting dozens of thin bangles tinkling. "It is not, and you know it. Tell me, who are your friends?"

    Aara gestures to them, removing her own gloves. "Goddard and Gath, his servant. Treat them as you would any patron."

    Hira approaches, examining them. "You are welcome here," she says in eltharin. "But you must understand, you may not touch any of my girls. They are decoration, not toys." She gives them a knowing grin. "But there is much to see, I assure you. Make yourself comfortable, have wine. I will return your little Walker to you before long."

    She beckons a girl forward, who seats them near the center of the room with a nearby hookah and leaves to fetch wine. Aara is whisked away into another room.

  53. Gath scowls at being called a servant and Goddard's ears droop, remembering that one obnoxious rule. Goddard flops down into his seat and Gath sits beside him. "At least there will be wine," Gath says.

  54. The girl returns with their wine and sits at the table, revealing that her skirt is really just a few long strips sewing strategically in place on a belt.

    "What can I do you before the show begins?" She asks, her common broken but serviceable.

  55. Gath takes the wine and gets comfortable. "As long as you keep this coming, I'll be satisfied."

    Goddard stares at the girl and only is able to speak when Gath puts a finger under Goddard's chin and pushes his mouth shut. "I uh...well..." He sighs, "What can you do?"

  56. The girl shrugs. "I can dance for you, sing for you, lie to you, perhaps touch you if you're interesting enough."


    "You have been practicing, yes? I had so little time in Altdorf to teach you."

    Aara nods, her body motionless as a pretty girl with a crooked nose paints on her arms. "I have, Hira. 3 hours a day, every day for two and a half months."

    "Good, I won't let you do this if you're going to get one of my girls hurt."

    Aara grimaces. "I would never!"

    The older woman pats her cheek. "I know, my dear. But meeting you in Altdorf was such a surprise! One of my kind, and a woman! Your ustadh would be proud."

    "Did you know him?"

    Hira laughs. "Know him? We were lovers in my youth. He was older, I was lucky," she sighs happily. "Our time together was too short, and I had work to do." Her black eyes take on a wicked gleam. "Which one is your lover?"

    Aara laughs nervously and doesn't answer.

  57. "Define interesting," Goddard says hopefully, taking a sip of his wine.

    "Be careful. She may end up never touching you Lord," Gath says finishing his wine and looking for a refill.

  58. The girl laughs, sending points of light shooting from the sequins on her mask. "You have to interest me," she says. "Tell me what you do." As she speaks, music starts.


    "Are you ready?"

    Aara shakes her head. "The paint isn't dry. This won't work. Hira, help me."

    Hira laughs as three girls rush by to take the stage. Each wears a minimum of six daggers on her body, to be thrown at one another during their dance.

    "Just remember, that sword is wider than yours. Breathe, you will be fine."

    As the music starts, the girl claps in delight and moves her chair closer to Goddard. He can see a long, thin knife strapped to her thigh.

  59. "Never," Gath snickers.

    "I uh...well..." Before Goddard can even begin to make something interesting up that also wasn't terrifying, the music begins and he finds himself staring at the glint of the knife.

    He sighs and drinks his wine. "I guess just more wine would be perfect for now."

  60. Goddard notices Aara's blue dress a few chairs behind him, her scarf and veil obscuring her face, legs tucked up in the seat with her.

    All around them light dim, and the curtain rises. There is a whisper thin, sheer veil separating the audience from the stage, and they can clearly see three dancers posing.

    As the music builds, the girls begin to move, a complex choreographed battle involving dagger being thrown at one another. Each girl dodges with confidence, but the blades eat away at the silk trailing their limbs.

    Two more dancers join them, balancing large curved swords on their heads as their bellies roll and hips twitch. A sixth dancer seems to materialize onstage, and another mock battle begins.

    But this time the three swordswomen draw blood. Thin, shallow cuts appear as silk is sliced away in time to the music, and their movements grow painfully slow.

    At last, five of the dancers 'die' or kneel in defeat to one, who merely bows to the crowd.

  61. "Hmm...that was slightly more interesting than I thought," Gath says after some more wine. "I wasn't expecting blood." He turns his eyes toward Goddard who has this look of longing on his face.

    "This place is torture," Goddard mumbles, reaching for more wine.

    "I don't see what's so attractive," Gath says in druhir. "They aren't dark elves. If they were dark elves..." Gath grins evily and drinks some more.

  62. Hira approaches with one of the sword girls, smiling widely. "Did you like the show?" she asks. "That is our most popular arrangement. Although today was an audition," she adds, gesturing to the girl beside her. "Sit, talk to the guests, Liran will translate."

    With a smile, she goes to sit next to Aara behind them while the girl sits with her sword across her lap.

  63. "I liked the show very much," Goddard nods with a smile. He looks over at Aara and wonders what she could be thinking about. She seems very calm and he can't tell if she's watching him or if she's actually mad at him. "I hate these veils."

  64. Liran, their server, shrugs. "They are necessary, my lord. For you to understand would be..." she whispers to the unnamed girl beside her. "Bad," she says simply.

  65. The girl whispers to Liran. "She says you who are perfect in body could not understand. It would mean little to you."

  66. Goddard furrows his brow. "I appreciate the compliment but that's still not really an answer. I'm sure I could understand. With over 70 years of life and delving into things most people couldn't mentally handle, I'm sure I could understand this."

    "Seventy?" Gath sighs. "My lord, you are but an infant."

    "I'm rounding down! Shut up!"

  67. The girl stands, speaking in quick Arabyan and making sharp gestures before walking away. Hira and Aara jump up and follow, leaving Liran at the table, who only shrugs.

  68. Goddard crosses his arms and leans back in his seat with a huff.

    "It all makes sense," Gath says thoughtfully.

    "What makes sense?"

    "You're seventy. But now my service appears to be nothing more than baby sitting."

  69. "That was a terrible idea, Hira!" Aara buffs, dragging the silk veil from her head. "What on earth made you think that would ever work out well?"

    Hira laughs and takes a long drag on her hookah. "I am not the whole who pines after an immoral immortal."

    Aara glares at her as the crooked nose girl comes to wash the body paint off her torso. She hisses when the soap seeps into the cuts, but continues to pout.

    "Do you want to know my decision?" Hira asks as Aara takes her blue dress back.

    Opening her mouth, she shakes her head. "Not yet. When we leave, maybe."

    Hira nods. "You know, I was with him when he drew those marks."

    Some time later, Aara and Hira return to the table, Aara's black scarf in place but not her veil, revealing her pouting.

    "My lords, it has been a pleasure to entertain you," Hira says, "but I'm afraid our time today is at an end."

  70. Goddard looks at the women, confused. "We have to leave? I haven't had nearly enough wine and its been a while since I've even seen wine."

  71. Hira nods. "Only for now, I feel certain our paths will cross again. Follow me please."

    They exit from a different door, Hira carrying a lamp as they walk through what looks to be an old catacomb. When they finally come to a ladder, Aara looks up.

    "Hira?" She asks hopefully.

    With a smile, the woman kisses her forehead and pins Aara's veil in place, murmuring in Arabyan. Aara's shoulders droop, and she indicates for them to climb ahead of her.

  72. "I'm sorry Aara," Goddard mumbles. "I'm fairly certain I did something wrong but thank you for trying."

  73. Standing in a book shop, she shakes her head. "For once, it wasn't you," she says sadly. "It was me." They leave and are in the familiar area she sent him to shop, back in the nicer part of the city. "Shall we go back, or is there anything you need?"

  74. "What happened?" He looks at her worried. "Nothing bad is going to happen to you is it?"

  75. She shakes her head, trying to blink away tears. "No, nothing bad. Just a disappointment. "

  76. Goddard sighs. "I don't need anything. We can go back."

  77. She crosses her arms and walks ahead of them, head down. They return the same way they left, through the side gate. Aara goes directly to her room and changes, hoping no one noticed the blood seeping through the bodice and sleeves of her dress.

    Clad once more in pants and a long sleeved tunic, she takes a small plate of food up to the roof.

  78. Goddard watches Aara hurry away and then goes to his room. He pulls out his notebook and stares at it blankly for a while before deciding to draw one of the skulls hanging from the belt sitting in the corner.

    Gath occupies himself with sharpening the sword and every ceremonial knife or dagger he can pry away from Goddard.

  79. "You look wretched."

    Aara looks up from the city and sees Two standing there, looking for all the world a rich lord. "Hello, Rafiq," she mumbles, tossing another grape off the roof. "Did you come to humiliate yourself again?"

    Two saunters over to where she sits on the wall. "I came because I know what happened last night," he tells her, tugging her hair. "I wanted to make sure you were all right. And to remind you to write to Siba and Ali so they don't come all this way in a panic."

    Aara nods. "The birds took it today."

    Turning his back on the view, he hoists himself onto the wall. "You know, I was visiting Hira and the girls earlier, and saw the most amazing thing. A dancer who moved exactly the way you do. But it couldn't have been you," he mused. "Her hands were empty, and I saw someone wearing your clothes in the audience. And they certainly did not look as though a statue had fallen on them just last night," he chuckles.

    Eyes big, she looks over at him. "Why do all my most embarrassing moments have to be witnessed?" she groans.

    Two laughs loudly, tossing his head back. "What I don't understand is why you took the two elves. Not a single one of Hira's girls would accept them, and entertaining two dark elves might be above your skill level."

    "Cabin fever," she mutters. "They wanted out, I had something to do. If asked, I can use them as a cover."

    Two's tone changes from amusement to concern. "What makes you think you're even qualified to wear that veil?"

    She shrugs. "I had hoped."

    "And what did she say?"

    Aara scowls and makes a rude gesture. "None of your business."

    They hear the temple chime the hour, and Two jumps to his feet. "Well it seems yet another visit cut short today."

    "Don't go," she pleads, "stay and spar with me."

    Two pats her on the head. "This evening. But some of us have responsibilities and cannot lie around being sad for ourselves." He leaves her on the roof, swaggering through the hallways whistling obnoxiously.

  80. This room is so quiet but everything is so noisy at the same time. Goddard wasn't sure how much longer he could take the sound of the sword being scraped. He figured it would end soon enough but then the chime boomed through his head and then obnoxious whistles screeched through his ears. "That's it!" Goddard stomps to the door and steps out, almost bumping into Two.

  81. Two spins around him, similar to how Aara maneuvers. "Well hello again, oh great wizard!" He speaks in such a way that Goddard can't quite be sure if he's mocking him or not. "You should keep your eyes up, less tripping that way," he adds cheerfully.

    "Four tells me you visited Hira today. I was there too. Quite the show, wasn't it?"

  82. "You were? It was nice to get out and have something to drink, but it's not the level of girls and drink I'd have in Altdorf," he sighs. "Can't even touch them," he adds with a pout.

  83. Two tosses an arm over his shoulder as they walk out into the courtyard. "My friend, Hira's is the only place in Araby where women are free to choose, adlnd you are only an infidel and do not know their circumstances. I have it on good authority that there was at least one woman willing to let you do anything you please." He laughed arrogantly. "You just couldn't tell which one."

  84. Goddard peels Two's arm off and turns to face him. "I assume the trip was more for wine than anything else. I do wish there was more wine though and I do appreciate being able to get out and feel even a little bit relaxed."

    "I'd rather keep my hands than play a dangerous game of figuring that out."

  85. Two laughs and sticks his hands in his pockets. "Our little nuur'eni does like to keep her secrets, doesn't she?" He nods up to the roof, where they can see Aara's leg dangling off the edge. "That wasn't any outing," he says seriously. "And if I had been sleeping with a woman for 3 years I'd at least know the way she danced."

    He takes a couple steps and pauses, looking back at Goddard. "Ask her about Hira and her illusions."

  86. Goddard narrows his eyes at Two. "You may have had plenty of time to do nothing," he looks at his arms, "but we didn't have that same luxury."

    He looks up at Aara. "I asked her about what was going on. She wouldn't tell me. I don't posses the same skill of annoyance some others might have."

  87. He only grins and shrugs. "Ask her again, it's interesting at the least. And make her put ointment on those cuts, she won't treat herself properly if you don't hold her down and make her. Body paint can cause nasty infection." His grin widens as he saunters away. "But I'm sure you knew that about her already."

    As he goes, he starts whistling the tune to the dance they had watched earlier.

  88. Goddard grits his teeth at the sound and Gath appears beside him.

    "Shall I?" Gath asks.

    "What? No no Aara likes him for whatever reason." Goddard runs his fingers through his hair in frustration and paces around the courtyard.

  89. Aara nibbles on a carrot, letting the sun warm her aches away and enjoying the fresh breeze this high. Absently, she tosses another grape down into the courtyard.

    It's good work Hira does, she thinks. Those girls...they'd never live so well. And there they can choose who they want, what they do, and are worshiped for the same thing that separates them from society. Maybe next time, Hira will say yes.

  90. The grape rolls bumping into Gath's foot and he crushes it under his shoe. "Might I suggest we get something to eat my lord."

    Goddard stops pacing. "That sounds like a good idea. Maybe. Would they even serve us, since we're infidels," he grumbles.

  91. Aara starts to take her plate back down to the kitchens, tossing grapes in the air and catching them when she sees Goddard and Gath walking. Clearly Goddard is unhappy.

    Well it serves him right, she thinks, ducking into a doorway. I'm tired of his attitude. Maybe Two is right, and I should just let him go. We had fun, right? Maybe that's all that matters.

  92. Goddard doesn't want to deal with anyone else right now so he grabs a few fruits and veggies like he were a squirrel hoarding food for the winter.

    Gath looks over the food Goddard is grabbing. "No meat?"

  93. Aara strides in, humming to herself and puts her plate away. "I'm sure if you ask the staff will get you some," she tells him, pouring a drink of water.

  94. "No I don't want to..." Goddard starts pitifully, but Gath pushes past him.

    "You," he points to one of the staff. "Fetch us some meat. Whatever you have." He then turns to Goddard. "You have to be more stern with these servants. You are the most pitiful highborn I have ever seen."

  95. Aara shakes her head. "Asking works, too," she quips. Setting her cup aside, she turns to Goddard. "You are a guest here. You can almost anything you want. That is the benefit of your friendship with Koroush. Just ask," she says, tipping his chin up with a fingertip. She boldly holds eye contact for a moment before turning to leave the room.

  96. "I feel like a prisoner," Goddard sighs, nibbling on a piece of food.

    "Eat," Gath says. "And then I'll teach you how to fight."

  97. Aara finds Rayya in the expansive garden, walking with several of her fellow widows. They invite her to join them, Rayya leaning on her arm as they walk.

    "You seem so different, little shadow," she sighs. "You used to be so stoic. Nothing ruffled your feathers. What happened?"

    Aara laughed a little bitterly. "You know what happened."

    Rayya slows, dropping behind the others. "Your wizard."

    "He isn't mine anymore, Malika."

    Rayya nods. "You fell in love so deeply, so fast. He loved you so hard."

    Aara shrugs. "It was the only way he knew how. The only way I knew. Malika, I really don't want to talk about this."

    "Your heart is bitter still. If you don't lance the wound it will only grow worse. Tell me what happened."

    With a sigh, Aara does so, slowly. She doesn't cry, but she does have to stop in places. When she does, she realizes that Rayya is right, and she does feel better.

  98. After they finish eating, Gath finds a long two handed sword while Goddard uses the one he had gotten long ago.

    "Won't this just be impossible for me?" Goddard groans.

    "I'll dumb myself down to your level. I can't show you my secrets."

    Goddard frowns. "But then you'll know mine."

    "You already told me yours."

    Goddard takes a stance and Gath instantly scowls. Goddard shifts his feet ever so slightly and that seems to appease him.

    They begin sparring. Gath simply defends against Goddard's swings with an occasional attack to try and knock him off balance. On one such attack, Gath leaves a shallow cut along Goddard's cheek. He spins the sword in his hand and stands up straight. "Do you want to stop?" he asks.

    Goddard passes the back of his hand over his cheek to wipe the blood off. "No. Not an injury worth stopping over. Come on."

    Gath drops back into his defensive stance and they continue.

  99. "Ah, Anissa..."

    Aara looks at the servant expectantly. "Yes?"

    "Ah, madam, forgive my intrusion, but..." the boy wrings his hands.

    "Get on with it," Rayya snaps.

    The boy straightens immediately. "Aziz sent me to inform you that your two elf friends have taken over one of the sparring rings."

    "Was it in use?" Aara asks.

    "No, Anissa."

    "Then what is the problem?"

    The boy stares. "They're fighting...they'll kill each other!"

    Aara shrugs. "Then the victor gets to clean up his mess. Go watch them, I don't care."

    The boy pales. "A-a-ah yes Anissa!" he stammers, running off.

    "You are not interested?" Rayya asks, raising an eyebrow.

    Aara doesn't look at her. "If I cling to him, it will suffocate him and drive e him away. I don't want to do that. I need for him to come to me in his own time, of his own will."

    "But if he does not?"

    "Then he does not, and I will not be the cause of my pain."

  100. "Stop looking at them." Gath scolds Goddard every time his eyes move toward the people watching them spar.

    "They're making me nervous."

    "Give them a show. Make them fear you."

    "I'm sure they are already pretty terrified."

    The swords clash and clatter against each other, louder and louder. Goddard raises the sword high and tries to strike from above. Gath moves in quickly and elbows Goddard in the stomach, hard enough he drops his sword.

    "Not the face," Gath warns.

    "I'll remember that," Goddard coughs, picking the sword back up. After he takes a deep breath, he nods at Gath and they continue.

  101. "I am told Rafiq has been to see you," Rayya mentions with a sly smile.

    "Twice," Aara informs her.

    "Is he courting you right under Goddard's nose?"

    Aara laughs. "He would with the slightest of encouragement. He is coming again tonight," she adds. "We're going to spar."

    Rayya's face lights up with excitement. "Spectacular! We haven't had such entertainment since this trouble began with the sultan. Oh there is so much to do! Dinner must be special, the ladies prepared, you need clothing and a bath! Oh you naughty girl! You should have told me sooner! An entire evening must be planned!"

  102. Gath has nicked Goddard more than once during their sparring and hasn't stopped to see how Goddard feels since the first cut across his cheek, but this time he does.

    Goddard's sword twists and Gath's blade slips under his arm. Goddard drops his sword and tucks his hand where the sword cut. "I'm done," he says, dropping to a knee.

    Gath stands in front of him. "There is an..."

    Goddard smiles up at him. "I'm fine. Morr doesn't want me. Help me up?"

    Gath offers a hand and Goddard gets to his feet. He collects his sword and slowly begins the trip back to his room.

  103. Laughing, Aara is being dragged back into the palace when she sees Goddard walking back to his room clutching his hand.

    "Rayya, wait," she says, her laughter dying. If I stay right here, I'm directly in his path.

    When he gets closer, she notices the blood and has to smother her panic. "Are you badly hurt?" She asks, clasping her hands behind her back to keep from checking him over. "Do you need any help?"

  104. "I'll live," he chuckles. "Don't worry. I'm pretty sure it looks worse than it actually is."

  105. Her expression closes slightly and she nods. "I'm sure you know best," she says, letting Rayya pull her away down the hall.

  106. Goddard loses himself in his mind, trying to figure out what is going on. I thought we made some progress. What happened? What did I do? Why...

    "You're going to bleed out. If you wanted to drain yourself, you could have asked."

    Goddard shakes the thoughts from his head and continues to his room.

  107. "Now I have ordered a bath sent to you," Rayya says, going through her wardrobe. "I do hope you aren't upset about being alone down here, are you? I couldn't very well put you with the virgins, and, while it was his favorite joke..." she trails off. "You were not my husbands wife."

    Aara shakes her head, digging in her unpacked bag. "I like it. I have horrible nightmares, Malika. This way I don't disturb anyone."

    Rayya nods, accepting that answer. "I should send a few invitations. Will Goddard come?"

    Aara shrugs. "I don't know. Invite him." Finding what she wanted, she opens the jar of ointment Goddard had made in Altdorf. Not wanting to just leave it, she had gathered it with her things before leaving the college.

  108. Goddard carefully checks the wound under his arm and groans. "Could be worse I suppose." He figures he'll clean up first before he dresses the wound. Goddard slips into the tub with a sigh and Gath sits on a low stool. He leans back on it and uses the wall to help him recline.

    "Why does she hate me so much," Goddard whines.

    "You're an lord."

    Goddard narrows his eyes at Gath. "Oh because you understand everything right? So much expertise."

    "I am simply far more observant than you are."

    Goddard sinks under the water and pops back up quickly, gasping for air. "Enlighten me."

    "Are you certain? I wouldn't want to blind you so suddenly."


    "I suppose it wouldn't be blinding you, seeing as you are already so blind. Were you so mad at that nan that you did not hear him?"

    "My head was buzzing."


    "Spit it out."

    "Your babh...she was performing, and you didn't even know."

  109. "This will do nicely," Rayya says, laying out some clothing. "Of course, you'll dress for dinner, but this will do for the match."

    Aara pours a healthy measure of jasmine oil into her bath before undressing, making sure Rayya and the servant girl can't see the mark on her shoulder. "That old thing?" She asks, sinking into the tub. "I can't believe you kept it."

    Rayya makes a face at her. "Of course I did! I embroidered it with my own hands! You naughty girl. You'll wear grey to dinner as well. I want everyone to know what they're going to see."

    She sends an armful of clothing to be pressed before sitting at Aara's desk. "Now to write notes. Rafiq will need to bring his men, of course, and Aisha will want her suitor, a few other eligible men should come..."

    Relaxing, Aara lets her plan and ramble. I forgot how elaborate this all can be. I haven't attended or participated in a sparring in what...six years? Am I truly twenty five?


    "Hmm? Yes Malika?"

    "Goddard, do I write him?"

    Aara shrugs. "You're the one making this so formal."

  110. Goddard stares at Gath in shock. "That doesn't make any sense. No...wait..." Everything he has seen and everything he was told rushes back and he repeatedly bumps his head against the edge of the tub.

    "Oh," Gath says, feigning concern. "Don't hurt your already fragile little mind."

    "Why would she...why not just...but I wouldn't..."

    "Forget her my lord. She obviously makes you more stupid than you already are."

    "I could never!" Goddard says agitated. "E-even if I wanted to..." he sinks into the water up to his chin and closes his eyes.

  111. Lord Goddard,

    You are invited to a rare event. Rafiq the Unmarked will face his fellow student the Shadowed Sword of Walking Death tonight in a stunning display. There will be a banquet followed by entertainment, and lastly the aforementioned battle.

    Please come and support her.

    "There," Rayya says, sprinkling sand to dry the ink. "I will deliver these and leave you to your preparations."

    Aara watches her go and sinks low in the water. "This will be an interesting night to say the least..."

  112. Goddard sits up quickly when he hears the stool skid across the floor. Gath had heard approaching foot steps and rushed to the door with Goddard's sword. Someone knocks and Gath carefully opens the door, staying behind it.

    "He-hello?" the servant stammers, trying to see beyond the darkness of the room.

    Gath leans into the doorway and looks down at the young servant. "What do you want?" he growls.

    "I...I...I..." he stares up at Gath with wide eyes and simply holds up a piece of paper.

    Gath snatches it from him and the servant flees down the hall. Goddard stands behind him, partially dressed. "Who was that?"

    Gath shrugs and hands Goddard the note before he heads off to clean himself up a bit.

    Goddard sits down and reads the note. At first he is unsure of who the titles belong to and then he laughs. "Nan and Aara. We have a banquet to go to. Hurry and get ready."

  113. A servant points Aara to a smaller, less used hall closer to the ladies' wing of the house. Wearing many shades of grey silk, with her hair uncovered and a sheer charcoal gray veil, she does look a bit like a shadow. Only the briar vines flowing up her arms stand out. She looks elegant and unassuming.

    When she enters the hall there are about two dozen people there. Most of them are Rayya's ladies, but at least a third are men; some suitors for the younger girls, some old friends and smaller nobility.

    "Ahhh, you look lovely," Rayya says, approaching her. "Rafiq is here, as is your elves."

    Aara nods, swallowing the lump in her throat. "You didn't have to do all this," she whispers as they move to the head of the table.

    Rayya grins at her friends as they move. "I didn't do it for you. My son has asked us to stay home more often, it is harder to seek out entertainment. This is for them."

    Aara is seated on Rayya's right, with Goddard beside and Two across. What she doesn't expect is the person sitting next to Two.

    "Five?" She asks, stretching a hand across the table. "I didn't know you were here!"

    A giant of a man grasps her hand warmly. He is so large her hand looks like a child's in his, and he towers over Two and Goddard. Having greeted her old friend, she looks over to Goddard shyly.

    "Thank you for coming."

  114. "It was nice of you to tell me you would be in the show this time," Goddard says, scratching absentmindedly at the table.

  115. Aara blushes and manages to glare at Two. "You rat!" she whispers harshly at him. "Why did you do that?" Two only shrugs and grins before continuing his conversation with Rayya.

    Looking back at Goddard, she twists her napkin in her lap. "It wouldn't have made a difference."

  116. "What do you mean? Would you not see an event differently if you knew I was in it and it wasn't just random people you didn't know?"

  117. She shrugs and looks away. "Yes, but this was different. It wasn't important. Just an audition."

  118. "Auditions are usually something you can watch to support someone. Just like this. Just like the invitation said."

  119. "You did watch." She looks up at him with a false smile. "It really doesn't matter. I wasn't qualified anyway."

  120. "I could have told you what I thought if you would have told me you were auditioning." He crosses his arms. "I could have complained about how unfair the audition was or how horribly you did. I guess I can just do that with this performance instead."

  121. Aara strares at him a moment, dumbfounded, before laughter bubbles out of her. "Oh, he told you what I did, but not how I failed!" She points her knife at Two. "He is a rat and I'm going to cut his tongue out." Smiling, she shakes her head. "Goddard, it wasn't my dancing that failed. I performed as well as anyone else today. It was me that didn't work. You see," she explains in a low voice, "Hira's girls are damaged, some so much that they would be unable to support themselves even as prostitutes. Liran, for example, was attacked in a riot. She lost an eye and has extensive scarring. Hira enables these women to support themselves and make choices about men. That's why you couldn't touch them without their permission."

  122. Goddard looks at her in confusion. "'re too pretty? That's an odd reason to fail anything. They should all move to the Empire. They could have the same set up except no one would care about missing eyes or anything."

  123. She nods. "Essentially. When we left, she told me to come back to her when her veil would hide something worth hiding." Brushing hair out of her face, she grins. "Not all of the answers are in the Empire. Some are here, too."

  124. "All the answers for them are in the Empire. Doesn't seem to be much here for anyone different."

  125. She shrugs, a small smile on her face. "And yet we manage. It's different in the smaller places. Hira is a last resort, really. Most families take care of their own. Men have it easier, that's all."

  126. "You don't have to manage. You could just leave."

  127. "I can, yes, but not everyone can." She studies him a moment, her brow knitting in confusion. "Goddard, why are you so upset about this? Did Two make you believe it was more than it was?"

  128. "Yes, everyone can," he practically whispers. "There are so many ships going in and out of so many ports from many different races. It would be so much easier than what I had to go through. With the corsairs and the nauglir and the Empire and Bretonians breaking those ships. People here just don't want to leave for some reason."

    He sinks into his seat and grumbles in druhiir. "Two is simply an idiot. Is existence upsets me."

  129. She laughs at him, toying with the vegetables on her plate. "Could you ever truly leave Altdorf? It's your home, no matter what." She smiles brightly across the table Two and responds in druhiir. "While I'm inclined to agree, I don't understand why you don't like him." She gasps in delight. "You weren't jealous of him the other day, were you?" she asks wickedly,

  130. "I'm not talking about Altdorf. I'm talking about Naggaroth. Did I never tell you?" He prepares to mentally sort the details of the story but then he narrows his eyes at Aara. "Jealous? Of what?"

  131. She shrugs. "His familiarity, flirtation." Stupid. Why would you ever assume that? He barely thinks of you anymore. She laughs nervously. "It's silly, nevermind," she says, waving her hand. "Twonis an idiot, you're right."

  132. "I've always said you can do whatever you want," he grumbles. "You were the one who would get jealous."

  133. "Lord Goddard," Rayya says, "you have monopolized her enough. Come, dinner is over, and the entertainments begin!"

    In Arabyan, Rayya calls an end to dinner and leads everyone to the roof. All seating and potted plants have been moved to the outer edges, leaving a large open space. Music plays, a fast, fun beat, and Aara is pulled off to dance with Koroush's sisters.

    It's a fast dance, full of stomping feet and clapping hands and belly dancing. Laughing, Aara joins in, keeping time in a dance she hasn't done in a long time. The girls all swirl around one another until they look like a shower of flower petals. When its over, she finds a seat, breathless and laughing, while the younger men begin a routine of their own. This one is heavy with drums and looks far more martial than a mere dance.

    Lamps and braziers are lit as the night deepens, and Aara and Two part ways to change for the match.

  134. Goddard plops down into a seat beside Gath and stares quietly at all the colorful movement. He wants to be happy and laugh but watching everyone else do it so easily makes him bitter.

    "I see your conversation went well," Gath says.

    "Does it make you happy to pester me?"

    "It's just so easy my lord."

  135. While they wait, Rayya begins to take bets with help from another woman. Approaching Goddard, her smile widens. "Care to place a bet?" she asks. "Aara's odds are surprisingly low."

  136. "Low?" Goddard snorts. "It's her and that fool correct? He hasn't seen..."

    Gath interrupts him with an elbow to the ribs. "Ow! What the hell was that for!?"

    "What are we betting? Is there some way we could get enough wine to drown ourselves in for at least a day?" Gath asks.

  137. "Money," Rayya explains. "But I'm willing to attempt to procure some wine for you if she wins." Looking to Goddard, she frowns. "You don't know, I imagine. Rafiq is unmarked, not unbloodied. He keeps a rather morbid trophy collection- teeth I believe. At last count, he has taken over two hundred lives." Realization dawns on her face. "Aara doesn't know...he didn't even begin until we were taken captive. It's no wonder her odds are so low, no one is betting on her."

  138. Gath grabs Goddard by his cloak and pulls him close. "Don't inform them of all the things you have done," he whispers in druhiir. "She is obviously more experienced than they think. Bet on her."


    "You have coin. I want wine."

    "And if I lose?"

    "You lose coin," Gath shrugs. "Simple."

    Gath turns back to Rayya and speaks in reikspeil. "My lord will bet on Aara. Whatever he needs to drown us in wine."

  139. She laughs and winks at him. "If our girl wins, I will do everything in my power to float you for a day. If not, you will lose a bundle," she chuckles, walking away.

  140. "This had better be worth it," Goddard hisses.

    "It will be," Gath nods.

    "You aren't losing anything!"

    "Exactly. But you aren't losing much anyway."

    Goddard crosses his arms. "You were probably the most expensive thing I have ever purchased."

    "Would you like a refund?"

    Goddard stares at Gath for a few silent moments then looks away.

    "I thought so."

  141. When Aara returns, she's dressed simply in dark grey pants and a sleeveless shirt that fit her like a second skin and is embroidered on the collar and hem with the same design her tattoos mimic. Her hair is braided and pinned to her head, leaving nothing to be easily grabbed. Even her veil is stretched to conform to her profile instead of fluttering freely. In spite of her size, she looks formidable.

    Two is dressed just as simply in black, his beard slicked against his skin and the gold wire and hoops gone. When they meet in the center to a smattering of applause, he grins and holds up a pink and white desert rose. "Just so I know how low to swing," he laughs, tucking it in her hair. It's an old gesture from their days studying under their ustadh, and she smiles up at him warmly.

    "You're a rat bastard, and I'm going to pulverize you," she says in an adoring voice. "You had no right to tell him."

    Two strokes her cheek fondly. "I only said that if I had been sleeping with you for three years or more, I'd know how you dance."

    "I hate you."

    "You do not," he chuckles. "After the way you've behaved, pining for him like some lovesick child, you should thank me for opening his eyes."

    They speak in soft voices, smiling at one another, looking for all the world to be flirting until Five approaches, rubbing his palms together.

    "Right then, no projectiles. No kill shots. No maiming. One backup weapon is allowed beyond what you begin with, but if you are disarmed you have to retrieve it from either side of the space during combat. First to yield loses. Oh, and Four," he adds, pinching Two's cheeks, "don't mess up this face, it's all he's got. The Malika will introduce you."

    They both nod, expressions grim as Rayya stands before them. "Friends, the time you've all been waiting for has arrived. Aara of the Mashi Al'Maut, the Shadowed Sword, will meet in friendly competition against Fariq the Unmarked. She has, to this day, 189 kills to her name, while he holds," she swallows and looks a little nervous, "he holds 243."

    A low murmur runs through the crowd, and Aara looks up sharply. "What?" she whispers.

    Two winks, lowering his eyes at her. "I am unmarked, yes," he answers. "Not unbloodied."

    "You lied to me!"

    "It is the whole point of remaining unmarked."

  142. "243..." Goddard mumbles.

    "I'm sure a demon or a monster counts for far more than a single stinking human," Gath says in druhiir. "Don't worry so much. Plus anyone who has earned the mark of Khaine has done so for a reason."

    "I...what!?" Goddard gasps. "How did you see that?!"

    Gath doesn't reply and just looks at the two combatants.

  143. They walk away from one another and take their stances. Two angles his two handed greatsword up and across his body, while Aara holds one scimitar up and across her body and the other down and across, giving her more coverage. Five gives them a whistle, and Two instantly charges, his sword raised in a powerful blow that sends her rolling backwards and regaining her feet. She responds with a sweeping attack of her own at his midsection, which he blocks easily. Their swords blur as they move around one another, and for once Goddard can see the spears of defense that she'd been talking about in the past coming into play.

    Aara's mind goes blank as she watches Two, anticipating his movements. It's like dancing, the way they move around one another so closely, surrounded by a steel blizzard. She slides beneath him to avoid a deadly swing at her head, her blades leaving shallow cuts inside his calves as she passes through his braced legs.

    "First blood to the Mashi!" Five calls, and the crowd claps appreciatively.

  144. A smile creeps at the corners of Gath's mouth. "See?"

    "You still haven't answered my question..."

    "She just showed me," Gath shrugs.

  145. She hears him curse as she comes to her feet. He turns to her, swinging wildly for her face. Aara barely falls back to the floor, her veil falling away from her face and a thin red line of blood swelling down the bridge of her nose. Rolling to her feet, she responds by punching him in the nose with the hilt of her scimitar.

    "Cheap shot," he grunts, shaking his head and coming for her again.

    Ignoring him, she presses him across the roof, turning in circles around him. He's more than twice her size and has more power, but she knows from experience that only means he'll tire faster. They continue, blow for blow, sometimes making contact but mostly just meeting blades until his sword bites into her left shoulder. Aara cries out, dropping her scimitar.

    "Old wound, maybe?" he taunts, kicking her weapon out of reach.

    It is, in fact, the same place where Goddard once hit her during a sparring match Naggaroth. She grits her teeth, keeping her arm close and wrapping both hands around her remaining hilt.

  146. Goddard leans forward, watching everything more intently. "I hope she breaks his nose," he mumbles.

    They both groan when Aara takes a hit.

  147. "Can you fight wounded?" he laughs, spinning around for another blow. Aara ducks and snakes her blade across his hand, splitting it open to the bone.

    She doesn't answer but grins fiercely.

    He shouts in rage and forces her back beneath a flurry of attacks. Even as she's forced to retreat, she leads their dance. Once she's close enough, she does a tight cartwheel and retrieve her second scimitar.

    "That's cheating," he says, clucking his tongue at her.

    Aara can see his attacks get a hair slower, and begins to press him back. They lock blades a few times, an intimate struggle during which he taunts and laughs at her, even as he's breathing heavily. A well placed kick to his hip upsets his balance and sends him sprawling even as he blocks her next blow.

  148. Goddard watches Two's face and grins at his anger and frustration.

  149. Aara hits him even harder, feeling a deep satisfaction when his stance breaks and his sword goes skittering across the floor towards the edge of the crowd. "Yeild?" she asks, even as he flips to his feet. He shoots out a hand to hit her solidly in the chest, sending her crashing to the floor and knocking the breath out of her. Aara loses sight of him as he runs to the nearest weapon rack and grabs another great sword.

    Aara chases him down, giving him a long cut down his back as he reaches the rack. He spins around, disarming her left hand again and sinking his weapon into her side. She gasps, dropping her second scimitar and putting a hand to her side.

  150. Gath grabs Goddard and pulls him down by his robes before he even has a chance to try and get to his feet.

    "Be calm," he says, not taking his eyes off Aara and Two.

    Goddard makes a pained sound and tries to get comfortable again.

  151. Aara hears cries from the audience, but shakes her head to clear the haze of pain covering her eyes. Two grins and puts his blade to her throat, a satisfied smile on his face. "Yeild, my dear?" he asks, his voice ragged.

    She shakes her head, reaching out for the closest weapon on the rack. When she realizes what she's grabbed, she laughs manically. It's not a scythe, but it'll do.

    Two flinches at her laughter, backing up a few steps when she starts swinging the halbred around the way Goddard showed her with his scythe. "That's not how you use that," he says, trying to recover and plan where to hit her.

    Aara just smiles wider, her face going innocent. "No, it's how you win." In a flash of movement, she digs the weapon into his shoulder, pulls it out, and sweeps his feet out from under him, setting the point on his throat.

  152. Goddard beams at her comeback. "Can this end already though?" he mumbles to himself. "This back and forth is stressful."

  153. Gasping for breath, Aara pricks his throat. "Yeild?" she rasps.

    Two puts his hands up, sighing. "Yeild," he agrees, relaxing on the floor.

    Aara plants the butt of the halberd and leans on it while Five throws his hands up.

    "The Unmarked yeilds! Aara wins!" he shouts.

  154. When the rest of the stunned crowd cheers, the druchii cheer as well. Gath slaps Goddard in the chest with the back of his hand. "And you didn't trust me."

    "Of course not."

    "You're not as dull as I thought."

  155. Aara grins, offering Two a hand up, which he waves away. He groans climbing to his feet and clutches his shoulder, looking at the blood covered girl. "How did that even happen?" he asks, amazed. "Never once did you beat me."

    She turns and walks away, still leaning on the halberd. "And I had a statue fall on me yesterday."

    Pausing in front of Goddard and Gath, she keeps a hand to her side, trying to stop the blood. "Well?" she asks Goddard. "How was that performance?"

  156. Goddard grins at her. "Very impressive," he laughs. "We knew there was no way that nan could best you."

  157. Before she can respond, she's swarmed by a panicked Rayya, who's in tears.

    "It's not supposed to be like that!" she almost shouts. "You aren't supposed to get hurt! You're already hurt!"

    Aara raises a hand to keep her distance. "This is how it is, Malika, and you knew that. Please, call for some baths and the surgeons. We're going to need stitches."

    As Rayya nods, biting her lip and following orders, Aara turns to Goddard. "Unless I know someone willing to take care of this for me?" she asks quietly. "I'm pretty sure my arm is going numb."

  158. "I can help you much faster," Goddard nods. "Come to my room and I'll take care of it."

    "Where shall we pick up our winnings?" Gath asks Rayya with a smile. "Or can we have it delivered to the room?"

  159. Rayya gets control of herself and eyes Gath. "It will take some time, of course, as wine is not in the palace, but it will be delivered to your chambers."

    Aara nods. "I'll go clean up and be there shortly."

    Her well wishers keep her and Two occupied until Five lumbers between them and forces a path for them to go inside. A servant girl assisted her to her room, peeling away her ruined clothing and helping wash the blood away and bandage her wounds. She dresses in colorful loose pants and a tunic, wrapping a robe around herself and walking barefoot toward Goddard's room.

    Exhausted but happy, she leans on the wall and knocks softly.

  160. The door creaks open just a bit and Gath sighs. "It's just you," he groans and lets her in. Godard is sitting at a desk, flipping through books but he stands to meet her when she comes in.

    "You're so rude," he scolds Gath and helps Aara to the bed to sit. "Anything that needs immediate attention?"

  161. "Don't sound so pleased," she says. "Rayya will make good on your wager. Just give her a little time."

    Once she sits, she unwraps the robe and shows him her shoulder. "They're both pretty deep, but this one hurts more. It's where you hit me training, remember?"

  162. Goddard nods and carefully places his hand over her wound while whispering something in a language Aara doesn't understand. Her wound burns for a moment before it changes to a deep dull pain.

    Gath sits on a chair and reclines, leaning his head back. "I'm sure she will," he says. "I have plans for that wine."

  163. Aara hisses, instinctively putting her hand over her wound and covering his hand. "Seven hells," she groans, rolling her shoulder under his hand. "It's amazing how fast you forget that feeling."

    When it's over, she leans against him a little. "Got one more for me?" she asks, raising her shirt and showing him the gash on her side. "The small ones don't matter, and I don't want any more questions than necessary about my recovery."

  164. Goddard nods and without a word, puts his hand over the gash and repeats the words. When he's done, he leans back and flops down onto the bed. "I wonder how Two is holding up," he chuckles. "It was wonderful to see you knock that stupid smile from his face."

  165. She laughs. "It felt good. I'm sure he's fine. He's having a bath and will get stitched up. There will be dessert and some more dancing up on the roof," she adds. "Do you want me to send your regards, or would you like to come dance with me?"

  166. "Oh, no dancing thank you," Goddard laughs. He folds his hands over his stomach and sighs. "If I were guaranteed to be able to see him miserable, I could be persuaded to sit and watch."

  167. She laughs. "If he isn't, I fully intend to make him miserable." She lays down beside him on her stomach, propping herself up on her elbows.

    "Goddard..." she says seriously. "You asked me something once, and now I need to ask you the same thing." She looks almost like she might cry suddenly.

  168. He turns his head to face her and looks concerned. "What is it?"

  169. "H-how does my nose look?" she asks sadly, covering it with one hand. "Is it awful?"

  170. Goddard turns his head away and tries not to laugh. "It looks fine. You're still too pretty for another audition."

    "I could cut it off if it bothers you," Gath suggests spinning a dagger in his hand.

  171. Aara gasps, then buries her face in Goddard's shoulder, laughing so hard her whole body shakes. She tries to form words, but just dissolves into giggles each time.

    "D-do you-" gasp "remember?"

  172. "She's more mad than you," Gath mumbles.

    "Remember what?" Goddard asks. "I can barely remember what has happened earlier today."

  173. She takes some deep breaths to calm herself. "We were sparring in your tower in Hard Ganeth," she giggles. "I pulled a swing and thought I cut your nose off, but you didn't have one yet!"

  174. "Oh! Yes that," Goddard chuckles. "I don't miss that. My face. That tower."

  175. She strokes his jaw, her touch so light he almost can't feel it. "Your face was perfect then, too."

    Checking herself, she sits up, pulling her robe back up on her shoulder. "Well, I'm going to go torture my friend. Join us, if you want."

    On the way back to her room, she stops in her lonely hallway and bounces her forehead on the wall, groaning. Then, gathering herself, she puts her hair back up, tucking Two's flower in the braids, and slips into some sandals. Catching herself in the mirror, she decides that she looks comfortable and elegant. Almost happy.

    And less like she just had the life beat out of her.

  176. Goddard sits up and holds his head in his hands for a few moments then slides off the bed. "Let's go. We'll probably have our wine tomorrow. We'll have to find something else to do until we can drown ourselves."

    "I don't understand what kind of palace doesn't have endless barrels of wine at it's disposal."

    "This one," Goddard chuckles. He hopes to at least catch a glimpse of Two in pain and miserable.

  177. Aara meets Two on the stairs. He looks pale and tired, but gives her a grin. He's wearing nothing but pants and an open robe, his chest bare. Despite his bandages, she can't help but admire him.

    "You were incredible," he laughs, offering her a hand. "I've never seen anything like that."

    She accepts, and they ascend together. "You learn a few tricks out in the world."

    He chuckles. "So it seems."

    "243?" she asks. "How? It's only been a few years."

    He just smiles. "Maybe my sheik had a few enemies."

    She laughs as they join the party. A handful of guests have left, but the younger ladies are already dancing with their suitors.

    "Shall we?" Two asks.

    Aara lets him draw her closer, smiling up at him. "You're still a rat."

  178. The two druchii arrive and Goddard sits in a cushioned spot as far away from everyone else as he can. Gath sits beside him.

    "Shouldn't you be poring over books or something else productive instead of sitting around these foolish creatures?"

    "I'm taking a break." Goddard begins pulling more pillows to him to construct a nest to lounge in.

    "Lazy highborns," Gath mumbles and sinks into a pillow.

  179. Rayya approaches from the side and kneels to sit beside Goddard. "Our girl did well tonight," she says, eyes on Aara dancing with Rafiq. "Her fame will spread, and asking price for her executioners services will rise. She is secure." A sly smile forms at the corners of her lips. "I have silks dyed here in the palace. I'm quite particular. I'm sure if you send me a note tomorrow I could loan you a barrel. A rich, lovely red from the north."

  180. Before Goddard can speak, Gath pushes him back into the pile of pillows. "Could we not just ask to borrow some...ahem...dye now?"

    Goddard sits up and attempts to shove Gath but fails. "He's not....writhing on the floor," Goddard complains. "Why isn't he writhing?!"

  181. Rayya smiles, still watching Aara. "It arrives tomorrow morning," she tells Gath. "I will make sure I set it aside."

    When Goddard whines, Rayya shoots him a dirty look. "Perhaps she's just wanting a little attention," she suggests. "A woman misses being looked at like that."

  182. Goddard doesn't look at Rayya but continues to watch Aara and Two. "She can have all the attention she wants! But he should still be in pain..."

  183. Rayya laughs and stands. "Maybe he is..."

  184. "Well...good...I'd just wish it were more visible."

  185. Their dance ends, and Aara sees Rayya talking with Goddard and Gath. After thanking Two for the dance, she practically floats over to them. "Malika, this has been wonderful," she says, kissing the older woman's cheek. "Thank you."

    Rayya pats her cheek and smiles. "Anything for you, my Afya," she responds before walking off.

    Aara looks down at Goddard and grins. "Dance with me, elf sheik?" she asks him. "You're out of practice, and your cousin wouldn't want that."

  186. "No I'm fine," he laughs nervously. "Too much of an audience."

  187. Her face falls, and she nods before walking over to where Two and Five are talking with some of the old khalifs daughters. Two tosses an arm over her shoulder and draws her closer, laughing at Five telling a story.

    It never mattered before, she thinks, looking over her should at Goddard.

  188. Goddard frowns.

    "You got what you wanted. Why do you look so upset?"

    "I didn't think she'd give up that fast," Goddard mumbles.

    Gath places his foot on Goddard's back and gives him a shove. "Go on. Give me a few minutes of peace. I promise I won't run off."

    Goddard stands up and smooths his robes out. "How dare you!" he hisses.

    Gath motions for him to go away and gets comfortable on the cushions.

  189. "...So there we are, in the middle of a sandstorm trying to keep these damn camels from locking up on top of us because no one knew she was breeding, and Kalila thinks it's a good moment for her to propose to me!"

    Aara laughs. "Raj, she did not!"

    He pits a hand on his heart. "Swear on my first born. My first charge proposed to me."

    "But you're happy?"

    Raj smiles. "Our fourth is on the way. I'm thinking of calling her Aara. Or just Four."

    Aara laughs and nods. "Please do!"

  190. Goddard sighs and trudges over to Aara. He gentle pokes her in the back.

  191. Aara turns her head, coming out from under Two's arm. "Goddard!" She cries, grasping his arm and drawing him in.

    "Raj, this is Goddard. Goddard, this is Raj- or Five, as we knew him." The big man bows. "And you've met Celyn and Tessa, they're Koroush's sisters."

  192. Goddard bows to Raj and the women, keeping his back to Two as best he can. "Good evening."

    He turns to Aara and motions toward Gath with his head. "I come out here and" he shrugs.

  193. She brightens, hugging his arm. "Really?" she says at the same time Raj claims one of the girls and calls for a dance. Aara pulls him to the middle of the same space she was bleeding on an hour before. It's a slower dance, so she shyly moves closer and puts one hand on his shoulder and the other in his hand.

    "Remind me to thank him."

  194. "Oh I'm sure he'll be glad someone else approves of putting a boot in my back," he chuckles.

  195. "Undignified as it may be, it saves me from dancing with Two all night."

  196. "You could always just not dance with him. Shove your palm into his nose. There's options."

  197. She snickers. "He's not that bad. Why don't you like him? "

  198. "When I first met him, he struck me ass. Those first impressions stick you know."

  199. "He can be. But he's mostly talk." She grins. "Your first impression wasn't all that great either, you know."
