Sunday, December 6, 2015


"I've learned Two is jealous of my accomplishments, he has a new tooth I must have, you have a strange definition of protective, you think I'm the better man and love me, you could never not kiss me, you climb well, you don't mind doing things in public, you want me to drag you into a closet...and..." he sighs dramatically. "Gath doesn't like me..."


  1. "You cannot have Two's tooth, and I didn't say Gath didn't like you. You might be the only one he likes."

  2. "But Aara," he whines, "it's gold." Goddard finally shrugs with a laugh. "I'll leave that tooth alone. And you said he didn't like anyone. Or are you trying to tell me I'm not just anyone? You're so sweet."

  3. She rolls her eyes again. "No, you aren't 'just anyone.' You', I can't speak for him, but I know what it's like to be saved like that. You're always going to set apart."

  4. "I always have to save everyone. What would you all do without me?"

  5. She laughs. "You're awfully arrogant tonight!"

  6. She sighs dramatically. "I am my own enemy. I should just stop telling you things."

  7. "But if you stop telling me things, no one will tell me things."

  8. "You'll have to be observant? Heaven forbid!"

  9. "I am extremely observant," he says defensively. "I meant if you don't talk to me, no one will. That's the last time I try to talk the way you talk...tell me things bah!"

  10. "Oh calm down, your feathers are all ruffled," she chuckles. "Look, is that tavern still open?"

  11. "I don't have feathers," he mutters. "Let's just open the door and see."

  12. As they approach, a drunk man stumbles out. "Fine form. Firm fone indeed." He squints at Goddard and smiles. "Oy there, pretty lady! Give us a kiss?"

  13. Goddard raises a brow. "You mean her right? Either way, keep your lips to yourself or you might end up without them."

  14. The drunk turns his head wildly and notices Aara for the first time. "Oh heeey li'l girl," he croons sloppily. "Give us a kiss too?" He reaches a drunk hand out to wave her closer. "Come 'ere li'l girl."

  15. Goddard looks over at Aara. "What do you think? Should I break his nose? Or do you want to do it? And there is no 'don't break it' option."

  16. Aara shrugs. "You're the bodyguard tonight," she reminds him. "Knock his tooth out since you're so keen on the idea."

    "Heh?" the drunk slurs. "Me toof?"

  17. "Yes. I'll knock your teeth out. I'm starting a collection." He shoves the drunk aside to make room for Aara to walk through the door.

  18. "Eh?"

    Aara slips past him, shooting him a smile. "He really is starting a collection," she says, pulling Goddard in behind her.

    "Com'on, just one li'l kiss? From one of ye girls?"

    Aara laughs, and they go inside.

  19. "So drunk, his vision is impaired," Goddard mumbles.

  20. "Maybe it was the robes," she suggests, making her way to a table. "Maybe he knew and just wanted a kiss."

  21. "He could have just asked like a normal person," he snorts. "And I would have said no anyway. Human males are...messy. You should avoid them too."

  22. "Messy?" She slides Two's jacket off and hangs it on a chair before sitting. "The humans I've kissed weren't messy."

  23. Goddard chuckles. "You've only ever kissed...two? And were they incredily drunk? Probably not."

  24. She blushes, lifting her chin. "Three, if you must know."

  25. "Oh no! Three!" he snickers. "Wait! Three? Was it...oh that sneaky liar. He stole it didn't he? You didn't fall for his tall tales did you?"

  26. She bites her bottom lip on a grin. "Make that four. And no, he didn't steal it, and he didn't need his gypsy story to get it."

  27. "Four?!" he gasps. "Who? Do I know them? Did I have so much to drink earlier, I simply can't count?"

  28. "I'm not surprised you don't remember. You were pretty distracted yourself." She leans forward and lowers her voice. "We went to the Silver Pinnacle with a man, on his wagon. A merchant, I think." Sitting back, she counts on her fingers. "That makes you, him, Two, Koroush, and Katarina- but I'm not certain she counts...I can't remember if it actually happened."

  29. "I'm not a human. I don't count. And women don't count eit...she kissed you but wouldn't give me a glance?"

  30. She scratches her head. "I can't remember, we were so drunk."

  31. "It makes sense..." he whispers. "That's why she hated me so much. She could have just said so. I would have left her alone."

  32. Aara grins and walks her fingers up his arm. "Maybe that's why she offered me a home. So she could have an exotic little bedwarmer for herself," she chuckles.

  33. His eyes go wide. "That's exactly what that was! It's why she turned down Zorgrat and the...the...oh what's the word...Scheiße Mann?"

  34. "Maybe," she laughs. A harried waitress comes by and asks for their order. "Um, wine and whatever you have to eat?"

    The waitress sighs. "Wine I've got, and I'll see what's left in the pot for you." She throws them a cheerful wink and goes off.

  35. "I'm the smartest person I know, and I still couldn't see it," he shakes his head, disappointed in himself.

  36. "I guess we'll never know," she says, pulling her feet into her chair. "Or I can ask in my next letter."

  37. "No no, it's obvious to me now. You write about whatever else you want to write about. But you should write about how amazing I am and how much she's missing out on."

  38. "Oh, I will," she promises. "I'll write and tell her all the most scandalous details of our affair and make her utterly jealous that you have me instead." Toying with his hand, she examines his claws.

  39. "Don't get any ideas. No more blood, remember?"

  40. He frowns and makes a fist, tucking his thumb under the rest of his fingers.

  41. "Don't do that," she says, opening his hand and lacing her fingers through his. "I was just thinking that the whole thing was bizarre. You still don't scare me," she adds.

  42. "Bizarre? How?" He scratches his head with his free hand. "I could probably come up with my own theories, but I'm curious as to what's on your mind."

  43. She waits while the waitress delivers two cups, a flagon of wine, and two bowls of thick, rich stew. When she's gone, Aara pours them both a drink.

    "For starters, my own, um...persistence? I don't know what got into me."

  44. "Maybe you were like me," he mumbles. "Tired of wanting something so much and not getting it. You thought maybe you'd just grab it by the throat for once."

  45. "I think you're right. I don't regret it, though, not really." She lifts his hand to kiss a knuckle. "And we did a lovely job of mucking it up," she chuckles against his hand. Releasing him, she picks up her spoon. "This looks serviceable."

  46. "A part of you does though and I don't blame you." For every spoonful of stew he has, Goddard takes two gulps of wine.

  47. She pauses, her spoon halfway to her mouth. "Only the part that lost control, and could have gotten us both hurt." When she notices how fast he's drinking, she shifts the flagon further. "Slow down, it's not going anywhere."

  48. "I'd have been fine." He holds the spoon in his mouth and reached for the flagon with both hands. "Gif if pak," he mumbles.

  49. She tops off his cup herself and sets it aside. "Don't drink so fast," she tells him, frowning. "If you get too drunk I won't be able to get you back."

  50. "You can carry me. I saw you scoop up a fully grown bright wizard," he snorts. "And I'm thinner and sleeker."

  51. She shrugs and puts the flagon back in reach. "Fine, but it's rather undignified for a big scary amethyst wizard to be carried to bed." She looks off the side, watching a lute player settle into a corner and tune his instrument. "Especially if he's carried to a bed besides his own..."

  52. "What do you mean? What are you planning to do to me? Are you giving this back to try and get me even more drunk? I know how this works," he laughs.

  53. She looks back at him with all the innocence she can muster. "I was just thinking that Two is sleeping in the main room for punishment, instead of in my room, and I might get lonely or scared of the dark...I'll need a good bodyguard, someone better than Two. Who's smart and sleek and can make little skulls glow in the dark."

  54. "Oh really?" he grins. "Are-are you suggesting something?"

  55. "Pretty blatantly, I thought."

  56. "I'm sorry. The wine is making me less smart than you thought I was. Maybe."

  57. She stirs her stew thoughtfully. "Or is it that you've got your eye on another bed...?" she asks with a sniff.

  58. "That'll never happen. Not anytime soon anyway," he mutters, as if he were talking to the contents in his bowl.

  59. Aara snorts, laughing into her stew. "There is no teasing you, is there?" She sips her wine and shakes her head. "So serious, nuur'eni."

  60. "You tease me all the time! You can be so cruel."

  61. "I am not cruel. You're cruel with the nose thing."

  62. "No, that is funny. I wonder how many more times you'll fall for it."

  63. "One...two..." he counts on his fingers. "Four...four?"

  64. She rolls her eyes and takes a long drink. "Horrible."

  65. "Both of you have no idea what you're talking about."

  66. She snickers. "Both of us? Are there two of me now?"

  67. "It's a dream come true. And he can't have either of you. You're both mine."

  68. She giggles, feeling the wine kick in. "He who?" she asks, laying her head on her knees and wrapping her arms around then.

  69. "Two. I know he'd try...he'd try to steal one of you from me. Or mister story teller. Or ever Katarina! Oh she'd try the hardest to steal one of you I'm sure."

  70. She groans. "No one stealing me away- either of me. Two is inept and too...brawny, Aaron's leaving tomorrow morning, and Katarina is in Kislev probably married. So there. No stealing me away."

  71. "Good!" he smiles. "So what do you two want to do tonight? I've never had gorgeous twins."

  72. Aara leans in and whispers in his ear. "Take you to bed and wear you out is a thought. I think you're too drunk to dance."

  73. She laughs and tosses some money on the table. "You're feeling good. Let's head back," she adds, slipping into Two's jacket and rolling up the sleeves.

  74. Goddard gets to his feet and throws an arm around Aara. "I'll feel better when everything stops spinning. Lead on."

  75. She laughs and stumbles him outside. "I don't know if that's going to happen soon," she giggles. "Maybe we can get mine and yours spinning the same way."

  76. "Yes. That's a really good idea. I think."

  77. "Here, you lean on me," she tells him. "Not that way!" She laughs when he puts his elbow on the top of her head. "Lean on me this way." She wraps his arm around her waist. "There, now we can go."

  78. "If you weren't so short, this would be much easier."

  79. "You could stand to be less tall."

  80. "No one grows shorter. You grow taller. Except dwarfs. They continue to be stepping stools through their whole lives," he snickers.

  81. "Unless you know a spell to put on me, I'm pretty sure I'm done getting taller."

  82. "Oh I wouldn't do that to you. Wouldn't want to risk turning you into a toad or worse...a porcupine."

  83. She giggles. "Then you just have to deal with me as I am."

  84. "I guess this is fine then. I haven't fallen yet."

  85. She grunts and navigates them around a horse pile in the street. "Oh, generous sheik, thank you for allowing me to be 'fine,'" she laughs.

  86. She rolls her eyes, wishing she had drunk a little bit more. "Hey, don't step on me," she says when he stumbles. "I'm little, remember?"

  87. "I'm so sorry. The ground keeps moving. It's making it difficult to walk straight. You're doing such a good job though. You're the best."

  88. She laughs at him. "You're going to owe me," she tells him. "I want to be kissed so well I hear symphonies and see fireworks."

  89. "I can do that. I can't do everything quiet yet, but that I can do."

  90. "Everything?" She asks, raising a brow.

  91. "Well for one, I can't fly yet. Can you? No. You can't."

  92. "Oh. Now that's mean. Tell me, how would you swim if you were missing your face?"

  93. "You don't have that excuse anymore." She pauses and leans him against a stone fence and stretches her arms over her head. "You're heavier drunk."

  94. "I have plenty of other excuses." Goddard takes a few wobbly steps forward. "I can make it."

  95. "Not on your own," she warns, getting in front of him. She pulls her hair over her shoulder and turns away. "Climb on. I'll carry you."

  96. Goddard tilts his and then laughs. "You aren't serious are you?"

  97. "I'm not joking. It'll take forever stumbling around in the dark."

  98. "I can't do that to you. I'll look like...some...some lazy drunkard."

  99. She laughs. "Fine, we'll just walk then. But first," she turns to face him, pulling him down to kiss his lips.

  100. He doesn't want to stop kissing her and reluctantly pulls away. "I thought we were going to wait till later."

  101. She grins. "It was just a kiss," she teases.

  102. "I thought you wanted symphonies and fireworks. Did you change your mind?"

  103. "I didn't, but I just wanted a quick kiss. That wasn't even a good try."

  104. "That's why I thought we were going to wait until later and what are you trying to say?" he mumbles. "I'm sure even that was better than any human kiss."

  105. She laughs and tugs on him to get him moving again. "Quit overthinking it. Just a kiss, love, because I felt like it."

  106. "I love you," she laughs. "Even if you are crazy."

  107. "I love you too. Even if you're short."

  108. "I like being little," she tells him. "You can just put me in your pocket and sane on travel expenses."

  109. "Oh you're much too big to fit in a pocket. My pocket anyway. You could probably fit in one of Zorgrat's if he had pockets."

  110. "I saw a handkerchief he had on the ship, I could have used it as a skirt." She stumbles over Two's jacket hem and scoops it up with her free hand. "This is entirely too long. I should have just went up after my own."

  111. "Just get rid of it. Or I can hold it? Want me to hold it? I'll need a bath afterward."

  112. "I'm not getting rid of it. Rayya had it made especially for him. Look, it has his intended marque down the arms," she holds an arm out for him to see. "She had a whole wardrobe designed for us using our marques. And it's nice and warm. He'll need it soon."

  113. Goddard stares at the marks down the sleeves then turns his head. "She gets really caught up in clothing doesn't she? She should open a store in Altdorf. She'd make a ton of coin."

  114. "She likes themes. And these are just like your scythe and amethysts."

  115. "How so?" he grumbles. "Two and I are nothing a like."

  116. "You two are so alike. You like wine, women, fine jewelry, you both see death from a different perspective than most, you hate my scarf, you're both prideful and funny and possessive. I know you could be friends if you both would just try."

  117. He moves away from her and almost trips in a puddle. "No. Never."

  118. She slips her arm around his waist to steady him. "I didn't realize you disliked him so much," she says softly.

  119. "I dislike a lot of people this much."

  120. "Don't turn grumpy. You're no fun when you're grumpy," she pouts.

  121. "That is the entire point of being grumpy."

  122. "Nuur'eni, I have plans for you, and they won't work if you're grumpy."

  123. "Tell me about your plans and I may not be so grumpy."

  124. "Well...first I'm going to kiss your neck, your jaw, and your ear. Then I'm going to give you a warm massage from your scalp down."

  125. She grins and skips a step ahead of him, swishing her skirt. "All the way down."

  126. "Then what are we waiting for!" Goddard tries to move more quickly but stumbles and almost falls for the umpteenth time.

  127. She laughs and grabs him before he falls. "You're too drunk to go fast!"

  128. "And how are you not drunk? Are you immune?"

  129. "I don't drink nearly as much as you do, and much, much slower."

  130. "You couldn't handle it!" He gently pokes her in the belly. "Your insides would explode."

  131. "Why does everything end with me exploding?" she asks, amused. "Do you know something about my future that I don't?"

  132. "I usually only mention your explosion when it comes to your silly desire to study magic because it's true."

  133. "It's not a silly desire. I just wish I could see the winds," she mumbles.

  134. "It is. Magic wasn't meant for humans and the ones who try have been studying for many years."

  135. "So? I'm not dumb enough to try and find anyone to teach me. It's just a wish, like wishing I were taller," she mutters. "Meaningless to anyone but me."

  136. "Ah I'm sorry," he tries to hug her and rests a good bit of weight on her. "I didn't mean to try and crush your dreams."

  137. She makes a muffled sound against him that's almost like a laugh. "Don't worry, you didn't."

  138. "Good. You can watch me paint them. That's almost as good as seeing them. Better! You won't go insane."

  139. She nods. "That sounds like a good enough compromise." Aara steps out of his arms, taking his hand and drawing him along. "But we're dallying, and there's no time for dalliance..." she says wickedly.

  140. "You're the one who won't allow me to move faster."

  141. Goddard contemplates her offer again then shakes his head. "I can't do that to you. Or ruin my amazing reputation."

  142. She laughs so hard she has to lean against him. "Not willing to lose face in front of Two?"

  143. "Especially not in front of him. I still have to rub that in his face."

  144. Aara bites her tongue before she says he should be nicer to Two. Even if he doesn't like my relationship with Goddard, he just wants me to be happy and well loved.

    "Just be gentle with him," she laughs instead. "I don't want a pouting retainer for the rest of my life."

  145. "It'll be fine! And he pouts anyway. It won't be any different."

  146. Rolling her eyes, she finally sees the abbey's vague shape through the fog. "Look! We're here!"

  147. "Finally!" he says sounding exhausted.

  148. "You sound tired...are you not up to a little more activity?"

  149. Goddard seems to perk back up. "I am! I won't have to be on my feet so it'll be better."

  150. They creep through the silent building as they go to their level. In the main room, she smiles fondly at Two, who is snoring in a corner with a blanket.

    Taking Goddard's hand, she draws him into her empty room, trying to hide her sudden nervousness.

  151. Goddard flops down face first onto the bed and sighs happily. "Finally. Everything stopped spinning."

  152. She grins and rolls him over so she can unbuckle his belt, beginning to kiss his neck as promised.

  153. Goddard closes his eyes and turns his head to the side. "Don't break anything on that," he mumbles. "It took a long time to get most of that stuff. Especially the eyes."

  154. "I know, I gave you some of the things on it, remember?" she murmurs, rising to gently set it on a small table. Aara stretches out beside him, massaging his scalp and nibbling on the tip of his ear.

  155. Goddard smiles and inhales a little more sharply when she nibbles his ear. He sits on the edge of control and losing himself to the alcohol and Aara. "Should we be doing this?" he mumbles biting his lip.

  156. "Yes," shield breathes. "We'll just keep to one rule, and it'll be fine, nuur'eni." She changes tactics and kisses him deeply.

  157. He slowly moves a hand to touch her cheek and slides his fingers through her hair. "What's the rule?" he whispers.

  158. "No blood," she says, leaning into his touch.

  159. "I knew that...I knew it...I was the one who set it...I..." his words trail off as he moves closer and kisses her.

  160. Much later, Aara snuggles into Goddard's arms, tired but satisfied. Already asleep, his hold on her tightens a bit, and she sighs in contentment and drifts toward sleep.

  161. A green light swirls around the moon and Goddard holds his breath. "Not this again. I don't want to see this."

    It seems to be an ever changing portal of terrible landscapes and scenery full of shadows and blood. "I-I don't...don't..."

    A familiar face appears in the darkness. "Father?" Goddard chokes back tears at the thought of him being lost and alone in these terrible places. Otto's face twists and distorts. ""

    The moons appear to crash into each other and everything goes black. Goddard flinches and then in a flash, he's at the brothel. "Gath...Aara..." They are motioning toward her arm. "Two..." He has a grin on his face that frightens Goddard. As he moves closer, he notices what they are looking at. "Raemileas...but you said you wouldn' lied..." He yells but no one seems to be paying attention to him. "You told her...and..."

    Tears stream down his face and he digs his claws into the bed whispering over and over again, "No no he's lost you lied no..."

  162. Aara wakes, hearing him talking. "Goddard? Nuur'eni, what's wrong?" she asks, shaking him gently. "Wake up, habibi, it's only a dream." She sits up and wraps him in her arms, still trying to wake him up. "Wake up."

  163. His eyes quickly open and he grabs her hard by the wrist, pulling her arm close. He stares blankly at her arm in a daze for a moment before his eyes frantically seem to be searching it for something.

  164. "Ow, that hurts," she tells him, knowing it will be bruised tomorrow. "What's wrong?"

  165. He blinks a few times and his eyes focus on hers now. "Aara," he says softly. He quickly lets her go when he realizes how tight he's holding onto her. "I'm so sorry...what did I do...what else did I do?"

  166. Realization dawns on her, and she rubs her wrist. "Nothing to apologize for, you were just looking," she tells him. She rotates her wrist, hiding how much it hurts. "See? I'm fine. It must have been an awful dream."

  167. "Looking?" Goddard thinks for a moment and then he seems to go more pale than he usually is as he remembers what he was dreaming about. "Aara, you know I don't actually think..." He sits up and covers his eyes with his hands, taking deep breaths.

  168. She wraps her arms around him and pulls him close. "It was just a dream, nuur'eni," she whispers against his hair. "Just a terrible dream." She rocks him gently, murmuring soothingly in arabyan.

  169. "Why does my mind think these horrible things?" He fights the urge to glance down at her arms.

  170. "I don't know," she whispers. "Do you want to tell me about it?" As her mind clears, she voices another concern. "Do you need me to cover my arms?"

  171. "I'm sorry," he mutters. "Yes. Just until my mind calms down."

  172. She leaves him just long enough to slip into a long sleeved tunic and pull on some thin leather gloves. Climbing back onto the bed, she rubs his back and waits patiently for him to calm down.

  173. "Thank you," he sighs. After a few minutes, Goddard turns to face Aara. He pulls off her gloves, closes his eyes and gently kisses the tops of her hands. "You're either very patient, or you care about me a lot."

  174. "Both," she says softly. She cups his face in her hands and raises it to face her. "Whatever your dreams tell you, whatever you fear, Goddard, I am never adding his name to my marque. If you need me to teach you what his name looks like in Arabyan, I will, and you can check whenever your nightmares get the better of you. It won't bother me at all." She kisses his forehead. "You and me, remember?"

  175. Goddard smiles and closes his eyes. "A part of me feels terrible for this but another part of me knows it'll be best for my sanity. I would like to see the name. You can show me everyone's name and I can write them all in druhiir. I can help you write yours and you can impress Gath even more."

  176. Hoping the distraction will help him sleep later, she grabs her journal and pencil. "We okayed this game once before," she reminds him. "On a ship to Araby, when I was punished with silence. You showed me what my name and 'lecai' looked like."

  177. He tucks a piece of hair behind his ear and scoots close to her. "Do you remember what it looked like? I remember what you looked like that night."

  178. She scratches a rough copy of the words. "Id that it? Young and foolish is how I looked," she laughs. She looks up at him and realizes he's closer. "I was already half in love," she admits.

  179. "Only half? I obviously wasn't at my best." He makes a few corrections to the shapes of the letters.

  180. "You weren't. I found the other half later, when you fell asleep."

  181. "When I fell asleep? Is it because that's the one time I'm not talking?" he chuckles.

  182. She grins up at him. "It was the first time I saw you without you plying me with all your considerable charm. You looked...gentle. I wanted to kiss you," she laughs, "but I didn't dare."

  183. "Afraid I would have attacked you?"

  184. "Afraid in general."

    She writes two names on the page and points to the shorter one. "That's Ot- the name we knew. This one is what Gath told us."

  185. "It's alright. Otto. Raemileas. What about father?" He watches her write the intricate letters. "Were you afraid of me? Or was it just the horns and everything or the usual 'he's a mage'?"

  186. "Not you necessarily. Ustadh taught me that love makes you vulnerable. I was afraid of being that helpless girl hiding in the tombs again."
