Sunday, December 27, 2015

Post Masquerade

Two sprawls at Aara's feet, idly sharpening one of her daggers. "So...who was that woman?" he asks in Arabyan.

"No one you need concern yourself with," she tells him in the common tongue. She chews her knuckle, copying down notes from the book on reading druhirr. "This is so complicated," she mutters.

"And yet you have an expert right there," he says, nodding towards Goddard. "Why don't you ask him to help? Why are you keeping this from him? Surely he wouldn't want to miss out on an incredibly beautiful dark elf around."

"Because I haven't decided what to tell him, exactly."

"Four, that sounds like you plan on keeping things from him. If it's serious, shouldn't he know?"


  1. Goddard sits on a chair and mumbles softly so himself. "Why won't she tell me what she's trying to read? Why won't she just let me help her? I've taught her before. Does she not need me anymore? Is it a secret? Is it a good secret? A bad one? Probably a bad one it's always the bad ones..."

  2. "It is serious," she agrees. "Which is exactly why I'm being cautious."

    Two raises his voice in frustration. "At least tell me what a beautiful woman wants with you! If I'm going to be involved in secret meetings, let me in on it!"

    Aara laughs, letting her pencil and book fall on him. "Is that what's killing you? You couldn't understand what was said, so you jump to conclusions? You're as bad as Goddard."

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. "And he even knows more than I do?! Him?! Two?!" Sethai lands on Goddard's lap with a chirp. "Don't try and make me feel better."

  5. Aara draws little circles on his scalp with her finger. "Well next time I'll alleviate your troubles and go on dangerous secret meetings on my own."

    "Go back to your books, oh studious scholar," he grumbles, throwing them at her.

    "Hey that hurt!"

  6. Sethai dives into Goddard's sleeve and climbs around under his robes. "Hey! Hey stop! That's starting to tickle! Get out!" Sethai sticks his head out of the opposite sleeve holding one of the squares of chocolate in his mouth.

    "Oh..." he sighs.

  7. Aara looks up at Goddard's commotion. "Are you all right, nuur'eni?" she giggles.

  8. He unwraps the square and gives the candy to Sethai. "I'm as fine as I could possibly be at this moment," he says.

  9. She pouts playfully and goes to kneel in front of him. "Are you still irritated about the book?"

  10. "It's not the book. It's that you're hiding something from me and it's driving me further into insanity." He looks into her eyes. "At least tell me I have absolutely nothing to worry about. That you'll be safe."

  11. She takes his hands and kisses his knuckles. "Yes, I am keeping something from you. But it's only because I don't know how to say it yet. Goddard, I swear you have nothing to worry about. This is probably the safest I have ever been."

  12. "I don't want to believe you, but I will," Goddard sighs. "And I'll wait until you find whatever words you need to find to tell me." He kisses the tops of her hands.

  13. "It won't be long, love. Unlike reading your language," she laughs. "Circles on circles."

  14. "It'll take a lot longer than speaking it," he warns again. "The offer is still there for me to just do it for you."

  15. She bites her lip. "I don't think you'll want to if I tell you what it is. And...I might need to know, one day."

    He won't like it. He'll be upset and disappointed once I tell him how tempting everything Lady Soulshatter described is...

    A chance to enlongate my life? To spend it with him, doing what we do? Maybe I wouldn't be so damned fragile that way...

    But he'll hate the idea. He's a little selfless like that.

    "Nuur'eni, you love me, don't you?"

  16. Goddard tilts his head. "Of course I love you lecai."

  17. "Good," she says, springing forward to tackle him and cover his face with kisses.

  18. He smiles and wraps his arms around her. "Did you forget or just needed to be reminded?"

  19. She smiles and rubs her nose against his. "I like hearing it. Especially after all the awkward flirtations I endured last night."

  20. "At least your night seemed more...interesting. Most interesting thing I did was fireworks."

  21. She snickers. "Your good hands went to waste. Poor, poor Goddard," she teases, stretching lazily against him. "I, however, am exhausted from all the dancing. I was quite the commodity."

  22. "Figures you'd be happy about that," he chuckles. "I'm glad you had a nice time. It looked fun from above but it's probably best I wasn't down there with everyone else."

  23. Her eyebrows draw together in a small frown. "Why not? You dance quite well, and no one would have seen your...uniqueness."

  24. "Something terrible would have inevitably happened. Too much temptation."

  25. "You're faith gives me shivers," she responds dryly.

  26. "You have quiet a lot to learn," he says lowering his head. "Don't let my mumbling slow you down..."

  27. She nuzzles his neck, not quite ready to let him go. "Study break? Or do you have some secret meeting to go to?"

  28. "I don't do secret meetings," he chuckles. "Not the kind you apparently have anyway. Not anymore."

  29. She laughs, toying with a bit of his hair. "I go out for the morning and come back with a book. What kind of meeting do you think I had?"

  30. "A meeting with someone who was so interesting, you had to see them again. Like mister 'gypsy said we were supposed to be together' from the other day."

  31. Still chuckling, she tugs his hair a little. "A meeting inside the library, with Two accompanying me. There was an entire bookshelf between us, I didn't even see her face until I moved some books. As for Aaron, he's gone, and wasn't ever anything for you to be worried about."

  32. "Anything can happen. All it takes is a few seconds." He furrows his brow. "And I'm not worried. Who said I was worried?"

  33. "You're acting like you have something to be worried about. For once, nuur'eni, I'm being the most careful I can be. And, even if he is an idiot, Rafiq is one of the best." She puts a loud, smacking kiss on his neck. "And right this moment, in very good hands," she adds with a small laugh.

  34. "I'm worried about druchii more than anything else. Can't trust those..."

  35. Damn it.

    "Well I know how to avoid them," she titters nervously. "I've met my fair share."

  36. He leans back in the chair with a sigh. "I'm sorry if my getting wound up over a book is upsetting you. I'm sure I'll get over it eventually. You're too smart to get into any trouble," he chuckles.

  37. She settles into his lap. "Considering what we've gone through, and what your books have done to your mind, a mysterious book I can't let you read seems like something worthy of getting wound up over," she tells him. "But it's nothing. We'll get away from everyone later and talk about it. How does that sound?"

  38. "If you ever come across a book like the ones I've had to deal with and you hide it from me, I'd be so mad, I think fire might come out of my ears," Goddard laughs.

  39. She gasps. "I'd never! Not intentionally."

  40. He kisses her nose and chuckles. "But accidentally you might?" Goddard looks over at Sethai and sighs. "Maybe I should go have a secret meeting."

  41. She nods. "One day we'll talk about that, too," she says softly. She kisses him quickly before getting out of his lap. "Back to the books for me."

  42. "But...we've already talked about it. Is there more I don't know about?" He frowns and gets to his feet. "Come on Sethai."

  43. Goddard doesn't say anything and walks out of the room with Sethai on his shoulder.

    "You're going to make him even more insane," Gath tells Aara. "You don't want mages to get too insane."

  44. "Some things can't be told all at once," she replies, looking at him from the corner of her eye and remembering her conversations with Lady Soulshatter. "Or in their entirety."

    She goes back to her work by the window, muttering grammer and letters under her breath as she tries to make sense of it all.

    What's in the book? Was she telling me the truth? Could he and I really exist in a world like that- able to be exactly what we are, without anyone telling us it's wrong?

    I told him I'd go back to Har Ganeth for him....but would he do it for me?

  45. Gath watches Aara and Two for a few moments before he leaves the room as well.

  46. "Two," she mutters. "Keep your eyes on him. If he hurts Goddard, I will sell my soul to make every breath of his very long life a burning, painful one."

    Two flinches and looks up sharply. "Is he...? Should I follow him?"

    "No. Just watch him."

  47. Goddard makes his way to the graveyard and walks to a bare patch of dirt away from the stones, small building and priests. He kneels and searches through his pockets. Once he finds a square of chocolate, he carefully places it on the ground in front of him.

  48. "Four...what did she tell you?"

    Not looking at him, she makes another note. "She told me about a choice I have."

    "What kind?"

    She shifts in her chair so that she can lay her cheek against his shaved scalp. "The kind you can't come back from."

    "Will...will we lose you to this?"

    "I hope not, Two."

  49. "Will you please talk to me?" Goddard whispers, resting his hands on the tops of his knees. "I never got a chance to say good bye. I can't remember the last time I wasn't a smart ass or the last time I said I loved you or appreciated you. I don't even need an explanation for what happened that day. I just..."

  50. Two turns around and looks up at herd from his spot on the floor. "Aara, don't do anything stupid. Your brother and Siba would never forgive me."

    She grins sweetly and twirls her pencil. "My whole life, someone or something else has made choices for me. Goddard being the exception, of course."

    "He might not have been the smartest choice."

    She chuckles and turns back to her books. "Yet he was, and remains, mine."

  51. He balls his hands into fists as tightly as he can without hurting himself with his claws. "I need to tell you. I need to know you know. And maybe you could meet Two and Gath. Gath says he's already met you but it would still be nice. They are both pretty horrible," he chuckles through some tears. "You'd love them." He listens for a knock or thud or a voice and squints at the darkness between the trees in front of him, looking for a figure but he hears and sees nothing.

  52. Two just huffs and goes back to sharpening her knives.

  53. Goddard covers his face with his hands. "I miss you so much father. I feel like I'm falling apart. I need you..." He sobs softly for a few minutes before he takes a deep breath and turns his head slightly to the side. "How long have you been there?" he sniffles.

    Gath kneels beside him. "Long enough."

    Goddard looks down at the chocolate. "Thank you," he mumbles.

    "For what?"

    "When I gave you the chocolate earlier."

    "It was just chocolate. Why did that mean so much to you?"

    "How did you know it meant something?"

    "It was pretty obvious my lord."

  54. Goddard thinks for a moment then smiles. "It was his favorite thing. I'd always think about him when I saw chocolate and I'd always try to buy him even just one piece. It was my way of showing how much he meant to me. So I wanted to give it again to people who mattered. I'm sure Aara understands what it means."

    "I see. So, how does this work? Talking to the dead."

    " hasn't worked with him yet..." Goddard stares down at the chocolate, holding back tears.

    Gath quietly waits for Goddard to continue speaking on his own terms.

    "I-I think...I hope he hasn't said anything because he's moved on..." After another long pause, he takes a deep shaky breath. "But I'm afraid he's lost. Trapped. And it's all my fault." Goddard begins to sob again. "He's lost and I can't help him."

  55. Gath sighs. "I doubt our gods would let someone so idiotically kind be lost to chaos. What sort of sap adopts a washed up demon? That's rare."

    Goddard shakes his head and wipes his eyes dry. "Gath..."


    "Would you go back to Naggaroth? If I got you your own ship right now, would you leave? I just...I need to know..."

    "And do what? Go back to being a slave in the fighting pit? I think for now, I like spending my time drinking an endless supply of free wine that isn't watered down and being waited on hand and foot."

    Goddard looks at Gath and manages to raise a brow. "Free wine? I have to pay for that."

    "You are paying for it. I'm not. So to me, it's free. Why did you need to know this?"

  56. Goddard sighs. "Because I lost my world and one day I will lose my moon and star lit night. I'm afraid. I'll be alone."

    "Just find some other human."

    "And do what? Keep losing them over and over and over? I can't even be with other elves." He looks up sadly at Gath. "Don't tell Aara but, I don't think I'd be able to keep going when she's gone. What's the point? I don't even need a lover. Just a friend."

    "That's sounds strange coming from you my lord," Gath snorts. "And I said I'd stay to drink away every last coin you own."

    Goddard sniffles again and leans against Gath. "Thank you."

    "Don't read too much into that," he huffs.

  57. Staring out the window, Aara bites her knuckle. "Two, there's going to come a day when I release you," she says softly in their language. "When I do, I need you to do something for me."


    "Go, and don't ask questions. Deliver a letter to Siba, and never look for me."

    He snorts. "Don't be stupid."

  58. Gath stands up. "I'll leave you to your sadness, chocolate, and ghost conversations."

    Goddard holds a hand out to Gath. "I'm done for now. I'll have plenty of time for all of that again later."

    Gath grabs Goddard by the wrist and pulls him to his feet.

    "Maybe we should finish getting everything packed for our trip," Goddard sighs.

  59. "I'm not being stupid. I'm giving you an order."

    "I don't care."

    She knocks him in the back of his head. "I'm being serious."

    "Still don't care. It sounds like you're afraid of something, and I won't take an order given because you're a coward."

    With a curse, she tackles him, books and knives skittering across the floor as they curse and wrestle and hit each other.

  60. Goddard steps over a few low and crumbling stones. He trips over one and falls. Gath stops and looks down at him with a straight face. "How?"

    "The rocks and stuff!" Goddard says annoyed. He gets to his feet and touches his now bleeding lip.

    "No my lord. How did you live to be over 50. I don't get it."

    "Shut up! At least I won't need to wear anything to cover it!"

    "I could fix that for you," Gath offers.

    "I don't think eye patches are my sort of thing."

    "Maybe a tight scarf around your neck?"

    "How about I give you a piercing with my scythe."

    "Maybe I..."

    They step into the room and see Two and Aara on the floor.

  61. "You camel twat!"



    "Shoddy dancer!"

    They roll around, the room in disarray as they fight, bloodying noses and busting lips and pulling hair.

  62. "I'm putting all your money on her again," Gath whispers.

    Goddard rubs his temples. "It doesn't work that way."

  63. Oblivious to their audience, they keep going. "You're a terrible retainer!"

    "You're a terrible leader!"

    She pauses, straddling him on top with her first pulled back to punch, and gasps. "I'm a good leader! I'll be a good leader!"

    "To who?" he pants, capturing her other hand.

    She struggles out of his hold and gets up to kick him, but he grabs her leg and tugs her down, rolling over and pinning her. "You never were big enough to win."

  64. Goddard goes to take a step forward but Gath holds him back. "Now now, you don't have to interrupt them just yet. Look at how much fun they are having."

    "But my lip..."

    "If my eye was able to wait, your lip can wait."

  65. She puts a knee in his groin, and when he rolls away, she goes with him and punches his jaw.

    "When I give an order, you follow it," she growls.

  66. "Aren't you glad your my retainer and not hers?" Goddard chuckles.


  67. Two reaches up and slaps her. "Then you better give a real order instead of letting fear give it."

  68. Sethai frantically flaps around the room, screeching so loud, even Gath covers his ears.

    "Sethai!" Goddard pleads loudly. "If you care about my ears you'll stop now!"

  69. Aara scratches at Two's face as she turns around and sees them. Looking back at Two, she wipes at blood trickling into her eye.

    "When I tell you, you will do it."

    Still breathing heavily, he snarls at her. "Then you damn well better mean it."

    She gets to her feet and walks over to Goddard. "Did you do everything you..." Her eyes narrow as she comes closer. "What happened?" she demands, looking to Gath. "Did you hit him?"

  70. Gath looks at Aara, confused. "Yes. My swings are so pitiful, I'd leave someone as frail as my lord standing after I hit him."

  71. "If you do, you'd better make sure your next move takes me down, too," she tells him coldly, staring to the point of discomfort before turning to look at Goddard.

    "Did you accomplish what you wanted?"

  72. Goddard stares at Aara, surprised at how angry she is. "Did he do something else when I left?"

  73. "He was an ass," she says simply, shrugging. "I got tired of it."

    "Me?" Two stutters angrily. "Are you going to tell him the same thing?" he demands, eating up the distance between them with wide strides. "Are you going to tell him that load of camel piss too?"

    "Of course not."

    "Well. I- You-" he makes a loud, frustrated sound and storms out, slamming the door behind him.

    "I hope Daisy gives his balls back soon," she murmurs sweetly, wiping more blood it of her eye. "I should take that ring away," she adds, feeling the cut above her eyebrow.

    "Nice outing?"

  74. "I meant Gath. I believe he was indeed being an ass but thanks for the rest of that information. Are you feeling well?"

  75. "I'm fine," she tells him, reaching back to scratch at her shoulder. "Why?"

  76. "Just double checking," he smiles. "You don't usually beat Two to a pulp randomly and it was at least understandable when you stabbed him. As for my outing well..." he lowers his gaze. "It didn't really go well but it also wasn't terrible." Goddard shrugs.

  77. She takes his hand and squeezes it gently. "I'm sorry, hayati."

  78. "I should expect things to go this way by now but I'll keep at it. Maybe one day he'll talk to me. Well we should probably finish getting everything on the carriage. I only have a few more things." He kisses the top of her hands and goes into his room.

    Gath picks Sethai up from a chair, sits down and puts the dragon his lap. "You have an obnoxious voice don't you?" he says petting Sethai.

  79. Aara does the same, walking around the room gathering the dagger they'd strewn about. As she picks up each one, she sheaths it into various spots- her boots, her forearms, her belt, and across her lower back. Books come next, and go into the top of her pack sitting near her chair with her cloak and scarf draped over it.

    Two comes back soon, his face swollen and expression grim as he grabs their packs and stomps down the carriage. Aara can't help but giggle as he goes.

  80. Goddard appears soon after Two and quickly moves across the room. "I'll drive," he mumbles.

  81. She follows, wrapping her scarf and cloak around her against the autumn chill. Two lashes their things to the back of the carriage, and she casually looks around, half expecting to see Lady Soulshatter around.

    She'd be proud of him, if she could be, she thinks. And she didn't seem to hate me...which doesn't mean anything. She seemed...content to know.someone is on his side.

  82. Goddard climbs up into the driver seat and waits for everyone to get settled. Gath double checks their things and climbs into the back.

  83. "Look," Two says, grabbing her arm before she climbs inside. "Beating each other senseless was fun, but don't believe whatever she told you. And don't try and tell me this attitude change isn't a direct result of this morning. You can't trust them to be honest. Any of them."

    Aara tucks her thick scarf across her face and nods.

  84. Once everyone is inside, Goddard gets the horses moving. Gath crosses his arms and leans against a wall of the carriage, regretting his decision to give Goddard some space. "That's the last time I do anything even remotely thoughtful," he whispers to himself.

  85. Aara sits across from him, leaning back on the plush velvet seat and tucking her feet under her. Hugging her journal to her chest, she rests her head on the wall and closes her eyes as Two settles beside Gath.

    Luckily, the carriage is designed to accommodate the wide ridiculous gowns women wear in Nuln, and there is plenty of space for everyone involved.

  86. "Try to go as fast as possible," Gath calls to Goddard.

    "Nice and slow on the scenic route? Sounds good!" Goddard replies.

  87. Both the Mashi are quiet for a long time, each letting their thoughts wander. Even as distracted as she is, Aara's hands move slowly from mudra to mudra, almost as if they wandered from thought to thought on their own.

  88. Gath drums his fingers on his knee and leans forward to try and look out the small window.

  89. ((Druhir))
    The silence stretches between the passengers, and she waits until she hears Koroush's light snore as he falls asleep, soon accompanied by the even breath of her own retainer.

    "Did his father really send you?" she asks quietly, not opening her eyes.

  90. Gath glances toward Aara. "What are you talking about?"

  91. "Did he send you?" she asks again. "There is no way your meeting wasn't chance."

  92. "Did my lord's insanity rub off on you?"

  93. "Clearly not." She closes her eyes and shifts as if she's done talking.

    Fine. Play dumb a while longer.

  94. "Waste of time," he mumbles and tries to get comfortable.

  95. When they stop to rest and feed the horses, she escapes to the footman's seat, telling Two she needed air and solitude. Not happy about leaving her alone, he piles the seat high with cushions and blankets. While they rest, she walks around, clenching her hands together to avoid telegraphing her confusion.

  96. Gath stretches, happy to be out of the carriage.

    "Nice ride?" Goddard asks him.

    Gath narrows his eyes at Goddard but says nothing.

    "I'm sorry," Goddard shrugs, "but I just wanted to be alone."

    "And after all that sobbing nonsense about being alone and how bad it was?"

    "Being alone and being lonely are different!"

  97. Two beckons her toward a small fire, handing near a cup of tea when she approaches. "How's that cut?" he asks, gesturing to her eyebrow.

    "Oh, it's fine. I'm fine."

    He snorts, poking at the flames with a stick.

    "I am."

    "I hope you clear your head soon. At least untwist your hands, keeping it bottled up won't help."

    She nods and sips her tea. "Soon, Two."

  98. "Soon what?" Goddard asks appearing with a small bundle of extra wood for the fire. "I hope it's not some kind of surprise."

  99. "Just waiting for her to get her head on straight," he quips, ignoring the look she shoots him.

  100. "Good," Gath says. "I don't think having two cases of insanity would be any good for the rest of us." He smacks the bundle of wood from Goddard's hands.

    "What are you doing?" Goddard snaps.

    "What are you doing? Collecting sticks? We should go kill something."

  101. Aara closes her eyes against Gath's comment, reminding herself that Goddard wouldn't be happy if she killed him. Instead, she wanders over to the horses.

  102. "What do you mean kill something?" Goddard asks confused.

    "We're finally in the woods. Away from everyone. Away from sand. We can hunt."

    Goddard silently stares at him.

    "You can hunt right?"

    Goddard slowly shakes his head.

    "So you're utterly useless in the woods? Come on. Just stay close or I'll put an arrow in you thinking you're a deer."

  103. Aara hears Two come up behind her. "I really am fine," she tells him. "I'm not going crazy, I'm just conflicted."

    "About that strange looking book you got this morning?"

    She nods, and feels his arms wrap around her from behind. "It's about the Brides," she explains. "I just...I feel like I'm missing something about this mark. Lady...She explained a few things, but I don't know how far I can trust her."

    "Then what makes you think you can trust whatever is in this book?" he asks, dropping his head to rest on her shoulder. "Four, you can't. As much as I like him, you can't truly trust your Sheik. He is what he is."

    "And yet somehow, I feel like I belong to a part of that. What happened in Har Gareth was real, magic or no. I came away with something."

    His hold on her tightens. "Just be careful, please."

  104. Goddard leaves the outer robes behind so he doesn't get caught on any branches and looks down at the bow Gath shoves into his hands. "I don't know how to use a bow..."

    "You'll learn. I think even you could kill a rabbit."

    "Is that a compliment?"


    The two disappear into the darkness of the woods still softly arguing with each other.

  105. Aara and Two watch them walk off. "I think he might have been sent to kill Goddard," she whispers.

    "By who?"

    "She said his own father, but from what he tells me, his mother could just as easily be pulling the strings."

    "What do you want me to do?"

    "Watch him. Protect Goddard. Don't let Gath hurt him."

  106. "Practice hitting that tree." Gath points ahead of them. He pulls an arrow back and fires. "I'm much better with a crossbow but this works fine."

    Goddard frowns and draws an arrow back. It slips and falls to the ground while the string catches his ear. "Can I just cast a spell at it!?"

    Gath laughs at him. I've never seen such a spectacular display of failure."

  107. Two squeezes her again. "You need to get your mind off things. Start telling the hours."

    She agrees, drawing her weapons and settling into the familiar positions. The weight of her scimitars is as comforting as the slow exertion, and the whirling thoughts start to dissipate.

  108. "Help me out more," Goddard mumbles with a smile.

    "What do you mean?"

    "You know. Come here and show me how to..."

    "Forget accidental arrows, I'll stab you with a dagger myself if you don't focus on hunting."

    "So grumpy...fine..." Goddard sighs and pulls back another arrow. It lands in the ground in front of the tree. "HA! Progress!"

    "Maybe I should just hunting myself..."

  109. When they finish, they don't stop, and the end flows into the beginning as they pick up speed. Aara can feel her mind quieting, a small sense of peace settling over her.

  110. "No I want to do this!" Goddard says. "I am pretty smart," he adds smugly. "I can learn."

    Gath motions toward the tree.

    Goddard's arrow strikes the tree and he cheers.

    "You're going to scare everything away you idiot," Gath groans rubbing his forehead. "That's good enough for now I suppose."

  111. Gath is impressed with how quietly Goddard can move through the woods and keep up with him. He's not impressed by his bow skills. Goddard misses most of his targets but Gath is able to quickly finish them off or make up for his mistakes and they get a few rabbits.

    On the way back, Goddard takes one final shot at a rabbit and makes his first kill. "I did it!" he gasps. "Look Gath! This one is mine!"

    "Very good," he laughs. "Took you long enough."

    They finally get back to the camp and Goddard bursts through the trees. "Aara!" he calls. His hair is a mess and he's got some blood on his hands.

  112. Her calm is shattered by his urgency, and she looks up to see Goddard in a state of bloody disarray. Sheathing her swords as she moves, she rushes over and starts running her hands over him.

    "Where are you bleeding? What happened? Is it a bite or a cut? Is it deep?" She fires the questions one after another, completely oblivious to the rabbit in one hand and the bow in his other. "Goddard, answer me!"

  113. "He killed a rabbit," Gath snorts coming up behind Goddard.

    Goddard holds up a small rabbit. "And he didn't even help me with it. It's not much but I've never done this before."

  114. Her eyes flick from Goddard to Gath and back again. He's fine. That's not his blood.

    Then she sighs with relief and studies his kill. "A fine kill, nuur'eni," she tells him. "Is this our lunch?"

  115. Goddard nods.

    "You have to clean it now," Gath motions with a dagger.

    "Can't you do it?" Goddard groans. "Lecai, this hunting business is not for me..."

  116. She smiles. "Then you shouldn't have gone hunting," she teases. "Just think, you can have more bones!"

  117. "I wanted to...a little. I'm glad I tried it at least once. I'm sure I will have to do it again later." He slowly makes his way toward where Gath is sitting. "I just don't want to get more messy than I already am. I want a nice hot bath with those oils you like," he sighs.

  118. She smiles softly, watching him walk off. "Maybe when we find a suitable inn," she tells him.

    Drawing her swords, she goes back to Two, and they pick up where they left off.

  119. "She's acting like you can't handle a simple rabbit," Gath chuckles as he begins cleaning the rabbits.


    "Did you see how worried she was when you came back? It's obvious to everyone you couldn't make it without your cushions and stores."

    "I can! I simply choose not to!"

  120. ((Arabyan))

    "Stop that," Two says softly as he mirrors her.


    "You acted like some scared little First Wife just now. You can't protect him from his servant if you get in your own way. Cool down."

    She nods, closing her eyes as she settles into her activity.

  121. Goddard finishes his single rabbit as Gath moves on to quickly finish the rest.

    "We'll get a deer next time," Goddard mumbles.

    "We? Next time?"

    "Yes!" Goddard snatches all the finished rabbits from Gath. "And you may be able to hunt, but I know you can't cook as well I can!"

    "Sadly I didn't spend most of my life in a kitchen mixing drinks."

  122. Two puts away his own sword with a shiver. "It gets colder?" he asks distastefully. The exercise warmed him, but the sweat it produced has the opposite effect in the chill autumn afternoon.

    She nods, sweat dripping down her brow. "Much colder. That's why I made sure Rayya had warm winter things sent with us. I'll show you how to layer it all for comfort without hindering you."

    He mutters under his breath in Arabyan, and she laughs as they return to the fire. "You didn't ask."

  123. "This isn't cold," Gath says. "A bride's tit is cold," he laughs.

    "How would you know? You couldn't get close enough to one to know."

    Gath shrugs. "I can make assumptions."

  124. Two snorts and a big grin stretches across his face. "The Sheik knows," he chuckles.

    Aara doesn't even look over at him and she punches his arm hard enough to knock him off step.

  125. "I didn't touch her!" Goddard says quickly. "As much as I wanted to...she was a little scary and then she was part of that cult and"

  126. "Didn't touch...I meant Four...who?" he stutters, rubbing his arm.

    "Damn..." Aara mutters.

  127. "What do you mean Aara?" Goddard looks at Two, confused.

    "This must be related to what she's hiding from you."

    "What are you hiding from me? Why is everyone so confusing!"

  128. Aara groans and drops her head into her hands as Two looks around confused.

    "Isn't she one of those Brides of...your god?" he asks diplomatically. "Wait, who are you talking about?"

    "His wife," Aara groans.

    Two's mouth falls open and he stares at Goddard in shock.

  129. "Aara's not a Bride of Khaine," Goddard snorts. "If she were, she wouldn't be here with us...what...why are you looking at me like that?"

  130. "You're married?"

    "She's dead, you idiot!"

    He turns his surprised outrage on Aara. "Four! You killed his wife?"

  131. "Killed his wife and his father?" Gath shakes his head.

  132. She jerks her head up. "I did not kill his wife!" she shrieks. "That bitch was trying to kill me!"

  133. "She doesn't matter!" Goddard yells. "It was some political thing!"

  134. Aara just groans as Two goes on and Goddard yells at him. "Gods help me," she mutters and walks off into the woods.

  135. "Look what you did!" Goddard yells at Two. "And you too!" he turns to Gath. "You're both idiots!" He gets up and goes into the carriage.

    Gath walks up to the door to the carriage and knocks softly. "My lord..."


    "Is the food done?"

    "I hope you burn your tongue!"

    "I'll take that as a yes." Gath goes back to the fire and begins to eat.

  136. "What's wrong with them?" Two whispers. "Is it because she kills people he likes? That's really just part of the package with Mashi Al'Maut..."

  137. "She kills people he I next?" Gath asks with fake concern. "We know you're safe..."

  138. He snorts, but sees an opportunity. "Why would a beautiful druchii female seek her out?"

  139. "They are all beautiful. As to why one would seek her out, I have no idea. Maybe to kill her? To kill me? To kill my lord? No matter what, it involves killing someone I'm sure."

  140. He shrugs. "Ah well. Seems she really isn't telling anyone anything."

  141. "As my lord says, 'you can't trust a druchii' so you may want to keep a close eye on her and these interactions since apparently only you are allowed to sit in on them."

  142. "Why would she take anyone else? The Sheik is unconcerned what she does and you' I keep telling her she can't trust any of you, but whatever the woman told her has her off center."

  143. "The fact that it's a druchii is suspicious. If it were any other inferior race, I wouldn't concern myself with it. Druchii just don't wander off into the Empire to dance at human parties unless there is a reason. Usually a reason that involves blood."

  144. He shrugs again. "A book and a conversation don't seem too dangerous, but beyond that, Four isn't saying anything." He stretches out on the ground, hands behind his head. "Yet, anyway."

  145. "You're an idiot," Gath smirks. "Or you're simply lucky to have never had to deal with what druchii really are."

  146. Two mirrors his smirk. "And you make a lot of assumptions for someone who doesn't know anything about me or her." He hauls himself to his feet and walks over to where Goddard sits on the carriage.

    "Sheik! Quit sulking and go get her," he says cheerfully. "Use your new hunting skills to track her down."

  147. "All I need to know is that you're a pitiful human who has never left his sandy home." Gath goes back to eating his dinner.

    "Go away," Goddard mumbles, pulling his hood up over his head. "She doesn't want to talk to me anyway. You go find her. Or tell Gath to find her and say I said for him to do it. He won't listen to you."

  148. "She'll just hit me, and she does want to talk to you, if you'll quit making it so damnably difficult. She's had all afternoon to bother and worry, go and demand to know what she heard this morning, and who the druchii was that told her." He gauges the time, looking up. "If you bring her back soon, we can make good time a while longer."

  149. "I tried to talk to her and she didn't want to say anything. So I just made her promise to be safe. If she wanted to talk to me, she'd come talk to me." Goddard turns in his seat so his back is to Two.

  150. "There's a difference between won't and can't." He opens the door to the carriage and replaces his sword. "Whatever ledge she's dancing on is a dangerous one, and you're probably the only one she cares enough about to pull her away from it. But what do I know," he chuckles. "I'm just an idiot."

  151. "You are an idiot," Goddard mumbles. "But fine. I'll go. And then promptly come back because she won't tell me anything and maybe while I'm out there, I can find a lake or something so I can get the smell of rabbit off." He pushes past Two and stomps off into the woods mumbling to himself.

    Gath sighs. "Why did you do that? I'm going to have to find him and bring him back because he's incapable of anything."

  152. Two grins. "He's not as helpless as he'd let you believe." Whistling, he goes over and tends to the horses.

  153. It's doesn't take long for Goddard to find Aara. Her stomping around snaps twigs and crumples leaves. "What did the forest ever do to you?" he asks peeking out from behind a tree. "Two said I should bother you once again. If this is a bad time, blame him."

  154. She blushes at being caught mid-tantrum. "No. I'm glad it's you instead of him. I swear he acts dumb on purpose to lull me into false contentment."

  155. "If you don't want to tell me anything, I'll just go. At least I know you're safe. The trees aren't but that's fine."

  156. "You look like her," she says softly. "Your mother, I mean."

  157. Goddard tilts his head. "How would you know what she looked like? I don't even really remember myself."

  158. Her voice is barely loud enough to be a whisper. "I saw her portrait in Har Ganeth. And...I met her last night."

  159. Goddard stares at her blankly for a moment then laughs. "Lecai. Nightmares don't count."

  160. She shakes her head. "We danced together. We took a turn through the garden. She-" her voice catches a bit. "She moves as if she can always heart the music I heard on Death Night. She knew all about us. Well," she corrects, "she knew mostly about us."

  161. "No lecai," he says still trying to laugh. "She...she's gone. She has to be gone."

  162. "She's not , Goddard," she insists. "She even told me about your mutations."

  163. He suddenly looks terrified. " has to be a lie. Whoever she is, she's lying. You're lying."

  164. "Why would I lie? Do you think I wouldn't see your face in hers?" She steps forward and reaches for his hand. "Now you understand why I didn't know how to tell you what was going on. Love, if she lied to me, she did it very well, with quite a lot of research. Every single person on the planet that knows about my mark is within arms reach. But she knew, and-" she bites her lip, not knowing what to say.

  165. He pulls his hand back and tucks it into his sleeve. "What...and what?"

  166. Her hand shakes, and she holds it to her chest as if it's hurt. "She told me that my mark would allow me acceptance into the Brides of Khaine, and more, it could force advancement until I was Helebron's replacement. She told me I could extend my life to be with you," she adds. "That you'd never have to lose me."

  167. Goddard shakes his head in disbelief and takes a step back. "That can't be true. It can't be. You'd never...she's lying." He begins to simply whisper liar over and over again.

  168. "What if it is? What if we allowed ourselves to be selfish, just once? So we could finally just be what we are? I wouldn't be so fragile, I wouldn't have to worry about every wasted moment I've ever spent without you. You'd never be alone, nuur'eni. It's worth looking into, at least, isn't it? We've saved the world, sacrificed so much, don't we deserve a reward?"

  169. He looks up at her, surprised. "Not as a Bride of Khaine. Do you know what that means? I know you have a long list of people you've killed but that's nothing. You can't...I...I won't..." he looks back down. "Lies..."

  170. "I'd do it," she whispers, hugging herself. "If it meant never growing old, never leaving you. I'll be twenty-six in the spring. Time is moving too fast." She fights tears, but they fill her eyes anyway. "She gave me a book about the Brides of Khaine. That's why I was trying to learn to read."

  171. Goddard fights back tears. "Why would you want to do that? Why would you want to be one of them? Be like my mother? Like that wife?"

  172. "I don't. But I don't want to leave you, either," she tells him brokenly. "Goddard, I've seen enough of the world to know that, for me, you are the center of it. If there's anything I could do to ensure your happiness and safety for all your years, I would. I'm not saying that I want to go back into hell and become the Hag." She takes a step closer to him, sadness etched on her face. "I'm just saying that it's tempting. Too tempting to decide alone."

  173. "You need me to tell you not to do it? That seems pretty obvious. Hag or're human. To live as long as I is unnatural and dark magic."

  174. "I might need you to remind me not to. I tattoo the names of dead people on me and say it's a memorial. I tell myself if I remember them I don't have to feel guilty. That's pretty dark and unnatural on it's own." She sighs and sits on the ground, pulling her knees to her chest. In a flat, low voice, she starts telling him everything, starting with the dance and everything that was said during their walk.

    "Naturally I don't believe she would have nurtured and sent you away," she says at the end of it. "Even I know better than that."

  175. "What you do is not unnatural magic. Eating hearts and killing thousands of innocent people for the blessing of a god..." he shakes his head.

    He claws at his own arms as she tells him everything. "If I see whoever this is, I'll kill her. And if she is my mother, then that'll just be something extra."

  176. She ignores the way he cuts himself and goes on, telling him everything. When she's done, she stands up and dusts herself off. "If you want the book, too, I'll give it to you," she says woodenly. "Don't tell anyone. It was stupid to think..." She shakes her head. "I was stupid."

  177. "I won't," he says quietly. "That sort of magic can seem tempting but..." he shakes his head. "It never works the way you think it does..."

  178. She straightens her shoulders. At least he didn't argue. Time will just keep slipping away...

    "We should get back on the road," she tells him, a.d starts walking back to the carriage.

  179. He silently follows a few feet behind her and when they reach the carriage, he climbs up where he was sitting before to drive again.

  180. ((Arabyan))

    "Two, hitch the horses," she tells him quietly.

    He springs up to do it but pauses. "Aara?"

    She shakes her head and climbs up to the footman's bench, burying herself under the blankets Two piled up for her. When the horses are done and their small camp struck, Two climbs up beside her and pulls her into his lap.

    "Now he knows," she whispers, "that I'm just as weak and failing as any other human."

    Two just cradles her and waits for the carriage to move.

  181. Gath goes to tell Goddard they are ready and pauses. "Are you bleeding?"

    Goddard doesn't even look at him. He looks ahead at the horses.

    Gath climbs up beside him and peels the reigns away. He gets the carriage moving before he speaks again. "What happened?"

    "I can't tell you," he whispers.

    "Can you at least tell me what happened to you then? She's been acting...odd..."

    Goddard closes his eyes. "I did it to myself."

    "I can't protect you from yourself my lord. You're making my job difficult."

  182. ((Arabyan))

    "Want to talk about it?"


    "Want to punch me?"


    "Want me to punch Sheik?"


    "Am I going to get anywhere with this line of questioning?"


    He waits a moment. "Want me to go bite the dwarf?"

    She snickers, curling up into a little ball in his lap and pulling her cloak closer against the wind.

  183. Goddard starts shivering and mumbling about unnatural things.

    "My lord?" Gath looks at him, tying to decide if he's a wizard on the brink of world destroying insanity, or just having one of his mundane emotional breakdowns.

    "I shouldn't be here," Goddard mumbles. "I need to fix it."

    "Fix what my lord?"

    "Me. I have to fix it."

  184. Two hums a little song, pretty content even if it's too cold for his liking.

    Aara huddles in his arms, disgusted with herself and watching the slow progression of the scenery. How could I even consider it? Am I that desperate? The only thing worse than his dying first is the thought of leaving him when I die.

    Yet...I am no devotee of Khaine, whether he claims me or not. I'd never have that kind of faith. I'm Uzzaya's follower, a Mashi. I have no faith in that particular bloody-handed god.

  185. Goddard climbs over the seat and onto the side of the carriage. Gath tries to deal with the horses and Goddard at the same time. "Don't make me stop these horses!" Goddard opens the carriage door, drags out his sword and rolls onto the ground.

    "I'll fix it. I have a choice too..." He draws the sword then grabs the fur tipped end of his tail. "How can I do this..." Goddard tries various positions to try and get the blade as close to his back as he can.

    The carriage drives past him for a few feet but eventually stops when Gath realizes he's not on. "This idiot," he huffs.

  186. Aara lifts her head at the commotion. "What the...?"

    Before Two can stop her, she leaps off the carriage, landing a few feet from Goddard and his sword.

    "Nuur'eni...what are you doing?" she asks conversationally, as if he were tinkering with some novel toy.

  187. "I told you you shouldn't mess with unnatural magic...well...I I have to fix it. Little by little. I didn't have a choice. No. And more unnatural magic didn't help. But a sword..." he passes his hand over the blade then runs his hand through his hair.

    "It helped some. See? So this is next. Help me? I regret having asked the dwarf for help before I knew what he really was. Ungrateful pile of...but but love me..." he holds the sword up to her. "Make it fast. I think it'll hurt more than I can handle. It is my spine after all."

    His voice is calm and frantic all at the same time.

  188. She takes the sword, but sets it aside and kneels in front of him. "There's nothing wrong with you, love," she tells him. "I do love you, all of you. Horns, tail, claws. I loved how your nose wasn't there and how it is now. I loved you when your smile was just an illusion." Her voice is calm and even, and she cups his face in her hands. "I love your mismatched eyes most of all. Don't do this, Goddard."

  189. "I'll get those next," he smiles. "But I can't tell you one thing and be the way I'm telling you not to be."

    Gath runs up behind Aara. "What is he doing?"

  190. She wordlessly slide the sword further away and towards him. "You would take away my favorite part?" she asks. "You can't compare yourself to what we talked about. They aren't the same at all, nuur'eni. You're as natural as the trees, love. Why don't we let Gath and Two drive the carriage and you and I can sit in the back and talk about it?" Her hands and voice shakes a slightly as she tries to laugh. "You don't really want me to cut off your tail, do you? It's so useful, we learned that you can hang upside down with it, remember?"

  191. "But elves don't have tails..."

    "Sure we do. Have you seen the wood elves? Now get on the carriage."

    "Eggy has a tail?" he whispers sounding a bit dazed. Goddard stands up and goes with Aara.

  192. "Maybe other elves hide theirs, too. Two," she jerks her head to the driver's bench. "Move."

    He gives her a strange look but climbs over the top as she climbs up and helps Goddard. She nods to Gath and gets the two of them settled.

    "There, are you comfortable?" she asks Goddard, tucking a blanket tight around him.

  193. "We don't have tails," Goddard says shaking his head and sinking into the blanket. "We don't..." he mumbles and closes his eyes.

  194. She holds him close, stroking his hair as the carriage lurched into movement, and hums a little tune from her childhood.

    A Bride of Khaine couldn't - wouldn't - do this for him. They would kill him for being weak. If nothing else, this would have made my decision.

  195. Goddard nuzzles her neck. "Lecai," he whispers. "Don't do it. I know I said you can do whatever you wanted but...don't do it. It wouldn't help us. I don't want to be apart from you but I'd rather have you as you are, who you really are for a few seconds than know you'd live forever as something you're not."

    He wraps his arms around her and holds her tightly. "You can't do it. I won't let you do it. I'll stop you."

  196. She laughs softly at his very unusual response. "I'm not going to do it. But I was sorely tempted by the idea. Just like with Neferata. And yet I'm still here, whole and human," she says with a hint of regret.

  197. "She was bad too. I'm glad you didn't do that either. Just stay you."

  198. "Unless Uzzaya has other plans for me, I can't possibly see how you'd let me be anything else," she chuckles. "You just like having a young and fragile girl on your arm."

  199. "Is that what you think of me?"
