Thursday, December 10, 2015

"It can. But it can also make you do things you didn't think you would or could. Because you're thinking of that other person and how what you do affects them."


  1. "I know that now. Then I only knew that Two split my lip when I was busy getting caught up in his smile, and that the one time I let my guard down with Koroush I got a crossbow bolt in my arm."

  2. "That wasn't love, that was a distraction. Like the time I lost my jaw because I wasn't watching my hands," Goddard laughs.

  3. "I didn't know the difference," she says, "you taught me that, too."

  4. "I hope I taught you more useful things than bad habits."

  5. "You taught me how to read and write reikspeil. And languages. And the best bad habits," she laughs.

  6. "I'm glad I've been more of a positive than a negative."

  7. "The negatives have been fun, too."

  8. "Are you sure about that? I don't know if any of that time in Naggaroth would be considered fun."

  9. Goddard looks up at her and smiles. "That's true. You really are my lecai."

  10. She smiles in return and presses her shoulder to his. "I was so afraid I'd never hear you say that again."

  11. "I told you I would. I wouldn't lie. Hmm not to you. About that."

  12. "I mean before, in Altdorf." She yawns and idly copies the corrected version of her name. "I like it better in eltharin. It's prettier." Handing him the pencil, she lays her head on his shoulder. "Show me yours again."

  13. "The whole thing or just the first part?" He begins writing. "I'm so sorry I scared you," he says softly.

  14. "Your first name. And..." She takes a deep breath. "I deserved it. It shouldn't have gone the way it did. I'm sorry for that, too."

  15. He kisses the top of her head. He finishes his name then starts on another. "I suppose there really wasn't a graceful way to handle that."

  16. "No, but it should have been different." Not wanting to dwell on the painful issue, she looks down at the book. "Whose is that one?"

  17. "Gath. I'm not sure if he'd write it this way. Sometimes the letters overlap differently. I like how all the a's look in yours."

  18. She nods, pulling her knees up to her chest and tucking the edge of her tunic under her feet. "Me too. Your written language looks so...elegant," she yawns, blinking rapidly. We must not have slept long, the fire hasn't even burned down. He looks so tired.

    "Are you alright now, nuur'eni? Feel better?"

  19. "I feel a bit better, but I may end up walking around until I feel exhausted," he sighs. "It's easier to sleep when I pass out from exhaustion."

  20. She nods, fighting another yawn. "Will you stay until I'm asleep? And come back?"

  21. "If that's what you want. If I can help you get to sleep, then I'll stay here and do my best."

  22. She nods and slips under his arm. "Just stay," she yawns against his chest.

  23. Goddard leans a cheek on her head and runs his fingers through her hair. He wants to sleep. Everything feels perfect for sleeping, but he can't.

  24. It isn't long before he feels her relax as she falls asleep, murmuring something too soft to understand.

  25. Goddard gently lays her down on the bed and stands up to stretch and get dressed. As he puts his robes on, he tries to think of what he could do to occupy himself. Paint? Too much thinking. Read? I always read. Bother Two? No that'll end up in a fight.

  26. Two squats in front if the fireplace, poking at the logs. They hadn't been so quiet when they'd come in earlier, or after. He smiles, watching the wood shift and twirls the piker in his hand. So long as she's happy, I can give with them together. But if he hurts her again...

  27. Goddard steps out of the room and quietly shuts the door. He spots Two by the fire and can't help the urge to do something he may regret. Goddard furrows his brow, trying to remember the words to a spell.

    The fire in front of Two begins to sway and a few of the flames almost look like girls dancing with orange hair.

  28. Two grins and looks over his shoulder. "Now that's a trick," he chuckles, putting the poker down. "Sounds like you two are on good terms." He stands and grabs a bottle of brandy from his blanket and two glasses from the sidebar. "Drink?"

  29. The fire almost goes out completely as Goddard's focus is interrupted. He curses under his breath and sits close by the fire. "No thanks," he says. "I've probably had more than enough tonight."

    He tries the spell again with the fire but the shapes quickly fizzle.

  30. Two shrugs and pours himself a drink. "Don't drink as much as your friend? Ah well, more for me." He seems strangely awake, as if being up and about in the dead of night is typical. "Didn't expect to see you awake so soon. You two...ah...had quite a workout."

  31. "I can," Goddard mumbles. "I just don't want to right now." He runs a hand through his hair, finding where the horn was and trying to determine if it's growing or not. "Maybe," he chuckles, "but as usual, nightmares keep me awake longer than I'd like."

  32. He nods. "Hers keep me up. In about an hour I'll have to go talk her out from under the bed and hope she doesn't stab me for it. She gets me now and then," he laughs, showing him a thin, half healed cut across the back of his hand.

  33. He squints at the cut as if he were reading incredibly small text. "That's it? That's nothing."

  34. "But there's always the time it won't be," he laughs. "That was just for trying to wake her up. Damn girl sleeps with a knife under her pillow."

  35. "I hope that was my doing," Goddard grins.

  36. Two looks confused. "Why would it...? No, nevermind," he laughs and shakes his head. "Some things I don't want to know about her. So this guy she met, was he dangerous, or just rub you the wrong way?"

  37. "When it seems like someone is following you around without your knowledge and makes up some tall tale about fortune tellers saying you're supposed to end up lovers, I'm going to be just a little bit suspicious."

  38. Laughter bursts out of him. "Is that what he said? It's a good story, at least. She said he could read mudras, and that is interesting. An hour following you around won't teach you that."

  39. "I'm sure there are plenty of people who study other languages and cultures." He crosses his arms. "I mean, I could learn it if I wasn't so busy with magic."

  40. "Maybe he was telling the truth," he suggests. "Stranger things have happened. Would it be so bad?"

  41. "The only fortune telling I'll belive is from the mages in the celestial school. Otherwise, it's all lies as far as I'm concerned."

  42. Avoiding the question, I see. Will you avoid any question about her future?

    "Ah well," he chuckles. "It's a story she can write to Siba."

  43. Goddard nods. "The story of the lying stalker," he snickers. "You don't believe in that nonsense do you?"

  44. He shrugs. "I believe that some wise old women should be listened to." He sips from his glass. "What happens when she's an old woman and you're the same?"

  45. "What do you mean 'what happens'?" he asks raising a brow.

  46. "When she's old and you aren't. When she's too old to adventure with you and her hair is white spends her days in a soft chair in front of a fire. When you're more interested in youth and beauty." It's clear that Two is more concerned for Aara than interested in annoying Goddard. "What will you do then?"

  47. "Too old for what?" Goddard sounds offended. "Why would you assume I'd think the same as some human? Why would you assume I'd be 'more interested in youth and beauty'? It wouldn't kill me to spend a few years living a quiet life in a chair beside her. You'd think I'd abandon her?"

  48. "That's what I'm asking. I don't know you as well as she does- or even as well as Koroush." He sighs. "I just need to know that if I can't be there, that she won't be alone."

  49. Goddard shakes his head. "You at least know that I've been through hell and back with her for years. Fighting for our lives. As if white hair and a fireplace would change that."

  50. "That's different. I just...I just wanted to make sure, that's all. If I'm going to make sure she has an old age, I needed to hear you say it wouldn't be a lonely one."

  51. "How is that diff...Nevermind..." He huffs and closes his eyes, muttering something in druhiir.

  52. "Some humans wouldn't bother," he explains. "And she would never live with her brother and his family, or at the palace with Koroush." He takes a long drink, choking a little when he hears a soft sound. Rising, he goes to peak into her room. "Stay in bed, will you?" He mutters, closing the door and returning to his seat.

  53. "Good thing I'm not a human," he mumbles. His ears stand straight up when he hears the same sound and they don't appear relaxed again until Two sits down. "She's alright?"

  54. He nods. "A little tangled up, but looks peaceful enough. Probably won't crawl under the bed for a while yet."

  55. "That's good. I feel bad she was around for my nightmare."

  56. Goddard shrugs. "Yes. But they always are."

  57. "I'm sure she was glad to be there for you. She told me about the day she fell asleep in the courtyard and hurt herself. She was grateful for you, whatever your relationship was then."

  58. "I don't's...changed...did she say it has?"

  59. Two shrugs. "As far as I know, she didn't think you'd ever be together again. She told me it was over between you. That's why she auditioned for Hira. Obviously that's changed now," he adds.

  60. His ears droop. "Really? I thought she was just being...silly?"

  61. Two shakes his head. "At the time I didn't know why, but she told me that she'd hurt you too badly for you to take her back. She honestly didn't think you'd want her back." He looks a little sheepish. "That's why I didn't much care for you. Watching her adore you, thinking you didn't care for was infuriating."

  62. "I wouldn't have come to Araby if I didn't care and..." he slouches a bit. "I didn't, no, don't care if you don't like me. Most people don't like me anyway. I just assumed your reasoning was because you were jealous."

    He bites his lip, realizing he may have pushed a button.

  63. Two laughs. "I am, a little. Who wouldn't be, with the way she looks at you? That's a one track mind kind of devotion. As for your going to Araby...well, she's kind of stunted," he laughs. "Socially, that is."

  64. "Well not only that. I am a great mage. Saved the world. You know...things like that..."

  65. "Oh, I have heard the storues of yoyr prowess, Sheik." He laughs. "This time share the glory, eh? I have to rebuild my collection now that your girl wears them as a belt."

  66. "How am I supposed to share it? If I do, there will be no one left to tell stories."

  67. "You've managed to share a little with Aara," Two retorts cheerfully. "Or has she been the one sharing with you?"

  68. He snorts. "Some. You don't get marks like that giving some help." He strokes his beard thoughtfully. "But I imagine I'll have plenty of opportunities in the future."

  69. Goddard narrows his eyes. "What do you mean....marks?"

  70. "The scarring. She had a few last I saw her, but nothing like what she has now. Then she just had the one on her arm and those on her back."

  71. Goddard laughs nervously. "Well yes of course. When you're swinging a sword around, at the range you need to swing a sword around at, you're bound to get scars."

  72. "There is something strange I was wondering about...she tries to keep it covered so no one sees it though."

  73. "It's because it's ugly," he stammers. "Everyone's got that one big bad scar you don't want anyone seeing because...yuck," he laughs.

  74. "On her neck?" he asks, confused. "They aren't ugly, necessarily...but they look...calculated. Three scars on each side, the way they're positioned? You don't get that in battle."

  75. "Oh ha that was me! Wait!" He presses his knuckles into his forehead. I should go to sleep...

  76. The cheerful expression on Two's face melts away. "Thay was you? You did that to her?" he asks darkly, hand gripping his glass of brandy. "Why?"

  77. Goddard holds up his hands defensively. "It's just...well...we know..."

  78. Two sets his glass down carefully and stands. "You don't-" He breaks off when they hear a cry and a thump coming from her room. "That'll be the nightmare," he says, rushing to her door.

  79. Goddard quickly gets to his feet to follow Two when something catches his attention.

    "What was that?" a gravely voice asks from the darkness behind a slightly opened door.

    "Just Aara having a nightmare do you even sleep?"

    The door closes and Goddard moves into Aara's room.

  80. Two is laying on the floor, looking under the bed. "Damn corners. Why put a bed in the corner? Habibti, cone out," he coaxes gently. "Look at that knife, it looks like a leaf, I bet you can't- ow! Dammit Four! That's sharp!"

    The only sound from under the bed is a low, manic laden laugh.

  81. Goddard groans and drags Two out of the way before dropping down to look under the bed. "Lecai! You were only supposed to cut me! Not him! Come out from under there!"

  82. Aara's curled up as small as possible, clutching her elven dagger. "No," she whispers. "I don't want to go into the fire. I'm not chaos. I don't want to die. I'm not a monster."

    Two gets down next to Goddard. "Habibti, no one's going to put you in the fire," he says softly. "We know you aren't a monster."

  83. Goddard fights with his bulky robes a bit before he climbs under the bed with her. "That's my line. Come on now. You can't stay under here." He tries to crawl past her to curl up beside her.

  84. His tail slides over her leg, and for a second Aara doesn't breathe for terror. "No. No I'm not! Stop it!" she cries, thrashing and dropping her knife to scratch at her skin. "No! No tentacles! No help me!"

    "I'm trying, damn you," Two mutters, reaching for her. When Aara sees his hands, she cries out and plants her dagger in his forearm, scrambling to get away and bumping into Goddard.


  85. "Aara!" Goddard yells, regretting climbing under the bed for her. He tries to put his arms around her to keep her from hurting herself.

  86. Suddenly she goes very quiet and very still, almost as if she's passed out.

  87. Goddard hooks his arms under her and backs out from under the bad, dragging her with him. He carefully moves her away from the bed when he notices blood on the floor. He frantically checks her, his head, his tail, and then he looks over at Two.

  88. Two clutches his arm to his chest and glares at her. "I'm going to start taking those away when you go to sleep," he mutters. Pushing her hair off her face, he waves a hand to catch her attention, but she just stares forward.

    "Where are we?" she whispers.

  89. Goddard kneels beside her. "On the floor in your room. You almost snapped my tail in half and you stabbed Two. I hit my head on the bed frame. It hurts like hell. Do you feel better now?"

  90. "We're not in Naggaroth?"

    "No, Four, we're...your tail?!"

  91. "Yes yes! You were going to find out eventually! Oh no lecai not yes to..." he sighs. "We are far far away from Naggaroth and I will never take you there again. I promise."

  92. "I'm losing blood. That's the only answer..."

    She seems to snap out if it and blinks, looking around. Sitting up slowly, she looks at Goddard. "I'm sorry."

  93. "You don't have to apologize. Well, maybe to Two if you really want to." Goddard kisses the top of her head then checks Two's arm. "I don't know. You may not make it. I guess I may as well start now." He clears his throat. "Morr, True Lord of the souls of the Dead, Blessed be Thy care. To You we entrust our souls..."

  94. Two jerks his arm away and stands. "That's not funny," he mutters.

    Aara looks up at him, confused until she sees what she did. "Oh Rafiq! I'm sorry!"

    He glares at her, then pats her cheek fondly. "Give me a bandage and all your knives," he says, tugging on her hair.

    "All of them?"

  95. Goddard shrugs. "I thought it was funny."

    "It was." Gath is leaning in the doorway, scowling. "But you three making all this noise is not."

  96. Two glares at all three while she bandages his arm. Once she's done, he gathers up her weapons and takes the pillows off the bed.

    "You sleep without pillows," he mutters, going back into the main room. "I'm going back to bed."

  97. Goddard smiles. "We don't deal well with nightmares and each other do we?" He wraps his arms around her. "I'm sorry I couldn't help you."

  98. She shakes her head. "Not that one. The tentacles- and the f-fire-" she stood, pressing her lips together until she feels under control. "He can usually talk me out from under the bed. Tonight must have been too much wine, or something."

    Realizing Gath is standing there, Aara tugs on the hem of her tunic, pulling it further down.

  99. Gath rolls his eyes and goes into the main room. He spots the bottle on the table and scoops it up before flopping down in one of the seats. "I see your lady is as dangerous as my lord."

    "Some nights are just worse than others," Goddard assures her. "It's alright."

  100. "Not usually, but tonight she is," Two mutters from a pile of pillows on the floor. "Tonight she's a hateful little demonette."

    She nods. "I'm sorry I hurt you. Are you all right?"

  101. Gath takes a long drink from the bottle. "If she truly were, you wouldn't be alive right now."

    "I'm fine. Some bumps and bruises. Nothing I can't handle. I thought you had cut yourself. I was really worried about you then. That was probably the worst part."

  102. "She's bad enough now," he mutters, burrowing down.

    Aara shakes her head and looks at her arms. "No, just some scratches that'll be gone tomorrow." She shakily climbs to her feet and back into bed.

  103. Gath laughs. "You think thats bad? Silly human. You have no idea how truly terrifying those two idiots are."

    Goddard helps her into bed and lays beside her. "Do you need me to get you anything?"

  104. Two sits up and stares. "She's a Mashi Al'Maut. Of course she's dangerous."

    Aara shakes her head. "Just stay a while," she whispers, laying her head on his chest.

  105. Gath shakes his head. "That's mundane. A pity you don't see what I see. It just means I'll live longer."

    Goddard puts an arm around her and gently rubs her back.

  106. "What are you talking about? What's so terrifying about Four?"

  107. "I take it they didn't tell you?" He leans back. "And you didn't see it? On her back?" Gath grins. "How embarrassing. Have I seen more of her than you have?"

  108. "She has scars, from a whipping." He narrows his eyes at Gath. "How did you see them?"

  109. "Those little things? I've seen worse. I've left worse."

  110. "It's the memory, for her." Two waves a hand and lays back down. "You're too cryptic to tell me anyway."

  111. "You're too dumb to understand anyway. Or you want to keep pretending you know all about her. Keep pretending she's the person you knew. I know how humans think. It makes no sense."

  112. Two buries his head in the pillows, irritated that Gath can see through him so well.

  113. "Hmm should I tell you? Should I crush your idea of her? Should I reveal her secret? Oh I'm sure they'll both be mad at me but how did my lord put that about his tail? You'd find out anyway? Or should I let you squirm, knowing she's keeping something so dark from you."

  114. Getting up, Two stomps over to Gath and swipes the bottle away. "Buy your own," he mutters, carrying it back to his pallet and cuddling it. "Everybody's got a little darkness in them, if she wants to keep hers to herself, so be it."

    Sighing, Aara toys with his hair. "We're a mess."

  115. Gath glares at Two a moment before speaking. "You're just angry because you were left out. Poor little Two."

    "We are. But it's to be expected. After everything we've been through." Goddard bites his lip. "Did you really think I'd abandon you?"

  116. "She'll tell me when she tells me. If she decides she wants to. Either way, it makes no difference how 'terrifying' she is to you to anybody else. I'm still going to protect her."

    Frowning, she props up on her elbow and looks down. "What do you mean?"

  117. "I'm actually doing you a favor. You can protect her all you want. I'm still going to protect my lord, but, I at least know to keep myself safe. It also helps that I'm on Khaine's good side..."

    "You were serious about that thing with Hira. Because you really thought I didn't want you?"

  118. Two rolls over to look at him. "If it's such a deep dark secret, why do you know?"

    "Oh." She looks away and takes a deep breath. "I thought...I thought that even if you could forgive me, you wouldn't be able to stand me being around, that you'd be too angry." Her voice catches and she glances at his face. "Part of me wondered if you went to Araby just to make sure I left the Empire."

  119. "Because I saw her back," Gath shrugs.

    Goddard sits up and hangs his legs over the side of the bed. "I had no idea anyone saw me in such a way. I figured Two was just ignorant and jealous but you see me the same way?"

  120. Aara sits up and puts a hand on his shoulder. "No, not at all, Goddard. I was afraid. Afraid of what I've done, of how much it hurt you. I thought I'd lost you completely. We were barely on speaking terms when we went to Hira's; and not at all when I met her in Altdorf."

  121. "You didn't think I'd figure things out though. Father always said I was stubborn but is it really that bad?" he smirks. "Or rather appears to be that bad?"

  122. She scoots behind him and puts her arms and legs around him loosely, resting her chin on his shoulder. "It looks that way sometimes. But mostly I was afraid of how it would change the way you saw me. You..." She presses her face against his neck. "For the first time you saw me as a murderer, and I didn't know if that could change. But what I thought and what I hoped for were two different things," she adds.

  123. "I'm a smart, logical creature," he shrugs. "At least I'd like to think I am."

  124. "You are, mostly. I wanted to believe you still loved me, nuur'eni, and slowly, I did. But a couple months of separation after spending nearly every moment together felt like losing some of my fingers. I could get through the day, but it was all wrong."

  125. He sighs and rests his hands on top of hers. "You don' don't think I'd leave you when you're old do you? You don't think I'm so shallow? Well, shallow in that way? That shallow?"

  126. She chuckles. "No, love, you aren't that shallow. I'll admit I've wondered what our lives will be like, but I always imagined we'd be together." She looks up at him and gives him a little shake. "What's brought this on? I thought we were past this."

  127. "Just...some idiot saying things," he mumbles.

  128. "Have you been talking to Two again?" she laughs. In one swift motion, she moves from behind him, pins him to the bed and sits on him laughing. "You should know better. He's just a poor, jealous human who can't handle all your awesome and terrifying power."

  129. "Hmm this is true," he laughs. "And I am very good at hiding how powerful I am, so it's no surprise he doesn't really understand."

  130. "Yes you are," she agrees, leaning down to kiss him. "As for when I'm old, I intend to have you so ensnared you'll be happy to grow herbs and drink tea and read to me. You'll feel lucky to cater to an old, creaky hero like myself."

  131. "I think I'd like a few years of calm and tea," he smiles. "If I Last that long anyway."

  132. She pinches his side. "Don't talk like that. New rule, to go with the no blood rule," she declares. "No talking about one of us dying. If you want to do that, you have to talk about both of us being dead. And I know you don't like talking about me being dead." She grins, quite pleased with her cleverness.

  133. He frowns. "You're too smart for me."

  134. Rubbing her nose against his, she lets her hair fall down around them. "Not really. But I do have my moments."

  135. "Imagine if you tried that before," he laughs, leaning in and kissing her nose.

  136. "That would be awkward," she laughs. "Especially before I saw your face."

    Two shrugs. "She must now think it's important enough for me to know. Or too important for me to know. She'll tell me when she tells me." But what are you not telling me, Four...could it really be as dangerous and scary as he's acting?

  137. Goddard yawns. "Are you going to be able to get back to sleep? Or will you be up for a while now too?"

    "If," Gath says. "If she tells you. You should ask her about it."

  138. She shrugs, looking a little nervous about going back to sleep. "I don't know. Probably. You aren't going be gone long, are you?"

    "If. When." He raises an eyebrow. "How could she possibly be - to use your word- terrifying to you? I know about your people. She's a flash in the pan in comparison."

  139. "Gone long? I'm not going to wander the streets if that's what you mean."


    "Normally, humans are seen as nothing more than slaves and skins. But when he notices...well..."

  140. She sits back, hands in a mudra. "A-All right," she says. "Will you do a favor for me?"


    "Well what? Are you implying that your god noticed her?"

  141. "Sure. What do you need me to do? Punch Two? Gladly!" Goddard laughs.


    Gath raises a brow and glances at Two for a second. "You didn't hear me say that."

  142. She laughs and shakes her head. Feeling a little foolish, she gets off him and sits on the far side if the bed, tucking her knees under her chin. "Will you put out the fire?" she asks softly, nodding to the banked blaze across the room.


    "Bah! You aren't saying anything except that you think she's scary and saw her scars."

  143. "Of course. Oh wait here, let me try this." For a moment the flames look like dancing girls before the fizzle out and the fire dies in the blink of an eye. "Hmm that wasn't right."


    Gath leans forward and squints at Two. "Do you honestly think I would be afraid of a normal little human with insignificant scars? Me?" He chuckles darkly.

  144. She laughs. "Maybe not right, but it worked." She curls up under the blankets and rests her head on her arm. "Thank you," she yawns.


    "You're just like your Sheik. Saying a lot of words and not saying anything at all. You aren't scared of her, you're just trying to annoy me."

  145. "Anything for you," Goddard whispers and kisses her cheek.


    "It isn't our fault you're too dimwitted to see what we're saying. The one thing we do not do, however, is lie. If it annoys you, it's because a part of you is smart enough to see it's the truth."

  146. Drained by both their nightmares, it isn't long before Aara is in a deep, dreamless sleep.


    "I know Four. And I know that if she has kept something from me, it's because she wants to. That's what she does. Whatever you know, I doubt you know it all."

  147. "Oh but I do. You think I've been alive for over 300 years and remained ignorant this whole time? Especially when it relates to druchii?"

  148. Two sits up and rubs a hand across his face in frustration. "All right. Since you know everything, tell me. What makes my little lady so frightening? Her encounter with the witch in the tower? Or the deaths it took to get her there? She kills for a living, those things are no surprise to me." Eyes on Gath, he takes a long pull off his bottle, draining it.

  149. Gath rubs his hands together. "You know what these are right?" he says motioning toward the backs of his hands.

  150. "Scars, I imagine. I haven't really looked." Setting the empty bottle aside, he yawns and takes a pillow over to a chair across Gath.

  151. Gath narrows his eyes. "They are marks of Khaine. They symbolize my dedication to him. Except, I put them there myself."

  152. Two nods, yawning into his pillow. "All right. Aara's are similar. Homage to a god who likes people dead."

  153. Gath almost growls and gets to his feet, taking a step toward Two.

    "I don't know what he did, but you can't kill him," Goddard says entering the room.

    "My lord..." Gath mumbles.

    "He doesn't understand Khaine."

    "Well let me make him understand..."


  154. "What?" he asks with another yawn. "I'm tired, I'm drunk, and I've been stabbed. Normally that counts toward a good night's sleep, but you keep talking at me about some deep dark secret." Standing back up, he goes and flops onto his pallet of pillows.

  155. "What!?" Goddard grabs Gath by the arm and only is able to drag him any distance by digging his claws in.

    Gath tears his arm away and glares angrily at Goddard.

    "Were you telling him about her mark?!" he hisses in druhiir.

    "He should know what he's dealing with. That his sweet little ideals are idiotic."

    Goddard stares up at him confused then shakes his head. "You just want to spit in everyone's drink don't you? Don't talk to him about that again!"He has a tough time, but Goddard eventually shoves Gath into their bed room.

  156. "Stupid elves," Two mutters in Arabyan. "Always using too many words to say nothing. Just like her to get tangled up with them. I was hoping time away would stop her being so vague and secretive, but it made it worse."

    He sighs, wrapped up in his blanket. He's not really scared of her. Any idiot can see that. But he knows something. And Sheik's reaction proved it.

    What are you hiding, Four?

  157. Gath lays on the bed, propping himself up on a few pillows. He pulls out a book and opens up to a page with a folded corner.

    Goddard smiles and bounces over to sit beside him only to be shoved off the bed. He hits the floor with a thud.

    "What the hell was that for!?" Goddard snaps.

    "You think I don't know what you were doing? I can smell it."

  158. Stupid. There is nothing about her to be afraid of.

    Ok. There's a LITTLE about her to be afraid of. That temper is worse than ever.

    But he's full of shit. What does he know? Nothing. He's known her a few weeks. I've known her a decade. More.

    But the Sheik was clearly upset...there's something they don't want me to know. Maybe she's been corrupted by chaos? Is thay why she's so attached to him? He's the only one who can hold it at bay with his magic?

    Punching a pillow, he rills over.

    Shut up.

  159. "What!? Fine!" Goddard storms off to the washroom. There is some water for him to use but it's been cold for a while now.

    Gath chuckles as he hears water being splashed quickly and Goddard taking sharp breaths.

    "You came from a cold place my lord, you should be used to it."

  160. "Ugh. Damn that pointy eared bastard."

    With a tired groan, he gets to his feet and goes into Aara's room.

    "Four?" He whispers loudly. "Hey Four!" He takes a few steps in and realizes it's pitch black. "Hey why is your fire out?"

    He trips and crashes into a table, knocking it over and cursing loud enough to be heard by the elves. Aara is instantly awake and on guard.

    "Who's there?" She asks, drawing a dagger from beneath her pillow. "Goddard?"

  161. Goddard is shivering under his robe and just about to to climb back into bed when they hear Two yell and Gath quickly jumps to his feet.

    "Du Hurensohn," Goddard mumbles under his breath. "We don't really need to check up on him do we?"

  162. "Does he curse in you language?" He snaps. "Can he do anything in your language? No. That little idiot can't even read mudras."

    Aara sighs at him ranting in Arabyan. "What do you want?" She asks, tired and a little irritated as she drops back down.

    "I want to know what they know."

    "About what?"

    "What's on your back?"



  163. "Oh look, he sounds fine to me," Goddard huffs.

    Gath sighs and gets comfortable again with his book. He rolls his eyes when Goddard snuggles up beside him. "I'm not going to read it to you," Gath mumbles.

  164. "What makes you think there's anything besides my scars there?" she asks flatly.

    "Gath said as much. And your Sheik nearly lost his mind when he realized what Gath was talking about. Tell me now. No more secrets. And light a damn candle."

    Aara closes her eyes against a rush of fury.

  165. "I don't care as long as you don't push me off the bed again. Is that one of my books?"

    "You have so many and this one was in a language I could understand. Not your magical nonsense. I wouldn't want to accidentally summon a demon before you do. That'd be rude."

    Goddard frowns. "I suppose it would. Thank you for saving that privilege for me."

  166. "Tell me why he thinks you're so terrifying."

    "Wait till morning. Let me sleep."

    "You won't sleep anyway."

    "Fine," she says sharply. "Follow me."

    She throws back her blankets and storms into Goddards room and right up to Gath, Two trailing. Before anyone can say anything, she gives him a lightning fast punch in the eye. "Terrifying, am I? How about I teach you first hand why I can't get the taste of elf blood out of my mouth?" she asks, unbuttoning her tunic.

    Turning around, she drops her shirt to her elbows and pulls her hair over her shoulder. "Everybody get a good look at two of the reasons I can't sleep at night."

  167. Gath covers the eye she hit with a hand and the other stares at her, furious.

    "Oh no," Goddard whispers and throws himself across Gath. "You're face will be fine! It'll heal! I'll fix it! Don't do anything crazy I'll have to get in the middle of and possible get hurt over!"

    When Aara pulls her hair to the side, Goddard turns his head toward Gath. "Oh you deserved that then."

    Gath gives Goddard the same stare he had fixed on Aara.

    "I'll still fix it! But you deserved it!"

  168. Two stares at her, unable to comprehend the half naked woman in front of him. The mark on her left shoulder is a deep red, like blood, and stands out against her skin.

    "Wha...what is that?" He asks softly, tracing it with a finger.

    Aara jerks away from touch and turns back around, pulling her shirt up and beginning to button it. "That's what happens when you walk into a city, murder five asur, and eat their hearts for a god you don't even know," she says coldly. "I lied when I told you I impersonated a Bride of Khaine. I became one."

    Still stunned, he looks from the elves back to her. "What does that mean?"

    Lifting her chin, she turns a cold, furious glare on Gath. "I'm sure Gath can tell you. He seems so keen to say everything else."

    She walks out and back to her room. A moment later, they hear the front door of their suite slam.

  169. Goddard tries to get dressed as quickly as possible to go after Aara. He's about to leave the room when Gath yells after him.

    "Where are you going? Fix this!"

    "Later. I have to find her." He rushes out the door and after Aara. "Lecai! Wait!"

  170. Aara struggles to get both shoes and pants on as she walks, her jacket flapping behind her.

    "What a damned bastard," she mutters, walking as fast as she can. "He had no right to that. I should show him what it was like. Maybe eat his heart. Maybe with a nice wine."

  171. Gath grabs a small round piece of black glass from the desk Goddard uses and examines his eye. "That bitch. She did this on purpose!"

    "Aara! Wow you're fast! Aara wait!"

  172. Two is still standing there. "What is a Bride of Khaine?" He asks in a low voice. "This is what you wanted, isn't it? For me to make her tell me."


    Aara finally stops and takes a deep breath, her hands making fists instead of mudras. "What?"

  173. "I wanted something more destructive to happen to you," Gath mumbles. "This is awful." He looks at Two before looking back in the glass. "You're too drunk and close minded. You've proven that. Ask my lord when he returns to fix this before it becomes a problem."


    Goddard points to her hands. "Finally one I understand," he chuckles. "But...Aara. If you want me to leave you alone, I will. I just need you to know, it'll be fine. Two cares about you."

  174. Two just walks away and goes back to his pallet. "None of this would have happened if you'd have just left me alone to sleep," he mutters to himself.


    "Two?" she laughs. "It's Gath I'm mad at. I could kill him. He had no right, Goddard! None! What I tell- or not tell- Two is my own business, and that- that viper thinks he can just toy with me like that, because I'm human! Because I got this damn mark instead of him. Two just took the bait Gath dangled in front of him. How could he not?"

  175. "I know you're mad at him. I'd never think you'd be mad at Two. He didn't do anything besides ask about something that was put in front of him. I just thought maybe you'd think Two would think differently."

  176. "When he finds out what I did- what I am- he will," she says softly, leaning her head against his chest. "This is different from being a Mashi Al'Maut. He won't know how to accept it."

  177. "He will," Goddard wraps his arms around her. "If you accepted me for all the things I couldn't control, he'll accept you. Want me to talk to him? That way Gath doesn't contribute anymore nonsense? I'll also make sure I don't clear up his inevitable black eye too fast."

  178. "Would you? I don't think I can tell him that a murder god reached down and put a fingerprint on me." She snorts on a small laugh when he mentions Gath and a black eye. "He's lucky I pulled it. I was ready to cave his face in. And I can do it, too."

  179. "Please don't break my retainer. I sort of like him, even if he is a bastard. Oh I'll even tell Two all about myself. We'll be even. It's just Two right?" he snickers then kisses the top of her head. "I'll go do that now. If you want to go for a walk just promise me you'll be safe."

  180. She opens a side of her coat and shows him the jet daggers she shoved into her belt. "As if I go anywhere unarmed," she jokes flatly. She squeezes his hand and tries to smile. "I'll be safe, I promise. I just need to not breathe the same air as your bastard for a while."

  181. He leans down and gently kisses her lips. "I'll make sure everything is perfect by the time you get back." He reluctantly turns away and heads back to the suite.

  182. "Hey." She waits until he turns to look back at her and gives him a real smile. "I love you. Even if you are a shit judge of character."

  183. "I love you too and he's not as bad as he could be," he laughs. "That goes for Two and Gath."

  184. "Two is precious." She waves and wraps her coat around her before walking off.

  185. When Goddard gets back up to the room, he bats the top of Two's head with his tail. "Are you awake? Sober enough? Has Gath explained anything to you yet?"

    "I have not. But before anything else happens, fix this."

    Goddard covers Gath's face with one of his hands. "Hocus pocus alright that's all I can do for now. Two sit up."

  186. "No," comes Two's muffled voice from the pillows. "Every time I talk to one of you without her, it ends with me in trouble somehow."

  187. "I'm trying to fix all the trouble. She wants me to talk to you. You aren't in trouble anyway. Gath is."

  188. "Not yet I'm not. If I shut up now I won't get into any, either."

  189. "Fine. You suffocate yourself. I'll talk anyway. Aara didn't have control over herself. There's a magic to that night. There are many druchii who are Brides of Khaine. They kill in his name and fall into a sort of blood dream. Khaine noticed her and put his mark on her. She couldn't help what she did or what he did to her. Just like I couldn't help that I grew a tail and horns et cetera et cetera."

    He turns toward Gath and winces. "Oh yeah that looks bad."

    "My lord," he says between clenched teeth. "Hurry up."

  190. Two looks up, confused. "What is a Bride of Khaine, exactly? And how did a human manage to catch his attention if he's a druchii god if she was doing what everyone else was doing?" He frowns and squints at Goddard. "You don't have horns."

  191. Goddard thinks for a moment. "They are essentially high worshipers of Khaine. The druchii are anyway. And Khaine is an elven god. The druchii are just a little...obsessed."

    Gath grunts in disapproval.

    "They are the embodiment of his destructive side. No one really knows exactly what causes Khaine to notice anyone. It just happens. He saw something he liked in her. As for my horns," he parts his hair where his horns used to be. "I sort of had a mad fit and had them cut. The dwarf has them now and thinks he can pass them off as 'elf horns' as if anyone would even believe that. Elves don't have horns."

  192. "You know how crazy that sounds? I don't even know if I believe in gods, and you're telling me that the girl I've sworn to protect is marked by one?"


    The sky is just beginning to lighten when Aara walks away from Goddard. It's just as well, she thinks with a sigh. It's not like I sleep much these days anyway. Maybe I'll catch a nap later.

    Looking up from the sidewalk, she laughs when she realizes she's right beside the temple of Morr. Uzzaya has a sense of humor. She lets herself into the cemetery, wandering around the graves until she comes upon a young man sitting on a bench in front of a stone.


  193. "Believe it," Gath says flatly.

    "Shut up! Gods or something else, there are things that exist that have great power. Does this change you wanting to protect her?"

  194. He rolls over and stares at the ceiling, quiet a moment. "No. It doesn't change anything. I-"


    He looks up, stunned. "Aara. What are you doing here?"

    She shrugs. "The dead comfort me, and my sainted lady has a sense of humor."

    He stands, offering her his seat. "I came to say goodbye."


    "My parents," he explains.

  195. Goddard tilts his head. "What?"

    Gath begins to tap his foot impatiently.

  196. He sits up. "Why were you so insistent?" he asks Gath. "You didn't stop bugging me about it. Why was it so important to tell me?"


    "Oh." She sits. "I'm sorry."

    "Thank you, but it's been years. Are you all right?"

    Aara shrugs as he sits beside her. "Yes. Not really." Her fingers tangle around several mudras, betraying her conflicting feelings.

    He covers her hands with his. "Do you want to talk about it with someone who won't judge you?"

    Pulling her hands from his, she holds them up. "It's not poetry. It's names."

    He laughs. "Names?"

    "Of people I've killed."

  197. "Because he's mean," Goddard answers.

    Gath shrugs.

    "He's used to humans being slaves and tapestries and lining for armor."

    Gath shrugs again.
