Sunday, November 8, 2015

Desert Camping

Aara watches Two as he pokes at the fire. Another responsibility. Why is he here? He should have known I wouldn't be able to refuse him. The comfort of a  fellow cadet, someone who looks and sounds like home. A home I don't really belong to anymore. How could I refuse someone willing to witness my life, whatever happens or wherever I go?

Someone willing to witness my death?

"Four, get off your ass."

Looking up, she sees Two towering over her, offering a hand up. "Huh?"

"You don't really think I'm going to let you tell the hours only once a day?" he asks. "No. Ustadh taught us better. Let me see your form, I bet you're wretched."

"I most certainly am not wretched." Grinning, she takes his hand and lets him haul her to her feet. "Mirror or side by side?"

"Mirror. I want to watch you."

Facing one another, they begin the same routine they've done every day of their lives for nearly fifteen years. Spheres on spheres, each movement as smooth as a dancer's, they mirror one another perfectly. It is a unique style, designed for defense of a charge before offense. She whispers the name of each form, one poetic name after another. After an hour, they finish, and he swings a perfect punch at her. She ducks, transitioning into a fast-paced hand-to-hand sparring session. Instead of actually hitting her when he gets an opening, Two slaps her gently to draw attention to the hole in her defense. Sometimes he calls out a form that would have been a better choice. There is no taunting like in their first spar, all that can be heard is the rustle of clothing and the occasional slap of a hand on flesh.


  1. Goddard sits close to the fire, flipping through his spell book and occasionally scribbling something on it's pages. Gath sits beside him and Goddard quickly snaps the book shut, hugging it and glaring up at him.

    "Calm down," Gath scoffs. "I have no interest in your insanity."

    Goddard shifts around him until he is back to back with Gath and only then does he open the book again. "You can never be too careful," Goddard mumbles. "Do you have any idea what this could do to anyone else?"

    "Turn them into a flaming mass of rotting tentacles?"


  2. It ends as quickly as it began, each with a hand around the other's throat. "Good job," he says proudly. "It wasn't so long ago that you couldn't reach my throat. Now, I believe that you could snap it if you wanted to."

    She nods, wiping sweat from her brow. "You're slower than I remember."

    "I'm getting older. I'll probably consider retiring soon."

    "What? No, Ustadh never retired!"

    He laughs. "I am not the famed Asad El'Hasheem," he reminds her. "One day I will retire, take students, and rest easy knowing our traditions will be kept. Haven't you ever thought about your future?"

    She doesn't speak, but can't stop herself from glancing in Goddard's direction.

    "Ahh I see," he says, drawing her further away from the firelight. "Look, I know you're in a strange place emotionally, but you have to get a hold of yourself. Emotions this strong will cripple you- what if Koroush or Goddard are pull your focus in the midst of battle? Make you second guess yourself?" They sit cross-legged, knee to knee, backs straight. "Can you honestly tell me it hasn't happened? We were trained to be perfect companions," he continues seriously. "Not husbands and wives, to worry for another's comfort. Have you practiced the Terminus?"

    Aara keeps her face blank at the mention of their final form. "No."

    He frowns. "You should."

  3. "They're talking about you," Gath whispers.

    "How do you know?"

    "She looked this way." He can hear the book snap shut and Goddard peeks over Gath's shoulder.

    "You're lying..."

    "Would I lie to you?"

    "What a stupid question..."

  4. "I...I don't want to."

    "But what if you need to do it? What if the Terminus is better for one of us than what's coming? Four," he says sternly, "if it's me, I want you to use it. Don't let me die in a nightmare."

    She shakes her head. "I don't know if I'll be able to. Could you do it?"

    Two shrugs. "I hope I could. For you, for my Khalief. Even to put your sheik out of misery. It's necessary to be prepared."

    "I know, Two, I do. But...we cannot be absolved of the Terminus."

    "You've told me yourself that there are things you already can't be absolved of."

    She nods, shivering. "But to die with the Terminus..."

    He smiles ruefully. "It's honorable, at least." He stands, offering her a hand up. "Tomorrow morning, you add the Terminus into the telling of the hours," he tells her, pushing her back toward the camp.

  5. When Goddard sees Aara coming back toward the camp, he moves out from behind Gath and pokes at the fire. "Nice conversation I hope," he smiles at her.

  6. Sure...I've just been lectured to practice something I hope to never use...great conversation...

    She musters a smile for him. "Just a lecture," she says lightly. "It seems my form is sloppy."

    "It is," Two calls from his bedroll, where he sits sharpening his sword.

  7. "So sloppy, you won that little show down the other day?" he grins.

  8. She laughs, running a finger down the healing cut on her nose. "He has a point," she tells Two, who only snorts. "I got you."

    "You were misusing a weapon."

    "Just doing it differently," she argues.

    Winking at Goddard, she asks him, "how many stitches do you have down your back?"

    "How many you got ruining that pretty face of yours?" he retorts good naturedly.

  9. "I'll refrain from this...contest," Gath mumbles.

    "That's because you'd win," Goddard snorts. "Hands down."

  10. "Without a doubt," she agrees. Aara sticks her tongue out at Two, who mutters something under his breath about her level of maturity that she chooses to ignore on her way to her pack and bedroll. She digs out her small leather journal and pen, settling her ink pot into the sand before she starts scribbling out the details of their day.

    Two has demanded that I prepare the Terminus... she writes. I'm not sure I could perform it, even if it was necessary.

  11. Goddard hugs his knees and sleepily watches the fire burn. "Do you miss your family?" he asks Gath.


    "Never mind. If I don't miss that family, why would you miss yours," he shrugs.


  12. Aara scratches her pen against the paper, filling in a shadow. Half a page left blank from the day's entry is filled with a drawing of the camp and its inhabitants. It's not wonderful, and would never match her other skills, but it isn't bad.

    "What do you think, Sethai?" she asks him in eltharin when he settles on her shoulder. He chirps and nudges her cheek, and she smiles and rubs his head. "It gets the point across anyway."

  13. Goddard smiles when he sees Sethai and Aara together.

    "Are you crying?"

    "Shut up...I have sand in my eye." Goddard runs his sleeve across his face. "I don't see how you can be so...sandless..."

  14. Sethai bumps against the cheek with her stitches, and she raises a hand to it. "I'm going to look like them before too long," she laughs. She holds Sethai and cuddles him, smiling at his happy chirps and chortles. "I miss Ibben," she sighs. "But he needs to stay out of danger. And I think Tarik needs him more than I do. But I miss him."

    Sethai wraps his tail around her wrist as if to hug her back. She smiles and lets him go wander back toward Goddard.

  15. Sethai nuzzles Goddard then eyes up Gath. "If you do anything to make him unhappy," Goddard says to Gath, "All those shadows and crows I can make...right up your..."

    "I actually like the dragon," Gath smirks, scratching under Sethai's chin. "It is a dragon still no matter how small."

  16. From his bedroll, Two scowls. "How is the cut?" he asks in reikspeil.

    Aara shrugs. "I put ointment on it. I don't look at it," she answers, resting her hand over her veiled cheek. "But it's healing."

    Two walks over, holding out his hand. "Give me a bandage and your ointment. Let's see how it's doing."

    Aara reluctantly lets him pull her closer to the fire, seating her across from the elves so he can see clearly. She unwinds the fabric from her face and head, revealing the wound that runs across her face from her cheekbone almost to her chin.

    Two whistles. "Damn, Four. That's what, eight stitches?" She nods sadly. "Well you're going to have one hell of a scar." When he opens the ointment she hands him, he frowns at the smell. "What is this?"

    "Goddard made it."

  17. Goddard lifts his head up. "You kept that? I thought you threw it away."

  18. She nods. "I brought it with me when I moved my things. It stings like hell."

    "It smells like sewage," Two mutters in Arabyan.

    "Shut up and do this or I'm wrapping back up," she orders.

  19. "Better listen to her Two," Goddard chuckles.

  20. Two ignores him, gritting his teeth. He dampens a bandage with something clear and sets it to her cheek. Aara hisses slightly at the burn, but doesn't move as he cleans and treats it. When she goes to wrap back up, Two stops her with his hand over hers.

    "Let it breathe. It's healing well, but to be honest, Four, it's nasty."

    She lifts a shaking hand to her face, looking to Goddard for confirmation. "Really?"

  21. "It's fine! Don't listen to him! He's just extremely picky about what he finds shallow..."

  22. She looks between them, unable to tell who's telling the truth. She's purposefully avoided looking into anything reflective for this reason.

    It must be awful...

    Pushing that thought aside, she sneers at Two. "You are pretty shallow," she teases.

    He takes the bait, pushing her shoulder. "Yeah. I am. Only the prettiest for me. That's why it won't ever work out between us," he laughs.

  23. Goddard yawns and puts his bedroll beside Gath before laying down.

    "Why can't you sleep some place else?"

    "The closer I am, the easier I am to protect, right?"

    "No necessarily..."

    "Then it's settled! I'll stay here!"

    Gath rolls his eyes.

  24. "You too," Two orders Aara, "to bed with you. Tomorrow you start the Terminus."

    She doesn't argue for once, and beds down so Two can have the first watch.

  25. "Sounds dangerous," Goddard yawns and drifts off to sleep.

  26. Two chuckles, settling into his watch. "Of course it is."

  27. Goddard's eyes slowly open and he squints up at Gath, tapping him on the forehead with the hilt of a dagger.

    "Was I..."

    Gath keeps tapping him even though he's awake. "Yes you were. I thought I'd get you up before you summoned something you'd regret."

    Goddard frowns and grabs Gath by the wrist. "You can stop now. I have enough brain damage, thank you." He sits up rubbing his forehead and his eyes.

  28. Aara sits next to the fire, making breakfast and sipping tea. Two has already out her through her paces, and is offending the camels and supplies. "The sun will be up soon," she tells them, flipping little golden meal cakes. "Would you like some tea?" she asks. "Breakfast?"

  29. "You've always made good tea," Goddard smiles. "Have some Gath. I know I know, it's not wine but it's still good." He stretches and moves beside Aara to get some tea and breakfast. "If anything, I'll shove it down his throat," he whispers.

  30. Aara grins and hands him a plate and cup. Each cake has bits of salt pork, onion, and herbs to season it, fried crispy and golden. "One of the acolytes mentioned an oasis on our oath," she tells him. "I think we may stop for the day when we find it."

  31. Goddard takes some food to Gath and plops down beside him with his own breakfast. "Eat it. It's not poison."

    "I would assume not," Gath says taking the plate. "Not only did I watch her cook it, I doubt she'd poison you too...or maybe...hmmm" he taps his chin thoughtfully.

    Goddard frowns and begins to eat his breakfast. "Oasis? That sounds like it'll be nice."

  32. "Maybe I've used the last few years to allow him to build a tolerance, making the poison ineffective against him," Aara suggests from behind her cup.

  33. Gath narrows his eyes at her but doesn't stop eating his food.

    "Aara, you know poison already runs through his veins. You can't poison the poison," Goddard snickers.

  34. Aara grins. "You never know..."

    Two approaches, accepting food and tea. "You did well this morning," he tells her. "But the Terminus-"

    "I know," she sighs. "I have to work on it."

    He nods. "Good morning," he tells Goddard and Gath. "Is it edible?" he adds, picking up a hot cake and examining it.

  35. "The what?" Goddard asks. "Practicing something for combat?"

    Gath takes a sip of the tea. "Something you should be doing, you flimsy twig."

  36. "Just another form," Aara explains quickly. "One I haven't used before."

    Two scowls at her, but she ignores him.

  37. "Is it bad? Are you bad at it?" Goddard jests.

  38. She nods. "It's not something you can use more than once."

    "If you do it right," Two mutters.

  39. "Is-is it something to kill yourself?" Goddard asks surprised.

  40. Aara laughs and pats his hand. "It's nothing. Don't worry, Goddard."

  41. "You'd better have a good reason before you go killing yourself," he mumbles before finishing his tea. "And you'd better at least let me try to help you like with that whole....tentacle mess..."

  42. "It's sloppy for a reason," she says softly. "There hasn't been a situation that I felt it called for. Two just wants me prepared," she adds, shooting him a dirty look.

    Mouth full, he grins. "Frue," he mumbles.

  43. "I could just do it for you when you need it," Gath shrugs.

  44. "Not necessary," she says. "The Terminus is called our final form. It is a last resort for ourselves and our charge, if we have one. It's rarely used," she adds, looking at Goddard. "Don't worry, I'm not going to rush into it unless there's no other way."

  45. "You and your...charge? So...just you and Two right? I'm not a part of this...I already have to worry about this one over here killing me in my sleep," Goddard motions toward Gath.

    "I do what is necessary my lord."

  46. "No. Two isn't my charge-"

    "She's mine," he corrects.

    "But if something has happened when I served Koroush, and the choice is between a quick death and a horrible one, it would be my responsibility to see it done." She laughs. "Not so eager for my knives now, are you?"

  47. "So yes. Just between you and Two," he sighs in relief. "Good." He laughs. "I don't like when a method of killing me is kept so hushed by a friend."

  48. Aara shrugs. "If you asked, I'd do it for you to save you from a worse fate. But I want to be prepared in case the worst happens. I'm not plotting to kill you, there's no point in it."

    The sun starts to peek over the horizon, setting the sands to sparkling, and Aara reaching for her scarf to cover her face.

  49. Goddard stands up and dusts any sand from his robes. "Shall we find this oasis?"

  50. They break camp, Two trying to take her duties from her, and leading them to quarrelling.

    Content to let her camel follow the line, she scribbles furiously in her journal, resting it on her saddle. Occasionally she looks up, making sure she doesn't drift away from the others.

    Goddard knows about the Terminus now. He may understand the mechanics- the killing of a charge and oneself- but I don't think he understands what it means to offer it to someone.

    Maybe I can explain later...

  51. Gath climbs up unwillingly onto a camel. "I'd rather ride a nauglir than this disgusting beast," he hisses in druhir.

    Goddard rides by on Zhane. "Well, you can't have one."

    "You should give me the horse then. I'm sure you're more accustomed to this animal."

    "No." Godard shakes his head.

    "Then you'll get me an appropriate mount later..."

    "Maybe...if you stop being so angry."

    "Me? Angry? NNever my lord..."

  52. "What are you doing?" Two asks, dropping to ride beside her.

    Aara tucks her pencil into her book. "Writing. Drawing."

    He nods. "Chronicling?"

    "Yes. I did it...last time," she explains. "Having a record helps me remember what happened and what's just nightmares."

    "They're bad, aren't they? I've seen you sleep- or try to."

    "They weren't always so bad," she says softly. "Sometimes it eases."

    "Is that why you drug yourself sometimes?"

    She nods, eyes down. "I have to sleep. Goddard has them too, but I don't know how he manages to get any rest."

  53. Goddard sighs. "I hope this will be a relaxing stop. Maybe I'll take a nap in the shade. You can fan me with a giant leaf. Ah I can't wait until we get there."

  54. Aara chuckles. "It could be paradise," she tells him in druhir. "Or it could be a muddy puddle and some scrub."

    "I don't like hearing you use than language," Two mutters in Arabyan.

  55. Goddard's ears droop. "Thanks. And that is exactly what it will be. A muddy puddle."

  56. She grins, knowing exactly what they will find. "Sorry, nuur'eni. It is what it is."

    "Stop it," Two mutters. "It's not right hearing you that way."

    "Oh, stop it. You're being childish."

    "Because I'm willing to say that listening to you speak that filth is wrong?" he snaps. "Because it is."

    "I speak five languages!" she exclaims. "Do you expect me to never use them? You're sadly mistaken."

  57. "I bet she's never even been there," Goddard mumbles, not wanting to interrupt Aara possibly ripping Two's head off. He doesn't know what they are saying, but the tone doesn't seem too friendly.

  58. "It's bad enough watching you fawn over him! Calling him nuur'eni! You anticipate his needs! You even fight like them!"

    Aara lowers her voice and responds very calmly. "The day you begin to understand anything is the day I explain. Adopting their language and attitudes made it easier to survive sometimes. Unless you want to turn around and go home to your safe life as a bodyguard and executioner, you will stop being such an ass."

    Scowling, Two rides ahead to the front of the line.

  59. Goddard rides beside Aara once Two moves ahead. "I don't know what you're talking about but I don't know if I like Two saying nuur'eni. I can't tell if he's saying it with passion or hate...or he hates me with a passion. Either way, he's not my type."

  60. "It doesn't matter, " she mutters. "It's me he's mad at."

  61. "One second he's swooning, the next he's yelling. He should make up his mind."

  62. She looks at him from the corner of her eye. "He doesn't swoon," she protests.

  63. Goddard shrugs. "I suppose. He'd be less annoying if he did. He just steals kisses," he laughs.

  64. "Well that's not happening again any time soon," she grumbles. "I think he'd be more annoying if he did swoon."

  65. "Maybe he's just naturally annoying. Ah but enough about him. What is this oasis really like? Either you've been here and you're lying about it being a puddle, or you have no idea and are hoping it's a puddle just for me."

  66. Her expression could be a smile, but he can't quite tell with the veil. "I've never been there, but I speak Arabyan and asked the acolytes."

  67. Goddard laughs. "I'm sure I'd accidentally say something awful and end up missing my nose...again."

  68. She smothers a laugh, not quite ready to let go of her anger at Two. "You'll just have to wait and see," she tells him instead.

  69. "Hmm fine fine. I'll leave you to your book." He rides beside Gath again.

    "I was just enjoying the silence."

    Goddard nods. "Bonding with the camel I see? I'm sorry I'll keep quiet."

  70. "No, you don't have to-"

    She glares at the back of Two's head, promising herself to put camel dung in his bedroll.

    It's midday when they find the oasis. The acolytes turn off their road, heading for some tall rocky regions. Riding around one, Aara sighs with pleasure.

    A waterfall cascades from inside the craggy rock, filling a pool as blue as the sky. Trees and shrub cover the area, offering shade.

    "How lovely," she sighs.

  71. "Wow! I've never seen anything so beautiful," Goddard whispers. He looks up at Gath and is happy to see that even though he is silent, he is still as impressed as Goddard is with the oasis.

    "And I can finally get all this sand out of places I didn't know sand could get into," Goddard mutters.

    "That is something we can agree on."

  72. Aara climbs off her mount and stretches. "Everything you wanted?"

  73. "Yes!" Goddard says enthusiastically before his smile begins to melt. "How deep do you think that is?"

    "Looks deep enough."

    "But...there's shallow water right?"

    "My lord, are you afraid of water?"

    "No I'm not!" Goddard huffs. "I am perfectly fine with water. Sha-shallow water..."

  74. "It looks pretty deep," she tells him as the camels all move toward the water. "But you can swim a little. Let's set up camp, then investigate."

    Two is already unloading one of the pack camels, angrily glaring at her when she comes to help. "You need to understand some things," she starts. "One is that it's been years since we spent any real time together. Yes, I've changed. I have had to swallow my pride in the most painful situations I've seen. My temper is worse, and sometimes I lose control of it. I discovered that I'm jealous. Another thing is that when Koroush freed me I felt lost and alone. Goddard helped me with that. He helped teach me how to just be myself." She sighs. "I anticipate his needs because he could anticipate mine if he wanted to. We just know one another. If it.comforts him to hear his own language, so be it."

    "Is this your way of telling me I'm a jealous ass?"

    "It's my way of telling you that you can accept it, or go home. I'm not going to constantly fight about it."

    He nods, grabbing another bundle off the camel. "I'm going to set up your tent. Try and rest a bit till it's done."

    Aara sighs and walks toward the water.

  75. Goddard follows Aara and stands by the water, bending over and looking carefully at it.

    Gath quietly walks up behind him. He presses his palm into Goddard's back as if he were going to push him in but grabs a handful of his robe to pull him back if he falls too far forward.

    Goddard starts cursing loudly in druhiir, leaping back from the water's edge and glaring at Gath like an angry cat.

  76. Aara grins, then snickers, then finally laughs out loud at them. Kneeling at the water's edge, she washes her hands and splashes the cool water on her face.

  77. "You make this too easy," Gath smiles and kneels by the water to splash his face too.

    After some hesitation and keeping Aara between him and Gath, Goddard goes by the water and does the same. "This part isn't deep. I can just stay here. I'll be fine. I won't drown."

    "While you cower in the shallows like a soaked duckling, I'll be off going for a swim," Gath snickers and begins to remove his clothes. "It's been so long since I was able to swim."

  78. Aara turns her head when he starts to undress. Keeping her eyes down, she nudges Goddard with her shoulder. "Go on. You can swim enough to enjoy this."

  79. "I'll set up camp first," he mutters. "Since this lousy fish isn't going to do it." Goddard watches him dive in and swim effortless for a few seconds before he turns back toward the camp.

  80. Aara wanders over to where Two see up her tent. It's a little large for one person, but it's comfortable and has her briar rose design on it. Rayya really went out all.

    "Why is it set away from everything else?" She asks.

    Two gestures toward the acolytes and speaks sullenly. "I didn't want them thinking you've lost your virtue or place in society. It's important they believe you to be in someone's care."

    Touched, she puts a hand on his arm. "Thank you."

  81. Goddard fights with the tent a bit before he finally gets it to cooperate. There's lots of cursing and kicking but he's proud of himself once it's done. "That wasn't so hard was it?" he asks Sethai who replies with a happy chirp. "Now...we uh...clean up. Yeah. I can't drown. Right? Right."

    He takes a deep breath and kneels by the water again. Sethai splashes around a bit before flying off toward the waterfall. Goddard watches Gath, jealous at how he can be so relaxed, floating in the water.

  82. When everything's done, Aara sits by the water, her feet bare. Should I risk it? I'd love to feel clean again...

  83. Goddard summons his courage and strips to go into the water, unable to deal with the sand any longer. He walks out until the water reaches his chest, careful to make sure each step he takes won't suddenly drop him into deep water.

    He keeps a close eye on Gath. He doesn't trust him after the scare earlier.

  84. How can he be so brave? she wonders, picking out the mark of Negash on his back as he goes into the water. Isn't he afraid someone will see it?

    Two walks over, wearing a pair of trousers cut off at the knee. "You might as well find something to swim in," he tells her. "You look pathetic sitting over here."

    Aara watches him splash into the water, heading for the deepest part. "He's right. I hate it when he's right," she mutters, standing and going for her tent.

    After a few minutes, she emerges in a close fitting top made of canvas that cuts off right below her breasts and a pair of scandalously short breeches. She really thought of everything, she thinks, amazed that Rayya had this much forethought.

    She wraps her arms around herself as she heads into the water, trying to cover the myriad of scars on her torso, knowing that her braided hair exposes the whipping scars on the lower half of her back.

  85. Gath glides through the water over to Goddard. "You're trapped in here now."

    "What do you mean?"

    "Your tail. I'm not sure if the humans are smart enough to understand your mark. My marks. Her mark. But your tail is pretty obvious."

    "I'll be fine. As...long as I stay in the're right..." Goddard sighs. "I'll just have to get my robes wet more and move fast."

    "There aren't many of them. I could kill them all if they try something..."

    "We aren't killing anyone right now. Why is it always killing something with you?"

    "Why is it never killing for you?"

    "Because!" Goddard moves back toward shore slowly, lowering himself into the water until he's able to sit down with the water still as high as his chest. He curls his tail under him so it doesn't float and hugs his knees.

  86. "You're being rather brave," Aara comments as she gets nearer. She watches Two and his even, powerful strokes in the deeper end. "You know, he reminds me of Tannin sometimes."

  87. "I'm being an idiot. But it's just a tail right?" his laughter trails into a sigh. "I think I've proven myself. I shouldn't have to worry about them coming after me in the middle of the night with pitchforks and torches...should I?"

  88. She shrugs, looking down at him. "Probably not. The acolytes will keep to themselves, mostly. Koroush will handle them and Aziz. Two will just scowl," she chuckles, toying with her braid. She sits near him, the water coming almost to her chin.

  89. "This is nice. Once I convince myself I'm not going to drown on my own and Gath will not drown me. I think he'd save me. He'd drag me out by my hair, but he wouldn't let me drown." He thinks for a moment then chuckles. "I don't know if you should compare Two to Tannin. Especially after all the little...scraps we got into."

  90. "I mean Tannin before he died. The first time. I know you don't like him very much, but he is a good person."

  91. "I guess there is time to see what you see," he mumbles. "As of right now, I don't see it. But...I'm sure you don't see anything nice about Gath either. I know I certainly don't," he chuckles, "And yet, I still know it's there."

  92. She shrugs, the movement hidden by the water. "We fight, but I know he'd be the first to stand up for me. He's having trouble adjusting to how I've changed, is all. Just like Gath can't understand how you aren't more druchi than you are."

  93. Goddard sighs. "I won't go out of my way to antagonize Two anymore. I'll let him adjust without my butting in."

  94. She grins. "He likes you, you know. For the most part. I think he's just jealous that I went out and had adventures with someone else."

  95. "Likes me?" Goddard laughs. "If you say so le...uh...heh..."

  96. Aara tries to hide her disappointment when he doesn't finish calling her "lecai."

    As if to save them both embarrassment, Two approaches, looking down at them with a grin. "You two sad sacks," he teases. "Cone out in the deeper end."

    When Aara shakes her head, he shrugs and picks her up, tossing her over his shoulders. "Hey! I am not a sack of potatoes for you to throw around!" She shouts, beating on his back.

    "You're right. Potatoes would be cuddlier," he laughs, taking her out into the water. He shouts a war cry and tosses her high into the air and letting her splash into the water.

  97. Idiot...

    Goddard hugs his knees closer and thinks about how fast he'd drown if that were him instead of Aara. As if on cue, Gath swims over like a shark beside Goddard.

    "That looks like fun..."

    "I will kill you!" Goddard shouts.

  98. Aara shrieks with laughter when he tosses her, and comes up sputtering. She lunges for him, but she can't touch the bottom and ends up wrapped around him from behind as they wrestle.

  99. Gath chuckles.

    "See all of this!" Goddard gestures toward the bigger, deeper scars on his chest, frustrated. "Shipwreck. You've seen plenty of shipwrecks I'm sure. Splinters the size of your arm. And that's the small ones. You can't breath. The water is salty and feels like fire. It's not funny! Merciful Morr! Go away!"

    "Hmmm." Gath sinks into the water and swims off.

  100. Two thrashes, trying to dislodge Aara from his back. She slips and slides across him, laughing, but holds firm. Finally he walks toward Goddard and points at her. "Would you mind? The minx is like to drown me, and I'd rather die with a beautiful woman clinging to me."

    Aara bites his shoulder in protest.

  101. "You're set then. You have a beautiful woman and plenty of water to drown in. If you need more help, I'm sure that sea serpent is around and would be happy to assist."

  102. Two scoffs. "Plenty of water, perhaps, but no beautiful woman."

    "Hey! Don't be an ass!"

    "Well you aren't," he argues over his shoulder. "You're all scarred up and skinny. No softness to you."

    Outraged, Aara drops to her feet and kicks him behind the knee. "You're the worst retainer ever."

    Two laughs and pulls her into the water with him. "Aww, Khayal, I don't mean it," he chuckles and she struggles away from him. "Go wash your hair. It stinks."

    Aara kicks at him again and stalks off to fetch soap.

  103. Goddard narrows his eyes at Two. "There is nothing ugly about being scarred up and skinny. Better than being a hairy ass. Oh I'm sorry...I was supposed to be nicer to you...Maybe later..."

  104. Two stares at him a moment, as if trying to decide whether or not to start a fight. Then, suddenly, he laughs, throwing his head back and howling in delight.

    "Oh, you great wizard," he laughs. "You've missed the point. I want Khayal to not worry about her attractiveness. At some point in your time together, she discovered vanity. Reminding her of her scars will only make her think her looks are unimportant, and help in the end. Or haven't you noticed how depressed she's been over marring her pretty face?"

  105. "Only because you had something to say about it," Goddard grumbles. He drags his robes into the water and quickly covers up, hiding his tail. He then goes over to where he set up the tent and sits on a smooth rock.

    "The water isn't fun anyway," he mumbles to himself. "I'll just sit over here, by myself. Fun..."

  106. Two follows him, sitting on the ground. "Because you told her she was beautiful," he continues. "We had her convinced she was plain- with the exception of those pale green eyes- so that it wouldn't matter if this happened. Now she doubts herself." He watches Aara return to the other side of the pool and start washing her hair. "She thinks too much these days. Her instincts are being drowned out." He shrugs, standing. "You push her away so as not to hurt her more. I lie to her so she can get stronger for it."

  107. "I'm pretty sure her mind was already lost in itself before you mentioned her scar," he snorts. "With every thing we've been though, you're opinion is the least of her worries. I'm not sure if she told you what happened right before we got here, but it's still affecting us."

  108. "She's told me enough. That's why I'm here. I don't want to see her break," he adds. "Putting her back on course is the best way. You may not agree with me, but I don't agree with you either." He grins, watching her again. "Besides. I like her scars. I won't tell her that, but I think they improve her."

  109. "She's been fine. And she will be fine. Life has rough patches. She's not going to break."

  110. "For her sake, I hope you're right. I'd never be so happy to be wrong." He nods before walking over to put a large kettle over the fire.

    Aara frowns as she walks up behind Goddard and sits down next to him. "A civil conversation? Be still my heart," she laughs.

  111. "If I had some sort of muscle it may not have been," he chuckles.

  112. "You don't need muscle. You have that big mind of yours. Now Two," she laughs. "He needs the muscle."

  113. "This mind does nothing but torment me. I couldn't beat someone into submission with it, but it does a good job of beating me."

  114. She nods. "I know the feeling. Nighttime is the worst."

  115. "I wish it were only when I slept. If I can even do that. Good thing I don't need to sleep very long." He laughs and even that sounds tired. "I'm sorry. You should go and enjoy our time here instead of sitting beside doom and gloom."

  116. She shrugs. "We're both pretty gloomy these days. And I know the first chance he gets I'll be practicing the Terminus." She brushes some of the hair off her face. "If you want, I can share my tea with you. Drugged sleep is better than none."

  117. "Drugs only work sometimes. I've tried." He holds his head in his hands and takes a deep breath. "Sometimes, it makes my body so relaxed I can't wake up and I'm trapped in my mind."

  118. "Happens to me, too," she says softly. "And I never even touched the books. It's just the...experience of the thing, I guess." She knots her hands together. "I know Gath takes care to wake you, but you know you can come to me, right?"

  119. "I scare him," he laughs. "I don't want to scare you too."

  120. Aara laughs. "You? Scare me? No offense, nuur- uh, but you're not scary anymore."

  121. Goddard looks down at his hands. "I'm sorry for earlier. You can call me whatever you want.

  122. "I miss it," she admits. "But I understand. I just don't want to make you uncomfortable."

  123. "It'll happen again. I almost did it today but I guess it just wasn't the right moment. You don't make me feel uncomfortable. Now the dwarf and Two, they make me uncomfortable."

  124. "Two is...he's just Two. Although now I understand why Ustadh despaired of him," she laughs.

  125. "You liked him a lot? Who am I kidding, you still like him," he elbows her gently.

  126. "Once I fancied myself in love," she laughs. "Ustadh stamped that out. Now, he just a good friend."

  127. "It starts that way," he chuckles. "We can go back by the water if you want. I let my nerves get the best of me."

  128. "This is fine." She turns on the rock, combing his hair with her fingers. "Long hair suits you," she tells him, twisting pieces of it into braids so it doesn't hang in his eyes. "Though I don't know how you see through it this way." She lets her own hair fall over the left side of her face as she mimics some of the intricate braids Katarina taught her.

  129. Goddard shrugs. "Half the time my spells make me go blind for a while anyway."

  130. She giggles, moving on to the other side. "Maybe because you can't see to read them properly," she teases, knowing that isn't true. She keeps the braids close to his scalp so they don't fall until it's past his ear. "There, that's better."

  131. "Magic has a tendency to blow up in your face," he laughs. "Ask some of those bright wizards. The ones who aren't a pile of ash that is."

  132. Still toying with his hair, she nods. "Oh, I've seen it firsthand with you. But sometimes I wish I could do it. Small magic, like lighting a fire or casting light. Maybe just to see the winds..." she says wistfully.

  133. "The winds can be pretty. Like right now, the brown winds mixing with the green, move swiftly and are all around. The red winds are coming up from the ground. Purple seems to come off in tiny wisps from various things." He suddenly laughs. "And all the white makes it horribly difficult to see any of this."

    "But besides the winds, it's more of a pain than anything else."

  134. "What do they all mean? I know the red, but the others?"

  135. "Brown is for Ghur. It is the wind of beasts and untamed places. Green is Ghyran and is life. You usually see it around water, where there tends to be a lot of life. You know red is Aqshy for fire. Prurple is Shyish. It tends to be everywhere since death is everywhere. White is Hysh. That's light and we have the biggest source of light right above our heads."

  136. "Oh." She pulls her damp hair over her shoulder, letting the sun warm her back. "I suppose this is as untamed place as any. We'll probably have to take extra care tonight."

  137. "The closer we get to the city, the less the winds of Ghur move." Goddard rubs his forehead. "That's enough of that. You don't always see the winds. You have to force yourself to see them."

  138. She laughs. "Does it hurt your head? I thought you were made of sterner stuff." Drawing her knees up to her chest, she rests her chin on them. "What would you like to talk about, then? Our pure luck at being drawn into yet another mysterious, possibly deadly, adventure? Or our two surly companions?"

  139. He chuckles. "A mind is a fragile thing...hmmm...let's talk about them. Mysterious, possibly deadly adventures aren't anything new for us now and we can't do much until we can talk to someone who knows more about these gods, but them, that's all pretty new to me."

  140. "What about them? They're rude and bossy," she laughs.

  141. "Hmmm yes but...wait seems to be about it. Rude and bossy. That was a short conversation."

  142. "And..." she blushes, "attractive? I mean- you must- Gath is- you two-" She breaks off, too embarrassed to stammer more as her hands twist through mudras.

  143. Goddard initially laughs then turns quickly toward her. "Wait...not you don't think we...we didn't do anything. Rayya brought that up to us. I can't imagine where she may have gotten that idea..." he raises a brow. "Would you have any idea as to how she came to such a conclusion?"

  144. Aara's brown skin darkens even more as her eyes widen. Quickly she looks down and mumbles too quietly to hear.

  145. "Hmm?" Goddard leans in close to her and cups a hand by his ear. "I can't hear you," he grins.

  146. She doesn't look up. "You told me yourself it was like that sometimes," she mumbles. "Because you get bored so easily..."

  147. He laughs then leans back with a sigh. "I wasn't as lucky as you. I didn't get a single kiss until you asked for one."

  148. She looks up, eyes wide. "You mean...? Seven hells, kill me now," she groans, covering her face with her hands. "You were so unconcerned with each other's nudity, and I'm an idiot."

  149. "Have I ever cared about my nudity? Besides the tail but that's for completely different reasons."

  150. She doesn't drop her hands. "I don't know," she says, voice muffled. "Probably not. I'm pretty sure you saw me naked long before I saw you."

  151. "I admit, while you were busy trying your best to pretend you didn't have eyes, I looked...for a second...multiple seconds? I never saw it as anything to be ashamed of. It probably has never mattered to Gath either. When you have to be around so many others on a ship or changing armor, and being a slave, fighting in the pits, no one cares."

  152. She peeks at him between her fingers. "I'm sure you did." She grins vainly behind her hands. "Was it worth the risk of Koroush's anger?"

  153. "When it comes to you, always," he grins. "It helped he didn't have a whole palace at his beck and call," he adds with a snicker.

  154. She drops her hands, letting her head droop. "Not anymore," she mumbles, rubbing an old scar on her forearm.

  155. Goddard frowns. "What do you mean?"

  156. She glances up at him. "It's different for you, I'm sure. But..." She reaches up and touches the stitches in her cheek. "I guess Hira would take me now," she says softly. "Now that I've decided against it."

  157. "That really bothers you?" he smiles. "If that tiny thing makes you unappealing to someone, you really shouldn't bother with them. If all they see is a ruined, pretty face, they aren't worth your time."

  158. She looks up shyly. "I don't imagine I'll be bothering with anybody for a long time, anyway."

  159. Goddard shrugs. "Who knows what could happen when you go back to the Empire. They're like me," he laughs. "A little scar isn't going to make anyone turn away."

  160. "Who knows," she echoes a little sarcastically. "Maybe it will add to my exotic looks." She raises an eyebrow. "Maybe I'll crow in a tavern and seduce all the men and maybe a few women. My song and my looks will win them all over."

  161. "Maybe...if you want..." he crosses his arms. "And that would be...perfectly fine...I promise I'd come by every night to watch you...and threaten anyone who acts like an idiot."

  162. She laughs at him. "That's awfully sweet, but you and I both know my skills aren't exactly tavern fare. I do my work in dark alleys with sharp knives," she whispers, poking his side.

  163. "When everyone is so drunk, it won't matter," he laughs. "I'm sorry. Don't hit me too hard for that one."

  164. "You would certainly know about that," she retorts, leaning in to whisper in his ear. "Big scary death wizard needs his women full of liquid courage."

  165. "Hey!" he says defensively. "I have a multiple very good reasons why that has to be the case. It's either that or I don't even think about being with anyone." Goddard sighs and frowns. "Could you imagine? It's necessary!"

  166. "Does that make me crazy?" she asks with a laugh. "I never found it necessary."

  167. "I remember you being quiet terrified when you realized what I was."

  168. "I never needed to be drunk to be with you. Even before your mutations changed." She taps his nose and smiles. "You don't give yourself enough credit. I bet lots of sober women would enjoy your tail wrapped around them during khyrken."

  169. "That would promptly get the witch hunters to come after me. The mind of those commoners is fairly predicable. Remember what happened when it was mentioned that we cam in contact with that chaos beast?" he chuckles.

  170. "Of course I do. I was scared to death they'd see our marks. But still, some of the things you do with that tail..." she smiles and wiggles her eyebrows. "It's enough to make a woman feel drunk."

  171. "You would have been fine. Only elves understand what that means and only elves worship Khaine. All elves recognize Khaine. Druchii just have...tunnel vision."

    Goddard grabs onto the end of his tail and wraps it around his wrist. "I usually keep it around my own leg so no one can see it. It's been an Aara exclusive."

  172. She blushes a little. "I'll just have to remember that next time I'm feeling jealous," she laughs.

  173. "Just emulate me. Don't be jealous," he says with a smug laugh.

  174. She smirks. "I'm not totally convinced that you've never been jealous. You just like to act cool and confident, just like you act scary."

  175. "My lord? Cool? Scary? Confident? Sounds nothing like him." Gath walks up behind them, wringing out his long hair. He's wearing his pants and carrying everything else. "Your hair looks foolish," he says, referencing the braids.

  176. "I see."

    "I'm sitting right here," Goddard huffs. He runs his fingers through his hair and the braids slip out easily.

  177. "Of course you are," she says lightly. "No one has lost you."

  178. Gath smiles almost approvingly at Aara's joining in. "But be careful my lord," he pats the top of Goddard's head, "With you being so short we may indeed lose you..."

    "I'm not short!"

  179. "He does get lost easily," she informs Gath. "Easily distracted."

  180. "Aara!" Goddard looks at her as if he were betrayed.

    Gath chuckles. "Thank you for the information. Maybe I'll put a leash on him or get some sort of treat to dangle in front of him to make sure he's paying attention."

    Goddard's face turns noticeably red.

  181. Aara laughs. "You are, Goddard. I wouldn't say it if it wasn't true." To Gath, she nods. "Chocolate is a good one."

  182. Goddard's ears droop at the mention of chocolate.

    Gath leans toward Aara, "Are you sure that would be appropriate? He doesn't seem to like that suggestion."

  183. She bites her lip, realizing what she's said. "Any sweet will do," she corrects, stroking Goddard's ear. "Oh habibi," she whispers and presses her forehead to his shoulder.

    That was careless.

  184. Goddard gently kisses the top of her head and stands. "I should probably change out of this wet robe until it dries." He heads into the tent and Gath sits beside Aara.

    "He is broken and yet he still manages to live."

  185. She nods, watching him go. "These last few months have been the hardest for him. I know he'll be fine eventually, but I worry. Has he told you what happened?" She asks, looking back to Gath.

  186. "He's just recently told me about a shipwreck and some things about being raised by a th...high elf, but he's more content to try and learn about me, become best friends as he put it, flirt with me, talk about you and talk about magic."

  187. "He'll open up...wait, he talks about me? Why would he do that?"

  188. "Well, mostly wondering what you could possibly see in Two. He's very jealous though he has zero reason to be. As if he were faithful..."

  189. She laughs, a rare, real laugh. "Oh I knew he was jealous! He hasn't liked Two since they met, which is pointless because Two likes everyone and just wants to drink wine and kill things." She pauses a moment. "He was, though. Faithful, I mean. He joked about it, but there wasn't anyone else while we were together."

  190. "Hmm are you sure? How could you be so sure?"

  191. "He never mentioned it, and we were constantly together. Even before we were lovers, he told me when there were others. I was jealous, but I knew that's just how he is." She shrugs. "It's not like it matters, anyway."

  192. "Well that got boring quickly. Would this be more interesting if I said he talks about hating you or wanting to marry you?"

  193. She snickers. "Probably not. One is at least partially true and the other would be laughable."

  194. Gath looks disappointed but he smiles. "You're more of a puzzle than he is. Watch how easy this will be." He clears his throat and says loud enough that Goddard would hear, "Is it really appropriate for you to be removing all of your clothing right now?"

    Goddard bursts from the tent. "Don't do...!" he trails off and stares at a clothed Aara and a snickering Gath. "What is going on..."

  195. Aara throws her head back and laughs. "You are a treasure!"

  196. "What is wrong with you two!? One moment you hate each other, the next, you're laughing at me together!" Goddard shakes his head then points at Gath. "I've never had a retainer before but you are the worst retainer!"

  197. Aara just laughs and walks over to Goddard, patting his cheek. "Don't worry, you're a treasure, too." Chuckling, she heads toward her own tent.

    "I don't know what he said, but it seems to me your sheik is vexed with you," Two chuckles.

    Aara glances at him over her shoulder as she passes him. "Isn't that the nature of women?"

    Two laughs, stirring the kettle. "For sure you vex me," he answers as she goes into her tent.
