Sunday, January 3, 2016


"I'm teasing, Goddard," she assures him, hugging him tightly. "I know you better than that."


  1. He looks up at her and manages a wide grin. "I was going to ask what that meant for Gath." Goddard hugs her. "I'm sorry I went a little crazy. I don't mean to."

  2. She kisses his forehead. "It's my fault. I'm just glad you didn't try and cut it off yourself. I very much prefer talking you through it than patching you up later."

  3. "I don't know what I was thinking. And then I mentioned my eyes? Could I actually do that to myself?" he shudders at the thought.

  4. "I would tie your hands behind you and let Two sit on you," she tells him. Lifting his chin a little, she studies his eyes. "I meant what I said earlier, about your mutations. You know that, right?"

  5. "I do. And...father has said similar things. I'll try not to forget either of you. I never want to forget either of you."

  6. "You won't. You'll bury me at the college, and make sure that I have a well deserved rest. And every time you let the bats out, you'll remember me hanging out the window and laughing the first time I saw them." She brushes the hair out of his eyes. "And you'll remember O-" She hesitates only a second, keenly aware that she hasn't said his name since he died. "You'll remember Otto, too."

  7. "What's wrong? Why do you always pause? Is it because of what Gath said? He'd probably bother you if you called him anything other than Otto anyway."

  8. She looks down. "That's the first time I've said his name since he died," she whispers.

  9. Goddard buries his face in his sleeve. "I miss him. I didn't see him a lot while we were traveling or even when I was at the college. He was busy then too. But at least I knew he was there."

  10. She lays her head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry," she whispers in his ear.

  11. "I wish he'd talk to me. Just once. Just so I know he isn't lost..."

  12. "I don't believe that he is," she assures him. "And he loved you too much to stay and possibly hold you back."

  13. "Gath told me, in more angry words, that he was too nice and our gods wouldn't do that to him," he laughs softly.

  14. She makes a disgusted face. "I hate to do it, but he's right." She shifts so she can massage his scalp. "If you had asked me a second time, I'd have made you believe I was going to really cut off your tail," she tells him, sliding her hands through his hair.

  15. "I would have probably been disappointed once I found out you weren;t really going to do it. But I would have been grateful like I am now."

  16. "You would have cried and told me I was mean, just like when you were under the effects of the vampire bite."

  17. "I don't cry! Only for one thing lately yes but I don't cry!"

  18. She bites her lip so she won't laugh. "Not you, nuur'eni. You're brave and stoic as ever." She slides a hand down his back and fishes his tail out. "It would have been such a shame to lose this wonderful feature," she croons, one hand sliding along its length and the other toying with the furry tip.

  19. "There's plenty of other...things with tails. Cats. There's lots of those around."

  20. "But nothing like this tail," she insists, stroking her cheek with it, her other hand gently massaging it. "This tail created ghosts."

  21. Goddard smiles. "Yes it did. I was always surprised when anyone believed me. There was no reason to not believe me I suppose."

  22. She nods. "Like it or not, this is your natural self. I'm sorry I upset you so much earlier."

  23. "That was a lot to take in. I'm sorry I can't handle myself better."

  24. She kisses the tip of his ear. "It's not your fault. I kind of ambushed you; first with that horrible idea, and then news from your mot- that woman."

  25. Goddard's ears flatten. "I've only ever had a father and his name was Otto." He pulls the blanket tight and sighs. "I'm sorry. I'm not angry at you."

  26. "She actually said that," she says. "That she had never been a mother to you. He was a good father to you," she adds.

  27. "Of course. Druchii aren't parents. Probably the only bit of truth she spoke."

  28. She grins, pressing her face into his hair. "She said that you're powerful enough to be a threat. That commands a certain respect, doesn't it? She almost sounded proud," she chuckles.

  29. "All druchii see spell casters as a threat. Most wouldn't have a defense against it. She'd just want to use me and if I didn't cooperate, she'd probably try to kill me."

  30. "Still, that must stroke your ego a little? Big scary death wizard with untold power and potential?" She nuzzles his neck. "You sounded quite impressive."

  31. "No, it doesn't actually," he huffs and turns away from Aara so he's facing a corner.

  32. "Fine." She draws her knees up to her chest and looks away from him. "I'll shut up."

  33. He turns his head to look at Aara. "Just shut up about her. Why would you think I'd want her to be proud or care if she was? I hate her and she hated me enough to want to kill me and I'm sure she still hates me. I'm probably a huge disgrace and I'm more proud of myself for being that."

  34. "Because for once someone besides me said something good about you," she snaps. "To me it didn't matter who said it. I was proud to hear you spoken of that way."

  35. "It should matter who said it. Especially her. Especially druchii. Maybe I was bad for you. You think you can just chat up any drucii and take what is said as something good. Like every druchii wants to be your friend," he snaps back. "Well we don't!" Goddard takes a quick breath and looks shocked. "I mean...they...they don't want to be friends," he says softly and turns back to his corner.

  36. Aara opens her mouth to speak, but turns away instead, tired of fighting, and tucks her hands away so he can't see the mudras they make. As if he cared to read them anyway...

    Are we ever going to be happy? Genuinely happy? Or is it the constant threat of death that keeps us clinging together? Would he love me if we weren't always in danger? Or does he keep me around because he thinks I'm an idiot? He talks about everyone else that way, maybe...

    Hurt, she pulls her thick scarf up over her head and rests her chin on her knees. For someone who acts like he desperately doesn't want to be a druchii, he certainly identifies with them.

    He said "we."

  37. Goddard turns his head and looks at Aara. "I'm sorry," he sighs. "I just thought I was finally free of them."

  38. She doesn't take her eyes off the horizon. "Knowing that my enemy fears me is a good thing. It means I've already won the battle. Yelling at me like I'm an idiot child won't take away your heritage." Aara turns to face him. "I was proud because you're worthy of their fear."

    She turns back to the landscape, her heart heavy.

  39. "I'm a wizard. Everyone fears me anyway," he mumbles.

    With a frown Goddard says, "So it took the words of that cruel woman for you to be proud of me? Not that I need you to be proud of me but despite everything else I've lean so heavily on how she feels?"

  40. "Damn it Goddard I know you don't need anything from me- pride or love or anything else. But I also know what she is, rather intimately, and I'm terrified of it. Hearing the thing that scares me most admit fear of someone I love so deeply gave me comfort. So yes, her words made me proud, but if you think for one second that was the first time I was ever proud of you, you're a mean spirited fool."

  41. "What do you mean I don't need anything from you?! I do ned you for a lot of things. Do you know how awful my existence would be right now if I didn't have you?"

  42. Her mouth opens and closes like a fish. He never says things like that. Not unless he thinks I've nearly gotten myself killed...

    "No, I don't. Seems we're always too busy fighting to say those things."

  43. "I even told Gath th...never mind..." he faces his corner again. If I tell her that she'll really be tempted to do something crazy.

  44. "Don't do that," she says softly, turning her body toward him. "You always do that. What did you tell him?"

  45. Goddard bites his lip. "I...I told him...I called you my moon and star lit night in front of him. It's stupid..."

  46. A smile creeps across her face, and she ducks her head to the side, hiding the slight twist her scar gives it. "You have to tell a girl things like that now and then," she murmurs. "Especially a girl like me."

  47. "Why especially for you? Is it because you have countless daggers on you?"

  48. "Because I'm stupid?" She raises an eyebrow, her smile turning sharp. "And it's only eight. Haven't quite figured out how to get more hidden..."

  49. "You're not stupid. I always say you're smart. Did Gath tell you you were stupid? Or Two? I'll stab them both..."

  50. She laughs. "Don't you think Two gets stabbed enough?"

  51. "I haven't stabbed him yet! And I'm pretty sure no one has stabbed Gath yet."

  52. "Well maybe you'll get your chance someday," she tells him. "It's pretty satisfying."

  53. "I bet it is but you seem to be the only one with an acceptable excuse."

  54. "I'm sure you'll get a chance." She tilts her head. "Can we not fight so much?"

  55. He moves close to Aara and wraps his arms and the blanket around her. "I will do my best."

  56. She lets out a little cry and pulls away, a hand going to her shoulder. "That bastard," she mutters, pushing her cloak and layers aside and showing him a bruise. In doing so, she moves some of her hair off her forehead, revealing a darkening bruise on her temple. "Watch out for Two, he's a biter."

  57. "What?! Goddard gasps. "I have a reason now to at least claim another tooth!" He kisses her shoulder and her temple.

  58. "To be fair, I started it," she laughs. "And I wasn't pulling punches the way he was." She touches her temple gingerly. "I'm pretty sure I cracked my head on one of those tables." She moves back into his arms and lays her head on his chest. "But you can feel free to exclaim over my many bumps and bruises if you want."

  59. "I didn't think you two were really hurting each other. I'd have stopped you sooner. I'm sorry."

  60. She frowns. "Why are you sorry? You didn't do it. Honestly, I think we needed it."

  61. "I was going to try and break you two up sooner but Gath stopped me. I swear Sethai read my mind. As soon as Two slapped you, I was going to rip him apart but then he started screeching and I couldn't really concentrate on that."

  62. She shakes with silent laughter. "Oh nuur'eni! I'm sure I deserved it. And I rather like my giant pet, so please don't maim him."

  63. "And that's why I let him be," he sighs in disappointment. "I don't want to hurt your pet."

  64. "You make him sound much worse than he is. All he does is tease- a rather distinct difference from what Gath does."

  65. "I have a more violent breed that's still adjusting?" he shrugs. "He's not so bad. At least not as bad as he could be."

  66. "Neither is mine," she reminds him. "Two is like a puppy. Gath is like a chaos porcupine."

  67. "Rabid puppy," Goddard mutters under his breath, "Gath is not like a porcupine. He hasn't attacked me. Two has obviously attacked you."

  68. "That's not true. I attacked him. Two wouldn't ever attack me. I scare him."

  69. "Really? Then what was all that...attitude he had in Araby?"

  70. "Male posturing? He's arrogant because he's good, and he knows it. But he knows I'm faster and more reckless than he is. And he thinks I'm unpredictable," she adds. "Add that to countless sharp implements and a knowledge of anatomy..." She shrugs and smiles innocently.

  71. "So next time he acts up, should I threaten him with you?" he snickers. "Don't be stupid Two, or I'll send Aara after you?"

  72. "Or you can keep trying to pummel each other."

  73. "I thought you didn't want me to maim your pet?"

  74. "I don't, but it's kind of adorable when you two start to scrap. You usually send him off with a few bruises."

  75. Goddard frowns. "I can't keep doing that to stay adorable. There's only so much I can take and only so much strength I can fake."

  76. She sits up, scowling. "Has he hurt you? I'll teach him a lesson..."

  77. "If I said yes, would you believe me?" Goddard laughs. "One of these days he's going to realize I'm strongest only when I can speak and then he'll never leave me alone."

  78. "Yes, I would!" she gasps. "and you're strong enough to knock a tooth out of somebody's head. That's no mean feat."

  79. He grins. "If you say so. And he hasn't hurt me. Nothing I can't handle anyway. As long as he doesn't knock out any of my teeth..." Goddard quietly thinks for a moment. "I'm pretty sure I could fix that with magic now though so it wouldn't be too bad."

  80. "I do say so. And if you want, you can threaten him with me. I don't mind being your muscle," she giggles, tapping his nose.

  81. "Two body guards? I'm so lucky."

  82. "I'm not a bodyguard anymore. I'm..." She deliberates a moment before Aara shrugs with a smile. "I don't know yet."

  83. "You're whatever you want to be," he smiles. "Well, within reason that is."

  84. She sighs dramatically. "It's that within reason part that always gets me...Even the unreasonable is within reach," she laughs. "I want to be a princess? Koroush knows a prince. I want to be an assassin? I happen to know several." She lays her head on his shoulder. "Right now, I'm perfectly happy being here and being yours."

  85. "Well a bride of Khaine is one of those unreasonable things and so is a wizard. I mean those things."

  86. "I never said I wanted to be a wizard, just that there would be some use in knowing a few things." She grins and kisses him. "And as for Khaine...he'll claim what he wants anyway. Whether or not I say I do it for him doesn't matter. Which I don't," she adds hastily. "After your reaction, being that kind of bride is no option."

  87. "Yes that kind of bride is out of the question...oh...I can make you some things and you can pretend to be a wizard," he laughs. "I can make you liquid light maybe?"

  88. She pinches his side and laughs. "Oh, don't patronize me," she teases. "But I'll take it and tell Two you've taught me magic. He'll be so worried!"

  89. "I knew you wouldn't turn it down. I won't give you anything too dangerous so you won't have to worry about setting Two on fire."

  90. She bats her lashes at him. "Maybe just singe him a little...?"

  91. "Hmm I'm sure I could whip something up. You'll have fun."

  92. "He did bite me, after all." She shivers a bit as the sun starts to go down, and pulls her cloak tighter. "Is it always cold in the Empire? It seems we're never here in spring or summer."

  93. "I like the fall and the winter. I like the snow so I never really noticed and I suppose I'm used to it? We'll make it a point to be here in the spring and summer," he smiles. "And we'll lay in the grass. Have picnics."

  94. "That sounds lovely," she says wistfully. "Does it get very hot? Or will I have to heat our rooms to be comfortable?"

  95. "It can get fairly warm. Nothing like Araby but you'd be comfortable." The carriage comes to a stop and Gath looks into the window. "Still alive in there? Still have a tail attached? Eyes in your head?"

  96. Aara rolls her eyes as Two offers her a hand to get down. She takes great amusement in seeing a crescent shaped bruise on his hand and ignores him, climbing down on her own. "See to the Khaleef's tent and needs first," she tells him.

  97. " care that I still have all my body parts attached?" Goddard grins. "I knew you liked me."

    "I was just curious and am disappointed with your answer," Gath says before he turns away to set up camp.

  98. "After talking him out of cutting off parts, I'm loathe to do it myself," she tells Gath. "I still miss the horns..."

    She digs a small firepit and lines it with nearby stones.

    "Set mine farther out," she tells Two when he finishes Koroush's tent. "I don't want to wake anyone."

    Two wiggles his brows. "With moans of passion as you finally succumb to my charms?"

    "Nightmares, you idiot," she laughs, walking off in search of firewood.

  99. Goddard has to cover his mouth so he doesn't laugh too loudly at Two. "That was one of the funniest things I've heard in a while," he says.

  100. Two watches her walk away appreciatively. "All I need is time," he says, reaching for her tent. "She'll come begging."

  101. "You are really funny today. Better than any jester I've seen. You have a new calling in life. Slay people with laughter."

  102. Two glares at him. "She'll tire of your madness one day. And when she does, I'll be there."

    Gripping the tent bag, he goes off to the area she indicated to set up her tent.

  103. Goddard follows behind Two a moment longer. "Our mutual madness is what will keep us together. If you don't go mad soon, you'll never have a chance." He then turns and walks toward Gath to help set up their tent.

    "Are we going to find a deer this time?" Goddard asks.

    "We still have some rabbit from earlier. Have you develop some kind of blood lust?"

    "No. Not really. Not for that anyway. I've always had one?"

  104. No, Sheik, Two thinks as Goddard walks away. She can't care for you both, you'll run her ragged and into an early grave.

  105. Once the tent is set up, Goddard heads over to the fire and begins to cook dinner.

    "I must admit my lord, that is one thing you are good at. Cooking."

    "I cooked a lot of normal food before I learned how to make potions and that was all before I was even taught a single spell," Goddard sighs. "But it seems to all be useful."

  106. "You'd be amazed by what he can do with a meal," Aara interjects as she returns with an armful of wood. "I was amazed you didn't already know about Arabyan food before we went there."

    "Ahhh, there's nothing like homemade al'soliq," Two comments, sitting and patting a spot near him for her. "And you make a damn fine one, Four."

  107. "I had never been to Araby before we met. All the cook books were of things that were easily found in the Empire. You have a lot of interesting spices I would have had a hard time getting my hands on."

    "You at least make these awful vegetables bearable."

    "Was that a compliment? You heard that too right Aara?" Goddard laughs.

  108. "It sounded like one." She plucks a raw carrot from his supplies before he can chop it up. "I prefer them raw, though," she adds before taking a bite.

  109. "Twist my words however you want," Gath shrugs. "It's very difficult to grow many plants in the snow."

  110. "Do your people have a taste for them?" she asks, snapping off another bite. She sits near Two and offers him a bite. Aara thumps him in the forehead when he nips her fingers. "You've bitten me enough today," she scolds.

  111. "I'm sure if they could grow them, they would eat them," Goddard says. "The rest of us do." He turns to Two. "Would you stop biting her? That's my...well I guess it isn't my job anymore, but that's not a job you can have either."

  112. Two laughs and Aara blushes. "Well if you don't want the job..." he says at the same time she asks "it isn't? Since when?"

  113. "Since I have sharp teeth and we decided we weren't going to play with sharp things like that again." He shakes his head then glares at Two. "It's not that I don't want to you idiot."

  114. Two grins. "Then it seems I can have the job."

    Aara smacks the back of his head. "After the bruises you gave me? Not on your life."

  115. "You can only potentially have the job, if Gath will let me bite him instead. Gath?"


    "Well then, that settles that."

  116. "Excuse yourselves! You're talking about biting me, and I get to decide who does and does not get to do that!"

  117. "I said potentially! And you said no so I said that settles it. I'm just adding to your no."

  118. "I didn't bite you that hard earlier," Two says over Goddard.

    "The hell you didn't!" She pulls her shirt back to show him the dark bruise on her shoulder. "Look at that."

    Two winces a little at the mark. " tasted good?"

    "I should let Goddard set you in fire."

  119. "I'll do it," Goddard says quickly. "I've been wanting to play with the winds of fire some more."

  120. "Four! You started that fight anyway!"

    Aara sighs. "You have a point. But don't bite so hard," she tells him, taking another bite of carrot. "No firing Two today, nuur'eni."

  121. "Fine fine," Goddard says sadly, going back to cooking. "But you'll let me soon won't you?"

  122. She grins wickedly. "Teach me a little and yes..." she says, referencing their earlier agreement.

    "Four you can't do that!"

    She looks up at him sweetly. "Yes, I can. You're in my service, remember? You swore an oath."

  123. "Hmm yes..." Goddard says thoughtfully. "I'll prepare something for you tonight. You can study it and set Two on fire yourself. Or try to anyway."

  124. "He's lying," Two tells her. "I heard him say he won't teach you because you'll blow up."

    Aara grins and bites off more of her carrot. "Scared?"

    He scoffs. "No."

  125. "We had a lot of things to talk about on the carriage. Aara wanting to be a wizard was one of them."

  126. "You won't teach her. She's too old and will blow up. That's what you told me, isn't it, Four?"

    Aara grins and waves her carrot around. "Nuur'eni would never let me explode, would you love?"

  127. "Never. You're too important to me to let you explode." Goddard looks at Two, "Which is why I have thought carefully about a plan for this."

  128. "Aww, nuur'eni, that's sweet," she coos, blowing him a kiss.

    Two looks from one to the other, clearly skeptical. "I'll believe it when I see it."

  129. "You'll see it soon enough. And before you ask, no I will not teach you too. I know you'll be so impressed and you won't want to be left behind since all of us will know magic. But I won't do it."

  130. Aara giggles and smiles smugly at Two. "The last thing you need is to explode," she tells him.

    Two returns her grin and jumps to his feet. "I don't need your magic," he tells them, going to the carriage. When he returns, Aara laughs in delight. "I have my own."

    He starts strumming a tune and singing a cheerful song in Arabyan.

  131. "That's not magic," Goddard scoffs. "It's nice, but it not setting things on fire with a few words."

    "I miss playing," Gath says watching Two.

    "What did you play? We can get you one of whatever it was."

    Gath furrows his brow.

    "Unless it's a drum or a war horn."

  132. "It's a kind if magic," Aara says, watching Two play his lute. "You were always handy with stringed instruments."

    "Sing with me," Two says, and Aara shakes her head. "Four. Sing," he wheedles.

    "I can't, it's gone. Ask Goddard, he heard."

  133. "Yes, Aara has a lovely voice," Goddard says only half listening to them. "What did you play Gath? The fact you don't really want to tell me makes me want to know even more. Was it a harp? A huge golden harp?"

    "No it was not a harp."

  134. "Was it a pipe?" She asks, ignoring the look Two gives her.

  135. "I can play that too but I had a lyre and a lute. There. Happy?"

    Goddard nods. "I'll get you all three when we have the chance."

    "You could be spending that on wine."

    "Wine too."

  136. "An oud isn't so different," Aara says, nodding to the lute like instrument Two plays.

  137. "Give it Two! I want to hear Gath play."

  138. "No! She can't just loan out my possessions! Besides, he'd probably break a string or crack the neck," he adds, changing to a slow, intricate song.

  139. Gath smirks. "For one thing, I'm sure you just wouldn't want me to prove how much better I am at it than you, and another, I wouldn't play for humans anyway."

    Goddard frowns. "Please?"

    "Begging won't work."

    Goddard scoots close to Gath and hugs his arm. "For me?"

    "Why in the world would you think that would make it any better? That's worse than just begging."

    Goddard turns away and crosses his arms. "You'd just be bad at it anyway."

    Gath can't help but laugh. "You're an idiot my lord."

  140. Two ignores them as he starts singing Reyes on Aara, who pulls her knees up to her chest and sighs.

    "Did you know I've always loved this one?" she asks, and Two nods. "It's so beautiful and sad."

    And strangely, a prediction of my own future...

  141. Goddard pokes at the food a few more times before he finally serves everyone. Goddard sits next to Gath so he can watch Aara and Two and he bites his lip. She loves this...and I can't sing it or play it for her. Hell I don't even know what's going on.

  142. When he finishes, Aara lowers her head and takes a moment to collect herself.

    "Aw, Four, don't be sad," Two tells her, taking a drink from his wineskin. "I wouldn't have played it if I thought you'd cry."

    "I'm not crying, you idiot," she mumbles. "It's just sad."

    He laughs, setting his oud aside and grabbing his bowl. "Well you play, and sing something happy for us."

    "I can't play, you know that."

  143. Goddard looks hopefully at Gath.

    "What? Don't look at me like that..."


    "He doesn't want me to touch it because I'm such a barbarian..."


    "Could someone do something about him?" Gath looks at Aara.

  144. "For your comfort? No."

    Two chuckles and moves to sit next to her, rubbing her back gently. "Did you really lose your voice?" he asks between bites.

    She nods. "Sometimes in the last year or so. Now it's rough and all over the place."

  145. "It sounds fine," Goddard says. "Look. Gath can play. Aara can sing. Everyone else gets what they want."

    Gath shakes his head. "Persistent."

    "Come on. What if I bend Two's arm and make him apologize for saying you'd break it?"

    "I might break it now. Over your head."

  146. Two cradles the instrument in his arms. "No."

  147. "See? Your head is safe. For now."

    "You'll play if I buy you your own?"

    Gath shrugs.

    "I'll order you!"

    "My job is to keep you alive. Not pamper you."

  148. He moves to the other side of Aara, slightly further away. "I won't let them take your oud," she laughs, patting his leg. "But only if you play the one about the warrior."

  149. Goddard sighs and finishes his dinner before he leans against Gath and looks up at the darkening sky. He flinches slightly then slides down so he's laying on the ground facing the fire.

  150. Aara frowns. "Are you all right, Goddard?"

  151. "The moons," he mumbles. "I can't look at them."

  152. "Come sit here," she offers. "They'll be behind you and you won't have to see them."

  153. Goddard sits up and moves where Aara tells him to. "I used to really like the night sky too," he pouts. "Maybe one day I'll be able to look at it again."

  154. "Maybe," she murmurs, moving closer and leaning against his shoulder as Two starts to play again. "This is a good one. It's about a young man who was born into a soldier's life. He fights all these wars for his sultan, but time catches up with him and he grows old and can't fight anymore."

  155. "That sounds like it would be depressing," Goddard mumbles. "Not being able to do anything anymore like that."

  156. "Not really," she explains. "In the end, the sultan comes to him and kneels, thanking him for all he's done. It's about honor and loyalty."

  157. "Interesting in a way. Very different from our songs and stories," Goddard says.

  158. "Most of what I've heard from yours is about war and fighting. Aside from that book of poetry in eltharin."

  159. "That's mostly from the druchii. My favorite that father would tell me was about dragons and he'd tell me Sethai used to be the size of a mountain," he chuckles. "I never believed him though."

  160. She gasps playfully. "You never told me about dragons!"

  161. "You never asked! And you've seen Sethai. I figured maybe you had your fill of dragons after witnessing his magnificence."

  162. "How could I ask if I didn't know?" she counters. She wiggles her way into his lap and wraps her arms around his neck. "Tell me about Sethai being as big as a mountain. How did he get so small?"

  163. "Father told me Sethai was the ruler of all the dragons the asur have now." As soon as he hears his name, Sethai drops from the sky and lands in Aara's lap.

    "He would keep them safe and eat anyone who tried to hurt them. But the asur needed the dragons help. Sethai had father perform all kinds of tasks to prove himself but in the end, father ended up saving Sethai from Chaos. To repay him, the dragons offered their service to the asur and Sethai pledged his life to father and in order to always stay by his side, Sethai shrunk to the little thing he is now."

  164. She "oohs" and "ahhs" over Sethai, making a fuss of the little creature. "What a lovely story."

  165. "Now, I know the asur do ride dragons, but I'm not sure I believe the rest of his story," he chuckles as he watches Sethai chirp happily, enjoying the attention Aara is giving him.

  166. Her gasp this time is real. "Really? I thought it was just the Witch King."

  167. "He has one and there are others who ride them too. Black dragons. The Phoenix King has one as well. Those are white."

  168. "Like you, Sethai!" she exclaims.

    Two idly strums, plucking out an old, familiar tune.

  169. Sethai flaps his wings and attempts to growl.

    "And people say I'm pitiful," Goddard snickers. "I've always wanted to see the dragons, maybe ride one, but there was no way I would have been able to, so father would tell me about them."

  170. "He's not pitiful. Don't listen to him," she tells Sethai. "You're fierce and mighty."

  171. Sethai squawks at Goddard and hops onto the ground to prance around.

    "He's just like you my lord."

    "What do you mean?"

    "Look at that ego."

  172. Aara laughs at Sethai. "It seems to be a trait elves and their creatures all hold," she comments.

  173. Gath's ears bounce up ever so slightly for less than a second then relax again. He doesn't respond to Aara's comment but Goddard notices his silent reaction and snickers.

  174. She glances up at him when he laughs. "Mm? What's funny, nuur'eni?"

  175. "Gath didn't seem to approve of your comment."

  176. She shrugs as Sethai jumps back into her lap. "It's true whether he approves or not. Two, play something from the Empire."

    "Like what?"

    "Idk, how about Viola Wiles?"

    "Aw, Aara, it's so sad."

    "But it's pretty."

  177. "I just thought it was...his ears and..." Goddard sighs and buries his face in her hair.

  178. She laughs and turns her head slightly to whisper in his ear. "I get the feeling he's better at seducing you than I am," she laughs.

  179. "You're the best at it," he grins. "But he's not even trying. He's's a problem with me. I see Two isn't very good at it with you," he laughs.

  180. She frowns. "What are you talking about?"

  181. Goddard laughs. "Two thinks he can seduce you is all. Old news right? As for me, maybe I am easily seduced? I've never really had anyone seriously try beside you. I was always the one doing the seducing. Or attempting it anyway."

  182. "I think you're a little lovesick for your retainer," she says, her voice soft enough to be covered by the music. "As for Two, maybe he could, but we'll never know, will we?"

  183. "I was uh...almost there when it came to Eglanore," he admits softly. "Maybe it's the ears." Goddard gently nips the tops of her ears. "I don't think Two knows you have zero interest in him yet."

  184. She giggles when he nips her ear. "I know you were. I've had to accept that you will always be drawn to elves." She glances over at Two, dutifully playing the song she demanded. "I wouldn't say zero interest...but how could he compare? He would fall in love too easily, and I can't return it. Best to leave his heart untouched than to have it broken a second time."

  185. Goddard holds her tightly. "So you have some interest? And you don't do anything because of me?"

  186. She tilts her head at him. "I'm saying there could have been, once upon a time. But I met you, and everything changed. I'm small, there's not enough of me to bother dividing myself over it." She runs a hand through his hair. "There's simply no one else for me but you."

  187. "It doesn't bother me," he whispers with a smile as she runs her hand through his hair. "I just want to make sure you're still happy."

  188. "I am," she assures him, kissing his nose. "Rafiq is too much like a brother to me, whatever his feelings are. I think if anyone needed a reason to leave Araby, it's him."

  189. "His happiness makes you happy?"

  190. She laughs. "Not the way you're saying it, but to a point, yes. He's my friend, and I wouldn't like knowing he's unhappy. Leaving home- and the girl who hurt him- will be good for him."

  191. "I was just asking so I could maybe make sure I'm not so mean to him. It's difficult but if I think of you, I think it's possible. Maybe...give me credit, I'm trying," he laughs.

  192. "I know you are," she laughs. "Please be nice to him. I do want him to be happy as long as he can. Which, with us may not be long," she muses.

  193. "I still can make the 'magic' for you right? So you can trick him? You're happiness comes first and I feel like that will make you very happy even if it makes him somewhat unhappy?"

  194. "Yes!" She giggles. "Scaring him a little won't hurt."
