Sunday, January 10, 2016

Goddard let's out a long sigh of relief. "Good because I was going to be really disappointed in myself for talking about being nice and happiness."


  1. She laughs, pressing her face to his neck. "You're ridiculous and I love it."

  2. "You know I'm going to be trusting you with something flammable'" he snickers. "You have to promise not to hurt yourself."

  3. She raises her head with a big grin. "I'm sure you'll show me how to use it without hurting myself. And if I do, you'll help me patch myself up."

  4. "As long as you don't drop the bottle, you should be fine," he smiles.

  5. "Then I'll make sure I don't." She frowns a little and glances over at Two."It won't really hurt him, will it?"

  6. "No it won't." He snuggles close and whispers in her ear. "You dip your fingers in and flick the drops. It'll make the tiniest, shortest lived spark. It doesn't even really get hot. But if you throws the bottle on the right material, it could start a fire."

  7. She laughs loud enough for Two to look up from his hands and raise an eyebrow. Aara grabs a handful of hair on either side of Goddards head and gives him a loud smacking kiss. "You're brilliant."

  8. "I know I know," he says with a smug smile. "I'll make you a whole arsenal of 'spells' to show off."

  9. She raises an eyebrow at him. "There's that elf ego again," she says, running a fingertip along his ear. "It's a good thing you're cute when you're smug."

  10. Goddard smiles and rolls his eyes. "It can't be that bad."

  11. She shakes her head, grinning. "I'm going to have my work cut out for me keeping you humble, oh great and powerful wizard that you are."

  12. "It's not going to work well if you keep saying what you're saying."

  13. She laughs and wiggles in his lap a little. "I like being kept busy. And you're cute when your smug, remember?"

  14. "I figured I was just always cute."

    Gath stifles a laugh.

  15. "It's amplified."

    Two finishes his song, and Aara reaches out for the oud. "I'll play something you've never heard," she offers.

    He hesitates, but she shakes her hand and sets her bracelets to jingling. "Just give it to me, I won't break it and you know I can play a little."

    Two sighs and walks over to her, handing it over. Resettling in Goddard's lap, Aara starts playing a soft melody.

  16. "Really Two? You're getting what you want and you don't like it? So unappreciative. I appreciate your musical talents lecai."

  17. "Don't get appreciative yet," she laughs. "Katrina taught me this one." She starts reciting the lyrics in melody, not quite singing, so her voice doesn't crack or go off key.

  18. "I'm assuming this is a song about an ice queen and her exotic bed warmer?"

  19. "Don't make me laugh," she scolds. "And no, it's about a woman waiting for her husband to come home from war and meet his new son."

  20. "And part of it is waiting with her exotic bed warmer until her husband can come and warm it?"

  21. She laughs and be fingers stumble, but she gathers the song back up. "Not to my knowledge," she chuckles. "I'll ask if there's any such sing next time I write to her."

  22. "I'm not sure I'd want to see the content of these letters knowing what I know now. I might actually get jealous."

  23. She snorts. "You don't get jealous," she says between verses.

  24. "So there are things in your letters that could make me jealous? I see..."

  25. "Worried she might teach you a few things?"

  26. "She wouldn't teach me anything! And I know why," he huffs.

  27. Aara shushes him. "This is the end."

  28. "Fine fine," he mumbles and listens to the rest of the song.

  29. She grins and brings it to an end, letting the song fade into the darkness. "There," she says, handing it back to Two.

    "That wasn't real singing."

    She laughs and lays her head against Goddard's shoulder. "It was as close as you get."

  30. "Well I liked it," Goddard smiles, snuggling Aara.

  31. "You're biased." She watches Two yawn. "Go to sleep," she tells him. "I'll take first watch."

    He nods and gets to his feet. "No nightmares tonight," he tells her, dropping a kiss on the top of her head.

    She laughs as he walks toward her tent. "Sure. I'll do my best."

  32. "You should go to bed too my lord," Gath says. "Or try to."

    Goddard frowns through a yawn. "What if I..."

    "We'll wake you up or something. I'm creative."

    "Hmm I suppose I should get some sleep before I work on Aara's 'magic'. Don't want to mix things wrong." He kisses Aara's cheek. "I can't wait to see all the fun that'll happen."

  33. She moves out of his lap and kisses him. "Get some rest, hayati. We'll have a magic lesson tomorrow."

  34. Goddard smiles and sleepily makes his way toward the tent. Gath settles into a comfortable spot, lifts the eye patch and rubs his eyes.

  35. Aara shifts away from the firelight, letting her eyes adjust to the darkness.

  36. "Don't want to sit so close?" Gath says.

  37. "If you're looking to cuddle I suggest you go with Goddard," she says with a shrug. "I like to be able to see when things come out of the dark for me."

  38. "He wouldn't leave me alone about my eye if he saw it," he mumbles. "And I almost forgot. Humans have inferior eye sight."

  39. "Oh yes, we are incredibly handicapped."

  40. "What did you say to him that made him want to hurt himself so badly?"

  41. She doesn't speak for a long moment. I would love nothing better than to tell him it's none of his damn business, but Goddard is his business...

    "Long story short, I told him that I knew the Brides of Khaine could extend my lifespan, and that it was a tempting bit of knowledge."

  42. "Why else? And hold off on the superiority, I'm fully aware it was a bad idea from the beginning."

  43. "I assumed you decided it was a bad idea all on your own after his reaction." He leans forward and pokes at the fire with a stick.

    "Do you know what elves do when they are with another as long lived as they are? Usually an other elf but still. It isn't some happily ever after, spend every moment together sort of thing. They will spend a lot of time away from each other doing their own thing so that when they meet again, they can have something interesting to finally talk about. I'm sure he had a glimpse of that living with his father."

    "Elves also tend to assume they will see the other again. As if nothing bad can happen to them."

  44. "You're a resilient race, the assumption is understandable."

  45. Gath shakes his head. "Even when we are at war with each other and everything else."

  46. "My comment about the elf ego wasn't wrong."

  47. "You said we were resilient yourself and that it was understandable. We can't help that such things humans see as an ego are just facts."

  48. "I did," she agrees. "But it doesn't change anything." She turns to face him, her face unreadable. "It's not running out of time that bothers me so much. It's growing old. The thought of chaining both of us to my old age kills me."

  49. Gath shrugs. "It isn't like he'd be 'chained down' for very long and he wouldn't mind anyway."

  50. She shrugs. "To him it wouldn't seem like it. But I watched my ustadh waste away into age and fever. I wanted to spare Goddard that, if I could."

  51. "Because it's much better to become an aspect of his life he almost killed himself over to escape from? Ahh yes, that's a much better plan."

  52. "I thought it might have been better to accept what I became for him." She shrugs and turns away again. "It's not important anymore, anyway. No use talking about it again."

  53. "I'll be sure to tell him not to bring it up when it starts becoming his newest nightmare since you don't want it brought it again."

  54. "I just don't see the point Ibwas talking about it to you!" she says harshly, trying not to yell. "You want to talk about nightmares? He didn't see me that night. He dressed me up and styled my hair and sent me off. Not once did he see me crawl over a body and rip out it's still hot heart.

    "But I've seen him at his most frightening. I've been in his arms when he said he wanted to rip me apart. Watched him lose himself to bloodlust and rage. I've given him very little fuel for nightmares. If he dreams of me, it's most likely not real."

  55. "He frightens you? Interesting."

  56. "His power does," she says softly. "Him, and the Brides of Khaine."

  57. "The brides are far away in Naggaroth. We don't have to worry about them. We may not even have to worry about him. Well, him doing anything on purpose."

  58. "If you say so," she chuckles mirthlessly.

  59. Gath's ears twitch. "Would he do something on purpose?" he shakes his head and chuckles. "Of course he wouldn't. He couldn't."

  60. She shrugs. "The whole world is changing. He is giving me magic."

  61. Gath smiles. "Do not think I am an idiot like your retainer. As if my lord didn't make me sit around his books and potions while he worked on said books and potions."

  62. "I don't think you're an idiot. Which is why I said he's giving and not teaching."

  63. "Giving, teaching. The elves technically gave magic to humans. Giving it involved teaching it."

  64. She grins. "Not in this case." She pulls her small travel journal from a pocket in her vest and sets to sharpening her pencil with a knife.

  65. Gath folds his hands and closes his eyes, looking relaxed for once.

  66. Aara takes her time with her entry, describing the trip, carriage, even her wrestling with Two and argument with Goddard. When she's done writing, she steals glances at Gath, drawing his lounging form in the margins.

  67. "I'm still curious as to what you were going on about earlier," Gath says still relaxing. "Being sent by someone to do something. How our meeting wasn't chance."

  68. She grins, glancing up to get his ear right. "Are you? I wouldn't think anything I say makes you curious. I'm just a mad little human, after all."

  69. "There are things you aren't telling me. It's always easier to prepare for the worst when you have all the information."

  70. "Your lord's mother told me that her husband sent you to him," she says bluntly. "That you were purposefully planted for him to find, knowing he wouldn't be able to let one of his own stay a slave." Raising an eyebrow, she meets his gaze head on. "I'd like to think it was chance that he met you, and she was lying, as so many of you do. So which is it?"

  71. Gath sits up quickly. "His mother? Wasn't she told him that didn't you? It wasn't simply about you becoming a bride."

  72. "I told him it was her I spoke to, yes. I told him everything."

  73. "I almost feel sorry for him," he says, shaking his head. "And no. If it was my job to kill just him, I wouldn't be sitting here, putting up with all of this. He'd have been dead the first night he fell asleep with me in the same room."

  74. "Or you could be after one of the others," she speculates calmly. "Get close to him to gain access to the Khalif or the dwarf. Although why anyone would want to kill the dwarf is beyond me."

  75. "There are plenty of reasons to kill dwarfs. Number one being they are dwarfs. That's all you need honestly. And what would a druchii want with Araby? We don't even bother raiding there."

  76. "No. No one sent me. Asur came and 'tried to liberate' a number of us. The druchii gave chase, ships were destroyed, lives were lost. A pirate ship happened across the wreckage and took what they could get back to your ports to make money. The asur were taken back to Ulthuan by their own ships. The druchii were essentially abandoned."

  77. She nods. "It was the one thing I didn't tell him about my talks with her. He trusts you beyond reason, and I won't make him push you away out of fear. But I needed to hear it from you first."

  78. "He would have probably come to me and begged me to tell him it was a lie."

  79. "He would. And he'd have called me a liar again. Imagine that," she says bitterly, "we've saved each other over and over, and he takes your every word for truth and won't believe anything I tell him." Her voice cracks a little. "That's a bitter pill."

  80. "He wants to believe that I'm going to be around for the rest of his life. He's afraid of being alone."

  81. "I'm afraid of him being alone, too. He'll hide in the college with his dust and books, and hurt himself. Push him to take a student, another asur, before you leave him."

  82. "What makes you think I'd be around long enough that you wouldn't have to do it yourself?"

  83. "He won't listen to me about it. He'll feed me some nonsense about how I don't understand because I'm human and know nothing of magic."

  84. "You may have to simply do it on your death bed."

  85. Gath puts his hands behind his head and relaxes again. "I told him I'd stay around long enough to spend every last coin he had on wine."

  86. She laughs. "You'll be around long after I'm gone, then."

  87. "I have no intention of being a slave ever again."

  88. "And you wouldn't be. But he has a seemingly inexhaustible line of credit with the college. You could drink your many years away and he'd still have access to more."

  89. "I'll have a permanent booth then in one of those brothels. After over three hundred years of fighting, I could use a few hundred of doing absolutely nothing."

  90. "That's all we wanted," she says softly, "a break from all the fighting. On a smaller scale, of course."

  91. "This is a break. Right now. Nothing is happening."

  92. "A real one. Not running all over trying to hunt down the next disaster."

  93. "I'd think at this point, you would take what you could get."

  94. "Don't assume I'm ungrateful. I'm just saying that it's not what we wanted." She finishes the drawing of Gath and starts one of Two and his oud by the fire on the adjoining blank page.

  95. "Maybe in between drinking all the wine, I'll have more of that coffee."

  96. "It's quite good. Not as strong as it's Arabyan form, but good. Rafiq ruins it with all his milk and sugar."

  97. She makes a noncommittal sound. "I like it. You can also eat just the bean once it's roasted. I enjoy those, too, especially when candied in chocolate."

  98. "I'd try them. There are many different interesting looking foods here."

  99. "I'm sure you can get them here in the Empire. It's a large export."

  100. Sethai lands silently by the fire and snaps at the embers that float away. "Come here little one," Gath says in eltharin and the little dragon hops over to him. "Do you need a break too? Did he slap you too in his sleep?" he chuckles.

  101. Aara smiles at them. He's different when Sethai comes around...he almost acts like a decent individual.

    "Wake up, Four," Two mumbles, stumbling toward her.

    "What is it? Is something wrong?" she asks, looking up at him.

    He mumbles something about her head and pulls a brightly burning branch from the fire. He pushes her hair back and holds it close to her face.

    "Hmm. Fine," he says, throwing it back and giving her two weighted bracelets. "Tie these on your wrists and tell the hours. Then go to bed."

  102. "Do I even want to know what that was about?"

  103. Two stumbles back to bed, grumbling to wake him when she's done.

    "He was checking for a concussion," she explains, moving her hair to show him the bruise on her temple. She ties the weights on and lifts each hand, testing the weight.

  104. "A little late to be worried about that isn't it?"

  105. "Not really. If my eyes hadn't adjusted, I'd need to stay up all night. They did, so I can."

  106. "If he's checking on you, maybe that means it's time to be a retainer. I should check up on my lord. Make sure he hasn't hacked off a limb." He scoops up Sethai before getting to his feet and stretching.

  107. After braiding her hair, she moves to the edge of the firelight and draws her swords, frowning at the added weight. Her forms are clumsy with it, and she has to concentrate and go slowly, but even then the third form causes her to cut her left arm.

    "Well damn."

  108. "Are you all just out to injure yourselves?" Gath says shaking his head.

  109. "The added weight is throwing me off," she says, adjusting the height of her arm and doing it again.

  110. Gath shrugs and goes to the tent. He sticks his head in and listens carefully to Goddard's soft mumbling. Gath is about to turn away when he notices something moving along the ground. Almost like a fog. Gath dives into the tent and tries to wake Goddard.

    "My lord, you're doing something," he says trying to stay calm. "My lord..."

    Goddard continues to mumble sleepily. In an effort to keep whatever magic might be happening at bay, Gath clasps a hand over Goddard's mouth. "Shut up," he hisses.

    Goddard suddenly panics and starts clawing at Gath's arms, trying to pry his hand from his mouth. "Stop it!" Gath growls. "Stop it and wake up my lord!" Goddard pulls back just enough to open his mouth and bite Gath between the thumb and forefinger. "Goddard!" he yells.

    Goddard snaps awake and tries to process what's going on. The first thing he notices is the taste of blood. "Open your mouth," Gath growls. Goddard moves slowly and when he can, Gath pulls his hand away. He looks at the ground and when he sees nothing, he looks up at Goddard. "Do you know anything that involves making fog?"

    "Yes," he says softly, wiping his mouth. "It's just a mundane trick though."

  111. "Is everything all right?" Aara calls from outside the tent.

  112. "Sure, just fine," Gath says, his voice heavy with sarcasm.

    "I'm sorry!" Goddard says loudly.

  113. "Is he hurt? He's the one apologizing to me..."

    Goddard sighs. "I'm fine Aara."

  114. "I would assume someone of your greatness would never need my help," she says sweetly as she walks off and resumes telling the hours.

  115. "I wouldn't want her help even if I were dying," Gath mumbles.

    "Don't say that." Goddard gets some bandages and ointment then carefully wraps up Gath's hand. "I really am sorry. If I ever bite you again, it will be after I get your approval."

    "You won't." Gath examines his hand and nods. "But I suppose you'd be good at this sort of thing wouldn't you? You've been doing it for years."

    "Shut up," Goddard mumbles before he leans in close and examines Gath's eye. "That looks horrible."

    "Yes I know." He leans back and flips the patch back down. "Go back to sleep."

    Gath leaves the tent and goes back to sit by the fire.

  116. Aara has to fight to keep her face straight when she sees the bandage on his hand. I bet Goddard bit him.

    When she's gone through all her forms, she stretches be arms again and moves to add more fuel to the fire, her arms leaden.

  117. Gath hasn't moved from his spot by the fire. He lounges and watches Aara, and occasionally he talks to Sethai.

  118. Once she's done, Aara goes to wake Two. Lifting the flap, she gasps softly. In the soft glow of a lamp, Two gives her a large grin. Both their bedrolls are stacked together with their pillows and blankets arranged into a soft nest for her.

    "What is this?" she laughs softly, letting the tent flap fall behind her.

    "I wanted you to be comfortable," he says with a shrug. "You sleep so little as it is..."

    She smiles and runs her hand over his bald scalp. "Thank you, Rafiq."

    He gets to his feet and lifts her hand, untying the wright from her wrist. After he removes the other one, he tilts her chin up and kisses be forehead. "No nightmares tonight," he says quietly against her skin. "I'll be right outside if you need me."

    She nods, watching him go before changing into the ancient tunic she sleeps in.

  119. Gath waits for Two to appear from the tent before he stands up with a yawn. "Shift change," he says in eltharin to Sethai. He enters the tent and nudges Goddard with his foot. "Wake up."

    "Five more years," Goddard mumbles and snuggles deeper into the blankets.

    Gath drops Sethai on Goddard.

    "Alright fine fine," he groans.

    Once Gath appears to be comfortable, Goddard checks his hand then takes the eye patch.

    "You'd better put that somewhere I can easily find it again."

    "I will but I'm sure you'd sleep better without it."

    "I'll sleep better when you leave," Gath huffs.

    Goddard exits the tent with a long dejected sigh and plops down by the fire.

  120. Two is scooping a generous portion of coffee into a small linen bag and tosses it into a small pot of water hanging above the fire. "Nightmare? I heard the commotion," he says, running his hands over his face and scalp.

  121. "Not really?" he shrugs. "At least I wasn't scared until someone tried to wake me up. Or shut me up rather."

  122. He chuckles, warming his hands over the fire. "I'm sure your retainer and I agree that nights without nightmares are much nicer."

  123. "He wants a demon free night but I don't know what his problem is! I haven't summoned a demon!"

  124. "Maybe he means you're the demon, Sheik," he laughs.

  125. "He's called me that a few times. That's what kuyash means."

  126. "I know. I asked her," he explains, checking the coffee before sitting.

  127. Goddard crosses his arms. "He doesn't hate me that much."

  128. "Don't be so defensive, Sheik," he chides cheerfully. "No one said he hated you."

  129. "You said he wanted a demon free night and I'm...never mind. I don't think I got enough sleep."

  130. "It seems to be a trait you share with Aara."

  131. "I don't need a whole lot of sleep but I do need more than what I get." He closes his eyes. "Maybe I'll just rest here awake. I'm awake," he yawns. "Not sleepy at all."

  132. He laughs. "Of course not," he agrees, pouring him a cup. "Coffee? There's no milk, but there's some sugar here."

  133. Goddard opens one eye then sits up and takes the cup. "Thank you. I'll survive without milk."

  134. Two pours his own cup and sits, leaning against a tree. "What kind of nightmares do you have? Are they of her?"

  135. "If she's ever in them, it's me losing her. Most of them involve physical things I can't comprehend. Usually it's a feeling of dread or loneliness and as much as I like pain, the kind in my dreams is unbearable."

  136. Two is quiet a long moment, considering the differences in their dreams of one another. "Her are more precise," he says finally. "There are five."

  137. "What are hers about? Unless she's said not to tell anyone. I wouldn't care if you told her about mine."

  138. He shrugs. "I'm sure you know them, anyway. The dream about her whipping as a child- that's the easiest one. Death night, something about her being a monster and the fire, and another about dueling herself. I don't understand those two."

  139. Goddard runs a hand through his hair. "The tentacles and...that was a living nightmare. I'm not surprised that still haunts her. I'd think dueling herself would have to do with some kind of internal struggle with herself and what she's doing. Maybe."

  140. He shrugs. "I don't ask anymore, it hurts her to talk about them. She keeps things written down in one of her books, with these strange little things marking the pages, so she knows what's real and what's a dream." He's quiet, sipping his coffee. "The last one is about you. I think it's the worst."

  141. Goddard's ears droop. "Oh what uh...what's that about?"

  142. Two shakes his head. "She won't tell me," he says sadly. "She just babbles and cries and begs you not to do it. I ask if she wanted me to get you and she's terrified. When she snaps out of it, she acts as if it never happened. Maybe she'd tell you. All I know is she opens her book to a page with braided straw."

  143. Goddard almost curls up into a ball around his cup of coffee. "I think I know what that's all about. I hate that about myself. Druchii. I'm pretty sure asur are the same way. They just hide it better or have better control or something."

  144. He frowns. "What is it, Sheik? Does it have something to do with those scars you gave her, or is there more?"

  145. "If she doesn't want to tell you about it, then I won't tell you about it,' he mumbles. "Plus, I'm not in the mood to have you pummel me over something that I'd never ever do again."

  146. Two watches him over his cup, his eyes hard. "You're still breathing," he says darkly, "so she must have forgiven you. All the same," he continues, his tone reverting back to it's typical cheerfulness, "the whipping is easiest. She just has to wake up."

  147. "So which is it?" Goddard asks, his ears flattening against his head. "Do you want to hit me or smile and be friends?"

  148. "I'd rather do both." His grin is sharp this time. "But Four won't allow it, and I am nothing if not obedient."

  149. "Afraid you'd get smeared across the ground by her? Or maybe, afraid I'd spread you all over this forest with a few words?" he snickers.

  150. "She loves you, and I'll not have her heart broken over your loss by my own hand. I'd rather steal her from you fairly." He laughs. "Also, I'd probably become another name on her arm for it, and I rather enjoy living."

  151. "I don't believe steal and fairly belong in the same sentence together. Plus I'm sure you couldn't steal or even win her heart. I'm not worried."

  152. "Only time will tell. She loves me already, even you can see that." He pours himself another cup. "Eventually she will see who it is that takes care of her, who sees to her comfort and safety."

  153. "She already sees that. It's me."

  154. "Is it?" He chuckles and stirs sugar into his coffee. "Ah Sheik...this will be more fun than I thought! You'll have to work to keep her, and all I have to do is distract her."

  155. "All I have to do is exist. I'm already ahead of you on that one and will still be existing long after you."

  156. "Do you think keeping her will be so easy?" he asks. "You don't speak her language, you're hardly comforting, and you rely on transparent charm. When I decide to put effort into it, winning her heart will be easy. I'll just remind her of everything you aren't."

  157. "The only thing you are that I'm not is hairy. And I suppose if that' something she likes, then I lose, but I'm pretty sure that's not the case."

  158. Two chuckles. "I'm the sound of her own language, the warmth and comfort of home. She loves Araby with her whole soul, and that's something you can't change." He laughs and puts his hands behind his head. "Or I could be wrong, and she wants nothing to do with me romantically. Either way, it will be a fun chase."

  159. "I've been with her through all kinds of things that only we would understand. You will never understand and you could never be there for her the way I can."

  160. Two shrugs. "Care to make a wager on that?"

  161. "Depending on what that is, I don't think she'd be very happy about it."

  162. "She doesn't ever have to know," Two tells him. "Let's say...the loser just has to give her up. Completely. No contact unless she initiates it."

  163. "And what are we even supposed to be doing?"

  164. "Competing for Four, of course. Granted, all you have to do is keep her. I get the fun of winning her."

  165. "That's stupid," he scoffs. "She loves me. If she decides she doesn't want to be with me anymore, that's on her and she'd leave me and move on with whoever she wanted anyway. Bet or no bet."

  166. Two chuckles and reaches for his coffee. "Ah Sheik, you're so honorable."

  167. "More so than you apparently," he mumbles.

  168. Two laughs outright. "I'm a trained and hired killer, honor isn't necessary. Don't forget that pretty as she is, she's one too."

  169. "You don't need to br trained in or or grow up with it shoved down your throat to have honor. I'm sure even Gath has honor and he's terrible."

  170. Two opens his mouth to counter, but he's cut off by Sara stumbling out of her tent. Dressed only in her tunic and wrapped in a blanket, her hair is a wild mass of tangles.

    "Is something wrong?" Two asks, jumping to his feet.

    Aara ignores him and climbs into Goddards lap, tucking her head under his chin and mumbling.

  171. Goddard wraps his arms around her and rests his head on top of hers. He grins at Two before speaking to Aara. "Are you alright?"

  172. She nods, yawning and pulling her feet close. "Mmhmm," she mumbles. "Dreams."

    "Four, do you need anything?"

    She shakes her head, content where she is.

  173. "Everything you need is right here lecai," he says softly, kissing the top of her head. "I'll do my best to keep the dreams away."

  174. Two raises his coffee cup to him, acknowledging the barb.

    "It wasn't bad, just Tannin, that's all," she yawns. "He was in my dream."

  175. "Well you don't have to worry about him. You should go back to the tent. Rest and stay warm."

  176. "It was a good dream...and I'm warm here," she says, equally sleepy and slyly.

    "I'll carry you to bed if you like," Two offers.

  177. "No need to get up," Goddard chuckles, scooping Aara up and getting to his feet. "Let's go. And you can go back to your good dreams. It's not often we have them. Enjoy them while you can."

  178. Two chuckles smugly, knowing he'll see the way he made sure she was comfortable.

    Aara just lazily wraps her arms around Goddard's neck, half asleep already.

  179. Goddard enters the tent and lays her down. He lays beside her and grins. "Hmm should we put this lovely setting to good use? Or should I be a good guard and go back to my station."

  180. "Two can handle it," she says with a grin. "Wouldn't you hate for me to catch a chill, all alone in here?"

  181. "That seemed to wake you up quickly," he laughs, pulling her close. "I'll just have to tire you out."

  182. When Two hears her laugh, he sighs and considers barging in to get his oud. He decides against it and puts more coffee on.

  183. After some time, Goddard exits the tent. "Sweet dreams," he says in eltharin before he goes back to his spot by the fire.

  184. Two laughs at Goddards expression. "You sure showed me, Sheik," he laughs.

  185. "Just doing what I do," he shrugs with a grin. "Thanks for the ambiance by the way."

  186. Two laughs again, in a surprisingly good mood. "At least someone's getting some use of it." His expression shifts slightly. "She's sleeping easily?"

  187. Goddard nods. "I'm glad she had a good dream for once. No matter who was in it."

  188. "They're rare," he agrees. "She probably woke herself up before it could go sour. She's done it before."

  189. "And a dream about him could go badly fairly quickly."

  190. "Thay was the vampire, yes? The one who died after the city was raided?"

  191. "Yes he was. We tried to help him but he started to lose himself."
