Friday, January 15, 2016

Two nods, his face grim. "Some cannot keep their heads, even when granted"


  1. "That wasn't a gift. It was a curse. It was inevitable I suppose, but it felt so fast."

  2. "Handled differently, it could have been a gift for him. He sounded like a good man from what Four told me. I am sorry not to have met him."

  3. Goddard furrows his brow. "I'm sure whatever he would have ended up doing may have seemed fine and noble to him, but it wouldn't have really been that way."

  4. Two tilts his head and studies him. You're rather judgemental of humans, aren't you? Or is it every race who cannot change what they are without being evil?

    "All the same, she mourned his death, in her own way." He pauses, trying to decide if he really wants the answer to his question. "When you lot came upon the palace after the raid, how was she? The stories say she was heroic and helped our people to a peaceful rest."

  5. Goddard thinks for a moment and his mind goes blank but he calmly answers. "The stories are true."

  6. "Not all of them, I'm sure," he chuckles. "Some say she was filled with such a righteous fury that the goddess Uzzaya possessed near and gave her inhuman grace and skill to lay waste to the undead."

  7. He chuckles. "Of course not all of them. The more reasonable ones."

  8. He looks toward her tent with a small smile. "They'll tell stories about her for centuries," he says proudly. "Ustadh would be so proud. Once she finishes her marques..." He shakes his head and laughs. "It will be unreal."

  9. Goddard looks down at the fire. Would father be proud of me? No one will stories about me. No one can tell stories about me...

  10. "They tell stories about you, too," Two tells him. "It's a hard thing, following behind legends."

  11. "I suppose in Araby I may be mentioned here or there. But not in the Empire. I don't exist." He smirks. "I guess it's better that way. I'd like it better that way."

  12. "You'll never be invisible in Araby," he agrees. "You're the powerful wizard who lead the Great Return who won the love and respect of an entire nation. Even a royal family acknowledges a debt to you."

  13. "Apparently the dwarfs feel the same way. Except for one," he groans.

  14. Two chuckles. "Dwarves remember their grudges more than their friends. Arabyans are not the same."

  15. "But what grudge? I had never met him? I even tried to be nice." Goddard shrugs. "His loss."

  16. "Who could tell? Maybe you didn't admire his beard often enough," he says, stroking his own beard. "He probably thinks you're a demon, too."

  17. "He's just being hateful for no reason. And no way would I admire your beards. Now Gath's hair, that's different."

  18. Two scoffs. "What would you know about a man's beard, hairless boy you are?"

  19. "I know I don't like them. And that's all I need to know."

  20. "Just as well since you don't have one." He laughs and stretches. "Ah, Sheik, this has been fun, but I believe I'm going to wake the Khalif and crawl into bed with Four."

  21. Goddard yawns and stretches. "I have to prepare the lessons for Aara anyway. That won't take long and then I can try to sleep."

  22. After waking Koroush, Two crawls into bed with Aara.

    "Mmm," she murmurs, rolling over and snuggling against him. "Welcome back."

    "Four, it's me," he chuckles, wrapping hid arms around her.

    He chuckles at her sigh as she rolls over. You're welcome, sweetheart, he thinks.

  23. Goddard enters the tent as quietly as he can, tip toes over to Gath and lays by him, propping himself up on his elbows. He holds a hand out and after careful contemplation of possible consequences, he tucks a piece of Gath's hair behind his ear. When he sees Gath hasn't woken up, he gently touches his ear and with a sigh, snuggles against his shoulder.


    Goddard jumps but up to his elbows. "Oh hi sorry! Wait you're awake!?"

    "I heard you before you even got to the tent. So noisy."

    "Why'd you uh...let me..."

    "I was curious as to how far you'd take your deviant behavior. I honestly thought I was going to have to break you."

    "What do you think I am? I'd never do whatever you're thinking while you were sleeping! You'd kill me!"

    "I wouldn't kill you," Gath mumbles.

    Goddard looks at him for a while then slowly leans in, only to have Gath cover his face with his palm. "I may not kill you but I'd still hurt you."

    Goddard laughs then sits up. "I have to make magic for Aara anyway."

  24. Aara wakes up warm and more comfortable than usual. She murmurs Goddard's name until she sees the dark brown arm holding her. He rolls over, snoring in her ear and pinning her down. "Two, get off me," she grunts, trying to slide out from under him. "Sweet Uzzaya your breath stinks."

    He snorts and comes awake. "You should be grateful," he mutters. "Your sheik is sweeter to you because of me."

    "Oh shut up and roll over, you're crushing me."

  25. Gath wakes up and is a bit shocked realizing he'd actually fallen asleep. He tries to move but can't and soon understands why. Goddard has his arms wrapped around Gath and is happily snoozing away.

    "Get off of me," Gath mumbles.

    "Five more years..."

    "Get off..."

    "Is this really that bad?" Goddard grins, tightening his grip.

    "It gives you ideas you shouldn't be getting and hope where there is none."

    "Stop being so negative."

  26. "You didn't mind when youbwere trying to seduce me."

    She groans. "Oh gods. Do I have to tell you there's little to no hope of that happening ever again?"

    His chuckle rumbles in her ear, and she ignores the urge to soften and cuddle closer. "What can I say? I'm an eternal optimist."

  27. "If I hadn't fallen asleep, you wouldn't have been allowed to get so close."

    "Maaaybe you fell asleep because I was so close? Hmmm?" Goddard chuckles.

    "Maybe it was the extra warmth? Or the fact that if anything came to eat us, it would probably eat you first? Or maybe it was simply you drugging me? What did you do..."

    "I didn't do anything!" Goddard says defensively. "Don't deny it!"

    "Deny what!?"

    "Your feelings."

    "My feelings of hatred?"

  28. "Rafiq," she croons seductively. "I need something from you."


    "Get off me before I scream for Goddard."

  29. "You don't hate me."

    "Despise? Detest? Abhor?"

    Goddard laughs.

    Gath grits his teeth and then has an idea. He turns his head and nips Goddard's ear. Goddard freezes long enough for Gath to escape his grasp.

    "That...that was mean..." Goddard whines, curling into a ball and covering his head with a blanket.

  30. "You will not."

    She takes a deep breath "Godda-!"

    Two covers her mouth with his hands, laughing.

  31. "Did you hear that?" Gath asks.

    "My heart breaking? Yes!"

  32. "I'm going to do it again!" She laughs.

    "What will he do?" he laughs.

    "Goddard!" Her laugh can be heard in her scream.

  33. "Oh it's just her," Gath sighs. "She sounds fine."

    "She needs me!" Goddard jumps to his feet and makes his way to her tent then sticks his head through the opening.

  34. Aara sees him and tries to elbow Two. "Nuur'eni! Help me! Kick him or something!"

  35. "I'll collect more teeth if I have to Two!"

  36. "Ha!" She laughs in Two's face. "If you don't get off me I'm going to let him skin you alive and cook you for breakfast."

    Two studies her a moment, straight faced until he sighs. "You certainly didn't mind when I came to bed last night," he mutters and rolls off her.

  37. "I'm sure if she had known it was you, she would have minded. But she was too tired," Goddard leaves their tent and goes back to his to gather what he's made for Aara and help tear it down.

    He stands in front of Gath and holds out a vial of a milky blue liquid. "I made some last night. If you expose it to air it glows."

    "What would I need that for?"

    Goddard frowns. "I don't know. To make things glow? Glowing things are my favorite things." He smiles again. "So you could put it on yourself to maybe get a step ahead of Aara."

    Gath looks at him and sees the same pitiful elf who gave him chocolate earlier. With a sigh Gath takes the vial and tucks it away. "I'm sure I could find some use. Even if it's just to pour it over Two."

    "That's mean..."

  38. "When are you going to realize you're crazy about me?" Two asks, watching as she wiggles into her pants and socks.

    "Probably the same day you realize that while you make me crazy, it's not the same thing," she retorts, one boot on. "Now go away so I can finish getting dressed."

    Two grins. "It's not like I haven't seen it all anyway."

    A second later, Gath and Goddard's hear a loud curse and see Two rolling head over heels out of the tent.

  39. Goddard laughs and looks down at Two. "Does this mean I get to skin you? You obviously didn't get off when asked."

    "We're very good at skinning humans," Gath adds.

  40. Two grins up at him. "Not at all. That was for looking when I should have been leaving." He sighs. "It was worth it."

  41. Gath looks at Goddard and he shakes his head.

    "How disappointing," Gath mumbles and walks off to finish packing the tent.

    "I'll ask her if she'd like me to take your eyes then." He pats the jar on his belt that's full of eyes.

  42. Two laughs and gets to his feet. "You and your gooey bits don't scare me, Sheik," he chuckles, dusting himself off.

    Aara comes out of the tent, fully dressed, and saunters over to them. "Two," she says huskily and presses against him, "I forgot something."

    "Oh?" he asks, grinning down at her.

    Aara smiles sweetly and stomps on his foot as hard as she can. "Go strike the tent."

  43. Goddard snickers and motions for Two to leave as if he were shooing away a cat.

  44. Two slinks away, ducking into the tent. Aara grins up at Goddard. "Good morning, nuur'eni."

  45. "Good morning," he smiles. "I have your magic for you." He holds out two paper tubes. "You must study each scroll carefully and you'll learn in no time."

  46. She squeals in excitement and throws her arms around him. "How exciting!"

  47. "I can't wait to see what damage you'd do I mean what fun you'll have," he snickers.

    When she has a chance to open them she will see the first paper tube has a wooden flask with a large cork in it. The note on the paper is written in eltharin.

    Dip your fingers and flick the drops. Harmless sparks. Spill the whole bottle and you could have a nice little fire on your hands.

    The second tube has a glass bottle with a cork. It's note says.

    Expose to air to produce light. Glowing stops when corked up. Glowing dissipated after a while when used to paint things.

    And at the bottom of each it says.

    A mage cannot cast spells if she does not speak. Be sure to say made up words no one understands.

  48. Aara clutches the scrolls and tubes to her chest, catching Goddard's eye and nodding. She slips them into an inner coat pocket before Two can see them and jumps into the activity of packing up.

  49. Aara tells Two to sit on the back, in the footman's seat, and climbs into the carriage. Sitting across from Koroush, she stretches her legs out and gives him a shy smile.

    "My lord, I never thanked you for the dancing at the masque."

  50. " No, thank you. You are as graceful at dance as you are at combat. It was my pleasure to be with you." He glances at her and then looks out the window of the carriage.

  51. "It was fun, wasn't it? Like the old days, before we left for the Empire."

  52. He slowly nods, "Yes, very enjoyable, like before." He continues to stare out the window.

  53. She frowns and tilts her head, studying him. "Is something wrong, my lord?"

    He's so distant. I wish we could like we were all those years ago. Friends. I miss that.

  54. He sighs softly and smiles slightly. "Just life, it seems to drain away hope and the desire for happiness, replacing it with dispair and the dream of release."

  55. Bewildered, she doesn't return his smile. "What has made you so gloomy, old friend?" she asks. "Surely being home, with your mother and aunts and sisters, has been filled with happiness?"

  56. "Yes, it was most pleasent, made me miss my youth. When I found a certain little dirty faced street rat with her hand in my purse." He chuckles softly but continues to stare out the window.

  57. She laughs softly. "That was the most fortunate mistake I ever made," she tells him. "I owe everything I am to you, my lord."

  58. He finally looks at her," I am not so sure if all of that was a blessing. Sometimes life is too hard for little birds to live in without becoming hard birds."

  59. "I'm not sure I understand what you mean," she says with a raised brow.

  60. " I knew you would change with the life the palace offered, I regret some of the changes that were forced on you. You were but a precious flower until things ... changed you:" He looks out the window again.

  61. "You mean Death Night," she says softly, "and everything that followed." She looks out the other window. "That is my burden to bear, you shouldn't trouble yourself, my lord."

  62. He looks back at her, "You would not have to accept things such as this if I hadn't put you in such difficult straits."

  63. Aara looks at him with surprise. "My lord- no. We all did what was necessary for our people. To bring them home." She reaches out and clasps his hand in both of hers. "My lord, you are not responsible for what I've done, or what has happened to me. You aren't to blame. You must know that."

  64. He locks eyes with her, dread seriousness in his eyes. "It was my duty to keep you safe... pure... I failed you, Aara, it IS my fault and none others."

  65. She shakes her head. "No, Koroush. How could I ever have been as our as you say? I had my first name tattooed on my hand at sixteen, and a great many since. It was my job to keep you safe, my lord." She smiles earnestly at him. "I have never been so delicate and pure as you say," she insets gently. "I was the bodyguard, not you. Please don't blame yourself."

  66. He returns her smile, "Your words are logical, therefore, they do not apply to me. I took you into a world where logic and honor had no place."

  67. "Koroush," she says sadly. "Please don't. I'm happy, for the most part. Because of you I have seen wonders and been around the world. I will never be able to thank you enough."

  68. "Then I will try to put my feelings aside. If you are happy, I will accept your words." He withered his hand from hers and returns to looking out the window.

  69. "I don't believe you for an instant," she laughs. "I wish you wouldn't distance yourself from me. We were such good friends before we parted," she adds. " were like my own brother."

  70. He finally grins, "Yes, remember that Bretonian knight we had such fun hating?"

  71. "I dreamed of the infidel just last night!" she laughs. "When we were all riding camels across the desert, and how ridiculous everyone else looked."

  72. "Yes, camels are an acquired skill." He laughs openly at the memory.

  73. She grins a little slyly. "Katarina had an attachment to you, as well."

  74. He looks surprised,"She did? She never showed anything but contempt for any of us."

  75. She nods. "She softened a little after we left. Asked me to teach her our language. She could read and speak quite well when we parted. I always thought she'd sneak off to Araby instead of going home to Kislev, but her letters always mention her own home."

  76. "For the best, she wouldn't be able to withstand the heat of the desert."

  77. "Oh, I don't know. She might have brought a fresh cool breeze to you." She looks down, suddenly a little nervous. "I'm sure your mother has paraded women before you. Was there no one who sparked your interest?" A grin sneaks across her lips. "A man in possession of a great fortune is in need of a wife, my lord."

  78. He smiles at her, "Someone to assist in managing his wealth with him?"

  79. "The spending of it." The carriage hits a pothole, and Aara is tossed to the floor, landing on his foot. "Oh, I'm sorry my lord," she laughs.

  80. He helps her up and to her bench,"No worries, it was the road's fault".

  81. She smiles. Still I can do no wrong in his eyes. "We can now put all this tension behind us, yes?" she asks. "I know you don't approve of Goddard, but surely you can set that aside?" Her eyes prick with a hint of tears. "I'm afraid I need you both beside me still."

  82. "I will need an entire train of camels to carry aside all these things you wish me to let go but I will try." He smiles widely at her.

  83. "Please do. I find myself surrounded by men who feel the constant need to be at odds with one another."

  84. "Sorry about that bump," Goddard yells. "Gath can't drive. Are you still back there Two? Yes? Damn...I mean good!"

  85. "Quite alright, my friend, we are safe here. Wishing the same for you." He smiles at Aara,"See? I have already loaded the first of many camels with their burden."

  86. Aara laughs when she hears Two curse at Goddard from the back of the carriage. She grabs Koroush's hand and squeezes it. "Thank you, Koroush," she says as she releases him. "Goddard and I owe much of our happiness to you. It's a relief to know there's no unpleasantness between the three of us."

  87. "Yes, happiness is something you should take when you can. One never knows when it will be taken away." A sad look fills his eyes and he looks off into the distance.

  88. She sighs, giving up for the moment. Why does he act as if he's lost all chance of his own happiness? My shining, smiling prince has been spared the worst of it all, and yet he is sadder than Goddard or I.

    "I understand that more than most," she agrees softly.

  89. "Enough of that, I wonder what awaits us on our next adventure. More abominations and evil beyond all compare or a nice meal and a warm bed?" He laughs softly and folds his hands i his lap. "A warm meal and a soft bed I'm sure."

  90. She pretends to consider it. "Both most likely. Our level of comfort is typically proportional to our level of danger."

  91. "Then I pray we face a demon lord riding a great red wyrm with with a score of giants assisting him. We will surely get a good meal then." He smiles and nestles deeper into the blanckets and pillows tossed about the interior of the carriage.

  92. "My lord!" Aara cries, shocked. "Don't say that! With our luck it could happen!"

  93. "But think of the glorious banquet we will have afterward. It will be amazing, I'm sure."

  94. "Assuming we lived!" She laughs. "My lord, perhaps you should eat something, your stomach is making wagers we may not be able to meet."

  95. "I have absolute faith in your sword arm, Aara, you alone are a power to be reckoned with. Then when you add in the wizard's powers and the dwarf's aim, I'm sure you're unstoppable." He smiles at her again.

  96. She returns his smile. "Don't sell yourself short, my lord. I have seen how you have improved over the years as well."

  97. "Bah, I am a stumbling blind man compared to you. Oh yes, and besodden as well, blind AND besodden." He laughs openly at his own comment.

  98. She grins mischievously. "Not everyone has the privilege of being trained by an Ustadh such as mine, my lord. You spent that time training for something far more important."

  99. He closes his eyes slowly, a smirk upon his lips. "Words, honey coated words is all. Sometimes they are enough, other times they are as empty as the air that propels them."

  100. She snorts. "I have never been one for empty compliments, my lord. You know that, just as you know your role as Prince, and now Khalif, isn't empty," she insists.

  101. He glances at her playfully, a bit strange for him, and continues. "I know little one, it is my role in life. At times it does weary the soul."

  102. She wrinkles her nose at him. "Then perhaps this new adventure is the perfect time to lighten the load. Your affairs are in good hands, quit obsessing and enjoy the break."

  103. He sighs again and smiles at her. "Aara, I am tired and the matters of state do not bring me warmth at night, if anything, they are a cold and inhospitable bed-mate." He moves uncomfortably on the bench, "I am lonely and know not what to do of it."

  104. She's reminded of the months- such a short time, really- that she and Goddard were estranged, and how lonely she was then. "Surely your mother filled the palace with eligible women..." she stammers. "You're an exceptionally handsome man...You needn't be alone."

  105. He feels as if he has shared too much, like a dam that has slowly eroded to no longer performing it's duty. "It is one thing to be with someone, another thing to be with someone you want to be with."

  106. "True, but still..." She lifts her chin, telling herself not to be embarrassed. "Koroush, you close yourself off to everyone. Open up, relax. You can't expect the perfect love to just fall into your lap in a tavern." She softens her words with a smile. "You'll find your First Wife, I know it."

  107. "Sooo..." Goddard says leaning against Gath.

    "Someone save me," he mutters.

    "Will I be allowed to get you back later?"

    "What? 'Get me back' for what?"

    "For what you did to my ear! You can't just do that and pretend it didn't happen!"

    "I can and it was to get you back after you bit me."

    "That's not the same," Goddard pouts.

  108. He smiles,"A tavern wench, that would so please mother. She would be very proud of my bride."

  109. "Your mother would love anyone you brought home. You know she wants a love match for you."

  110. "How is it different? Biting is biting."

    "It's different!" Goddard grins. "I'll show you later."

    "Go away before I throw you off this carriage and leave you in the dust..."

    "Alright fine fine," Goddard mumbles. He climbs over an annoyed Gath and moves along a very small ledge on the side of the carriage. He gets the door open and hops inside, closing the door behind him.

    Goddard flops down in an available seat with a sigh.

  111. Aara smiles brightly. "Hello nuur'eni," she says, drawing him closer. "What brings you inside?"

  112. "Gath is being cruel as usual. I bet Two isn't cruel to you in the morning. I bet he's too...willing...and how about you Koroush? Did you have a cruel morning?"

  113. "Annoying, but nothing like Gath," she laughs.

  114. "So he was annoying even before I had to save you? I see. Maybe I'll have to teach him to not be annoying. He needs to learn how to give you your own personal space!"

  115. She laughs. "How do you plan to do that, love?"

  116. "I'm not sure. He's very stubborn and usually won't listen to me. He doesn't even listen to you. You might just have to punch him."

  117. Her smile fades and she knots her hands together. "You know I can't. Not really."

  118. "Ah he'll be fine. I hurt Gath all the time. I'm sure Two can handle it."

  119. "I can't let..." She makes a vague gesture to Goddard's face, shooting a quick look at Koroush. "All of that happen again," she whispers. "To anyone."

  120. "Then why did you hit Gath and ruin his beautiful face?" he says dramatically.

  121. "His face isn't ruined," she argues. "And he deserved it!"

  122. "I'm sure Two would be deserving of something," he snickers. "Maybe that's what the magic is for," Goddard nudges her with his elbow.

  123. She gives him a small grin as he lifts her mood again. "I have such plans for that..." she giggles. "I'd ask you to watch if I thought he'd go through with it."

  124. "I can't wait to see the look on his face. Let's see how much of an actress you are. Give me an example of what you'd say and do. You need dramatic hand motions too."

  125. She blushes. "I can't show you," she titters nervously. "Maybe later."

  126. "I'll see it in action then," he smiles.

  127. She pulls out the vial with the sparking liquid. "This one interests me, though," she says, dabbing it on her thumb and finger. "Does it really- oh!" she cries, snapping her fingers and watching the sparks fly in amazement.

  128. Goddard laughs. "You're a natural! I'll have to come up with a few more concoctions for you."

  129. She laughs in delight and snaps again, watching sparks fly. "Oh this is wonderful!" She throws her arms around him. "Thank you!"

  130. "You're welcome careful careful, you don't want to spill it. We might have a real problem then."

  131. She corks the bottle tightly and returns it to her inner coat pocket. "There. Safe and sound." She strokes the tip of his ear. "You will enjoy this, I promise."

  132. "Oh I'm sure I will. Especially since it seems like it will make you happy. Anything to get you smiling, even if it's devious," he chuckles.

  133. She kisses his cheek and lays her head on his shoulder. "You do that well enough on your own." She giggles, thinking about her plan.

  134. "I'm glad I could be good for something."

  135. "Don't say that. You're good for a lot of things. You cook well, you know everything, and you make me laugh. You're also pretty handy in a fight, you're nice to look at, and you tell good stories."

  136. He looks at her, a little surprised, then smiles. "I guess I forget about a lot of that sometimes."

  137. She winks at him. "I'll just have to keep reminding you."

  138. "I'm sure that won't do anything good for that elven ego we all have."

  139. "I don't mind your ego so much," she admits. "Especially since you stroke mine from time to time."

  140. "I try," he grins. "So mine is fine. How about Two's ego? I think he needs to reel that in."

  141. She laughs. "Does he? I haven't noticed anything too bad."

  142. His jaw drops for a second. "You spend all that time around him and you don't see it? Oh he's good...good at lying or something..."

  143. Raising an eyebrow, she tilts her head. "Is he different around you? He's a little overconfident about his charms, but he's no show off."

  144. "I suppose he has to be acting differently because I'm not seeing what you're seeing."

  145. "What do you see, then? He's always been a charmer and a tease," she laughs. "Has he been teasing you, love?"

  146. "I uh...well to put it simply and not go on and on, he thinks he's better than me at everything."

  147. She laughs. "Gath is the same way. We're all helpless in his eyes."

  148. "We really are though," he chuckles. "And he doesn't think he's better than me at everything like a certain other retainer."

  149. "Oh no, he just thinks he's better than me in general," she laughs. "It balances out." She pauses, a mischievous glint in her eye. "Everything?"

  150. Goddard raises a brow. "Well...if you're thinking what I'm thinking then he can't say he's better at something he's never done..."

  151. She covers her mouth to muffle her laughter. "Well, I wouldn't personally know...but one does hear things..." She grins slyly and glances at Goddard. "I could find out and get back to you..." she adds teasingly.

  152. "I...well..." Goddard bites his lip. " can do whatever you want..."

  153. "You silly wizard. For someone so smart, you can be so dumb, too." She gently rubs the tip of his ear between her fingers. "I'd never, Goddard," she adds in eltharin. "You've all but said anyone but him."

  154. "If I said that, I'm sorry," he mumbles back in eltharin. "I now know he could set up all the candle lit silken pillowed tent nests and I'd still be the one you'd want at the end of the day."

  155. "Well, you said that you thinks he wants something more," she says. "That tells me that even if I were inclined, it would upset you, and I would hate that. Although I slept like the dead last night," she laughs. "I might have to encourage that more often."

  156. "He can want whatever he wants but I know what you want...I think?"

  157. She puts her forehead against his and smiles. "Yes, you do." Suddenly remembering that they aren't alone, she blushes and straightens, embarrassed at showing such affection in front of Koroush.

  158. "Should I go?" he whispers. "I can bother Gath."

  159. She shakes her head. "Please don't," she whispers. Keeping her voice low, she speaks in eltharin so she doesn't disturb Koroush as he stares thoughtfully out the window.

    "It's just been so long," she tells him. "And I'm not the same girl who left Araby. He makes me a little nervous," she whispers.

  160. "I don't think you have anything to be nervous about. You're too wonderful. But let's talk about something that's not us or how wonderful we are."

  161. She raises a brow. "Do you have a topic in mind?"

  162. Goddard shrugs. "I'm not sure? Is that really all we do? Talk about ourselves? We do have a problem then don't we."

  163. "It's not and we don't," she laughs. "We also talk about our companions- past and present."

  164. "I miss looking at Katarina...and Eglanore.."

  165. She snickers. "Katarina and her clothes. I may have been shrouded, but at least you knew I was female."

  166. "She couldn't hide that from me," he laughs. "But I suppose I did use my sense of touch more than sight."

  167. "It looked that way," she laughs. "I remember being absolutely speechless seeing you hang her upside down in a sewer. I assumed you were a villain."

  168. Godard gasps. "I can't believe you'd think such a thing. I am a perfect gent...alright that's a huge lie."

  169. She laughs. "You're somewhere in the middle. A strangely honorable rapscallion."

  170. "Oh I like that," Goddard nods. "I should be grateful though. I have Gath to look at now," he chuckles.

  171. She laughs. "I think I'd prefer the ice witch."

  172. "You have Two to look at. I don't think he's much to look at but if you want to look that's fine."

  173. "I'm thinking of asking him to grow hid hair out," she mentions. "He always had gorgeous hair, a deep brown he wore loose."

  174. "If he had hair, why get rid of it? Well hair on his head. He seems to be fine when it comes to the rest of his face."

  175. She shrugs. "I don't know. Until he walked into the palace, I hadn't seen him since my oath ceremony. That was ten years ago, and he had hair then."

  176. "Are you sure it's possible for him to grow it? He may have lost it forever."

  177. "I caught him shaving his head a few mornings ago " she snickers. "He must shave every day."

  178. "I could just make him something to keep it from growing or something that will make it grow all wrong," he snickers.

  179. "Why would you do that? Afraid he has better hair than you?" she teases.

  180. "Never! His hair could never compare. The only one with better hair than me is Gath."

  181. "It's settled then, I'll ask him to grow it out." She leans against him and toys with her bracelets. "This kind of travel is so slow. We should just get horses next."

  182. "He's just going to think you'll like him better that way...or do you..."

  183. "We deserve devilishly handsome retainers, don't we?"

  184. "That makes sense since we have to see them so often. Imagine if Two were uglier than he already is?" he snickers.

  185. "Hush you, he's not ugly." She smiles a little. "He's quite...dashing. I especially like the beard."

  186. "Then what am I if you like that?" he asks rubbing his chin.

  187. "Bare faced and devastatingly handsome," she says, stroking his jaw. "His beard looks good on him, that's all."

  188. "Good! Because for one, I don't think it's possible for me to grow anything like that, and two, I don't know if I could stand it."

  189. "It looks like it would be. I wonder if Gath's would be too terrible...hmmm..."

  190. She snickers, her hands making a quick shape. "Careful, your curiosity will put you on his bad side. He doesn't seem to like your...attentions."

  191. "He just needs to give me a chance," Goddard mumbles. "He'll warm up one day...he has to. How could he not like me?" He looks down at her hands. "So what was that?"

  192. "Oh, um, it was amusement and then caution," she says. "Why?"

    He never asks, she thinks. Half the time I'm not sure he notices them at all.

  193. "I see you do them all the time and I simply make assumptions as to what they mean based on how you act and I was just curious if m assumptions were even close..."

  194. She tilts her head, her face impassive. "Are they this time?"

  195. He nods. "I see some of the same ones and you were laughing and cautioning me so it makes sense. I didn't think there were two different ones. I thought it was just a single one."

  196. "Some fit into one another easily," she explains, showing him one then the other. "Especially a simple one like amusement. Love is the same way, it can easily attach to another one to show the different kinds."

  197. "I'll remember that," he smiles.
