Sunday, January 24, 2016

Farewell Koroush, Hello Newcomer

Aara starts preparing their gear to leave as Koroush orders the bodies of the dead Khalifs onto the wagons. When she hears Koroush say he's going to the sultan with them, she pauses.

"My," she argues, coming to his side and grabbing his arm. "No."


  1. Koroush turns to her "I must report these events to the sultan, Aara. This is very important." He smiles at her "No worries, I'm sure you'll do fine."

  2. She shakes her head. "Master, please don't go. Don't..." Her eyes well up with tears and she tries to blink them away. "Master," she whispers. "You have to stay with me. I need you to ground me."

  3. "oh, little bird, you are not meant to be grounded. You are meant to soar. I'm sure you will do just fine."

  4. Aara bows her need. How many times am I going to have to leave him? "My lord, you're my best friend! How can I go on without you? You''re quite possibly the only bit of sanity in my life. Please don't leave me."

  5. "You still haven't told anyone what that was all about," Gath says to Goddard. "Well, you give a vague answer that doesn't explain anything."

    Goddard shrugs.

    "That doesn't seem like you."

    "How would you know what I'm like?" Goddard snaps.

    "I've seen enough."

    "What was the point? Of just torturing him for no answers. He was obviously not whoever fa..." he stops. "I'm tired. I wasn't thinking."

  6. "Little bird, we all have our duties in life. Yours is to live your life, mine is to help Araby survive." He looks out over the sands toward home, "Make me proud of you, live your life as full and as happy as you can."

  7. Biting her lip, she throws her arms around him and buries her face in his chest. "I'll try," she mumbles sadly.

  8. Koroush slowly returns her embrace. "Now now, you shouldn't worry yourself over me. I will make it somehow. Yes, it will be difficult but we must try."

  9. She nods, hugging him tighter. "I love you Koroush," she whispers. "As best I can."

  10. A tear rolls down his cheek" I love you little bird, now take care of Goddard and the dwarf. They need looking after, after all." He holds her to himself as he watches the sunset through his damp eyes.

  11. She nods and pulls away before she starts to cry. She whispers a goodbye and all but runs toward Goddard.

  12. He turns and mounts his horse, fighting back his tears as he rides toward the palace. He rides with his guards for a while before finally allowing himself a moment. "Goodbye little bird, be gentle with my heart..."

  13. "There's always reasons for torture my lord."

    Goddard stares at him angrily.

    "But, I see your point. Are you feeling well?" Gath pokes his head.

    "Well enough," Goddard mumbles. "Now anyway." He turns to Aara. "What's wrong lecai?"

  14. "He's leaving," she mumbles, trying not to cry.

  15. "Again?" he groans. Goddard wraps his arms around her and holds her tightly. "What do you want to do?" he says softly.

  16. "Let's just go," she whispers. "I can't stand Araby another minute."

  17. Goddard kisses her forehead before stepping away. "It'll be alright lecai."


  18. Aara sits on her pack, elbows on her knees and chin in her hands, watching the others fight. This is no coma, she thinks sourly. Koroush left. Those nightmares stole me away from Goddard and Two. Gods, I hope they're all right. I hope they got away.

    Looking over at Zeus, she frowns. "What is a famous writer like you doing here, anyway? Shouldn't you be building your reputation in some court?"

  19. He smiles softly, "Well, some dukes frown upon a poet using his duchess's backside as parchment. Doesn't always go so well for the poet when a duke has made certain deals to get rid of his rivals, you know, deals with the dark powers and such."

  20. She tries to grin. "I imagine it doesn't. And now you instruct disposables for a combat they have no chance of winning? Do you not fight yourself?"

  21. "Constantly, my dear, constantly." He chuckles to himself as he watches a dark skinned woman trip a burly bear of a man with a bill hook across the arena.

  22. She follows his gaze. "That one will hold out," she says, "awhile, anyway. But he's too big, too slow." She shudders, watching the dark elf across the room. "That one thinks she'll kill me."

  23. Gath sits on what he keeps telling himself is the ground, careful to keep his sword from piercing it. He keeps an eye on Aara but looks around at everything else, trying to make sense of what he's seeing.

  24. "Oh, she thinks a great many things. She thinks I want to bed her." He makes a rather sour face at his own comment. "I wouldn't give her the pleasure, or the pain either."

  25. "She'd kill you just as easy," she tells him. "In truth, a part of me hope she does come for my life. My only regret was promising not to hurt her, and she's died once so I feel as if I'm not held by it anymore."

  26. "Kill me, why would she want to do that? I'm far more entertaining alive than dead." He walks over to Aara and offers his ARM to escort her to the luncheon table.

  27. She hesitates, studying him before taking it. "I never told you my name," she says. "It's Aara, of the Mashi Al'Maut."

  28. He turns to her, still holding her arm. "Really now? You are quite famous in certain circles. "Funny though, I would have thought you taller." He grins as they begin walking to the table.

  29. She smirks. "You too."

  30. Zeus leans in close to her and whispers, "Well, I think you're just the perfect size." He pats her hand as they continue to stroll.

  31. Gath watches Aara but doesn't follow. If anything happens to her he'll...we may never see any of them could she be so...she thinks this is a dream... He closes his eyes tightly for a moment and is disappointed to see the same scenery. "What would you expect," he mumbles to himself.

  32. Goddard flips through a few books before he finds a recipe for chocolate. He looks around and wonders how he's supposed to even make this in a library. "Oh, well of course. I'll just magically create everything!" He then proceeds to quickly flip through a few more books before he slows down and rests his head on the pages, sobbing.

  33. Skittish, Aara moves away from him. "Someone else would agree with you," she says pointedly, wrapping her arms around herself.

    Is he all right? Did they hurt him? Is he alone? Please, Uzzaya, don't let Goddard be alone.


    "Ah Sheik, do not lose hope," Two says gently, patting Goddard's shoulder. "You know Four is plotting a rescue even now."

    Did she get away? Was that even possible?

  34. "A rescue?" Goddard looks up at Two. "A rescue? You honestly think Aara is going to be able to rescue us? The only thing she might be able to do is escape and that's a big might."

    "I know you're an idiot but come on Two!" he yells before his voice cracks and he puts his head down again.

  35. "I don't think she's willing to leave you in a hell hole like this," he shouts back. "She's smart and she's skilled and most importantly, she's reckless." Two slams his hands on the table loudly. "Now if she is off plotting a way to get you out of here you better damn well buck up and be worthy of it!"

    He opens his mouth to say more, but his shoulder length hair falls into his face and leaves him sputtering.

  36. "If she's smart, she'd save herself and not just get killed. I can't worry about that now though. I don't know where she is. If she's alright. If he's alright." He slowly flips through a few more pages and takes a deep breath. "This is why he wouldn't talk to me. He was trapped. But I have chance to save him now and I'm going to do whatever I can."

  37. "You still don't give her enough credit," he mutters. He starts inspecting the library, climbing up on shelves to see if there's any way out.

  38. Goddard watches him for a moment and snickers. "This isn't some grounded place you can just walk away from." He begins whispering words, creating and destroying small bowls and cups.


    Not wanting to let her move too far away from him, Gath gets to his feet and follows Aara, keeping some distance between them still.

  39. Two stands up on top of a shelf and points down at him. "You do what you do, Sheik. I'll make sure nothing comes up on you and eats you."


    Aara notes Gath behind her, hardly listening to the writer as she studies the room. The door we came in through...could I pick it? My tools are in my kit. If there's an inner lock I can try. I have to find Goddard. I have to get him out of this.

  40. "I feel safe," he says softly. "Even here. I just..." Goddard moves from the table and runs out of the room, back toward the dragon.

  41. Two squats down on his shelf and watches Goddard go. "If I believed in gods, I'd say they've damned me. Or that they have a sense of humor." He sighs, running his hands through his hair. "Ah, Four! Why him? He's given up on you already..."

  42. The dragon appears to be sleeping, but Goddard doesn't care about waking him. He runs up to him and throws his arms around it's snout. "I'm so sorry," he cries. "I should have tried something to see if you were alright."

    "There was no way you could have known."

    "I'm so sorry."

    "You have nothing to be sorry for."

    Goddard sinks to his knees, still holding onto Otto. "I love you. I've always loved you. No matter what I've said or done, you were the best part of my life."

    One of the large eyes opens.

  43. "You've given me so much, and I was such a smug bastard."

    "I know. You still are."

    Goddard can't help but laugh. "I need you to know I love you. I appreciate you. I miss you so much."

    "I know." Otto curls a bit around Goddard, careful not to knock him over or crush him.

    "I hope I've made you proud."


  44. Zeus merely shrugs and continues to walk toward the table, his belly says it's time to fill it so he will comply. After all, he has spent most of his life filling his baser needs and just dealing with life as it happened, no need to change now. "I'm sure your "he" will be here soon enough to save you from my villianous advances and sly words. I can be most vile and repugnant at times." He turns to face her, walking backward to the table as he speaks, "Oh yes, and I'm a horrid liar, can't trust a word I say at any time." He turns back around and upon reaching the table picks up a rather large leg of some fowl and munches on it lazily.

  45. "Who said it was a 'he'?" she counters. "And trust me, I've heard of your exploits- some of them, anyway. If, as you say, you've heard of me, then you know I don't need a defender, and you run in interesting circles."

  46. "I stand corrected, your 'someone'."

  47. She raises an eyebrow. "So when do you show me the way out? I have some people I need to find."

  48. Zeus laughs hardily at her comment, throwing his head back. "I will show you as soon as they show me."

  49. "What about that door?" she asks softly, moving slightly closer. "The one we came in? If I can get to the mechanism, I can pick the lock. Slip out in the dead of night. My friend might even let you come," she adds, nodding at Gath.

  50. He looks at her with a smirk on his face. "You think I haven't tried to get out of here? You think I enjoy it here in this pit of boredom and triviality? I have tried every possible way out, including bribes, lies, promises, and all out burglery. Nothing has worked... nothing."

  51. "From what I've beard of you, a little boredom and triviality suits you." She eyes the others fighting. "I'm not dying here, and neither are my people. Even if it's pointless, I've got to try." For Goddard. For Two. Hell, even Gath. This must be a nightmare for him. "Does anyone keep an eye on that arena?" she asks, looking to the gate.

  52. He shrugs, "With all the magicks that are flowing around this place there is no way to tell. They could be scrying or have invisible guardians or any number of things. They might just think they are so amazing they don't have to guard us."

  53. Aara growls in frustration and knots her hands in her hair for a second, then takes a deep breath and lifts her head and walks off toward the gate to have a look around.

  54. "So..."

    Goddard looks up at Otto.

    "The chocolate?"

    Goddard laughs and pats the hard scales. "Fine fine. I'll be back."


    Gath shakes his head. "We're never getting out of here," he mumbles to himself but continues to follow Aara. Alive anyway...I couldn't escape the druchii pits. Those were just druchii. These are demons. He wants to swing his sword at a wall or the ground or a table, a body, but he's afraid he won't be able to handle whatever hell bursts forth.

  55. Arms crossed, she studies every aspect of the gate and beyond. "What do you think, Gath?" she whispers, her voice wavering. "I can't see a way out. I don't know how to find Goddard or Two. And that bitch probably can kill me. What are we going to do?"

  56. Two is bent over the chocolate recipe, trying to figure out the ingredients when Goddard walks in. "If I had Aara's pack I bet we could do this," he mutters, biting his knuckle in an extremely familiar gesture. "She has all kinds of weird things."

  57. "We can't leave," he says flatly. "We ended up here because of magic and since neither of us knows any sort of magic, well..."

    Gath looks over at the druchii who talked to Aara earlier and tightens his grip on the sword. "Although I see no way of possibly getting out of here, I believe my lord will figure something out. For us. Mainly you but I'd like to think he likes me just as much." He tries to smile but can't seem to make it happen.

    "At least he had better figure something out. He got us into this. But until he fixes this mess, we will fight so that he has someone to rescue. She won't kill you."


    Goddard wipes his eyes and stands beside Two. "I can just make it." He whispers a few words and a crudely shaped bowl appears. "I can make all sorts of destructive things, but I can't make a proper bowl..."

  58. Two holds up a hand. "I have a bowl!" he says, excited to help. "Spoon, too." He digs around in his pack. "Plate...knife...spatula...hey! Drink?" he offers, waving a half full bottle of liquor at him.


    "He'd save you first," she tells him. "He's always looking for a hero to worship, and he found one in you. He likes your hair," she adds.

  59. Goddard nods and takes the drink. "When this is done, I want you to meet my father. He looks very...different right now but it's still him. I wish Aara could see him. She'd like seeing a dragon. And I wish he could meet Gath again."


    "You don't understand what is going on in his scrambled little brain do you?" he chuckles. "He sees you as someone to protect. He needs that. He needs someone to need him. He also needs someone to protect him. That's what I am. He cannot have one thing without the other."

  60. Two chuckles. "If Four sees your father, dragon or not, she's like to lose her mind. Her pain over that eats at her like nothing I've seen."


    "You know, I haven't needed anyone to protect me. Never wanted anyone to. I've spent half my life protecting others- him included, and I don't know how to let him do it now." She puts a hand out and rattles the gate. "It's such a simple lock. But who knows what's out there?" She sighs and leans against it, watching Zeus. "I wonder what makes him so special?"

  61. "Should I even bother telling her about him then? I don't want to cause her more pain..."


    "Then either tell him to stop it, plain and simple as you've told me, or just let him think he's doing something useful. Or I'll tell him you don't need him for that."

    Gath follows her gaze. "Novelty. Or his mind is as twisted as slaanesh and it can can appreciate that."

  62. Two shrugs. "It might be good for her. She could get go of some of the weight. The act will still be with her, but the guilt doesn't have to be."


    "Like you said, he needs someone to need him. And I do, even if it's hard to let him protect me." She smiles at the thought of Goddard. "But I trust him. He's working on a plan. Even now. I just hope Two is unhurt."

  63. "Maybe knowing I got to talk to him will make her feel better?" He creates a few ingredients from thin air. "This is strange. I shouldn't be able to do this. I guess this place is more messed up than I thought."


    Gath shrugs. "I'll convince him I need him to brush my hair or something," he mumbles. "You don't have to necessarily let him protect you. He may not be very good at that anyway. But when he swoops in and thinks he's saved you, just thank him. Don't tell him you didn't need him and you could handle it all your own. He knows you can defend yourself."

    He looks up at the gate. "I wonder who everyone else got stuck with. If this is Slaanesh, then there has to be Nurgle and Khorne lord must be with Tzeentch. I suppose I understand why we're both here."

  64. He shrugs again. "Perhaps. It's your decision."


    "He has saved me, more than once. Trouble seems to find us in cities. He's not nearly as pathetic as everyone seems to think." When he mentions the other gods, she frowns. "Me for my...history...and you for your race?"

  65. "I'll see what my instinct tells me when we find everyone...we will find everyone..."


    "Slaanesh likes beautiful, cruel warriors. Druchii do seem to be easily drawn to the lustful desires but I wanted to avoid that whole mess. I knew how horrible these...gods...were and wanted nothing to do with that cult. Tzeentch is magic, change, mutations. I might be giving Two too much credit by saying he may be with Khorne and I know nothing of the dwarf to even begin to guess where he may be."

  66. "Yes, Sheik," he agrees. "We'll find them."


    She snickers. "Two only acts like an idiot, it's one of the reasons Ustadh despaired of him. He's formidable in battle."

  67. Goddard finishes making the chocolate and frowns at it. "It tastes good. But it looks horrible. I hope he likes it." He lifts the large block and heads toward Otto.


    "Hopefully they aren't alone. I'd like to keep thinking they are alive. They have to be."

  68. Zeus sits on a pile of pillows and continues to munch on the roast avian leg and pours a large goblet of wine.

  69. Two makes a face. "Just tell him to close his eyed."


    "They are," she says. "Gods help them if Goddard and Two are together. They'd keep each other alive just so they can kill one another later."

  70. Goddard holds the block up to Otto's nose and giggles as the air from the dragon sniffing blows his hair around. Goddard doesn't seem phased by the gaping toothed maw now opening before him.


    "Did you finally realize we aren't in a dream?" Gath asks.

  71. Two sits at the table, his head in his hands as Goddard goes. Please. Whoever is listening, if anyone is listening, let her be safe. Don't let her be alone. Uzzaya, protect your follower since you've given her such a dark path.


    "I wish I were," she says sadly. "Koroush leaving was bad enough..." She sighs, wrapping her arms tighter around herself. "I guess this will be nightmares six and seven. Two's going to have his work cut out for him."

  72. Otto gently takes the chocolate and eats it.


    Otto nods and Goddard snuggles against his jaw by the fin on the side of his head. "Two is apparently shy, or in a bad mood which is understandable, but he's Aara's close friend. He's alright sometimes. I wish you could meet Gath."

    Otto makes a rumbling sound. "I've met a Gath. A long time ago."

    "He mentioned that. He told us what your name was."

    "He was so young and up to no good. I could tell. I think I frightened him."

    "Gath? Scared? Are you sure?"

    "He was stunned by my magnificence."

    Goddard laughs. "I'll be sure to tell him I know his secret."


    Gath looks at Aara and sighs. "Do you need anything from me?"

  73. Aara's back straightens and her face goes blank. "I'm fine," she says softly, "for now."

    You're made of stronger stuff, Aara. Don't give in to despair.

  74. Gath rubs the side of his head. "If you say so."


    "I wish you could come back with me..." Goddard says softly.

    "As a dragon? Or an elf."

    "Hmmm as nice as it would be to have my very own dragon, I'd rather you be as you were before."

  75. Aara reaches out and squeezes his arm gently. "Thank you, Gath." With a sigh, she pushes herself off the gate and walks over to Zeus.

    "You've done nothing but be kind to me," she says. "And I've repaid you in bad manners and death threats. I'm sorry."

  76. "The threats and bad manners are well deserved," Gath mumbles, looking around at the figures, walls and floors, and crab creatures.

  77. Zeus slowly stands and walks toward a table laden with foods and drink, he pours a rich, red wine into a rather large goblet. He picks up the goblet and spins toward Aara, walking toward her he ofers her the wine. "Surely you must be parched ater your trying ordeal." He grins broadly at her, his eyes cutting toward the dark elf.

  78. A little stunned, she shakes be head. "Thank you, but I don't drink wine," she says. "Not with any frequency."

  79. He smiles gesturing toward the table, "Then what would my lady prefer?"

  80. "Water is fine," she tells him. They called him the taskmaster. If he holds any power here, I want to be on his good side. Especially if I go into that arena tomorrow.

  81. He pours her a goblet of water from a frosted metal pitcher. As the water enter the vessel, it begins to frost from the cold. He hands the goblet to her, "Your water, my lady." He flourishes to the extreme as he hands it to her.

  82. Gath rolls his eyes and puts a hand on Aara's shoulder. "Should this really be trusted?"

  83. She stares down into the cup, vaguely sick at the thought of consuming anything in this disgusting place. "I've heard a lot of things about Zeus no'Fandemir," she says, looking up at him. "None of those things mentioned poison." Turning her gaze to Zeus, she watches him over the rim of the goblet as she takes a drink.

  84. "How can we even be certain he says who he is? And this...thing hasn't just taken the form of someone we'd find familiar."

  85. "Our instincts appear to work differently. Well, if this kills you I can at least tell my lord I tried."

  86. "They just speak different languages."

  87. Zeus chuckles to himself as he looks the dark elf over. "Surely you realize if I wanted you dead any, if not all, of these myriad of creatures at my disposal would have gladly done it for me." He turns and walks back to his pillow pile and flops down upon it. "I am truly hurt by your lack of trust and complete disregard for my feelings. You have truly cut me to the bone with your accusations." He places the back of his hand against his forehead and sighs long and loud.

  88. Aara grins. "I'm not even sure you have feelings to hurt," she says, amused.

  89. Gath snorts. "You wouldn't want to break your masters new toys now would you?"

  90. Zeus suddenly stands and grasps his chest, "Oh, take your beak from out my heart. I beg thee, stop this pain you put me under." He swoons and falls upon his pillow pile again and lays there, his face covered, softly sobbing into his hands.

  91. Aara rolls her eyes. "Not your best work."

  92. "I'd rather go out into the pit now than deal with this."

  93. Zeus looks up, " I've been under a lot of pressure lately."

  94. "Tell me about it," she snickers.

  95. With a sweeping gesture Zeus says, "Come, sit with me, tell Zeus all your troubles."

  96. Aara cringes, looking at the fleshy floor. "Um...I don't think I can sit those close to the ground," she says softly, stepping closer to Gath. "Are there any chairs?"

  97. "And what makes you think the chairs won't be made out of living bone? Or that the pillows aren't also skin stuffed organs."

  98. Zeus grins at Aara, "Chairs are so... impersonal though. We should allow ourselves some ...personal time." He pats the cushions and winks at her.

  99. Aara flinches away from Gath. "You are not helpful," she tells him with a dirty look. She kneels cautiously on a cushion as far from Zeus as possible.

    He makes me nervous. Like he knows secrets about me. I do not like it.

  100. "I'm simply making sure you understand what you are touching. We use skin to craft a lot of things, but this is a bit much for me."

  101. Her laugh is brittle. "Glad to know where the limit is."

  102. Zeus tales on a introspective look, "Limits are so limiting though, we should feel not think. We so often pen ourselves in with thought."

  103. "Believe it or not, it's completely possible to think and feel at the same time."

  104. "Come now, how many times has thinking ruined a perfectly wonderful situation. I mean, really, and don't even bring over-thinking into it."

  105. "How are you so totally unconcerned?" Aara asks.

  106. "we can only do what we can, life will hold you down and use you for its own pleasure, you can either fight or find a little pleasure in the ride. Your choice."

  107. "Well I won't," she decides. "If I'm still here tomorrow, I'll fight, and find the others, and get out. This place is horrific."

  108. "So judgemental." Zeus stands and walks over to get more wine, he returns to the pillows with a large bottle of wine.

  109. "Humans," Gath groans. "Oh uh no offense," he adds patting Aara's shoulder.

  110. "I have no idea how long I've been here or how many times I've tried to escape but I plan, I bide my time and I hope. That doesn't mean I can't try to enjoy what little pleasure I can."

  111. "Um, thanks?" she laughs, looking up at Gath.

    I guess this could be worse. I could be alone. And he's trying.

  112. "I see nothing pleasurable around."

  113. "Im sure you don't. You only know what you allow yourself to know. There is the possibility of beauty and enjoyment everywhere." He walks over and watches as a small flying mouse nibbles on a finger plant. Life is love, life is beauty. Life is also pain but pain keeps us searching for beauty and also love."

  114. Sara watches him, amazed. Isn't he frightened? Doesn't he have someone to get back to?

  115. "Tell me, do you not seek beauty, do you not seek love?" He walks over to a bush of yellow and blue flowering ears and sniffs them. *What soaked your hunger, my lady? What feeds your desires?"

  116. She smiles softly, picturing Goddards fanged, lopsided grin. "A love that gives me laughter and adventure. Just...not this kind of adventure," she chuckles.

  117. Gath noticeably cringes and does his best to cross his arms while still holding onto his sword. "He's lost his mind," he whispers.

  118. "Come now, open your mind, my lady. Allow your soul to taste the heat, the blood, the flavor." He offers his ARM, "Walk with me, my lady."

  119. She looks up at him, eyebrow raised. "Perhaps my mind is open," she says, rising. "You've only heard stories."

  120. Taking her arm, "Then tell me some truths, truths are often so delicious."

  121. She shrugs. "My truths are pretty boring, to be honest."

  122. He doesn't want to, but Gath continues to follow Aara. What else am I to do? Sit alone and wait until I die fighting? He draws a shaky breath then coughs to try and hide it.

  123. He guides her down a paved path leading by a pool of some bluish liquid. " May I be the judge of that, my lady?"

  124. Aara looks back at Gath, frowning. I'm worried about him. He needs rest. I wish I could help him.

    "Oh. Um. What do you want to know?"

  125. Zeus looks back at Gath. "Tell me anything, tell me everything. I'm sure I won't be dissatisfied."

  126. She shrugs. "I was born poor and turned to thievery. I was plucked out of that life by-" She bites her lip, steeling herself against the rush of disappointment at the thought of Koroush. "By a patron. He saw to my training and education. The rest is history and myth."

  127. He grins broadly. "I knew you would not disappoint, you are simply delicious. So full of life, so hungry for excitement." He spins her around and then pulls her to him. "in such need of fulfillment."

  128. Aara makes a nervous sound and puts her hands on his chest to hold him back. "Um- er- I have a perfectly fulfilling relationship," she stammers.

  129. "I'm sure you do, I would never dare to say otherwise. I do pray your 'someone ' fills you with all you want, need, desire." He slides his hands around her waist and leans in close to her.

  130. "Let her go or I'll take your arms," Gath growls.

  131. Aara gives him a sharp grin when he leans close. "They do. And if you get any closer, I'm going to have to hurt you, and I'd rather have you as an ally for my escape."

  132. "No need to be so... whatever it is you're being elf. Do you claim ownership of her? I feel she might disagree. As for your 'escape' idea, we need some serious planning if it is to work."

  133. "I don't need to own her to keep her safe," he snaps putting his arm between them and pulling her away.

  134. If he wasn't so serious, I might laugh.

  135. Zeus laughs, "Finally, some emotion. Good to see you are not dead after all, elf." His mood changes swiftly, "Keep her safe? You act as if I am going to sacrifice her orflail the skin from her body and roll her in salt."

  136. "You act as if I have any reason to trust you wouldn't." He takes a few steps back and rubs his forehead.

  137. Aara turns to Gath and puts a hand on his arm. "It's fine," she assures him in druhir. "I can handle him."

  138. "Of course you can," he mumbles. "This place isn't good for keeping your composure."

  139. "No, it's not," she agrees. "I have a small skin of that clear liquor in my kit if you want to take the edge off. And I appreciate it," she adds. "Your keeping an eye on me."

  140. Gath shakes his head. "I don't need my mind to be even more fogged."

  141. She nods. "The offer stands, if you change your mind." Turning back to Zeus, she shakes her head and chuckles. "And as for like to push people's boundaries when they're already on edge. Why?"

  142. "The best way to find the true person is to apply pressure and see what happens. You get either a shattered lump or a beautiful diamond." He grins at her, flashing his perfect teeth.

  143. "For someone who lies the way you do, I can't see why you'd be interested in the true person." She offers him a twisted grin of her own.

  144. His grin rushes away, "Lies, you have such a low opinion of me and all I wish to do is please you."

  145. She laughs and puts a hand on his naked chest. "You're the one who told me you were a liar."

  146. "Well, I was lying. I am actually very trustworthy with those I care about." He takes a step back and looks her up and down.

  147. She smirks. "We seem to be at an impasse. I want to trust you- at least long enough to get the three of us out and find the others- and yet you're an admitted liar."

  148. He smiles at her, "I was honest about my lying, that should count for something."

  149. "Oh it does," she tells him. "Unfortunately it means that I can only trust you to lie, and then be honest if you're called out on it."

  150. "As you wish, my lady. I am tried and convicted, nothing new. Such is life." He walks over to the table and refilled his goblet.

  151. She follows, setting her own goblet on the table. "Can I trust you, Zeus?" she asks quietly. "Because tomorrow I'm leaving here, if not sooner, with four men beside me. If you help me, it can be five."

  152. He grins widely, "Of course, my lady, YOU may trust me with your life and anything else you are willing to put in my hands."

  153. She laughs, picking up her cup and tapping his with it. "For now, we'll settle for my life and see what else you can handle later."

  154. "As I said, willing to handle anything you give, my lady." He raises his goblet and drains it.

  155. She nods towards the crowd of fighters. "Since I have to kill most of these people, what can you tell me about them? It'll be faster if I don't have to analyze them during combat."

  156. "Most are of medium quality at best, the only two to truly worry about is the Nubian female and the male half-orc. Could hope one will finish the other before you get to them."

  157. "The slaneeshi bitch won't be a problem," she adds. "She's coming straight for me. Gath and I can handle the rest." She sighs. "I just hope the others can stay alive till I can find a way out."

  158. "I'll do what I can to help, they don't watch me to eagerly during these matches."

  159. Gath turns away from them and grits his teeth. Their back and forth will drive me to insanity.

  160. Aara nods and walks over to her pack. Wrapping her cloak around her, she sits and rests her chin in her hands, watching the combatants practice.

    I miss Goddard. And Two. Hell, even the dwarf doesn't deserve this. We should have went through the desert.

    Gods, I hope I don't die. I'd hate to give that bitch the satisfaction.

  161. Gath sits beside Aara and quietly watches for a few moments. "I never wanted to do this again. I never even wanted to be associated with this...abomination. I can't escape."

  162. "You will," she says firmly. "You're a warrior, you understand how things go sometimes. Listen," she takes a deep breath. "If you get a chance, grab Goddard and go. Take Two. He'll guard your back."

  163. Zeus muses to himself, This just might work with more than one set of eyes..

  164. "I'm not sure I can do anything about Two, but if I see my lord, when I see him again, I will grab him and run. As long as he doesn't hit me in the face."

  165. She nods. "Good. I'll follow, if I can. If I can't..." Her hands tense to keep from making mudras. "Then I can't."

  166. "You know Two won't leave you behind and neither will he. I'll be stuck helping as well but it was a nice thought," he chuckles.

  167. "You're just going to have to make him. Pick him up and carry him," she chuckles. "If something happens to me- and I do mean if- I don't want him to see it."

  168. "I don't think he'd allow himself to live if something happened to you here. He'd blame himself."

  169. She shifts her head to look at him. "I know."

  170. "I sure do blame him for this situation but it may not have even mattered. Portal or not. These things would have gotten us if they really wanted us. I'm surprised I don't see any of my treacherous family here."

  171. "At least one of us was spared a reunion," she says dryly.

  172. "She was killed once before. You can end her again."

  173. Her blank expression turns into one of pure terror. "What if she can do magic here? What if she turns me into-" Her voice breaks and Aara buries her face in her arms. "Gath I'm so scared!"

  174. "If they could use magic here, they wouldn't be over there swinging swords." He looks over at her and sighs before putting his hand on top of her head as he's done with Goddard before.

  175. She shudders taking deep breaths and trying to keep herself in check. "You're right, of course. She'd have done it already if she could."

  176. Using this thought to comfort her, Aara takes out her journal and lays it in her lap, staring at a blank page. Where do I even begin? she wonders. Yesterday? With a deep breath, she reads over the last entry, written during the long, uneventful ride to the standing stone with the mayor.

    Whoever Lady Soulshatter thought we'd find here has gone, these people don't seem to follow the same god, even if they do share a common name. This was a trap, I just can't see the spring... She grimaces. Well, it sprung, all right.

    "Gath, do you want to rest? I'll keep watch till you wake," she offers.

  177. "I want to," he sighs. "I'd love nothing more than to truly sleep. But with all of these things around, I'm not sure if I could."

  178. "Try if you can," she urges gently. "You need to be well rested for...whatever is next. I'll be here." She sighs, running her hands through her hair. "I can manage a while longer."

  179. Gath plants his sword in the ground and uses it to prop himself up. His eyes look like they want to close but he just won't let them.

  180. Aara smiles at him. "You're awfully disheveled," she chuckles, reaching out to untangle a large snarl. "Goddard would be ashamed."

  181. "I know. I am an absolute mess but I'm sure he wouldn't even care." He stares out at the figures fighting, ignoring her reaching for him and lets her continue.

  182. "Could be worse. You could be covered in putrid pus from earlier," she tells him with a grimace. "I wish I hadn't split that thing." Glad to have some kind of occupation, she sets to untangling his hair.

  183. He closes his eyes but continues speaking. "You just have to expect to be covered in gore and such when you're slicing into something. Anything. Even something as simple as an apple can become a sticky problem." Gath opens his eyes again. "At least we aren't in the realm of Nurgle."

  184. "If there's one thing I've learned since leaving home, it's that things can always be worse."

  185. "And sometimes death isn't even the worst thing that could possibly happen," he mumbles.

  186. Her hands pause, and she looks up at the others, picking out Goddard's wife easily. "I've learned that, too," she agrees, looking back down at her hands.

    It's no wonder Goddard is obsessed with his's finer than silk.

  187. "I hope I never end up in a situation where I'd rather be dead."

  188. "That's why I was taught the Terminus," she tells him. "To save myself and another from that."

  189. "You needed a special name for 'killing yourself and a friend'?" he chuckles.

  190. "All of our forms have names," she says with a shrug. "One word is easier to say than five."

  191. "In that case, no words would be necessary," he smirks.

  192. "It's not something one typically asks for," she agrees.

  193. "It is a specific maneuver though? Or do you just go to slit throats in whatever way you can?"

  194. "It's very specific. Timing is important. You have to draw both daggers, throw, and slit your own throat. Both have to be direct kills. There are ways to slightly alter it- a turn, jump, and so on, depending on the location of your charge- but the form is always the same at it's core."

  195. Gath grins mischievously. "I'll have to tell my lord I have mastered this technique. His reaction should be entertaining."

  196. "I'm sure it will be," she chuckles.
