Saturday, March 12, 2016

"That's a long list," he chuckles. "Wait..." he says, narrowing his eyes. "You won't care? So you do care?"


  1. "Of course I care. Who relishes the thought of sending the love of their life into someone else's arms? I don't want you to sleep with someone who will steal you away from me, or cause you pain. But," she adds. "I want you to be happy."

  2. "And I want you to be happy. We can't do things that will make the other unhappy."

  3. "Do I look unhappy? I'm willing to change for you, love."

  4. "And I'm willing to change for you."

  5. "Well I'm the one who is changing. I'm younger than you and can still do it. You're old and set in your ways."

  6. "Did...did you just call me old?"

  7. She giggles, nuzzling his neck. "No, not me," she says innocently.

  8. He sits up with a groan. "That was for your comment. Not because I'm old and can't move."

  9. She laughs, pulling him back down. "I meant that you're older than me. Not that you're old."

  10. "Ah well I guess I can accept this fact."

  11. "So do you want me to stay and order dinner, or leave you two in peace a bit?"

  12. "Whatever you feel more comfortable with my love."

  13. She rolls her eyes but can't help smiling a little at his endearment. "That's not an answer." Two little lines form between her eyebrows as she frowns. "Would it be worse if I'm here? I think he likes Two more than me."

  14. "It doesn't matter. I'd go into his room anyway. He can't bother you if he isn't around you."

  15. "Stop worrying about whether or not he bothers me. I'll go order dinner and call you when it's here." She gives him one last kiss. "Now go. He'll never stop sulking if you don't."

  16. He nods and heads into Gath's room. He closes the door behind him with his tail but the latch doesn't click and leaves it ajar.

    Gath is sitting on his bed with a lute.

    "Oh. Is that what you got?" Goddard asks.

    "And a flute."

  17. Aara gets up and pulls the bell, signaling a maid. After ordering a large dinner, she putters around the common room before settling in a chair with her journal.

  18. Goddard sits next to him on the bed. "That's the nicest lute I've ever seen."

    "I thought the same."

    "I'm sorry," Goddard sighs. "I really didn't mean what I had said like that. I just don't want you upsetting anyone like Gill, who could just rip the roof from over our heads, and Aara and I don't really like when anyone gets mad at you, even though you usually deserve it."

  19. Hearing a soft murmur, Aara glances up and realizes the door to Gath's room is slightly open. "No," she tells herself softly. "Don't go over there. Eavesdropping is rude and the Malika would be disappointed."

  20. Gath shrugs.

    "Could you at least please pretend to be civil? And then you can vent later? Tell me about how stupid everything and everyone is, including me."

    "And what do I get out of this?"

    "A happy me?" Goddard smiles.

  21. Picking her pencil up, she keeps writing, trying to distract herself so she doesn't go listen.

  22. Gath smirks and tips Goddard's chin up with a finger before leaning closer.

    Godard closes his eyes and turns away. "I can't."

    "I know," Gath sighs, strumming on the lute now to test the notes.

    "I love her and..."

    "I know." Gath pets Goddard's head and ruffles his hair before he goes back to the lute.

  23. Oh, Two has his oud in his room...I could play that a little.

    She gets up and heads over to Two's room, passing by Gath's door. Don't Stop. Go get the instrument. You are not that kind of nosey, terrible person.

    In Two's room she sighs. "What a mess." Clothes are scattered everywhere, with the exception of the new clothes she'd bought him. Setting on a small stand is his oud, gleaming among the disaster. Grabbing it up, she heads back to the common room.

  24. "So, are we okay now?" Goddard asks.

    "We were never not okay."

    Goddard furrows his brow. "Then why were you..."

    Gath chuckles. "You're too easy."

    "You just like torturing me!" Goddard gasps.

    "It's only fair," Gath shrugs. "You torture me."


  25. Putting her feet under her in her chair, Aara strings a few cords, pausing to tune it a little. Bracelets chiming, she starts off with a slow lullaby her mother used to sing, humming along softly.

  26. "You won't kiss me."

    Goddard laughs. "I see."

    "One day you will though." He adjusts the strings on the lute.

  27. "Ow," she mutters, flexing her fingers. "I bet he has a pick somewhere..."

    She passed by Gath's room again, coming to a hard stop when she hears Gath complain about Goddard not kissing him. What I'm seven hells... She leans on Two's door, listening. You're a terrible person, Aara.

  28. "How do you know?" Goddard mumbles.

    "You say you can't but that doesn't mean you don't want to." He looks over at Goddard and snickers and how red the ends of his ears are getting.

  29. If you only knew how badly he wants to...

    Disgusted with herself, she wants to walk away and stop listening, but can't.

  30. "Oh!" Goddard says suddenly. "We figured out the monthly payments. I'm going to wash dishes for now."

    Gath chuckles.

    "Hey! I'm a pro at cleaning!" Goddard laughs. "It's something and I don't have to go far. You should find a job too."

    "What makes you think I haven't? Odd jobs but don't worry. I'll be able to pay."

    Goddard nods. "Good. Thank you. Hmm I should go get ready for dinner." He goes to stand up but Gath catches his wrist.

  31. Go, Aara. Go now.

    Taking her own advice for once, she pushes off the door and goes back to her chair and the oud. This might be harder than I thought. I just can't let him know that, she thinks as she starts playing again.

  32. Gath slides up on the bed and lays down with the lute. He pats the spot next to him. "Just stay here while I play a little. She'll get you for dinner." Gath finally begins playing the lute.

    There's no harm in that... Goddard climbs up beside him and curls around a pillow.

  33. "I never realized how sad that sounds."

    Aara looks up, surprised. "Oh' you're back. Where's Kryn?"

    Two pulls another armchair close and puts his feet on the arm of hers. "She has to be up early tomorrow. Would you...would you like to meet her?"

    She smiles, playing slightly louder as she grows more confident with the song. "You know I would. When?"

    He shrugs. "Tomorrow? I can take you to the bakery."

    She nods. "I'd like that."

    They sit quietly until he starts to sing in Arabyan.

  34. Goddard recognizes the song but can't remember the lyrics, so he hums along for a while instead. "You play really well."

    "Thank you."

    "Ha! I knew it!" Goddard laughs.


    "Those words are in your vocabulary. You just don't say them as often as you should!"

    Gath shakes his head. "I'll try to remember to say them to Gill when he gives me a drink."

    "That's a start."

  35. "Why don't we go downstairs? Maybe Kote will need a break and you can play for them."

    Aara shakes her head. "I've already ordered dinner here."

    "Good is available downstairs, too."

    "I told Goddard I'd call him."

    "Where is he?" Aara shoots a glance to Gath's room, fingers faltering. "I see," he muses.

  36. Goddard sits up and watches Gath's fingers move across the strings. "I wanted to learn how to play but never did a whole lot with it."

    Gath holds the lute out. "I'll teach you when you have the time. If you have want."

    "Really?" Goddard takes the lute and plays the few chords he can.

    Gath closes his eyes and listens to Goddard testing the instrument.

    "It's not that boring is it?" Goddard mumbles.

    "Awful," Gath jokes. "No no. It's fine. I'm just relaxing."

    "So it is possible for you to relax."

  37. Two stands and takes the oud away. "This is an easy fix," he tells her. "You and I will go downstairs to entertain ourselves and they can either answer a knock on the door or starve."

    "Wait- Two-" Aara follows him to his room. "But I said-"

    "I know what you said," he interrupts, setting his oud carefully down. "They're grown men, Aara." Grabbing her hand, he pulls her behind him. "Sheik! Keep an ear out for dinner!" he calls as they pass through the common room. "I've a need of Four!"

  38. "You're leaving?!" Goddard yells as he puts the lute down and rushes into the common room.

  39. "Nothing's wrong," Two assures him as they go to the door. "I just feel neglected and it's all your fault so you have to stay here." He opens the door and sees three maids with trays full of food. "Ah, perfect. Dinner's here Sheik. Look Four, they're fed and you've kept your promise, now you're mine."

    Aara looks back at Goddard with a bewildered expression before shrugging and getting pulled out of the room.

  40. "Hmm all this dinner to myself," Gath says, standing in his doorway.

    "I'll be back."

    "Like last time?" Gath snickers.

    Goddard groans and slips past the maids. "Sorry. Excuse me." He gets out into the hallway and catches up. "You can't just kidnap her!"

  41. "Why not? You do it all the time, and my fragile ego has demanded I get a lover of my own to attempt to repair the damage."

    Aara gasps. "Two I didn't realize you-"

    "Was so lonely? So desperate for just a little of your light? If you can share your Sheik surely he can share you with your own retainer. I do have an interest in your happiness and well being."

  42. "I don't kidnap her. She willingly spends her time with me and that's what we were going to do. We were going to eat dinner together willing. There isn't any sharing happening here."

  43. "But Sheik I need her," he whines. "And I found her all alone playing some old lullaby on my oud, and you were nowhere to be seen so I deserve to have her for a little while." He gives Goddard a charming smile. "I am, however, willing to negotiate."

  44. "Oh, so I can't apologize to someone privately or else it's neglect? And we aren't negotiating as if lecai was some thing. If she wants to go with you, fine, we'll go. If she doesn't want to, then you can go away."

  45. "I didn't say it was neglect, I said I found her in her own and-"

    "Stop," Aara snaps. "Two, if you feel neglected then you can certainly join us for dinner. And you and I are going to the gymnasium in the morning, so you'll have ample attention."

    Two hides a smug grin. "Only if we can go downstairs and dance later."

    "Fine. But I told Goddard we'd have dinner here, and dragging me off like that is rude and I won't have it."

  46. Goddard smiles and heads back toward their apartment. "I'm not sure what half of that food was, but it smelled good when I walked past it."

  47. "He's awfully smug," Two mutters under his breath. "I ought to cart you off right now."

    "Do it and I will stab you."

    Two looks appreciatively up and down her. "I don't know if those pants can hide many knives, Four. They're a little snug. Not that I'm complaining."

  48. "Told you!" Goddard says when he steps back inside.

    "You weren't lying this time," Gath says before biting into a large piece of meat.

  49. Aara punched Two's arm as they walk in. "You're repulsive."

    "Ow! Dammit Aara!"

  50. Goddard looks over the food and decides to try a little of everything, no matter how unfamiliar any of it seems. "It can't possibly taste bad if it all looks and smells so good." Once his plate is piled high, Goddard takes a seat across from Gath.

  51. Two piles a plate high with meats and potatoes before sitting beside Goddard with a grin. Glaring at him, she makes a much smaller plate of mostly vegetables and sits by Gath, bringing the wine pitcher with her to sit on the table between them.

  52. Gath and Goddard look at each other then Goddard looks at Aara then back at Gath. Gath gets to his feet and Goddard practically dives into the open space beside Aara. He grins as Gath swaps their plates of food. "Thank you!"

    Gath nods and sits down where Goddard was sitting.

  53. Raising an eyebrow at them, Aara eats a d doesn't comment.

  54. Goddard kisses her shoulder before he grabs his plate and goes back to eating.

  55. "Four, you've got to eat more meat." Two scolds. "I'm amazed you even ave the strength to walk with all those vegetables you eat. It's not healthy."

    "My eating habits are fine, thank you."

    "Tell her, Sheik. She doesn't eat enough meat. No wonder you're so short."

  56. "She obviously knows what works for her. If she feels she needs vegetables, then she'll eat vegetables. Maybe one day she'll feel like eating a whole half a cow and she can do so. Do you think I'd ever tell father not to eat his weight in chocolate? No. You just don't interfere with someone and their food."

  57. Two looks at him, offended."I'm only concerned for her. Four, you're too skinny, nothing but bones."

    "You're starting to sound like Rayya," Aara informs him. "And my mother, as much as I remember."

    Two grumbles and goes back to eating.

  58. "Lecai, you look perfectly fine and are obviously fine enough to take on demons in the space between spaces."

  59. "I know." She has to fight the urge to throw her piece of meat at Two's head, just for being annoying. "Any plans for tomorrow?" she asks them.

  60. "Hunting for jobs mostly," Gath says. "Should keep me occupied for most of the day and if not, I'll make sure my sword skills don't get rusty."

    "I should do the same with my scythe but that book won't read itself and at night I'll be busy with dishes."

  61. Two shrugs. "Same. Not everyone has a secret stash like you, Four."

    "I do not. I'll be looking for something same as you."

    "Hey, let's sell our swords! I bet we can find work easy."

  62. "That would be more entertaining than washing dishes," Gath snickers.

  63. "It is what we're good at...I'll ask Urian tomorrow not ing if he knows where we could find work," she suggests.

  64. "That sounds like a good idea," Goddard nods. "I did say I'd help with the dishes until I found something better and this will probably be better."

  65. "Hopefully we'll find something. I don't want to be Tallyn's personal dancing girl."

    "His what?" Two chokes. "Sheik!"

  66. Goddard laughs. "Lost your sense of humor Two?"

  67. "Aara! You are an executioner and assassin of the highest order! Being reduced to someone's personal jiggle girl is- it's unacceptable!" he shutters.

    "Calm down, Two," she laughs.

  68. "He has no faith in you lecai," Goddard says shaking his head. "Thinking you can't make your own decisions and turn down such offers."

  69. "It's almost as if he doesn't know I'm a terrible dancer," she laughs.

    "I won't allow you to demean yourself!"

  70. "Alright Two, why don't you get back to stuffing your face with food and stop insulting Aara."

  71. Aara can't help laughing at his mouth hanging open. "Two, it's fine," she assures him. "It was just a joke Tallyn made during our meeting. I will not be dancing for anyone."

    Two sighs. "It's not funny. We might not be home and nobody may one who you are, but I do."

  72. "Then we become something else here," Goddard suggests.

  73. "It's only been a few days," she reminds him.

    Two pouts and stuffs his face.

    "Don't worry," she laughs. "I'm not about to be anyone's dancing girl. I'd just injure anyone near me. Ask Goddard, I fell on him."

  74. "Best dance I've ever gotten in my whole life honestly, but yeah she'd injure people."

  75. Rolling her eyes, she refills her water. "I'm sure Urian will be able to help," she says. "If not maybe Kryn needs help."

    "You're a terrible cook."

    "I am not!"

  76. "I'd rather cook than clean dishes," Goddard says thoughtfully.

  77. "I'm not a terrible cook," she grumbles.

  78. "If it makes you feel any better lecai, I'd rather eat anything you made than eat anything Two makes."

  79. Two grins and uses a piece of bread to polish off his plate. "I'm stuffed," he sighs, leaning back. "Ready to go dance?"

    "Obviously not."

  80. "It's as if he doesn't hear a word you are saying. Either he's ignoring you or he just doesn't listen."

  81. "I prefer to construct my reality based on highly selective hearing. It's a talent."

    "You're an idiot."

  82. "Sounds like a defect," Goddard mumbles.

  83. "Skill, Sheik. I can see how you wouldn't understanding, having none yourself."

  84. "You're joking right?" He points at Two. "I have more skill in my finger than you have in your whole body."

  85. "Don't try and lie to me, I've heard those half hearted moans from the bedroom. At least when it was me she didn't have to take it."

    Aara gasps and puts her plate down.

  86. Goddard laughs. "What happens in your dreams while you are asleep don't count Two."

  87. "My reality, your nightmare. Just ask her if I didn't give her everything she asked for. She didn't even miss you."

    "Well I think I'm done here! Gath, would you like to go downstairs?" she stammers. "Music dancing and such?"

  88. "Drinking?" Gath asks getting to his feet.

    "What imaginary scenarios go on in your mind mean nothing to me," Goddard snorts.

  89. "We can do that," she says quickly, jumping to her feet and blushing deeply and walking fast toward the door.

    "There was nothing imaginary about feeling that little body wrapped around me, Sheik. If you weren't so needy she could don't again."

  90. "You're a bad liar Two," Goddard smirks.

    "Either they're really into ripping into each other or they are just bad at noticing things to miss us leaving," Gath mumbles.

  91. "Either way I'm glad," she replies, closing the door softly behind them.

    Two jumps to his feet and pounds his chest. "I am no liar, Sheik! Many things, yes, but no liar! She wanted me then, she wants me still! You are the only thing between us!"

  92. "I'm not stopping her," he shrugs. "She just doesn't want you."

    "They'll stop eventually once they realize you're gone," Gath says.

  93. "You were always stopping her!" He stalks around the table and grabs Goddard by the robes and hacks him to his feet. "Why are you such an ass, anyway?"

    "I'm not so sure," she chuckles.

  94. "She does what she wants," he growls. "You may still be stuck in that little world where she belonged to someone or has to be a certain way because she's a woman or an assassin or whatever label you want to slap on her, but I've never been that way."

  95. "Oh no, not you, Sheik. You won't label her at all. Not even your own retainer. They just drift through your affections." Suddenly his whole expression changes to amusement, and he leans in and gives Goddard a quick kiss on the mouth. "Frankly, I don't see why everyone's so up in arms over you anyway. You're not that impressive."

  96. Wide eyed, Goddard stumbles back and covers his mouth with his hand. "I'd never give you anything you'd consider impressive anyway."

  97. Two chuckles and pats his cheek fondly. "That's all right, Sheik. Not everyone can be great."

    Down in the bar, Aara sips her wine and watches the lute player Kote. "He's very good," she comments. "I've never heard playing like that. It sounds like rain."

  98. Goddard slaps his hand away. "Is that what you have to tell yourself every day?"

    "Very interesting. A different way of playing for sure, but doable." Gath says.

  99. "Only to remind myself to be humble."

    She nods. "Two can play like that When he wants to."

  100. Goddard laughs. "You? Humble?"

    "Does he ever wa...oooh that's probably one of those things I should keep to myself," Gath says, bringing his cup to his lips.

  101. "It is hard when you are this amazing."

    She laughs. "Sometimes. I remember him carrying an out around just as much as his sword. He loved both, but I think life spoiled one."

  102. With a look of disgust, Goddard turns around to say something to Aara only to see her and Gath are gone.

    "I know what that's like."

  103. She looks down into her cup. "I think we all do in some way." Looking back up for a second, she raises an eyebrow. "I don't suppose you dance?"

  104. "I can. I have. Do I want to right now though? Hmmmm," Gath looks into his cup. "I am not drunk enough."

  105. She laughs. "They'll find us soon enough, might as drink it while it's here," she tells him and pushes the pitcher closer.

  106. Gath refills his cup and drinks half of it quickly.

    "She left because of you," Goddard says as he slams the door to the apartment. "Stupid Two," he mumbles to himself, stomping down the hall.

  107. "Always blaming me," he laughs and follows. "Maybe she left because of you."

  108. "Such misplaced aggression. It seems she was ready to dance after all. Will you be jealous of they're dancing together?"

  109. "I have no reason to be jealous. It would actually be nice. It means they can get along."

  110. "Why should they? We don't."

  111. "Because deep down they want to try, unlike you."

  112. "You're desperate for them to want to. And I wouldn't needle you if you couldn't take it, so don't pretend to know anything about what I want."

  113. "Needle? I feel even worse now for bothering Gath about his attitude. He was nicer than you from the start."

  114. "As Sheik, that's not true. You don't like me because I made a few passes at Aara and push her to be better. Have I hurt anyone's feelings? No. I'm not like Four, I don't need everyone to like me."

  115. Gath leans back in the cushioned seat and actually smiles. "I don't know what that drink was, but it was good and I probably shouldn't have a third."

  116. She giggles and tosses back the last of her own. "Why not? I'm going to," she says, signaling the waiter again.

  117. He sighs. "If I have another, I feel I won't know what's going on anymore."

  118. "Just one then," she tells the waiter. "I wonder if they're still fighting," she says between hiccups.

  119. "Glad to see you can still remember they were fighting after everything you've had," Gath says, passing his finger over the edge of his empty glass.

  120. "They're always fighting. Over nothing. Over the side of their-" she giggles "-egos. And I don't see why; they're so much alike and Two actually likes him. They're stupid sometimes."

  121. Gath snorts. "Egos...Two has to learn when to back off, or my lord will be too far gone in his jumbled little head to be amusing."

  122. "Two has no off button. Hyati will have to clobber him to learn him a lesson. He's got a head hard."

  123. "He won't hurt him. It'd make you upset if he hit Two too hard he'd say and that's the last thing he wants to do."

  124. "Pfft. I beat him to a pulp all the time. He gets up. That's what Ustadh always liked about him. He just gets up and goes for more. He called was..." She hiccups and spurs out an Arabyan word as the waiter brings her drink. Picking it up, she salutes him with her glass and tossed it back.

  125. "I see. I'll be sure to let him know Two bounces back like a ball. Hmm last time you had too much to drink, you were a bit of a mess."

  126. She looks down and fidgets with the chains and gems crossing over her hand. "It just was."

  127. "Was it because, hmm never mind. I'm not supposed to antagonize you, even if it's accidental."

  128. She shakes her head. "Not really." She sighs heavily and starts to form a mudra but toys with her glass instead. "Suddenly I have all these years ahead of me, and everything I'd worked for was gone. Pulled right off my arms. Those marks were my identity, and I was upset."

  129. "There is no reason for you to be upset. Even if you lived your short life as a human, they wouldn't matter after you died anyway. What people thought of you wouldn't matter because you're in the dirt and now that you live longer, your identity will change so many times your head will spin and again, it won't even matter."

  130. She looks up at him skeptically. "That's a little terrifying," she says dryly.

  131. "Think of Otto. He's a few thousand years old. Do you think he's the same person he's always been? Maybe at his core, but I'm sure he's changed a lot, and do you think that bothers him? I think if it did, he would be focused on that and not making the dragon fat with chocolate." He groans and orders another drink. "I sober up again entirely too fast."

  132. "You're depressing, you know that?" she laughs, adding one to his order. "When was the last time you had fun?"

  133. "A few min..." he coughs. "Not as sober as I thought. I can't remember."

  134. Her eyes brighten and she means closer. "A few minutes ago? Upstairs?" Her expression falls a little. "Oh."

  135. He raises a brow. "What was that all about? That was a pretty fast change of mood."

  136. "Nothing. Oh look! You guys are fast," she tells the waiter when he hands her her drink.

  137. Gath takes his drink. "Are you worried about me?"

  138. She scoffs, drink and unconvincing. "No."

  139. "It's him I'm worried about," she grumbles.

  140. She shakes her head and takes a small drink. "It's stupid."

  141. "Now I just want to hear it even more."

  142. "No," she moans. "You'll just tell him or pick on me later."

  143. "I won't tell him. Or pick on you. Not on purpose."

  144. She laughs, snorting. "I don't believe that. I can't talk to anyone without them telling him in some way." She pauses. "Except maybe Tallyn. They hate each other," she giggles.

  145. "I'm sure it's nothing too important. I'd only tell him if it were something like you were plotting to kill him. It's my job."

  146. "Promise?" she asks, a little hopeful.

  147. "What were we talking about?"

  148. "Why are you worried about my lord?" he says, raising a brow.

  149. "Oh. It's stupid, but..." Taking a deep breath, she spits it all out as fast as she can. "Whatifhedecidesheisn'treallyinlovewithmeandfallsinlovewithsomeoneelse? HefellinloveonceitcouldhappenagainandI'mboringandplainandhelikesyousomuchhemightdecidehewantsyoumorethanme." She takes a deep breath. "Or anybody, really."

  150. Gath blinks a few times then laughs. "For one, he loves you and two, it's entirely possible to love more than one person, but, even if he loved five people, he'd still love you the most."

  151. "I don't know if I could bear him being in love with five people." She moans and lays her head on the table. "I'm too drunk to be so young. I don't know how to do this."

  152. "At this rate, it won't even be one other person and never mind being in love, just doing anything. He knows how even just the thought of those things makes you feel."

  153. She waved a hand over his head, giggling at the chiming sound her bracelets make. "Oh, kyrkhan I could care less about. I didn't even stab that little slut who snuck into his dressing room. Or anything."

  154. Gath chuckles. "The fact that you thought about 'stabbing that little slut' is exactly why he's paranoid. You should talk to Otto about it. I'm sure he has plenty of interesting stories."

  155. She makes an indignant sound and sits up. "One, I did not think about it. I didn't even get mad at him. And two, I doubt stories about Goddard sticking it anywhere he can will make me feel better. It wouldn't count because of his mutations back then."

  156. "I'm not talking about him!" he takes a breath. "I mean ask Otto about being in love and relationships and living long."

  157. She finished off her drink. "You didn't specify. All he's going to say is the same thing Goddard does, anyway."

  158. "Have you ever asked him about his own personal relationships? Or just asked vague questions about nonsense?"

  159. "Otto? Oh no, he's scary! He does that weird staring thing that makes my skin feel too tight."

  160. Gath laughs. "I agree that he's scary except more in the way of could rip your soul from your body with a single thought scary."

  161. "Maybe you didn't get that look. I sure did, and that was after he scared me half to death."

  162. "I couldn't function or speak. Messed everything up and somehow, I lived," he shrugs.

  163. "I was just holding a jar." She looks around at the room full of people laughing and dancing. "Are you drunk enough to dance yet?"

  164. He looks at the half of the second drink still sitting in the glass. Gath is hesitant at first but then he throws his head back and finishes it off. "Not yet but I will be in a few seconds."

  165. She hops to her feet and grabs his hand. "It'll take that long to walk over there."

  166. Gath doesn't go with her easily but after enough time, she's able to drag him where she wants.

  167. "Ugh, come on! We're drunkish enough to get along, let's make the best of it," she laughs. She gauges the other dancers before jumping into the blur of bodies, putting one hand on his shoulder and holding the other.

  168. Gath dances surprisingly well. "I used to dance often and play music and chess and cards," he says softly.

  169. Grateful for his skill, she lets him lead her around the floor. "Why did you stop?"

  170. "I had to. I had to take up a sword and fight to protect myself and be useful to my family."

  171. She giggles. "Ironic. I was made to learn dancing and all that other nonsense instead of being useful to my lord."

  172. "It's hard to go back to something that was short lived hundreds of years ago."

  173. "If I can learn to be less rigid, I'm sure you can remember enjoymemt."

  174. "Feeling confident in your ability to refrain from stabbing sluts?" He snickers.

  175. "Oh no," she laughs. "I mean before. When Infirst met Goddard and was still indebted."

  176. "Being out of Araby helped."

  177. "Being away from what had you feeling trapped does help."

  178. "I didn't feel trapped. Did you?"

  179. "Of course. If I didn't do whatever was planned, I'd have probably been killed and when I did go against my family and their insanity, I was punished along with the rest of them."

  180. "Do you not like talking about them? We can stop."

  181. "It doesn't matter now and I dropped their name years ago."

  182. "So you neither. Either? Also?" she giggles, unsure of her word choice after so many drinks.
