Wednesday, March 2, 2016

"Whatever you say," he shrugs with a grin. "You're going to let Two recognize his ability before you? Tsk."


  1. "At least he seems to have one," she mutters a little bitterly. "If I did, don't you think I'd have come running to show you?"

  2. "I just told you you did! You just don't want to believe me."

  3. "If I'd done it myself," she corrects. "Knowingly. And it was black when I looked at it."

  4. "I don't think Two knew what he was doing and the pillow wasn't glowing afterward."

  5. "Can't argue with that. Is that all we can agree on?"

  6. "You're a wise, courageous wizard with exceptional lovemaking skills that border on divine? Do we agree on that one?"

  7. "Oh yes. I definitely agree with that."

  8. "See? We agree on lots of things."

  9. "I guess you're right. Are you going to head back out there again?"

  10. "I don't know if I can move. Everything hurts."

  11. "I think so. Two hours of having the crap beat out of me is enough." She groans as she sits up and then louder as she stands.

  12. "Are you going to be alright?" Goddard asks as Gath walks up to them and holds the larger sword out to Goddard.

    "You need practice."

    Goddard frowns. "I'm not sure Aara can get anywhere on her own. Come on lecai, let's get you home."

  13. "I'm fine here if you need to stay."

  14. Gath shrugs and walks back out to the center.

    "Not after that noise you made and what sort of challenge would he have gotten from me anyway?"

  15. "Isn't the point to make you more of a challenge?"

  16. "Stop making sense," he mutters and puts an arm around Aara to keep her from falling. "Let's get you back and we can get you in a hot bath and I can make the hot and cold cream you like so much."

  17. She laughs, letting him give her more help than she really needs.

  18. "See, isn't this much easier?"

  19. "But you do need to train," she tells him. "Meyley is your best backup if your magic fails. You could always put me in one of those sedans and go back."

  20. "I'll go back later and hope there will be someone who will give me a bit of a chance," he laughs.

  21. "You know I don't believe you. And I'm not that bad. Just sore. Two gave me worse than this in our public spar," she laughs.

  22. "I will! When have I ever lied to you?"

  23. "Hmm..." She's quiet a moment, thinking over the years. "I can't think of one...Except maybe when you'd say you were fine when you weren't."

  24. "You are the master at that. I'm not surprised you'd see it when I do it."

  25. "I don't know what you mean. I'm always fine."

  26. "Of course my love," he snickers and kisses her head.

  27. "You're going to have to change," she tells him. "I'm getting you filthy."

  28. "That was going to have to happen anyway after that kiss."

  29. "You're so accepting of my dirt," she chuckles.

  30. "Only because it's yours and only for a short time."

  31. "See? This is what makes you wonderful."

  32. "I wonder if they are still here," Goddard says as they finally get up to their door. "Or do you think Two scared her away?"

  33. The door opens just before they open it and Two has to pull back to avoid running into them. "What happened to you?" He asks, wrinkling his nose. "Get run over by a camel?"

    "Well it was a slow morning, somebody had to liven things up."

  34. "You sure did liven up at least two people's mornings. They will probably be worse off than you."

  35. Two frowns and backs into the room to let them in. "I was just about to go find you," he tells them. "Are you hurt, or just hurting?" he asks, using their Ustadh's categorization of pain.

    "I'm fine," she assures him.

  36. "She's not fine," Goddard whispers loudly.

  37. She shoots him a dirty look. "I am so."

    Two folds his arms and scowls. "Hurt or hurting?"

    Looking between the two of them, she sighs and leans a little more on Goddard. "Hurting."

    "Need help?" he asks, following them through her room.


    He nods. "I'll see about getting you some lunch."

  38. "I'm enough help. You don't think I'm enough help?"

  39. "I think you might need help holding her down and treating whatever injuries the obstinate camel may have."

    "Right here, Rafiq."


    "So go get lunch."

    He makes a vulgar gesture and smiles at her equally rude response. "You're fine," he laughs, going downstairs.

  40. Goddard helps her into the bathroom. "I'm going to change and start on the cream. Yell if you need anything."

  41. She nods, filling a pitcher to rinse the water off before her bath. With a deep breath, Aara grits her teeth as she undresses. Even raising her arms hurts. "Uzzaya save me, they really worked me over," she mutters, looking at the bruise on her shoulder blade beginning to darken.

    After rinsing away the dirt, she settles into a hot bath full of jasmine oil.

  42. After Goddard changes, he sits at his desk and Sethai hops up. "Who are you?" Goddard asks as he measures out various ingredients.

    "Oh you're getting good at this," Otto says. "I probably shouldn't be visiting as often as I do but I can't help myself. There isn't any chocolate where I am."

    Goddard unwraps a piece of fudge and puts it on the table.

    "Oh why thank you. How'd you know that's what I wanted? Smartest son I've ever had."

    "Do you have other children? Sons or daughters." Goddard asks.


    "That really isn't a compliment then."

  43. After bathing and soaking for a little while, Aara drains the tub and dries her hair. Feeling much better, she stretches and rubs some of her aches away, smiling at how much she enjoyed her fights earlier.

  44. "Father, please stop talking and stay there," Goddard sighs, trying to get into the bathroom while keeping Otto out.

    "She doesn't have anything I haven't seen a million times. I'm not done telling you about infinity. Once you understand infinity, you can understand this place."

    "No one understands infinity."

    "I do!"

    "It's because you're infinity years old."

  45. Wrapped in a robe, Aara sits on the floor, heels tucked close to her body and eyes closed. "If he wants to come in, he can," she calls through the door. "I'm covered."

  46. "See? Move. Now where was I?" Otto struts in and sits in the middle of the floor. "Damn I forgot where I was."

    "Oh thank the gods," Goddard says and sits down beside Aara. He holds out a jar to her. "All done."

  47. "Thank you," she says, kissing his cheek. "Hello, Ustadh," she adds to Otto.

  48. "Oh what happened to you?" Otto gasps. "You'd think he could defend you a little with all that power he's got in that cookbook."

  49. She grins and strokes his back. "I found myself a gymnasium," she explains. "So I picked the biggest man there to spar with."

  50. "It obviously wasn't Goddard."

    "I was trying to figure out this magic!" Goddard huffs.

  51. "Oh no, nuur'eni wouldn't seriously spar with me anyway. I think he's afraid of hurting me," she chuckles, scooping Otto up and nuzzling him.

  52. Otto turns and stares at Goddard for a few moments. He's very quiet quiet and then suddenly laughs. "He's afraid you'd hurt him. He's very squishy."

  53. "If I remember, the lastti me we sparred was in Naggaroth...and he hurt me, she laughs. "Gave me this, actually," she adds, lowering her robe and showing him the scar on her shoulder.

  54. "You were distracted! Stop looking at him with dreamy love sick eyes! Stab him!"

    Goddard groans.

  55. "I wasn't distracted. He got the better of me." She lifts Otto to whisper. "Besides, he gets upset when I stab him. He likes it too much."

  56. "He is a strange one," Otto nods. "So I guess he's too strong for everyone huh?"

  57. "He strikes fear in the heart if all who know him."

  58. "Even the tall one is afraid of him," Otto snickers. "I don't know if Two is."

  59. "I don't know if Two is afraid of anything."

    At the mention of his name, she bears Two calling to her that lunch has arrived. "Oh good! I'm starved." Slowly and with a groan, she stands, wrapping her robe tightly.

  60. Not feeling very hungry at the moment, Goddard leaves them to have lunch and heads down to the bar. I reminds me of Altdorf. All the people, the movement, the noise.

    He takes a seat on a stool and looks at all bottles lined on the shelves.

  61. "Saw you bring the little one in," Gill says as he approaches. "Is she all right?"

  62. Goddard nods. "She didn't get as much of a beating as she gave. After some rest, she'll be back out there dropping the biggest and the bulkiest to the ground."

  63. Gill laughs. "Sounds like me back when I sold my sword. What's your poison?"

  64. "Surprise me," Goddard shrugs. "I'm used to just wine. I don't know much about anything else."

  65. "Well say hello to my favorite whiskey." He pours him a drink. "Tallyn and I had a good time last night," he adds. "You almost pretended to like each other."

  66. "For Aara, I'll do almost anything. Almost," he chuckles.

  67. "Tally would do the same. Although he may actually like you," he adds. "He appreciates how protective you are of someone who can clearly take care of herself."

  68. "She's the most important person in my life and she likes when I fuss over her. I depends on the situation."

  69. "Everyone deserves a fuss," Gill agrees. "I'll bet she repays it, too."

  70. "I'm important to her too," he smiles.

  71. "It's good to see that kind of devotion. It's pretty rare these days." He tosses back his whiskey. "So you're finding you're finding your way around I can always get a tout to help you out."

  72. "I think that would be helpful if we need something incredibly specific. Right now we don't even know what we need or want or what exists or what's up or down and my father trying to explain infinity didn't help any." He finishes his drink and looks hopefully at Gill.

  73. He pours him another drink. "If you need something, let me or Tallyn know."

  74. Goddard hears the clinking of armor behind him and before he can grab his drink, Gath sits beside him and scoops it up. "Thank you little kuyash," he tells Goddard.

  75. Gill raises an eyebrow, looking Gath up and down. Pretty, but untouchable. "Afternoon. You must be Gath."

  76. "You talk about me?" Gath examines the drink before he drinks it.

    "Yes. About how much I hate you," Goddard mumbles. "What happened? Your armor looks very...shiny still."

    "That little spell is useful for quiet a few things."

  77. "Prestidigitation," Goddard says. "This is the first time any of them have had any magical ability and I don't care what Aara says, she can do it too."

  78. "Oh yeah, her hair looked great yesterday, didn't it? She's a gorgeous blonde."

  79. "You saw it too!?" Goddard gasps. "Ha! I bet she'll believe you saying it's blonde before she'll believe me. I bet it changed and she acted like she hadn't done a thing."

    "Wait. I can change the color of things too?"

    "Yes. At least you should be able to. It's a bunch of little things. Be creative."

  80. Gill nods. "Prestidigitation is a good one to have. Easy as breathing, too. I'll bet she didn't even know she'd done anything till you said something."

  81. "She doesn't believe me. She thinks I'm crazy."

    "You are my lord."

    "Yeah yeah I know but not about this! She's being stubborn."

    Gath grabs Goddard's hand and makes a shape on the back of it. It shows up on his skin before it slowly fades away. "Interesting."

  82. Someone calls out to Gill and he takes his leave to help them. Pretty and rude. No wonder she hates him.

  83. "Aara might like that," Goddard says watching the color fade. "If it can last longer that is."

    "I'm sure it can. I just have to keep practicing right?"

    Goddard nods and pats the counter. "Keep going."

    "On you?" Gath asks and before Goddard can answer he snorts. "Of course on you."

  84. Two watches Aara eat slowly. "Are you really all right?" he asks, concerned.

    "I really am."

    "Then why did you do all this?"

    She pauses, putting her fork down. "Just working out some frustration."

    "About your marks?"

    She scowls and takes a long drink of water. "You don't understand."

    He laughs. "I don't understand having the most important thing in our future erased, for nothing? Come on, Four, you know why I don't have mine, and what happened."

  85. Goddard pulls his hand away and covers it with his other hand. "So...did you meet anyone while you were out and about?"

    "Of course. How could you not with all these people around and too many of them seem to want to be helpful. They'll probably expect something from me for it later."

  86. Aara points her fork at him when he opens his mouth. "Don't tell me it doesn't matter, either. Or that you've found them unnecessary or that there's more to me than that. I've heard it already."

    Two lowers his cup. "I was just going to say I'm sorry. And suggest that you give yourself some time to grieve their loss. Four, if you still want them in a few years, I'll pay for it myself. But don't let yourself believe they're so important that you're blind to everything you have now."

    Taken aback by his consideration, she reaches over and squeezes his hand. "Thank you, Rafiq."

    "Ustadh told me something when I was just a cadet, no more than eleven or so," he tells her, stabbing at a vegetable on his plate. "He said 'the strongest of all warriors are time and patience.' Meditate on that a while."

  87. "No Gath," Goddard says shaking his head. "I meant romantically in any way shape or form even if it's just for five minutes."

    "They're all intimidated," he scoffs.

    "Of course! You're so miserable."

    "I am not miserable."

    "Well, it's off putting. Whatever it is. No one is going to want to deal with you."

    "You do my lord."

    Goddard chuckles. "No you idiot I mean for romance."

  88. Aara nods, hearing the wisdom in their teachers words. "I will. And you're right, I know...."

    Two grins at her. "But you need to know why. I understand. Just don't let it absorb you so much."

    "I'll try. Thank you."

  89. "Well I suppose romance or not, no one wants to deal with you and your bad attitude,". Goddard mumbles.

    "But you do for both," Gath snickers.

    "No! This isn't about me!" Goddard groans and rests his forehead on the bar. "Merciful Morr..."

  90. "Any plans for the day?" she asks. "Where is Kryn?"

    "No, and work. Her parents own a posh bakery in the Lady's District. Yourself?"

    Rolling a shoulder, she shrugs. "I need to go collect my new armor. But that's all."

    They talk a while longer, and she describes her morning at the gymnasium. "Two it's lovely! Similar to what Ustadh had, but much larger."

    "We'll have to go back tomorrow. We may have to be mercenaries for a while until we get our feet under us."

  91. She nods in agreement. "So when do I get to actually meet Kryn?"

    "At the wedding."

    "Are you really in love?"

    Two scowls. "It's possible, and I'm not particularly happy about it. I went down that road once and lost; I'm not keen to do it again."

  92. Gath simply pats Goddard on the back and takes the glass, waving Gill over.

    "I want one too." Goddard turns his head so his cheek rests on the bar.

  93. Gill doesn't say anything as he refills Gath's glass and pours Goddard another.

    "I understand, Two, I do. But make sure you aren't the one blinding yourself in this."

    "Bah.Let's go get your armor."

    She grins wickedly and nods toward her room. "Wanna take the drainpipe?"

    "Hell no. You will take the stairs like a rational person."

  94. Gath looks down at Goddard. "Who's the miserable one?"


  95. Grabbing her swords, Aara follows Two out and down the stairs. He keeps her laughing with a story about Kryn accidentally covering him in flour this morning at the bakery, and having to meet her mother that way. When they reach the common room, she scans the room quickly filling with people for Goddard.

    "There he is! I need to tell him where we're going."

    Two sighs and follows her over to where Goddard and Gath sit.

  96. "How do I fix it? How do I stop feeling bad even just thinking about anything?"

    "Stop caring so much?"

    "But I love her." Goddard sees Aara out of the corner of his eye and sits up straight. "Lecai!" he smiles.

  97. "Hey," Two says, putting himself between them. "We're going out. Be back later."

    Before Aara can say or do anything, he grabs her arm and pulls her out the door. "Two! That's rude!" she snarls, wrenching her arm away.

  98. Goddard's smile melts and he follows them. "Where are you going? In case I have to you. Save Aara. Not you Two."

  99. "On an errand. And I'm fully capable of protecting her."

    "Two! Stop being an ass!" Aara turns to Goddard. "We're just going to pick up my armor," she tells him.

  100. "Is Two being annoying? Want me to go with you?"

  101. "He is," she says, shooting him a dirty look. "But it'll be fine. Stay with Gath, you've been running around with me all morning."

  102. "Is that wise?" he laughs. "No I'm just joking." Goddard sighs. "I'll get back to being a wizard at a desk. It's where I do my best work."

    He turns and walks away. "Oh besides the bed," he adds with a snicker.

  103. She turns on Two. "What the hell was that?" she demands.

    Two doesn't say anything as they walk. With a deep sigh, Aara puts her arm around his waist. "All right."

    "Can we find some incense?" he asks.

    "I'm sure we can."

  104. "Not going with her?" Gath asks when Goddard sits back down. "I thought for sure she had you attached with glue."

  105. They walk in companionable silence to the leather shop.

  106. "I'm not attached with glue or anything else. It's not like I have to be around her. I just like being around her."

    "I didn't say anything about that."

    "You're implying!"

    Gath shrugs.

    "I hate you."

    "No you don't."

  107. "Wow," Two breathes as Aara turns a slow circle. "That's gorgeous."

    The owner grins and nods. "Now I put your swords on your back. Wearing them on your hips is awkward. Try drawing them now."

    Doing as he said and drawing from her back, she nods. "It feels better," she agrees.

  108. "Maybe," Goddard mumbles and looks down at both their empty glasses. "Gill," he calls. "We need more of whatever this was. As long as I can afford it still."

  109. Gill grabs a different bottle from the shelf and pours them another. "Was that Aara and her yummy boy toy that just blew through?"

  110. "Boy toy? No. She wouldn't do anything with him. Or anyone else really. But especially not him. He's just her retainer."

    Gath has half of the new drink and slides the rest over to Goddard.

    "You don't like it?" Goddard asks.

    "It's alright."

    "Picky. Did that blue stuff spoil you?"

  111. Gill raises an eyebrow. "You think so, huh?"

  112. "I know so. She's turned him down multiple times and he's persistent."

  113. "He may just wear her down. He is incredibly handsome, even for an elf." He smirks. "I might just steal him away from Kryn myself."

  114. Goddard chuckles. "I doubt it and if it were up to me, you could have him. He says he's in love with Kryn but he's also professed his love to Aara many times."

  115. "Maybe Kryn is a consolation prize. Aara could do worse..."


    After paying for and changing out of her new leather armor, Aara and Two wander around a while, looking for incense. They're laughing over a street puppeteer when she hears a strangely familiar voice.


  116. "Worse?" Goddard looks at him confused.

  117. "Oh, I'm not saying she has," Gill assures him fondly. "But she could. Everybody slums now and then."


    Turning, Aara gasps. His hair is still a pale blonde, eyes still blue as the sea, but his skin is a dark tan, and his face frozen in fear a d confusion.

    "Aaron?" She whispers, walking toward him. Two follows, one hand on a dagger.

    "'re ... you're dead."

    She smiles as they approach. "Clearly I'm not."

    "No..." he mumbles. "It's been more than a year since anyone has seen you. The Khalif Koroush left you in the desert over a year ago."

  118. "But she wouldn't and she hasn't."

  119. "Hasn't doesn't mean won't. Didn't she tell you that we talked?"


    "It hasn't been..." Eyes wide, she looks over at Two, who shrugs.

    Aaron reaches out tentatively for her cheek, and she leans into his touch. "See?" She says softly. "I'm not dead."

    The relief he feels is palpable, and he pulls her into his arms for a deep, desperate kiss.

  120. "She hasn't really told me much of anything. Her calm and her quiet actually scares me and that's why I don't do anything."

    Gath raises a brow.

    "Um...I try not to. I try really hard. Don't look at me like that!"

  121. Gill tsks at him and shakes his head.

    When he finally breaks off the kiss, he holds her close. "Um, Aaron? You can let go."

    His grip tightens. "You don't understand. You've been dead."

    Aara gently breaks away. "Two, take my things back, will you? I want to walk awhile."

  122. "You won't tell me anything either will you?" Once Goddard finishes his drink, he takes what Gath left.

  123. "There's nothing to tell. She asked me how these things work, and how to keep from being jealous."


    Two frowns, not recognizing Aaron. "How about I carry your things at an almost polite distance while you walk with your...friend."

    Aara nods and leads Aaron away. "Aaron, it was only a few days ago that we parted from Koroush."

    "No, Aara," he insists. "It was a year. I went looking for you in Araby when you never came back to Nuln. I tracked you to that village, then Araby. After Koroush left..."

    "We passed through the portal," she whispers.

  124. "And how did that go? Did she say it would be really hard for her? Easy? Depends on the person? Some kind of stipulation?"

    Gath chuckles at Goddard's almost panicked tone.

  125. "She said 'thank you, handsomest of elves, through your teachings I am enlightened and better for it.'"


    Aara explains what happened, leaving out some of the grislier details.

    "You went looking for me?" she asks at the end.

    Aaron nods. "I figured there couldn't be many women like you, and I was right. When the search ended so abruptly, I set out looking for people who knew you. I've only recently made my way to Sigil."

  126. "That...that sounds terrifying." Goddard puts his head down on the bar. "She seems so calm about it."

  127. "Maybe she is calm about it," he suggests, preparing drinks for the maid near him. "Why are you so sure she isn't?"


    "I found the Malika, who has mourned you like a daughter," he tells her. "Your brother has another girl, her name is Aara. Your friend Raj named his girl the same. The Khaleef, they say, has never been the same. They miss you terribly."

  128. "Because she was a human. Because I've seen how my actions effect her."

  129. "Was being the word there."


    Tears prick Aara's eyes as he talks. "I miss them," she says softly. "So much. But I can't go back. Even if I knew how, I couldn't."

    "There's a way. It's difficult, but possible."

    She shakes her head. "I can't. I've brushed against too many gods, Aaron. They wouldn't be safe. I wouldn't be. Please don't tell them," she pleads.

  130. "She still thinks like one for now. Over time, I'm sure things will work out fine but how long? Can I make it that long? Will I mess up before then?"

  131. "Well you can wait and see, making yourself and her miserable in the process, or you can trust her. The worst she'll do is leave for a day or two before coming back for you."


    Aaron stops walking, crushing her to him again. "I couldn't stop thinking about you after we met. I wrote a thousand letters to the college, like you told me. When I heard nothing, I looked for you in Altdorf. By the time I found anyone who knew you in Araby, they had all assumed you were dead."

    "But I'm not," she assures him. "Aaron, you're suffocating me."

    "Will you shut up and let me have this?"

  132. "And if she doesn't? What am I supposed to do without her?"

  133. "Do you really think she wouldn't come back?"


    Two chuckles behind her. "Aaron, really..."

    He tilts her chin up and kisses her again, making her head spin. "I should have swept you off your feet and taken you with me."

    She slips out of his arms. "You're forgetting something."


    "Goddard. He's here, too."

  134. "Would I be talking about any of this if I didn't have my reasons? No. I have reasons Gill. Really really good reasons."

  135. "Well, I've told you what I can. All that's left is for you to trust her and see what happens."


    He frowns. "He is? Damn."

    She laughs. "Aaron! Of course he is. It was his father who brought us here and changed us," she explains, tucking her hair behind her ear.

    His eyes nearly pop. "Aara! You're..."

    "A half elf," she finishes.

    He looks over her carefully, finally noticing her bare arms. "You're lovely tattoos..."

    "Given up, apparently," she tells him. "I am Mashi Al'Maut no more."

  136. "I don't want bad things to happen," he sniffles.

    Gath shakes his head. "I think the alcohol is getting to him."

  137. "Then it's a good time to cut you off," Gill says cheerfully.


    "You don't seem happy about it."

    "To be honest, I'm not. I feel like my life's work has been erased. But there's nothing to be done about it."

    They walk in silence a long while, till they come across a small park and sit.

  138. "But...I want more," Goddard says, reaching for the cup.

    "I'll get you something upstairs." Gath slides the cup away.

    "But...but...Gill you can't do this to me."

  139. Gill laughs loudly and maliciously. "I am the bartender, I control all."

  140. "Gill," he says sadly. "No."

    Gath laughs at Goddard. "You're so pitiful."

    "I know," he sobs.

  141. Just out of hearing, Two watches Aara and her friend. Although friend probably isn't the right word after the way he kissed her. Figuring he'll ask her about it later, he tucks her boxes under one arm and heads for the inn.

    Maybe I can go see Kryn and talk her into meeting Aara. Preferably not naked and covered in flour.

  142. "Come on." Gath helps Goddard to his feet. "Let's go."

    "Fine," Goddard mumbles, hanging on Gath. "Gill is cruel anyway. Bye Gill!"

    They head back up to their apartment and Gath sits on one of the couches. "Go mope in your room or something," he says.

    "I don't want to." Goddard climbs onto Gath's lap and wraps his arms around his chest. "I want to mope here."

  143. Gill calls out to Two as soon as he enters the inn. "Hey Rafiq! Kryn left this for you."

    "Thanks Gill," he says, opening the note. "Did she come by?"

    "No, she left it this morning. I've got to say, she hasn't ever chased somebody like she is you."

    Two flashes him a dazzling smile. "Nobody is like me, though."

  144. "I thought you hated me," Gath says.

    "I don't," Goddard murmers. "I like you. I don't want bad things to happen."

    "You're risking bad things right now."

    "No one is here."

    Gath relaxes and leans his head back on the cushion. "I can take her," he chuckles.

    "Nooooo," Goddard whines. "She'll hurt your face. Your beautiful face."

  145. Gill laughs. "I'm sure there isn't."

    Two thanks him and heads up to the apartment, whistling to himself as he enters. His tune dies once he sees Goddard and Gath cuddling on the couch, replaced by a look of disgust as he passes by to put Aara's things in her room.

  146. When Two walks in, Goddard dives onto the floor then hops up to his feet. "Two! Two..." he follows him around the apartment. "My best friend Two. Please. Please don't tell Aara."

  147. "Your best friend?" he sneers. "Sheik, you dislike me only slightly less than your man in there dislikes everyone." He sets Aara's packages gently on her bed, his back stiff and his face hard.

  148. "Please Two. I-I'm sorry. I won't bother you anymore...all day tomorrow anyway and the rest of today just please don't say anything. I swear...I'm drunk I'm drunk and I'm stupid and please...."

  149. He turns to face Goddard, livid. "She's my lady, and I'm her retainer. What do you care if I do? She'll forgive you anything."

  150. "No! She'll be mad! That's what you want anyway! You want her mad at me!" Goddard snaps.

  151. Two fixes him with a cold stare. "It literally makes no difference to me if she's mad at you or not." Lifting his chin, he starts leaving.

  152. "Please," Goddard begs, grabbing Two's arm. "I'm sorry."

  153. "Why are you apologizing to me? I don't have any agreement with you." He grabs Goddard's sleeve with two fingers and lifts his hand off him, like picking filth off his arm.

  154. "Two...please..." Goddard says helplessly. Seeing that nothing is going to help him when it comes to Two, he slowly walks into his room and throws himself onto the bed. "She's going to be so mad," he sobs at Sethai who simply makes a squeaking sound.

  155. In the hall, Two closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before chuckling. "Oh Sheik, you have dug yourself a fine hole." Looking at the note in his hand, he starts whistling again. "I think I'll go introduce my lady to my lady."

  156. Once Two leaves, Gath gets up and walks to Goddard's room. "Goddard?"

    "Go away! I need hugs and kisses and I definitely don't need them from you!" Goddard yells.

  157. "They built you a huge tomb," Aaron tells her. "Right next to your teacher's. It has gilded edges and your mark on the door set in ebony and garnet. On the side is this epic poem about your life, called The Path of the Mashi Al'Maut."

    Aara looks down at her knotted fingers. "It sounds lovely."

    He covers her hands with one of his. "It is. It is a testament to how deeply you are loved. Roses and jasmine cover the area."

  158. "But you want them," Gath snickers and leans in the door way.

    "Yes," Goddard sniffles. "But it'll make everything worse! She'll say to get rid of you again or something! Or she'll leave! I don't want her to leave."

  159. Aara sighs. "Even more reason to never go home," she says sadly. "They've made peace with my death. I couldn't do that to them."

    Aaron nods. "I would find a way. It wasn't easy getting here, but I'd find a way."

    "Why did you come here, anyway?"

    Aaron laughs a little and ducks his head. "It seems silly now, but after spending so long learning about your adventures, I wanted to go out and have some of my own."

  160. "Then I'll go and leave you alone."

    "No!" Goddard rolls over and sits up on the bed. "Don't go."

    "Then I'll sit with..." Gath takes a step forward.

    "No! Just stay there!" Goddard yells suddenly. "Don't get so close!"

  161. "That's not silly."

    He looks up at her, suddenly boyish. "I have a copy of The Path if you'd like it."

    She nods. "Very much."

    He stands and offers his arm. "I have lodgings in The Hive. A little rough, but on the edge, really."

    With a smile, she takes his arm and they head off.

  162. "I can't just stand here in my armor all night. I'm at least going to take it off."

    "Not here!"

    Gath rolls his eyes. "Then don't look."

  163. Aara hides her reaction to his cramped, sagging rooms. "What do you do in Sigil?"

    "Oh, I'm a scribe," he says. "Please don't think I have to live here," he laughs. "I brought my inheritance with me. I just enjoy living frugally."

    "It's a far cry from my own rooms," she says diplomatically. "We live at the Goldenglow Inn."

    "Nice place, I hear. Ah, here it is." He hands her a slim, leather bound book with her mark embossed on the cover. "I have a copy in common, this one is Arabyan."

    "It's beautiful."

    "Like you... Please, keep it."

  164. Goddard covers his eyes for two seconds before he hops off the bed and goes to help Gath.

    "Oh, now you want to be useful."

    Goddard carefully piles the armor on the floor then hugs Gath.

    "We're just going to stand here now?" Gath chuckles.

    Goddard nods. "I'm sorry."

    "For what?"

    "For everything. For being crazy and dumb."

    "You can't help yourself."

    "Ha ha thanks." Goddard turns his head and notices the time.

  165. Aara blinks away tears. "Thank you Aaron," she whispers. "You'll never know what this means to me."

    He traces the scar on her cheek with the back of his hand. "You're alive. I have an idea."

  166. "Aara should have been back right? She was getting her armor but...Two brought it in..." Goddard inhales sharply. "Two...he told her!"

    "You want to find her?"

    "Yes! I have to! I have to fix it! Stupid Two!"

    "I'd go with you. but I'd probably make it worse."

    "Yes, you would," Goddard snaps.

    Gath shrugs with a grin and scoops up his armor before going into his room.

  167. Two seethes, arms crossed and pacing in the park he left her in. Where the hell did they go? This is ridiculous. Now I have to find her and deal with the sandstorm that idiot will start.


    Aara blushes and steps away. "Thank you," she says softly. "But I should be getting back before they worry."

    Aaron nods. "Can I see you? I'll come to the Goldenglow."

    She nods, and he escorts her to the door. "In a day or two. I should prepare Goddard." Squeezing his hand once more, she leaves and starts walking toward the Clerks Ward.

  168. Goddard rushes outside then curses under his breath. I have no idea where she is. She could be anywhere. She could be above me for all I know.

  169. Clutching the book to her chest, Aara walks slowly and thinks about everything Aaron told her. Over a year...we were only in that place two days. And since my letters home stopped, and there has been no sighting of any of us, it's only natural that we've been assumed dead. Oh Ali, I'm sorry you've had to mourn the last of your family...

  170. Instead of wandering around and getting lost, Goddard paces in front of the inn. She's got to come back eventually.

  171. Two walks back to the inn, hoping to see be on the way.


    Looking down at the book, Aara pauses at the same bench she'd sat at with Aaron. Opening it, she sees that half the book is her history, from childhood to her disappearance, much if it obviously taken from her letters and journals.

  172. Goddard spots Two and he heads straight to him. "Where is she? What did you do!?"

  173. Two clenches his jaw. "She wanted to be alone." Sort of.

  174. "If something awful happens, I'm blaming you, when I'm done kicking myself," he hisses, poking Two in the middle of his chest.

  175. "She'll be fine," he insists, stepping closer to Goddard and looking him in the eye. "You know better than most that she can take care of herself. If she keeps people around her, it's because she wants us there."

  176. Goddard narrows his eyes. "I know she can take care of herself. This isn't about being around her to protect her, it's about being around her because I love her."

  177. Goddard's eyes go wide and he balls his hand into a tight fist before he swings at Two.

  178. Two moves his head, dodging it easily. "That's the spirit, Sheik. Make yourself more an ass."

  179. He grits his teeth and swings with his other fist.

  180. This time Two catches his fist in his hand. "Are you done yet? Because I hear the authorities aren't that lenient."

  181. Goddard rips his hand away and storms off, away from the inn.

  182. Two sighs as he walks away. "Good, he hasn't seen her yet, either," he murmurs, heading in the opposite direction and hoping to see be back at the park.


    Aara covers her face, tears streaming, and closes the book. With a deep breath she wipes her face.

  183. It doesn't take long before Goddard finds a bench. He sits on it and covers his face with his hands. His head is spinning and he's regretting running out here when he hasn't fully recovered from the drinks.

  184. "Four?"

    She looks up, wiping away tears and smiles. "You found me."

    "Only when you want to be found," he says gently, sitting next to her. "Did he hurt you somehow?"

    She shakes her head and leans against Two's chest. "No. He's from our world, we met in Nuln once. He gave me this," she adds, handing the book to him.

    "What is...oh," he says, flipping through the pages. "But why are you crying? It's nothing you don't know."

    "They all think we're dead. We have tombs and epics and there's no way we can ever go back."

    Two puts an arm around her. "That's all right," be says with false cheer. "We'll just make the people here adore you just as much."

  185. Goddard lifts his head up and watches everyone walking by.

    "Why so down chum?"

    Goddard quickly looks down at the empty spot beside him to see it occupied by what looks like an imp.

    "Go away," Goddard mumbles.

    "Girls right? It's got to be girls. They do that to good looking guys like yourself."

    Goddard chuckles. "I'm not giving you anything."

    "I don't want anything," the imp says sadly. "Other than to make you smile."


    "You're good looking and smart!" the imp grins. "I just need a single coin. See, the train to hell is..."

    Goddard takes a coin out and drops it onto the imp's head. "I don't want to hear your story. Go take your train to hell," he mumbles.

    "You should come."

    "I'm sure I'll be getting a free ride soon."

  186. "Your Sheik is looking for you," he offers.

    "Why? Gath kick him out of his lap too soon?"

    Two coughs, looking down at her. "You know?"

    "Of course I know. He's been tripping over himself for Gath since they met."

    "Does it bother you?"

    "It wouldn't if Gath were easier to live with."

  187. When I see her, I'm going to stand tall, own my stupidity and ask her to forgive me. That's it. That's all I can do...

  188. "I'm sorry, Aara."

    She looks up, frowning. "For what?"

    "It's not your fault you fell in love with an idiot."

    "And what if I'd fallen in love with you? You'd drop me for Kryn and I'd be a heartbroken fool," she laughs. "At least this way I can control my situation."

  189. Goddard gets to his feet and walks back to the inn. Worried he might have missed her, he runs up the stairs to their apartment and checks all the rooms.

    "Are you alright?" Gath asks.

    "Fine just fine everything is fine fine fine," Goddard mumbles. "Not here." He rushes back down and outside, pacing to try and mentally prepare himself again.

  190. "That doesn't sound romantic," he scolds gently.

    "I can accept that he can't help himself and seek out my own fun on the side. He does love me, Two. We're just rough with each other. If this is the best way for both of us to be happy, so be it. I just can't stand that smug, arrogant, rude, untrustworthy, mercurial, son of a -"

    "All right, all right, so you don't like Gath," Two chuckles. "You're going to have to learn to live with him."

    "I've tried," she insists. "He's the one who slaps at me every chance he gets!"

    "And you aren't asking for it? Just a tiny bit?"

  191. "What the hell," he mumbles to himself, slowly losing the grip he thought he had on his sanity.

  192. "Come on, let's go home."

    She sighs and scrubs her face with her hands. "I'm all puffy," she whines.

    "Doesn't diminish your beauty," he assures her. "Your Sheik is worried, and if he swings at me again I'll have to hurt him." He pulls her to her feet and puts his arm around her shoulders.

  193. Goddard spots Aara and Two as soon as they come into view. He strides toward them and the closer he gets, the less confident he feels and by the time he reaches Aara, he's a mental wreck and kneels on the ground in front of her.

    "Lecai! Please forgive me!" He hugs her leg. "I'm so sorry! I was drunk! And he was just there! I won't do it again! Please! I'm done! I know you hate him! I'm so sorry!"

  194. To coughs to cover a laugh and Aara looks from one to the other, arching a brow.

    "What is he talking about?" she asks. "Goddard, what are you talking about?"

  195. "It wasn't as bad as Two probably made it out to be but still! It was just cuddling! I swear!" He sniffles and looks up at her. "What?"
