Friday, March 25, 2016


Shivering, Aara beckons Two to follow her into her room.

"That was some job!" He exclaims, pushing his damp hair off him face. "We actually breathed under water! And fought...whatever they were! Four that was amazing!"

"It was," she says tiredly. "Although you were a bit unhelpful."

He grins sheepishly and goes to help her out of her wet leather. "Good thing this is waxed," he says. "It should be fine."

"Just help me out of it," she sighs. "And I'll need you to bandage these wounds, too."


  1. Gath trudges into his room with a heavy sigh of relief and begins slowly unbuckling his armor.

    Goddard follows Aara and Two, his arms wrapped around himself, trying to keep from shivering. "That was horrible. I never want to do that again. We were under water."

  2. Two sets her armor on a stand near the fire, and Aara goes to the bathroom and per la off her wet clothes. "Come on, love, get out of those wet things," she tells, coming back wrapped in a towel.

    "Two, go change and then come back."

  3. Goddard nods and goes into his room. He shrugs off the heavy wet robes and works on removing the wraps on his arms.

    "You've got something for bruises right?" Gath says, appearing at Goddard's door.

    "I'm so sorry," Goddard says as he quickly gets to his feet. "I didn't even think to see if you were alright."

    "Of course I'm alright." He sits on the bed while he waits for Goddard to search through his various jars and containers. "Just a few bruises and my arm needs some bandages but it's nothing."

  4. "Four, these are pretty bad," Two murmurs, inspecting her injuries. "Are you sure you don't want one of Sheik's potions? Or a real doctor?"

    She hisses as he swabs antiseptic ointment across one of her cuts. "It's fine. They won't scar with that ointment. I just have to take it easy and not reopen them."

    He nods and wraps a clean bandage around her ribs, covering the wide cut on her left side. "When I'm done, go to bed awhile."

    She shakes her head. "I'm cold, I want to sit by the fire and have tea."

  5. "It could have been something." Goddard tosses a jar to Gath.

    "But it wasn't."

    "I hope Aara didn't get hurt too badly. Maybe I can use this...oh and this...yes..." He scoops up a few items in his arms, forgetting he was supposed to change and goes back into Aara's room.

    "I brought all of this just in case you needed it lecai, I'm...hey...Two already bandaged you up?"

  6. "Working on it," he mutters, tying off a bandage on her thigh. "Keep on eye on her side here, it's-"

    "Fine," she interrupts. "Make some tea?"

    He sighs and hands Goddard the roll of bandages. "Upper left arm, on the inside," he tells him. "Put on something warm, Four," he orders before going out.

  7. "Well, I guess you don't need all of this then," he smiles, happy that she seems to be fine. Goddard takes everything off but his pants and sits on the floor. "I don't want to get your bed wet," he says, his voice sounding tired. "Do you need anything else?"

  8. She gives him a tired smile in return. "Nothing worth noting." She frowns, realizing he's still damp. "Why are you still in wet clothes? Nuur'eni, I'll keep long enough for you to change."

  9. "Gath distracted me, asking for something for his bruises and then I saw a bunch of things that could help you and here I am."

  10. She smiles indulgently, see I g that he won't take care of himself until he's sure she's fine. "All right, hayati. Bandage my arm and then you get yourself warm and dry," she tells him, offering his arm just before she sneezes violently. "Oh, that's odd," she laughs.

  11. "Getting a cold? I can make something for that." He sets to work on her arm before he places a hand on her forehead. "I'll make something for a fever too. Just in case."

  12. "I'm sure I'm fine," she says. "I've never been sick a day in my life."

  13. "You were always in a warm dry place. Now it's different and we were under water for a while." He shudders at the thought. "There. All wrapped up. And who knows, we might all end up with colds. Best to make something just in case."

  14. She nods. "Now go and put on something dry." She puts on a warm red wool tunic and simple black pants before going into the common room where Two hands her a cup of tea and points sternly to a plush chair by the fire.

  15. Goddard nods and gathers up his things before he goes back into his room. "Why are you still here?" Goddard mumbles when he sees Gath sitting on his bed.

    "Am I not allowed to be in here?" Gath asks, handing the jar to Goddard.

    "It's fine," Goddard sighs, adding the jar to a pile of other containers. "I'm just cold and wet and tired and slightly traumatized still."

  16. "How do you feel?" Two asks, sitting at her feet.

    "Tired," she sighs, putting her feet in his lap. "Be a good retainer and rub."

  17. Goddard sits down on the floor and leans against Gath's leg. "I'm too tired to function," he mumbles. Gath runs his fingers through Goddard's damp hair.

    "Hmm stop," Goddard says sleepily.

  18. Two sighs and runs her feet to warm them. "You're like ice, are you feeling well?"

    "No,"she tells him, sipping her tea. "I'm exhausted and injured and I can't remember being this cold since Har Ganeth."

    He frowns. "You're shivering. I'm going to get a blanket. Do you want me to order dinner?"

    She shakes her head. "I'm not hungry."

    "You need to eat. I'm going to get you some stew."

  19. Goddard drags himself onto the bed and curls up around a pillow with a deep shaky breath.

    "Are you alright?" Gath asks.

    "Not really."

  20. When Two returns with the blanket, Aara is curled up in the chair, shivering violently. "Hey're flushed," he says, putting a hand on her forehead. "Four you're burning up."

    She pulls the blankets out of his hands and tucks it under her feet. "No, I'm cold," she stalkers. "And my head hurts."

    "All right, drink your tea." He goes to her medicine kit, trying to remember what to give her. "Damn it...maybe I should read your books," he mumbles. "Hey Sheik..." he goes into Goddard's room and sees Goddard in bed. "Not you too, Sheik?"

  21. "Aara's gotten worse?" Goddard asks. "Damn. I was supposed to make her medicine. Just give me a few minutes. When the world slows down, I'll make her something."

    Gath gives Two a confused look. "What are we supposed to do with them practically dying?"

    "I'm not dying...I'm sick..."

  22. Two shrugs. "Give them tea? They need to stay hydrated, and it will settle their stomachs. I'm going to go through her book and see what I find." He comes over and puts a hand on Goddard's forehead. "He's got a fever. How do you feel?"

  23. "I feel fine," Gath says.

    "Good. Then that means you can take care of me," Goddard chuckles.

    "That is not what that means." Gath looks at Two.

  24. "Good." Two rolls Goddard over and puts his ear to his chest. "Sounds wet. Sheik, I'm going to bring you some tea, and you have to drink it. Make sure he does," he tells Gath on his way out.

    "Four?" he kneels by Aara again and chaffs her hands between his. "Which book will help most?"

    "Yellow spine," she mumbles.

  25. Gath makes a low groaning sound in his throat and sits on the bed.

    "Taking care of me won't be that bad."

    "Do I look like someone who takes care of others?"

    Goddard laughs. "Not really."

    Gath helps him sit up and puts a dry robe around him. "Get out of your wet pants already."

  26. Two sifts through her books and finds the one with the yellow spine, sitting in her book and flipping through it. "Hmmm...I think I can make this," he mutters, looking into her kit of herbs and medicines.

    Grabbing her things, he goes back into the common room to find Aara curled up in the stone hearth as close to the fire as she can.

    "Four! What in seven hells?"

    "I'm cold."

  27. Goddard changes and wraps himself in blankets and pillows. "I'm cold," he whispers.

    "What am I supposed to do to fix that? Throw you into the fireplace?" Gath lays next to him and props himself up on his elbows.

    "No no that's awful." Goddard sneezes into a pillow and moves close to Gath.

    "How are you cold? You're like a furnace!"

  28. "To bed with you," he grunts, picking her up and putting her to bed.

    "I don't feel good."

    "I know, Aara. I'm going to help you and Sheik feel better."

    "Hayati is sick?" she gasps, leaping out of bed. Before he can catch her she's in Goddard's room. "Nuur'eni you're sick?" she asks, putting a hand on his forehead. "I'll make you better habibi."

  29. Goddard rolls over and pulls her into his pile of pillows. "No I'll make you feel better," he says softly.

    Gath keeps himself from sighing and sits up. He feels Goddard's tail wrap around his leg but he pulls it off. "You were supposed to have tea or something," he mumbles.

  30. "Habibi you're so hot," she says. "Two!" she shouts, then frowns and squeezes her eyes shut. "Two," she whispers.

    "What Four?" he asks, coming into the room.



  31. "No shh shh stop, let Two do everything. Just stay here and keep me warm." Goddard wraps his arms around Aara and holds her tight.

    Gath goes into the common room, sits down, and pours himself a cup of tea.

  32. "No, vinegar," she sushes him. "Two bring me vinegar and that green leaf with the purple underside."

    With a shrug, he pulls the bell rope and asks a maid for a bottle of vinegar. "Do you need anything?" he asks Gath. "Bandages? Pain relief?"

  33. "Nothing you can get me," Gath mumbles to himself. "Let me know if you need me to hold them down so they can take some medicine or something."

  34. Two shrugs, used to Gath's moodiness by now. When the girl returns with the vinegar he takes it to Aara. "Now what?"

    Aara sits up and crawls to Goddard's feet, uncovering them and rubbing while murmuring soothing words. "Bowl and cloth."

  35. "Nooo," Goddard whines, sitting up and wrapping his arms around her, pulling her back down into the blankets. "You're not doing this and if you keep trying them I'm going to sit at my desk and make you medicine."

  36. "Do you know what you're doing?" she asks, sneezing. "No. But I do. And I'm going to make Two sit on you if you don't let me make you feel better."

    "I'm not-"

    "Getting me a bowl and cloth. I know. Lay down, Nuur'eni."

  37. "I know what I'm doing! All I have to do is follow what's in the books! I've done this before." Goddard throws the blanket off before he gets up and sits at his desk. "Now that book has to be here somewhere..."

  38. "Uh...Gath," Two calls. "Restraint, please?"

    "Goddard come Kay down," she pleads. "I don't feel well and I've never felt sick before. Please? You can make me better when you're fever's down."

  39. With a sigh, Gath moves to the doorway. "Let him read his books. He'll just go to sleep on them and then you can do whatever you want."

    "Thank you Gath," Goddard nods. He opens a book and slowly flips through the pages.

  40. Two sighs and throws his hands up. "I'll be back," he mutters and leaves.

    "Two! Bowl!" Aara calls just as the door to their apartment closes. "What a useless bastard," she mutters, hauling herself to her feet. She finds a basin and cloth in the bathroom and plops down in front of Goddard. Forcibly turning his chair, she puts his feet in the bowl and pours vinegar over them, bathing them gently.

  41. "Lecai no please. Let me do this." He pulls the book into his lap and tries to move his feet. "That tickles anyway."

  42. She sighs, lifting a hand to her pounding head. "You have a fever. Fevers affect the mind and you can't make me better if you can't think. This is the best way to make me feel better."

  43. "I've done this before," he mumbles. "It's cold in Altdorf and I've spent a lot of time outside in the rain and cold and such."

  44. Two returns, Gill and Tallyn in tow.

    "All right you two," Tallyn says, scooping up Aara. "You- reek of vinegar, sweetheart- are going to bed."

    "And so are you," Gill demands. "Take your book and go, sir," he adds sternly, pointing.

    "Noooo," Aara moans. "He has-"

    "A fever?" Tallyn suggests. "You do too."

    "But I need-"

    "Rest. Medicine."

  45. Goddard holds his book to his chest and crawls into bed. "How dare you Two? Fetching these..."

  46. "Hush now," Gill says tenderly. "Let me put this on your feet and then you can rest." He rubs a thick ointment on the soles of Goddard's feet and wraps them in warm oversized socks. "There, isn't that better?"

    In the other room, Tallyn does the same, scolding her for being out of bed. "If Rafiq has to come for me again I'm taking you to my own rooms and caring for you there," he threatens.

    Aara only groans and covers her eyes.

  47. "I guess," he huffs. "Now let me go back with Aara. All I wanted to do was hug someone and nap but no, she was the one who wanted to use vinegar."

  48. "She is sicker than you. And vinegar would bring your fever down. Nap here and when you two aren't burning up I'll bring her back."

    Tallyn sits beside her and brushes her hair back. "Have you really never been ill before?"

    She shakes her head. "Only from drink."

    "Poor girl."

  49. "But I'm cold and lonely now," Goddard pouts.

  50. Gill tucks his blankets around him snugly and builds up the fire. "I know, dear, but I want you to get better so you can take care of her." Two comes into the room with a lot of tea and a cup. "Ah, thank you, Handsome. I'll leave you alone if you promise to stay here and read while you rest and have some tea."

  51. Goddard rolls over onto his side and hugs a pillow. "I'll be fine soon enough and I'll just go into her room myself."

  52. Gill looks at Two who only shrugs. "Fine, but let me help you. Then you two will stay in bed all day until your fevers break."

  53. Goddard sneezes and narrows his eyes at Two and the tea.

    "Drink your damned tea," Gath says from the doorway.

  54. Two pulls a chair over to the door connecting their rooms and sits, ignoring Goddard.

    In her room, Aara closes her eyes as Tallyn tucks her blankets around her gently. "Sleep well, sweetheart," he murmurs, kissing her forehead.

    "I'm not sleepy," she mumbles, snuggling into her pillow.

  55. "Come here and I'll drink the tea," Goddard groans. "And when I'm better, you wont be able to guard that door Two."

    Gath holds a cup of tea out to Goddard.

    "Thank you," he smiles.

  56. His back to him, Two pulls the door closed.

    Tallyn chuckles. "You'll feel better if you do."

    "Tell me a story."

    He sighs and leans against the headboard. "Once upon a time, there was a boy. He was naive and sweet natured, and became a doctor."

  57. Goddard takes the tea and frowns St Gath. "Well. Get closer. I didn't want the tea. I need to be comforted. Touch my hair or something!"

  58. Gill laughs from Goddard's table as he mixes a few things together. "Are you always this pitiful when you're unwell?"


    "And this sweet, naive doctor was hired by an old scarred mercenary to care for his men. That's where he met the love of his life."


    "Yes, Gillyfish," he chuckles.

  59. "Oh gods yes!" Otto chimes in. "I was enjoying watching someone else deal with him."

  60. Gill laughs harder. "He isn't the best patient," he laughs. "I'm Gill, you are?"


    "Tell me about him."

    "He was a terror in the night. He wore all black and carried a quiver full of poisoned arrows." Aara gasps appropriately. "Yes, sweetheart, the adorable elf in the next room is an assassin."

  61. "Otto," he says with a bow.

    "Father go away," Goddard groans. "Or hug me. Pick one."

    "I can't hug you! I'm a tiny dragon and you're a big baby."

  62. "A pleasure," Gill nods. "If he gets a hug will he calm down?"


    "No!" she gasps.

    Tallyn nods. "He worked as an assassin for the same commander who hired me as a company physician. We traveled together until we had saved enough and opened our inn."

    "That's a sweet story."

    "Now will you go to sleep?"

    "I want my nuur'eni."

    "Your Nuur'Ninny is in his own bed, just as sick."

  63. "It was cute when he was small," Otto begins.

    "Father no..."

    "He was such an angry little thing but when he was sick, he was so sweet and I had to do all my work with him being attached to me."

    "Father please...."

    "He got bigger and it was still cute but I couldn't get nearly as much work done unless it was sitting at a desk for hours. Then he'd just quietly sit on the floor and hug my legs. It's all my fault really. I spoiled him."

  64. Gill shakes his head, laughing, and goes over to the bed. "All right, precious, come here," he says, sitting beside him and pulling Goddard over to lay against his chest. "Better?"

  65. Goddard is a little surprised but he'll take what he can get and snuggles against Gill.

    Gath's ears flatten against his head and he drinks some of his own tea.

  66. "Tallyn owes me so much right now," Gill murmurs. "You just rest and when the fever breaks I'll give you back to Aara."

  67. "Is it that awful to be next to me?" Goddard sniffles. "Fine fine. You can go. I'll just die alone..." He rolls over with a sigh and Otto chuckles.

  68. "Hush you," he says gently. "You always jump to the idea that everyone hates you, silly boy? I only mean that I'm not the physician he is. It's not my role to take care of people."

  69. "That's usually how it goes and that was an excuse Gath tried. I don't need much. Just someone to lay next to me. Is that too much to ask?"

  70. "Well I'm here, my arms around you and everything. And I don't hate you." He lays his cheek against the top of Goddard's head. "I've medicine during on the table, and you'll feel better soon."


    "How is he? I should go to him."

    Tallyn wraps her in his arms and keeps her in bed. "Gill has him, and he will be fine. So you two always act this way?"

    "Yes," Two quips. "They'll bleed to death trying to patch up each other."

    "Shut up, Two," she mutters before a coughing fit takes over, her whole body convulsing with it.

    "Shh, don't get worked up. It's good you take care of each other."

  71. Goddard sighs and closes his eyes. "I always get over these fast. At least I used to."

  72. "I'm sure you will this time, too. But Aara has never been ill, she needs you at your best to take care of her."


    Her coughs pass, and Aara collaspses against Tallyn. "I'm cold."

    "I know. We'll break your fever soon."


    He laughs, a pleasant sound deep in his chest. "Yes, sweetheart. Vinegar. If it doesn't break soon we'll use it."

  73. "I'll take care of her when I'm better," Goddard mumbles. "Hey!" he says suddenly, yelling at Gath who's trying to leave. "You stay. I know Gill here is going to want to mess with medicine or something and I'm going to need a replacement pillow."

  74. Gill chuckles and rubs his back, kissing the topmof his head. "Just rest. The medicine has to sit a few hours anyway."


    "I want Goddard," she mumbles, snuggling into Tallyn's arms.

    He sighs and sends Two a pained look. "If only he were wor-"

    "Well," Two corrects with a shake of his head.

  75. "Well then..." Gath turns and walks out of the room.

    "He's jealous," Goddard whispers. "He did it to himself."

    1. "Ah well," he whispers back. "We all have growing pains, and he seems to need more growth than others."


      "I want him..." she sighs, her flushed face relaxing.

  76. Goddard snickers and buries his face in Gill's chest. "I'm sorry. My mind goes to places."

  77. Gill chuckles. "You're adorable, but I think you may be more work than I'm willing to put in, considering the look your man wore when he walked off."


    "She asleep?" When Tallyn nods, Two sighs and pulls his chair to the other side. "If you ever want to take advantage of her agreement with Sheik, don't ever say he isn't worthy of her. She will stab you."


    "They've been through hell together, and I think she feels like he's all she has. Her story is...tumultuous, and she gives nothing away and doesn't like to talk about the last few years."

    "I see."

  78. "What do you mean? I'm work? My man? What look?"

  79. Gill chuckles. "Unless I miss my guess- and frankly I rarely do- yon Gath is quite jealous that you're in my arms and not his. Tallyn told me about that scorching little session you displayed in the bar while I was gone. Is he only willing to share you with little Aara then?"

  80. "I don't know what his issue is," Goddard huffs. "Initially I'd flirt and he'd act like I had the plague. I thought it was funny. Then one day, he just started to be alright with it. But for the most part, you'd think he hated me. He seems to be perfectly alright with Aara but I think that's because he knows how much she means to me."

  81. "You don't think you'd leave her for him, do you?" he asks. "I thought I lost Tallyn like that once, long ago..."

  82. "No. Never. She means the world to me. What happened with Tallyn?" He looks at Gill with a hint of worry in his eyes.

  83. Gill lets out a long breath. "I was a fool. We had only been together a handful of years, and I was arrogant enough to think I didn't still have to woo him. I was gone on assignment a lot that year, and he found someone to pass time with. I didn't think anything of it- everyone in a mercenary camp wants to be close to the physician. One day I showed up at camp and found his things gone from our lodgings. He was living alone, and she treated him like a prince. That's when I realized I had to be better for and to him than anyone else he ever met. He could play with anyone, but I had to be better at everything." His voice bets lower, as if the memory of that time still hurts. "I had to win him back from her, and it wasn't easy."

  84. "Aara doesn't look at anyone else and everyone else I look at is just a five minutes thing but the difference with Gath is I see him every day. I look at him for different reasons and he would never be any of the things Aara is to me." Goddard pauses. "I'm glad you got him back. He means a lot to you."

  85. "Yes he does. He walked away from medicine to be with me and run this place, and I never forget that. Would it bother you if she did take a second look?"

  86. "I pretend like I do because she likes it but as long as she loved me and was happy, I'd be fine. As long as she was in my life and stayed my long as I can go to sleep knowing she's safe beside me and I wake up to her smile, I'd be fine."

  87. "It's clear she adores you, and she struggles with the changes that you've all undergone. Just don't get too frustrated with her once she finds her feet," he chuckles. "And teach her when to rest. I've seen her train and just watching is exhausting.""

  88. "She has a lot more time and probably hasn't realized that yet. She can afford to rest more. I'll make sure she knows."

  89. "Men in the company like that," he says with a shiver. "It's not safe for their opponent." His voice changes back to light and amused. "You should be sleeping, not letting me talk your ear off," he laughs, blowing on the tip of Goddard's nearby ear.

  90. "I don't mind you talking," Goddard smiles through a yawn. "Thank you. Both of you."

  91. "Two was at his wits end trying to get you both to settle down," he chuckles. "You were both trying to work through your own illness to care for the other. It's endearing." He pulls Goddard's blanket up over his chest. "We'll have you up and fussing over one another soon."

  92. Goddard closes his eyes and nods.

  93. "Wake up sweetheart..."

    Aara scrunches up her face and furrows under the pillows, wanting everything to stop hurting.

    "No. Wake up and take this."



    Gill gently wakes Goddard, a bottle of blue filly liquid in his hand. "Wake up, precious. You need to drink this. Hmm, your fever is almost gone, too."

  94. Goddard sits up and stretches. "I feel fine." He rubs his forehead and sighs. "Alright give me whatever that is."

  95. "Aara, come on. This will make you feel better."

    She mumbles a sleepy denial and rolls over, completely wrapping herself in her blanket.


    Gill hands it over. "It might make you sleep longer, but when you wake up you'll be ravenous. I'll be sure to send up a large meal in a few hours."

  96. Goddard quickly downs the liquid, thinking it will have an awful taste, but instead, it's almost minty. "Hmm that's not bad at all. How's Aara?"

  97. "Still sleeping, if it can be called that. Her fever hasn't changed, and Tallyn's tempted to take her to the basement. He keeps a little hospital set up down there."

  98. "She wouldn't be happy about that," he frowns. "Once I'm better, I can keep an eye on her and do whatever doctor Sunny needs me to do so she can stay here."

  99. He nods. "He won't mention it till he's sure. He's fascinated that she's never been sick before," he chuckles. "How are you feeling?"

  100. "Much better than earlier, thank you and she's lived most of her life in a desert. I'm not sure we stayed anywhere cold long enough or maybe I did a really good job making sure she stayed warm."

  101. He nods. "I imagine there are different diseases she's immune to. And you dovtaje good care of her. She's told me a little."

  102. "She probably doesn't talk much about the past. Makes sense though."

  103. He shrugs. "She starts to say something and cuts herself off. I don't worry about it, there are things you do and things you can talk about. I'll leave you to rest, just send Gath or Rafiq if you something."

  104. Goddard sighs. "If either of them bothers to check up on me. They might just leave me here to die. Then Two will go after Aara and Gath will...celebrate with wine? I don't know."

  105. Gill laughs. "I doubt very much that a simple cold will kill you, or that they will abandon you."

  106. "You never know," he chuckles. "Thanks again." Goddard pulls Sethai and a pillow to him and gets comfortable.

  107. From Aara's room he can hear loud, wet coughing and the occasional groan.

  108. Goddard frowns and slowly gets up out of the bed. He moves to the door that's between them and presses his ear against it. "Poor lecai."

  109. Tallyn opens the door, finding Goddard with his ear to the door. "Oh, Goddard. Good."

  110. Goddard almost stumbles into Tallyn. "Oh Sunny! Hi. What's good? That I'm feeling better? Yeah then you can get back to whatever you do."

  111. He puts a cool hand on Goddard's forehead. "Your fever is gone. I wanted to talk to you." He walks into Goddard's room and closes the door to hers. "Aara's fever is holding out, and her cough is worse. I put up a tent and have a mixture boiling inside it, the steam should losen up her chest. She'll cough more, and it will probably hurt some. I also have her something to make her sleep, but she'll need to fully wake and eat something in three hours." He hands Goddard a bottle. "One part of this to two parts water and put it on the beside burner when it gets low. And run this," he pulls a jar of ointment from a pocket, "on her feet at anti-peak. The recipe is on the jar so you can make more."

  112. "No problem and thank you for taking care of her. Neither of you had to be so helpful. I really appreciate it."

  113. Tallyn smiles. "I was a physician long before an innkeeper. And you needed help." He pats Goddard's shoulder as he leaves the room. "She's as comfortable as I can make her, and quite uncooperative without her Nuur'Ninny," he laughs as he leaves the apartment.

  114. "Well, since I don't have a fever anymore..." Goddard goes into Aara's room and climbs into her bed. "Nice little set up you have here," he says softly.

  115. She stirs, opening her eyes slowly and looking up at him. "Nuur'eni," she rasps.

  116. "Shh Tallyn and Gill have an inn to run so I'm here now." He gently kisses her forehead. "You go back to sleep if you're tired. You'll need to be awake later to eat."

  117. She coughs, turning to the pillow to muffle it. "Am I dying? Is this a plague?"

  118. He chuckles. "You aren't dying and it's not a plague. Doctor Tallyn would have been more concerned if that was the case and I wouldn't be here with you. They'd lock me out."

  119. She nods and pats his leg weakly. "He's a real doctor."

  120. "I know. Would...would you rather him take care of you then?"

  121. "No!" She roots around until she's almost in his lap. "Only you."

  122. "I'm sorry I'm sorry, calm down I'm here. I'll take care of you and you'll get better fast."

  123. She nods, coughing. "This is awful," she moans.

  124. "It's usually best to sleep through the worst of it. If you can that is."

  125. She nods, closing her eyes. "He gave me stuff," she slurs. "Makes me sleepy..."

  126. "Then you get some sleep. You need it and we need to have a talk about all your training later."

  127. She blinks, lifting her head. "Hm? What about it?"

  128. He smiles. "You'll probably forget or ignore me, but you have to remember you have a lot of time now. Don't beat yourself up. Take breaks or else you'll just keep ending up in bed."

  129. She tried to snort but it's just a sniffle. "We can talk 'bout that..." she yawns, shivering and pulling her blanket closer. Laying her head against him, she yawns and falls asleep.

  130. Goddard blinks quickly and stretches, not remembering exactly when he fell asleep. "I'm starving," he mumbles and carefully moves away from Aara, trying not to wake her up.

  131. The tent is filled with a sharp, medicinal smelling mist, and Aara rolls over, breathing much easier than before. Two comes into the room to check on them, a little surprised to see Goddard awake.

    "Food is here," he whispers, peeking into the tent.

  132. "Good," Goddard says with a yawn. "Get her some food Two. I'm going to check on the burner and refill it. What time is it?"

  133. "Tallyn left about three hours ago," he says, lifting a small kettle. "Gill sent this for her. Said to soak some bread in it and make her eat it." He sets it on the bedside table. "You feeling better?"

  134. Goddard finishes up and nods. "I feel drained but fine. I might just be hungry. I'll get her some food and then sit down to eat myself."

  135. Two nods. "Are you sure you don't want to eat first? She's pretty out."

    They both hear a low groan from the tent as Aara sits up slowly, rubbing her face. "This is terrible. I'm dying."

  136. Goddard smiles weakly. "I'm sure. I can last a little bit longer." He pokes his head into the tent. "You aren't dying. You're fine! You're getting so much better. Can't you tell? You don't sound like a frog so much now. I'm going to get you food and you're going to eat all of it alright?"

  137. She nods obediently, still not convinced she doesn't have the plague. "Do I have to stay in here? Can I sit out there?" she asks, waving toward the common room.

  138. "If you can stand up without falling over, then I don't see why not, especially if it will help you with an appetite."

  139. She reaches for her tone and shrugs into it, taking a deep breath of fresh air when she slips out of the tent. "What is this disease called again?" she asks, getting to her feet. "I want to know how to avoid it."

  140. "It's just a cold. Yours is an especially bad one but nothing too different. You can't really avoid colds lecai. Sorry."

  141. She grimaces, letting Two take her arm. "Hey, your fever is going down," Two tells her. "I guess Sheik has helped you sweat some of it out."

    "I feel like I've had it beaten out," she laughs weakly as Two practically carries her to sit by the fire.

  142. "You cheated," Goddard snorts. "You were supposed to be alright on your own but as long as you'll eat I won't complain."

    He gets her bread ready along with a few other different foods and hands a plate to her. "You must eat the bread. Cut it up and mix it with the vegetables and chicken."

  143. "Yes, hayati." She smiles up at him and curls into her blanket, accepting the plate. Aara looks at the plate, a little intimidated. But while slightly queasy, she realizes she is actually hungry and starts to slowly eat, being every inch the obedient patient.

    "Is this how to make you do what you should?" Two jokes, trying to cover his concern. "We should give you colds all the time, then you'd be a model...whatever you are," he chuckles.

    "If I didn't need this fork I'd throw it at you," she croaks.

  144. "Now now Two be careful. She'll remember all of this and when she's well again, you'll be sorry." He gets his own plate of food and takes a seat.

    "Feeling better?" Gath asks, sitting down beside him. "Both of you," he adds.

  145. She gives him a half hearted shrug, her mouth full.

  146. "She thinks she's dying," Goddard chuckles. "She's doing much better though."

    "And how about you?"

    "Hmmm...cold?" Goddard says trying not to smile.

    "Then sit by the fire."

    "Oh..." Goddard focus all his attention on eating now. "I'm sitting next to the most frigid thing ever no wonder I'm cold," he mumbles to himself.

  147. Aara accepts the heavily watered wine Two offers. "This is worse than any injury I've ever had," she says, laying her head back.

    "So dramatic," Two laughs.

    Aara glares at him and pokes the top of his head with her fork. "I'm going to give you such a beating," she grumbles.

    "No you won't," he laughs and runs his head.

  148. "Poke harder lecai. Let some of that hot hair vent out."

  149. She laughs, jabbing at Two and coughing. "Sheik!" he scolds. "Four, stop that before you have to eat with your fingers."

    Aara leans over, kissing the top of his head. "Oh Two, you know I love your hair," she says fondly.

  150. "It's worth it," Goddard laughs. "Not like any of this food requires utensils. The food isn't making you feel worse is it? Sometimes that can happen."

  151. She considers a moment before shaking her head. "I don't think so. This broth the bread is in is good." She sets her plate in her lap and sighs. "I'm just so tired."

    "Well you're going to rest for a few days," Two tells her. "You're not leaving the inn or picking up a weapon until you're well again."

  152. "I agree with Two," Goddard nods. "You torture yourself too much."

  153. "I don't either," she grumbles. "I just train a lot is all."


    "And that's how you get better," she says quietly.

  154. "You have a long long time to get better. You won't get better if you injure yourself for just as long."

  155. "What else am I supposed to do?"

  156. "There are other things in life besides fighting. You could pick up any hobby and occupy yourself."

  157. "Like what?"

    "Now Four, I know for a fact the Malika made sure you could do ladies' occupations. Needle work, music, dancing, can play at least four musical instruments I know of. You're accomplished...sort of. Surely something catches your attention. Be a lady of luxury a while."

    Aara shrugs sullenly, staring at Two as if he's betrayed her.

  158. Goddard raises a brow. "Or, you could learn some metal working or another craft. Gem cutting since you have all those gems or jewelry making. Setting stones."

  159. She looks a little interested. "That would be different...What if I made swords! Then I could make my own weapons!"

  160. Goddard scratches his head. "I suppose you could do that."

  161. "Or we could not burn down our home with a forge in the livingroom," Two laughs. "I think I like Sheik's jewelry idea. You're nimble enough, and could design your own jewelry."


    "You do like it," he tells her, gesturing to the bangles and other jewelry on her hands.

  162. "You could always find someone to let you use their forge," Gath suggests. "We don't need one in the living room."

  163. She brightens for a moment, her misery from her cold forgotten until she sits back. "And someone to teach me," she says defeatedly.

  164. "That would be a problem. Most people who own forges wouldn't have time to teach anyone unless they were actively looking for an apprentice. And that doesn't happen often. And you probably wouldn't want me around teaching you," Gath shrugs. "You could always ask around. See if Tallyn could help."

  165. "You could teach me?" she says excitedly. "Would you, Gath?" In her excitement her words get stuck in her throat and she has another coughing fit, nearly spilling her plate to the floor.

    "All right, Four," Two says, patting her back. "Don't get so excited."

  166. Gath looks a bit surprised. "If you...if..."

    "Just say yes," Goddard smiles.

    "I'm not sure I'm a very good...teacher."

    Goddard shakes his head. "Am I going to have to be there to referee? Keep the peace?"

  167. "I'll be saint," she croaks. "Please Gath?" she pleads.

  168. "Both of you have to promise to be patient with each other," Goddard says. "I don't want either of you fighting with molten metal."

    "I'd never harm your favorite person my lord," Gath says.

  169. "I promise," she coughs roughly. Taking her wine, Two pours her tea and hands her plate back to her.

    "Gill said all the bread and broth, Four," he reminds her quietly.

  170. "We'll figure all that out once you're better lecai. Don't worry about that now."

  171. She settles back down, picking at her food until she's tired.

    "Ready to go back to bed?" Two asks.

    "No. I want to stay here a little while."

  172. Goddard finishes his food and sits close beside Aara. "Feeling better? Or just don't want to go back into your secluded tent."

  173. "Both? A little better, anyway." She pulls her blanket higher, shivering even with her closeness to the fire. "My fever's down a little, at least."

  174. "Just remember, the faster you get better, the faster you can learn how to make your own sharp things," he smiles.

  175. She nods, glad to feel even slightly better. "I'll need to thank Gill and Tallyn when we're better," she tells him. "Gath?"

  176. Goddard nods. "They were a huge help." He leans against her shoulder. "What about Gath? If you're worried about him helping you, don't be. He will."

  177. She shakes her head and looks over at Gath. "I was hoping you'd play for us when you're finished?" she asks. "If you feel like it."

  178. Goddard turns to look at Gath too. He moves his mouth as if asking please silently and grins at him.

    Gath turns his head and lets out a long sigh before he gets up and walks to his room. It doesn't take long before he returns with the lute. "No requests," he mumbles and begins to play.

  179. Aara tries not to smile too big, even when Two gives her a hurt look. "I'd have done it for you," he whispers in Arabyan.

    "I already like living with you," she responds in kind.

  180. Gath doesn't speak while he plays but the song feels cold and sad. Goddard snuggles against Aara, hoping to help her stop shivering."

  181. Wrapped in his arms, she watches Gath, giving him all her attention. Why is it so sad? she wonders, idly twisting some of Goddard's hair around her finger.

  182. "I don't remember anything like that or druchii music having music in general that wasn't a war chant," Goddard mumbles sleepily. "That's probably something he wrote."

  183. "Hmm." He isn't even trying and he's better than anyone I've ever seen. He wasn't kidding when he said he's led a very different life. It must have been a sad one, even before his woman tried to kill him. "It's very good."

  184. Gath keeps his eyes on the strings the whole time he plays and when he's done, he lays it across his lap.

  185. "That was beautiful," she tells him, "thank you."

  186. Gath takes a breath as if he were going to speak,then takes another sharper one as if he were going to sneeze but doesn't.

    "Don't get sick too," Goddard says.

    "I'm not."

  187. She smiles softly, almost dozing off when there's a knock on the door. Two jumps to his feet and let's Tallyn in.

    "Well, the invalids are up and about," he says happily. "Sit up, sweetheart, let me have a look at you."

  188. Goddard moves to sit by Gath so he isn't in Tallyn's way. "You should be proud of her. She ate."

    Gath pinches the the bridge of his nose and sighs.

    "Are you alright?" Goddard whispers. He rubs Gath's back, moving in small circles.

    Gath just motions toward Aara, suggesting he pay attention to her and not him.

  189. "You did? Good. That broth is full of medicinal herbs that will help you feel better faster. Chin up." He feels her neck and jaw, looking in her eyes.

    "Your fever is down, keep the burner on tonight and we'll see if it breaks. Headache?"

    "A little," she admits. "It's better now that I've eaten."

    "Queasiness? Achey?"

    "Not really."

    He nods, opening her robe slightly and putting his ear to her chest, listening through her shirt. "Your lungs still sound wet. Your cough will get worse, but get it out of chest." Sitting up, he looks around. "Anyone else? Can One and anything up?"

  190. Gath pushes Goddard forward. "He's been so busy taking care of her. You should make sure he's actually well enough for that>"

  191. Tallyn checks Goddard out in the same way, putting his ear to his chest and listening. "You sound better," he says. "I'll send another drought up for you."

  192. "Good. I don't think I could have taken any more of that. Now I can put all my attention to other people," he smiles and moves to sit by Aara again.

  193. "No eating or drinking after each other," Tallyn tells them. "Maybe you won't give it back and forth. Aara, tomorrow I want you to come downstairs and sit in the garden of your fever's broken."

    She nods, deciding not to say anything about the possibility of Gath being sick.

    "All right, if no one needs anything, I'll bid you all good night and send up something for each of you," he tells Goddard and Aara with a little bow.

  194. "Thank you Tallyn," Goddard nods. "See lecai, you'll be all better in no time."

  195. "If I ever get better," she coughs into a handkerchief.

  196. "You have experience with this." Just as promised, Tallyn's assistant arrives with two medicines. "I hope this one isn't as terrible as the last one he gave me," she sighs, eying the bottle.

  197. Goddard laughs. "Experience has nothing to do with it. You'll get better. If demons and monsters can't stop you, a cold has no chance."

  198. "It'll be a cold that takes you down," Two chuckles. "Take your medicine, Four."

    "Why don't you go see a Kryn?" she suggests. "How is she? I'd still like to meet her."

    "She's well, and as soon as I feel comfortable leaving you, I plan on seeing her. Kryn knows you're my top priority."
