Monday, March 14, 2016

"There they are," Goddard says, finally spotting them in the crowd. "And look. They are either drunk or worked something out."


  1. Two puts an arm over his shoulder. "Now Sheik, if those two sulking babes can make up and get along, so should we."

  2. Goddard uses two claws to lift up Two's wrist by the sleeve and removes his arm from around him as if he were removing trash. "Not like that we aren't" He moves away from Two and head toward Aara and Gath.

    "They've found us," Gath whispers. "I guess you'll want to dance with him now."

  3. "You're better at it. Let him wait his turn," she laughs, leaning her head back as they spin around. "Just don't tell him!"

    "Sheik, you wound me!"

  4. "Tell him what?" Gath quips.

    "Be grateful it's only a small emotional wound." Seeing that they seem to want to keep dancing, Goddard finds an empty seat and gets comfortable.

  5. She winks at him, dizzy. "He doesn't like it, anyway. I always have to beg him to dance with me."

    Two claps a hand over his heart and sits across from him. "Four will simply have to live with our being adversaries," he moans. "Poor girl, she may die from sadness. This will break her heart."

  6. "What a shame. I was going to ask him if that was alright with you," Gath chuckles.

    "She looks the opposite of sad."

  7. "If he does it easily I'm going to make him pay," she laughs. "Something mean and devious later."

    "She doesn't know yet. Enjoy her smiles while they last."

  8. "Oh I shouldn't get him in trouble then."

    "She won't know until she's sober and she may not even remember," Goddard chuckles.

  9. "Oh it won't be trouble. Just payback for the nose thing."

    "It will be my sworn duty to remind her. Sheik, say we can be bosom friends! For Four's sake!"

  10. "He probably wouldn't because you're here."

    "If she wants me to be friends with you, sure. But I'll ask when she's sober."

  11. "Ask him anyway!" she giggles. "He's been so paranoid I want to see what he does."

    "You know she does. Just like you want them be to friends."

  12. "Hmm I do like watching him panic."

    "I don't necessarily need them to be friends. I just want them to be able to stand each other's company. I can stand yours when you're quiet."

    Gath leads Aara over to Two and Goddard. "Having fun lecai?" Goddard asks.

    "I think it's time for a break for her. Why don't you come with me my lord?"

    Goddard's eyes go wide and dart quickly to Aara. "No I'm fine. Not much for dancing, unless you really really wanted to Aara."

  13. "Go!" she giggles, shooing him away. "Two promised me a dance-"

    "And you promised me attention, Four!"

  14. "No I can't. I shouldn't," Goddard protests, wishing he could sink into the cushion. "I'll just sit here if you want to dance with Two."

    Gath looks at Aara. "See?"

  15. "I knew already. I told you he doesn't like it." She signals the waiter and asks for more wine and a few more of those strong drinks they've had.

    "Did you two enjoy your fight?" she asks.

    "I did, yes," Two chuckles.

  16. "Ah but why won't he dance," Gath says. "That's the important part."

    "What? Why? Why does it matter? And no I didn't enjoy our fight because I never hit him...why does that matter?"

  17. "He doesn't like it," she insists. "I told you it's a struggle."

  18. "And why would I dance with you when a perfectly beautiful Aara is here," Goddard adds.

    "Both? I didn't think that would have been the case."

  19. She giggles. "There are other things you want to do with him...why not dance, too? Oh look! You guys really are fast! Two you'll like this drink," she says, handing him one.

    "How many have you had, Four?"

    "I don't know. No more than two. Seven."

  20. Even in the dim lighting, Goddard's blushing is noticeable. "You've both had too much," he mumbles.

    "I'm not sure you've had that many. Maybe five?" Gath looks over at Goddard. "I have had just enough. Not too much."

  21. "You kept count? Does the wine count? I don't know," she says right before she downs another. "Nuur'eni. Stop blushing."

    "Um, Four...slow down?" Two suggests, a little concerned as he picks up his drink. "Let me catch up."

    She laughs again. "Better hurry."

  22. Gath sits down and Goddard inches away from him.

    "My lord," Gath says sounding offended.

  23. Aara lays her head down and laughs.

  24. "You're obviously too drunk Aara. Let's go upstairs. Come on. I don't want you to almost drown in the tub again."

  25. "But we were dancing...Come on, Two!"

    She grabs Two's hand and runs off with him.

  26. Goddard gets to his feet. "I'll just go back upstairs." Gath grabs his tail to stop him and Goddard slaps his hand. "Do it again and I'll..."

    "What?" Gath asks. "No no, whatever it is, just try it anyway."

  27. "So...what's going on?" he asks, holding her close as they dance to a slow song.

    "Nothing. I'm been drinking."

    He laughs. "Trust me, we can tell."

  28. "Why are you doing this to me?" Goddard asks. "If you cared, you'd just leave me alone! I'm sorry I started bothering you first!"

    A little stunned, Gath crosses his arms and leans back in the seat. "Fine. No more, my lord."

    It's Goddard's turn to be stunned, not expecting Gath to agree to anything so quickly.

  29. "So what's going on with you two?"

    She shrugs. "They each want the same thing and I don't care. I'm sick of being treated like I'm standing in the way."

    He laughs and pulls her closer. "You're awfully articulate when you're drink.

  30. "So...that's It?" Goddard says.

    Gath smirks. "Don't say things you don't mean. Sit down. Calm down."

    "I do mean it."

    "Sit down."

    Goddard reluctantly sits on the edge of the seat and watches Aara dance with Two.

    "I wasn't expecting you to get so worked up. If I knew, I wouldn't have agreed to seriously asking you to dance. I knew you'd act crazy but not this bad."

  31. She grins up at him. "Drunken words, that's all."

    "Aara, come upstairs with me."

    "What about Kryn?"

    "Unlike you, Kryn actually doesn't care."

    "That's not nice. You're in love."

    He chuckles. "With Kryn, yes. But are you really going to tell me that you don't want me?"

    She lays her head on his chest. "I don't," she whispers. "Want to."

    "What?" he laughs.

    "I don't want to. You're rude and mean to Goddard and you smell so good-" she breaks off, looking up. "Goddard would be upset."

    He sighs and lets her head rest on his chest again. "All right, Aara."

    "It's not like home," she explains. "At home it would be different. We could have gotten married and been legends and I could still have had Goddard with me."

    "I know." After the song ends, he stops her before they go back to the table. "Leave them alone awhile. You've had enough to drink."

  32. "She told you to ask?"

    Gath nods. "After I asked if it was alright with her, and I know she's had a lot to drink, but I still think she knew what she was talking about."

  33. "What? Why? We just started getting along! And you just want to seduce me."

    "I swear in my oath to you that I will not seduce you right now. I just don't want you to drink any more and embarrass yourself."

    "But I have to say goodnight!"

    He sighs and watches her run over.

  34. Goddard looks up at Aara heading toward them and smiles. "Coming back to sit with me?"

  35. She shakes her head and leans against him. "Two is taking-"


    "-me to bed."

  36. Goddard hugs her tightly. "I'm sorry for over reacting. Want me to go up with you?"

  37. "Huh? You can stay. I'm not even sleepy," she yawns. She gives him a kiss before going over to Gath and giving him a hug.

  38. "This will be interesting. You will either forget you hugged me or remember and regret it," Gath chuckles, gently hugging her back.

    "I don't have to stay. I can take care of you or just stay by you," Goddard says. "Unless you just want Two around..."

  39. "No I won't." She turns back to Goddard and hugs him again. "I love you." Quick as a whip, she snags an untouched drink and downs it with a giggle.

    Grabbing her hand before she can wave for more, Two laughs. "Stay, Sheik. I've got her."

  40. Goddard sinks into the seat and looks at his hands. "So what do we do now? Besides sit here...awkwardly."

    "You're the awkward one."

    "Well, how do i fix it?"

    Gath shrugs. "Do what you normally would do. What do you want to do?"

    Goddard snickers. "You don't want to know what I want to do."

  41. After stumbling on the stairs a third time, she makes a surprised squeak when Two sweeps her feet from under her and carries her.

    "Hey, you said..."

    "I know what I said. I am keeping my promise. But I also promised to protect you, and breaking your neck on the stairs drunk would breakout."

    "Oh. All right. Carry on."

  42. Gath leans toward Goddard. "Tell me," he insists.

    Goddard tries to ignore the chill running up his spine. "Have too many drinks and blame anything that happens on you."

  43. "Noooo don't take me to bed," she whines. "Read to me in here."

  44. "I'd take the fall for that. What if she gets mad at you? Would you be able to handle that?"

    "I don't know. I don't know what she'd do or how she'd react," Goddard sighs.

  45. Two chuckles, the sound low and rumbly in his chest, and Aara has to stop herself from commenting on it. "All right. What would you like me to read?"

    "Poetry. That one," she says, pointing to the book Gill loaned her. "On the couch."

  46. "Hmm I have a suggestion but you said if I cared, I'd leave you alone."

    Goddard's ears flatten against his head and he furrows his brow. As much as he wants to hear what Gath has to say, he assumes it'll just cause trouble.

  47. He settles them on the couch, trying not to hold her too close. With one arm over her shoulder, he opens the book and starts reading softly.

    Aara has none of it. Cuddling close, she lays her head on his chest and brushes his collar with her fingers. "You smell good," she murmurs.

    "Don't do that."

  48. "Tell me anyway," Goddard finally says.

    "Are you sure?"

    Goddard nods.

    "Just do what you'd do and deal with what happens. Isn't that how you would usually handle things?"

    "Yes but..."

    "I know. You love her."

  49. "I love him."

    "I know."

    "I need him."

    Two clears his throat and goes back to reading, shifting slightly as she crawls into his lap. "Ahh, Four..."

  50. Gath leans closer. "She loves you too so don't worry about it."

    "How much have you had to drink?" Goddard lets out a nervous laugh.

    "Enough. Too much maybe. This doesn't usually happen."

  51. "Hmm?" she asks, twisting his hair around her finger.

    "You don't want this."

    "Yes I do."

    "I don't want this."

  52. "Then you should just go to bed? Right?"

    Gath groans through a grin. "Goddard, you're killing me."

    "Good because you deser..." Goddard's words are muffled as Gath kisses him. Oh please no one see us no one see us! It's dark right?

  53. She sits up, gasping, and puts an elbow in his stomach. "I- You- wha-"

    "Damn Aara. Ease up on the elbows."

    "Have you been toying with me? Teasing me?"

    "No, Aara."

    "Then why?"

  54. Instead of pushing Gath away like his brain keeps telling him, Goddard puts his arms around his neck so he can't move away.

  55. "Because you're drunk."

    "So? Don't you want me?"

    "Gods, yes! But I want you sober. And happy, and because you want me. Not drunk and throwing yourself at me because you want to ignore what's happening with Goddard downstairs."


    "I will, however, give you this," he says softly, sliding his hand to the back of her neck and tilting her toward him. Aara sighs just before he kisses her softly.

  56. "Should I let you go?" Gath whispers and Goddard shakes his head before biting his lip and slowly nodding. "Let me rephrase that. Do you want me to let you go?"

    Goddard slowly shakes his head.

  57. She pulls away, not meeting his eyes. "Don't think for a moment I wouldn't take you up on your offer," he says gently. "But this isn't what I want or you deserve."

    She nods silently, inching away.

  58. "I can only do so much here. Don't get too excited."

    "This is fine," Goddard sighs. He brushes Gath's hair away from his face and pins it out of the way with his hands before pulling him forward.

  59. "I'm sorry," she says softly, biting her knuckle.

    He smiles and pulls her back to lay on his chest. "Don't do that. I'm not going to let you act like your Sheik because you get a kiss." Opening the book again, he goes back to reading.

  60. "Shit," Goddard mutters as he slides away from Gath. "I said I wouldn't ever again and I did. Shit."

    "Like I said, don't say things you don't mean."

  61. "This is nice," she says after a while.

    "Mmhmm," he says between lines of poetry.

    "You really aren't going to seduce me?"

    "Not tonight."

    "All right." She burrows down into his arms and closes her eyes, listening to his smooth voice.


    "Well, it looks like the Nurr'ninny has gotten over his reservations," they hear. Tallyn saunters over to their table. "Aren't you afraid of Aara's re action?"

  62. "Oh no," Goddard groans, burying his face in his hands. "I am. I'm an idiot. A bigger idiot for for not trying to hide. This is your fault," he says, slapping Gath with his tail.

    Gath sighs. "It is."

  63. He laughs and leans on the table, taking stock of all the empty glasses. "My, you've been busy," he chuckles. "Where is my sweetheart, anyway? Surely you aren't behaving so brazenly in her presence?"

  64. "She's upstairs. She had a bit too much and I swear they were both trying to drive me to insanity, leaving me here and telling me to stay and..." Goddard tugs on his horns. "I should have just went upstairs."

  65. Smirking, he waves to the waiter. "Another round," he calls. "On me." He pats Goddard's shoulder and nods to Gath. "Enjoy yourselves, gentlemen." Winking at Goddard, he walks away.

  66. "I don't want to anymore."

    "Stop whining and drink. Both of them."

    Goddard takes a drink and narrows his eyes at Gath. "You're not helping."

    Gath grins. "Oh I am. You just don't see it yet, but after those drinks you will."

  67. After a few more pages, Two puts the book down and wraps his arms around her, humming the lullaby she had played earlier.

  68. "Why do I feel like I won't be able to see anything after these drinks?"

    "You'll calm down and you'll remember what relaxing was like. It's only fair I remind you since you've reminded me."

    "I'm glad I could help you but I'll tell you now, this isn't the best way...most sane way to help me," Goddard says before he has some of his drink.

  69. "I like your voice," she murmurs sleepily. "Sing more."

    "I like your voice, you should sing more."

  70. Goddard puts his empty glass down and picks up the other. "That was really good! I'm glad you saved me the other."

    Gath puts an arm up on the back of the couch and Goddard instantly scoots in close. "Hmmm I'm going to hate myself tomorrow but I'll deal with that later," Goddard says after he takes a sip of the drink."

  71. "But it broke," she yawns.

    "Have you tried it here? Maybe it was fixed when you changed."

    He's answered by a little sigh as she drifts to sleep.

  72. "What's wrong now?" he asks after a period of watching Goddard silently twist the ends of Gath's hair around his fingers.

    "I'm a terrible person," Goddard mumbles. "I should have went with her."

    "That second drink has made you depressing," Gath chuckles. "That's impressive. Do you just want to go to bed?"

    Goddard nods and tries to stand up. He flops back down into the seat and rubs his eyes. "Wait wait...I can do this."

    "I'll do it." Gath stands and easily lifts Goddard up. "You're a little heavier than I thought."

    "Shut up," Goddard snorts. "This is nice. I don't get carried often."

    "I see why..."

    Goddard laughs. "I'm tall and Aara is short and it wouldn't work well."

    Gath manages to open the apartment door and almost drops Goddard as he tries to jump down upon seeing Aara and Two in the common room.

    "Those steps are hell after those drinks huh Gath?"


  73. Two hushes them, gesturing to Aara splayed across his chest.

  74. "Good," Goddard says softly, "that uh she looks really comfortable I'm going to bed now good night." He takes a few stumbling steps before Gath sighs and drags him away.

  75. "Four," he shakes her gently. "Come on, wake up."

    She moans, rolling over and snuggling in deeper.

    "I can't pick you up this way."

    "No," she grumbles.

    He huffs and slides out from under her, getting to his feet and gathering her up. "All right," he grunts. "Let's get you to bed."



  76. Goddard climbs into his bed, careful not to crush Sethai. "Thank you," he tells Gath. "You can stay in here if you want."

    "I probably shouldn't. For your own sanity. Good night."

    Goddard groans when Gath leaves the room.

  77. Two lays her in the bed, briefly considering changing her clothes. Deciding against it, he pulls off her boots despite her jerking her feet away and nearly kicking him in the face.

    "Got a weird foot thing?" he asks, dodging again.

    Aara makes a grumpy noise and rolls away as soon as her second boot is off.

  78. "Come back," Goddard calls. "Play some music! Please?"

  79. He chuckles. "Get some sleep."


    He sits next to her and brushes her hair away from her face. "What is it, Aara?"

    "What am I going to do?"

    "About what?"

    "I'm the morning," she whispers, rolling over and looking up at him. "When he has that dopey smile on his face and is fawning over Gath. How am I going to..."

    "Handle it?"

  80. "Go to sleep," Gath says.

    Goddard whines and wraps himself in his blanket. "It'll be alright tomorrow right Sethai?" he whispers.

    The small dragon yawns and snuggles up against his horns.

    "Good idea."

  81. She nods.

    Two takes a deep breath and gives her a gentle squeeze. "I don't know, Aara. Meditate on it tomorrow morning."

    "We agreed," she says sadly. "We agreed that no matter what, we'd always be in the same bed at night."

    "Did you pick a bed?"


    "Did you pick which bed you have to be in?"

    She frowns. "No..."

    He scoops her up and carries her through the bathroom and into Goddard's room. "Sheik, it seems you two have an agreement," he says, dumping her on the bed. "I bid you goodnight."

  82. "Lecai," he says happily. Sethai gets tangled in his horns as he rolls over and wraps his arms around her, giving her little kisses on her cheek.

  83. Aara makes a happy sound and puts a leg over him. "Nuur'eni," she yawns.

  84. "Can you forgive me?" he asks on the verge of sleep.

  85. "You didn't do anything to forgive."

  86. He lets out a relieved sigh. "I love you."

  87. She scoots closer, putting her head under his chin. "I love you. Can you forgive me?"

  88. "For what? Hmm it doesn't matter. I will always forgive you."

  89. "I let Two kiss me," she says miserably.

  90. Goddard chuckles softly. "You didn't do anything to forgive either."

  91. She laces her fingers through his and holds his hand to her chest. "I love you so much."

  92. His body relaxes and he hums a happy acknowledgement as he drifts off to sleep.

  93. Aara slips quietly out of bed a few hours later, kissing Goddard's forehead and softly petting Sethai. Stopping in the bathroom to wash up, she gets dressed quickly, gritting her teeth at the aching complaints from her training yesterday.

    Two is already up and hands her tea as soon as she steps into the common room. "Sleep well?"

    She sips her tea and sits. "Yes," she tells him with a smile. "Thank you, Rafiq."

  94. Goddard smiles in his sleep and rolls over, grabbing a pillow and hugging it while he mumbles something about loving Aara.

    Gath steps out into the common room at almost the same time Aara does.

  95. "Good morning," she tells him, picking a pear from the fruit bowl and sitting down.

  96. He's a little surprised to see her in a fairly good mood. Gath nods and replies, "Good morning."

  97. "I hope I didn't get too annoying. I remember begging you to dance and then hugging you later." She gestures to Two filling his plate. "We had breakfast sent up a little early."

  98. "If you were annoying me, I would have removed myself," Gath says. "He looks over the breakfast and puts some meat and eggs between bread. "Good. I can start working earlier and on a full stomach."

  99. She nods, finishing off her pear. "Hopefully Urian will be able to help us find something besides menial labor. Otherwise I might have to ask Tallyn for a serving girl's job," she laughs. Two hands her a plate piles high with eggs, toast, cheese and meat, and she gets to work on it with obvious hunger.

  100. "Hopefully, but until then, I'm off to find other, boring things." Gath heads toward the front door to leave.

  101. "Well you handled that well," he says as soon as Gath is gone.

    She lets out a relieved sigh. "Uzzaya be thanked."

    "You aren't mad, are you?"


  102. Goddard leans out of his door and yawns loudly. "Who's mad?" he asks.

  103. "I am!" Two exclaims. "Mad with love for Four and I intend to steal her from you today."

  104. "I doubt," Goddard yawns again. "Breakfast is a little early isn't it?"

  105. "We ordered it early so Two and I could get started on training and track down Urian," she explains. "I'll have some sent up for you later if you want to go back to sleep."

  106. "No I'll stay up. Be productive before I have to wash dishes. Where's Gath? Is he going to have breakfast with us?"

  107. She pours him a cup of tea and makes room for him next to her. "He's already left, nuur'eni."

  108. His ears turn down for a second before they quickly bounce back up. "Oh." Goddard sits down beside Aara. "We're all getting an early start then," he smiles.

  109. "Yes, it seems we all are. I'll be back after peak to sign our contract with Tallyn, hopefully I'll have some news too." She polishes off her plate, earning an appreciative look from Two.

    "So you do eat sometimes!"

    "Only once a week," she quips. "Don't want to lose my girlish figure."

  110. Goddard shakes his head. "This again? Isn't it a bit early for that?"

  111. "Did you see all that? I'm impressed!"

    She laughs. "Two, shut up and go get our things."

    He goes off, whistling to himself.

  112. Goddard leans in and gives Aara a kiss on her cheek. "I'd go with you but I'm not ready at all. I don't want to slow your mission down."

  113. She smiles and kisses him back. "I thought I'd let you rest after your eventful night."

  114. "Eventful? I don't know about eventful. Stressful maybe?"

  115. "Stressful? Why is that, love?"

  116. He shrugs. "I wasn't sure what was going to happen with anything."

  117. She raises an eyebrow. "What did you expect?"

  118. "I don't know," he mumbles. "Nothing good?"

  119. Aara kisses his shoulder. "I told you I wouldn't get mad," she reminds him. "And I haven't."

  120. "No you haven't. At least you don't seem mad." Goddard gasps dramatically. "I know now! Gath isn't here because you got rid of him," he jokes.

  121. "Damn, I can't keep anything from you, hayati. Tallyn just hauled off the body."

  122. "I knew Sunny couldn't be trusted," he snickers.

  123. "You really did," she agrees. "Now poor Gath will be a great Sigil delicacy- moon elf pastry. It was, however, a quick and bloodless death. One of my favorite techniques," she adds.

  124. Goddard opens his mouth to say something about how he thinks that would taste but decides against it. He instead chuckles and asks, "Do you think they'd eat that here?

  125. She shrugs. "Maybe. This is a strange world."

  126. "I hope not that strange. I'd hate to think there are people around who are looking at me a certain because they want to eat me and not because I look good."

  127. She leans over and sniffs him before licking his cheek. "Mmmm, nuur'eni you are tasty."

  128. "You're half sun elf, but what's the other half then if I'm that tasty?" he laughs.

  129. She wiggled her eyebrows and grins wickedly. "Wouldn't you like to know?"

  130. He grins. "I'd like to find out but that would probably ruin your productive plans you had for today."

  131. "Maybe I'll come steal you from the kitchen when I come back."

    "Time to stop flirting and start working," Two says as he comes back into the room. "Ready?"

    Aara sighs and puts her cup down. "I suppose so. Goddard, you better kiss me before I come back with a split lip."

  132. "With pleasure," he grins. Goddard wraps his arms around her and kisses her for as long as she or Two will allow him.

  133. She returns his kisses eagerly until Two literally separated them. "This is not the kind of workout we're having," he scolds. "Say goodbye."

    With a wide smile, she gives him one last kiss. "See you later, nuur'eni."

  134. Goddard smiles. "Bring her back in one piece Two!"

    He has breakfast with Sethai and contemplates what to do with his lonely day. "I guess it's book time?" Goddard asks the small dragon. He chirps and perches on Goddard's shoulder.

  135. "So, this Urian fellow..." Two says as they walk.

    "Old guard type. Large and a wall of muscle, but that doesn't slow him down. Uses a two handed like you."

    "You really think he'll help us?"

    She shrugs. "I feel like my bout with him yesterday earned me a little respect, so it's possible."

  136. It doesn't take long before Goddard gets bored of his books and being by himself. "Maybe I can just start my kitchen duty early," he mumbles to Sethai. "Or maybe I can cook or something else. I'll see."

    Once downstairs, Goddard heads toward the bar.

  137. "Good morning, Nuur'Ninny," Tallyn says cheerfully as he wipes down the bar. "I'm surprised to see you up so early."

  138. "Good morning Sunny. Everyone else is being productive, so I thought I'd start my day early as well. If there aren't any dishes to clean just yet, I could prepare food or something else."

  139. He makes a tsking noise and shakes his head. "Gill would slaughter me if I let you cook without his approval. I have other plans for his return. Laundry is always being done, if you're interested. Breakfast dishes aren't quite back yet, but if you want you could get a jump on them."

  140. Goddard rolls up his sleeves. "Breakfast dishes it is. As long as I'm still getting paid for starting early," he chuckles.

  141. Tallyn nods and notes the time. "I'll mark you down."

  142. He gestures for him to come behind the bar and leads him to the back of a busy kitchen. "Has Aara found work? I can't offer her or her man anything easy or glamorous, but chimneys always need swept and floors scrubbed."

  143. "They went off to see if they could find something better for us all to do. Something that makes better use of our skill set."

  144. Tallyn chuckles. "Besides making public displays of lustfulness?"

  145. "What are you talking about?" Goddard snorts as he starts on the dishes.

  146. "That shameless display in my bar last night," he laughs and leans on the counter. "Tell me, how angry was she when she found out?"

  147. Goddard coughs. "Oh...that...that was entirely his doing and she wasn't angry at all."

  148. "I know what I saw, and that was not all him. As for sweetheart...are you certain? You were absurdly worried at dinner."

  149. "Alright, it was partially her and Two as well. It was almost as if they were trying to put me in such a situation. But everything was fine. We're fine"

  150. "Hmm, unwilling to take any credit? Because I saw you wrap your arms around him and pull him closer...but you didn't do anything..." he chuckles as he walks off.

  151. Goddard can feel his ears getting warm but he tries to ignore it and Tallyn and instead focuses on the dishes.

  152. "Well hello, pipsqueak!" Urian laughs as Aara and Two approach. "I don't think I can take another round of your tender care."

    She laughs and bows her head graciously. "You gave me quite a challenge," she conceded. "But I was wondering you could help me..."

  153. Come on Sunny...what would you do? His tail swishes around like an annoyed cat. It really isn't my fault with everything that was going on. You don't know Sunny!

  154. Hours later, Aara comes running into the kitchen, skittering around people working until she gets to Goddard. "Hello, hayati!" she cries, wrapping her arms around him from behind.

    Just like the day before, she is dusty and sweaty and a little bloody.

  155. "Lecai," Goddard smiles. "I'm not sure Sunny would appreciate you being a ball of dust back here," he snickers, spinning around as best he can with her arms still around him. "But he can go to hell if he's got a problem with it."

  156. "I have good news! Urian said there's a man named Harry who advertised in The Hive for jobs like we're looking for jobs like we're wanting!"

  157. "That's great! Tallyn will be so disappointed though. He was looking for someone to clean the chimney."

  158. "Aara." She turns her head at the sound of her name and sees Tallyn looking quite upset. "Normally I would encourage such disarray and use it to my best interests, but you are in a kitchen."

    "Oh, I'm sorry Tallyn," she says sheepishly.

  159. "I knew he'd have a problem," Goddard snickers. "If you release me Sunny, I'll rush her out of your kitchen myself."

  160. Tallyn scowls at both of them. "I should take you upstairs and teach you a lesson myself," he says, wagging a finger at her. "But the Nuur'Ninny has put in enough time winking and flirting with Gill's people, so do me a favor and take him."

    Aara grins and launches at him, giving him a loud kiss on the cheek. "Won't happen again," she promises.

    "Go, go."

  161. Goddard grabs Aara's hand and leads her out of the kitchen. "I didn't know how much longer I could have lasted in there. It's my own fault for starting so early."

  162. She giggles, wrapping his arm around her. "Well if things go as well as Urian implied, no more dishes for you and no sweeping chimneys for me."

  163. "It'll probably be harder work, but the pay will certainly better. We won't have to work as often. Hopefully."

  164. "Meet new and interesting people and kill them?" she suggests. "Two and Urian ganged up on me. I'm exhausted and I think Two split my lip on purpose."

  165. "Only if we ha...Two did what? So...where is Two?"

  166. "Probably in the bath. I rubbed his face in mud after."

  167. "Do you think he might just fall asleep in the tub?"

  168. " reason...never mind," he smiles innocently."

  169. "You leave Two alone," she tells him with a grin. "And I'll let you treat my injuries yourself."

  170. "I was going to do that anyway. Now go soak and I'll go find the cream I made for you."

  171. She eyes him suspiciously but goes in to run a bath anyway.

  172. Goddard laughs. "Don't give me that look." He goes into her room, easily finds the cream, and goes into the bathroom. "See? I wouldn't dream of doing anything to deserve such a look of suspicion."

  173. "Oh, not you," she says, settling into the tub. "Ahhh this is nice."

  174. "Of course. I am an honest, perfect gentleman." He sits by the tub and rests his head on the edge.

  175. She sinks up to her chin. "Oh no, I'm drowning. Come same me nuur'eni," she says playfully.

  176. She shrugs and sits back up, leaning forward to hug her knees and revealing a long scratch on her shoulder amid bruises. "I think I'm going to go back to training alone for a while," she laughs.

  177. "What happened?" he asks softly, moving to examine the scratch. "I don't think I'd be able to move around as much as you if I got bruised up like this."

  178. She shrugs again. "I missed trying to sheath my sword with the new back harness. This is just how it is. Better to be sore when you can rest. I'm getting better, though," she adds. "I feel a little faster."

  179. With a sigh and a chuckle, he kisses the side of her head. "I suppose you do have to get used to new weapons. I'm surprised I still have my head after the mistakes I had with that scythe."

  180. "Besides," she says softly, "you've done worse to yourself just so you can do magic."

  181. He touches the scar in the middle of his palm. "I shouldn't have had to do anything like that but, those spells from the books were more powerful and what's some of my blood if it can help you."

  182. She takes his hand and kisses the palm. "Then we feel the same. A few bruises don't matter if it makes me better able to help you." She grins. "Just wait till you get a look at Two. He's going to have a nasty black eye."

  183. "Was it your doing? Are none of the retainer's eyes safe from you?"

  184. "Yes, and seemingly not. He deserved it," she tells him and sticks out her split bottom lip.

  185. "Poor thing. It's only fair he get equal or greater damage done. At least yours will heal up faster. Gath wore a patch for a quiet a while and I don't think I saw anything in my book to make it heal any faster."

  186. "I'm sure there's something in one of my medical books to help. A compress or something." She dunks her head under water and stays down a while.

  187. He rests his chin on the edge of the tub, trying to convince himself that it's just a bath and she'll be fine.

  188. She pops up with a giggle, pushing her hair back. "Always so worried about me drowning," she laughs, kissing his nose. "Even when you know I swim like a fish."

  189. "I'm not sure I will ever get over that."

  190. "I know, love," she says, resting her chin on the edge and presses her cheek to his. "But you don't have to worry about me. I'm always fine."

  191. "I know. I still worry about you though. Just like I still worry about father and he's some other worldly entity now," he chuckles. "What could possibly happen to him?"

  192. "I'm sure there's nothing," she agrees and starts lathering up her hair.
