Monday, June 27, 2016

Gath lifts the sword to block the strikes and the blades clash into it. There's a smear of red and Gath flexes his hand. "Just a little scrape." He swings again and tries to hit Aara with the flat of the blade.


  1. She twists, avoiding the bulk of the hit and letting it land on her hip. She's so focused she doesn't grin or make small talk like she usually does.

    "Sheik..." Two whispers.

  2. "Can I actually try now?" Gath snickers.

    "What," Goddard grumbles through clenched teeth.

  3. "Maybe I'll start trying if you do."

    "We're going to be here a while, you might want to sit back down..."

  4. "No Two, I need to be ready to encase them both in ice so they don't kill each other..."

    Gath begins to swing faster and harder, not leaving as many open spaces for Aara.

  5. Aara tightens her own defense, making an impossible sphere of steel around herself as she twists and turns.

    "She will be very upset if you do that, Sheik."

  6. Gath pauses for the smallest amount of time after every few swings to make sure Aara is still alright and to glance toward Goddard and Two.

    "She won't be upset when I save her life," Goddard huffs.

  7. She picks up his rythym, realizing that he's pausing, and presses him at those moments. Why is he hesitating? Is he afraid to hit me?

    "Sheik, she will be upset if you interfere. Just like she's going to be mad as seven hells when she realizes your man there is checking himself so as not to hurt her."

  8. Gath waits until she seems comfortable with a rhythm and changes it suddenly, trying to catch her off guard. The most he'll do is elbow her or kick her, ignoring the nicks from her sword.

    "How can you even tell Two? Looks like he's just going after her and I'll take his hands if he hurts her!"

  9. Aara follows him as he changes pace as easily as if they were dancing. She finds openings and reach in, skillfully making tears in his shirt.

    "Watch, Sheik. Look, every four or five attacks he hestitates for half a breath. See there, when she bursts in on him like that? She's noticed it too. She's pressing him to stop."

  10. "I liked this shirt," Gath mumbles.

    Goddard crosses his arms. "Well good. He's smarter than I thought."

  11. She does it again. "Conceed and I'll replace it."

    "He can hardly hit my lady anyway," Two says proudly.

  12. "If that's what you want..."

    "Then why even bother doing this? To give me a heart attack?"

  13. "You'd give up so easily? Over a shirt?" she laughs, hitting him even faster.

    "Good for them. Let them get all their pent up aggressions towards each other out."

  14. "I think my lord is going to pass out from stress," he says, keeping up with her attacks, as long as he simply stays on the defensive.

  15. "He's afraid he'll have to find another retainer willing to put up with him."

  16. "He'll find one. He's not terribly difficult to deal with."

  17. "But not one as cute as you," she quips, causing another tear without cutting him.

  18. "Of course not. But that would make everything easier wouldn't it?" Gath switches to attacking again in an effort to keep his shirt from getting more cuts.

  19. "Doubtful." She takes to attacking with one sword and defending with another so she can continue to destroy his shirt.

  20. "I'd be out of the way, but you're just going to make things difficult if you rip this shirt to shreds and it falls to the ground."

  21. "Just making ribbons. You seemed so concerned about your hair."

  22. "A shirt I can replace, my hair, I cannot. It took years to get this long and I like to look good. Not that I have to try much."

  23. "Vain as a girl," she chuckles.

  24. Gath stops holding back for a moment, swinging fast and hard.

  25. "Finally," she sighs happily, meeting him hit for hit.

  26. "I just didn't want to ruin my lord's little rose."

  27. This time Aara purposefully cuts him. "Don't think he's made me soft," she says coldly. "Or that you could even begin to ruin me."

  28. "What the..." Gath takes a step back and hits her hard with the flat of his blade. "You must admit, you've changed each other."

  29. "Don't hit her like that," Goddard yells. "I'll...I'll..."

    "What my lord? Cry?"

  30. Aara snickers. "Don't worry, love," she calls out to him. "I can go all day."

  31. "I don't know if I can last all day watching you two!" Goddard whines.

    "Then you grab a sword and do this," Gath suggests as he swings again.

  32. Aara laughs, thoroughly enjoying herself and not minding in the slightest when one of Gath's slaps nicks her arm.

    Two sighs with relief when she laughs. "Good," he murmurs, watching closely.

  33. "What do you mean good? Does she look hurt? What is it Two?!"

  34. "She looks like she's having a good time."

  35. Goddard frowns at Two and grits his teeth at the sounds of the chattering swords. "Are they almost done since you can read all of this?"

  36. "I don't know. Are you going to order them to stop?"

  37. "I could order him around, but I can't order her."

  38. Two bites his tongue before he tells Goddard that Aara would probably follow an order from him. "Will you make him stop, then?" he asks instead. "She actually can go all day, you know."

  39. Goddard contemplates them fighting all day and says, "Maybe you two should stop..."

    Gath ignores him and keeps attaching Aara, putting a little more power behind each swing.

  40. Aara continues to match him, moving and swinging faster and faster. This seems...different. More. I haven't really had to stretch my abilities much since we got here...I'll have to ask Two.

    Two watches her, fascinated at the speed she's moving at. "She's like a...haboob," He tells Goddard. "A, uh...sandstorm," he clarifies.

  41. "I was about to ask why you'd insult her," Goddard mumbles.

  42. Two laughs loudly. "One day I will teach you our language. Something small, like 'let's go to bed' or 'I love you.'"

  43. "I love you would be nice but right now, I'm not sure I can think about anything besides dragging these two off in different directions before they kill each other!"

  44. "Why would they do that? They like one another, Sheik."

  45. "You call this like? And what if they hated each other!?"

  46. "Look at how much fun they're having!" As if to punctuate his statement, they hear a little giggle float over from the fight.

  47. "That's just going to make it worse," Goddard gasps just as Gath makes an annoyed sound and aims for her legs, trying to trip her.

  48. Aara jumps high, tapping his shoulder with the flat of her sword.

    "Because they're enjoying it?"

  49. "Toss me the other sword my lord," Gath calls out. "I can end this faster."

    "No!" Goddard snaps. "Why would I do that!?"

  50. "Ready to give up so soon?" she quips, circling him.

  51. "No, but I did want to switch swords so I didn't hurt you too badly when I beat you. Hurt you physically anyway."

  52. Aara laughs. "Is this the part where you say you haven't even been trying?"

  53. "Not as much as I could have been. I thought I could amuse myself for a bit."

  54. In a flare of temper, she lands a flurry of blows on him. "Are you saying I'm no match for you?" she growls.

  55. He keeps his emotions flat, keeping up with her blows even though he's a bit surprised. "Of course that's what I'm saying," Gath grins.

  56. "I should break your nose for that," she snarls, kicking his ankle.

  57. Gath can deal with the pain in his ankle, but the threat of a broken nose makes him snarl back and fight harder. "You wouldn't dare..."

  58. "I bet you couldn't even reach..."

  59. Aara smirks and throws a punch, pulling it at the last second and resting her knuckles on the tip of his nose harmlessly, sword pointed straight up. "Are you willing to risk it?"

  60. Gath grits his teeth and slaps the blades away, ducking low and swinging to try and knock her to the ground.

  61. Aara uses his crouch to flip over him, tapping his shoulders as she goes. "Old man you're getting slow."

  62. "What did you say?" Gath growls, trying to remember it's not combat. He can't just crush her and risk hurting her or worse. I can't hit her hard enough to shut her up...

  63. "Slow and hard of hearing. It's a wonder your bones don't break from picking up your sword."

  64. "Aara, please," Goddard begs, getting more worried the more annoyed Gath gets.

  65. "What can I do for you, Nuur'eni?" she asks sweetly, brushing Gath's attacks away.

  66. "Don't make him even more angry...what if he messes up! That can make you mess up!"

    These two idiots! Gath tries to use the blade more as a shield to move in and hit Aara with a punch or a kick. He can hit her harder that way without doing too much harm.

  67. Suddenly Aara drops her weapons and puts both hands on his chest, shoving him to the ground. As soon as he hits, she has a dagger on him. "Next time, don't pull your strikes," she tells him before getting up and dusting herself off.

    "Well that was fun," she tells Two, walking over to sit beside him.

    "Don't get your blood on me. Gross."

  68. Gath stays on the ground and closes his eyes, taking a few slow deep breaths to calm down.

    "Is he dead?" Goddard asks, surprised by Gath's sudden stillness. "Aara...did you..."

  69. "No, he's angry. And for no reason since he's the insulting one."

  70. Goddard watches Gath get to his feet and dust himself off. He feels a bit bad not going to make sure he's alright and turns back to Aara.

    "If I hadn't done that, you'd be dead," Gath mumbles. "I didn't want you to go home in pieces.."

  71. "Why did you pick a fight with me only to put yourself in a bad mood?" she demands. "You started it, and you were the one who felt the need to pull your blows. If you want to fight me in the future, treat me like the equal I am and not some inexperienced child."

  72. "Was that any fun for you?" Gath asks, glancing at Two, hoping this was worth it.

  73. She gives him a wide grin. "Of course. I enjoy a good fight, and yours was almost good."

  74. Gath shrugs and puts his swords away. "If this happens again, he stays away. Far away."

    "What? Why! I have to make sure you don't do anything stupid!"

  75. "Are you insinuating that Goddard is the reason you held back?"

    "Aw, Four, let it go. It's not the first time someone held back because you're a woman." Two examines a few shallow cuts on her arms and ribs. "Let's go for a run, yeah? Then we'll clean up and I'll take you out for a nice dinner."

  76. Gath snorts. "Woman or not. I'd have done the same. I'd hold back even more if it were my lord. Don't want the breeze from a swing to knock him over."

  77. "Ah, Gath, I don't think this was the ending I had in mind..."

    "Excuse me?" Aara snaps, jerking away from Two.

    "Well...I had an idea, and-"

    "Traitor." Aara sniffs and grabs her things. "Go for your own run, I'm done here."

  78. "Wait for me lecai!" Goddard calls after her, scooping up his book and dragon. "Don't leave me with these two..."

  79. "Those- those two- Did you see that farce? He picked a fight with me and then had the gall to not even try! I'm going to skin Two, tan his hide, and use his flesh to make my next journal!" she huffs as Goddard joins her.

  80. "I thought you liked beating him into the ground," Goddard says. "I must have missed something?"

  81. "I do! But he kept pulling his hits and deliberately avoiding striking me. It''s insulting."

  82. "But you aren't supposed to be really hurting each other anyway right?"

  83. "That isn't the point," she grumbles. "He couldn't have caused me any real harm."

  84. Goddard frowns. "How do you know? He's used to crushing things."

  85. She shoots him a fast, hurt look. Doesn't anyone believe in my abilities? Why am I always having to prove myself? And to Goddard, no less.

  86. "And you could hurt him too...I don't want you to hurt each other."

  87. "I wasn't going to hurt him."

  88. Goddard chuckles. "I think you already did."

  89. "If he's going to attack my pride, his is fair game."

  90. "I guess that's true. Well, since it was so awful you won't be doing it again?" he asks hopeful. "I don't know if I could sit through that again."

  91. "Next time he won't hold back, or I'll break his nose."

  92. "No!" Goddard yelps. "You'll kill each other. Then what will I do? Have Two as a friend? Do you know how awful that sounds?!"

  93. "I typically count him as a friend, so I don't know what the problem is."

  94. "It''s Two! I suppose I could be closer friends with Tallyn and Gill but no one else is you!"

  95. "Love, I know you're trying to help...but you sort of...aren't. I don't making a habit of killing my friends, or even doing them harm, and you seem convinced I would."

  96. "Only because it's you two," he sighs.

  97. "And? Do you assume I hate him so much I'd kill him?"

  98. Goddard looks surprised and quietly thinks for a moment. "I don't know," he finally mumbles and takes her hand. "Never mind."

  99. "I wouldn't, you know. I like him- well, as much as he lets me. He isn't very good at being likable."

  100. "He makes you put a lot of effort into it. And, I suppose I don't actually dislike Two as much as it seems."

  101. "And doesn't give much in return."

  102. "Maybe? Oh and I don't mean anything like that! I mean, honesty like his is hard to come by? Maybe? Or...never mind," he lets out an embarrassed laugh. "Let's talk about something else? Maybe we can convince father to set up a meeting with him. We can have a picnic."

  103. "I'm not sure that went the way it was supposed to," Gath says to Two once Aara and Goddard are gone.

  104. Two laughs. "No, but you were off to a good start. Not a total failure."

  105. "I'll use a different blade so it isn't so obvious I'm trying not to slice her in half."

  106. "Just don't hold back. That's why she got upset."

  107. "And would she have gotten upset if I really hurt her? I'm sure she would have, and I'm sure my lord would have too."

  108. "Not really. Neither of you put much effort into it today. If you did...that would be a sight to behold. She can hold her own, I wouldn't worry about hurting her."

  109. "And why didn't she put any effort into it?"

  110. "She could see your hesitation to hit her, and she resented it. That's clear, my friend."

  111. "I would have been able to take anything she could have thrown at me."

  112. Two stands and stretches. "And she you. She's far better than me, and I am impressive at worst. If you hold back, she won't fight you. She'll see it as an insult to her skill."

  113. "If it meant so much, she shouldn't have held back. I wouldn't hold back any more if she didn't. She is incredibly confusing..."

  114. He shrugs. "That's because she's a woman."

  115. "Kryn isn't confusing. Not that I've seen anyway. And you always knew what you were getting with druchii."

  116. "Kryn is the most confusing, frustrating woman I have ever had the misfortune to meet. She just isn't showing you. As for druchii...maybe Four would have made a better one than she did a human. She's very...strict?...on herself."

  117. "Strict? You have never met a druchii woman?" Gath chuckles.

  118. "Not the right word then. Harsh may be better. I don't know. She just doesn't fit anywhere, does she?"

  119. "Probably that ridiculous human city my lord grew up in. Or here. This place has enough...variety..."

  120. Two shrugs again. "All the same, don't hold back next time. She'll appreciate it."

  121. "If there is a next time, I'll aim to take her down the first swing."

  122. Laughing, Two pats his shoulder. "That's the spirit!"

  123. "That is, if my lord doesn't wrap her in a mattress for safety."

  124. Two chuckles and heads for the gates. "He hasn't managed it yet, and no offense, but you're a lot less dangerous than some of the other things she's gone up against."
