Thursday, June 23, 2016

"Tell her what?" Two sighs.


  1. Gath makes a dismissive gesture to Two and follows Kryn. "So, you say you don't manipulate me?"

  2. She waves a hand and the door slams again.

  3. "That doesn't really bother me," he says flatly. "I'm sorry."

  4. "I didn't," she mutters. "I gave you advice based on what I see with my own eyes, not magic. You don't need magic to see that either of you need a friend."

  5. "I believe you. It just hit me a little harder than it should have to think I may have been manipulated in anyway."

  6. "Well I didn't. And," she says, raising her voice so Two can hear her outside, "he is an ass!"

    "Why yes, yes I am!" she hears.

  7. "I believe that too," Gath snickers. "And why is he an ass?"

  8. Gath shrugs and holds his arms out, offering Kryn a hug. "Unless I'm an ass too."

  9. Kryn moves into his arms slowly. "You know, the next step is giving hugs, not just offering them."

  10. "I thought this was better. In case it wasn't wanted. How am I supposed to know when this sort of thing is alright to do?" When she is close enough, Gath puts his arms around her and hugs her.

  11. "Hugs are always wanted. Take the gamble."

  12. "Kisses apparently are not," he chuckles. "I shouldn't laugh about it though. I think I've just upset my lord more."

  13. "Did you kiss him?" she giggles.

  14. "After he slapped me, yes. I should probably just leave him alone."

  15. Kryn giggles. "Were you fighting?"

  16. "I confronted him like you suggested. He was angry and thought I was bothering Aara. And he was just..." Gath shakes his head. "I pulled him down, he slapped me then looked terrified and instead of getting angry with him, I kissed him. I did apologize. I don't think he believed me."

  17. She starts laughing, her whole body shaking. "You couldn't resist him because he was angry?" she laughs. "Did you talk to Aara this morning?"

  18. "I'm glad you find my dilemmas amusing," Gath says with a chuckle. "I did. Or tried to. I made her laugh but then she decided she needed to make up things she wanted to do to get away from me. Who actually wants to clean or weed?"

  19. "Some people like it. I like cleaning my kitchen."

    Two beats on the door. "Kryn! Come out already!"

    "You're an ass!"

    "I know! Come out so I can fix it."

  20. "Your kitchen is different. Are you really mad at him? Or just torturing him for fun?"

  21. "I'm irritated by him. He accused me of something he knows I would never do to a friend."

  22. "I'm sorry my thoughts went to that place. I'm trying. I'm trying a lot actually and not getting terribly far..."

  23. "It's not easy, is it?" she asks, wrapping her arms around him. "None of you are having an easy time adjusting to all this."

  24. "This world or the other, I would have had to change. Or maybe they would have an easier time getting rid of me. Who knows."

  25. "I don't think they want rid of you."

  26. Gath shrugs. "I think I should leave both of them alone though. I'm not sure trying to interact with them is the best idea."

  27. "Maybe ease into it. All of us should have dinner together. Rafi and I can help you."

    "Krynnae! Open the door!"

    She giggles.

  28. "Hmm yes that sounds like an amazing time. You and Two, my lord and Aara, entertained by only one another while I sit off to the side and drink."

  29. "Well you're going to do it," she tells him, going to the door. "Rafi, if I open this door you have to apologize."

    "I will apologize."

    She winks at Gath. "And you have to help Duckling."

    "Help him do what, exactly?"

    "Just agree!"

  30. "I really would rather spend the night alone in my room if I'm going to spend a night alone, and not at a dinner table."

  31. "Hush, you won't be alone. Rafi and I will be there."

    They hear a deep sigh. "Fine. I'll help whatever mad scheme you've got."

    With a brilliant smile, she throws open the door for him. "Hello, lover," she says sweetly.

  32. "Oh but I will be. You'll end up with your face attached to his and my lord and Aara will be the same. More food and drink for me I suppose?"

  33. Two raises a brow at them. "What's going on?"

    "We're going to help Gath learn how to interact with Aara and Goddard."

    "He already knows how to interact with the Sheik. Four is just difficult."

  34. "Tell her how awful an idea it is for me to go to dinner with you and her, and my lord and Aara."

  35. Two considers this quietly while Kryn wraps her arms around him and peppers his throat with little kisses. "Elfling stop that," he chuckles, but she on My continues. "Actually I think it's a good idea. Nothing fancy. I saw you talking with Four last night and that seemed to go well."

  36. Gath narrows his eyes at Two. "And I thought you liked me. But you hate me. She was drunk."

  37. Two laughs. "I don't hate you. In fact, I like you almost as much as I like my lady. Which is why I think it's a good idea."

  38. "And if I just refuse to go? Are you going to attempt to carry me?"

  39. "No," he says.

    "Yes," Kryn insists at the same time, earning a glare from Two that she ignores.

    "Kryn, if he doesn't want to do it you can't make him."

    She scowls and crosses her arms.

  40. "You've seen how miserable I make them. Go see how happy they are when I'm not around and then we can try one of your ideas again."

  41. "But I know-" she starts.

    "Kryn, this is more important than cake or cookies," Two tells her gently. "I'm not saying you aren't completely right, but you have to let them work it out. Let them all get there on their own," he says, pulling her close and kissing her forehead.

    "It's so frustrating. it already."

    Two chuckles and tucks her head under his chin, looking over at Gath. "Four is an unstoppable force," he tells her. "And Gath here is an immovable object. Give her a chance to change course."

  42. "If you weren't so vague, I might be able to handle this better, but you won't tell me more. I usually plan my attacks, not run in blindly."

  43. "If I tell you then it could all change," she explains, turning in Two's arms. "If I tell you exactly how to manipulate either of them, you could end up with both of them hating you. It's happened before," she adds.

    "Hence the rule from your father."

    She pouts. "Daddy would know..."

  44. "I don't want to manipulate them. I just want to understand. The only thing I seem to understand is that they change how they act when I'm around, which to me, means I should be around less, but she talks about not wanting to lose people and wanting me around and it all just makes very little sense."

  45. Kryn shrugs. "You make her nervous and confuse her. Last night was different, she was...unclear, but bordering on affection."

    Two sighs. "Four isn't good at letting people close to her, and since you aren't pushy like someone we know, just be patient and keep talking. And don't ask about her parents," he adds. "She'll get to that, eventually, if at all."

    "Aww Rafi, you're helping."

  46. "Then I should leave them alone and see what happens."

  47. Keeping her thoughts to herself, she shrugs. "I have to go. Come for me later?" she asks Two before kissing him deeply.

    Two chuckles and brushes a thumb over her cheek. "Anything you want."

    She smiles and blows Gath a kiss. "I'll send an apple pie over later," she laughs.

  48. "Sounds good," Gath says. "Did I upset her?" he asks Two once Kryn leaves.

  49. He shakes his head. "No. She just wants her way, and thinks I should always give in. Coffee?" he asks, going back into the common room and refilling his cup.

  50. Gath nods and follows. "What do you think Two? Not that I would take advice from you seriously," he snickers, "But I'm curious."

  51. Two settles into the couch and puts his feet up on the table. "How did you approach a mark?" he asks. "Were you the type to stay in the shadows, or did you like to get up close and personal?"

  52. "I would never get close and personal with the mark. Everyone else, sure, but not the mark."

  53. He nods. "Treat her like everyone else. She'll be suspicious- hell I spoke with her every day for two years before I knew she had a name besides Four. Maybe...hey, that isn't a bad idea," he muses.

  54. "I did try to treat her like everyone else, but she needs to be handled carefully apparently. What's you're idea..."

  55. "Fight with her," Two suggests eagerly. "She'll want to go train today, she hasn't in a few days. Go with her and ask to spar with her. A good long one, wear her out and cut her up a little. Nothing puts her in a good mood like a good fight."

  56. "And risk the wrath of my lord?" Gath laughs.

  57. "No, she'll love it. A few cuts and bruises is nothing, she comes home with them all the time. You want to break down her barriers? Fight her."

  58. "I'll fight her just to fight her and amuse myself," he chuckles.

  59. "More birds and less stones," Two quips. "Odds are if you rough her up and Sheik has a fit, she'll mollify him." He laughs and sips his coffee. "I really am brilliant."

  60. "As long as he doesn't try something, forcing me to snap him in half, I think I can handle him for the fun of fighting her. Fair trade."

  61. "I'm sure t won't get to that. My friend, this will be fun. I might even go watch."

  62. "Come with and suggest it. She may not take my offer if I do it myself."

  63. Two nods. "The Sheik will come. He's taken to crawling under her skirts the last few days. I'm surprised she hasn't gotten snippy."

  64. "I think it's his way of controlling himself."

  65. "You're probably right. She'll fall back into the old habits if she doesn't pay attention."

  66. "I guess any changes were so small, I wouldn't notice them unless I've known her a long as you have."

  67. "I like her free," Two sighs. "When she was bonded...she was reserved, to put it mildly. I worry that if she follows him around long enough, she'll start thinking like she did when she served the Emir." He shakes his head, dispelling his own words. "It's nonsense, I know."

  68. "Like she'll see him like she did her...master? He'd hate that."

  69. "Like I said, nonsense. But she's very good at being things: an executioner, a bodyguard, Mashi Al'Maut, and so on. Even after several years of freedom, she's not very good at being Aara without Goddard."

  70. "If she let him be himself and let up on the chains, maybe she could learn to be Aara without Goddard," Gath mumbles.

  71. "You don't see it? She has him like a pet on a chain. Maybe he doesn't follow her everywhere to control himself after all. Maybe she has him there."

  72. Two stares at him a moment before laughing and slapping his leg. "Gath, you're making things up. I'm pretty sure you're the only one seeing her lead him around by the nose."

  73. "He can't do a thing without worrying about how upset it will make her."

  74. "Why is that her fault? She does things on her own."

  75. "She's the one who gets upset. How is it not her fault?"

  76. "Oh no, you can't blame her for what he does and says. That's not right, Gath, and you do her a disservice for his faults. That would be like Kryn blaming me because you upset her."

  77. "He does what he does because of her."

  78. "Those are his choices. Not hers. Blame him for chaining himself."

  79. "He wouldn't if she wasn't so jealous."

  80. "Are you going to blame her for your own jealousy, too?"

  81. "I'm not jealous," Gath blurts. He clears his throat and gulps down some coffee. "As her retainer, if Aara wasn't her happiest, would you want to fix it? It wouldn;t have anything to do with jealousy."

  82. "Her safety is my first concern, and I don't believe that I have any real control over her general happiness. If the Sheik is unhappy, he is the only one who can change that."

  83. Gath makes a grumbple sound and puts more milk into his coffee. "Then...I'm done with them. I'll still fight her though."

  84. Two shrugs. "It sounds as if your problem is with the Sheik, not the lady. Perhaps you should take it out on him instead of blaming her."

  85. "He'd just get upset. But...even fighting her will get him upset. Can I simply not win?" he sighs.

  86. "Fighting her will help with her. But if all this stems because of him, you'd best work it out with him."

  87. "Has anything worked so far?"

  88. "What do you want her to do? Specifically, none of that chain nonsense."

  89. " wouldn't understand," Gath says quickly.

  90. "So use a language we have in common so I can."

  91. "I am talking to you in a language you understand!" Gath snorts.

  92. "So use your words," he persuades slowly. "What do you want Lady Aara to do?"

  93. "Leave him to do whatever he wants to do," Gath mumbles with a shrug.

  94. "How do you know she doesn't encourage it? She told me herself that she encouraged him to go to you."

  95. "Really? Wait! No! If that really where the case, then he wouldn't act the way he does right? Obviously she lied..."

  96. "Gath! Open your damn eyes, man!"

  97. "Then get a grip on this preposterous idea that she is the road block. It's you and it's him. Figure out your feelings and then confront him with them."


    "I really need to go train today," Aara tells Goddard as they finish breakfast. "I haven't gone in a few days."

  98. "I have them figured!" Gath snaps without thinking.


    "I should go study but, I think my time would be better spent cheering you on," Goddard grins.

  99. "What are they?"


    "Otto will be angry if you don't."

  100. "Why should I tell you?"


    "Oh what's he going to do? Yell at me? I think I can handle that."

  101. "I just don't believe you actually know. Otherwise you'd quit blaming everyone else for it."


    "You need to learn this magic, Nuur'eni. If you go with me, you have to take a book and read while I work. Otherwise you have to stay home."

  102. "I do know! It just isn't something that...has an easy single word description. Kryn thought it was love but that'"


    "I can bring a book then. I'll even bring Sethai. It'll be fine. I'll learn so much!"

  103. "Kryn isn't wrong about these things," he reminds Gath.


    Aara grins and shakes her head. "Fine, let's go upstairs. I need to change and get my gear. Maybe even my stupid retainer."

  104. "Well she's wrong about this. It might seem similar if you simply jump to conclusions, but it's definitely different."


    "Are you going to beat him into the ground? This'll be fun to watch."

  105. "Oh, I'm sure," Two laughs.


    "Oh, I'm sure."

  106. "Honestly, I don't think love is the proper word to describe many things anyway. My lord says he loves his father, Aara, food, a bunch of other things, but it obviously doesn't have the same meaning. It just seems like a pointless word."


    "I'll try to pay more attention to my book than you beating Two."

  107. "There are many kinds of love. Is it just physical desire, then?"


    "Good." Aara gets up and heads for the stairs. "Let's get it ready then."

  108. Gath grits his teeth. "That would be nice, but that's not it, it's..." he pauses for a moment and looks into his cup. "Just being around and seeing him not miserable, it just sounds like typical retainer, body guard things right? Simple."

  109. Two chuckles. "No...that's not typical of retainers. I'm concerned about Four because I've known her since she was a child. But my last master? I couldn't have given two figs about whether or not he was miserable. My job was to keep him from dying."

  110. "I suppose it would lord hasn't done anything to push me to the bare minimum. Just...returning the kindness? That's something all of you do right?"

  111. "This isn't just a job for you. He doesn't pay you, and you still stay. Friend," he says gently, "it sounds like love. In some sense."

  112. "I do get paid. It may not come from him directly, but I do get paid. They could easily just leave us out of splitting everything equally and then just give us a portion later. It's still getting paid. It's still the job."

  113. "All right. I believe you," he says as the door opens.

    "Believe what?" she asks.

    "That you are a terrible drunk and should stop."

    Aara groans. "I don't drink nearly as much as the rest of you."

  114. "You may not drink as much, but you don't need as much to be lost to it," Gath says.

    "You should beat him into the ground," Goddard whispers in her ear before he runs off to his room to find a book.

  115. Aara laughs and smacks Two on the head. "Get your things, we're going to go train."

    "Ow. Why?"

    "Because you need it," she tells him as she heads for her room. "Get your things."

    Two grins over at Gath. "See?"

  116. "I guess you were right about that," Gath says as he heads to his room to get his things.

  117. Aara waves to Urian and sets her things down by Goddard's preferred bench. "Run first?" she asks Two.

    "But you can run for days," he groans. "Gath doesn't want to run, do you?"

  118. Gath shakes his head. "I'm training with my blade to fight. Not run away."

  119. "Well I train for endurance," she says. "So I will run."

    Two watches her jog for the track. "Damn it. I hate running," he mutters before joining her.

  120. "You won't run because you can't," Goddard tells Gath from behind his book.

    "You're reading a book because you can't swing a sword."

    "I can," Goddard huffs. "Even a scythe. But swinging a blade is the same here. Magic isn't."

    "Yes, it's so easy, I learned it myself."

  121. "How long do you plan to run?" Two asks, stretching his leg.

    "Well it's twice around for a mile, so...five miles."

    He nearly falls over as she starts running. "What? Five?"

    "Oh please," she laughs, jogging backwards so he can catch up. "I run nearly every day. You know that."


    A shadow crosses her face, and she turns around. "Sometimes there are things worth running from."

  122. "You can't do anything worth using in a fight," Goddard grins. "You can only do silly tricks."

    "And you can only butter a piece of bread." Gath gives his sword a few swings. "Barely," he adds with a smirk.

  123. Two gives up after the first mile. "I hate running," he mutters, joining Goddard and Gath. "She's crazy."

  124. "She's not crazy. She knows what she's doing," Goddard says. "Why don't you two entertain me or something."

  125. "She's mad, and so are you. I came to watch, not entertain."

  126. "I can entertain myself then. Move over Two." Goddard mutters a few words and the air around him grows cold. "No," he whispers as a sharp splinter of ice flies forward and shatters against the wall in front of him. "No..." A ball of ice flies forward and falls to the ground with a thud.

  127. Two shrugs and goes back to watching Aara. She really is everything Ustadh said about her. If she had stayed with the Emir, became his First Wife...she'd have been miserable.

    "Trying to freeze yourself, Sheik?"

  128. "No, I'm trying not to kill we go." Suddenly a snowball flies forward and hits Gath in the middle of his chest.

  129. "That's nice. My lady likes me alive and well. Gath, you should consider changing employers."

  130. "I said I was trying to not kill him," Goddard chuckles, creating another snowball. Gath slaps it away with his sword as it hurtles toward him.

    "Killing me or not, Two may be right."

    "Oh don't say that."

  131. "And why shouldn't I say that?" Gath says, batting away the next two snowballs with ease.

    "Apparently it would upset Aara."

    "Then what are you going to do? Give me to her so she has two retainers?"

  132. "That's what I was suggesting," Two laughs.

  133. "That doesn't mean he'd take your suggestion seriously," Gath mumbles.

    "And what if I did." He tosses another snowball and hits a surprised Gath in the face. "Oops! I didn't mean to...unless you have some other smart remark...I'll ask her. See what she says."

  134. Two laughs till he falls off the bench backward.

  135. "Lecai!" Goddard yells. "Need another retainer?"

    Gath glares at Two.

  136. Aara frowns. "What?" she shouts back as she passes by.

  137. He stands up and moves to stand by Gath, hoping she will hear him better. "Do you need another retainer?"

  138. Aara circles back around and stops by them. "What?" she asks, barely winded three miles into her run.

  139. "Would you like to take Gath as another retainer?" he says cheerfully as Gath crosses his arms.

  140. She raises an eyebrow and looks from one to the other. "Uh...all right," she says, shrugging. "Want to trade for Two, or can I keep both?"

    "What?! No, you keep me!"

  141. "What?" Goddard asks, surprised, she'd agree.

  142. "Assuming you're in agreement," she tells Gath with a nod. "Why not, Nuur'eni? He's loyal, talented, and doesn't back down. I'd be happy to take him on."

  143. "I was just joking," he laughs. "I didn't don't you?"

  144. "I don't even know what you're talking about."

  145. "Would you really like Gath as a retainer? He said I can't get rid of him because you'd be sad if he left or something like that."

  146. "If you released him, and he wanted to, yes. Why?"

  147. "Never mind," Goddard grumbles and sits back down.

  148. Aara shrugs and goes back to her run.

    "Didn't expect that, Sheik?" Two asks.

  149. "No. I thought she'd turn him down. Maybe insult him."

  150. "I'm not bothered. I just...I didn't expect it...I'm surprised."

  151. Two chuckles. "She likes Gath. It's not that surprising."

  152. Goddard opens his book and goes back to reading. "Yes it is. No one likes Gath..."

    "I'm right here my lord," Gath growls.

  153. "I'm not sure you count Two," Goddard says. "I feel like retainers would like other retainers simple because you both are retainers."

  154. "I'll like him when I'm not a retainer, too. Kryn likes him. And so does my lady."

  155. "You're the only one who doesn't," Gath shrugs. "Enjoy your lonely little club my lord."

  156. Aara waves as she runs past them again.

    "Hey, Four-" he shouts, but she doesn't stop. "Gath, go run her down for me. She won't stab you."

  157. "And what am I supposed to do? Catch her and carry her back?"

  158. "Or drag her. Knock her over. I don't care."

  159. "I can knock her over and blame it on you?" Gath hands Two his sword.

    "Don't you dare," Goddard warns. "Don't...Gath!"

    Gath runs off to chase her down.

  160. "No! What am I supposed to do with all his junk when she kills him?!"

    Gath catches up to Aara and keeps up with her, waiting until they loop back around to Two.

  161. "I'll take it," he shrugs.

    Aara nods at Gath, watching from the corner of her eye as he keeps pace.

  162. "You can blame Two for this," Gath snickers as he bumps into her hard enough to knock her into Two. He stops a few feet away to avoid any punches thrown his way.

  163. "For wha-?"

    She rolls through the dirt track and into Two, who laughs and gets tangled up with her.

    "What the hell, Gath?" she asks, elbowing Two as hard as she can in the stomach and getting to her feet.

  164. "That's what you get Two!" Goddard runs up to Aara. "Are you alright lecai?"

  165. She pushes up her sleeves and holds a hand out to stop Goddard before tackling Gath to the ground.

  166. Gath tumbles to the ground with a grunt and tries his best to pin Aara down.

    "No no stop!" Goddard yells in a panic.

  167. Aara laughs a little, not letting him pin her.

  168. "This is more difficult than I thought," Gath grumbles. "It's because you're so small..."

    Goddard runs up to Two. "Make them stop!"

  169. "I know," she laughs, rolling him over. "Not harder for me, though."

    Two stands, dusting himself off. "Why? It's good for them."

  170. "You're also fairly light." Gath says, getting everything just right to flip her over him.

    "How is this good? She's gonna kill him and she's going to get hurt."

  171. Aara shifts her hands mid air and puts all her weight on them, forcing his shoulders back to the ground.

    "She won't kill him, and I doubt he'd risk hurting her."

  172. "I'd rip him apart," Goddard snaps.

    Gath hears this and let's his hands fall to the ground. "My hair is getting ruined isn't it?" he mumbles.

  173. She frowns and sits back on her heels. "So you're just giving up?"

  174. "Ripped apart and messed up hair? Do you have to ask? At least do this like civilized people. On our feet with swords."

  175. "You started it, and you're afraid to get a little dirty?"

  176. "Blood is fine. Dirt, not so much. Or are you afraid to get a few cuts?"

  177. She laughs. "You're joking, right? Two, give me my swords."

    Two jumps to obey, winking at Gath.

  178. Aara assumes her first position, one scimitar high and angled down, the other low and angled up, so that her body is shielded from attack.

  179. "Shut him up Two," Gath mumbles before he draws his one handed sword and swings. The sound of metal on metal gives Goddard chills and grabs Two.

    "Why are you alright with this?!"

  180. Two pats his shoulder. "Sheik, they're professionals," he tells them. "They won't really hurt one another. Sit down and watch."

  181. Goddard narrows his eyes at Two. "And what is their profession? It wouldn't happen to have anything to do with killing people would it?"

    Gath is careful with his attacks as he studies her motions.

  182. Two shrugs. "Knowing how not to kill someone is just as important as knowing how to kill someone. My money is on Four, anyway."

    Aara knows her style is perfectly suited to this, and keeps her sphere right and small as she focuses on defense instead of attack.

  183. It doesn't take Gath long to realize he won't be able in too close with a single shorter sword, so he moves toward Two, never taking his eyes off Aara, and grabs the two handed sword. It's slower, but he thinks he can make it work.

  184. "Now Sheik...don't get involved," Two murmurs, his hand heavy on Goddard's shoulder when Gath goes for the bigger sword. "This is good for them. You know that."

    Aara makes use of the sword's weight, slipping in and out of it's guard, knowing she could strike him but choosing not to.

  185. Gath takes advantage of her ducking and dodging. The sword slams into the ground beside her and he takes the chance to kick her in the back of her leg.

  186. Aara takes a knee with a huff, but punches him hard in the thigh with the hilt of her scimitar.

  187. Gath takes a step back, turning the blade so it doesn't cut Aara.

  188. Aara takes a breath and springs back to her feet, swiping low with one blade and high with the other.
