Friday, June 10, 2016

"Thank you so much," Goddard says with a nod. "You've been so helpful. Come on love, let's go see what else we can find."


  1. Aara lets him lead her out. "No she wasn't...was she?"

  2. "But...she's a woman! Why would she flirt with me?"

  3. Goddard chuckles. "Lecai that doesn't matter. I've flirted with men. How is that any different?"

  4. "Men have always..." she stops walking and covers her mouth with her free hand. "Women?" She asks, flushing a deep red. "Nuur'eni, really? I- I didn't know..."

  5. "You didn't know?" He can't help but laugh.

  6. "You know exactly the depth of my knowledge of these things," she says sullenly. "How are you surprised?"

  7. "I thought after knowing me and being in Altdorf, something would stick." He laces his fingers in hers and bring her hand up, kissing the top of her hand.

  8. "Uzzaya save me, I'm so embarrassed," she laughs. "I thought you were joking about Katarina and me, do you remember? Oh I never actually considered..." She laughs and buried her face in his chest.

  9. Goddard laughs. "I was serious. I thought you knew." He kisses the top of her head.

  10. "How mortifying. And she was flirting? How did I miss that?" She looks up at him. "Am I that naive?"

  11. "You don't have any experience with any of that lecai, and that's understandable considering where you grew up."

  12. She smiles wryly. "And I'm almost certain my lord kept me ignorant for his own purposes. Well the only thing to save me now is to get me drunk enough to forget it," she laughs.

  13. "I'm not sure that'll work the way you want, but why don't we buy a bottle of something, take it home, and try anyway."

  14. "Not right now, but I don't want us to get drunk in this new place either."

  15. "Hmm, good point. A bottle of cold juice and some shade then?"

  16. "Yes. That sounds perfect especially the shade."

  17. She laughs as they move away from merchandise and towards what seems to be food and drinks. "You look a little wilted, Nuur'eni."

  18. "I thought that's how I always looked?" he laughs. "I do feel a little drained from the heat. You like it here?"

  19. "Very much. It's like being home without all the strings and memories attached. But we can go home if you want."

  20. "We have some time. Don't worry about me. My favorite part of the today so far was seeing your face when we walked through the portal. Oh and seeing your face when you realized she was flirting with you."

  21. She blushes again. "This is incredible. Thank you for bringing me here."

  22. "I'm glad this place exists and wasn't too difficult to get to. Coming back will be even easier."

  23. They find lunch and an area full of shaded tables arranged near a fountain. "How fortuitous," she says, "there's even a fountain."

  24. "This is nice." Goddard leans back in his chair with a content sigh. Can't get too comfortable now. Soon...

  25. "Yes it is. Makes me wonder what horrible thing you're making up for," she snickers.

  26. "Lecai. I haven't done anything horrible. What could I have possibly even done?"

  27. "I don't know," she laughs. "It's a perfectly logical assumption. You hate the heat and the sand, and yet here you are, willingly braving both. For what?"

  28. " upset about Tallyn and I...wanted to make sure you knew everything was fine. That you mean the world to me."

  29. Aara's heart melts and her suspicions fade. Setting her drink aside she kisses him. "Thank you."

  30. "Anything for you lecai. Except shaving my head or something like that."

  31. "Oh heaven's no! I'd never want that!" she laughs.

  32. "Good. I'll consider growing it."

  33. "I like it this way. I was thinking of cutting mine. Maybe to my chin."

  34. Goddard's eyes go wide. "What hair will I have to twirl around my fingers?"

  35. "Is that a plea for me not to?"

  36. " do whatever you want with your hair. I can adjust." He lays his tail across his lap and twists a few pieces of hair on the tuft at the end. "Maybe...maybe..."

  37. She pats his hands. "I'm not sure I could walk without it," she admits. "Aside from the odd trim, it's never been cut."

  38. "Long or short, your hair will always be beautiful."

  39. Aara finishes her lunch and leans back across his lap, watching the fountain. "You know what I like best about this place? It holds none of my childhood. It's comfortable, yet liberating."

  40. "That's good. Maybe I should find a snowy place that does the same for me. I always loved the snow. How quiet it was. And we have to still visit father. I have no idea what that might be like."

  41. Aara's memories of snow aren't all that peaceful, but she doesn't comment. "I can't wait to see him! He's promised to sweep my straight off my feet."

  42. "I wonder what he'll look like. I hope it's something I can make really good jokes about."

  43. She laughs. "I'm sure you'll find a way. Did he say when we should come?"

  44. "Not yet. He'll let us know when he's ready I'm sure."

  45. She nods, closing her eyes and soaking in the sun and heat. "You get that from him," she says sleepily.

  46. "Get what from him? The information? He might give it to you for all I know."

  47. "No, that habit. Whatever you do, it's in your own time, at your own pace. Except me," she giggles. "Every second was at my pace."

  48. "The longer you live, the more different life looks. I know I have time, so I pace things accordingly."

  49. "What a diplomatic way of saying you like to procrastinate."

  50. "I don't like to...all the time anyway...well it depends on what I'm doing. I like procrastinating when you're involved."

  51. "Mmhmm you know when to take your time."

  52. "I don't mean like that," he snickers, "No matter how true it may be." Goddard flinches slightly as the image of a clock flashes in his head. "Oh...was there anything else you wanted to buy here?"

  53. She nudges a small mountain of packages with her foot. "I don't think so. I have gifts for everyone."

  54. Gifts for everyone on your own birthday. "Should we head back then? I know you don't want to but how else will these get to everyone?"

  55. "And you've been so secretive about this errand you need to run," she giggles, getting to her feet. "Let's go home, love."

  56. "Not necessarily secretive. Just don't want to leave it any longer than I have to?" Goddard helps carry some of the packages, even using his tail to make sure he has one free arm to offer to Aara.

  57. Once the portal's open, she glances at him. "Are you all right?" she asks.

  58. "A little warm from the sun, a little traumatized from the portal, but I'm fine," he laughs.

  59. She smiles. "I think you deserve peaceful night with our books now."

  60. Goddard nods. "Yes. We can have a nice quiet evening together."

  61. Back in Sigil, Aara hides the small disappointment at seeing a smoother, cleaner city. But now I know a place like home, I can go back whenever I need to.

    Draping the silk around her neck, she notices the time. "We were gone longer than I thought. We should see to your errand before it gets too late."

  62. "Yes, this way." Goddard takes her hand and leads her through the market, looking for the store Two specified.

  63. "Ah!" Goddard spots the shop and rushes forward and right into someone turning a corner. "I'm sorry," Goddard apologizes after he hears a low growl.

    "'s just you," Gath says. "I almost knocked you to the ground my lord..."

  64. Kryn hastily drops whatever she was showing Gath and steps forward, taking Aara's hands. "My lady! You're practically glowing! What's made you so happy?"

    Aara smiles brightly. "We went to a wonderful city- Calimport- and it was so much like home!"

    Kryn angles her attention away. "Hmm yes, that does sound fun."

    "Hello, Gath," Aara says, smiling at him.

  65. Goddard pretends to be more interested in the surrounding shops.

    Gath looks at Kryn for a second before turning his attention to Aara. "Good evening, my lady."

  66. That's weird. I don't like it. I'm no lady.

    "We missed you at breakfast," she says.

    Kryn laughs. "I'm afraid I made him go out with me this morning, Lady Aara."

    "Oh, I see." She frowns at Goddard. "Nuur'eni, is something wrong?"

  67. "Just...shiny things...over nothing is wrong," Goddard says, giving Aara a smile.

    "I'm sure breakfast was fine without me," Gath says.

  68. Aara starts to speak before realising she doesn't know what to say, but Kryn comes to her rescue.

    "I'm sorry, Lady Aara, Sheik, but I should be going. Gath's promised to walk me home."

    "Oh. Um. We have an errand, too..."

  69. "Yes, we'll see you later I'm sure," Goddard says with a wave.

  70. Aara watches them go, her case moving between them and Goddard. "Well that seemed uncomfortable for all involved."


    "That went well!" Kryn says happily.

  71. "Well Gath was of course it was..."


    Gath shrugs. "I'm not sure they liked that I ...existed in that moment. I suppose they will be disappointed later."

  72. Aara sighs. "It doesn't have to be, and you know it."


    "Oh pish, Duckling. Let's wait a moment for them to go on and we'll go back to looking at those hair combs."

  73. "Don't worry about it. No sighing! It's fine. Look!" They finally reach a clothing shop and Goddard leads her inside. "Just wait here a moment. You can put everything down," he says, placing the packages he is holding on the floor. "I'll be right back."

    Goddard dashes off to find someone who works there. "Excuse me," he softly calls out, pulling someone aside. He gives the information Two gave him for the pick up. Goddard points at Aara. "Just whisk her off to the dressing room so she can try it on," he smiles.


    "Do you really think that's something she'd like? I guess you'd know best...not only can you read minds, but you'd know more than me about what to buy anyone."

  74. Aara frowns as they enter the same shop she bought her blue dress from. Setting her things down, she wanders around a bit until a salesgirl approaches.

    "Miss, will you follow me?"

    "I'm sorry?"

    "You do need to try it on, Miss."

    Raising an eyebrow, she follows the girl into a large dressing room. When she sees what's on the dressform waiting, she screams in delight and runs back to Goddard, throwing her arms around him and covering his face with kisses.

    "It's for me? Oh Goddard it's beautiful! You're amazing! I've got to try it on!" she squeals, running back.

    It starts with a purple crop top covered in beads and spangles, throwing purple rainbows everywhere. Then white harem pants, and an open robe over that. The sleeves of the robe are so sheer A silk it's like nothing is there, and banded at her elbow and wrist with wide gold fabric matching the trim.

    "The belt, one told us how to wrap it," the girl says apologetically, holding a piece of wide gold cloth.

    "That's all right," Aara murmurs, taking it. Captivated by her reflection, she wraps it slowly before pinning it in place.

    "My," the girl breathes. "We knew it was lovely when he ordered it, but...Miss you look like some kind of dream."

    Aara glances at her in the mirror. "This must be a dream," she laughs. She goes out and holds her arms open for Goddard to take it all in. "Well, Sheik?" she laughs.

  75. Goddard had no idea as to what Two had ordered, and it wasn't what he expected, but it was so perfect on Aara, his face lit up with a brilliant grin when she stepped out.

    I almost feel bad taking the credit for this. "You look amazing lecai! Perfection as always."

  76. "This is amazing," she says happily. "But why?" she laughs.


    Kryn laughs as they return to the stall. "I can't really read minds, Duckling. You know that. But I do know that she likes jewelry, and you said she's very proud of her hair." She picks up a pair of combs with green and bright blue gems in them. "This will stand out against the darkness of her hair, too. She'll love them."

  77. "Oh no reason. Other than I love you. That might be able to answer every why in our life together."


    "Then this is what we'll get. Just...say it's from you."

  78. Aara approaches him slowly and gives him a deep kids. "That is the best answer," she tells him.


    "Nonsense," Kryn laughs, giving it to the merchant to wrap. "Make it pretty, this is a gift. Besides, Gath, I've got her a present already. I bought her earrings."

  79. I don't feel so bad taking all the credit. "Let's wrap up what you were wearing so you can wear this out."


    "You can give multiple presents can't you?" Gath chuckles. "But if you insist...."

  80. The salesgirl nods and goes to fetch Aara's clothes.


    "Yes, you can, but I insist," she says. "Now pay this nice fellow so we can beat them back to the inn."

  81. "We should drop all this stuff off at home before we continue with our day together. What do you think?"


    Gath hands over the coins he had counted out while the combs were being wrapped. "We're cutting it close. Looking for gifts is difficult. This is the second time I've done this and it only seems to get harder."

  82. "I think you're right," Aara agrees as they set off. She can't help but flare out the robe's skirt a little, revealing the bright purple lining as she walks. "I feel like a princess," she giggles.


    "It'll get easier," she assures him. "You just need practice."

  83. "You are," Goddard smiles. "To me anyway."


    "Maybe I'll find something for you next time I'm out. If it's terrible, you'll be honest, and I can learn something from it."

  84. Aara's smile gets brighter, and she wraps her arm around his as they walk. "I can't wait to show everyone their gifts! Do you think Gath will like the bolt case?"


    "If it's terrible I'll tell you," she laughs. "And if it's perfect I'll drag you off to bed."

    They go straight to the garden, picking up Tallyn and Gill along the way. Two is waiting with Urian, Aaron, Kote, and a few of the other friendly patrons that stay frequently at the inn.

    "She's in her way!" Kryn announces, running and jumping into Two's arms. "And I missed you," she murmurs, wrapping her legs around his waist and kissing him.

  85. "I think so. And if he doesn't, I'll make him like it," he laughs.


    "Well I'll have to make sure I find something really good then."

    Once in the garden. Gath finds a quiet corner to stand in where he can see everything and everyone.

  86. "Duckling!" Kryn calls softly, waving him over to where her and Two wait. "Come over here, you're family!"


    Aara frowns at the nearly empty bar. "Where is everyone?" she asks Gill's assistant at the bar.

    "In the garden," he says with a smirk. "Go on through, my lady."

  87. Gath gives Kryn a skeptical look, but moves to stand with them anyway. To you. For now.


    "Hmm strange," Goddard mumbles. "But we can get an early start on these gifts." Since his hands are full of packages, he motions with his head for her to lead the way

  88. The moment she steps through the door, everyone shouts "surprise!"

    Aara jumps, gasping and almost knocking into Goddard.

  89. Goddard stumbles back a bit, but keeps his balance. "How convient," he laughs. "Everyone is here."

  90. Aara gapes, her mouth opening and closing like a fish. The garden is decorated with colorful streamers and lanterns, with a familiar sparkle in the air.

    "S-Surprise?" she stutters.

    Two comes forward and puts his hands on her shoulder, smiling. "Happy birthday, Four," he says, kissing her forehead.

    "B-birthday?" she asks, looking at Goddard.

  91. "Don't look at me. Two is the one who knows about birthdays and parties for them. Happy birthday lecai."

  92. Aara's eyes fill with tears, and fear sweeps across Two's face. "Oh no, my lady, I-"

    His words are cut off by her tackling him to the ground in a tight hug. Lying on the ground, he laughs and oats her back.

    "You're awful and I love you," she mumbles into his shirt.

  93. Goddard places all the packages down on a table and kneels beside them. "Sorry I lied about a quiet evening," Goddard chuckles. "I hope Two didn't ruin it too much."

  94. Aara grabs Goddard by the horn and pulls him down with them. "You're both awful and I love you."

    Kryn puts a hand on Gath's arm and leans in to whisper in his ear. "That's love, Duckling," she tells him. "Each very different, but no less powerful."

  95. "I'll take your word for it," Gath whispers back.

  96. When Aara's composed herself, she lets them back up. Kryn pulls Gath along to wish her happy birthday with everyone else.

    "This is- How did you know?"

    Aara sheepishly raises a hand. "I keep the dates," he says. "I saw Rafiq in the Hive a few days ago and asked if there were any plans."

    Aara laughs. "Really?"

    Not willing to wait anymore, Kryn grabs her and hugs her tight. "Happy birthday, my lady!" she says, releasing her and nudging Gath forward.

  97. Gath looks a little surprised to be put on the spot so suddenly. I'll look even worse if I don't do something. He decides on his own to compromise with himself and Kryn, and opens his arms, offering a hug. "Happy birthday," he mumbles. If she doesn't do anything, I at least tried and no one can say a damn thing later on...

  98. Aara jets into his arms without hesitation. It was only once, but it was a good hug. "Thank you," she says softly.

  99. Gath hugs her back, giving a gentle squeeze. "Go attack everyone else," he mutters, before he let's her go.

  100. She nods, releasing him, and gives him a little smile before running off to Gill and Tallyn. "You wretched boys, keeping secrets!" she laughs.

    Two nudges Goddard with his elbow. "I was scared for a second," he chuckles, watching Urian pick her two feet off the ground.

  101. "I wasn't scared at all. I knew if anyone was going to get hurt, it would have been you."

    "There," Gath says to Kryn. "Do I get a reward? A free coffee? A whole cake?"

  102. "You didn't see her face," Two murmurs. "I don't think I'll be jumping out at her anytime soon," he adds with a laugh.

    "For a month," Kryn says, pulling him over to Two and Goddard. "She looks like a little girl, she's so happy," she tells Two, kissing his cheek. "Good job, boys."

    "Sweet Uzzaya! Look at that cake! It's lovely! Is that a not-moose? Nuur'eni! Come see!"

    Kryn walks toward her. "Gath and I made it last night!" she tells her.

  103. "Is that what you were away doing? Baking a cake?" Goddard chuckles.

    "No. I just helped...a little...and I should have taken that off. My apologies if it upsets her my lord."

    Goddard gets to his feet and walks over to Aara. "It's very pretty," he smiles. "Except for the uhhh...well...." Goddard chuckles.

  104. "No I love it!" she laughs.

    "Baking, Gath?" Two asks. "Did Kryn keep you in the bakery all night?"

  105. Goddard breaths a sigh of relief. "Good. I didn't want a stupid nauglir to ruin your cake."

    "Yes...I just helped a little...really...mostly making flowers," Gath says.

  106. Kryn puts an arm around Aara's shoulder. "Gath would never want you to know how much he helped," she tells them. "He made all the flowers, and your little creature on top," she chuckles. "I'm glad you like it."

    Aara nods as Kryn walks back over to Two. "Rafi, come over here with me a moment."

  107. When Kryn walks away, Goddard wraps his arms around Aara, hugging her from behind. "How has today been so far?"

  108. She smiles up at him, cupping his cheek. "Perfect. I didn't even know it was my birthday. Or that we'd bother with such things."

    Two grins and saunters off to the side with her. "Don't look like that," she tells him. "Put your serious face on."

    His face goes blank and he crosses his arms over his chest. "What is it, Krynnae?" he asks, using her full name.

    "Good. You are being serious. I want to tell you that I had sex with someone last night."

    "That's no surprise," he says, still serious. "So did I."

    She smiles in relief. "Good, because it was Gath."

    Two's arms fall to his side in shock. "Sorry what?"

  109. "It was Two's idea. You should thank him for the dress too. My job was to distract you today and get you dressed up. But the why still applies," he kisses her cheek. "Because I love you."

  110. She smiles wryly. "I had my doubts that you'd designed something like this," she chuckles. "You prefer drama and dark colors."

    Aara approaches, holding his hand out to her and drawing her away from Goddard. "I'm afraid I can't stay," he says. "But I wanted to see you smiling and tell you happy birthday."

    She kisses his cheek. "I know. You're leaving again. Safe travels, and come home soon."


    "Gath. He and I slept together."

    Two stares, dumbfounded for a moment before laughing loudly, clutching his side and leaning on the wall. "You and the Not-Sheik?"

    "Yes. I wanted you to know in case it came up with him, so you wouldn't be angry. Stop laughing."

    Gasping, Two wipes his eyes and pulls her close. "All right, elfling," he chuckles. "If you and Gath had a little fun, that's fine. Just so long as it's only fun."

    Kryn melts a little and smiles up at him stupidly. "You're the only heart for me, Rafi."

    "All right then," he chuckles, looking over her head at Gath. "Was he worth the trouble?"

    "Oh Rafi, he was wonderful! He's so handsome when he smiles! Not like you," she adds soothingly when he arches a brow at her. "But handsome."

  111. Gath watches Kryn and Two from the corner of his eye and frowns when Two laughs. Did she tell him? Why would that be so funny?

  112. Two nods, tucking her head under his chin. "Do you think you two will do it again?"

    "I think I'd like to. Would that bother you terribly?"

    Two considers this a moment, kissing her daffodil colored hair. "No. So long as it's understood that you're mine."

    She lifts her head and kisses his chin. "Heart and soul, my darling."


    Once Aaron's left, Tallyn and Gill call them over to sit. "Well, sweetheart?" Tallyn asks. "Gill has me hanging lanterns all day."

    "Worked him like a dog, I did," Gill chuckles. "And he was strangely exhausted this morning..."

    Aara laughs nervously and looks down, blushing.

    "He knows, sweetheart."

    "Uzzaya save me," she whispers, burying her face in Goddard's arm.

  113. "Oh lecai," he laughs. "See it's fine."

  114. Two sets her aside and walks over to Gath, his face serious. "Gath, Kryn tells me you spent the night with her."

  115. "I did," Gath answers, as flatly and as plainly as he answers everything else.

  116. Two stares at him for a moment. "There's a spring on the left side of the bed that digs into the back. She claims it's supportive, but it really just hurts like hell. Take the right side."

  117. "And do not call her father 'sir.' He thinks it's insincere. Call him Krael." Two grins and claps him on the shoulder. "She seems to have enjoyed herself enough. Good for you, my friend."

  118. "I don't think I've ever called anyone sir before anyway," Gath says.

  119. "Good. He doesn't appreciate it. And if you somehow steal her heart from me, I'll be upset," he adds.


    "It's still embarrassing," Aara mumbles.

    Gill laughs and pulls her hand until she's sitting up. "I don't mind, Aara. I think it's sweet."

  120. "If she gives her heart to anyone else, it would be because she wanted to, not anything I would have done. I have no desire to pursue anything like that with her. That's...your thing."

  121. "So we understand each other," Two says cheerfully. "Good."

  122. "Boys! Come eat!" Kryn calls, sitting at the long table in the center.

    "Gill this all looks incredible," Aara says as staff begins to set plates before them.

  123. Goddard takes a seat beside Aara. "I'm a little sad I didn't help with setting any of this up. It looks like everyone put in so much work for you."

    Gath doesn't want to sit with everyone else, but does so anyway, knowing Kryn will just call him out.

  124. After dinner, Tallyn calls for music and dancing. "Come on, Krynnae," Two says, jumping to his feet.

    "My lady?" Tallyn asks, "unless, of course, Nuur'Ninny wants the first dance?"

  125. "It's your day lecai. You choose."

  126. "You, Nuur'eni," she says, standing.

    Tallyn hangs his head until Gill laughs and pulls him to dance.

  127. Goddard grins and follows Aara. "You can maybe have the next one Sunny."

  128. Breathless, Aara falls into her seat. "I can't remember when I've danced so much!" she laughs when Kryn plops down beside her.

    "Who knew Rafi could dance so long?" she asks.

    "Are you ready for gifts, Four?"

    "Gifts! Oh, Goddard and I bought gifts for everyone today!"

  129. "I would have stopped her shopping spree, but that might have seemed suspicious."

  130. "Those can wait," Two chuckles.

    "Mine first!" Kryn cries. "Rafi it's the little one with the yellow ribbon."

    Aara squeals over earrings, gasps over a lovely teacup from Gill and Tallyn, and almost cries over Two's little stuffed camel. "Now Duckling's," Kryn demands, ending her a package wrapped in silver paper with a red ribbon.

  131. "And then mine," Goddard smiles, appearing with a long box in his hands.

  132. Aara opens the box, stunned by the beautiful combs. "Oh Gath...they're beautiful," she says, looking up at him and smiling. "Thank you."

  133. "You're welcome. Kryn helped pick them out."

  134. "They're lovely," she says, sweeping her hair up with them. "How do they look?"

    Looking smug, Kryn nudges Gath.

  135. "Nice?" Gath mutters before Goddard steps in front of him.

    "You look as beautiful as ever. Here. When I saw this, I knew it was meant for you."

  136. Aara laughs. "You're excited. Should I taken my time opening it?"

  137. "Just open it normally. I wanted to find you something I don't usually get for you."

  138. She does, and finds a slender wooden box. "Hmmm," she says as she lifts the lid. As soon as she sees the glass pen, she sucks in a breath of surprise.

    "Oh Goddard..." she breathes, lifting it from the box.

    Gill leans over Tallyn and Two to get a good look. "Good job, Goddard," he chuckles.

  139. "I'm good at picking out gifts. Most of the time..."

  140. Aara leans over and kisses him soundly. "It's beautiful. Thank you, Nuur'eni."

  141. --
    Gath sits quietly in a corner with a cup of wine, watching everyone else dance and drink more than they probably should. That must be nice...

  142. Aara waves off Urian and stumbles away from the dancing. Halfway to her seat she changes course and sits beside Gath. "I'm so glad we talked," she says happily, leaning her head on his arm and watching Two dance with Gill.

  143. "I'm surprised you remember we even talked."

  144. "What am I? Some old lady who don't know her own mind?" she laughs and hugs his arm. "I 'member."

  145. "One day you will be, but right now, you've just had a lot to drink."

  146. "That's a long way away." She sighs and lays his arm. "Can we be friends now? Real ones, like you and Kryn?"

  147. "Only if you could talk to me the way Kryn does. She can take jokes, sarcasm, and being called pinky."

  148. Aara sighs sadly. "I don't always understand your jokes and sarcasm," she slurs.

  149. "You can start by not taking it all so seriously."

  150. "I don't. I just have nerves."

  151. He raises a brow. "Everyone has nerves."

  152. "I just wanna be friends. My nerves have nerves."

  153. "What are you talking about? Nerves having nerves?"

  154. Aara reaches up and punches Gath's lips. "They do. It's fine. I just wanna be friends."

  155. Gath stares at her, confused. "Are you trying to say you have too many feelings? I'd believe that."

  156. "What exactly do you feel then? Or do you just feel drunk right now?"

  157. "I can't tell half the time," she sighs, cuddling his arm. "Ustadh didn't teach me that."

  158. Gath looks down at her with a sigh. "You seem to make only a little more sense when you're drunk."

  159. "Do I? Ustadh said to never give anything away. It's much more complicated than it used to be."

  160. "Complicated? Or will you just not explain anything?" He watches Goddard stumble around a table, trying to catch Sethai after the dragon stole a piece of food from him.

  161. "Could you stop being riddlely so easy?" she asks, taking a long drink of wine.

  162. "I'm not. Not right now. I asked why you felt things were complicated and decided maybe I shouldn't have bothered asking."

  163. "I don't know. I tell Goddard things and he thinks I'm not telling him and then I'm miserable because he's miserable and you're miserable because...I don't know. And then last night I slept with Tallyn and I was miserable but Goddard laughed and I don't know what's going on and you give really good hugs but you think I'm annoying and I don't think I can turn that off and..." She pauses for another drink. "And Two is so happy and I don't like it so I annoy him on purpose."

  164. Gath is silent for a moment before he bursts into laughter. "I never thought you had it in you to be with anyone else and I thought you liked my misery."

  165. She gapes up at him. "Why would I want you miserable? I've been throwing the love of my life at you since we got here!"

  166. "Really? Doesn't seem that way."

  167. "How could-? I told him I didn't care! I told him," she mutters into her cup.

  168. "But you do and he knows it. Unlike Two. Two doesn't care."

  169. "I only care because I'm 'fraid you'll take him away from me," she says, cuddling closer.

  170. "I can't take him away from you. He wouldn't ever want to be without you."

  171. "I believe that now. Wait- Two? Did you and he...?" she giggles.

  172. Gath makes a disgusted face. "Never."

  173. She giggles. "He's kinda pretty though."

  174. "Not that pretty. Not pretty enough for me to look at."

  175. She laughs, snorting. "Who is, besides Nuur'eni?"

  176. It takes a long moment for the dots to connect, but when they do Aara's eyes go wide and she gasps. "You and Kryn?" she giggles.

  177. Aara laughs till she can't breathe. "What did Two say?"

  178. "Nothing really worth repeating. Oh, he did warn me about a spring in her bed."

  179. "He complains about that a lot." She plucks at the cuff of his sleeve. "I don't know how to handle these things. How to talk and tell."

  180. "Then just don't tell him. I doubt my lord would care. Not that he doesn't care, but not about that."

  181. She rolls her eyes. "I mean you."

  182. "What do you mean? You didn't want to hear about me and...well, my apologies, but I had to explain it wasn't Two."

  183. She sighs and shakes her head as if she's talking to a child. "Oh Gath. I don't want to hear any details about you and him. Who cares about anybody else? I don't know how to talk to you like Kryn does. Sober, anyway," she snorts, pouring more wine into her cup.

  184. Gath scratches his head. "I wasn't saying anything about my lord. I just had to clear up that it was Kryn and not Two. Why am I'll just forget all of this anyway," he snickers.

  185. "Nu-uh. I 'member dancing with you before it got weird."

  186. "Yeah. We were doing all right and then after that it all went..." She makes a vague breaking motion. "I don't know."

  187. Gath shrugs. "You think something is wrong and changed. I don't. Maybe it's just all in your head," Gath says, softly poking her in her forehead.

  188. She nods, brows drawn together. "I know."

  189. Aara drains her cup and pours another and drinks half of it before she answers. "I'm afraid you'll leave," she says quietly, watching Goddard. "Everyone goes, except him. It hurts."

  190. "What does it matter if I leave? I'm not planning on going anywhere. Unless he dismisses me."
