Thursday, November 19, 2015

An Argument of True Things

Two shakes his head, one hand making a small mudra. "No. Until now I have only served the one lord, and his business never took us from Araby."


  1. "It's full of dimwitted humans who only care about drinking and coin. They were terrified of me."

  2. He grins brightly. "This sounds like my kind of place. I'm rather fond of drink and coin. And women."

  3. "Plenty of women that you don't have to tip toe around or divert your eyes," he sighs. "And not covered in multiple layers of fabric."

  4. Two sighs happily. "Didn't let you stay long enough at Hira's, did she?" he chuckles. "What's underneath is always worth the unwrapping."

  5. "I'm always instructed not to touch," he shrugs. "Which is most of the fun. If we stayed longer, I could have at least gotten drunk."

  6. His smile stays. "But at Hira's they touch's bliss." He gets an idea and jumps up, stepping into their tent. A moment later he returns with a bottle of amber liquid. "I forgot about this," he says, pulling a long drink out of it. "Ahhh, that's better."

    He holds it out to Goddard.

  7. "No one was going to touch me. Infidel and all." He reaches for the drink and Gath's hand quickly grabs his wrist. "You don't think I should test this first? In case it's poisoned."

    "It looks like liquor of course it's poison...weren't you sleeping?"


    Gath sits up and instead of simply taking the bottle, he holds his hand out to see if Two will offer him some as well.

  8. Two doesn't hesitate in handing it to him. Aara trusts him. So shall I.

  9. Gath takes a long drink and looks as if he might melt. "Very good." He hands it to Goddard but when Goddard reaches for it he pulls back. "You aren't going to attack me again..."

    Goddard snatches it from him and takes a drink. "I hate you," he tells Gath before he hands the bottle back to Two.

  10. Two laughs. "Aara really does keep secrets. Hira's girls aren't just Arabyan. They also don't care if your an infidel. You just have to impress or interest one of them." He drinks and passes it back around. "She's evil, that one."

  11. "That isn't fair," Goddard mumbles, taking another drink and passing the bottle. "She can be jealous. I think that's why she does such things."

  12. "Oh she is. One time she bloodied my nose because I was praised over her," he laughs. "But her mind was on other things as well at Hira's. I only watched her from afar and could see she was distracted. Didn't you notice?"

  13. "Just a bloody nose? You're lucky." He pulls his hair back and points out the scars running along his cheek. "He punched me so hard, I'm lucky I still have my face."

    Gath almost spits out his drink holding back laughter.

    "And I assumed she was mad at me for gawking. I never quiet grasped what all the hand motions meant. I just know she tends to do them when she's annoyed by me."

  14. Two gapes, slack jawed at his scars. "She's got it bad..." Shaking his head, he accepts the bottle back from Gath. "You mean you can't read mudras? After four years with her?"

  15. "You act as if I had time to worry about that sort of thing. This wasn't a leisurely vacation around the world."

  16. Two just stares a moment. He can't even communicate with her... "How did you even win her over? Dumb luck?" Unthinking, his hands form disbelief.

  17. "I am absolutely irresistible," Goddard grins.

    "My lord, please stop. I may just choke and die on this drink from trying not to laugh at you."

  18. Two looks dumbfounded. "You don't understand. That girl was stone when they left for the Empire. She didn't even cry when Ustadh died. How..." He shakes his head and laughs. "It seems Uzzaya has a sense of humor."

  19. "I'd never have guessed. It may have been the rose I gave her and I had given that to her maybe a few minutes after we'd met," he laughs.

  20. Two laughs. "A flower? Who would have thought a flower would break that facade..." He takes a long drink and sends it around. "Ah well, at least it wasn't one of the others. You seem a good enough fellow."

  21. Goddard laughs nervously.

    "Good enough you know what we are?" Gath shakes his head.

  22. "I'm dead sure I know what you are," Two says. "But if you tell me he's one, too, I have to say he's a broken one."

  23. "We are both elves," Goddard says. "That's all that matters."

    "We are druchii."

    "We're the same thing."


    "Same as my father was."



    "Fairy tales," Gath says taking a drink.

    "The truth."

  24. Two shrugs. "Makes no difference to me," he says. "Aara trusts you. I don't follow all that infidel garbage, or half the religions in Araby. Don't try and kill me or her, and I don't care what you are."

  25. "I wish more humans were like that," Goddard sighs. "But that's rarely the case." He glares at Gath. "We've got a bad reputation. But most humans can't tell the difference anyway. If we don't bring it up, humans assume we're high elves because why would druchii be civil among humans."

    Gath groans at the thought.

  26. "Ustadh taught us those things don't matter. Araby gets enough travelers for us to not be totally ignorant of the world." He stands, stretching. "I just assume all elves are odd. You two haven't proved me wrong yet."

  27. "You don't get the same...interactions the Empire gets with druchii," Goddard mumbles.

    Gath shakes his head. "There is no point to come and raid down here."

  28. Two grins. "Sand not a high commodity for you?" Bottle in hand, he buckles his sword across his back and stumbles off.

  29. "You'd probably all die on the trip back to Naggaroth," Gath mumbles, slowly getting to his feet to follow the bottle.

    "Gath!" Goddard backhands Gath in the chest when he stumbles to his feet. "Don't talk about that!"

    "Not even the tapestries?"

    "Especially not the tapestries!"

  30. Two manages to get to the waters edge and dunks his head in, blowing bubbles and making noises with his head underwater.

  31. Gath stands by the water's edge, arms crossed, trying not to sway. Goddard stands behind him and clings onto the back of Gath's shirt. "He's going to drown," he whispers. "Aara will be so mad..."

  32. Pulling his head out, he catches the last part of what Goddard said. "Why? Because she's a softie?" he laughs, wiping his face with his free hand. "A flower. A damn flower. I gave her a flower and she broke my nose."

  33. "Because she likes you for whatever reason I don't know," Goddard mumbles. "You obviously didn't give her the right kind of flower or you gave it to her all wrong."

  34. Two looks up at him incredulously. "I'm charming," he says simply. "It's easy for ladies to like me."

  35. "Well she didn't think you were charming," Goddard laughs. "She didn't accept your flower."

  36. Two gasps dramatically. "She did so! She just broke my nose afterwards..."

  37. "When I gave her my rose, even with her veil, I could tell she was blushing and smiling and over joyed. I'm sure she would have kissed me if she didn't have all those rules put into her head."

  38. Two shakes his head, then stops when it makes him dizzy. "Not her. Not with Koroush around." He sneers a little, jealous. "Don't matter anyway, I'm the one she kisses now."

  39. Goddard steps out from behind Gath and pokes Two in the chest, grinning. "She doesn't enjoy it. You're kisses are odd to her. Mine...mine are music!"

  40. Shocked, Two looks down at his hand when Goddard pokes him. "She didn't complain when she kissed me," he retorts, poking Goddard back. "She did, however, complain about you."

  41. "Well she complains about you too! In general and your lips!" Goddard pokes him again even harder. "She's complained about me to my face. I don't care!"

  42. Two shoves him, making himself stumble a bit. "Well I'm the one she reaches for at night! Your place is taken."

  43. Goddard shoves him back, stumbling a bit as well. "What are you talking about! She's welcome at any time! And I know she hasn't reached for the same things she'd reached for for me," he snickers.

  44. Another push. "At least she knows I want her. I'm more than enough to satisfy her. Props aren't necessary."

  45. "We've cleared up any of those issues. And how would you know you could satisfy her? It hasn't gone any further than a 'funny' kiss with you!" Goddard shoves him with all the strength he can muster.

  46. Two stumbles, but grabs Goddard's shirt and takes him with him as he falls. "You think she has to drug herself every night?" he grunts as they wrestle. "You saw how she clings to me!"

  47. Goddard winces at the pain of landing on his hands as he tries not to land on top of Two. "Not as much as she's clung to me. And in the same bed!"

    Gath contemplates stopping them but decides to let them be since they don;t seem to be hurting each other.

  48. Two cuffs Goddard on the side of the head. "Who needs a bed?"

  49. Goddard quickly puts his hand to where Two landed the hit and then cuffs him back.

    As the two are fighting, Gath notices the water getting darker and the surface moving more than it should even with the waterfall. It begins to bubble and Gath runs over, grabs Goddard by the back of his robe and throws him to the side just as a giant lizard bursts forth from the water.

    Its dark body is covered in hard spikes and the front legs look like giant scorpion pincers. A wave crashes behind it and what appears to be a scorpion tail raises up from the water. The end of the tail where the stinger would normally be, opens up and a cobra head appears, hissing angrily.

    The large claws surround Two and Gath and move to push them toward the lizard's face. Blood oozes from its eyes and mouth and appears to be slowly eating away at any stone it lands upon.

    "Merciful Morr," Goddard gasps in horror.

    Gath reaches for the sword in a panic and tries to get his bearings through the water, sand, and terrible noise. "Dark Mother save me."

  50. Two gulps air into his lungs and draws his sword. "I'm too drunk for this path," he mutters, frowning at his shaking hands.

  51. Goddard stares at the beast in shock, on the verge of tears, unable to move.

    "You'd better be preparing a spell Goddard!" Gath yells. He swings at the creatures face, aiming for the eye. His sword makes contact with the spikes as it twists its head and his arms shake as if he'd struck a stone wall.

    Hearing his name, Goddard shakes the fear from his head and begins casting a spell.

  52. Two uses Gath's distraction to swing for the creature, but also hits a spike. He grits his teeth and lets his arms drop, feeling the painful vibrations down to his knees.

  53. The cobra strikes down at Two but barely misses him when Gath slices into its flesh. Its blood splatters on Two and burns his clothes and any exposed skin like acid.

    The head rears up and strikes at Gath. He hits the fangs with his sword and they only manage to graze his shoulder. He winces at the burning sensations but keeps swinging at it.

    Suddenly, a dark shadow slams into the head of the cobra. It screeches in pain and the claws come crashing down on Two and Gath as it tries to cover and protect the lizard face. Water and sand swirl around them and the two warriors see it open its mouth. Blood pours between it's teeth and the water around them mixes with it and becomes dark. Gath quickly gets to his feet to move away. It spits a glob of acidic blood at Goddard.

    Goddard dodges the bulk of it but a few drops land on his hands. He curses in druhiir then begins to mutter words for another spell.

  54. Two curses in Arabyan when he's splattered but keeps swinging for the head. When the wafer starts to change, Two backs away slowly, weapon angled across his body to block.

  55. Another shadow slams into the creature and Gath finally is able to land a hit on the eye. "Over here you disgusting beast," he yells and it turns toward him as if it understood the taunt.

    It swings with both it's claws. One at Two and one at Gath. Gath blocks it but is knocked into the blood and water stew. Because it's diluted, it doesn't do as much damage as it could, but it still burns.

  56. Two sinks his blade into a meaty joint just above the claw. The creature shrieks and jerks its claw back before coming for him again. Blood splatters and burns him as Two hits the same tender place.

  57. "Please make this end," Gath whispers. The sword is starting to feel heavy and his legs feel weak.

    As Goddard speaks the final word for the spell, he chokes and coughs up blood. It drips from his nose and his ears and his head is filled with a loud ringing sound. The creature lets out one final terrible sound before it retreats, sinking into the depths of the water.

    Goddard frantically tries to pick out the figures of Two and Gath. He spots them and gasps when Gath drops the sword and collapses to the ground.

  58. Two shouts and kneels next to Gath, checking for external wounds. "I wish Aara was awake," he mutters. "She knows some of this healing stuff."

  59. Goddard runs over to Gath and kneels beside him.

    "Gath! What's wrong! Merciful Morr did it bite

    you!?" While Two is checking for wounds, he notices two fresh long scratches along Gath's shoulder and chest.

    Gath slowly reaches up and touches the blood on Goddard's chin. "Wh-what happened to you," he mutters

    "My magic hates me," he laughs. "Don't worry. I can fix this. Don't die. You can't die."

    "It's going to take more than some chaos scorpion to

    take me down." Gath tries to laugh but instead makes

    a wheezing sound and takes slow deep breaths.

    "Are you alright?" Goddard asks Two.

  60. He nods, tearing his shirt to use to wipe away blood from Gath's wounds. "Nothing I can't live with," he says, looking up at him. "You?"

  61. "A few burns. The blood looks bad but it's nothing. Can you help me get him by the fire? Then get Aara. Make sure she's alright. I don't see how she could still be sleeping. I hope she isn't awake and terrified."

  62. He nods. "Let me get him. Don't want to open those cuts any more. Go wake her."

    Arranging Gath's limbs, he smiles ruefully. "I'm going to carry you, don't cut my throat for it." Two picks him up gently, aware of his cuts.

  63. "Glad I'm still...terrifying even like this," Gath barely manages to whisper.

    "I need to make something fast for the venom at least." Goddard runs ahead of Two and sits by the fire. He pulls various plants from pouches on his belt, muttering the recipes to himself.

  64. Two chuckles as they walk. "Absolutely," he laughs. Laying Gath down, he sees Aara near where Koroush and the acolytes set up their tent, talking in hurried whispers with Aziz.

    "Keep them calm, in their tent," she tells the soldier. "I'll find out what happened and come back if we need to move." Aziz nods, and she turns to look back at them.

    All Aara sees is blood on Goddard, and she rushes over. "What is it? Are you hurt?" she kneels next to him, running her hands over him expertly. "Tell me what happened."

  65. "I'm fine. Just the spells doing what they usually do. Glad to see your alright." Goddard smiles at her and then chews a few leaves up since he doesn't have his mortar and pestle and mixes them together before putting them on the wounds.

    "This...thing came out of the water and attacked us," Goddard tells Aara and he works. "Gath got me out of the way. He and Two ended up much closer to the beast. Two doesn't seem too bad but had a cobra head on it's tail and it must have grazed him."

    He then mixes a few liquids and lifts Gath's head up into his lap to help him drink it.

    Gath furrows his brow. "This is disgusting..."

    "Sorry. I don't have time to make it delicious. Next time."

  66. Aara nods and switches her attention to Gath. "Antivenom?" She asks. "They don't look too bad. A couple stitches. Two, get my kit."

    Two rushes off to get it, hiding his disappointment at seeing Aara worried about Goddard first. Aara checks Gath for any more injuries.

    "At least he missed your face."

  67. Goddard nods. "Yes. His wounds don't seem too bad but the venom...that needed to be stopped."

    Gath closes his eyes and tries to focus on something other than the pain the venom is causing throughout his body. "If that thing touched my face, it wouldn't have had the time to retreat."

    Doing all he can for now, Goddard simply runs his fingers through Gath's long hair as Aara handles stitching and bandages.

  68. When Two hands her kit to her, she takes out a bottle of clear liquid and splashes it over her hands and his wounds. "Let him drink this," she says, handing it to Goddard.

    She makes quick work of it, with small, neat stitches and lots of bandages. Once she's done, she turns to Two. "What about you? Are those...burns?"

  69. He nods and helps Gath drink the liquid. When Goddard goes to try and pull it away, thinking he may have had enough, Gath protests. "That may be the only thing to help me get through this," he chuckles.

    Goddard raises a brow and sniffs it. "Oh yeah. Drink up." He then wipes as much blood as he can from his face and lays his head on Gath's chest.

    "What are you doing?"

    "Shhh I'm listen to your breathing and your heart. That's usually what the venom will effect. Hmm try to take deeper breaths."

  70. Two holds his arms out, showing her the burns. "Just this."

    "Keep him still a while," she tells Goddard, running her hands over Two's chest. "Hmm, I have some ointment, but that's all I can do. I wonder we didn't rouse the creature earlier."

  71. "It may not like the sun," Goddard suggests. "Who knows how deep the water is or what sorts of tunnels it may have to rest in. I'm hoping it doesn't come back."

  72. She shudders, the realization that she could have lost her dearest friends hitting home. Her hands shake a little, and she leans her head against Two's chest. "You boys need to be more careful picking your playmates," she laughs shakily.

  73. "It barged in completely uninvited," Goddard mumbles. "We were just mind our own business...talking..." He plays with a piece of Gath's hair, twirling it around his finger.

    "You're taking advantage of my being incapacitated."

    "Shh I'm still monitoring."

  74. Two wraps his arms around her, rubbing her back gently. "We're fine," he insists. "We were talking by the water, and it came out for us. Gath threw Goddard to the side and we are fine, Aara." He lifts her face to look in her eyes. "After what Goddard did to it, I doubt it will come back."

    She nods, yawning, and reaches for some clean cloth left over from Two's shirt. Sitting next to Goddard, she starts cleaning the blood off his face. "You're a mess," murmurs.

  75. "These things happen. It could have been worse. At least this time my blood didn't get all over you. And you didn't get any of that creatures blood on you. It burned."

  76. She shakes her head, wiping at his face. "You're sure you're fine?"

  77. "Yes. My head just hurts. A lot. It might explode. But I promise I'll be fine. I think I may have burned my hands a bit." He struggles a bit with the wraps, trying not to move from his comfortable position. "There. They look fine. Two and Gath were the closest to it. I'm glad they weren't too badly..."

  78. She nods, looking down at Gath. "How do you feel?" she asks. "Think you can move to your bedroll?"

  79. Gath opens his eyes and takes a deep breath. "I might be able to."

    Goddard helps him get to his feet. "Thank you for helping Aara," Goddard smiles. "I hope you two can get some rest. Come on you cow," Goddard chuckles, helping Gath toward their tent.

  80. "Let me know if he needs anything for pain," she says as they make their way. Alone with Two, she tosses herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck. "Thank Uzzaya you're safe," she whispers. "When I heard that thing, it was like the world was ending. And then when I stumbled out and saw..."

    "Hey, hush," he murmurs. "We're fine Aara. Gath is going to be fine- you tended him yourself. Goddard is fine, you saw that already. I'm fine."

    "I know," she says softly, yawning. "But you and're so important to me."

    He laughs and scoops her up. "Let's get some sleep. Your tea is catching up with you."

  81. Once Goddard gets Gath as comfortable as possible, he goes back to 'monitoring' his breathing.

    "You can't fool me now kuyash. You aren't listening for anything."

    "You believed me before?"

    "Only a little bit." Gath sighs and puts his hand on Goddard's head. "Thank you. You didn't have to save us."

    "Of course I had to!"

    "Can't let your new pet die so soon huh?"

    "Something like that..."

    "What about Two?"

    "He's Aara's pet. It would be cruel to have to tell her she needs a new one so soon."

  82. She laughs, the sound carrying in the darkness as he carries her back to the tent. When he sets her on her bedroll, she pulls her knees to her chest and watches as he sits and takes off his boots.

    "I'm glad you and Goddard are getting along," she says. "I need you two to be on good terms."

    Two snorts out a laugh, tugging on one boot. "I'm not sure if we were getting along," he tells her. "But we were talking."

    "About what?"

    "You mostly."

    She grimaces. "Me? Why?"

    "Well, you are the only thing we have in common." He sits across from her and takes her hands. "I understand more, now. Especially if that's the kind of monster you've been fighting against."

    She grins. "There was this one chaos had sharp needles and a long tail and was utterly terrifying. It could climb trees!" She sighs, happy to know that everyone is safe and nearly whole. "I shouldn't have had that tea earlier."

    He grins at her and stretches across his bedroll. "How could you have known what would happen? Get some sleep, Four. We're back on the road tomorrow."

    She lies back, staring up at the tent fabric. "Two?" she whispers after a long while.


    "Come here?"

  83. "Are you really alright?" Gath asks when Goddard makes a pained sound.

    "Yes. It's just my head. Really. I'll be fine."

    "Is my hand bothe.."

    "No!" Goddard says quickly. "Leave it there. I like it."

    Gath slowly moves his fingers as if he were petting a cat. "You're strange."

  84. "What do you want?"

    "Would you just come here!"

    Aara hears him chuckle in the dark and the rustle of fabric. "Tell me what you want, and I will. I've just been through an ordeal, and I want clarification."

    She laughs and sits up. "If I tell you what I want, I might not have the courage."

    "Tell me anyway." She can hear the amusement in his voice.

    "If you come here I'll show you."

    "Your bedroll is uncomfortable and lumpy."



  85. Goddard begins to doze off and Gath can feel him becoming dead weight. "You'd better not drool on me," he mutters.

    "What...oh I'm sorry," Goddard yawns. He sits up and stretches. "I should probably stay up in case that thing comes back anyway."

    "No. You were on watch already. I'll do it." Gath slowly props himself up on a nearby bag and Goddard promptly lays down again, putting his head on Gath's lap.

    "It's only fair," he mumbles with a smile.

  86. Aara lays back and puts her arm over her eyes. "I just wanted to kiss you goodnight," she says, "but if you're uninter-"

    She squeals as he instantly grabs her from her bed and settles her across his chest. "Better?" he murmurs, running a hand through her hair.

    He's close enough that she can see his smile in the dark. "Um...your bed is lumpy."

    He rubs his nose against hers. "This goodnight kiss, is it going to happen?"

    Butterflies erupt in her stomach, and she swallows hard. "Um..." She feels a blush creeping up her neck and is glad for the lack of light.

    " I have to ask for it?"

    So...I didn't know if anyone else could make me feel this way... she thinks. It seems butterflies aren't exclusive to Goddard... "Um." She franctically tries to find words. "You didn't come to me."

    She hears a low, husky laugh. "So? I brought you to me."

    "You changed the rules."

    "Then the new rule is this: The one on top has to kiss the one on bottom."

  87. Goddard's smile fades and he sighs. He sits across from Gath and looks down at his hands.

    "Is it your head?"

    "No...yes...maybe never mind. You rest. I'm wide awake now and when I close my eyes all I can see are its eyes.

    "If you're sure," Gath yawns.

    "Yes. I'm sure," he sighs.

  88. Aara stammers. "Uh. I-"

    With a playful sigh, he rolls then over until he's on top, making her squeal again. "Better?"

  89. Now that Goddard isn't talking, Gath can hear more clearly what he thought he had heard. "What is that?" he whispers.

    Goddard listens carefully and turns to Gath. "I don't know. But I hear it. I'll go take a look."

  90. Two nuzzles her neck, and Aara closes her eyes and makes a purring sound. Encouraged, he runs his hands over her body, chuckling when she shivers.

    "I can't..." she murmurs.

  91. Goddard leaves the tent and moves silently through the darkness. He follows the sounds and realizes they are coming from Aara's tent and they sound familiar.

    She isn't...she can't be...

    "She probably is," he mumbles to himself.

  92. Two raises his head and smiles. "You think too much."

    She pulls him by the beard until their faces are inches apart. "Not here."

    He frowns. "I'm still getting that kiss."

    She laughs and pulls him closer to kiss him deeply.

  93. It's quiet...they must be... Goddard spins on his heels and stomps back to his tent.

    Gath furrows his brow when he returns. "What happened."

    "Aara and Two!" is all Goddard says, motioning toward the tent entrance as if he can't believe what he's heard.

    Gath laughs loudly despite the pain. "Jealous?"

    "A little," he mumbles. "But not for what you might think! I've always said she can do whatever she wants but...well...I'm not doing anything!"

  94. When they part, he drops his head onto her shoulder. "Are you sure?"

    She laughs and pushes him off her, then snuggles up against him. "I'm not ready for someone else," she explains. "Not yet."

    He emits a low groan and puts an arm over her. "You are torture."

  95. Gath narrows his eyes at Goddard, expecting him to throw himself at him like when they were drinking.

    "Don't look at me like that," Goddard mumbles. "You're hurt and scary...I won't try anything. Not now..."

    "Aren't I scary all the time? That doesn't dissuade you?"

    "Nope!" Goddard laughs.

    "Why not just bother her with your stupidity?"

    "I-I can't," he sighs. "I-I..."

    "Get on with it."

    Goddard bites his lip. "I love her. I love her but I don't want nor do I deserve love right now. I just want...I hate you..." Goddard flops down onto his bedroll with a frustrated sigh.



  96. "Four?"


    "I hate you."

    She laughs loudly. "You do not."

    "I want to. And him, too."

    She's quiet for a long moment. "I'm sorry."

    "It's not going to change, is it?"


    "How much you love him."

    She sighs. "No, it's not. Sometimes I wish it wasn't so intense."

    "I could help. I could help you forget how it was like with him."

    Another sigh, deeper than before. "I...I don't know if I want to forget him."

  97. Gath gets comfortable again and closes his eyes. A few seconds later, Goddard is beside him with his note book. He grabs Gath's wrist and puts his hand on his head before he opens the book and begins to write notes on the beast they encountered.

  98. "When you're ready, I'll be here."

    "Rafiq, quit talking like you're in love with me."

    "I didn't say I was going to wait," he corrects. "I said I'll be here."

    "And conveniently sleep with other women?"

    "I'm no priest," he says smugly.

    She laughs softly and shifts. "Shut up. I'm tired."

    "One more kiss?"

    "You've had one already!"

    "But I've been through an ordeal."

    She laughs and rolls over in his arms to face. "Fine. One more."

  99. Goddard yawns and shoves Gath off his shoulder. "Gods you're heavy," he mumbles.

    Gath wakes up but leans more of his weight on Goddard.

    "You're crushing me!"

    "Isn't that what you wanted?" Gath laughs.

    "No!" Goddard crawls away and quickly stands up. "I guess you're feeling better?"


    "Good. Let's get something to eat."

  100. Aara gently untangles herself from a snoring Two. Sitting up, she pushes her hair over her shoulder and stares down at him. He looks like a little boy, she thinks fondly, standing and stretching. Barefoot, she walks out of the tent and into the morning light. "Huh. I overslept."

  101. "Good morning," Goddard calls to Aara when she exits the tent. "We started breakfast. You uh...slept in...must have been good...the uh night that is...""

  102. She sits with her feet curled underneath her. "Once I finally got to sleep, yes," she tells him. "No nightmares for once."

  103. "Oh...I see..." Goddard quickly looks back down at the pot on the fire. "Well I'm glad you were able to sleep peacefully."

  104. She snorts. "Peacefully? Not quite. Rafiq snores."

  105. "I guess that can be annoying after all of that," he clears his throat, "activity...long night...i suppose..."

  106. "I wouldn't say that I was particularly active...All I did was stitch up Gath and treat those burns." She raises a brow. "Are you ok, Goddard?"

  107. "Yes! Yes I'm fine. I was keeping an ear out for strange sounds so..." he laughs. "Didn't want that thing to come back and surprise us."

  108. Gath coughs.

    "No! No it was quiet...silent...nothing to worry about."

  109. "Well that's good." She looks up when Two stumbles out of the tent, bare-chested and sleepy. "Well good morning."

    He groans, rubbing a burn on his chest. "I hate you," he mumbles, blinking at the sun.

  110. "Hmm why would you hate her?" Gath asks and Goddard turns and hits his leg.

    "Don't answer him," Goddard laughs.

  111. "She kicks," he mutters. "And you elbowed me all night."

    She grins. "Oops. I'm sorry?"

  112. "I've never had that problem..." Goddard mumbles then laughs again.

  113. Yeah well, she loved you, Two thinks bitterly, rubbing his hands over his face once he sits.

    "You sleep like the dead," Aara tells him. "You wouldn't have noticed anyway."

  114. "Well breakfast is ready! Eat up!" He serves everyone then sits down, quickly shoveling food into his mouth.

  115. Aara doesn't touch her food, but narrows her eyes at Goddard. "Eat mine, Two," she says, putting water to boil for tea. "I'm not hungry."

    With a shrug, he pulls her plate closer.

  116. Goddard looks up at her, his mouth full of food, and raises his brows. "Hmm?"

  117. Her face goes blank. "Nothing."

    Two grins at him, his cheeks puffed up with food.

  118. Why that slimy...

    Goddard smiles at Two and Gath watches as if he's waiting for a barrel of gun powder to go off.

  119. Aara's eyes move between the three. "Have I missed something?" she asks in druhirr.

  120. "They just are so glad to be best friends now," Gath says, giving Goddard's back a hard pat.

  121. As if he knows what's being said, Two throws a muscular arm over her shoulders and hugs her close. "Really?" she asks flatly in reikspeil. "I'm so glad you're both friends now."

    "Great friends," Two adds with a dimpled grin.

  122. Goddard nods slowly, trying to disguise his tooth grinding as chewing.

  123. Suspicious, Aara mixes her tea and sips it thoughtfully. "Well I'm glad," she murmurs, watching Goddard over her cup. "It makes traveling together so much easier if we aren't at each other's throats."

  124. "That it does," Goddard smiles and finishes his food. "I can start taking our tent down Gath. We all probably shouldn't stay here any longer than we have to." He bounces up and makes his way toward his tent.

  125. Two watches him go with a grin and gets an elbow in the ribs from Aara. "You've done something," she whispers harshly. "I can tell."

    "Can not."

    She gets up to clear out their tent to take it down. "I'm going to let you get away with it for now, because I don't know what you've done. But I'm onto you."

    His grin spreads. "Like last night?"

  126. Gath inhales sharply then finishes his food. "I should go help. He might get...stuck you know how he is."

  127. Left alone, Two leisurely enjoys his breakfast until Aara has their gear out of the tent. When that's done, he starts dismantling the tent and loading everything onto a pack camel.

    "Your bed is lumpy. We should get you a new bedroll," he suggests easily.

  128. Gath quietly watches Goddard tear the tent down for a moment before he speaks. "I thought she could do whatever she wanted. Jealous?"

    Goddard spins around and almost trips on the tarp. "No! I mean yes! No! Ugh! It's just...he's so..."

    "I understand my lord," Gath nods. He helps pack up the tent and load everything onto the horse and camel.

  129. "It wouldn't be lumpy if it wasn't for you."

  130. Goddard climbs up onto the horses saddle and Gath climbs on the camel after a moment of hesitation.

    Goddard looks up at him as they ride over to Aara and Two. "Are you going to be alright up there?"

    "This is nothing. I'll be fine. All of you worry so much. That worry should be focused toward you."


    "Yes. You're the sorcerer."

  131. They approach in time to see Aara laugh and reject Two's offer to help her onto her mount.

    "I tie my own boots and everything," she quips as the beast plumbers to its feet. "Why Gath you look almost comfortable up there."

  132. "This is an uncomfortable creature. Looking at it makes me feel uncomfortable. This is not the mount of an elf. It's an abomination."

  133. She snickers. "I did say almost. Camels are more practical for the desert. They don't need as much coddling."

  134. ((Skip to palace cuz fuck the desert))

    Once they reach the palace and dismount, Goddard waits until Aara is occupied and he motions for Two to follow him to a shadowed nook.

  135. Raising an eyebrow, he saunters behind Goddard. "May I be of some assistance, elf sheik?" he asks, amused at Goddard's secrecy.

  136. Goddard moves surprisingly fast. He grabs Two by his collar and pushes him against the wall. "If you hurt her. I'll kill you," he growls. "She can do whatever she wants but I still care about her and I will always protect her. I'm at least nice enough to give you a warning."

    He let's him go and crosses his arms.

  137. Two pales a little. "I-I have no more intention of hurting her than you." His face hardens a little. "Probably less." He straightens his shirt and pulls his shoulders back. "She's in control, here."

  138. "Good. Remember that as long as you remain with her."

  139. He nods. "I will. I took an oath." He takes a step away before looking over his shoulder. "Although if I were you, I'd make sure I took some of my own advice. I'm not the one who broke her heart."

  140. Goddard almost snarls and moves to grab Two again, but Gath puts a hand on his chest to hold him back. "my lord, he moved away on purpose. Out into the sun where everyone could see. He's too much of a coward to remain within your reach while he flaps his jaw."

  141. Two shrugs. "Truth deserves a little light shed on it." He gives Goddard a little bow and speaks sincerely. "But all things aside, sheik, your message has been received. I won't lift a finger against her body or heart."

  142. "I'm going to talk to her too," Goddard sighs in druhiir.

    "About what?"

    "About something I thought we talked about but I'm not sure we did and since I'm not sure, I feel it should be done."

    "You...are very precise and descriptive my lord..."

  143. Rayya bursts into the stable yard and runs to embrace Aara, a flutter of women behind her. "Oh Shadow! You're back! Koroush has just told me what happened!"

    Aara laughs. "Everything is fine, Malika."

    "Are you well?"

    "A little tired, but otherwise fine. Let me get unpacked and I'll come see you in your rooms."

    Rayya nods and starts to go inside, but sees Goddard and walks toward him. With a welcoming smile, she embraces him gently. "Welcome back, sheik," she says in his ear.

  144. "Thank you," Goddard mutters. "It's nice to be back someplace safe. Safer than the desert anyway."

  145. She frames his face in her hands, smiling warmly. "For what you have done for me and mine, it is the least I can do. If you need anything, simply ask." Her smile turns mischievous as she looks to Gath. "I believe you will find your rooms more accommodating this time."

  146. "You don't want to know my needs," Goddard says shaking his head.

    Gath's dark eyes seem to light up and he throws an arm around Goddard. "He needs a nice long rest in a bed. Right? Let's go. Now."

  147. She laughs. "All the same, simply ask. I'll have baths sent round, and fresh clothing and food. Rest, and I hope to see you at dinner."

    Aara watches their exchange out of earshot. She is so easy with people. I think she'd hug Gath if he'd let her.

    Shouldering her packs, she and Two make their way to her rooms in the unused part of the palace.

  148. Gath practically drags Goddard back to the room. Goddard's eyes follow Two and Aara as they walk together. He doesn't know if he wants to feel happy for her or be angry at Two and himself. His feelings jumble together until they stop at their. Gath eagerly opens the door, hoping to find some wine.

  149. A maid is in her rooms, pouring steaming water into a large tub. "Oh thank you!" Aara exclaims.

    The girl bows. "Master Rafiq, if you will follow me, your rooms are nearby."

    Two nods and follows, closing Aara's door behind him. With a deep sigh, Aara sinks onto a chair and pulls off her boots. She stirs the hot water and frowns, realizing the girl added rose oil instead of jasmine to her bath.

    "How odd...I'm sure Rayya would have told her...Oh well, a bath is a bath."

  150. Even Goddard is taken aback by the half dozen barrels of what he can only assume are wine. "Wow," Goddard whispers. "She must really like you for some reason."

    "She doesn't know me well enough. Let's keep it that way. This will help you forget about those humans my lord."

    Goddard shrugs. "Only temporarily. I'll forget about pretty much everything else too..."

    Gath opens one of the barrels and grins at his reflection in the dark red surface. "We can celebrate our triumph over that beast. And the fact that you scared the nan earlier. You saw how pale he was. You almost looked like a druchii."

  151. Aara lingers in her bath until the water grows cold, then wraps a silk robe around herself and curls up in the window seat. When she hears a knock, she calls for them to enter.

    "Your sheik doubts my oath," Two says as he enters. "He felt the need to tell me as much."

    "I wondered what you were talking about," she says, watching him sit in an armchair. "But I'm not surprised. He doesn't know anything about our oath."

    "He doesn't seem to know anything about you," he counters. "Can he really not read mudras?"

    She waves a hand. "I'm sure there are a few he'd notice."

  152. The alcohol finally begins working on them and they feel and warm.

    "I have to tell her," Goddard mumbles.

    "Tell her what?"

    "That I love her. No matter what or who or how many, at once or individually, I love her. She was the first one I've evr loved."

  153. "You're giving him too much credit."

    She laughs. "Sometimes. I give you too much, too."

  154. "Are you sure you are not possessed by a demon of slaanesh? You'd fit in quiet well I'm sure."

    "No no no that's," Goddard shakes his head. "I've encountered their demons and while I may have stranger pleasures, that's beyond my realm. But Aara...even when she was trying to drag her tentacled body into the fire, I still loved her. Because it was her. Lecai..."


  155. He laughs and puts his bare feet up beside her. "Perhaps. But at least I give direct answers. Unlike you and him."

    She shrugs and gives him a small smile. "I like to keep my secrets."

    "And what secrets could you possibly have?"

  156. "It was but it was still her," Goddard mumbles. "Just no where near as...sleek..."

    "I meant all of this love and humans and calling her lecai."

  157. She laughs. "Oh, I have them."

    A knock disturbs them, and Two stands and stretches. "You keep them, for now." He opens the door to admit a maid and leaves. "See you at dinner."

    "Ah, Anissa," she maid says. "The Malika sends this."

    Aara thanks her and takes the small box and pile of clothing. Opening the box, she gasps. Inside is a collection of bangle bracelets, one a gold thorned vine with shimmering rubies at the points, another silver made of bones and amethysts. The rest are plain gold or silver.

    "How lovely," she whispers, sliding the hemmed bracelets on her left wrist.

  158. "Ah you wouldn't understand. You're too mean. Now that's not a bad thing...for me...but you just wouldn't understand. Humans are...soft..."

    "I know. I've cut into many..."

    "No! Oh no yes but no..."

  159. Aara turns to the dress Rayya sent. "It must be a banquet," she mutters, beginning to dress. Long lace sleeves cover her arms, meeting with silk at the bodice. Saffron at the top, the silk deepens in color until the last foot of fabric is a deep red. The dress clings to her from neckline to hip, where it flares out into full rustling skirts.

    "Well she knows how to make a dress."

  160. "They're soft here," Goddard points to his head.

    "Hmm yes the brains..."

    "And here," he points at the left side of his chest.

    "The bones are hard but the heart is indeed soft."

    "Shh that's not what I mean! Oh and most like when you bite them."

    "Can't say I've ever tried that. I assume they taste awful?"

    Goddard stares down into his mug. "I've never really thought about it. You don't do it to taste them," he laughs. "You do it because they like it."

    "I see..."

    "You're old right? How many?"

    "How many what my lord?"

    "How many?" Goddard grins slyly.

    "Hmm...many. But they were all druchii obviously. Humans were slaves. Scratching posts if you will."

    "Sounds messy..." Goddard mumbles cringing at the thought.

  161. Aara stares at Goddards ring dangling from its silver chain before putting it around her neck. Maybe one day, she thinks, tucking it into her dress.

    She opens her door just as Two knocks. "Wow," he says, looking her up and down. "You clean up well."

    "Well thank you," she laughs. "Ha e you come to escort me?"

    He offers his arm. "I may be the luckiest man in Araby right now."

  162. "I've been with a druchii once," Goddard mumbles.

    Gath chuckles. "Impressive. Better than a human?"

    " but...see...I-I didn't have to worry about hurting her. I can't even suggest a dagger with humans. They would run away screaming. Except Aara. But she's still so delicate...what if I...I don't..."

    "Have more wine my lord," Gath says swapping mugs. "You'll forget."

  163. Steel yourself, the young man thinks, mustering all his courage. You're just delivering clothes, after all. Surely they won't kill you for that...right?

    With a deep breath, the servant knocks on the elves' door.

  164. The knock startles them both and Gath stumbles quickly to his feet. He doesn't bother with the sword. He'd have better aim simply ripping out an attackers throat. The door creaks open and Gath looks down at the servant with a disapproving glare.

    "What is it?"

  165. "Uh. Uh. I have fresh clothes," he stammers. "M-m-malika said dinner will be in the b-b-banquet hall in half an hour."

  166. Gath snarls loudly on purpose and rips the clothing away, pulling it into the darkness of the room. "You may go." He watches for a reaction, trying not to smile at the servant's terror.

  167. He practically runs away.


    "Raj!" Aara cries when they enter the banquet hall. "Two, look who's here!"

    "Four!" the giant bellows, picking her up into a crushing embrace.

    "Raj," Two says, nodding.

    "Rafiq. How goes it?"

    "Well enough. A little boring."

    Aara excuses herself to go greet Rayya and her ladies.

  168. Gath grins and heads back into the room, dropping the clothing on Goddard's lap. "It's time to get dressed up again."

    Goddard leans his head back and groans. "I want to stay here and talk about daggers and blood..." He blinks quickly a few times and bites his lip. "What am I saying?"

    Gath snickers and takes his half of the clothing.

    Goddard rests his chin on his knees and watches Gath change. "I really like your hair," he mumbles.

    "Shut up and get ready."

    They slowly make their way to the banquet hall, taking every step as an opportunity to try and sober up as much as possible since there shouldn't even be wine on the grounds if anyone is to be believed.

  169. Rayya smiles when Aara bows to her. "My dear you look lovely."

    Aara smiles back at her. "All your doing, my lady. I have learned to live with it."

    Raj follows Two's sight and grins. "Careful, you're going to drool," he murmurs.

    Two shakes himself. "I can't help it. Haven't you ever wanted something just because of the conquest?"

    "Of course. I married her."

    "Look at her. She just stands out. Like a damn flame."

    Raj laughs and slaps him on the shoulder. "And you know she'll burn you. That girl is hard."

    "Not anymore."

  170. "Did...did you hear that?" Goddard whispers in druhiir.


    Drool, conquest, not anymore?" Goddard looks over at Aara. "She looks so happy. Beautiful..."

  171. "Greetings, Sheik!" Raj bellows when he sees Goddard. "How are you?"

    Hearing him, Aara turns, easily picking out Gath and Goddard in their black clothing.

  172. "Oh...fine! I'm fine. Glad to be back somewhere safe," he grins. "Safe with good food, comfortable cushions and beautiful women."

  173. "The Malika knows how to throw a party," he agrees. "Speaking of beautiful women..."

    Aara approaches, holding a hand out to Goddard to greet him. "I didn't expect to see you two tonight," she says with a smile.

  174. Gath raises a brow. "Why have that sniveling child send us clothes then?"

    Goddard elbows Gath in the ribs. "Why would we miss all this food? Especially after what we had to eat in the desert. Two didn't help cook did he?"

  175. She looks at Gath, confused. "I didn't know."

    The tree Mashi laugh, Raj the loudest. "Alas, sheik, I did not," Two responds, bowing slightly.

  176. "Who keeps inviting us if you don't want us to show up?" Gath sighs, shaking his head.

    Goddard laughs. "That's good then. I expect the food to be delicious."

  177. She shrugs. "The Malika, I would imagine. You are guests. All the same, I am glad to see you."

  178. "So you really don't want us to show up?" he snickers.

  179. She sneers at him playfully. "Charming as ways, Gath. A shame the Malikas gift didn't improve you."

    Two grins and wraps an arm around her waist, causing Raj to raise a bushy brow at him.

  180. "We didn't enjoy enough of it quiet yet, but we will soon enough." He looks over at Goddard just in time to see his ear twitch as Two holds Aara.

  181. She laughs, stepping out of Two's embrace. "I have no doubt. Be sure not to miss the fireworks," she adds to Goddard. "She had them rush together a showing just for us."

    "Really?" Two asks, letting her go easily. "That will be something to see."

  182. "Fireworks?" Goddard smiles. "It's been a while."

    Gath tilts his head. "What?"

  183. She nods. "At midnight, I think. It'll be a spectacle."

  184. "Idiot," Goddard chuckles at Gath. "It's like hmmm flares for signaling for battle but pretty."

    "Ahh yes...those. Humans wasting perfectly good explosives. I've heard of this."

  185. "It's fun," Raj says. "But enough talk! I'm ready to dance! Music!" He calls to the band in the corner.

  186. "I'm ready to eat," Goddard mumbles and makes his way to the food. He fills a plate with various foods and sits to watch the band and everyone dance.

    Gath its next to him with his own full plate and nudges him with his elbow. "You look like an angry squirrel."

  187. Raj claims her, swirling her around. "Can I make a suggestion?"

    "Of course."

    He chuckles. "Either keep Rafiq on a close leash or soothe your sheik's ego."

    She glances at Goddard pouting at a table. "Really? I thought they were getting along."

  188. Goddard narrows his eyes at Gath. "Do they even have squirrels in Naggaroth?"

    "I've been other places too you know."

    "Yes...the Empire I'm sure is your favorite stop."

  189. Raj laughs. "Just be careful with those two."

    She nods, biting her lip. "I will."

    Two watches her hungrily from the side of the room until a friend approaches to speak with him.

  190. "I should tell her what I want to tell her," Goddard mumbles into a piece of bread before he bites into it. "Then I can use the wine to forget. Or celebrate that she found someone normal like I had suggested. Either one."

  191. When the dance is over, Raj delivers her to Goddard's table. "Sheik, I leave this beauty in your hands. I see someone I should speak with."

    Aara smiles up at him. "Thank you for the dance, Raj."

    He bends low and kisses her knuckles. "It was my pleasure, Four. I'll claim another later."

  192. "My lord has something to tell you," Gath says before Goddard even has time to react.

    Goddard almost chokes on his food. "Gath! How could you betray me!?"

  193. She raises an eyebrow. "Does he now? Is it something we should discuss now, or in private?"
