Sunday, November 29, 2015


Two laughs as they leave the audience with the woman. "You looked ridiculous! Like some doll they play dress up with!"

"Shut up."

"White with pink flowers! Not even a respectable color!"

She smacks him in the gut. "I said shut up."

"Oooo, is someone feeling jealous?" he taunts in arabyan.  "Your sheik sure had eyes for her, didn't he?"

"No," she pouts, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Liar. You two haven't even slept together yet and he's already eying someone else. Of course you're jealous."

"Rafiq shut up."


  1. "I didn't realize the moons looked so...insane," Gath says as they leave the countess's room. "But then again, I'm sure the world looks that way to someone who's insane."

    "I never want to see that again," Goddard groans. "But thinking about what she may want me to do with my hands is the only thing keeping me from slipping into madness," he grins.

    "Please keep that to yourself my lord..."

  2. Two laughs. "He thinks you're open and understanding of his baser needs to hum evsruthing in sight, but you're-"

    "Shut up," she says again as they walk to their suite. "I'm not jealous."

    He has to stop and clutch his sides at that. "You are so! And angry about it too! Otherwise you wouldn't act this way."

    "I'm not angry," she mumbles, wrapping her arms around herself.

    "Then what?"

  3. Goddard pats his retainer's shoulder. "Oh I'd never bore you with such details."

    He turns the letter over in his hands a few time before he cracks the wax seal and silently reads it. When he is done, he grins at Gath. "This is perfect!"


    "Step foot into the Empire, get invited to a party. A masquerade..." he skims the letter again. "Deity themed and I am in the Taal and Rhya group. Wear whatever I wear on a daily basis. Hmm and I suppose...I could invite all of you. It's an open invitation."

    Gath frowns. "This doesn't sound like the best idea for a party. A bunch of strangers in a closed area, all wearing masks. You can't see who's who or read their faces for their intentions..."

    "Quit turning everything into hell," Goddard sighs. "It'll be fine."

  4. "It hurts you bastard!" she shouts at him, throwing her hands in the air. "I hate knowing that I'm not enough!"

    Two flinches, stunned. "But he said-"

    "It's different, I know, but sometimes I just-" she breaks off and keeps walking. "I try to understand. I've never asked him for fidelity. I know what he says. And I don't want to talk about it."

    Two puts a hand on her arm to stop her, his face full of concern. "You haven't told him?"

    "What good would it do? Make him miserable? We can't be like any normal couple. So I just look aside and pretend it doesn't bother me."

    Two puts an arm around her shoulder and they start walking again. "I'm sorry, Four. I thought you really didn't mind."

    She crosses her arms with a huff. "Of course I mind."

  5. "I will at least make sure you aren't stabbed in the back by some masked villain my lord."

    "You watch Aara too!"

    "That is Two's job isn't it?"

    "You trust him to be able to do that job?"

    " I am not going to waste my time on your humans."

    "Human...I mean...could you just keep an eye on her too you if you're going to hunch in a shadow the whole time?"

  6. They walk in silence a while before Two squeezes her shoulders. "I know! Let's go get drunk!"

    "I don't want to," she pouts. "You and that dress ruined my mood."

    "Well let's go improve it with drink!"

    "This sounds awful. I cannot wear another dress like that. I don't care if it's the fashion."

    "So don't. Stand out. You would anyway." He starts to walk a little faster. "Come on, put on something pretty- I know Rayya would have sent you with something and let's go drink."

  7. Gath remains silent.

    "I'll take that as a 'yes my lord'" he snickers. "This will be a less stuffy party. I can at least attempt to touch and all I'd have to worry about is getting slapped and not losing a hand...or worse."

    "It all depends on who you touch."

  8. She mumbles something about going to bed, but he ignores that and goes into her room with her. She curses when he unceremoniously dumps everything out of her pack and starts rooting around in her clothes.

    "Hey! Don't do that!"

    "It's all red!"

    "Yes, I know. Rayya ordered me a new wardrobe."

    "'s all red! And black!"

    She sighs and crosses her arms again. "Your point...?

    He shrugs. "I just think you look good in other colors too."


    He holds up a red dress with elbow-length sleeves trimmed in black. The skirt, like everything else Rayya designs for her, hugs her hips before spreading out into a full rippling skirt.

    "It's a bit formal," he muses.

    She sighs. "Stupid, I have normal clothes," she says, pulling a few pieces at random. "Look, plain skirt, white blouse, black bodice."

    "Yeah, but..."

    "This will be fine. Leave the dress and go away."

  9. Goddard waves dismissively at the comment. "The most trouble I've gotten into was an angry drunken husband...or two...nothing I couldn't handle."

    "Only because they were drunk I'm sure."

  10. Two paces in the main room as he waits. "Hurry up, will you!" he shouts through the door.

    "Shut up!" she shouts back, studying herself in the glass. The red skirt is plain, but finely made, and the bodice is sturdy and supportive, with twining red roses down the center lacing. Even the blouse is the finest silk, the sleeve billowing to her elbows.

    Finally, she emerges, hair tucked up into the scarf around her face and head. Two frowns and walks over, pulling the scarf away and arranging it around her throat. "I'm going to gather up each and every one of these scarves and burn them," he mutters, sticking his hands into her hair and pulling so that it falls down her back. "That's better." He smiles, tilting his head a little. "You know, with the khol, and your hair down, you're kind of pretty."


    "Can't you take a compliment!"

    "Good grief, let's just go. You're paying."

    Following her swishing skirt, he grins. "My pleasure."

  11. The two druchii are about to enter the suite door when it opens. Goddard stares at Aara a moment before he grins. "This looks much better. More like you." He then frowns. "But I can't hide very well under this. It doesn't look anywhere near as roomy."

  12. She doesn't smile at his joke. "No, but far more comfortable."

    "We're going drinking!" Two tells them. "Our little doll needs some atten-"

    She smacks his chest. "Don't call me that."

  13. "We'll change and go with you," Goddard smiles. "We can celebrate this invitation." He holds up the letter with two fingers before tucking it away. "I was given this by the countess. It's to a masquerade. And we won't even have to wear what we wore tonight. We can dress in what we would normally wear."

  14. "Hmm, I'm sure you'll enjoy that," she mutters, going to sit in one of the armchairs.

    "Make it fast, can you?" Two whispers. "She barely agreed to come as it is. Don't want to give her too much time to talk her way out."

  15. Goddard nods, pulls Gath behind him, and they quickly disappear into a room to change.

  16. "You...ah...don't seem excited about a party?" Two says as he sidles over to her chair.

    She plucks at a piece of lint on her skirt. "I probably won't go."

    "Why not?"

    She looks up at him sharply. "He sure had eyes for her, didn't he?" she sneers.

    "Aw, Four, don't let that get to you."

  17. They return rather quickly, dressed in their usual, more comfortable clothes.

    "Let's go," Goddard grins. "It feels good to be back in the Empire."

  18. Aara stands and starts wrapping her scarf around her face until Two reaches out and takes it away. "I'm burning it," he says, holding it out of her reach.

    "You will not!"

    "Will so!"

  19. "Finally! Something Two and I agree on!" Goddard laughs.

  20. "Ha!" Two laughs. "See? Nobody likes it."

    "I do," she pouts.

  21. Goddard pauses then snatches the scarf from Two with a frown and gently piles it around her neck and head. "I'm sure you'll fix it," he says softly.

  22. Shooting Goddard a stern look, Two nudges him out of the way and wraps it around her neck. "No one can make a fuss over you if they can't see you," he tells her in arabyan, cupping her face. "That will make you feel better. We'll find a fine specimen."

  23. Goddard pushes past Two and walks ahead of them, stepping out into the cool night. Gath begins to speak in druhiir, but Goddard quickly puts a hand over his mouth. "We can't do that here...someone might recognize it," he whispers.

    "You have to speak like this if you want to trash talk," Goddard says in Eltharin with a chuckle.

    Gath narrows his eyes and doesn't say a word.

  24. Aara lets Two tuck her hand inside his elbow and lead her out. "You know, if you hadn't brought it up, I wouldn't be in this wretched mood," she mutters in common.

    "Well maybe you should say something."

    "No. Just leave it alone."

  25. "Hmm?" Goddard turns around to face them. "Say what?"

  26. "Nothing," they say in unison.

  27. "I see," Goddard says, raising a brow." Well, maybe a few drinks will help with that." He motions for them to follow and they walk away from the relative stillness of the area around the university and into the more populated areas around the taverns and shops.

  28. "I'm sure if you-"

    "Shut. Up."

    Two sighs as they enter a crowded tavern with a lively crowd and find a table.

  29. Gath sits with his arms crossed, watching every movement of as many people as he can.

    Goddard takes a seat and sighs happily. He runs a hand through his hair, feeling better about getting rid of the horns. I don't have to hide like I did before...

  30. A waitress rushes over, tray on hip and cheeks flushed. Pushing back damp blonde hair, she gives them a tired smile. "'Ello, wat can I get for ye?" she asks. "Ale? Beer?"

    Her brown eyes size up each if her patrons, noting the dark girl with the scar pouting. "Wine, miss? Eases wateva's boferin ya."

  31. Gath leans forward. "What is the strongest thing you have?" he asks. "I'll have that and wine."

    "Same," Goddard grins. "Would you happen to be on the menu?"

    Gath shakes his head.

  32. She sniffs. "Not fer yer kind, sir," she retorts, tossing her hair. "This Daisy ain't that kind o'flow'r."

    Aara and Two laugh, barely able to make out an order. With a kind smile at Aara, she winks. "I'll bring out somew'at special fee ya," she offers, sashaying away.

  33. Goddard puts both his elbows on the table and rests his chin in his hands with a sigh. "Oh well. It was worth a try."

    "You seem to make yourself out to be some sort of Casanova," Gath chuckles. "What happened?"

    "I'm rusty?" Goddard mumbles with a shrug.

  34. The girl returns, pressing herself against Two's shoulder as she reaches over and gives Aara a large mug. "Methelgin," she explains, passing out wine and a strong rotgut to the elves.

    The drink is bluish and clear, and Aara dutifully takes a drink while Daisy watches. It tastes like summer berries and cool water on her tongue, but once she swallows, it burns all the way down to her belly and turns cold again.

    Aara gasps, flushes deeply, and shivers all at once, and Daisy laughs and pinches her cheek. "'Hat'll have yes smilin' in no time." With a sultry look at Two, she heads off to her next table.

  35. Gath puts his hand over Goddard's drink and speaks in eltharin. "Don't drink that. I suppose I should have clarified we didn't want liquid garbage. But I suppose these are humans. Not very bright. I'll correct this when she comes back."

    Goddard sinks into his seat with a long sigh.

  36. "You did ask for the strongest drink here," Aara says distractedly, looking around. "I'm sure whatever that is could melt the mug given enough time. "Two, do you feel like your being watched?"

    Two grins and kicks back with his wine. "Only by pretty, pretty Daisy," he answers smugly.

    "Hmm..." she shrugs and takes another sip of her drink, smiling at the sensation. "Maybe it's just me."

  37. "Yes but this is insulting!"

    "Calm down," Goddard mumbles. "We'll get something else. At least drink the wine."

  38. Aara watches a trio in the corner play and get people dancing. The waitress was right; the drink and the music were working magic to improve her mood, and her general frown was slowly fading.

    "Go dance," Two suggests. "Someone will grab you if you go out there."

    "Oh no," she protests with amusement. "I don't know the rill they're doing."

  39. When their waitress is close enough, Goddard calls out to her. "Excuse me..."

    Gath cuts in. "I didn't think I needed to clarify, strong and not piss," he says gruffly, shoving the rotgut. "Are you trying to insult us?"

  40. Daisy sniffs, transferring her tray from shoulder to hip. "Ye got wat ye asked fer," she tells him. "Stronges' fing in th' house. Ain't my fault ye don' like it. If ye don' like the Bar Burner, ask fer somewat else."

  41. "Anything strong that will also taste good," Goddard tries to smile.

    "I didn't need to even taste that to know it was swill," Gath picks up the wine and carefully examines it before he drinks some. "At least this is good."

    "I'm sorry," Goddard laughs embarrassed and sinks back into his chair with his own wine.

  42. "Tain't swill, ye ill-manner'd louse. Looks like rotgut 'cause it black." Daisy turns to Aara and Two. "If'n ye want any more service, I suggest ye move ta ano'er table," she says sweetly. "Or come ta the bar. I ain't comin' back round here."

    Two laughs loudly as she walks away. "I think I'm in love!"

  43. Gath stands up slowly then leaves the table. In a panic, Goddard throws down some coin and follows him, expecting him to do something horrible. Goddard sighs, relieved, when he sees Gath simply exiting the bar without much of a fuss and standing outside.

    "It's not like Altdorf," Goddard forces a chuckle. "I'm sorry...don't be mad..."

    "Why do you care?" Gath asks flatly, looking up at the moons.

  44. Aara sits up, looking around again.

    "What is bothering you so much?" Two asks with a sigh, standing and tossing coin down. "You're acting like Death itself is running a finger down your spine."

    She twitches her shoulder. "I just feel like I'm being watched."

    Two walks over to Daisy, smiling charmingly. "I get off in 'bout an hour," she says, toying with his belt. "Come back fer me?"

    He chuckles and drags his knuckles across her cheek. "Mayhap."

    Rolling her eyes, Aara joins Goddard outside, still ill at ease.

  45. Goddard turns to Aara. "They didn't make you leave did they?" he frowns.

  46. She twitches her shoulders, glancing over her shoulder with a frown. "No. I just don't feel right. Like someone's watching me." She glances around at the busy street. "Not much better outside, though."

  47. Goddard puts an arm around her and gives her shoulder a squeeze. "I'm here. If anyone tries something, they'll have to get through me."

  48. Two comes out, laughing. "Daisy I love you!" he shouts. Turning to his friends, he grins. "Turns out Bar Burner is a local name," he explains. "Some fancy cognac from Bretonia, I hear." He scratches his ear. "Pretty tasty, too."

  49. Gath almost snarls.

    "At least one of us is having fun," Goddard mumbles.

  50. "I know!" Two shouts. "Let's go find a whorehouse! Do you have them in the Empire?"

    "Uh, Two, I don't know..." Aara starts.

  51. Goddard raises a brow. "Of course. There might be one around here somewhere. Shouldn't be too difficult to find."

    "I don't want to have to deal with humans clawing at me. I simply wanted a little respect and a lot of alcohol."

  52. "Well let's go find one!"

    Aara shakes her head and ducks out from under Goddards arm. "Go if you want. I'll just go back to the abbey..."

    Two catches her around the waist to keep her from leaving. "Oh no," he says. "You're going to stay right with us. Isn't she, Sheik?"

  53. "What do you want to do?" Goddard asks her. "I'm sure we can find something that combines everything and we can finally relax and enjoy ourselves."

  54. Aara shrugs, feet dangling as Two shifts her to his hip.

  55. Goddard looks around at all the lit windows and doorways, trying to pick out a place to go to next. "We'll find something. Something with wine, women, and even men," he chuckles.

  56. Aara frowns at Two. "This is your fault," she mutters in arabyan. Wine and women. PLEASE let me watch while you fawn over other women...that sounds like fun.

    Two holds her in place with one arm and claps Goddard on the back. "Now that sounds fun! Lead on, Sheik!"

  57. "Ah lets try this!"

    Goddard leads them into a dimly lit building. The large room is sectioned off into private cubby holes. Each one has a small table with plenty of plush seating around it.

    "How's this?" Goddard asks. "Seems to have everything?"

  58. Two nods, looking around. "Good enough!" He sets Aara down and sits with one arm around her shoulder, holding her in place.

  59. A woman wearing a dress of loose flowing fabric sits on a cushion in their booth. "Drinks first? Fun later? Or just jump right into the fun?" she asks, tapping Two playfully on the nose.

  60. Two pulls her into his lap and nuzzles her neck. "Fun first! I've had drinks."

  61. "I see," she giggles.

    "I'd like something to drink."

    "Me too," Goddard sighs.

    She waves another woman over before turning her eyes to Aara. "What about you?"

  62. Aara blushes and looks down at her hands, saying nothing.

  63. An other woman arrives at the table. "Drinks," she mutters, pointing to the elves. "Both," she smiles, twirling a bit of Aara's hair around her finger.

    "Something strong," Gath adds.

    "We'll make sure you are all well taken care of," she coos before almost floating away.

  64. Aara's wide eyes shoot up to look at the woman toying with her hair before blushing even more, her hands making several mudra in quick succession.

  65. Gath leans back in his seat. "This might be a better place. My lord has an eye for a place that will pamper him."

    Goddard watches Aara and thinks about how he has no idea what she's doing with her hands. He suddenly feels annoyed but pushes the feeling down as deep as he can. "You seem better?" he smiles at her.

  66. She shrugs, looking down. "Can I have a drink, please?" she whispers to the woman.

  67. It doesn't take long before she returns with three drinks. The drink placed before Aara is in a clear glass so she can see the beautiful swirling blue color and almost magical glow. "You'll love it," she smiles.

    In front of Gath and Goddard, she places frosted glasses with a dark drink. She leans close to Goddard and gently runs her finger along his ear. "I'll return after you've relaxed some."

  68. Aara quickly gulps down half her drink, hands shaking. Two laughs and jumps to his feet, pulling his girl to her feet. "Four, enjoy," he says. "Find one who will make a fuss. That'll make you feel better."

    Aara almost reaches out for him. "Two, wait-" she says, but he's gone. With a sigh, she leans back against the seat.

  69. Gath takes a sip of his drink and nods his approval. "Very good."

    Goddard takes a sip then takes a few bigger gulps to try and drown out the strange feeling in his stomach. "It tastes a little like chocolate..."

  70. Aara takes another big drink. Against her will, she can feel the methelgin and whatever this is working against her. Body tense, she toys with the scarf around her neck. "I'm not sure this was a good idea," she mutters, making more mudras.

  71. "It'll be fine Aara," Goddard says softly. "Or is it your drink?"

    "What is all of that?" Gath points to Aara's hands.

  72. "The drink is fine."

    When Gath asks, her hands still and she lays them in her lap. "It's how I communicate sometimes."

  73. Gath watches her expectantly then takes a drink. "Well...aren't you going to explain?"

  74. She jumps a little, looking confused. " actually want to know?"

  75. "You do it often enough," he shrugs. "And depending on what this entails and how simple it is, it may be helpful with stealth missions."

    "Would you even remember anything? We're drinking!"

    "I'll remember everything."

  76. She blinks. "Oh. Um. Mostly it's..." she pauses to think. "Mostly, it's emotions, or a plea for something. Like this one," she opens her right hand palm up, fingers pointing left, and the other sits in her palm, forefinger and thumb making a circle with the other fingers high. "This is for peace. You would use it during peace talks or something similar to try and inspire peace, or draw it to you. But this one," her hands shift into a different pose that Goddard recognizes but hasn't seen recently, "is happiness." Another shift. "Apology." She shifts slightly. "Sincere apology. There's...there's thousands, some barely different from others."

  77. "Interesting..."

    Their drinks are topped off and one of the women sits behind Goddard stroking his ears. "We don't see many elves," she says softly. "Are you lonely over there?" she says to Gath.

    "He just wants to drink," Goddard stammers closing his eyes.

  78. She looks more agitated and takes another gulp of her drink. "N-not really. No one really does it anymore except...well, nobody."

  79. "Then why bother? You're just...just telegraphing. Making yourself a target." Gath mumbles.

    Goddard silently drinks, squirming in his seat as the woman moves closer. She kisses his ears softly and whispers, "The elves gave us magic."

    He nods.

    "You should show me some magic."

    "I-I need to be able to sp-speak..." Goddard stammers.

    She giggles. "Maybe a different kind of magic?"

    He gulps down some more of his drink. You don't have to do anything that'll uncover the tail...or fangs...or remains of horns...just stay here...

  80. "Uh, I don't even think about it, usually. It just happens." Gath makes her nervous, and she has to force her hands still. "Not nobody. It's just not widely used anymore."

    Aara jumps to her feet, upsetting her drink. "I-I'm going," she stammers, hands flying through mudras. She steps out of their cubbyhole and slams into a body. "Oh goddess! I'm sorry!" she cries, looking up.

    The young man she ran into steadies her with a stunned look on his face. Painfully beautiful, he's pale as milk, with hair so light a blonde it's almost white. Sapphire eyes dance as he raises her trembling hand to kiss.

    "Please, don't apologize," he murmurs against her skin. Aara is rooted to the spot. "I didn't think I'd meet you this way, but it's as good as any, I suppose."

    "I-I'm sorry?" she gasps.

    His smile deepens slightly. "I've been waiting for you. I hoped I'd recognize you."

  81. The woman gives Goddard's ear a gentle nip before she goes to take care of the spill. "We don't want you to get messy. Not that sort of messy anyway."

    Goddard takes a deep breath and leans over, trying to see where Aara went. "Aara? Are you alright?"

  82. Aara flinches when she hears Goddard. "No," she says softly, looking up at the young man. "No."

    His smile doesn't waver. "No? No you aren't all right, or no I haven't been waiting for you?"

    She doesn't even realize that her hands finally settle on one mudra, holding it front of her like a shield. "I have to go," she pleas softly, practically running from the building.

    He frowns, studying her hands before glancing at Goddard as she runs away. "Hurt?" He shakes his head and goes to follow her.

  83. "He..." Goddard stumbles to his feet and drops a pouch of coins on Gath's lap before he heads off to follow Aara.

    The woman frowns and looks at Gath, wondering what she is supposed to do now. "Hmm keep the drinks coming." He dumps some coins onto the table. "He'll either come back, or he won't. Either way, you'll get paid."

  84. The young man catches up with her quickly, gently grabbing her by the shoulders. "Are you hurt?" he asks, turning her to look at him. "Did I do something wrong?"

    She shakes her head, face blank. "No, you didn't do anything wrong?"

    "Then why are you running away?"

    She shakes her head again. "What did you mean? When you said you hoped you'd recognize me?"

    He smiles. "You'll laugh."

    "Tell me."

    He puts an arm around her shoulder and points her toward the brothel. "Come back with me, it's chilly out, and I will tell you."

  85. Goddard leans in the doorway and watches Aara. "He's not bothering you is he?" he calls to her.

  86. "I can't go back in there," she tells him softly, not answering Goddard.

    He nods and leads her to sit on a small bench. "Wait here, I'll get a cloak for you."

    He pauses when he reaches the doorway. "Why is she hurt?" he asks, concerned. "Does she have a wound or something I hit when we collided?"

  87. "No...not that I know of anyway..." he pushes past the man and sits beside Aara. "What's wrong?"

  88. "Nothing," she says, knotting her fingers together.

  89. "Do you honestly expect me to believe you?"

  90. He holds onto her hand. "If it's got you like this, it's important."

  91. "I'm just not comfortable," she says. "I told Two I didn't want to go out. And coming here was a worse idea." Her hand twitches under his. "I can't watch that."

  92. "Oh..." he looks down at his boots. "I can just drink...I didn't intend to...I can't," he lets out a nervous laugh.

  93. "You could. And would. I just can't watch. Go back inside, enjoy yourself. Make sure Two makes it back in one piece."

  94. "No, I can't...I that would traumatize the sober remember?"

  95. "They didn't seem too sober to me."

    The young man comes back with a cloak for her and pauses, seeing them sitting together. Well, she did say it wouldn't be easy... Approaching, he drapes the cloak over her shoulders, moving around to settle it on her shoulders. "There," he says softly. "Better?"

  96. "Thanks, you can go now...anyway Aara, they're much more sober doesn't matter, it would be stupid..."

  97. He squats in front of Aara and takes her hands in his, looking up at her. "Do you want me to go? I can wait inside if you like, and you can come for me later."

    Let someone make a fuss,Two said. Well, he's certainly making one. The attention is nice. Goddard hasn't made a fuss in a long, long time...even before the standing stones.

    She nods, slipping her hands out of his. "Go."

    His smile doesn't waver, and he makes a mudra as gracefully as she ever had. "I'll wait."

  98. "Someone you know?" Goddard asks confused.

  99. "No," she says as he leaves to go inside, "but he seems to know me. He said he's been waiting, and had hoped he would recognize me. He can read mudras," she adds, awed. "I've never met anyone outside of Araby who can do that."

  100. "Could he be someone that works there?"

  101. "I have no idea. I don't even know his name. Surely he must, otherwise...why bother following me out?"

  102. "Let's go back in then. I'll drink with Gath two can make beautiful mudras together or something...I suppose..." he coughs and crosses his arms tightly over his chest.

  103. "Are you cold?" she asks, opening the cloak to invite him in.

  104. He scoots in close and rests his chin on her head. "Not really," he chuckles. "But this is still nice."

  105. "Yes." She's quiet for a long time before she speaks again. "Can I tell you something?"

  106. "Of course. You can tell me anything."

  107. "That might be the first time I didn't get jealous and angry."

  108. "You mean...all the other...times... you were...I'm sorry Aara," he says sadly. "You must have hidden it well."

  109. "The veil comes with a few perks," she jokes. " bothers me. But it wouldn't be fair to ask you to go against your nature. So I try and ignore it."

  110. "Maybe...maybe I'm just selfish." He covers his face with his hands.

  111. "You are," she chuckles. "But that's how you are. I knew that you can't help yourself a long time ago," she adds, pulling his hands away. "It's just the knowing is harder than the doing."

  112. Tears well in his eyes. "I-I don't want to attached. What am I going to do when you're gone? If my whole life is one person, how will I move on? I'm already having a hard time...losing you would be so much more difficult...I know it sounds stupid..." he stands up and sighs. "I'm sorry...I'm being an idiot. I'm probably not making sense..."

  113. She pulls him back down and wraps her arms around him. "You'll be fine," she says, kissing the top of his head. "I know you will. I don't want you to change, love. I don't." She cups his face and looks into his eyes. "I just don't want to see all that in there," she adds with a laugh. "That wounds the pride a little. At least right now."

  114. He looks into her eyes for a second before he leans forward and kisses her. After a few moments he pulls away. "I'm sorry lecai...i shouldn't...I had more to drink than I thought..."

  115. "You don't need to apolo-" she breaks off and smiles brightly. "You called me lecai."

  116. "Oh...see!" he grins. "I told you the moment needed to be right. I'm still sorry for ever making you feel uncomfortable or unloved. You mean the world to me."

  117. "Not unloved. I wasn't in a good mood to start," she reminds him.

  118. "Was it Two? I knew it was his fault. I'm going to have a few words with him later," he huffs.

  119. "A little. And that ridiculous dress. And," she looks down, embarrassed to admit it, "you kind of fell over yourself with the countess."

  120. "Why that rotten..." he pauses a moment. "She started that. She was asking about my hands and I couldn't help myself! If it makes you feel any better, nothing happened! We talked about paintings and magic and I looked up at the one terrible horrible moon but that was it! And I got that invitation."

  121. She grins. "Calm down. He was teasing and it hit too close, is all."

  122. "You let me know what he acts up, and I'll knock him on his ass. Or try to. Either way, it'll make you smile."

  123. "I'm fully capable of doing that, thank you very much."

  124. He chuckles. "I truly am useless." Goddard kisses her forehead. "Let's go back inside where it's warm and we're served good drinks without any attitude."

  125. She nods, letting him take her inside. She hands the cloak off to someone, keeping an eye out for the pale gentleman as they make their way back.

  126. "Finally!" Gath shoves a fresh drink into Goddard's hands as soon as they sit again.

  127. Sitting next to Goddard, she tucks her feet underneath her, silently vowing not to drink any more tonight.

    "You look much better," she hears, and turns her head to see him. He smiles and sits near her, making a mudra for happiness. "I'm glad you came back."

  128. Gath motions toward the man's hands. "And you said no one used those. Proving once again, we can't believe a thing you say."

  129. "I didn't know!" she insists. "How do you know them?" She asks. "How do you know me?"

    He smiles serenely. "Once, several years ago, I was at a festival and had my fortune told. The woman said I would meet a dark woman with poetry on her skin who talked with her hands. So I did some research."

  130. "He's a lot better at this than you," Gath says to Goddard in eltharin.

    "That's a good line," Goddard mumbles, before taking a drink.

  131. "If it bothers you, I won't use them,' he adds, hands going still in his lap.

    "What else did she say?" Aara asks, curious.

    His smile practically glows. "That we would be lovers, but it would be short lived, and not the first time we meet. But she didn't say how astonishing you would be," he murmurs, stroking her scarred cheek with his knuckles.

    When Aara pulls away from his touch and leans against Goddard, he doesn't reach for her.

  132. Goddard puts his arm around her with a chuckle. "If you're going to lie or use a gimmick, at least be a tad more believable."

  133. His expression changes only slightly. "I wouldn't insult her to use lines or gimmicks," he insists calmly. "This is what she told me." He blushes slightly, pink coloring his pale cheeks. "I told you that you would laugh."

    "How do you know she meant me?"

    He looks away. "You won't believe me."

    She gives him a small smile. "Your name, then. Who are you?"

    "My name is Aaron."

  134. "I'd personally like to hear more of your unbelievable tale," Goddard smiles.

  135. He spreads his hands. "That is it. She told my fortune, I did a little research, and here you are. Poetry and everything," he says, gesturing to her hands. "Apparently we will meet again, and be lovers. That part remains to be seen."

  136. "Yes it does," Goddard mumbles, taking a drink to keep from laughing.

  137. "Don't be rude," Aara mutters to him.

    "Aara, would you like to take a walk? Talk a while?" Aaron asks. "I promise to return you in one piece."

  138. "I'm more worried about her bringing you back in multiple pieces," he snickers.

  139. "Goddard!"

    Aaron grins when she elbows him. "I'm not afraid of her."

  140. "Just letting him know that if he tries anything stupid it won't go well." Goddard goes back to his drink with a shrug.

  141. "We can talk here," she offers anxiously, reaching up to entwine Goddards fingers with hers. "I should stay, my retainer is here."

  142. He gives her hand a gentle squeeze. "I'm sure he'll need all the help he can get when he gets back."

    "If," Gath offers.

  143. Aaron ignores the elves, his entire focus on Aara. "If you wish. Shall I call for a drink for you?" he asks. "Perhaps something to eat? You didn't have anything at the tavern, I noticed."

    She tenses under Goddard's arm. "You saw us there?"

    He nods. "I caught sight of you when you came in. As if anyone could miss you," he adds with a chuckle. "I came here when you left, I never imagined you running right into my arms."

  144. Goddard makes a low grumbling sound in his throat as he eyes Aaron over his cup. Even Gath looks over at him suspiciously.

  145. He puts his hands up to calm them. "I did not follow you here. I simply came back here with my friends when I noticed you were gone. I was just leaving when we ran into one another."

    "It wasn't just me," she murmurs.

    "I had been sitting in that tavern two hours or more before you walked in," he explains. "I was summoning my courage to approach you when Daisy snubbed your party."

  146. Gath snorts. "This place is much better. They want to get more...handsy...but they'll serve me good drinks without being infuriating."

  147. Aaron chuckles. "Daisy is a pistol, to be sure." He takes Aara's free hand in both of his, examining her tattoos. "Tell me about this," he says, looking up and making eye contact. "She said it was poetry."

  148. Goddard mumbles into his almost empty mug. "Not really."

    Gath motions for a refill and adds to the growing pile of coin on the table.

  149. Aara laughs at them. "You wouldn't know this, nuur'eni," she tells Goddard. "But we don't usually explain it outside Araby. We tell people it's poetry to avoid panic and confusion- and worse."

    Aaron frowns. "It's not?"

    She shakes her head. "No, it's not poetry. But if you'd asked me, that's the answer you would have been given."

  150. "The truth could keep certain people away," Gath shrugs.

  151. "Aaron! You're still here?" a voice calls from outside their cubbyhole. "Come on! We're moving on!"

    Aaron looks over his shoulders. "Can I see you again?" he asks Aara. "Where are you staying?"

    "At the abbey," she says. "Guests of the countess. But-"

    He looks surprised, but shakes his head and kisses her hand several times. "Why am I not surprised?" he laughs. "I will see you soon. Take care, my heart."

    A little stunned, Aara watches him go with his friends. "He was...interesting."

  152. "Interesting? More like...creepy," Goddard snickers. "Why would you tell him where you were staying if he made you feel uncomfortable?"

    "I guarantee, I will need to stab him at that masquerade..."

  153. "He didn't make me uncomfortable- maybe a little. I'm intrigued by his tale, though. A gypsy woman, several years ago." She shrugs and reaches for the pendant of Morr around her neck. "Maybe it was the same woman who gave me this." She shrugs. "Maybe it's all a game. But it's curious."

    She tugs on a bit of Goddard's hair hanging near her face. "Besides, you're creepy, and I like you."

  154. "I'm creepy in a different way though," he smiles. "I like creepy things."

    "You're generally creepy my lord."

  155. She nods. "Generally. He was only creepy in the 'I watched you at the tavern' way." She smiles, biting her bottom lip. "He was nice, though."

  156. "He could have just been acting nice," Goddard mumbles. "I know I know you think I'm flimsy and useless..."

    " are..."

    "Shut it..." he turns back to Aara, "But if you want, I won't leave you alone with him if he shows up again."

  157. "You aren't flimsy and useless," she tells him. "You just think I think that. And whether it was an act or sincere, it was nice. Surprising, but nice."

  158. "You always tell me you don't need me to be around because you can handle yourself and everything," Goddard mumbles.

    "Your arms look as if they would snap."

    "They would not!"

    Gath plants his elbow on the table and opens and closes his hand. "I'll try not to break you."

  159. "No, I say that I am capable of taking care of myself- which isn't always true. How many times have you saved me?" she points out. "Specifically once in the woods when those men attacked me."

    When Gath challenges Goddard, she leans forward. "Oooh, do it! You haven't spent years lugging around all those books and not gain some muscle."

  160. "Hmm I suppose I've done my fair share of saving," Goddard smiles and rests his elbow on the table then grabs Gath's hand.

    "And don't cheat with your claws. I'll just crush your hand."

    "I won't have to cheat," Goddard laughs. "You count down Aara."

  161. She moves a little away, shifting their drinks so they don't spill, and counts down.

  162. The muscles in their arms tense and Goddard seems to be ever so slightly in the lead.

    Gath looks at Aara. "Say when."

    "What?" Goddard asks shocked. "You aren't just going to slam my hand down are you?! You'll mess up my ring! And...maybe my hand!"

  163. "Aara!" Goddard shouts.

    Gath doesn't slam Goddard's hand down on the table, but he does end up pushing his hand down rather quickly.

    "That's not fair!" Goddard whines. "He's...he cheated! He had to!"

  164. Aara giggles and lifts her hands innocently. "My eltharin not so good?" she giggles, putting her arms around him. "Besides, he could have held you there all night and you would have a limp noodle for an arm."

  165. Gath claps Goddard on the shoulder and he winces. "For having stick arms, you weren't too terrible."

    "Thanks I guess," he mutters, rubbing his shoulder. "And both of you, stop insulting my arms..."

    "You mostly spoke druhir? You don't speak eltharin as clearly," Gath says to Aara.

  166. "I was joking." She smiles. "We switched back and forth. I'm actually not too bad," she tells him in that language, her accent fading. "My vocabulary isn't quite as expansive as druhir, but I can read it a little. Very little," she adds with a laugh.

  167. "It's very similar. Too similar. But it can't be helped and anyone familiar with them can tell the difference."

  168. She nods. "Unless there was something we wanted to discuss privately, we didn't usually use it. I also know what it's like to be somewhere strange and not able to hear your own language."

  169. "My lord won't let me openly voice my opinion, and I can't speak in druhir, so I have to use this thalken language."

    Goddard slams his palm on the table. "Don't you ever say that word again," he hisses. "Or I'll make sure you never speak again."

    Gath's eyes go wide only for a split second then he silently goes back to his drink.

  170. Startled by Gath's rudeness and Goddard's outburst, Aara stays silent.

  171. Goddard gulps down as much of his drink as he can before he has to take a breath. He leaves the tiniest scratches in the surface of the mug.

    Gath sighs, "Apologies, my lord."

  172. He should file those, she thinks, twisting the end of her silk scarf in her hand.

  173. "I-I called him that even after he saved me. I hated him despite how kind he was and it never bothered him once.The poison from Naggaroth didn't last long though. He made sure it didn't."

    "What did you say his name was?"

    "Why? So you can say more stupid things?"

  174. Silently, Aara squeezes his hand. He doesn't know. Not his real name.

  175. "No."

    "It was Otto," Goddard grumbles.

    Gath holds a hand up preemptively, "That doesn't sound like an asur name."

    "I...I don't know his real name...he just went by Otto because it was easier for humans. He mostly taught in Altdorf."

    Gath leans back and stares at Goddard thoughtfully.

  176. "Maybe we could find it at the college," she offers quietly. "We can spend some time going through the papers, ask around. Someone has to know."

  177. Goddard shakes his head. "The only way we could possibly find out would be to go to Ulthuan."

    "That wouldn't go well," Gath mutters. "How long was the dragon his familiar?"

    Goddard shrugs. "I don't know. For forever I assume."

  178. Aara awkwardly keeps quiet, picking imaginary lint off her skirt.

  179. Gath snaps his fingers. "I knew he looked familiar."

    Goddard's eyes widen. "What do you mean?"

  180. "It was a long time ago. I was much much younger. Much younger...I won't bore you with the details of my job, but...I talked to..."

    Goddard practically leaps across the table. "Did you try to hurt him?!"

    Gath grabs him by the wrists after he steadies his drink and keeps it from tipping over.

  181. "Goddard," she says softly, a hand on his shoulder. "Let him talk."

  182. "I talked to him once or twice. That was all. I would have been insane to go after him."

    Goddard relaxes but still appears to be tense and upset.

    "There weren't any humans. He introduced himself as Raemileas."

  183. Heh. It would have been insane to go after him. Under other circumstances I wouldn't even have sparred with him.

    She looks down at her hands, trying to pretend that she isn't there, isn't listening to this conversation.

  184. "Really?" Goddard whispers.

    "Sethai is a very rare creature. I knew there was something familiar about him."

  185. I wish Two would come back. Or Aaron. Anybody. She looks up at Goddard, watching his expression. I shouldn't be here, not for this. He doesn't seem to even know she's there, he's so rapt in what Gath is saying, so she slides out of their little room and out of earshot. Beckoning to a nearby girl, she asks her in a soft voice to refill their drinks, and makes her way for the door.

  186. Goddard doesn't notice Aara leaving but Gath does. He furrows his brow, not wanting to be left alone with a drunken, sobby Goddard.

    "I bet he was always nice and funny but in a stupid way," Goddard laughs, snuggling against Gath.

    Gath tries to peel him off without hurting him. "He didn't seem to be like any other asur that's for sure."

  187. Someone stops her at the door. "Miss? This was left for you," the girl says, offering the same cloak Aaron brought for her earlier. "The gentleman said it would get cooler and asked for you to take it tonight."

    Aara thanks her and puts it on, marveling at his thoughtfulness. It's too long, so she has to carry some of it draped over her arm, but as she steps outside she realizes that it is much cooler than before.

  188. Goddard suddenly begins to bawl.

    "M-my lord...!"

    "Now she's gonna...she's gonna put his name on her arm!" he sobs.

    "What are you talking about?"

    "She didn't know his name! Now she knows!" he hugs Gath tightly, digging his claws in a bit. "She knows and she's gonna do it!"

  189. When Aara steps out, she has to stop and gather her bearings. Thick fog has rolled in from the river, giving the city- now much quieter than earlier- an eerie look. Draped in a light gray cloak, she blends into the fog easily. Keeping an eye out for any trouble, she starts making her way back to the tavern they left earlier, intending to retrace their steps.

    But before long, she's meandering about the quiet, dim city, thinking about Goddard and all the reasons she shouldn't have told him it bothered her to see him with other women. It's only when she hears her name, like a whisper through the mist, that she pauses.

    "Aara...we meet again."

  190. "Aara? She's not going to do that you imbecile," Gath sighs.

    "But she..." he pauses. "She said she wouldn't..." Goddard relaxes holds his hand up to Gath. "I need another drink..."

    "Yes," Gath says handing him the mug.

    "Thank you."

  191. She looks up to see Aaron walking toward her, like some Bretonian hero from a bedtime story. "I thought you'd gone," she says dumbly.

    He smiles as he gets closer and adjusts his cloak on her shoulders. "I did." He frowns. "Why are you alone? Did those elves upset you again?"

    She shakes her head. "No. They were talking, and I...didn't have a place in their conversation."

    He looks at her questioningly. "Is something wrong?"

    "No. I just left, is all. My presence would only have caused trouble."

  192. "I miss him," Goddard tells the depths of his drink.

    "I'm sure you do," Gath mumbles.

    "This stuff is really good..."

    "Yes it is..."

    "Where's Two? He's taking a looooong"


  193. "Can I walk with you?" he asks, offering his arm.

    Aara hesitates, but hears Two's voice in her head. Find someone to make a fuss... Adjusting the fabric draped over her arm, she accepts.

    "Was that really all the fortune teller said to you?" she asks after a while.

    "No," he says, amusement in his voice. "She told me you had a lover, but were unhappy. Even so, you would be loathe to leave him, and it would not be easy for me."

    "I love him," she says simply. "Deeply."

    "I saw him with that girl, it must have hurt you to sit through that."

  194. "Where...where did Aara go?"

    "She'll be back..."

    "Oh that's good," Goddard says softly. "I love her."

    "I know."

    "I like you."

    Gath sighs. "I know..."

    "Two's alright," he mumbles into his cup.

    "No he's not."

    "I suppose I lied..."

  195. "It doesn't."

    He stops and turns to face her. "You don't have to lie to me. Anyone else, but never me."

    "I don't even know you."

    "And yet here we are, alone on an empty street, wrapped in mist like some magical story."

    "It's too fabricated to be real. You only feel this way because you were told to."

    He laughs, dragging his knuckles across her cheek. "No, I know what I'm feeling."

    Rooted to the spot, Aara doesn't move as he presses his lips to hers.

  196. The woman from earlier sits close to Goddard and plays with his ears again.

    "Mmmm hello again," he smiles.

    "Oh someone looks like they've been enjoying their drinks."

    Goddard nods and leans his head against her shoulder.

  197. Aara surprises herself by kissing him back before jerking away, raising a hand to her mouth. "What am I doing?"

    Aaron just looks at her calmly, as if she didn't just rip herself away from his arms. "Taking what you need, it seems to me."

    "But- but you're not him!"

    "No, Aara, I'm not. Maybe that's why you're so attracted to me."

    "I am not!"

    His smile turns to an impish grin. "Really? You asked me to save you earlier, you're wearing my cloak, and you just kissed me like a drowning woman would gasp for air. But you're not attracted to me."
