Tuesday, November 24, 2015


"It's what I said. It's feeling the pain and the blood blah blah blah. The feeling of cutting someone in her case. It's pleasure. Or do you not even know the mundane kind?" he snickers.


  1. "I'm familiar with pleasure. I just wanted to know if I should worry about her. I've never seen her like that. I had no ideas she had those kinds of desires." He grins mischievously. "I also hoped to return your earlier threat."

  2. Goddard grins back. "You couldn't. Because when it comes down to it, we weren't hurting each other. But you wouldn't understand."

  3. "So long as that's what she wanted."

  4. "She seemed happy, but didn't tell me much. I suppose you two fixed what was broken?"

  5. "It was more of finally being able to explain and understand what we were and what we should be. I wouldn't say anything was broken."

  6. He nods. "Good. She's shit company when she's miserable. And a tease. And torture."

  7. "Torture," Goddard says wistfully.

  8. "Don't say it like that. She's teased me with kisses and cuddles for weeks with no satisfaction."

  9. "Do you have any idea how wretched it is to want her, knowing she's right there, and not able to just reach out?" He shakes his head. "If that isn't the kind you meant, I don't know of anything else. I'd rather be on a rack."

  10. Two looks at him as if he just grew a second head. "You were obviously made for each other. She excelled at torture technique," he explains. "Small hands, really dexterous."

  11. Goddard shakes his head and closes his eyes tightly. "We have to end this conversation...I said no more blood..." he mumbles.

  12. He frowns. "Why? You obviously enjoy it. You were in heaven when I crashed in on you."

  13. Goddard crosses his arms. "I'll only tell you if you don't act all high mighty about it. I actually was relieved when you busted in uninvited."

  14. "If you say something stupid about things you would never understand like you did the other day with Gath, I'll throttle you," he warns.

    He takes a deep breath. "Sometimes, we, elves, can't control certain emotions and feelings. She probably could have tied me up in a blanket and hung me from the ceiling until I came to, but...I never want it to get to that point with her."

  15. "Are you saying that you were close to that point? What were you going to do?"

  16. "I don't know where I was. I just know it can happen and I'd like to avoid it. It's one thing if it's an impulse to eat but that's never what it is. It's usually to draw as much blood as possible."

  17. Two smiles. "Please don't eat her. I almost like you, sheik, and I'd rather not have to hand you over to Lord Koroush."

  18. He makes a disgusted face. "We don't eat humans. We well...do I even want to tell you about druchii?" he sighs. "You'll just hate us like everyone else does."

  19. "I'm not so sure about Gath. He looks like he'd eat someone." They reach the library, the tallest building on campus. "Well, here we are."

  20. "He'd never. He'd say..." he clears his throat and does his best gravely voiced impression of Gath, "Disgusting."

  21. "I don't think he'd appreciate it as much," he chuckles. "Hmm where should I start? There are so many books. My tower was like this but I knew what everything was and where it was sadly."

  22. Two smiles at a pretty Arabyan girl wearing a sheer veil as she passes with an armload of books. "Where you'd like?" He asks absently, still following her with his eyes.

  23. He grins. "Sometimes looking is enough. I like to make a woman feel pretty."

  24. "I do too. It helps if you do more than just look though." He browses the books, waiting for something to jump out at him. "I'd see if she was up for heading into a lonely little corner and then I'd make her feel extra pretty."

  25. Two grins. "I like my hands right where they are. You would disrespect Four that way?"

  26. He turns away from the books. "What do you mean disrespect?"

  27. "To talk as if you would have other women," he says, aghast. "Surely she's not all right with that?"

  28. "Women, men, doesn't matter. We've talked. She's all right with it. And I feel the same for her."

  29. "We are still talking about Aara, right? Little woman about so high, used to be called Afya as a child? Tidy, mean, and unwavering?" He shakes his head. "The Four I knew would never agree to such an arrangement. It's too...relaxed."

  30. Goddard shrugs. "Obviously you know nothing about her anymore. It's probably best you don't treat her the same way. She may not react the way you expect."

    Turning back to the books he asks, "A relationship can't be relaxed? Why not?"

  31. "She isn't relaxed enough for that. She is the definition of structure and routine. That much hasn't changed. And she's too jealous."

  32. "You'd be surprised and she only thinks she should be jealous because of this stifling place."

  33. "Are you certain? I will admit, she has changed drastically, left behind some of our traditions. Our own Ustadh might not know her anymore. Have either of you ever actually been with others? Don't you get jealous? She's still very desirable."

  34. He pulls a book off the shelf and flips through the pages. "I have and I've felt guilty about it because she didn't understand. I don't think she's ever been with anyone else. Jealousy is something natural but there's a difference between yelling at her for being with someone else and quietly judging alone." He puts the book back and pulls another. "She's different to me. She's not someone I'd chase into a closet for a night or get everything done and over with as soon as possible."

  35. "A little jealousy is a good thing. Lets a woman know she means something." He shakes his head, surprised to his core. "Never would I have thought Four would be so generous with her lover. Or that she'd ever have one, for that matter. We all assumed...well, it's unimportant."

  36. "What silly things did you expect of her?"

  37. He shrugs. "We all thought she'd die young. Or lock herself away, some lonely virgin in a temple."

  38. Goddard stifles a laugh. "I could never see her being that way."

  39. "She's tough and smart and once she saw there was more to the world than sand, she wanted to see it and be a part of it. She's a complicated human. But that's not a bad thing."

  40. "Maybe she gives each of us a different side of herself. I see her as serene, contemplative, and a little confused by the world." He lifts his hands in an empty gesture. "It wouldn't be the first time she kept her plans close to her chest."

    Aara leans further out, watching them place the last stitches in the patient. "Fascinating," she murmurs. Students start to filter out, uninterested in seeing the patient stitched closed. "Theo was never so precise."

  41. "Who?" Gath asks with a yawn. "There had better not be any more of my lord's 'friends' I will be forced to meet and act polite toward. I won't do it."

  42. "He was a halfling. But he left us right after...we got back to Altdorf. He, and several others. I doubt we'll ever see him again." She waits until the other women are leaving before jumping down from the rail and making a rude gesture at them.

  43. "Why wait until they aren't looking? I'm not sure what happened or exactly what that means, but it appears to be an insult. Instill fear in them. Make sure they never even think of crossing you again."

  44. "Because they really just aren't worth it. They're just as common and low born as I am." They join the stream of people leaving and start making their way toward the library.

  45. "It's always worth it. Below you, above, the same level, doesn't matter. So easily walked over..."

  46. She laughs. "It still doesn't matter. Not to me."

  47. "Don't be surprised when someone takes advantage of that. They will."

  48. "It'll be worth the trouble, then. And the pleasure I get from the eventual outcome. But them, now? No. To be fair, I might be a little envious."

  49. "Only a little. My mother was a healer, a good one. I learned a lot from her before I ran away." She nods to the shapeless women ahead of them. "That might have been me, had I not picked the wrong pocket."

  50. "Why bother healing? You're obviously much better suited for the opposite."

  51. "Sometimes death is the answer. Sometimes it's not."

  52. "You were marked by the lord of murder. Not a non-existent lord of healing."

  53. She smiles a little. "A long time ago, a priest told me I was marked by death. I have a knack for healing. It's useful, and I find it interesting."

  54. Gath shrugs. "I suppose it's necessary when you don't have magic strewn about."

  55. "And since I don't think Goddard would teach me, I learn when I can."

    They enter the library and see Two standing near Goddard and talking.

  56. "You couldn't handle magic," he sneers. "You'd explode."

  57. "So I'm told," she answers, used to hearing it. Approaching Two and Goddard, she looks up at them. "Find anything interesting?"

  58. "Two's ignorance. It's incredibly interesting," Goddard replies with a smile.

  59. Two smiles back at him. "I'm wholly convinced we are both ignorant on the subject overall."

    Her eyebrows draw together. "What subject?"

  60. Goddard lets out a condescending laugh. "Stupid human," he says in druhir.

    "Most likely you," Gath says to Aara. "What else could they possibly talk about?"

  61. Aara narrows her eyes at Goddard. "Don't be mean."

    When Gath speaks, she rolls her eyes.

  62. "I only speak the truth," he shrugs. "I'm honestly surprised we found them both alive after leaving them alone."

  63. "Oh, I know better," Two laughs.

  64. "Yes, Aara would be so sad if you did anything to me," Goddard grins.

  65. She folds he'd arms, not believing either one's sincerity.

    "I'm sure I could console her after," Two retorts.

  66. "Are you sure you'd even be able to handle that?"

  67. Two shrugs and gives Goddard a charming grin, then lays an arm over Aara's shoulders, drawing her close. "I'm sure willing to give it my all."

    Aara rolls her eyes again.

  68. "All of two seconds," he laughs.

    "Enough of this stupidity," Gath groans. "Is there anything even remotely interesting here?"

  69. Aara just shakes her head and walks away. "You two..." she says with a sigh.

  70. "Don't you read enough books my lord?"

    "Maybe I want to read more books?"

  71. Aara browses the books on the medical section when she hears a low laugh.

    "My dear, could you spare your retainer a while?"

    Aara turns and sees Hira studying the titles. "Hira! What can I do for you?"

    Hira smiles wickedly. "Rafiq ran off before our...business...was concluded. If you can spare him, send him to me? I promise to return him in one piece."

    Aara gives her a confused look. "Whatever you need. I'll send him tonight."

    Hira gives her a small, secret smile. "Perfect." And before Aara's eyes, she melts away into the small crowd milling around.

    Walking back to Goddard and the others, she crosses her arms and glares at Two. "Are you in trouble?"

  72. "One can only hope," Goddard snickers while he continues to browse the books.

  73. Two frowns. "Um...no?"

    "With Hira?"

    Two's frown transforms into a brilliant smile. "Is she here? Did you see her?"

    Aara nods, her scowl deepening. "Yes," she asked me to send you to her."

    "Can I go?" He asks eagerly.

    "Tell me what's going on."

    "We have...uh...business."

    She sighs, letting her arms fall to her side. "Go. Don't do anything stupid."

    When Two disappears, she leans against Goddard. "How long do you think they've been sleeping together?"

  74. "I don't think he's ever been with a single person," Goddard laughs.

  75. She stifles a laugh. "So cruel. Not everyone has your charm and good looks. I'm sure he does well enough on his own."

  76. "All he does is stare and smile. Doesn't take any action. That's not the way to get things done."

  77. "Oh yes, because my experience with you has been all about how action oriented you are. It took a year and my freedom and my seducing you."

  78. "You seduce me?" he snorts. "I seduced you." He puts a finger under her chin. "And you wanted to act on it so much you came after me."

  79. Her eyes squint in amusement. "Only because I knew if I didn't, you never would follow through. Coward."

  80. "I wanted to keep my life thank you very much," he says crossing his arms. "And I had to travel with you. How awkward would it have been if it were the same as the women in the taverns."

  81. She laughs. "Probably as awkward as it was courting one another under everyone's very opinionated gaze." Aara grabs his sleeve and pulls him out of the library.

  82. "Where are you dragging me off to now?"

  83. "I don't know. We can just wander around."
