Monday, February 1, 2016

Gath frowns. "If we can't make it out of here, I would rather be dead. Just...keep that in mind. I'm trying not to lose all hope just yet."


  1. "I'm not either, but it's comforting to know there's an escape clause." I could care for at least two, if Two would...don't make that plan, Aara. You're all getting out alive.

  2. "I can't promise anything specific, but I can do the same for you if you wish."

  3. "Thank you."

    Finished with his hair, she sits back on her pack and starts to untangle her own.


    In the library, Two paces on top of a long table like an angry tiger behind bars. He's filled with a nervous, violent energy and wants to destroy something.

    "What if she's alone?" he mutters to himself. "What if she's locked in some nightmare? Is she hurt? Is she even alive? How am I going to get her out? I don't even know where she is!"

  4. "And then this scorpion burst through the water," Goddard tells Otto. He's been lounging on the long clawed fingers and telling stories. "Of course in the end, I saved the day. Two and Gath helped some I guess. More of a distraction really. An unnecessary distraction."

    "I feel you are embellishing your story. Greatly."

    "Oh no! No no," he chuckles nervously.

  5. Two stops pacing to try and eat, but his anger spoils it, so he settles into telling the hours, trying to find some plan amidst the chaos in his mind.

  6. Goddard sighs and looks toward the library. "Why does he just hide in there?"

    "Perhaps it is because he is trapped in a dimension of magic and has no idea how to or if he will escape."

    "Maybe," Goddard mumbles. "But I'll get us out."

    "It is what you always do isn't it?"

    Goddard laughs. "Yes! Of course!"

  7. Two grits his teeth at the faint sound of laughter, moving slowly through his next form. He doesn't even care! His so-called love could be tortured, dead, or worse, and he doesn't care. He's not looking for a way out. He's not worried about her at at all. He doesn't spare a thought for her. And I know she's probably doing something stupid like writing him a goodbye letter or something for when she dies. She's worried sick about him.

    This will destroy her.

  8. Otto shifts his hands and Goddard tumbles to the floor.

    "You should make sure your friend is alright."

    Goddard frowns, looking up at him. "But..."

    "I'll be here. Don't worry."

    "Fine," Goddard mumbles and heads into the library. "Two? Still alive? Still reasonably sane?"

  9. "I suppose," he grumbles, lowering his sword. "Unless worried out of my mind counts against me."

  10. Goddard tilts his head. "What were you planning on stabbing? Books?"

  11. "Maybe." Without sparing him another glance, he returns to his forms.

  12. Goddard crosses his arms. "Have you been doing that this whole time?"

  13. "No. I have combed through every inch of this place to make sure there wasn't a way out. I'm still not convinced there isn't."

  14. "Well there isn't," Goddard says flatly. "If there were a way to just walk out, I'd have stomped my way across all these domains, grabbed Aara and Gath, and waltzed right out."

  15. "You?" he scuffs. "You aren't even trying! You're snuggling up to your dead father and not even worried about her! Do you know how she'll feel when she realizes that you didn't even think of her once you realized he was alive? What if she's dead? Or being tortured? We have to find a way to get her out!"

  16. Goddard looks as if he's been slapped and then his eyes narrow. "Don't you dare," he growls and steps toward Two.

  17. Two sheaths his sword and steps off the table. "What? Bring her up?"

  18. "He grits his teeth. "She's not here! He is! And...But I am thinking about her! Them both!" he yells, trying to keep his voice from cracking. "But what can we do? And why shouldn't I! I thought he was gone! I...I..." his voice trails off and he sinks to the floor covering his face with his hands.

  19. "We have to do something!" He shouts back. Two runs his hands over his scalp, still surprised at finding hair there, and takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself. "You are blessed with a living parent. I am glad of that, because her burden and yours will be lightened. But there has to be a way to get to her. I swore to protect her and I can't even do that," he says miserably. "I'm helpless here, but you have your magic."

  20. "But he's not! He's not and I can't do anyth..." He lifts his head and looks up at Two with angry tear filled eyes. "You think you're the only helpless one here?"

  21. Two roars in frustration and punches the closet bookcase with both fists until his knuckles bleed. If she's dead or hurt, I'll never forgive either of us.

  22. "He might know where they are," Goddard says, looking toward the door of the library. "I could ask if that's alright with you! Or will you try to make me feel worse again?"

  23. "Why would I stop you from doing something?" he spits, stomping away to walk the perimeter of the massive library yet again. Flexing his hands, he sets his shoulder to a bookcase, trying to move it and see if there's a door behind it.

  24. Goddard laughs at him and gets to his feet. "Do you think the hundredth time will work? Do you think a place of magic would just have a door you could pop open? I don't even know why you're here. You don't have anything magical about you!"

  25. Muscles bulging, Two doesn't look at him as he pushes. "I think that in a magical place there could be a hidden passage, Sheik. I've heard the stories." He turns to look at Goddard, his face going blank the same way Aara's does when she's terribly upset. "And I have to do something. I shouldn't be here, I should be with the person I swore to protect." He shrugs, lifting his hands helplessly. "She's the only one who matters."

  26. "Idiot. I mean, why Tzeentch? Why you?"

  27. "That's what I'm saying, jackass. I'm clearly not beloved of any magical god. I should have been taken by the same ones who took her. It makes no sense to have me here."

  28. "And who do you think took her? If it were Slaanesh, you sure wouldn't have went with her!"

  29. "Khorne. And it doesn't matter who it was, you said it yourself, I'm no fit here."

  30. "Maybe you were just left overs no one else wanted!"

  31. Two pauses, his expression shifting into amusement. "Leftovers, am I?" he asks, throwing his head back and laughing. "I'll take it. You always go back for leftovers."

  32. Goddard's jaw drops. "You aren't serious are you?" He's quiet for a second before he covers his mouth, trying not to laugh.

  33. Two saunters over to him, getting uncomfortably close. His black eyes smoldering, and he tilts his head a fraction forward. "Do I look like I'm joking, Sheik?" he murmurs.

  34. Goddard's eyes widen and he quickly backs up, stumbling into a table and knocking a stack of books over. "That isn't fair," he stammers.

  35. Two stalks him slowly, making an amused sound deep in his thrust. "What isn't fair, Sheik?"

  36. "You're doing this on purpose! Now that you have hair! It won't work! I-I hate you too much!"

  37. Two pouts, still managing to look appealing. "You don't hate me," he chuckles. "You hate my potential. Isn't that really it?" he murmurs, backing Goddard into a corner. "You can tell me. It's just us here."

  38. Goddard puts a hand over Two's face. "Merciful Morr!" he sighs. "Much better. You are entirely too close. With your face and your hair and...ugh..."

  39. Two chuckles beneath his hand before reaching up and pulling it away. Getting Goddards other hand, he pins them to the shelf behind him. "You like my hair?" he asks, scratching Goddard's neck with his beard. "Four may have excelled at torture, but Hira made sure I knew pleasure and pain go hand in hand..."

  40. Goddard catches himself relaxing and quickly tenses up. "No!" he snaps. "I hate your face! Especially your hair!" He pulls his hands free and ducks under Two's arms. "I know you hate me too so don't!"

  41. Two turns and leans against the shelf, crossing his arms with a smug smile. "You don't know anything," he chuckles. "Not about me, or what you want." He shrugs and pushes off the shelf, walking back to the table and jumping onto it.

  42. "Alright I agree I know really nothing about you, other than you're probably a terrible person, but I know what I want!"

  43. "What makes me so terrible, Sheik?" he asks, squatting and studying him.

  44. "I don't have to answer your questions," he huffs.

  45. "You're the one insulting me," he points out. "I deserve an answer."

  46. Goddard groans. "I guess it isn't anything unusual anyway. With the way I am and all. So I shouldn't feel so disgusted that I considered for a's not like it means anything...I still don't like you..." He sighs and flops into a near by chair. "I really wish Aara and Gath were here," he mumbles.

  47. Two laughs and sits, his legs swinging off the edge. "I disgust you? Sheik that is not very nice. I am an attractive man," he says, flexing his arms. "You should be grateful I tease you so. Four is not so attractive as me."

  48. Goddard stares at Two, rolls his eyes, and takes one more peek before he shuts his eyes. "Why do this now? You never did it before. And Aara is far more attractive than you. Women tend to be more attractive in general."

  49. Two shrugs, grinning. "Boredom? Distraction? Curiosity? I've never been with a man, and you've certainly caught Four's attention. And she is not more attractive than me."

  50. "What?" Goddard looks at him confused and wanting to laugh. "But why now? Did having hair...go to...your head? Has the futility of this whole situation made you mad? Desperate? If you think Aara isn't as attractive as you, why chase her? Get a mirror."

  51. "What else is there to do? Besides, I was only teasing. Even I know there is a time and place, and this is neither." When he asks about Aara, Two's face changes slightly. "Who wouldn't want her? You could spend a lifetime with her and never know her secrets. That mystery, and knowing how dangerous she makes a man's mouth water."

  52. "Teasing me can be dangerous," Goddard mumbles. He glares at Two when he talks about Aara. "And here I thought you may have loved her."

  53. "But oh so fun," he chuckles. "You aren't wrong. I do love her. She is a friend I have known since she was a child. Am I in love with her? Perhaps. I have a fondness and desire to protect her. A union between us would be a powerful thing."

  54. "Marriage would be ideal- a woman like that deserves a last name- but she shies away from the notion. I would accept official consort."

  55. "You will accept nothing," he smirks.

  56. "Are you so certain of your appeal? She didn't say no when I broached the subject."

  57. "I'm just certain of how unappealing you are, that's all."

  58. "Not to her, Sheik," he says smugly.

  59. With her hair combed, Aara retrieves a few things from her pack and sets them in her lap. After rubbing jasmine oil on her hands, she starts braiding her hair at her neck, close to the scalp, making it difficult to grab hold of.

  60. "You'd be surprised." Goddard gets up and heads toward the door of the library. "He's fine father," he calls out. "Father?" panic growing his his voice. "Where are you!? How!? How did I lose a dragon!"


    Gath watches Aara, his eyes wanting to close but he won't let them. "Trying to make it difficult to catch you?"

  61. "Yes. Ustadh made me learn to get it out of the way or he'd cut it off." She looks over at him and frowns. "Gath, rest. You're exhausted. I'll watch over you."

  62. He takes a deep breath and exhales slowly before he pulls all his hair back tightly. He picks out a thin piece of it from the bottom and wraps it around to hold it all together. "This'll do for now."

  63. Halfway through her braid, her exhaustion gets the better of her and her hands fumble, the braid falling apart. With a sigh, she shakes it out and leans forward, her face in her hands.

    "You know, at no point in my life ha e I felt so helpless," she tells him. "There is literally nothing I can do to fix this. I don't like the feeling."


    Two follows him to the door and laughs. "Lost your dragon and your girl, Sheik? Tsk tsk, this is not your moment."

  64. Gath sighs and gently pats her head. "We'll figure something out."


    Goddard turns around and snarls. "This isn't funny," he yells, shoving Two as hard as he can.

  65. She sighs, wanting to turn into his touch for the sheer comfort of one person trying not to kill her. "I know," she says calmly, even though she wants to cry and scream in rage.

    Instead, she lays her head on her knees, pillowed by her arms.


    Two chuckles as he stumbles back. "Did it really never occur to you that he can come and go? You shouldn't waste all that lovely rage on me," he adds, leaning against the doorjamb. "I'll just assume you're flirting and use it against you later."

  66. Gath goes back to resting against his sword. He finally let's his eyes close but his ears twitch at the sound of clashing weapons and screams.


    "He-he said he'd be here..." He sits on the floor and stares out into the nothingness before him. Don't leave me again. Please. Goddard takes a deep shaky breath and sits up straight. "That's not how I flirt you unobservant idiot."

  67. So tired she can hardly raise her head, Aara just closes her eyes against the sounds of battle. I'm not a soldier...This isn't even my fight...These aren't even my gods... she thinks groggily. With a deep sigh, she drops into sleep.


    "Sheik, you are too quick to feel," Two says, squatting beside him. "You wear it all here, on your face. Your father will return. Patience is not your strong suit, is it?"

  68. "Only when it comes to a very select few people," Goddard mumbles. "What if he doesn't come back? What if we get tossed into that fight and I never see him again?"

  69. "Then we find Four and Gath and fight our way out. And you will be grateful you got to say what you didn't before."

  70. Goddard hugs his knees. "I guess you're right," he whispers. "I'd still want to help him. He's done so much for me for so long. I have to do everything I can for him."

  71. Two pats his head awkwardly, just like he's seen Gath do. "I'm sure he will be back."

  72. Knowing she's asleep, Aara sits up and looks around at the horrific room, suddenly empty of all save her. In her hands are her swords, and she stares down at them dumbly. Her senses feel amplified, a breath of air moves and she looks up, surprised to see her Ustadh standing before her. He is tall and dark skinned, his terrifying number of names like lightning across his arms and bare chest.

    "Ustadh?" she breathes.

    "Don't forget what I taught you," he says gravely. "Your weapon is a part of you."

    "Oh Ustadh! I could never forget all you gave me!"

    Her mother appears beside him, a young woman still, with lines around her eyes and her hands full of herbs. "My little Afya," she says with a gentle smile. "My little healer. Don't forget what I taught you."


    Her oldest brother, Tarik, gives her a lopsided grin. "I never told you thank you for staying with me, Afya," he says happily. "Run fast. Don't let them catch you."

    "I won't, Tarik."

    Suddenly it's as if all the teachers she'd ever had stood around her. The bone priests from the tomb she'd run away to. Rayya and Koroush, trying to teach her to be a lady. Otto with his gentle teasing and stern reprimands. Goddard. Even the city guard who'd whipped her and told her to save her tears appeared.

    "Be still," they all said. Her mother raises her head, smiling brightly and speaks again. "You are result of the love of so many, my Afya."

  73. "Be still."

    She turns at the new voice behind her. Standing there is an impossibly tall Arabyan woman, her arms covered in graceful lines of light similar to the marks on Aara's own arms. Light shining from behind her blinds Aara so that she lifts her hands to her face.

    "Afya, Aara, Shadow, Four, Lecai, Mashi Al'Maut," the woman says, her voice coming from all around Aara, almost deafening. "All these names you've worn, all these roles you've played. You have been so brave, my servant."

    Aara's jaw and hands drop. "U-Uzzaya?" she whispers, awed by the power and light radiating off this woman.

    The woman nods, holding out a hand to summon her closer. "My child, you have been so faithful, kept my teachings close to your heart. You have served me better than any other Mashi Al'Maut that has walked the earth."

    Aara cries out as the marks on her arm blaze in light, the lines of name becoming solid and the remainder of her designs appearing in a flash of white-hot pain. "My Lady!" she shouts.

    "For one such as yourself, I offer you a boon," the goddess says, drawing Aara closer and touching her cheek. "I will remove all the scars from you, your marks will be complete and shine with divinity and your life blessed for all your days. You will fall in love with a human and have no regrets of this life you've lead."

    As she speaks, Aara sees her future laid out before her. She sees Two standing beside her, leading her through the Arabyan wedding ceremony. A flash later, she carries an infant in her arms, her marks still shine and ripple with light, and she looks happy. Several more flashes, and she is an old woman, content to die, with a large family around her. Two is on one side of the bed, holding her hand, and Goddard the other as they say goodbye to her.

    "It looks like a good life," she whispers, tears in her eyes.

    "But not the one you've dreamed of?" the goddess asks. "You may make another choice."

    Tears spill from Aara's eyes as she stares at the most beautiful woman she's ever seen. "I don't understand, my Lady," she says as she sees something else. Someone who looks like her, but isn't human. This version of her glimmers gently, as if covered in diamond powder, and is somehow more Aara than Aara herself.

    Uzzaya smiles gently, and the light around her brightens a fraction as the vision dissipates. "I can grant you something else. I cannot give you an elf's life, little Shadow," she says sadly. "Orsumond will not allow it. But I can give you a half-life," she explains, "I can make you a new creature, half elf, half human. A life nearly as long as the one you love, grace and skill to match in time. But you will be mortal," she cautions, "and there are no half elves in this world. You will be hunted and misunderstood by those who discover your existence."

    Aara's heart leaps, and she starts to respond when Uzzaya hushes her. "But this is not a gift. I can do this only in exchange for your marks," she says, skimming her hand down Aara's arm. She watches, fascinated as the tattoos light up and glow golden and red in the darkness. "You will have to give these up. All your work will be erased."

    She nods in understanding. Aara's whole life, her work, the accomplishments and accolades that she wears on her flesh will be gone. Her marks are her pride, her living, and such a defining thing for her, she isn't sure who she would be without them. But to become something else...I could always start over, and now I'd have time...We'd have time...

    "What will you, Child of the Mashi Al'Maut?" Uzzaya's voice surrounds her. "Will you take this trade I offer?"

    Holding her arms out and looking at them, Aara feels a tear slide down her cheek. The light coming off her arms engulfs her, making Aara shout in pain.

  74. "Aara," Gath says grabbing her shoulders and giving her a gentle shake. "Wake up and if you decide to take a swing at me, don't hot my face again."

  75. Aara jolts awake, staring up at Gath with fear before recognizing him. "Uzzaya be thanked!" she says, clearly unsettled by her dream. "I thought you were Two!" she adds, throwing her arms around his neck and hugging him tightly. "Thank the gods you aren't."

  76. He's a little surprised but he hides it. "You thought I was Two." Gath repeats, chuckling. "Probably one of the worst insult I've ever had thrown at me." He gives her a gentle squeeze then rubs her back. "Clear your mind. You can't have distractions."

  77. She lets out a relieved breath and stays where she is a moment before pulling away. "At least it wasn't a nightmare," she says. "Well. Sort of. I dreamed we got married and had a lot of kind of was."

  78. "That's a nightmare for sure. Easily prevented though."

  79. "By not sleeping," she yawns, rubbing her eyes.

  80. "I wish this would start already. All this waiting around and doing nothing will eventually start to affect even me."

  81. "Me too."

    Aara watches Goddard's wife wielding a sword, noting her strengths and weaknesses. "Without her magic, she really isn't that good," she realizes. "I mean, she's well trained, but no more so than me. Even with her advantages, I'm not sure she'd beat me."

  82. "As long as you don't underestimate her. Never underestimate your enemy." Gath suddenly looks at Aara strangely. "Are you...flickering...?"

    In an instant, Gath and Aara are swallowed by a light, disappearing and reappearing on a dusty barren field. Around them, familiar creatures begin to fill the empty space and off in the distance, they can see other shapes appearing as if from a mist.

  83. Aara looks around, stunned, and quickly ties her hair into a knot at the base of her skull. "This is it," she says calmly. "They'll be here somewhere." She glances at Gath, then touches his arm lightly. "If I..." She shakes her head and draws her swords, searching the crowd for Goddard and Two.

  84. Goddard and Two have the same experience as Gath and Aara.
    "No," Goddard growls between clenched teeth. "Not now."

  85. Two hoots, adrenaline pumping through him. "Yes now, Sheik!" Hedraws his sword and starts scanning the field. "Damn it Four, you picked a fine time to be so little!"

  86. A loud horn blows and the crowd yells. Before the strange thin creature standing beside them gets a chance to fully turn around and face them, Gath swings his sword and takes its head off. "Stay close," he says in druhiir. "We'll find them."


    "I don't want to, but for Aara, I'll make sure you don't get split in half," Goddard growls, bringing his sword up to block a swipe from long claws.

  87. Aara skewers a halfling with too many eyes, keeping to Gath's right. Before they get far, she stops in her tracks, staring at the dark elf in front of her.

    "I told you we'd settle this," the druchii croons, sliding her hand lovingly down the length of her blade. "I hope you're ready to die."

    Aara doesn't look away. "I'll catch up," she tells Gath. "This won't take long."

  88. Gath does his best to stay close by or at least keep track of where she was standing. It's difficult to find the time to blink with all the motion around him and the attacks being thrown at him. Even now, Gath would rather take a few shallow slashes to his body than allow a blade to come close to his face.

    Gath backs into someone and turns around to plant his sword into the head of whatever it is.


    He diverts his attack and the sword slams into the ground. "My lord!"

  89. Aara and the druchii circle one another, occasionally taking out an opponent before they can intrude.

    "Did you know he came to see me before we were married?" she asks, her voice cold.

    Aara makes her first attack, a series of strikes. Some land, drawing blood, others are blocked.

    The druchii laughs and flicks her own blade out, poutibg when Aara brushes it away. "He did," she continues, "we had a lovely laugh over his virgin pleasure slave."

    She makes a lunge for Aara's throat, but Aara ducks and swipes at her knees.

  90. Gath raises the sword, knocking back a human with too many long pointed teeth before it can attack Goddard. "Fight now, hug later my lord," Gath grins. "And remember that when you see her."

    "Aara's alright?" Goddard gasps. He turns around, engulfing a few enemies in frozen thorns after one of them catches him with its blade across his arm and rib. He scans the figures for Two to tell him the wonderful news.

  91. Two nods in acknowledgment, taking off the head of some creature oozing pus and covered in sores.

    "I told you, Sheik!" He laughs, slashing a dwarf across the chest and getting sprayed in blood.


    Aara does her best to ignore her, trying to get inside her guard. "What a coincidence," she grunts, catching the female's blade between hers. "We laughed about the sound you made when the real Brides showed up."

    She sneers, pushing away and circling Aara again. "You bitch."

    Got her.

  92. Gath looks at Two then looks at Goddard who shakes his head almost in disappointment. "He's too sure of himself," Gath says in druhiir.

    "Aara is safe you idiot!" he yells at Two, slashing at what he thinks is a large creatures head. The long claws hit Goddard and Gath but they block the bulk of the attack.

  93. They both move away to kill others around them, and soon there's a circle of corpses around them.

    "Aren't you afraid of me, little slave?" The druchii sings, slashing at Aara's left arm and leaving a long cut. "Aren't you afraid of death?"

    Aara laughs, giving her a long cut of her own down her thigh. "Me? I imagine death so much it feels like a memory." She bares her teeth in a fierce grin. "You don't scare me."

    The female screams in rage, her sword a blur of attacks as she forces Aara to give up space and defend herself.

  94. Aara dodges a strike that should have taken her head off but instead lodges in a lizard like creature coming up behind her. She takes a blow from behind, groaning at the burning cut across her back even as she flips a sword and stabs backward at her assailant.

    The two women crash into one another in a clash of steel and curses. The druchii loses several fingers as Aara feels her sword bite into her hip. Dropping one of her swords, Aara makes a desperate lunge, forcing her close enough for the druchii to plunge a dagger hilt deep into her shoulder.

    They fall together, Aara on top, looking into the stunned eyes of Goddard's wife. "Did you-" Aara gasps, "want this back?"

    Blank eyes stare up at the sky, and Aara climbs off her, grimacing in pain. After a quick search, Aara stoops and picks something up and pockets it.

    Keep going, she tells herself, picking up her sword and taking a deep breath. They're out here somewhere.

  95. This comment has been removed by the author.

  96. Gath and Goddard use magic and blades to clear a path to where Gath remembers seeing Aara. "Lecai!" Goddard yells when he finally spots her.

    "Remember what I said!"

    Goddard nods and they move as fast as they can toward Aara, pushing through the pain of their wounds.

  97. Aara is tossed to the ground by a giant orc, the breath knocked out of her. She struggles to her feet and catches a glimpse of the others behind him.


    Two runs up behind and hamstrings the creature, but catches the orc's hammer in the ribs. "Stupid!" she hisses, slashing at another dwarf covered in sores and boils.

  98. Goddard is knocked into Gath and Gath does his best to keep them both on their feet to reach Aara.

    "Blow them up while you can still speak," Gath suggests.

    Goddard's spells do a good bit of damage, but the flow of enemies feel never ending. "I can't do this," he gasps. "He said I could do it..."

  99. Aara makes her way to Two's side. "Sheild Goddard," she says, setting herself a few feet in front of Goddard. Having them near sends a new rush of adrenaline through her, and she fights with new energy.

  100. Gath keeps what he can away from Godard as he casts his spells. He can't keep everything away but even the few attacks that get through don't interrupt his casting.

    But suddenly, in the middle of speaking, his words trail off and he slowly drops to his knees. "Come on my lord, not now." Gath blocks a swing meant for Goddard but takes a blade to his shoulder, causing him to drop to a knee.

  101. Aara glances over her shoulder when she bears Goddard stop speaking. "Nuur'eni," she says with false cheer. "Get up, love. We're almost done."

    Almost done is right, she thinks, a claw swiping across her gut and bringing her attention back. "Two! Get closer!" she shouts.

    Two shifts, but he can barely stand as it is. "Four," he gasps. "We can't go on like this forever."

    "Shut up and fight!" she orders.

  102. Even kneeling, Gath still manages to deflect blows until his arm and hand are hit creating a sickening crunching sound. His sword clatters to the ground. He holds his injured hand to his chest and grabs at the handle with his other. Goddard swings at two creatures but a third puts a blade through his shoulder from behind. He lands on his other shoulder hard and tries to push himself up but he gives up and rests his head on the ground. "I can't do this," he mumbles over and over into the dirt and blood around him.

  103. A spiked boot sends Aara sprawling back, landing an arm's reach from Goddard. She knows enough medicine to know that her body is torn and broken inside as well as out.

    Tears streaming, she manages to sit up and pulls the dagger from her collarbone with a scream. Unsurprisingly, blood pours from it, and she hears her ustadh's voice in her ear. That's an artery you've nicked. It makes for a quick death.

    Crawling over to Goddard, she lays next to him in the dirt and gore. "I love you," she whispers. "So much."

  104. Before Goddard can say he loves her back, a terrible sound rips through the air and multiple shadows move over the field. A giant white dragon lands, crushing a multitude of enemies followed by a number of other strange creatures who proceed to do the same. The large creatures do not attack each other, only the smaller enemies.

  105. Two throws himself over Aara and Goddard, shielding them from whatever comes next. He says something to them, but the noise coming from the creatures drown him out.

    So this is how it ends... she thinks, squeezing Goddard's hand before she loses consciousness.

  106. Gath scoots closer to the pile of what he now considers his friends, and waits for the end.


    Everything goes silent and black and Goddard finds himself floating in nothingness.

    "Am-am I dead?" he mutters out loud.

    A small light appears and within seconds, it becomes blinding and the blackness disappears.

    "You're not dead."

    "Father?" Goddard gasps. "What happened?! Where's everyone else!?"

    "You are all safe. With some convincing, I was able to crash the party with a group of my own."

    Goddard looks around for someone but sees only never ending white light. "Where are you? Are you still trapped?"

    "Hmmm in a sense yes."

    Goddard's ears droop and his eyes fill with tears. "I have failed you..."

    Everything goes black again.

  107. "Wake up, child."

    Two raises his head, blinking in the sudden light. "For the love of Uzzaya, put it out," he groans.

    He hears a soft, feminine laugh and pries his eyes open again. A stunning woman draped in black and gold stands over him.

    "We never thought you'd be so gallant," she chuckles as he sits up. "Orsimond was certain you would run."

    "Madam, I am no coward."

    The woman nods, smiling gently. "This is why I offer you a deal, Rafiq the Unmarked."

    He raises an eyebrow. "A deal?"

    "Your lady, Aara, has chosen to become somewhat else. Half elf, half human. She will live two centuries. I am prepared to give you the same."

    "You said a deal...what do I give away?"

    Her smile turns sad. "Everything, I'm afraid. Your family, your future, your home. Children that will never be born. Choices you will never make."

    "And I can stay beside her?" He asks softly. "With my friends? For two hundred years?"

    She nods. "If you desire."

    He smiles charmingly. "My lady, there is no choice. I made a vow to follow and serve Aara, and I am a man of my word."

  108. Goddard's eyes flutter open and he finds himself laying on the ground. He looks around quickly before he moves and figures he's in an alley in a city. It almost reminds him of Altdorf.

    He slowly sits up and a small white dragon lands on the ground in front of him. "Sethai? Sethai!" He scoops up the dragon and cuddles him but not for long. It pushes away with it's little clawed feet and speaks.

    "You're going to crush me silly boy!"


    "Yes. For now anyway." Otto jumps free from Goddard's grasp and lands behind him. When Goddard turns around, he sees what looks like a strangely large cookbook and a scythe. "You'll need this here," the dragon says.

    "Here? Where is here? Why do I feel so strange?" Goddard looks up and can see the familiar shape of horns. "Merciful Morr?!" He reaches up and grabs onto them, tugging hard to make sure someone didn't just glue fake ones on.

    "My son, the brilliant mage," the dragon sighs with a chuckle. "Everyone is different here. I had to bring you all somewhere else to keep you safe."

    "You're always saving me," Goddard whispers, carefully scooping up Otto and holding him close. "Is this how you're trapped?"

    "In a way. It isn't really being trapped though. I just wanted to poke at you. I didn't expect you to cry."

    "Father!" Goddard drops the snickering dragon before he gets to his feet. "I have to find the others."

    "You will. I'll be back. I'll have more information for you later."

    "Wait!" Goddard picks up the dragon. "Where is everyone?"

    Sethai tilts his head and chirps.

    "What the...I see." Goddard puts him back down.

  109. A rustling sound behind him causes him to tense up and spin quickly to face a shadowy figure.

    "My lord?"

    "Gath!" Goddard runs at him, practically tackling him to the ground, arms around his neck and hugging him tightly. "I'm so glad to see you."

    "Ditto," Gath says relieved, hugging Goddard back just as tight. "Where are we?"

    Goddard pulls back and looks around. "I have no idea. But Two and Aara should be close by."

    Gath watches Goddard pick up the tome and the scythe. "What happened to your um...head?"

    "I don't know," Goddard mumbles. "Father says we are all different now. You seem to be the same."

    Gath holds his hands out to Goddard. The Mark of Khaine scars he had deliberately cut into his skin were gone. "That's...interesting," Goddard mumbles. "The rest of you looks fine," he grins. "You aren't hurt are you?"

    Gath shakes his head. "Are you?"

    "No I'm fine. Get the swords and let's find the others."

  110. Aara wakes in a patch of sunlight, wrapped in her cloak. She stretches and opens her eyes, looking around. Frowning, she closes and rubs at them a moment.

    Alone, Two jolts awake, biting his cheek. "What the-?" He jumps to his feet, frantically searching the alley for Aara.

  111. Gath points out a frantic looking shadow before them.

    "Two?" Goddard calls out.

    "If it's not, I'll stab it," Gath whispers, grabbing the handle of a sword.

  112. "Four? Where are you?" He calls, picking up his pack. "Did you run off? How'd we get here, anyway? Hey Four...!"


    "Hmm. That's weird."

    Closing her eyes, Aara curls herself around her pack and promptly falls asleep, almost certain she's found some garden in heaven to lounge in.

  113. Goddard anxiously watches Gath creep forward with the sword and when he's close enough to see who it is, Gath gets even closer and taps Two's shoulder. "Boo."

  114. Two swings around, ready to throw a punch. When he sees Gath, he laughs and grabs him in a hug. "If you are here I am not dead!" He laughs. Pulling away, he notices that Aara isn't with them, either. "What has happened to Four?"

  115. "She's not with you?" Goddard asks with a frown. "She has to be close she..." Goddard stops mid sentence and squints at Two. "Are you alright? Something looks different." He leans to the side and notices something farther down the alley behind Two. It looks like a crumpled figure laying in the light of a lantern.

    Goddard pushes past Two and runs toward it. "Lecai!" He drops down beside her. "Wake up. Please."

  116. Two pats himself down, looking for a wound or something. "I'm fine, Sheik...Your horns are back?" he asks, watching Goddard run toward a lamp.

    Aara frowns in sleep and rolls over, muttering for a few more minutes.

  117. Goddard lets out a sigh of relief. "She's just sleeping." He runs his fingers through her hair and notices her ears. His eyes go wide. He gets to his feet and runs up to Two, grabbing his head and pushing his hair over.

    "Are you seeing what I'm seeing?" Goddard asks Gath.

    "Yes I'm seeing it. I don't know what this means but I'm seeing it."

  118. Goddard lets him go and walks circles around Two, trying to find any other new weird traits. "Father said we were different. He didn't say how. That's pretty different on a human."

    "Different for an elf too," Gath adds.

    "Yes very different. Yes..."

    "And what do you mean your father?"

    Goddard does one more lap around Two and then circles the sleeping Aara. "Oh he was a huge white dragon when we were all separated and then he was just a voice in the void and now he becomes Sethai or talks through him I'm not sure how it works..."

    "Did you hit your head my lord? You sound crazier than you normally do."

  119. "He did talk to a dragon," Two confirms. "I saw that much." He moves over and nudges Aara with his foot. "Wake up, Four! There's something wrong with your ears!"

    Aara groans and squints up at him. "There's something wrong with your face," she mutters, sitting up. "What's going on...Goddard!" she shouts, hugging his legs. "Nuur'eni you're okay!"

  120. Before she can knock him over, Goddard crouches down and wraps his arms around her. "I love you," he says softly. "I didn't get to say it before." He gives her a bunch of quick kisses on her cheeks, forehead and lips then brushes her hair back with his fingers. "I love you and your now pointy ears?"

  121. "My pointy...?" She smiles and lifts a hand to touch one, but freezes, staring. "M-my hand," she whispers, pushing her sleeve up on one arm then the other. "My marks, my names!"

  122. "I didn't even see that. Gath's scars on his hands are gone. I wonder..." Goddard checks where Aara's mark of Khaine was on her shoulder. "It's gone! Does that mean mine is gone too?"

  123. Aara just stares at her hands. "What happened? My scars all still here. But..." She looks up at Goddard, worried. "What's happened? All I remember is dying in that field."

  124. "I don't know what happened exactly. But father said we were all different here but he didn't say where here was or how we're different or how he got us here wherever here is." Goddard rubs his forehead. "It's all very confusing."

  125. Her eyes- slightly greener than before- stretch a fraction wider. "Your f-father?" she whispers. "Godard, that's not possible."

  126. "It is! He was a big white dragon and I made him chocolate and Two was fairly rude and didn't want to be officially introduced and then he was a voice in the void and then he was Sethai but not really and he said he'd be back but he hasn't come back I don't think." He looks over at Sethai who's chirping and scratching at the ground.

    Gath shakes his head. "It sounds even more ridiculous the second time."

  127. "I was not rude! You just seemed to need some time with him alone is all! I was considerate!"

    Aara just covers her face with her hands, taking deep breaths. "Uzzaya save me..." Suddenly a flash from her dream makes her look up. "Uzzaya! She did this!" she says, waving her hands.

  128. "Did what? You know something?"

  129. She looks up at Two, who shrugs and smiles knowingly. "I had a dream," she says, looking back up at Goddard. "She said..." she shakes her head. "I can't remember. But whatever I am, it's because of her. By the way," she adds, looking between Goddard and Gath, "any ideas what that might be?"

  130. They both shrug. "Maybe some kind of sub-par elf?" Gath offers.

  131. "I'll show you sub-par," she threatens, smiling. "I'm glad we all made it." She looks around, blinking rapidly. "Or did we? Has anyone seen the dwarf?"

  132. Gath crosses his arms. "I'm sure he either dug a hole to hide in or rushed in and got killed instantly."

  133. Aara frowns a little and cooks her head, staring at him. After a moment, she turns her eyes to Goddard, then Two. Generally, he looks the same, except his hair is longer. But his skin seems...different. As if he's sort of glimmering, but not really.

    What are we? I can't remember what she said... And why Two? He's never had any real faith. Turning back to Goddard, she studies him carefully.

  134. Sethai walks into the center of the circle the four of them are making and sits. "So I have a bit of information you all may be interested in," Otto says, speaking through the dragon.

  135. Aara screams and scrambles behind Gath. "What in seven hells?!"

  136. "Hello to you too Aara," Otto huffs.

  137. Peeking out under Gath's arm, she visibly trembles. "Goddard this isn't funny," she whimpers tearfully. "Tell Sethai to stop. I held his hand when-" She chokes on the words and cowers behind Gath. "Gath make him stop."

  138. "First Goddard now you. Too much crying," Otto sighs. "Hello Gath. Are you going to cry too?"

    Gath smirks. "No. I wouldn't forget that voice though."

    Goddard goes to Aara and tries to hug her. "It's alright."

  139. She hides her face in his shoulder. "How is this possible? I ran him through! Am I insane? Goddard I swear I saw him die!"

    She starts to get more hysterical even as Two squats down to study the dragon. "You're the same one who gave me my hair back," he says. "I didn't thank you earlier."


    "Shut up, Four. Clearly he isn't as dead as you made him."

  140. "I sure did," he says to Two. "You wanted hair and bald is no way to live life. Figured I'd do you that one favor."

    Goddard frowns and carefully picks Otto up. "Could you please stop talking about how dead my father is supposed to be because you killed him?"

    "You're awfully calm about this my lord."

    "He's my father. I don't care what he looks like as long as he's here."

    "You were never this sweet. Ever when you were little. It's a bit unsettling," Otto mumbles.

  141. "What did you expect?" she asks shrilly. "He was, and now he isn't! And I was human, and now I'm not! And do you always see everything in such damn detail?"

    "Actually I like this new vision," Two says conversationally. "It's the me I've always been. But better and more handsome with hair."

    "Shut up Two!"

    He leans toward Goddard. "Should we wait until she calms down, or should" he whispers.

  142. "Indeed Two, shut up," Goddard says, turning away. "I would actually like to know what information you've found."

    "Oh just turn around so I can tell everyone if you insist on holding me. If you won't turn around, then put me down."

    Goddard quickly spins back around with a sigh.

    "First, I'll start by saying, you are in a different world. You could potentially return but why would you ever want to do that? And being in a different world means you are different. So, you two," he motions with his head at Aara and Two, "you are half elves. Sun elves. Gath, you are a moon elf. Goddard, you're something else kiddo."

    Goddard looks down at Otto, worried. "What...what am I? I'm still an elf right?"

    "Well...yes and youarepartdemon," Otto speaks very quickly and clears his throat.


  143. "I'm a what?" she asks Two softly.

    "Half a sun elf, keep up," he whispers back.

    "Half..." She makes a soft sound and just lays her head against his arm.

    Two chuckles and puts his arm on the top.of her head. "Half an elf, half a human, still half as tall."

    With a deep breath, she lifts her head and looks at Otto nervously. Is he mad at me?I'd be mad at me if I killed me. Maybe I am a little insane. That's kind of comforting, really.

  144. "So I was right," Gath grins. "Little demon."

    "Shut up! Why couldn't I just be a moon elf too!?" Goddard asks, holding Otto up.

    "With all that Chaos going through you, this was what made sense. But don't worry. People here see things differently. You're as normal as a human walking around the streets of Altorf."


    "Really. But I have to go again. I'll see what else I can dig up."

    "Don't you dare just leave again!"

    "Chirp chirp."

    Goddard tosses Sethai into the air with a groan.

  145. "Well, no sense standing around in an alley," Two says, picking up his pack and Aara's. "Let's find an inn or something. I'm starving."

  146. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" Goddard stammers. "I'm fine with staying in an alley."

    Gath looks around at the dark alley. "I'm not," he grumbles.

    "You don't look like this though!"

    "Thank the gods."

  147. Aara pulls the hood of her cloak up, hiding in its depth, and follows Two quietly. The change is overwhelming; her eyesight is sharper, and she can see clearly even in the shadows. Even her movements seem different and strange as she walks. Tense, she hugs her cloak tighter.

  148. Goddard pulls his hood up and hopes it'll fool these people as much as it fooled the humans in Altdorf. He stays close to Gath and looks expectantly at Sethai, hoping Otto will come back.

    When they step out of the alley, a grand city stretches before them and above them.

    "Merciful Morr," Goddard whispers and clings tightly to Gath's arm. "How is that even possible..."

    Gath furrows his brow and looks at the ground. "That'll make me sick if I look at it for too long."

    Goddard looks around at the people walking around and notices they aren't actually people but different races of beings he's never seen before. "I don't feel so out of place now," he whispers.

  149. Aara wavers, looking up and feeling dizzy. "Uzzaya save me..." she murmurs, closing her eyes.

    Determined to keep his head, Two doesn't look up, but puts an arm around her. "Keep it together," he says close to her ear. "I promise you can fall apart as soon as we're alone."

    She swallows, nodding. "How is all this possible?"

    Two shrugs, staring at the strange creatures passing by. "Magic, I suppose."

    Aara glances over her shoulder at Goddard clinging to Gath. "I suppose."

  150. "Oh!" Sethai says suddenly. "This place is Sigil. But you have to say it as such. Sig-ol. Not sijil. That'll make people mad if you say it wrong. Alright bye again!"


    Sethai chirps happily.


    Goddard stares at the faces of those they pass and notices a lot of winks and smiles and smirks. Flirtatious in nature and he can't help but grin back, sending one or two into fits of giggling.

    "Is this really happening?" Gath sighs.

  151. Two does his own flirting, delighting in the reactions he gets. "I think I'm going to like this place, Sheik!"

  152. "It's a lot less terrifying than I thought it would be," Goddard chuckles. "I still would like to find a place to relax and absorb this all. Like the fact that I have never seen these letters or words before and yet I understand them...I also can't see the winds anymore if they even exist."

  153. "Look, Four," Two says, nodding to a tall golden-skinned elf. "I bet he's a sun elf too! You can't see with this thing on," he complains, pulling her hood off.

    Aara squeaks and freezes, unintentionally drawing the attention of the elf in question.

    "Wow, he looks interested! Maybe you can get him to point is toward an inn!" With a mischievous grin, he pushes Aara toward him.

    "Um...hello," she says softly, not meeting his eyes.

    "You must be new in town," he says. "I haven't seen you before."

    She nods, eyes on the ground. "Can you point us toward an inn please?"

    The sun elf studies the group a moment. "I'll take you there myself," he offers, holding out an arm.

  154. Goddard watches this elf carefully, unsure of what will happen. This may go just smoothly or he may attack them with a mass of tentacles. Anything can happen at this point.

    He panics a bit when he notices Gath pulling on his hood too. "What is wrong with the both of you!" he hisses.

    "Deal with it my lord. I think you'll be fine. Your father said so."

    Goddard puffs his cheeks out and looks around. No one seems to react in a negative way. There just seems to be even more flirting.

  155. Aara just stands there, unsure of how to react. "Many thanks, friend!" Two says cheerfully, pushing Aara closer to the elf.

    Somehow, she manages not to stumble, even looking back at Goddard with a pleading look and cursing silently that he seems more interested in flirting. Instead, the sun elf gracefully slips his arm around her.

    "My name is Tallyn," he tells her. "You are?"


    He laughs. "Um, is it? Most unusual."

    "No. It's Aara. My name is Aara."

  156. Goddard narrows his eyes. He's just supposed to be helping us with finding an inn...not trying to get in...

  157. "Hmm...Aara," he says, rolling her name around and tipping her chin up to look in her eyes. "Exotic and lovely. Just like you."

    Hardly breathing, she stares, captivated. "The inn?" she whispers.

    "Ahhh yes. The inn. Why not try the Goldenglow?" He suggests, drawing her along as he walks toward a tall white building with gold shutters and awnings. "I'm certain I can help you get fine rooms there."

  158. "Nope we're fine," Goddard says rushing forward, hooking Aara's arm in his and dragging her toward the front door of the inn. "Thank you very much though. You've been incredibly helpful!"

  159. "Sheik what are you doing? So rude!" Two laughs, following.

    Aara lets out a grateful breath and lets him pull her along. When they get inside, Two begins arranging for rooms, but halfway through, Tallyn enters.

    "Is the Sun Floor available?" he asks the man at the desk. "Give it to them," he orders, nodding to the group. "Take especial care of the lady."

    "Yes sir!"

    Tallyn bows to Aara, kissing her free hand. "Everything in my inn is at your disposal," he tells her. "You have but to ask."

  160. Gath tries his best not to laugh at Goddard. He's more eager to get a room and actually sleep for once.

    Goddard looks away, wanting to hide his embarrassment, jealousy, worry, and everything else he's feeling right now.

  161. She shies away from the elf and his forward behavior, just wanting to be close to Goddard. "Um. Thank you."

    He rises. "I'll have a meal sent up presently. Good night."

    She turns away, shifting even closer to Goddard. Senses heightened, she shivers at the sights and sounds she never realized in any other inn. Even the sight of her empty hands make her shudder.

  162. Gath walks up behind them and pushes them forward. "Come on. You can have a break down once we get into the room."

  163. They follow a maid to the top of the building. "This is your floor," she says, opening the double doors to a large, sumptuous common room. "Two rooms to this side," she explains, pointing. "A bath between them. And two rooms on this side. This one is for the lady," she indicates the most comfortable and elegant in the apartment. "A private bath for you, ma'am. Dinner will arrive presently."

    She bobs a curtsy and disappears down the stairs. Two whistles, dropping their bags.

    "You made an impression, Four."

  164. Once the maid is gone, Goddard pulls his shirt off and feels his lower back. "Is it there? Is it gone?"

    "It's gone. Calm down."

    "Oh thank you!" Goddard sighs before he simply lays down on the floor. "I can't handle today."

  165. After watching her stand in the middle of the room, Two takes his bag off to one of the side rooms, giving Goddard the chance to claim the one next to hers if he wants it.

    Aara wanders to a window, staring blankly down at the street and clenching her jaw. A part of her mind knows she's in shock, and another part is glad of it.

  166. Gath moves Goddard's things into the room next to Aara's and goes to the other room. He flops down onto the bed and buries his face in the pillow.

    "Aara," Goddard mumbles into the floor. "What do we do now? You know, until father returns with more help."

  167. "I don't know," she whispers. "This is all's too much." For the first time she truly understands what Goddard meant when he described how elves feel things.

  168. "I think I'll go lay down on a bed." He gets up slowly and and lazily makes his way to his room and throws himself into the bed. "Oh this feels so nice," he says happily. "I feel like I've been crushed and I can finally relax. A little."

  169. Aara follows a moment later, dropping her cloak on a chair and stretching out beside him. "I'm not being much help," she murmurs, rubbing his back. "I'm sorry."

  170. "Don't be sorry." He rolls over and snuggles against her. "You existing is helping me more than I think you know. I should be sorry. I didn't warn you about father. It just sort of happened."

  171. She laughs a little. "That was a shock. All of this is." She feels her own ear. "They're not long like yours. I guess that's the half part?"

  172. "I like them. Oh wait!" Goddard grins and brushes her hand away so he can touch her ear. "Now you know what I go through."

  173. Her eyes go wide as a shiver runs through her and her ear twitches. "Oh!" she gasps, blushing. "It's so sensitive!"

  174. He laughs and nuzzles her neck. "Were you alone? I was with Two. I took care of him even though he was being annoying. Even if you were with the dwarf, I'd be thankful you had someone with you."

  175. "I was with Gath in the Slaneeshi pit. He," she giggles at his nuzzling. "He protected my honor from the swordmaster. I think."

  176. "Wait are you sure it was Gath? Protecting you would confuse me but protecting your honor sounds even crazier."

  177. She laughs. "He did. The man was very flirtatious. At one point he grabbed me and pulled me close...Gath nearly ripped his arm off." Stroking his ear, she tells him about the swordmaster asking if Gath was laying claim to her.

  178. Goddard laughs. "I'll have to thank him then. He may seem terrible most of the time, but I knew he really wasn't all that bad. I'm glad you weren't alone." He gives her a gentle kiss before he sits up and looks at the book sitting on the bed.

    "I should look into this. I don't see the winds or anything. I'm not sure how magic works here." He attempts a spell he knows he's cast many times before and nothing happens. "Good thing I have three people with me who can fight really well with blades huh?"

  179. "Oh, um, I have something for you. Maybe." She digs a silver ring with a large amethyst out of her pocket and offers it to him. "If you want it."

  180. He picks it up and turns it over in his hands. "Where did you get this? It's beautiful." He slips it on his finger and admires it. "I must admit, it looks even better on me than just sitting there."

  181. "You might not want to wear it," she warns, slipping it off his finger and closing his hand around it. "It was on your wife's hand when I killed her today." She frowns. "Or yesterday? She was in the pit with us."

  182. Goddard rips the ring off his finger and frowns. "Why would you give this to me?"

  183. "I noticed it and thought it might be one of yours. You don't have to keep it," she adds hastily, looking ashamed. "I don't know why, but- It's just a trophy, I guess. A pointless one," she mumbles.

  184. "You can keep it as a trophy, but I have no desire to be reminded of that witch. Especially now that we've escaped everything."

  185. She nods, taking it back from him and tossing it in a corner. "It was stupid of me." Looking down at her hands again, she frowns. "I don't suppose I have need of trophies anymore." She pulls him down to sit beside her and hugs him. "I just need you."

  186. Goddard hugs her back. "You do what you want. There will be things that have a meaning to you that will have a different meaning to me."

  187. She makes a face. "She was a real bitch. Tried to taunt me with the most awful things." She sighs. "If there's one good thing about that nightmare it was killing her. And Gath's hug," she adds, brightening up. "That was nice."

  188. "He hugged you before he hugged me?" Goddard asks sounding slightly offended. "I can't believe it. And after all that talk of you being a human."

  189. "But I needed it, love. I had a dream that I married Two and we had fat little babies and..." It was a normal life, and I was happy in it. "And don't you think a girl deserves a hug after something awful like that?"

  190. "Oh that is awful," he chuckles. Goddard pulls the book close and flips through the pages. He looks confused and yet he is nodding as if he understands.

    "This is strange. But I think I can do it." He wraps an arm around Aara. "But I won't get lost in this book yet if you need my attention for anything."

  191. She smiles and kisses his jaw. "I think I need a bath. And a mirror to admire my ears," she laughs. "I'm sure the shock will wear off when it's inconvenient."

    Getting up, she goes to her room and looks around, discovering a bathing room connecting her room and Goddards. The tub is large and white, but secured to the floor. After changing out of her clothes and into a heavy silk robe hanging on the door, she inspects the tub closely.

    "How do you empty it?" She wonders aloud, leaning on a large brass handle to look inside.

    The handle gives, and she shrieks as hot water pours out of a pipe in the wall. Under normal circumstances, she would have fallen right into the tub.

    "Goddard!" she shrieks.
