Friday, April 1, 2016

Two bristles. "I think that you aren't well yourself, and my lady might have need of me.  She is the reason I'm here."

"Don't bicker like two old women," she groans.


  1. Gath picks up the lute and makes his way back to his room.

    Goddard makes a few grumbling sounds and turns to watch the fire. "Only because you're sick. I won't put Two in his place."

  2. "He knows his place," she says gently, leaning against his back. "And he's right. I am his priority just like you are Gath's. He isn't saying you can't care for me," she explains, "he's saying he needs to help."

    Two grumbles into his wine.

  3. "If he were helping, I wound't have to curl around you to keep you warm and happy. I'd do it anyway but it's even more necessary when you're not feeling well."

  4. She laughs. "How could he even begin to compare to the loving care I get from my nuur'eni? He couldn't keep me so warm."

  5. Goddard grins at Two before he turns to Aara. "Do you want to stay here still or lay down?"

  6. "Let's stay here awhile. I could be in bed for days more."

    With a huff, Two excuses himself and goes to his room.

  7. "Did I make him mad?" Goddard chuckles.

  8. "I think I did," she sighs. "One day I'll let you two just fight it out till you're too tired to fight anymore."

  9. "I think Gath was mad when Gill was taking care me of me. I guess Two must feel the same."

  10. "They're possessive, aren't they? But it makes sense. We're all we have of home, whether it was terrible or not."

  11. "Do you think one day they may adjust, get tired of us, and leave?"

  12. "Two might. He just accepts things and goes with them as they come. He doesn't try to fight fate," she adds softly. "Gath probably won't."

  13. "Why? Because he doesn't have someone like how Two has Kryn? I could see Two running off with her...and then running back."

  14. "Because he's druchii at heart," she explains. "And he still sees you that way too. Two could easily leave me for Kryn...especially if he really loves her."

  15. "He'll get over that though."

  16. "Maybe, but you don't have to worry. He trusts you, and no one else."

  17. "He could t...never mind it doesn't matter. I'm sorry you're not feeling well and I'm worrying about whiny retainers," he laughs.

  18. "You don't have to apologize," she tells him, sniffling. "I worry about Two leaving more every day."

  19. "You never worry about me leaving do you?"

  20. "No. I think even if we spend a little time separate we'll always come back to one another."

  21. "Good. Gill told me he had almost lost Tallyn and all I could think about was you and how I wouldn't know what to do if I didn't have you."

  22. "Really? They seem so...well matched. I would never have guessed."

  23. "People get impatient, feel neglected, and that can be the end of everything."

  24. "Is that what happened? He told me he was hired into the company and just fell madly in love."

  25. "Gill said he thought he didn't have to woo Tallyn after a few years of being together and when he left for some assignment and came back, Tallyn was with someone else. I'd believe a sad story before I believe d a too perfect happy one."

  26. "Oh. Tallyn did pretty much leave it at meeting him. He just said they worked and lived together until they came here."

  27. "Maybe he didn't want to make you sad. I think Gill was warning me."

  28. She laughs. "Against what? I know how pale life without you is, I'm never walking away again. You'll have to the me down and send me away in a box before you're rid of me," she laughs.

  29. "Gath was being all moody and Gill said he was jealous and uh...he warned me. Saying silly things like asking about leaving you for him I don't know...stupid Gill and his stupid thoughts. Stupid..."

  30. "Don't say that," she chuckles. "They don't know what we've been through just to be together. They just see us struggling to adjust and want to help."

  31. "When you put it that way, I guess he isn't so stupid. He did deal rather well with me being needy after father told them how bad I was," he mumbles.

  32. "Did he? Was that what made Gath mad?"

  33. Goddard shrugs. "I think. And Gill thought the same. And Two basically did the same thing."

  34. "I expect it of Two, he's a little childish." She covers her mouth to cough. "Maybe you should go check on him, make sure his ego isn't bruised. He seemed to have a headache earlier, too."

  35. "But what about you? I don't want to swoop in and take better care of you!"

  36. "Two was there the whole time you were in bed. And I'll be fine here while you look in on him," she assures him. "I have my blanket and tea."

  37. "And what if he's dying in there and it's not just a quick peek?"

  38. "Then Two can come take care of me and I'll soothe his hurt feelings and you can take care of Gath."

  39. "Hmm fine. Better than feeling bad if he is sick and I just abandoned him."

  40. She tucks her feet under him and gets comfortable. "Knock on Two's door for me when you pass?"

  41. Goddard kisses her forehead and gets up. "Hey Two," he calls while he knocks on Two's door. "Aara has some words for you." He then goes to Gath's door and slips in without knocking.

  42. Two instantly goes to her. "Do you need something? Should I get Tallyn? Can I carry you to bed?"

    She smiles and pats the seat next to her. "Just sit with me?"

    "Are you sure you don't want Sir Sullen to play for you?"

    "Rafiq, you don't really think I don't want you around? I love you. You're my oldest friend."

  43. Goddard finds Gath curled up completely under a blanket on his bed. "What do you want?" he mumbles.

    "I wanted to make sure you were alright. You obviously aren't. What do you need me to get you?" Goddard walks over to the bed and sits beside him.

    "I'll be fine. I don't need anything from you."

    Goddard leans over and wraps his arms around the blanket pile. "What do you want from me then?"

  44. "Am I?"

    She nods. "I have spent more time with you so 's I was eleven than I have in my entire life with my brother."

    He sighs and sits beside her. "So you're feeling better?"

    "Not really. I'm exhausted and my chest hurts and the fever makes me dizzy."

    "You should go back to bed."

    She leans against him, his skin cool against her own. "Read to me?"

    He grins and pulls a book from his jacket pocket. "I came prepared. Kryn sent it when I wrote to her that you were sick and wouldn't see her tonight. It's fairy tales."

  45. After a pause, Gath says, "I want you to go away."

    "That's mean," Goddard snorts. "I bet you've never had anyone take care of you."

    "Of course not."

  46. "Oh," she hums. "Read to me now and thank her later."

  47. Goddard goes to move the blanket but Gath holds it tightly. "The light bothers me," he mumbles.

    Goddard climbs underneath and feels Gath's forehead. "You don't feel too warm." He pushes him down so he's flat on his back and listens to his chest. "Everything sounds good here."

    "My head hurts you idiot. You could have just asked," Gath says with a sniffle.

    "You could have just told me before I did anything," Goddard grins. "I'll be back." Goddard climbs out from under the blankets and puts out every candle and closes every shade before hopping back on the bed. "There. Weren't feeling well enough to do it yourself?"

    "I didn't think you'd come in here and bother me."

  48. "Are you sure you won't be more comfortable in bed?"

    "I want to make sure Gath is fine before I go back to bed. He might need something

  49. Goddard shakes his head and smiles.

    Gath pulls the blanket down and rolls over. "Thank you...I go away."

    "Only for a little while. I'm going to check on Aara then I'll bring you tea and take care of you." Goddard slips back into the common room. "He's got a lot of pressure in his head," Goddard tells Aara.

  50. "Oh, I can help that," she says. "Two, will you get my tea box and herb kit?"

    Closing his book, Two goes to her room and gets them, setting them on the table in front of her.

    "Put the water back on," she says as she starts measuring small amounts of various herbs and teas. "Is he having any pain?"

  51. "I would assume so but he is acting like he's more annoyed by me than his head."

  52. "I'll add a pinch of this," she says, putting the smallest amount of a fragrant herb in the little linen bag. "It'll ease any pain so he can rest later."

    Tying it closed, she shakes it to mix everything together and hands it to Goddard. "You'll want to add honey," she suggests. "A lot, considering his sweet tooth."

  53. "Are you still alright?" Goddard asks as he takes the tea and adds a good bit of honey.

  54. She nods, while Two shakes his head emphatically behind her.

  55. "Hmm I'll be right back," he smiles and makes his way back as quickly as he can to Gath's room. "Here you go," Goddard says as he hands the tea to Gath.

    Gath sits up slowly and takes the cup. Before he can say anything, Goddard apologizes and slips out of the room again.

  56. "Four, if you'll go back to bed I will read to you all night," Two insists.

    "I told you," she croaks, "I won't go until I know if there's anything I can do for Gath and Goddard."

    "You're sick!" he argues as Goddard comes into the room. "How can you help anyone this way?"

    "I can make medicines!" she coughs. "Ustadh taught us well."

  57. "I knew you weren't telling the truth," Goddard sighs. "Come on. Back in your tent."

  58. Two scoops her up, ignoring her weak protests. "Let me help you two," she pleads. "I really am feeling a little better Nuur'eni."

    "Four, Sheik loves you too much to tell you You're being an idiot," Two says, "but I love you just enough."

    She growls in frustration when he plops her in her tent, the lays over and uries her face in the blankets when it turns into another coughing fit.

  59. Goddard lays beside her and rubs her back. "You won't get better as quickly if you act stubborn. You have to take care of yourself."

  60. "You won't either," she says once she catches her breath. The heavy medical air starts helping almost instantly, and she takes slow, even breaths.

  61. "I'm only going to be worn out running back and forth," he snickers. "But I'll just lay here."

  62. "He'll probably be mad, but he's always mad, and you need to be watched carefully or you'll escape."

  63. She nods. "Probably."

    "Definitely," Two quips. "You're hard to lock down."

  64. "So I'm going to stay right here." Goddard wraps his tail around her leg and closes his eyes with a sigh.

  65. She crawls closer, practically collapsing on his chest. Two pulls the blanket up over them and goes into the common room, leaving the door open so they can call him if they need anything.

    Feeling Tallyn's medicine working to make her sleep, she yawns and tries to fight it.

  66. "Go to sleep lecai. I know you're tired. The world isn't going anywhere."

  67. She makes a stuffy snort. "It might," she yawns. "It did once already."

  68. She sighs in agreement and shifts around, holding him tightly. "All right, hayati..."

  69. "And I'll be here when you wake up."

  70. She makes a little sigh as she falls asleep.

  71. I feel so bad. I'll make it up to him later. Goddard yawns and drifts off to sleep.

  72. Aara wakes to cool hands touching her wrist, nwck, and forehead. Opening her eyes, she sees Tallyn leaning over them.

    "Good morning, sweetheart," he whispers. "Your fever's broken."

    She nods and snuggles closer to Goddard, wanting to go back to sleep.

  73. Goddard blinks and is careful not to stretch and disturb Aara. "Oh Tallyn, there's no need for cute pet names. At least new ones. Nuur'eni is fine. Sweet heart is a bit much don't you think?"

  74. "I was talking to Aara, Nuur'Ninny," he sighs, putting a hand on Goddard's forehead. "Who is currently pretending to be asleep, which she is not."

    "Yes I am."

  75. "Does she need to be awake? I can make her awake." He grins mischievously and rests his chin on Aara's ribs.

  76. "Well I'd like to see if she's feeling better. And I do want her to eat and walk around."

    "No," a pillow mumbles.

    "And sit outside a while if she's up to it," be adds to Goddard.

  77. "Come on lecai," he says, putting pressure on her ribs, tickling her slightly.

  78. She makes a rough screeching sound That could be a laugh and convulses in a weak attempt to get away.

  79. Goddard chuckles. "Are you going to cooperate now with doctor Sunny?"

  80. She groans. "I don't feel good."

    "If you cooperate you will."

    "Last time I cooperated you made Goddard stay in his own bed."

    "Well I'll let him walk you down to the garden of you're good."

    She groans again.

  81. "They only did that because I was sick too. I'm fine now. I won't go anywhere."

  82. "Are you?" she rasps, lifting her head to look at him. "What about Gath?"

    "Rafiq said he seemed to rest comfortably for the most part," Tallyn tells her. "Whether or not He slept is amother story. Rafiq stayed up all night looking in on you all. I only just now got him to go to bed himself."

  83. "I am fine," he assures her. "And I'm sure Gath is um...fine too?"

  84. "Go check on him," she demands, looking concerned, "and I'll do what Tallyn wants."

    Tallyn let's out a low, sensuous laugh. "Oh I do like those terms. Go, Nuur'Ninny."

  85. "If I don't come back, then assume he killed me," Goddard sighs. "And if I live, he's waiting for the third time I say 'I'll be right back' before he strikes."

  86. "One is forgivable, two is foolish, and three shouldn't be believed," she giggles. "Kiss me before you go to your death?"

  87. Goddard leans down and kisses her, occasionally holing up a finger to make sure Tallyn doesn't attempt to stop them.

  88. When he's gone, Tallyn helps prop her up on the pillows and examines her quickly.

    "It'll still be a few days before you're well, but you should try to spend some time out of bed," he advises. "Gill made you some porridge too."

    "You've both been so good to us," she says, her voice still rough. "I don't know how we could ever thank you."

    "I'll take a night alone and a few kisses like that," he say suggestively.

  89. "Good morning," Goddard says with as big a smile as he can muster while carefully peeking into Gath's room. He's sitting on the bed, sharpening his swords. "Nice and sharp?"

    "Shall I test them?"

    Goddard chuckles nervously. "What, now? Ah no. I wanted to make sure you were feeling well."

    "Why? I thought you assumed I was fine."

    "You're doing this on purpose aren't you?" Goddard pouts.

    "Doing what?"

  90. She blushes, making him laugh. "All right, sweetheart. Sit here and say this porridge and then you can have your Nuur'Ninny escort you downstairs for a while. The fresh air and growing things will do you good."

  91. "Being mean! Making me feel guilty!" Goddard throws himself face down onto the bed and groans.

    "You're doing that all on your own."

    "I'm sorry. I really am. You know Aara is really sick and..."

    Gath shrugs.

    "I shouldn't say things I don't mean right?"

    Gath nods.

  92. Aara dutifully lets him set a tray in her lap. The porridge is thick and a little boring, but he also brought tea and toast with jam.

    "Why did you become innkeepers if you like medicine so well?"

    "Why did you pick up a sword instead of a husband?"

    She looks down, feeling guilty about Koroush and his wish to marry her. "We do what we do," she says softly.

    Tallyn tilts her chin up. "Did I hit a sore spot?"

    "A little."

    "I'm sorry."

  93. Goddard turns so his head is by Gath's hip and he watches his sharpen the blade. "So you're not mad?"

    "Furious," Gath says flatly and gives Goddard a pat on the head.

    "I'm not sure if you're telling the truth or not and that scares me a little."

  94. She shrugs. "We do what we do," she repeats. "Goddard could be a while, I think I'll go ahead and get dressed."

    Tallyn raises his eyebrows. "Do you need help in your weakened condition? I'm well trained in patient assistance."

    She coughs on a laugh. "Since you gave me stitches I'm sure there isn't much left to see. But I'll be fine."

  95. "Alright you can go back. I won't be able to finish these if you stay anyway," Gath mumbles.

  96. Tallyn is standing outside her door, waiting. "She's getting dressed," he tells Goddard. "Didn't want to wait for you."

  97. Without thinking, Goddard gives Gath a peck on his temple before he dashes out of the room, embarrassed, and stands by Tallyn. "Oh yes good. You want her to spend some time outside right? Right. We can do that..."

  98. Tallyn snickers, but doesn't say anything as Aara emerges. Dressed in colorful silk pants and a long black tunic, she's certain she looks as tired as she feels, right down to the upturned toe on her slipper.

    "How is he?"

  99. "Gath? He's fine. Being horrible as usual."

  100. "Does he need anything? I can make him another tea before I go downstairs."

  101. "He can make his own tea," Goddard mumbles.

  102. She nods, tucking a book under her arm and leans on Goddard. "Don't be cross with him," she advises. "He isn't feeling well either, Nuur'eni."

    Tallyn grins. "Well, you've had breakfast, I'll send something out to the garden for you, Goddard, and something for Gath here." Opening the door, he makes a sweeping gesture. "Shall we?"

  103. Goddard nods and heads out the door. "Hopefully this will help you feel better faster," he says to Aara.

  104. "I like gardens, so it may lift my spirits at least," she suggests. "And Kryn sent me a book."

  105. "That'll be good," he smiles. "I might end up taking a nap in the sun then while you read. If you need me, just throw your book at me."

  106. She smiles, coughing a little. Her ribs and back are sore, but after a day and night in her tent the cough isn't quite as rough.

    Tallyn leads them through the barroom and a pair of wide, beautifully carved doors to the garden. While only half as wide as the inn itself, it runs the length and is divided into kitchen, medicinal, and flowering plants. Amongst the flowers are two comfortable lounge chairs, a small heater, and a table with a tea service.

    "Breakfast and tea will arrive momentarily," he tells them. "I'll check on you later."

  107. Goddard helps Aara to a seat and gets comfortable in the chair next to her. "This is nice. What's the first thing you want to make when you feel better?"

  108. Tucking her feet under her, she considers. "I'm not sure. I think you might be on to something with the jewelry making. At least to start."

  109. "That's a good place to start. You might not even need Gath too much for jewelry."

  110. "Eventually I want to make weapons. I'll need him for that if we can find a forge willing to give me time."

  111. "You could always pay them. Or we can run around and retrieve wool," he snorts.

  112. She sneezes so hard it hurts. "Ibwas perfectly fine with that job until this. At least he pays well, and met a couple interesting characters."

  113. "Hmm yes...them...I tried to forget about them."

  114. "Oh? Zeus seemed to take a liking to you."

  115. "A little too much. I am a being with feelings. I am not just some piece of cheese!"

  116. She raises an eyebrow. "Should I not nibble on you then?" she asks wickedly.

  117. "Just because I'm not food doesn't mean you can't nibble," he chuckles.

  118. "Oh good," she purrs. "I can't wait till I'm feeling better. There are better reasons to spend the day in bed."

    A maid arrives with breakfast and tea, letting them know to call if they need anything.

  119. "That'll be nice," he sighs happily. I could use," Goddard chuckles.

  120. She blushes a little at her own boldness and lowers her eyes. "What motivation," she laughs.

  121. "If you don't get better off the promise of jewelry, weapons, and us, then I don't know what else to do for you."

  122. She laughs. "I do feel a little better. My cough isn't as bad, but my throat still hurts." She sips her tea, enjoying the soothing warmth. "Tallyn thinks I'll be fine as ever in a few days."

  123. "Unless you want to make love inside a medicinal tent with me coughing all the time, yes."

  124. "That wouldn't be fun for either of us."

  125. "Probably not," she chuckles. "But if you're desperate I'm sure you can find some entertainment elsewhere," she suggests.

  126. "Define entertainment. Because dinner and chats with Gill and Tallyn wouldn't be as bearable without you. I'd be worried about you coughing up an organ. We all would be."

  127. "Kyrkhan, Nuur'eni. I wouldn't be upset if you stepped out for a while and came back a little more relaxed." She leans back and puts her hand behind her head. "Besides," she coughs, "I'm not going anywhere anytime soon."

  128. He closes his eyes. "I can't do that to you while you're dying with the plague, as you always put it."

  129. She grins and shakes her head. "Have it your way, love." She stretches out on her chaise, kicking off her slippers and enjoying not being in bed, however tired she is.

  130. "Heh...well...I suppose I could always entertain myself if I had to."

  131. She croaks out a laugh. "Nuur'eni I had no idea you were in such discomfort. Of you come closer I'll try and make it worse..." She lets her words trail into a suggestive grin.

  132. "If you try and make it worse I'll be uncomfortable but I won't say no to it. Just don't be surprised if I dash back upstairs."

  133. She giggles. "I'll leave you be, then," she says with a little sigh and picks up her book.

  134. "Now just talking about it is making me uncomfortable. Are you doing this on purpose?"

  135. She blinks up at him innocently. "Me? I'd never do something like that on purpose," she lies.

  136. "Ha. Your eyes tell me the truth," he chuckles. "You are so cruel."

  137. "Things have certainly changed since I was in Koroush's service, haven't they?" she laughs. "Back then it really was torture."

  138. "It's still torture now. You're sick and I'm not in a private place right now."

  139. "Well go," she suggests, amused. "I'm not tying you down. Out here, anyway. Today."

  140. "But I have to take care of you. If I don't, who will? Well, who will that I could trust anyway."

  141. "Goddard, just go off into a washroom or something for a few minutes. I won't waste away in the meantime," she laughs.

  142. "I'd have to go back to my room," he mumbles. "And I might just do that later. I hope you're proud of yourself," he chuckles.

  143. "A little," she admits with a giggle. "I didn't even do anything."

  144. "You don't have to do anything. I have powerful drives and an active imagination and it's all working against me."

  145. She sips her tea with a frown. "Well thanks for that," she mumbles. "Here I was thinking you just couldn't resist me even sickly and pale."

  146. "No lecai! I mean do anything. As in touch or even say very much. I can't resist you! No matter how covered up, or not covered up, or sick, or well, clean, dirty. If it would make you well, I'd'd just take you here and shock Tallyn when he came to check on you."

  147. She laughs. "I believe you'd do it too."

  148. "As long as you were alright with anyone catching us. I've been caught so many times, I'm not bothered anymore."

  149. Her face flushed deeply at the thought. "Maybe..."

  150. Goddard grins. "How much better are you feeling?"

  151. "Um- I- uh- I'm pretty sure I'm not d-dying," she stammers, her face hot.

  152. "Well," he moves over to her chair and sits beside it, taking her hand and slowly kissing from her finger tips up her arm.

  153. She lets out a breathless giggle, feeling lightheaded. "Am I well enough for this?" she whispers.

  154. "I guess we'll find out?" He climbs onto her chair and holds him self over her. "Throw me off if it's too much," Goddard says close to her ear before he nips her neck.

  155. She gasps softly, pulling him close. Closing her eyes, she lays her head back, murmuring his name.

  156. Goddard continues kissing down her neck while he undoes various buttons and ties.

  157. Peeling away some of his clothing, she's kissing his scarred shoulder when she hears a delicate cough behind them.

    "I had no idea you were such an exhibitionist," Tallyn smirks, watching with interest. "Mind if I join you?"

    Opening her eyes, Aara gasps and pulls Goddard closer to hide her half naked body.

  158. "You can watch," he smirks and shifts so Aara can adjust her clothes.

  159. Tallyn eyes them appreciatively. "Kryn, go get Gill," he muses. "It seems we have a private viewing."

    Aara peeks over Goddard's shoulder, letting out a little squeak at the pink skinned girl blushing in the doorway.

  160. "It's a whole party?" he sighs. Goddard kisses Aara once more before he climbs off, careful to keep Aara covered.

  161. "I came to look in on Rafi," Kryn says softly, her voice musical. "He was asleep, so I thought..."

    "And here we are." Tallyn smirks at Goddard. "If I had known this was the kind of treatment she needed I'd have gladly seen to Aara's care."

  162. "This is something only I can do, doctor Sunny. Sorry."

  163. "Uzzaya save me," Aara mutters, coughing as she buttons her tunic.

    "If this is a bad time..."

    "No, please," Aara coughs, trying to regain some composure. "I've wanted to meet you for some time."

  164. Goddard stands by Tallyn and motions for Kryn to have the other seat so she and Aara can chat comfortably.

  165. "I make it a point to not be jealous of others, but I think this might be a first," Tallyn mutters.

    "You're just as lovely as Rafi said," Kryn gushes. "I don't think he did you justice, even."

    Aara looks closely at Kryn. Initially stunning, but last the daffodil hair, pink skin and statuesque figure, Kryn is pretty, but not particularly spectacular like Two had described.

    "Don't believe anything he said," she warns. "He elaborates."

    Kryn gives her a pretty smile. "When he wrote that you were sick I was so disappointed we couldn't meet. I'll admit I was coming to check on him with hope we'd meet." She leans in close. "Is that the Sheik Wizard?" she whispers. "Is he really as terrifying as Rafi says? Are you in his thrall?"

    Aara laughs, looking over at Goddard. "Ask him yourself."

  166. "Jealous? Of me?" Goddard grins. "Finally. That took you long enough."

    He looks over at Aara, only catching the end of what she said. "Ask me what?"

  167. Tallyn turns a wolfish grin on him. "Perhaps."

    Aara waves him over. "It seems you are a terrifying wizard who holds me in his thrall," she explains.

  168. He looks at Tallyn a little surprised then turns to Aara again. "I am indeed a terrifying wizard, but it is Aara who has me in her thrall."

  169. With a grin, Tallyn shrugs. Kryn blushes an even deeper shade of pink. "I really should go," she says, standing. "I'm not supposed to be out long. Can we...can we meet again?" she asks shyly. "When you're feeling better?"

    Aara nods and watches her go, surprised. "She's so..." she searches for a word.

    "Vulnerable?" Tallyn suggests, sauntering toward her. "Kryn has had lovers aplenty- Gill included- but she never loses that quality. It makes you want to protect her."

    Aara nods. "She's shy."

    "Now that I've never seen in her. Maybe your Rafi brings it out."

  170. "Or maybe he's told her insane stories and she's terrified of us," Goddard shrugs.

  171. "Probably more like stories to make himself look good," she laughs. "I guess we'll have to wait and see."

  172. "Then why would she be shy around us? Or call me a terrible wizard who has little helpless Aara trapped," he snickers.

  173. Aara shrugs. "I'm sure I looked under your spell when she came out here," she laughs.

    Tallyn grins and leans against her chair. "I will gladly take over that sort of treatment for you, my dear." He leans down and strokes her cheek. "Alas, I've business to attend," he says and walks away, winking at Goddard.

  174. "I said that's my own special treatment Sunny," Goddard mumbles.

  175. Aara giggles. "Perhaps later we can finish your administration," she suggests. "When we aren't in full view of windows."

  176. "As long as you can handle it. I'd feel awful if this ended up making you feel worse."

  177. She grins. "I might feel a little better now. Between you and Tallyn I don't see how I could stay sick for long."

  178. "I hope he doesn't get any ideas for giving you a new treatment. Do you want to stay out here and get more fresh air?"

  179. "Oh I'm certain he'll try," she laughs. "I like it out here, but you can go upstairs if you want."

  180. "Thank you." He gives her a kiss before he quickly makes his way inside.

  181. She sighs a little and relaxes against the cushions. You should be used to it by now, she tells herself with a small smile.

    Alone, she draws her feet up beneath her in a meditative position and closes her eyes, focusing on her breathing.

  182. Goddard goes into his room and climbs up onto his bed. He pulls a dagger out and bites his lip, contemplating if he should start doing this again. "What if this demon blood puts me in some kind of frenzy?" he mumbles to himself, turning the dagger in his hand.

  183. For the first time in what feels like years, Aara slows her thoughts and just enjoys the peace of the garden.

  184. Without another second of hesitation, he pulls off his robes and slowly passes the tip of the dagger across his ribs. Almost immediately, his bliss is shattered when he hears a terrible loud screeching sound.

    Sethai scratches at his hands and Goddard can't help but laugh. "This is not what you think." He scoops Sethai up and tosses him out of the room at the same time Gath walks out into the common room.

    Sethai scratches at the door and makes concerned squawking sounds.

  185. Sitting through her memories, Aara asks herself a question: When did I allow my emotions to overrun my actions? When did paranoia and self doubt appear?

  186. "What's wrong little one?" Gath asks, picking up the frantic dragon. "Is our lord doing something idiotic?" Sethai fights to get free but can't. "Alright alright, I'll fix it. Calm down."

  187. Aara bites her lip when Araby comes to mind. When she walked into the palace and saw the royal family slaughtered, her entire life changed. Her purpose went from protection to revenge. It led her to the horror of Har Ganeth.

    She sighs and opens her eyes, the flowers too bright for a moment. "That makes sense, I suppose."

    "What does?"

  188. "My lord?" Gath says, cracking the door open. "Your dragon is going insane." He steps inside, making sure Sethai doesn't get in and sees a shirtless Goddard sitting on the bed holding a dagger to his himself. "If you wanted to leave this world, you should have asked me to help," Gath smirks. "You'll just puncture a lung if you do it there."

    "What is this? Why does everyone have to interrupt me? First it was Tallyn and Kryn, then Sethai and now you," Goddard groans.

    "What exactly are you trying to...oh I see..." Gath chuckles.

    Goddard narrows his eyes and the tips of his ears get pink. "Were you really going to ask that? I know, I probably don't do it the same way you might, but that's no reason to laugh at me."

    "I don't."

    "You poor thing. No wonder you're so angry all the time." Goddard moves so his back is to Gath. "Now go and entertain that poor frantic creature clawing at the door."

  189. Aara looks up, the sunlight dazzling her vision. Gill sits across from her, his expression unreadable.

    "What makes sense?" he asks softly.

    "I thought you were busy."

    He shrugs. "The lovely thing about being owner is that I can put someone else in charge and see to the sad looking woman in the garden."

    Her left ear twitches. "Did I look sad?"

    "Maybe lost is a better word."

    She looks away. "I know exactly where I am."

  190. Goddard takes a deep breath and then holds it when Gath's hand slides down his arm and takes the dagger from him. "That's not fair," Goddard says softly.

    "What's not fair?" Gath says close to Goddard's ear, climbing up onto the bed behind him. He tosses the dagger toward the pillows and presses his hand into the still bleeding cuts, pulling Goddard closer. "I don't because it isn't any fun alone."

  191. "Well yes," Gill agrees. "Physically you're in the garden of my inn. But everyone travels a path in their life, and-"

    "Sometimes I feel I've lost my way," she finishes. "Oh Gill, if I could tell you, I would. I used to be so calm, so capable. Nothing rattled me," she rambles. "But then Undid horrible things for honorable reasons and it haunts me."

    "Did the ends justify the means?"

    "It doesn't stop me from being afraid of myself, what could do."

    Gill nods. "Warriors like you and I are different. We see our victims, sometimes in the most intimate way, and that stays with us. All I can say is try and find some balance between the Aara who committed those acts and the Aara who is horrified by them. Somewhere in the middle is peace." He gets up and kisses the top of her head. "I'll send lunch out soon," he says and goes back inside.

  192. "No one's here."

    "Two is somewhere isn't he?"

    Gath shrugs. "It isn't like you care about me anyway. It'll just be kyrkhan. That's allowed isn't it?"

    Goddard shuts his eyes. "I do care about you."

    "But you don't love me."

    "N-no! Of course don't love me either..."

    Gath simply smiles and presses his lips to Goddard's neck.

  193. Again, Aara closes her eyes, reaching deep inside for quiet and stillness. She lets thoughts and memories surface as they will, examining each one with detached interest before letting it fade into another.

    Har Ganeth comes to her mind's eye, and she has to take slow, deep breaths and not flinch away from it. It happened, but I chose it. I could have said no, let another- Tannin, likely- take my place and die. My first act of freedom was to liberate my people and provide them with shelter. That is how I will see it.

    It takes a lifetime, but eventually Khaine's city and her actions there fade into something warmer and brighter as she remembers going back to A rant with her people, and she smiles, deep in meditation.

    There. I touched it. Examined it. And I did not panic. The first of a thousand steps.

  194. "Answer my question," Goddard stammers softly.

    Gath just presses his hand harder against the cuts and rakes his teeth across Goddard's skin. "I won't leave any marks."

  195. The longer Aara meditates, the calmer and quieter she feels. Eventually her memories stop surfacing, and she just breathes without thinking. Slow, deep breaths ground her, and she loses all concept of time.

  196. "And if you want me to stop, I'll stop," Gath adds, moving to the other side of Goddard's neck. "Should I stop now?" he asks with a grin.

  197. A tickle in her throat brings her back, making her cough and her ribs ache. With a sigh, she leans back and relaxes, eyes closed and nearly dozing.
