Monday, February 29, 2016

"I appreciate your concern," she giggles, wrapping her arms around him. She pulls him down for a scorching kiss and toys with both his ears.


  1. They've only made it into the common room of their apartment but it's dark except for a few candles across the room and seems empty, so Goddard lets Aara's touch melt him right on the couch.

    "Do you mind?" Gath says from a chair across the room by the candles. "I was here first. I was enjoying the solitude."

  2. "Oops." Aara drops her head back, laughing. "Back to the closet?" she asks, catching Goddard's earlobe between her teeth.

  3. "Bedroom," he chuckles. "It's closer."

  4. Aara sways to her feet, clutching the front of her dress before it falls. "How did you get it unbuttoned?" she laughs as they stumble. "You sir have talent."

  5. "Pract..." He stops talking and just laughs. They stumble into her bedroom and fall onto the bed. "You can go back to my ears now. I don't need to stand anymore."

  6. "Your wish is my command, my love..."

  7. "I told you the clothes would look lovely piled on the floor," Goddard grins after they are finally relaxing.

  8. She laughs softly, tossing another hairpin on the floor. "You were right. I won't ever question your knowledge on the matter." With a content sigh, she places small kisses on his chest. "If we ever go home, I'm going to publicly thank all of Altdorf."

  9. "Thank them? For what? Not being able to see what I was and not burning me for it?"

  10. She nibbles along one of the long scars crossing his chest. "For the hours and hours of instruction in the various acts we just performed," she explains. "It must have taken every man and woman in the city to make you such a lover."

  11. She crawls toward his head and gives him a chaste kiss on the lips. "Are you done worrying now?"

  12. "Worrying? About what? I've got nothing to worry about as long as I've got you here."

  13. "About whether or not I'm upset over what happened this afternoon. You've been on your absolute best behavior all night, even when the waiter winked at you so much he looked like he had a facial tic."

  14. "That was hard," he sighs. "But I wanted you to have the best time tonight."

  15. "And I did. Sort of. Goddard, I've always known there were others. I'm sorry about what I did to your face, but it will never happen again, no matter what you do. I love you, nuur'eni, and if that means sharing you, so be it."

  16. She smiles and brushes his hair out of his eyes. "You weren't yourself. Having all your attention and charm focused on me is the best feeling, but if it's forced it isn't the same."

  17. "It wasn't forced. It was focused. A single focused beam. If I can do it with magic, I can do it with my charm and attention. It is the same as magic in a way..."

  18. "All the same, I'm not upset. While I do enjoy sparkling with your chosen gemstone," she laughs, displaying her necklace proudly, "you don't have to ply me with jewelry everytime I stumble on a kiss and a cuddle."

  19. "I wouldn't have enough money to pay for all those times and you can only wear so much jewelry at once so don't worry. No more jewelry."

  20. She laughs. "If you have to make it up to me at all, I'd rather it be with time and attention. I like to travel light. Hayati, you love me, and I know it. But I also know you so little self control that you honestly couldn't help yourself today. If we're going to make this open agreement work- and I want to- then I can't get mad over nothing and you can't act like you've done something wrong. Right?"

  21. "Is that really what you want? I know that's not usually how humans work and even though you aren't a human now, you lived as one for many years. We don't have to change anything now. I can wait until you've adjusted and we can talk about it again."

  22. "How else am I going to learn? How about this: I will tell you when I'm upset, and why, and you'll do the same. We'll each be discreet, and make sure we both end up in the same bed at night, even if it's just to sleep. Does that sound agreeable, or do you want to add anything?"

  23. "You'll learn by time passing," he shrugs. "Eventually things just become trivial."

  24. "Then until it is, we'll just go with it." She winces and digs out another hairpin, and the rest of her hair falls. "I think that might be the last one," she sighs, rubbing her scalp.

  25. "I was wondering why I was having a hard time running my fingers through it. You didn't do this to yourself did you?" he chuckles.

  26. "I had some help torturing myself. She was afraid I'd want it down to cover my scars," she laughs. "Her eyes nearly popped when I asked her to out it all up."

  27. "She probably has none which means she probably has been through nothing and has no stories to tell. They make you captivating. Just watch Sunny and Gill next time."

  28. "I doubt that," she laughs, "but I don't mind them so much. It counteracts the daintiness and makes me look savage," she adds with a little growl.

  29. "It gives everyone else a taste of how vicious you can be." He growls back and looks almost surprised at the sound he made. "Must be the demon blood?"

  30. She squeals a little. "I like that. And these," she adds, tapping his horns. "And how confident you are here. It's amazing to see."

  31. "I don't have to worry about all of this." Goddard says, wrapping the end of his tail around her leg. "I don't have to hide and I can just relax."

  32. "It's a little strange seeing so many horns and tails, but I'm glad you're finally able to relax. I've hardly ever seen it since we met."

  33. "It's hard to relax when you're saving the world."

  34. "Not to mention our personal...ah...demons, so to speak."

  35. "Let's just focus on this demon." He buries his face in the hair around her neck and growls again.

  36. She gasps, sinking her hands into his hair and wrapping a leg around him just as her door opens and Two stumbles in. "Four!" he says miserably. "Where are you?"

  37. Goddard groans. "Why does he always have to do this?"

  38. "Sheik! Good," he moans. "I need help..."

    Aara curses under her breath when Two crawls onto the bed, pushing at Goddard and laying his head on her stomach. "We're a little busy," she grumbles.

    "You're having sex. Again. I need help."

    Aara sighs and gives Goddard a pained look. "What is it?"

    "I'm in love with her."

  39. "With who? We haven't been here long enough!"

    "Kryn! Kryn, Four! She's beautiful and smart and I love being around her. Help me, Sheik."

    Aara laughs and pushes him off her. "Go spend your night in her bed."

    "But she's in mine and I love her! Sheik!" he whines.

  40. "How am I supposed to help? Why do you want my help?"

  41. "Four is in love with you!" he wails. "How did you make that happen?"

    This time Aara laughs. "It's a good question."

  42. Goddard shrugs. "It just happens. Life and death situations help a lot but that was all up to her. I didn't do anything special. At least, I don't think I did. You could always just tell her and see what happens."

  43. "Well that's a horrible idea," he mumbles.

    "Two, he's being modest," Aara tells him, smiling over his head at Goddard. "The first time we met, he gave me a flower special to him. The first time he saw me without my veil, he said it was as if the most beautiful jewel was taken from a box. I felt special around him, even when we were with other people. Once he sat up with me all night on deck a ship because I was being punished."

  44. "See? Nothing special. Just being my wonderful self."

  45. "Sheik, you are no help."

    Aara laughs and pats his shoulder, holding the sheet up to her chest. "Go to her. Send time with her and maybe it'll grow."

    He groans and rolls off the bed. "If it doesn't, you'll marry me, won't you, Four?"

    "Absolutely not."

  46. "Or maybe she'll realize what a mess you are. Who knows." Goddard chuckles. "I guess all of that sort of makes sense as to why Gath caved. Life and death situations. I'm just too wonderful and kind." He sighs. "Poor Gath. Now go Two. Let us get back to what we were doing."

  47. He trudges away, closing the door behind him. "Well, we did hope for him to find someone..." she snickers.

  48. "He wasn't supposed to go crazy over it though. He was supposed to leave you alone and be happy."

  49. "I'm pretty sure the first stage of love is abject misery."

  50. "I see. Everything makes sense," he laughs. "When does the happiness happen?"

  51. "You skipped it and went with terror," she explains. "And happiness comes when you realize they're in love with you, too."

  52. "We've been happy for a while then? Good."

  53. "Even when we fight and I'm angry or upset with you, it's temporary and just on the surface. You make me incandescently happy," she tells him, laying her head on his chest.

  54. "And you make me happy no matter what stupid thing I've done with anyone else."

  55. "So about what we were doing..." she murmurs, nuzzling his neck before biting him.

  56. He growls again through a chuckle and pulls the sheet over their heads.

  57. Aara wakes up well before the strange light that belongs to Vigil grows bright enough for morning. Dawn or no dawn, I'm still up before it, she thinks, kissing Goddard's forehead and going to wash up and dress.

    Leaving him to sleep in peace, she heads into the common room to make tea.

  58. Gath is in the common room and looks as if he's preparing to head out.

  59. "Morning," she says, filling her kettle and setting it over the fire. "Picking up your armor?"

  60. "Yes. I'll probably find breakfast out there too."

  61. She nods and turns back to her tea. "Have fun. Oh," she turns back, clasping her hands behind her. "I didn't tell him to go for you yesterday. I told him to leave you alone because you didn't do anything. Just so you know."

  62. Gath shrugs. "The fact that you mentioned it meant he was going to come after me."

  63. "I didn't, though. I came back alone and he asked about you. We argued and he assumed you put me in a bad mood in spite of my protests. I told him to leave you alone because you didn't do anything."

  64. "Maybe he just wanted to yell at me."

  65. "With his hero worship? Doubtful. I just wanted you to know." She turns back to her kettle, scooping some of the tea Goddard bought her into it. "Mm, this smells good," she murmurs.

  66. "Is that what that's supposed to be? Hero worship?"

  67. "Then you must be his biggest hero," he chuckles.

  68. She shakes her head. "I'll never be druchii, or the elves he worships. The fact that he desires you so badly is just natural to him."

  69. "Are you guys fighting again?" Goddard yawns. He walks into the common room, wrapped up in a blanket. "Where's the food?"

  70. "No," she says quickly, standing and pouring tea. "Breakfast hasn't appeared. Want some?" she asks, waving her tea under his nose.

  71. "That smells really good. Sure I'll have some." He squints at Gath. "Where are you going?"


    "Are you going to have tea with us?"

    Gath looks at Aara.

  72. She hands Goddard the cup and pours another, sweetening it with honey. "There's plenty, if you'd like."

  73. Goddard smiles and Gath sits down with a sigh after noticing the end of his tail almost wagging. "Fine," Gath mumbles.

  74. Remembering how he liked his coffee sweet, Aara adds more honey to the cup and hands it to him. After pouring her own cup, she sets it down and goes to look in on Two.

  75. Goddard sips his tea. "Mmm this is good."

    Gath nods after taking a sip.

    "What does your armor look like?"

    "Like armor."

    Goddard shakes his head.

  76. Opening the door a crack, she finds Two and Kryn wrapped up in each other, his head cradled on her chest and her legs tangled in his. They're so cute. Is that how Goddard and I look? Smiling, she closes the door and goes back to sitbwith Goddard and Gath.

  77. "Did she stay or did she run?" Goddard asks Aara.

  78. Aara sips her tea with a smile. "Stay."

  79. "That's surprising," Goddard laughs.

    Gath finishes his tea and stands up.

    "Where are you going? We haven't even gotten food."

    "I can get food on my own."

  80. "You think it would have scared her away?" Goddard mumbles as he sips his tea and watches Gath leave. "What if he told her and she stayed?"

  81. "I don't know. We haven't actually met her. I hope he meant it and wasn't just drunk."

  82. "We'll see when they get up. Should be interesting."

  83. A small knock heralds a maid with a rolling tray full of food. "Master Tallyn sends his well wishes," she says, unloading plagues of steaming eggs, fried ham, and more. "And Gill sends this for the lady," she adds, handing Aara a slim book.

    "Oh, thank them for us."

    The maid leaves, and Aara starts piling a plate of more food than it looks like she should be able to eat. "I'm starving."

  84. Goddard scoots close to Aara and nuzzles her shoulder before he grabs his own plate of food.

  85. "What should we do today? Find some place to train, read?" She wolfs down a piece of toast. "We aren't too good at relaxing more than a night."

  86. "Somewhere to train. After all that we've been through, I'm not sure I would feel good dumping that completely."

  87. "No chance of that, love. I'd move the furniture in here if I have to. I'm sure a place like this will...well well," she snickers as Two walks out, a blanket tied around his waist. "Good morning, lazy."

    Two ruffles her hair and sniffs a coffee pot. Pining a plate full of food, he grabs two cups and pot and goes back to his room.

    "Hey we're going to find a gymnasium," she calls, "get directions from Gill."

    He grunts and closes the door with his hip.

  88. "We might have to sit down and get to know her. She might hang around for a while."

  89. "Maybe." She flutters her lashes. "Dear, why don't we wait until he introduces us formally? I'd hate for our son to feel like we've pressured him into meeting her. I so want a nice girl for his First Wife!" she says sweetly.

  90. Goddard narrows his eyes at Aara. "Two? Our son?"

  91. "Either that or an infantile brother of mine. Either way he's still a child."

  92. "Let's go with that brother thing. It keeps him from being related to me."

  93. She laughs. "Well then what is Gath? Your brother?" she asks, smirking. "My, how close the two of you are!"

  94. "It might help if I thought of him that way," he mumbles. "Then we'd have to inform him of this."

  95. She chokes a little on her eggs. "He'd just take it the way he does everything. A scowl, a sigh, and a 'yes, my lord,'" she says flatly.

  96. He chuckles. "Sounds exactly like him. I'm not sure it would change however he feels."

  97. "He's so...miserable. In the pits he loosened up a little...we it's like we're back to day one."

  98. "He's got multiple reasons to be miserable."

  99. "So do we all, but we don't treat him like the source." She puts her plate away and goes into her room to get her swords and put her Pendant of Morr back on. Tightening her belt, she returns to the room.

  100. "It's different," he mumbles before going into his room to quickly change.

    "Should we get your armor now? Or later? We shouldn't wait too long unless these places just don't close."

  101. "It won't be ready until this evening. Some pieces had to be made."

    Downstairs, she asks a miserable, hungover Gill for a gymnasium. He gives her directions, saying it used to be a gladiatorial school.

  102. "That sounds like it would be perfect then." He gives Gill a slap on the back. "Thanks."

  103. Gill mumbles a curse and lays his head on the bar. "I didn't think he'd drunk that much," she says softly as they leave. "I guess he held it better than we did."

  104. "I held it just fine. I always do."

  105. "You've had much more practice."

  106. "More practice than Gill? No. He's been with Tallyn almost as long as I've been alive. They have to be old. Really old. Probably no where near as old as father but old."

  107. "Maybe he drank more than we did," she says with a shrug. Looking around, she gets her bearings and starts in the direction he said.

  108. "Maybe. Are you feeling alright this morning?"

  109. She nods. "A little tired, but that's probably more our fault than the wine. You?"

  110. "Tired? We can just find this place and then relax. Maybe you can read your poems."

  111. "I at least want to work a little. You can relax and watch if you want."

  112. "I left all my heavy, metal weapons upstairs," he chuckles. "Just need this book and my hands and mouth."

  113. "Didn't get enough of a workout with them last night?" She asks slyly, glancing at him from the corner of her eye. "Minus the book, of course."

  114. "We don't need the book for that kind of workout," he grins, "But this could give me chance to practice without throwing tables across the room."

  115. "Just warn me before you throw things in my direction. I'd like to walk home."

  116. "Lecai. I'd never even think of throwing anything at you. Besides kisses."

  117. She grins. "Not on purpose, anyway. But if anything does go flying, a warning would be appreciated." As they enter the Lady's Ward, the streets widen and the buildings get nicer. "Oh, this is near where I met Hera," Aara tells him. "There was a garden near here."

  118. "We can see the garden but hopefully we don;t see this Hera again. We don't want a repeat of last time. At least I don't."

  119. "She didn't actually do anything wrong...she was trying to get me out of a low mood and we drank too much. She was stunning though."

  120. "Then I really hope we don't see her," he mumbles.

  121. Aara stops herself before saying more, knowing he needs to adjust just as much as she. They walk a little longer before finding a large, round building just as Gill described. After paying a small fee, she and Goddard walk into an oval shaped, open area. There's a running track bordering it, with multiple sections inside for various forms of combat.

    "This is incredible," she says.

  122. "This place is huge. And open. Altdorf was big but it was cluttered."

  123. She nods, excitement coursing through her. This is similar to Ustadh's training grounds... she thinks. Only much larger.

    There are a handful of people running, and more sparring in the middle. Setting her bag with her weapons inside on a nearby bench, she stretches her arm across her chest. "You're going to read?" she asks.

  124. "Reading and combat are sometimes the same thing for me," he chuckles. "I'm annoyed I couldn't get a more interesting looking tome but that's how father does things."

  125. She nods again, kissing his cheek before jogging off to the track.

  126. Goddard finds a quiet empty corner to sit in and begins reading, occasionally mumbling to himself.

  127. Five miles later, Aara drops at his feet, breathless. "I'm getting lazy and Gill's kitchen is making me fat," she gasps.

  128. Goddard says a few words and a breeze blows over Aara. "Ahh good, I didn't knock you over. I think I'm getting the hang of this."

  129. "Mmm," she purrs, stretching. "This must be reason number twelve thousand seventy-three."

  130. "You have that many reasons why you love me?" he smiles.

  131. "Probably more. I've had a long time to catalogue them."

  132. "I haven't bothered to do that with my reasons. I just go with everything about you."

  133. She laughs, finally catching her breath. "I think I'm going to see if that big guy wants to spar," she tells him, moving toward her swords. "He looks brutal. Do me a favor and find a healing spell in there," she laughs, getting to her feet.

  134. "Is that a good idea?" Goddard says frantically flipping through the pages. "I'm not seeing one."

  135. "It's not a bad one," she laughs, kissing the top of his head before approaching a giant of a man. Goddard can hear his booming laugh when Aara speaks before he nods and draws a sword not much shorter than Aara is tall.

  136. Goddard looks up and his worry grows. He doesn't know if he's going to have to use potions on him, her, or both.

  137. Aara and Urian, the giant, face off, circling one another. It isn't long before steel on steel starts to ring out, both of them heckling one another. Moving in and out of his guard, she giggles when his huge sword misses her again.

    "Damn you're fast," he mutters.

  138. "She'll be fine," Goddard tells himself. "He'll live too. It's fine."

    "I'm not sure he'll be fine."

    Goddard turns around to see who's behind him and sees Gath. Goddard wants to jump up and look at the armor, but he turns his eyes back to Aara.

    "This will be a much better place to spend my time than being bored with nothing but reading."

    "Reading is nice."

    "That may be fine for you my lord, but not for me. I should test the armor. It was ready far too fast for me to trust it right away in a real fight."

  139. Urian roars when she smacks his backside with the flat of her swords, one after the other. He spins around with a powerful swipe, ready to take her head off, but she drops below it. He turns the blade and catches her on his backswing, hitting her shoulder and knocking her flat and rolling.

    "Well you're not as slow as you look," she laughs when he helps her up. "Go again?"

    He nods, raising his sword in salute before slamming her sword into hers again.

  140. Goddard doesn't pay attention his book anymore. He instead watches Aara and Gath spar with their opponents, taking mental notes.

  141. Aara jerks his foot out from under him and watches him go down, his breath coming out in a great whooshing sound. Urian lays still for a moment, then laughs.

    "For a little sprite, you sure kicked my ass," he laughs.

    Aara grins and spins her swords at her sides. "I'm not half bad. Again?"

    Grunting as he sits up, he looks at her in horror. "You just handed me my ass three times. Hell, no. I've got to go soak my pride."

    Aara wilts a little, making him laugh and call over a young man about her height with pale skin and black hair. "Zarek, avenge me," he chuckles, walking away.

    As he passes Goddard, he's still laughing and shaking his head. "I must be getting old to get beaten by a little thing," he says to himself. "But damn she's fast."

  142. "She's had a lot of practice with some pretty terrifying things," Goddard says.

  143. Looking over at him, he nods. "You can tell. Sane people don't giggle during combat. Even if it's just sparring."

  144. "Better to come out insane and alive than dead."

  145. "Sometimes. She must be a terror when she's not toying with old men and boys."

    Aara and the young man are evenly matched, both using two weapons and acrobatics to fight. At one point he jumps over her head, but she reaches out for his foot and jerks him down, laughing at his muttered curse before he kicks her own feet out from under her. Abandoning their swords, they start rolling around wrestling.

  146. Goddard winces. "Better she torture you than me. Look at all that dirt and dust."

  147. He laughs. "Were I younger man, I'd let her do anything she wanted, dirt or no dirt."

  148. "To each their own," Goddard chuckles and goes back to his book with a sigh.

  149. Aara bites Zarek on the ankle, grinning with satisfaction when he yeilds and limps away. Drenched with sweat and covered head to toe in dirt, she makes her own slow way to lay down at Goddard's feet, staring up at the other half of the city.

    "That was fun."

  150. "I'm glad you had fun," he smiles down at her, having the breeze blow over her again. "I feel bad for anyone you or Gath ask to spar."

  151. She makes an appreciative sound at the breeze. "Is he here? I didn't see him."

  152. "You were focused. It makes sense." He points in the direction of where Gath is as he knocks his sparing partner to the ground.

  153. She raises up on one elbow. "So that's his armor. It's nice."

  154. "He said he didn't trust it. Said it was done too fast."

  155. "Maybe it only needed adjustments," she offers. "It must not be hard to fit him for something like that."

  156. "Maybe. I'm surprised he trusted the bed and the tub and used them."

  157. "Are you sure he has?" she chuckles. "I'm certain he's never relaxed in his life."

  158. "I don't know about relaxing but he does sleep and bathe," he laughs.

  159. "From a basin and on the floor?"

  160. "Hey, in the end it's sleeping and bathing isn't it?"

  161. She laughs. "I suppose it is. I wonder where Two is? I was hoping he'd meet us here."

  162. "Why would he come join us when he could stay with the love of his life?"

  163. "Gods I hope he stops being miserable soon. The last thing I want is a moping, love sick, useless retainer."

  164. "That would be awful wouldn't it."

  165. Watch out or you'll have one on your hands, too. "At least I didn't outwardly mope when I was a lovesick retainer."

  166. "Who were you in love with? And at least Two isn't in love with you anymore? Or whatever that feeling was."

  167. "You," she tells him, rolling her eyes. "I had a vague infatuation with Two that Ustadh promptly beat out of me the day after it started." She sits back up to look at him. "You do realize that's literally all of my romantic history, right?"

  168. Goddard chuckles and leans forward, giving her a kiss.

  169. Aara wraps an arm around his neck, getting dirt and sweat all over him.

  170. He tenses up and makes a sound as if he stepped into a cold bath. He sticks with the kiss until she pulls away first.

  171. She laughs at his grimace and Kay's back down on the ground. "Sorry, nuur'eni, I forgot."

  172. "After all the blood and gore that's gotten all over you, I think I can deal with this."

  173. "Especially since a lot of that blood was yours," she laughs. Her face changes and she sniffs. "Do I stink?"

  174. He nods in agreement. "But now that means you get to use the fancy tub for a long time."

  175. She sighs with pleasure. "A nice, hot bath...I'm sure the aches that haven't quite caught up with me will enjoy that. The little guy was a biter."

  176. "You left him no choice. He wasn't doing very well against you. Neither of them were."

  177. "Says the audience. Urian nearly beat the hell out of me. I'm going to be bruised for weeks."

  178. "I think I can take care of you. Make something I could rub all over you to help with those bruises."

  179. She smiles. "Reason number seventeen. Ooh! Can it be that tingly one that gets cold then hot? That one's my favorite."

  180. Goddard nods. "I'll make a lot of it just for you. You might need it if you keep this up."

  181. "I intend to. I've been lax since we left Araby." Will I ever see home again? she wonders. "And I don't want to get fat off Gill's kitchen," she jokes.

  182. "I'm sure you'll be fine. I'll have to drag the sword and scythe here later. I just wanted to figure this magic out first. I'm better with that than swinging a blade."

  183. "Yes you are," she snorts. "Is this magic going to cost you anything, like it did with the winds?" Her tone is heavy with concern as she remembers all the times his spells gave him more harm than help.

  184. "Besides my energy, not that I know of. There are no winds here and father hasn't warned me of the potential for exploding or summoning creatures from hell. Magic seems more common and more stable here."

  185. "That's good," she says, obviously relieved. Now I can practice more and not have to worry about it.

  186. "I'm not even worried about Two or Gath practicing. It's better they learn to control it anyway. And I won't be worried about you when you finally accept it."

  187. "There's nothing to accept. Nothing's happened," she insists.

  188. He gives her a skeptical look. "Suuuuure lecai. Sure. Your hair always changes color on a whim. Can't believe I never noticed until now."

  189. "I didn't do that." Well...I'm not totally sure if I did, either...
