Thursday, February 11, 2016

New World

Goddard jumps to his feet and rushes into the room with a sword. "What happened?! Where is it!?" 


  1. Aara jumps up and down, clapping and looking like a child in her oversized robe. "Look, nuur'eni!" she giggles. "No buckets! And it's already hot! I wonder where the water goes? Why do you have a sword?"

  2. Goddard stares down at the tub then looks up at Aara. "I thought something was going to eat you!" He looks annoyed but also like he wants to laugh.

  3. She giggles, trying the other lever and delighting in the cold water added to the tub. "In a bathroom? Even in our world that's a stretch. But look at it!" She pours a generous helping of jasmine oil into it, filling the room with scent. "Isn't it wonderful?"

  4. "This is really nice. This whole place is nice so far...too nice...the only reason I'm not still assuming we are all dead is because everything feels too real."

  5. She lets her robe slip off one shoulder and tugs him toward the tub. "Then let's enjoy it before something horrible happens." She grins and lets the robe slip a fraction farther. "Your book can wait, can't it?"

  6. "Book? What book?" he grins letting her pull him toward the tub.

  7. Passing a mirror, she pauses. "You didn't tell me how different it was," she says, staring. Aside from her ears, it's a subtle difference. Her eyes are slightly larger, slightly green, her hair and skin a fraction smoother. All together, Aara almost doesn't recognize herself. "I really am an elf. A half elf."

  8. "I told you about your ears! That's different!" Goddard looks himself over carefully, checking for an extra tail or wings or any other potential surprises. "Well I look pretty normal...normal for me anyway except..." He moves close to a mirror and looks at his eyes. "That's different," he mumbles. "They look normal. I don't mean the same color but one is dark brown instead of a pitch black abyss and the other is almost grey and not stark white nothingness."

  9. "You did," she agrees. "I noticed your eyes earlier but I thought I was seeing things." She starts pulling layers off of him. "It could be the eyesight, or your demonhood, but you're so much more handsome than before," she purrs.

  10. "Really?" he grins slyly, running his hands over her shoulders and down her arms.

  11. "Mmhmm." She tugs on his belt, laughing. "You wear too many clothes," she murmurs, kissing his chest.

  12. A chuckles softly, kissing the top of her head and when he runs his fingers through her hair and brushes her hair away from her ear, he freezes. "Aara," he says. "So...half elves exist right? I have demon blood or something so that exists...we can't just...could we possibly..."

  13. She looks up, confused. "I guess they do. That Tally guy didn't seem to think I was strange. And no one seems to think anything odd of you." She tilts her head and frowns until understanding dawns on her. "You don't mean a human-elf-demon-baby could you?"

  14. "It sounds ridiculous but what isn't ridiculous at this point? Or possible for that matter."

  15. Suddenly Aara feels a gaping hole in her womanly knowledge. "There are ways, but I don't know them. Girls learn these things after they're married...Who would I even ask here? Are the methods different for me now than it would have been before?" She groans and rests her head on his chest.

  16. "I know of something," Goddard says thoughtfully. "Something I could make. That is, as long as the same plants exist. And that's saying either one for the human or the elf works or I'd have to combine them," he mumbles at the thought of having to gamble with such things.

  17. "I suppose I could ask after an apothecary at the desk..." With a sigh, she lets her robe drop to the floor and steps into the bath. "It was easier when half elves didn't exist," she chuckles.

  18. :Yes," Goddard sighs. He stands by the tub, watching Aara, contemplating his self control.

  19. She grins up at him. "You know, you've taught me so much..." she says idly. "But I think the important thing to remember is that there are ways. And there are ways," she adds wickedly.

  20. Goddard grins and follows her into the tub. "This. I needed this," he says softly. "Mostly need you but a hot bath is nice too."

  21. She smiles and leans back against him. "Me too. I was so scared for you, and then waking up here..." She shakes her head. "This is certainly a new adventure. Do you think everyone will think we're dead?"

  22. "There really wasn't anyone who would have cared about me disappearing," he shrugs. "If anything, I had more people who wanted me to disappear. But you, you have people who cared but they knew what sort of things you got into."

  23. "I never thought I did, really," she admits. "I rarely saw anyone outside the royal family. But now...I wish I could write Siba, at least to tell her we're safe. But you're right. They knew what I was doing. This could- is, a whole new life for the four of us. Maybe we can find Two a wife," she snorts.

  24. "I'm sure with all the different things running around, something is bound to find him attractive?"

  25. She laughs. "Attraction isn't his problem. Marriage would be good for him. Maybe then he'd quit pretending to be in love with me."

  26. "Why bother pretending? Is he just trying to annoy me? You don't just go around pretending these things!"

  27. "Maybe he doesn't know it's not real?" she laughs. "You were trapped with him, you should have asked."

  28. "I think he just sees you as some kind of conquest," he grumbles. "What a horrible person huh?"

  29. She laughs and looks over her shoulder at him. "Is that really so bad? You acted the same way with Katarina. And I might have been the same with you."

  30. He blushes and buries his face into her neck. "I was always a perfect gentleman," he mumbles, trying not to laugh.

  31. "To me, perhaps," she giggles. "But that was only because you were afraid of Koroush." She strokes the top of his head fondly. "As for conquests, you may be right about him. It's hard not to consider your reputation when you live by it, and I'm sure he had grand plans for the two of us once I'd made my marks."

  32. Goddard gently kisses her neck. "I at least always made my intentions very obvious."

  33. She tilts her head away, giving him more access. "Mmhmm. That you have." She turns in his arms, nibbling on his ear.

    "Four!" She groans when Two starts banging on the door. "Four wake up!"

    "I'm awake! Go away!"

    "Four did you see the water coming out of..." His words trail off as he opens the bathroom door. "Yep. You saw it. All right then."

  34. "Don't you have anything better to do?" Goddard sighs, leaning his head back.

  35. Aara presses her face against Goddard's neck, laughing so hard her whole body shakes. "Go away, Two," she laughs.

    Lifting his hands, he backs out of the room. "I was just going to show her the water..." he mumbles.

  36. "Sure," Goddard snorts, waving Two away lazily.

  37. "He needs somebody," she laughs before resuming her nibbling.

  38. "We'll find him someone with wings so they can carry him away," he snickers.

  39. Reaching up, she grabs him by the horns and pulls him down for a kiss. "Mmm I've missed those."

  40. "I kind of did too," he admits. "I guess what I really regretted though was having the dwarf help. But I don't have to worry about that anymore."

  41. She nods absently, her hands sliding over his shoulders and down his arms. "I think we're going to have to figure this recipe out soon," she laughs. "You are far too tempting, and I want to try this new body out."

  42. "You're not paying any attention to me are you? Well me but not what I'm saying."

  43. "Yes I am. You regret letting the dwarf maim you. I just can't help myself. Dying - or nearly so - does that. And you're irresistible."

  44. "I have excellent self control," he murmurs. "Do you?"

  45. "None," she whispers. "Not a shred."

  46. "Then should we even be thinking about potentially..." he leans toward her. "Maybe..." he leans even closer.

  47. Goddard bites his lip and leans back. "We should probably figure that whole half elf half human half demon thing," he chuckles. "Wouldn't want to make things crazier than what they are."

  48. Aara huffs and leans against the other side of the tub, putting her foot up on his shoulder. "You're right. But who do we ask without sounding like complete idiots?"

  49. Goddard grits his teeth. "Ask your sparkle elf who got us this room. I'm sure he'd help you with whatever you wanted."

  50. She can't help but grin. "Don't tell me you were jealous, love," she says, turning and leaning against his chest. "And you saw, I had very little to do with that."

  51. "Me? Jealous? No! Of what?" he snorts. "I was worried about your safety. He could have swept you away and had you for dinner for all I know."

  52. "I wouldn't mind if you were..." she says idly. "I think I'd like it if you'd stake your claim now and then."

  53. She nods silently, toying with the chain she keeps the ring he gave her on.

  54. "I never wanted to be that way because for one thing, I have no right to be with the way I am, and two, I didn't want you to feel I thought I owned you or something." Goddard shrugs.

  55. "I know. But there's a difference between being owned and having your lover claim you. And I'm not saying you have to be aggressive about it," she laughs. "But a little would be nice. Just so I know you're still interested."

  56. Goddard laughs. "Then fine. I will. Oh if it makes you feel any better, I do that with Two all the time."

  57. She looks backnat him, eyes wide. "You do?"

  58. "Um...well would that make you feel?"

  59. She lowers her eyes shyly. "Like you're protecting me from someone who sees me as a conquest. I like it," she adds, trying not to glow with giddiness.

  60. He grins. "Well then, yes. I tell him at least once a day."

  61. She laughs. "I have no doubts."

    They hear a knock on the door, and Two calls through that their meal has arrived.

    "I guess we should get dressed."

  62. "They must be lonely. Or at least Two is lonely," he snickers. "We can always do this again later."

  63. She nods and steps out, wrapping a towel around herself. "It seems like forever since I've been clean," she says with a happy sigh. After pinning her damp hair up, she adds the robe over the towel. Noticing a door behind a changing screen, she peeks in and finds Goddard's room. "Well that's convenient."

  64. He nods, getting dressed. "This is a nice suite. I'll be sure to thank the owner while I wrap my arm around your waist and hold you close."

  65. She laughs, going into the common room. Two is sitting at the round table, a goblet of wine in one hand and a giggling maid in his lap.

    "Well you certainly waste no time," she snickers.

    "Keep your sharp tongue behind your teeth, wench," he chuckles before leaning in and whispering into the maid's ear.

    Aara shakes her head, picking up a plate and admiring the small feast laid out for them. Fruit and vegetables of all kinds, several roast meats, three wines, and some fluffy dessert cover by he table. "Your master is generous."

    "He said he didn't know what you'd prefer, ma'am," the giggling elf girl responds, slapping at Two's hands. "If you need anything, I'm to fetch it for you."

  66. Gath is tasting everything but seems to be enjoying the wine the most. Goddard grabs a plate and fills it with food. "This looks delicious and I just happen to be starving!"

    "Finally," Gath mumbles. "I was tired of just having these two around."

  67. Two sends the maid away, slapping her backside as she goes. Dropping her plate to the table, Aara chases after her, seeing her chance.

    "There is something I need," she says.

    "I'm sure I can get it for you, lady."

    "An apothecary nearby? A...ladies apothecary," she clarifies.

    The maid frowns a moment. "I'm sure Madam Appleman can help. She owns a shop just down the street. Follow the street a ways and you'll smell apples. But take an escort," she warns. "I'm sure Master Tallyn will be happy to show you."

    Aara thanks her and goes back to the table feeling slightly better.

  68. Goddard sits across from Gath and studies him a moment. "How are you doing? Still holding up fine?"

    Gath squints a bit at first as if he were thinking then nods.

    Goddard raises a brow. He waits for some more information but when he doesn't get it, he shrugs and digs into his food.

  69. "And you?" Two asks as she sits. "Finished your breakdown yet?"

    Aara shakes her head. "I'm pretty certain I'm in shock."

    Two points a fork full of food at her. "I'm not coming to save you from your nightmares if you're going to stab me. You have to promise to keep your knives out from under your pillow."

    "Then how will I stab anyone?"

    Two growls and goes back to eating while she picks at her food. After a few moments, she disappears into her room and returns wearing gloves.

  70. "Are you cold?" Goddard asks, pointing at the gloves. "That was a pretty hot bath." He turns to Gath. "You saw the tubs right?"

    "Of course my lord. That seemed to be the biggest event since we've been here. For the rest of you anyway."

  71. "No, I'm not cold. It's just...I don't-" She shrugs.

    "She's blank, Sheik," Two answers quietly.

    Aara glares at him for a long moment before turning her attention to Gath. "I suppose you were less than impressed?" she asks, amused.

  72. "Oh...Oh! Aara you could always talk to Two about living life with blank arms," Goddard suggests. "He's an expert right?"

    Gath quickly finishes his wine and refills his cup. "It was impressive but..." He looks at his hands. "Maybe it's nothing."

    "Your hands are fine too," Goddard says. "Obviously Khaine doesn't exist here."

  73. "Shut up, Sheik!"

    Aara raises a brow and looks at Gath's hands. "Did something happen?"

  74. "I'm only speaking the truth," Goddard snickers. Goddard looks over at Aara. "I guess you two have newly bare hands in common?"

    "Yes. That," Gath mumbles.

  75. Aara nods, eyes on her plate. "I'm not sure what I think about it."

  76. Gath dips a finger in his glass of wine and swirls it around. After a few seconds, he carefully puts it down then takes Goddard's plate away from him and places it on the table.

    "Hey I was eating that!" Goddard snaps.

    Gath grabs him by the wrist and practically drags him off to his room.

  77. "That's strange," she murmurs once they're gone. "Even for Gath. I wonder..." she picks up the glass, nearly dropping it. "It's cold!"

    Two looks up from his plate. "So is his heart. What's your point?"

    "Look, Two, it's frosty." She pulls off her gloves and dips a finger into the wine. "It couldn't be from the wine..."

    Two shrugs. "He's an elf. Magic race and all."

    "We're elves, you know!"

    "When I start freezing things by touch, I'll panic. Take a drink of that and calm down."

  78. Goddard laughs when Gath shuts the door. "You could have just asked. I know I'm better looking in this world but..."

    "Shut up!" Gath hisses. "Something is wrong!"

    Goddard frowns. "Alright alright no more joking. What's wrong?"

    "I don't know." Gath is looking at his hands trying to stay calm.

    Goddard slowly reaches for Gath's hands. "You're cold? Really cold." He looks up concerned.

    "Cold, hot, glowing." Gath paces around the room.

    Goddard chuckles. "Sounds like you have a case of the magics."


    "Calm down. You'll live. We'll figure it out later. I have that book I haven't looked at yet." Goddard pats Gath's arm. "You know, you could always use magic."

    "Yes but it was a gate way to demons ripping your soul apart."

    "It is not! Come on. Let's get back to all that food. And wine. You like wine right?" he playfully pokes Gath in the ribs.

    Gath looks at him with a straight face and a look of disapproval.


    Gath sighs and they go back to the common room.

  79. "I hate you for taking this so calmly."

    Two sets down his fork and looks her in the eye. "Dobyou want me to panic? Scream whenever Sheiks father shows up? Be upset? Over what, becoming a better version of myself?" Picking up his fork, he gestures to her hands. "You're the one with a problem to figure out."

    Rubbing the top of her hand, she scowls at him. "I know that."

    "So eat up, drink up, get some sleep and consider why your goddess took them."

  80. Goddard flops down on his seat again and gets his plate. "It's just magic," Goddard smiles.

    "Easy for you to say," Gath mumbles. "How are you so calm?"

    "I'm not. How could anyone actually be calm right now? I'm just trying to keep myself from curling up in a corner until everything goes away. I'd probably be laying in that corner for a long time."

  81. Aara drops her fork, flinching at the loud clatter. "Do you think she took them because I've done something wrong?" she asks him. "Did I fail her somehow?"

    Two changes her glass of water for his wine, shaking his head. "That's stupid. You're probably the only Mashi alive who kept all the old ways. I'm sure there's a reason they're gone, but if you don't keep your head you won't figure it out. Right, Sheik?"

  82. "Did you tell her something stupid while I was gone?" Goddard yells at Two. "Don't listen to him. He's Two."

  83. "I told her to have a drink and calm down," Two says calmly, going back to his dinner. "She's the one having a fit."

    "I am not having a fit."

    "You're on the edge of one."

  84. "She can have all the fits she wants. She's earned them. We all have."

  85. "But I said it was alright to have one! Don't yell at me!"

  86. Standing, she throws Two's wine in his face and stomps off to her room. Two chuckles and wipes his face as she goes. "I thought you weren't having a fit?" he asks, getting a slamming door in response.

  87. "Idiot," Goddard growls,getting up and walking to the door. He presses his ear against the door and knocks softly. "Do you just want to be left alone? Maybe you want me to punch Two?"

  88. "You don't have to come in if you don't want," she says softly, knowing he'll hear her. "You can look at your book or finish dinner."

  89. "I want to make sure you're going to be alright. I want to make sure you have everything you need to be alright and if that's me, or another tooth from Two, space, or tea, I want to be able to make sure you have it."

  90. She smiles softly and opens the door slightly to peek out at him. "You do."

  91. He smiles back. "Whatever you need, I'll do my best. I can't promise you anything because I have no idea where anything is, but I'll try."

  92. She shrugs. "He's goading me, is all, and I should ignore him. I should also get dressed and see about this apothecary."

  93. "I think going out to explore will be better for all of us instead of locking ourselves away for who knows how long. Let's go."

  94. She leans on the doorjamb and snickers. "I'm not going out like this," she says, gesturing to the robe. "Give me a moment to see if I still own anything clean."

  95. "No let's go now!" he jokes, tugging on her robe. He lets her go and closes the door behind her before going back to Two and Gath. "We're going to go explore," he tells them. "I need supplies, Aara needs things, and we all need to get used to this place."

  96. Two wanders off, grumbling about having to change because somehow he's gotten covered in wine.

    At the bottom of her pack Aara finds the same clothes she wore in Nuln: a plain silk blouse, black bodice with roses down the center, and a plain red skirt. She takes a moment to put on khol, getting distracted in the mirror again before seeing the ring on it's chain.

    Why haven't I put it back on? she wonders. I suppose now is as good a time as any. She removes the chain and slips the ring on her finger, smiling at the amethysts sparkling. Switching the gold stud in her nose to a garnet, she returns to the common room.

    "It's wrinkled, but it'll do."

  97. Goddard picks up Sethai and puts his nose to his. "Hey. Are you in there?" he asks.

    Sethai chirps.

    "I guess not." He looks up at Aara and smiles. "You look lovely. But I don't think it's possible for you to not look lovely."

    Gath rolls his eyes and finishes off one last glass of wine before he gets to his feet. "I hope we don't end up getting lost or breaking the law of this place and falling up."

    "Don't remind me of that! That's going to take some getting to."

  98. Two joins them, glaring at Aara and tucking his shirt in. "So where to?" he asks.

    "Apothecary," she answers. "The girl said it was down the street, and we'd smell apples. Sounds strange to me."

  99. "I'm hoping all the plants and other ingredients work the same here or they at least take the money we have so I can replace everything if need be. I guess we'll see when we get there."

  100. "I'm sure Tallyn can answer at least the gold question," she offers as they start down the stairs.

  101. "Who?" Goddard sneers. "Oh oh yes. Him."

  102. She grins and looks straight ahead. "Or we can ask this Appleman woman."

  103. "Let's do that," Goddard nods happily. "What better way to learn if they'll take our money than asking someone who would take our money."

  104. "I agree."

    The enter a crowded common room full of smoke, music, and dancing.

    "Ah, my lady and her friends!" she hears, and looks up to see Tallyn walking toward them.

  105. Gath leans close to Goddard. "Just let him help us before you have a mental break down my lord," he whispers, noticing his jaw tense up.

    Goddard forces a smile and watches Tallyn, remembering what Aara said earlier.

  106. "Hello, Tallyn," she says with a smile. "The rooms are lovely, how can we thank you?"

    He smiles and bows over her hand. "I'm sure we can come to an agreement, my lady."

    Two claps him on the shoulder. "Greetings! My name is Rafiq."

    He nods. "A pleasure." Looking at Goddard and Gath, he raises a blonde eyebrow. "You are?"

  107. "Gath," he says simply.

    "Goddard," he nods, trying to hold his smile. Come to an agreement? I know what you're thinking!

  108. He nods, returning his attention to her. "Perhaps we can discuss it over wine later?" he asks her.

    Aara just glances at Goddard.

  109. "Oh good! We could use more wine, right?" Goddard grins, putting an arm around Aara's waist and pulling her close. "But right now we should be going. We need to make a trip to an apothecary."

  110. Tallyn grins. "Wonderful. Perhaps when you're done with your errand you can join me, Lady Aara."

    "Ah, perhaps we can," she answers, trying not to smile at Goddard's reaction to him. "But he's right, we should be going."

  111. "It wouldn't just be Aara joining you for wine," Goddard reminds him with a wave, before turning and walking toward the door. "I've got it lecai," Goddard laughs. "I just won't let anyone else come after you, but you can go after anyone you want. I'm glad we had that chat."

  112. She rolls her eyes. "I don't know if I'll chase after anyone else, but you're close enough to the point."

  113. "The option's there for you like is for me?" he says looking up at the buildings once they get outside.

  114. "Hayati, you can do what you like," she says softly so the others don't hear. "Things are different now. I don't have to be so afraid of time passing. Maybe I'll even investigate the closets in this world. Besides, I believe I have sent you off to other women with a kiss and a smile," she adds.

  115. Goddard takes her hand and squeezes it. "That's right. We have so many more years together. Not sure how many, but it's more than what it was before." He gently touches the tip of her ear.

  116. She shivers and her ear gives a slight twitch. "Just don't fall too deeply in love with him," she laughs. "Then I will be jealous."

  117. "Who? Him? Him who? Shiny elf at the inn? No Aara! Never!"

  118. She glances out the corner of her eye. "Gath, of course."

  119. Goddard bites his lip. " know who you have to watch out for!" He leans in close. "Two. You should have seen him. Pinning me against the wall...getting way too close all because of his hair!"

  120. "Well if you can have your retainer, I don't see why you can't have mine, too," she giggles.

  121. "I don't want yours! And you were supposed to yell at him or something. Not tell me I could have him!"

  122. She opens her eyes as wide as she can. "Was I?" she gasps. "Two!"


    "Stop trying to seduce Goddard!" Aara scolds. "It isn't nice! He can't help himself!"

  123. Gath chuckles and looks at Two. "Is that what was going on in the Chaos dimension?"

    Goddard laughs. "Thank you lecai."

  124. "Aww Four it was just a little fun," Two shrugs. "You know I only want you."

    "Mmhmm. And that maid. That woman over there. Basically any female who's breathing."

    "I do have some standards."

  125. "Not many apparently." Goddard looks around at all the different people and shops and for once, he doesn't feel strange. He sighs happily and kisses Aara's hand. "Oh. You put it back on?"

  126. She nods, looking around. She catches a whiff of apple, finally spotting a shop with an apple shaped sign that says "apothecary."

    "There it is!"

    When the group enters, they hear a series of bells jingle throughout the large shop. "Hello and welcome!" comes a voice. "What can I do for you?"

    Following the voice, Aara looks behind a large glass counter and finds a cheerful halfling with dark curls and warm toffee colored eyes.

    "Madame Appleman?"

    The halfling leaps onto a nearby stool, her eyes crinkling in delight. "I am. And you are one lucky girl to have so many attractive friends. How may I be of assistance?"

  127. Goddard practically runs up to the shelves of vials, jars and bottles. "I know what all of this is but then I don't know what any of that is," he whispers to himself excitedly."

  128. "Well don't you touch it if you don't know," the halving advises cheerfully. "Now, dear, don't just stand there, you have the lookmof a woman in need of something. Why don't we step away from the menfolk and talk? Puss, come out here and help the customers!"

    A Grey and black cat as tall as Goddard enters, dressed in a red brocade waistcoat and black pants. "My name is Archibald," he says dryly, adjusting spectacles. "I've asked you a thousand times not to call me Puss, Mother."

    Madame Appleman reaches out and pets his ear. "Now Puss, don't be that way. Help the gentlemen while I have a bit of girl talk." Jumping off her stool, she comes around and takes Aara by the hand, leading her into an office.

  129. "I have books on all the fairly hmm normal things you have," Goddard says motioning toward familiar herbs. "But I don't have anything on the more strange looking things. So I guess I'd need a good book or two to start with."

  130. Archibald holds a finger up, waiting. "Now don't let them get too close to the spiders," he says dryly.

    "Now don't let them get too close to the spiders!" they hear her call out.

    "Certainly, a book," he says crisply. "I've all manner of publications on flora, both in this world and others. Do you want potion recipes, herboria, or both?"


    Aara is pushed gently into a chair, the door to a laboratory left open. Everything is neat as a pin, clearly labeled and stored just like the outer shop.

    "Now, I am Anna Appleman," she says, making a note in a notebook. "You are?"


    "Last name, dear."

    "Oh. I don't have one."

    Anna looks up at her with interest. "I see. And what can I help you with?"

    "Um. I need a...preventative."



    "With all that glorious manflesh out there and you want a preventative? Is it the moon elf?" she sighs, leaning on her hand. "I do love the bad ones. A sullen man like that makes you want to make him smile, don't you think?"

  131. "Both. You can never have too much information and references."

    Goddard snickers and looks toward Gath who rolls his eyes and sighs.

  132. He nods, handing him two books from behind the counter.

    Aara laughs. "Ah, no, ma'am," she laughs. "Not him. I was told you could help me."

    "Well, I can, yes. But you seem a little more confused than that?"

    Aara nods. "I'm afraid I don't know anything about half-elves."

    Anna Appleman laughs. "Let me guess, you woke up like this?"

    "So to speak."

    "Well, you don't really seem half-elf to me. Perhaps two-thirds or three-quarters. Your brother out there is more human than that. A solid quarter, that one."

    "I don't see how it makes a difference."

    "Oh, it doesn't, dear. The long and short is this: you have a little human, and a little elf. Your senses are a little sharper, but you won't live as long as a whole elf."

    "How long?"

    "Two hundred years, three if you're lucky and take extra good care of yourself. Judging by your scars, you aren't so good at that. Here's your recipe, dear. Puss can help you find the ingredients."

    Standing, Aara impulsively hugs the halfling. "Thank you, Madame Appleman!"

    Anna laughs and walks her back into the shop. "Puss, give her a bottle to get started." Winking at Gath, she makes her way towards the back.

  133. "This will be a good start for now," Goddard nods, flipping through the book quickly. "Thank you. I'll probably come back later. You'll come again won't you Gath?" he chuckles, elbowing him.

    "Do I have a choice?" he mumbles.

  134. Archibald grabs Aara's elbow and speaks softly. "An ounce, once a day in the morning. Come back if you don't feel well."

    She nods and thanks him, then follows the others out.

  135. "I like this place. I can't wait to see what other interesting stuff they have. Do you want to go back and continue adjusting, or keep exploring? I wonder if they have chocolate? They have to. Someone has to."

  136. "I want to stay out," Two declares.

    Aara nods. "I like that idea."

  137. "You have no say!" Goddard says to Gath quickly.

    "I was going to say I'd like to stay out as well."

    "Oh...alright then!"

  138. Aara grins. "You found something interesting?" she asks, noticing the books in Goddard's hands.

  139. "I noticed there were a lot of ingredients I had never seen before so I thought getting a book to explain them all would be a good place to start. I don't want to fill us full of acid or turn us into frogs now."

  140. "Please don't, Sheik. I can't sweep Four off her feet if I'm a frog."

    "A frog would be an improvement," Aara quips.

  141. "I agree. I think a frog suits you better than a half elf."

  142. "Sheik you only act this way to ignore the sexual tension between us."

    "Someone has a high opinion of himself."

  143. "I'm not sensing anything from Aara. Your tension detector must be off."

  144. Two comes up behind him and blows on his ear. "Really? I am. Four, let's go make love," he says, wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her against him. "I'll Mary you and give you a last name worth having."

    Laughing, Aara struggles against his iron grip. "Ugh, Two! I'm not sleeping with you. Ever."

  145. Goddard claps a hand over his ear and scowls. "Don't do that," he mumbles.

    "Yes, you'll make him blush too much," Gath smirks.

  146. Chuckling, he lifts Aara to sit on his hip. "If you're nice, I'll let you join us," he tells Goddard. "Later, that is."

    "Two, you're going to die if you don't put me down."

    He laughs and sets her on her feet. "I'm just trying to show you affection. Should I hold your hand and whisper instead?"

    "If you were serious, yes," she sniffs, moving to slip between Goddard and Gath.

  147. Goddard puts his arm around her and kisses her head. "We can both stab him later. Alright?"

  148. "I'll just shave his head while he sleeps."

    "Four. I will hire small children to follow you around calling you mommy." He flashes her a sincere grin. "I love you, Four."


  149. "Yes. Get rid of the hair he loves so much."

  150. "But I like it," she whispers. "It looks so...attractive."

    "It does," Two agrees, running his hands through it.

  151. "Maybe...I mean no he's ugly no matter what Aara..." Goddard huffs.

  152. Two briefly considers grabbing him, but gets distracted by a lovely creature with pale pink skin and daffodil yellow hair. He wanders off to flirt, and Aara shakes her head.

    "He's entertaining, at least."

  153. "We shouldn't leave him alone should we?" Goddard asks.

    "My lord, I thought you'd be happy to get rid of him. He may get lost on the ceiling of this place and you'd never have to see him again."

    "Until he falls on us!"

  154. "Don't get lost," Aara calls to him. He waves in response, smiling charmingly. "He can make his way back to the inn."

    She pauses before a jewelry stall, admiring the pieces.

  155. "We should get you something for your ear," Goddard tells Gath, pulling on the tip of one of his ears.

    Gath slaps his hand away. "The day my face gets a mark, maybe. But I've lived this long without a scratch, so you may never see me with an earring."

    Goddard groans.

    "Plus, they are good things to pull on in a fight." He hooks a finger in one of Goddard's hoops but doesn't do anything more. "'d like that wouldn't you?"

    Goddard makes an almost happy humming sound and Gath slowly pulls his hand back and crosses his arms.

    "Damn..." Goddard stands beside Aara and looks the jewelry over with her. "Find anything nice?"

  156. Unnerved by the sight of her own hands, Aara replaces a jeweled bracelet and clasps them behind her. "It's all very nice," she says, "and so different." Glancing at Gath, she leans in and whispers in Goddard's ear. "Stop trying so hard," she giggles. "It makes you look desperate. It'll happen when it happens, nuur'eni."

  157. "What? No. He likes it!" Goddard laughs then leans closer to Aara. "Really? But I am and it never will. He thinks he's too good for anyone."

  158. "If it doesn't, then it doesn't and no amount of trying will change that. But if it does, do you want to have him because you've worn him down? Or," she breathes, nipping his earlobe. "Because he can't stand to not have you for another moment? Otherwise you're the same as Two."

  159. "You're so mean. You tease me and then you compare me to Two?"

  160. "I was giving you an example," she says with a smirk. "Did it work?"

  161. "I was giving you an example," she says with a smirk. "Did it work?"

  162. "Maybe you should tell Gath to stop whatever it is he is doing. Then maybe I'll stop what I'm doing." Goddard picks up a piece of jewelry that looks like a combination of bracelets and rings with glittering chains connecting them. "How about something like this? It won't be names but I think gems would be a nice replacement."

  163. She holds out a hand and let's him slip it on. "I will, if you like," she offers, turning her hand and admiring it. "This is lovely. What is he doing? Besides rejecting your advances."

  164. "I don't know. Standing there? With his hair and everything. I actually don't know," he chuckles. "You should get something like this to help with adjusting and because it looks beautiful on you."

  165. "You want me to tell him to stop standing?" She laughs. "You really are desperate for him- probably more than you ever were for me," she teases. "I don't know, it's rather expensive..."

  166. Goddard's ears droop. "I can't give someone else more attention than I give you! I'm just terrible." He suddenly hugs her and gives her multiple kisses all over her face. "There. Did that make up for it?"

  167. She laughs but doesn't move away. "I'm only teasing, nuur'eni. I'll try not to get jealous." She kisses his cheek. "Now, this...bracelet thing," she adds, holding her hand up. "We like it?"

  168. "Yes. So far they've accepted the money we have and I've got a lot of it from the nauglir. This won't put much of a dent in it."

  169. "Then we'll take two," she tells the man. "Maybe you're right and it'll help."

  170. Goddard counts out the coins before them handing them over. "And if it doesn't then we'll decorate Sethai."

  171. The man thanks them and beckons Goddard closer as Aara goes to show Gath. "I have a matching necklace and earrings if my lord makes a mistake in the future."

  172. "I don't make mistakes," Goddard scoffs. He then turns to the man and counts out more coins. "But I'll take them anyway. For a surprise or something," he chuckles.

  173. The salesman nods, chuckling as he wraps up the purchases. Aara, her back turned, looks down at her hand. "It's so bizarre. Does it bother you?" she asks Gath. "Probably not. It doesn't seem that anything bothers you," she adds quickly.

  174. "My hands? It does," he says, scanning the crowds of people. "Scars like that don't just vanish. Gods aren't supposed to disappear. I sometimes wonder if we still aren't trapped in that place."

  175. She nods. "I'm afraid that Two is right about my marks. But how can we know for sure we're not still there? I thought we were dying in that field."

  176. "All we can do is..." Gath pauses and sighs. "Trust what Otto says which I guess means trusting that my lord knows his own father no matter what form he takes. That is an awful lot of trust to put into someone we know to be mad."

  177. "I trust them." She rubs her arms. "Even if Otto makes me nervous..."

  178. "He makes me nervous too ever since that first time I met him."

  179. "He never did before. In fact, he flirted outrageously and upset Goddard the first time we met. But now..." she sighs, watching Two flirt. "I'm afraid to even talk to him."

  180. "Why? I was always afraid he'd turn me inside out and set me on fire with his powerful high magic I've only heard tales of."

  181. Aara studies her feet. "I did disembowel and put a dagger hilt deep in his heart," she whispers. "If I hate myself for it, surely he hates me too."

  182. "If he hates you, he's bad at showing at. I'd have attacked you by now. Tiny dragon body or not."

  183. "Maybe he's torturing me because he knows I feel guilty? He's sadistic that way." She sighs, pushing her hair off her face. "If this is all an illusion, it's made Goddard happy, and I'll happily live in it."

  184. "Sadistic? Really?" he snickers. "And if this is his illusion, we have no choice but to live in it."

  185. "Sadistic is the perfect word for him," she chuckles. "Gath, what do you think of Goddard's advances?"

  186. Gath chuckles. "What do I think hmmm I think it's annoying and stupid." He pauses, gauging her reaction.

  187. "That's a shame. so much." She shrugs. "I suppose he'll get over you eventually."

  188. "Endearing," he finally adds. "A little."

  189. The corners of her mouth twitch, hinting at a smile. "Isn't it?"

  190. "Only a little. And you probably shouldn't tell him."

    "Should tell who what? Me?" Goddard says, standing beside Aara.

    "There goes that plan," Gath sighs. "I was going to take a few coins and buy myself something strong to drink."

    "You could just ask," Goddard mumbles. "I'll just get you something."

  191. Two approaches, the pretty pin skinned girl on his arm. "We're going back to the inn for a drink," he says with a grin. "Don't get into any trouble while I'm gone, Four."

    Aara looks at him wide eyed and innocent. "Me?"

    "Yeah, you."

    "Well you won't know if I do gigas you go."

    Two winks at her. "Your Sheik will protect you." After kissing the top of her head and mussing her hair, he walks off.

    "How does he do it?" She wonders aloud. "It's like he knows some spell or something."

  192. "He must lie and tell tall tales like that one who tried it with you. Or maybe to her, he's some exotic flower," Goddard snorts.

  193. "You mean Aaron? I'm not convinced it was a tale. Whatever it is, he's never used it on me."

    Except the handful of times you'd have gladly gone to him...

    She shrugs and smoothes her hair. "Let's find that drink."

  194. Gath nods. "Agreed."

    "And chocolate for everyone. Except Two. He doesn't deserve any."

  195. "I think Two is getting what he wants," she laughs, following them.

  196. It doesn't take long before they find a store full of treats and other indulgences. Gath disappears behind shelves with bottles of liquid on them and Goddard looks for something sweet. "There's so much here lecai! These stores are so big. Much bigger than they look from the outside you think it's a trick?"

  197. "I don't know, nuur'eni, maybe all the buildings in this world are like this." She lingers at a shelf full of oils, soaps, and cosmetics. "This entire store is nothing but decadence!" she laughs.
