Thursday, February 18, 2016

"This may end up being our favorite store then. That's all we want after everything else we go through daily."


  1. She nods. "We certainly deserve some relaxation," she agrees.

  2. Gath returns with a medium sized bottle of a deep blue liquid and hands it to Goddard. "If what I'm told is correct, this is strong and delicious and that's hard to come by."

    "That was fast," Goddard laughs.

  3. Aara sniffs soaps for a moment before wandering over to a glass counter with chunks of what was called fudge behind it. All around it was the intoxicating smell of chocolate.

    "Excuse me," she says to the woman behind the counter. "What is f-uu-d-ge?"

    The woman laughs and hands her a small piece. "It's fudge. We make it in store."

    Aara examines the soft chocolate before popping it in her mouth. "Oh! This is amazing! Goddard, come try!"

  4. "Fudge?" Goddard tilts his head and gives it a taste. "Oh wow that's good! I'll just take some of this. Father will love it!"

  5. As the woman measures out his order, Aara keeps wandering, coming across luxuriant stationary, crystal knickknacks, and more. I don't have anyone to write to anymore, she realizes, pulling her hand from a stack of thick cream colored paper.

    "This store is incredible."

  6. "How are you not fat?" Gath asks Goddard. "You eat so much sugary garbage when you find it."

    "I don't eat it all once! I space it out."

  7. "Help him work it off," she suggests with a smirk.

  8. "Fine," Gath shrugs.

    Goddard grins.

    "I'll have you run laps. Practice a lot more with the sword. Push ups. Get you some muscle in those scrawny arms while we're at it."

    Goddard furrows his brow. "That doesn't sound fun at all."

  9. Aara nods. "I wonder if there is a to run here. I could use it."

  10. "I'm sure you could just run around the streets here. Seems like plenty of space to run when everything loops up and around," Gath says, trying to understand how buildings can exist in what is supposed to be the sky.

  11. "Maybe," she shrugs. "I'd prefer a gymnasium to work up a good sweat. I can ask Tallyn later."

  12. Goddard's ears twitch. "Who? Oh yes him. Are you sure he'd be helpful? He seems to be clueless when it comes to other things."

  13. Aara smiles. "Being clueless and ignoring you are two different things. I'm sure he'd love to help me get hot and sweaty."

  14. "Well it won't be the way he wants."

  15. Could be. He is attractive, Aara...and if Goddard can have Gath, why can't you have Tallyn? At least for a little while.

    "You're right, nuur'eni, as always," she says.

  16. He tilts his head, not sure of what to make of her answer. Did I go over board? She's going to hate me now for not having some kind of filter.

  17. "So are we done here? Off to a bar, or do our drinking in our rooms?"

  18. Gath takes the bottle from Goddard. "Rooms. Then I don't have to worry about being stabbed by some half invisible creature. I'm sure those exist."

    Goddard gives them both a confused and tired look. "Whatever you want lecai."

  19. She steps closer and takes his hand. "I've got what I want. Everything else is bonus."

  20. "I guess back to the rooms we go," he smiles feeling only a little less confused.

  21. She nods, following them back to the inn.

  22. Goddard looks around quickly and doesn't see their sun elf host. He smiles and heads toward the stairs.

  23. Glancing around the room, Aara pauses, thinking she sees someone familiar. Impossible, she thinks, following them up the stairs.

    When they get into their apartment, they can hear various sounds of pleasure from Two's room.

  24. Gath disappears into his room with the bottle.

    "Wow they are loud," Goddard mumbles. "And either he doesn't care about half and half babies running around or she's prepared."

  25. Aara tilts her head before laughing. "You mean they're prepared!" Sure enough, there are two female voices along with Two.

  26. "What He's Two?! That doesn't make sense." He goes into his own room and lays his head on the bed beside a sleeping Sethai. "I bet it's just Sethai in there."

  27. "Just because you don't think he's charming doesn't mean he isn't," she laughs, following him. "No one else seems immune but you."

  28. "Gath. But he's immune to everyone," he mumbles. The sound of Goddard unwrapping some fudge is enough to wake Sethai up. He chirps and Goddard gives him a small piece. "I bet someone hurt him so badly, he doesn't want any one ever again."

  29. She flops down beside him. "Maybe," she says with a grin. "He didn't say."

  30. "Of course. He'd never say that if it were the case. He'd think it would affect that cold unfeeling mask he wears but I know he's got to be warmer than Katarina! Maybe."

  31. "I think they're both sweet." She rolls over onto her stomach and swipes a piece of fudge from his hand. "Especially Gath."

  32. "Why? I take it he was especially nice when you were trapped? I'm glad he took care of you."

  33. She nods. "I don't know if I could have survived it otherwise. He helped keep me from falling apart."

  34. "I can only say this now because we're all safe and alive but I'm sorry I missed whatever pep talk he gave," he laughs. "He probably would have acted hateful if I was there."

  35. "And that kiss," she sighs, dropping her head so her hair covers her face.

  36. Goddard almost chokes on the piece of fudge he was eating. "What?!"

  37. Aara laughs, lifting her head. "No kiss," she tells him. "He patted my head, defended my honor, and hugged me. He was a perfect gentleman in the face of certain death."

  38. Goddard clears his throat. "I see. The opposite of what Two was."

  39. "You still have what virtue you went in with, so he couldn't have been that devious."

  40. "Oh he was. I am just immune as you put it. I see through it all. No amount of hair can hide that!"

  41. She rolls onto her back and looks up at him. "Sounds like he put some effort into it. You and Gath might be the only two immune to all that is Rafiq El'Hasheem."

  42. " that his name?" Goddard snickers. "He'll always be Two to me."

  43. She nods. "Friend of the Lion," she translates. "Ustadh chose it when he graduated. I don't know what his childhood name was, he was already Two when I arrived."

  44. "Interesting that you have so many names. I've always just been Goddard."

  45. "Ustadh gave us numbers so he didn't get attached- just like Otto. He renamed us when we graduated so that we could have a separate identity from our families, for their safety. It was quite a rebellion when he kept his family's surname."

  46. "That makes sense. I guess Two was too proud to change it? That also makes sense."

  47. She shrugs. "He refused to talk about it to anyone. He just said he wouldn't give up his family name. They're an old family steeped in tradition and money, so maybe it was pride."

  48. "Doesn't matter much now does it?" He sits up and drags the magic tome Otto had given to him into his lap. "Of course it would look like a cook book," he chuckles and flips through the pages.

  49. "I guess not." She admires her new jewelry, not wanting to distract him from his reading before breaking off a chunk of fudge and chirping at Sethai.

  50. "Ha!" Goddard says suddenly, scaring Sethai. He jumps into Aara's lap and hisses at Goddard. "This is what's going on with Gath. I think. I'll be back." He tucks the book under his arm and leaves the room.

  51. She flinches and watches him run out, laughing softly. "He's excited about something," she chuckles, offering Sethai another bite of chocolate.

  52. "Mmm mmm what was this again?" The dragon says. "This is good. I should have come back earlier."

  53. Aara tenses and sits up, setting the dragon to the side and standing. "All right, time to- uh- go," she stammers, heading for the door.

  54. "When did you become so distant?" Otto mumbles. "I don't even get a hug. Is it because I have scales? This was out of my control. I'd have been better looking than Goddard and Gath combined if I could have been an elf again."

  55. She pauses, ashamed and afraid. "How can you even talk to me?" She whispers.

  56. "Well," Otto says thoughtfully. "I have a mouth, Sethai has a mouth actually, and through magic that's too weird even for me, I can speak to you using said mouth."


    Goddard walks into Gath's room, nose in the book. "I think I found what sort of spell you were doing and I thought I could show you how to control it because..." he looks up. "Are you drunk? I can't teach you magic if you're drunk."

  57. She turns and crosses her arms. "You know what I mean."

  58. "Would you like me to explain how vocal cords work?" he chuckles.


    Gath is reclining in a large chair with the bottle in one hand. "I'm sober enough."

    "Not enough for this," Goddard huffs. "Fine. I'll let you be drunk and I'll show you this..." he looks down at the book, "prestidigitation thing later."

    "Boring. Try this." Gath holds out the bottle.

  59. She scowls, her feelings getting the better of her as she turns and leaves the room. Seeing no one in the common room and hearing Two's escapade, she goes to her own.

  60. Aara can hear the sound of flapping wings and then scratching claws on the floor behind her. "Now how am I supposed to get more chocolate if you leave? In case you haven't noticed, I don't have hands or thumbs."


    Goddard walks over, takes the bottle and gives in a sniff. "Oh wow that smells strong but almost like candy at the same time." He examines the liquid. "There's still a lot in here. You didn't need much did you?"

    Gath shakes his head. "I have to be careful. It's been many many years since I've had enough alcohol to put me completely out. I don't want that to happen again."

  61. "You really are sadistic, aren't you?"

  62. "Ouch," Otto gasps. "I am no such thing. Maybe with Goddard and the bats but that was all."


    "Someone stab you in the back?" Goddard asks. "Literally?"

    Gath nods.

    "I'd never do that to you."

    "Oh but I know what you would do."

    Goddard laughs. "You'd kill me." He takes a drink from the bottle and shakes his head. "It hurts so good," he coughs. "We might need to buy a few more bottles of this."

  63. "Aren't you mad?" she almost shouts. "I've been mad ever since it happened. Mad and hurt and losing my mind with guilt for hurting you and having to tell him and breaking his heart." She covers her face with her hands and takes a deep breath. "Don't you hate me?"

  64. "Hmm yes," Otto nods. "That makes sense for me to hate you for doing something I asked you to do. Does that sound like the logic of a being with a few thousand years of life experience?"


    Goddard hands the bottle back but before he can pull his hand away Gath grabs his wrist. "I'm not sure what I did now but I'm sorry?" Goddard chuckles.

  65. "Should we go back to vocal cords?" Otto snickers.


    Gath pulls his closer. Goddard wants to melt and let whatever is going to happen happen but when Gath's face keeps getting closer to his, he puts a hand up and covers Gath's mouth. "You're drunk," he says softly.

    "Sober enough," Gath mumbles.

    "You're gonna hate me and I'd rather you still maybe sort of like me and put up with my existence than hate me because of a stupid kiss."

  66. She leans against the window sill. "I hated myself," she says finally, trying to keep her voice even.

  67. "I suppose that's understandable but what would have happened if you didn't do as I asked? We wouldn't be here right now. None of us."


    With a sigh, Gath let's Goddard go.

    Goddard backs up and bites his lip. "Alright. We'll see how sober you are. Answer this." And Goddard begins to rattle off a word problem even he has trouble keeping up with.

  68. "My sole comfort," she says bitterly, going to sit on the bed. "I had killed so many, and never once felt regret. But you..." She bows her head and lets the words trail off.

  69. "You felt like you wasted a perfectly good looking elf I know," Otto sighs. He flies up and lands on the bed beside her.


    Gath is quiet for a while but finally answers it. Correctly. "See? And I can walk straight too." He slowly gets up out of the chair and walks up to Goddard.

    "I uh...guess you can," Goddard says, looking down.

  70. "That was it. A waste of beauty."

  71. Otto laughs. "That's better. I think I'm beautiful now still. In a different way. I could get used to being a dragon. Sethai is just so small. Not impressive at all."


    Gath lifts Goddard's head up. "Are you going to run away again?"

    "Not now, mister sober. But why now?"

  72. "Still prettier than Goddard," she says, scratching his back. "And any dragon is impressive."

  73. "Good! I've still got it," he snickers. "Now will you stop being terrified when I show up? I was starting to feel insulted. Goddard's hugging me and you're screaming and running away? Tsk."


    Gath grins. "Because I'm drunk."

    Goddard's laugh is muffled by Gath's kiss. It isn't as long as Goddard wants it to be but he'll take it. "I should practice reading uh spells, should go read spells yeah."

  74. She scoops him up and kisses the top of his head. "You really can't blame me, Ustadh. I'm pretty sure I've died, gotten better, became a new creature, and had the daylights scatted out of me in just a few hours." She hears a knock on the apartment door and carries him with her to answer. A servant simply hands her a note and walks off.

  75. "Already getting love letters Aara? That was fast."


    Gath shrugs and goes back to the chair and the bottle of alcohol. "You finally get what you've been wanting and now you want to go read books?"

    "I'm confused! Is this a trap?"

  76. She's its him on her shoulder and opens the note. "It's not a love letter," she says. "It's an invitation for drinks from the inn's owner." She raises an eyebrow. "Noticeably excluding Goddard," she muses.

  77. "So you're all going to go have drinks and leave him here all alone? And you called me sadistic."


    "Since when did you need reasons?"

    "Since you," Goddard mumbles.

    "Just sit here and read your book."

  78. "Two is occupied, and he's trying to seduce Gath," she murmurs, tapping the note against her lips.

  79. "He has no off switch does he?"


    "I'll um...I'll come back and then I can read so..." Goddard backs up into the door, opens it and leaves the room. "Bye," he mumbles once the door is closed.

  80. "I don't think so. Gath has really gotten under his skin." She tosses the note into the fireplace and watches it burn. "Goddard will go with me, I'm sure," she says, heading toward Gath's room just as Goddard comes out.

    "Is something wrong, love?"

  81. He jumps, not expecting her to be behind him. "Lecai! Hi! So what are you doing walking around with Sethai?"

  82. "Otto," she corrects, pointing at him.

  83. "Father?" Goddard looks at him and smiles. "Oh! We got you chocolate!"

    "I know. I already ate half of it. You look pinker than normal."

    "I do not!"

  84. She tilts her head, studying him. "Yes you do..."

  85. "No!" Goddard covers his face with his hands.

    "Your ears too," Otto snickers. "And you can't hide those."

  86. "You know, you looked the same the first time..." Her eyes go wide and she covers her mouth with her hands. "You kissed!"

  87. He grabs the tips of his ears and pulls them down.

    "He didn't deny that one," Otto whispers to Aara.

  88. She throws her arms around his neck, upsetting Otto. "I knew it!" she squeals. "I told you to calm down, didn't I?"

  89. Otto quickly flies to the floor. "You're both very strange. The perfect couple."

    "I just went to go show him a spell and then...I...I ran away."

  90. She laughs and pats his cheek. "It's all right, nuur'eni. I don't suppose you want to go have that drink with Tallyn and make him feel inferior?"

  91. "That'll be a nice distraction. And it's not making someone feel inferior if they already are. Just stating facts."

  92. She raises up on her toes and kisses his cheek. "I'm going to put my hair up and we can go."

  93. "Falling in love twice can be dangerous," Otto says, landing on Goddard's shoulder.

    "I'm not! Go eat more fudge or whatever it's called!"

    "I'm not sure this small stomach can handle any more. I might have to come back later. Have fun."

  94. Aara braids her hair around her head, leaving a few pieces trailing prettily and fumbling with the added jewelry among the bangles she already wears.

    This is all so strange...what could I possibly have done to lose my marks? And that dream about me and Two. It was so real. Maybe later I'll talk with him and see what he really thinks.

    "Ready. How do I look?"

  95. "Beautiful as always," he smiles and takes her hand. "The new jewelry really does look nice. Is it helping any or still too soon."

  96. She shrugs and fidgets with one of the bracelets Rayya gave her. "The weight is strange, but I think it helps. I just wish I knew what happened," she says as they leave. "All my scars are still here, why not my names?"

  97. "Maybe father can be useful and find out if you ask? Who knows where he lives when he's not in Sethai or even where Sethai goes when he's there. That must be strange."

  98. She shrugs again. "I just feel like I'm forgetting something important." She stops a maid and asks for the private dining room the note mentioned.

    When they arrive, a butler ushers the into a candlelit room filled with soft couches and low tables. "My master will be with you shortly," the butler says, "please enjoy the wine."

    Aara wanders to the table, noting that there are two glasses, plates, and such. "I don't think he believed you earlier," she laughs, pouring a glass. "I suppose we'll have to share."

  99. "I suppose we will," he says, picking up the only other glass at the table and filling it with wine.

  100. Aara raises an eyebrow. "If I have a glass, and you have a glass, who will he share with?" she asks. "I didn't think you liked him enough to share your wine."

  101. "Oh he'll just have to get his own glass or not drink at all," he smiles. "It isn't our fault he didn't set up more glasses."

  102. She laughs and settles onto one of the couches to wait. "He must be very successful, to own such a luxurious and busy inn. The common room downstairs was full to bursting when we passed through."

  103. "He probably does this sort of thing often," he says, motioning toward the table. "Seems like an interesting way to get people to keep coming back."

  104. "Only to his favorites," comes a voice. A tall moon elf with dark grey eyes and short hair the same color enters, carrying more glasses. He sets them on the table and takes the time to pour one for himself.

    Aara glances from him to Goddard, curious.

    "Ah gods, that's a good vintage!" The elf.says, leaning his head back and savoring the wine. Turning back to them, he sizes them up. "He said you were lovely," he muses, sauntering toward them. "Didn't do you justice with that impish look to you. You, I assume, are the one he didn't like?" He asks Goddard.

  105. "Oh he doesn't like me? How sad," Goddard says sarcasticly.

  106. "Don't mind him, he's pretty, brilliant, and shallow as a puddle." He sits next to Aara, twirling a piece of her hair. "Most men are," he tells her before getting distracted by her hands. "Oh these are beautiful. Jenson's stall? He does lovely work, you should see his shop in the Lady's Ward. Remarkable."

    Aara laughs, delighted by him. "What's your name?"

    "Gilthanis, but most call me Gill. May I call you Aara?"

    She nods. "That's Goddard," she says, looking to him. "I thought we were meeting Tallyn..."

    "Oh he'll be along. Caught up in business. I didn't want you to wait long, so I came ahead."

  107. "Caught up in business? I guess that depends on what you consider business." He watches Aara, looking for any signs he should come swoop in and peel Gill off but doesn't really notice the same body language as when Tallyn was around.

  108. "Deliveries and such," he says dismissively. "I don't listen, I just sign where he says to."

    "So you own the Goldenglow?" she asks, sipping her wine.

    "We do," he clarifies. "I'm a silent partner."

    "I see."

    "Where are you from? You both have such strange accents."

    "Oh, I'm from Araby."

    "Araby? I've never heard of it. Do they all have such exotic coloring? Such terrible scars," he murmurs, drawing her forearm close. "This is old. Were you caught in a war?"

  109. "We were in many battles together." Goddard refills his glass, planning on getting as much wine and food as he can out of these two elves.

  110. He nods, brushing the back of his fingers across the ones on her neck. "How terrible," he says softly.

    "It's not so bad," she assures him.

    "One day you'll have to tell me everything. Do you like the rooms? Are you all comfortable? Can I send anything? Clothes? Special foods?"

  111. "Chocolate. And alcohol. And really nice oils for the bath," Goddard says. "But what will we owe you? It can't be good for business to just hand things out like that."

  112. Gill looks confused. "Owe? You'll have to ask Tallyn. That apartment is almost never rented. Most people go to the Lady's Ward for luxury." He sniffs Aara's hair and smiles. "Jasmine? My mother wore that. I'll be sure to have some sent up tonight."

    "Goddard is right, Gill. The rooms can't come cheaply."

    He shrugs and sips his wine. "I'd rather interesting folk like yourselves occupy it than let it sit and gather dust. Tallyn will work it out." He leans back, lifting her hand and admiring the jewelry again. "That Jenson. He's brilliant."

    The door opens again, and Tallyn enters. "Entertaining our guests, Gill?" He asks with a smile. He approaches Aara and bows, kissing her hand. "Lovely and exotic as ever, Aara."

    Aara giggles at the ridiculousness of it all.

  113. Goddard rolls his eyes at the ridiculousness of it all.

  114. Gill lifts his face to receive a chaste kiss from Tallyn. "Always, darling."

    Tallyn grins at him and pours himself a glass of wine. "So, are you comfortable? Your friends as well?" He asks, unbuttoning his jacket and having a seat.

    Aara nods. "We are, but there is the question of the bill...?"

  115. "That is why we're here after all."

  116. Tallyn smirks. "Is it? Well in that case, feel free to go. My business for the day is concluded."

    "Tallyn, don't be rude," Gill chides, retrieving a plate of cheese and fruit and offering to share it will Aara.

    Tallyn sighs and takes a long drink. "The apartment is rarely used. Gill and I give in another area, so we don't even use it to entertain. I'll allow you to let the rooms for a ridiculous price if you will indulge us by accepting the odd-"

    "Frequent," Gill corrects. "I like her," he adds when Tallyn glares at him. "And he's adorable."

    Aara laughs at Tallyn's sigh.

    "By accepting the moderately frequent invitation," Tallyn amends.

    Aara looks up at Goddard to see if he wants to discuss it.

  117. "So we sit around, drink, chat, keep you company basically here and there and we can stay in the room?"

  118. "For a small fee, yes," Tallyn says dryly. "The offer stands indefinitely."

    "I'll need to ask Two, and you'll talk to Gath, but I think it sounds like a fine idea," Aara says. "Nuur'eni?"

    Gill smiles brightly and snatches up her free hand. "I hoped you would. We work so much we don't get much opportunity to travel and visit friends."

  119. "Sounds like a good plan to me lecai," he smiles at her. "And they'll have to deal with whatever decision we make anyway. What are they going to do? Say no and go someplace else?" he laughs.

  120. "Two?" Gill asks. "Is that the cute brother, or the sullen one?"

    Aara giggles, picking up a piece of fruit. "Does he look like my brother? You're the second one to say that."

    Gill nods. "Tall, too. I noticed him earlier when you were leaving."

  121. "Two? Cute?" Goddard shakes his head.

  122. Tallyn smiles indulgently and wanders over to choose a few things from the table. "You're all hard to pass by," he says. "There's a...foreignness to you." He sets his plate down and grabs Gill's hand, jerking him to his feet. "I didn't work all day to watch you adore her," he says playfully. "Even if you are beautiful and intriguing, my lady."

    Aara laughs and tucks her feet under her. "Thank you, I think."

  123. "You have no idea how far we've traveled. I don't even think we can comprehend it. But it doesn't matter."

  124. Aara waves him close, pulling him down to sit with her and hugging his arm.

    "It doesn't?" Tallyn asks. "You seemed very confused when I encountered you earlier."

    "We were in the middle of an identity crisis," Aara quips.

  125. Goddard puts his arm around her, resting his hand on her waist. "It was all very sudden.

  126. "How fortunate you ran into Tallyn," Gill says.

    "It was more of her friend pushing her into my arms."

    Gill gasped dramatically and looks up at him. "And you flirted, I assume?"

    "What else do you do with a beautiful woman in your arms? Surely Goddard will agree with me?" he adds, grinning. "You certainly pulled her away fast enough."

    Aara snickers.

  127. "We were new to the area. You were being too touchy feely. Isn't it just natural to protect your loved ones?"

  128. "You must have been terrifying," Gill laughs.

    "Ready to sweep her away and devour her whole."

    "I was terrified."

    "You were tongue tied and blushed till you glowed."

  129. "After what we had just been through, everything was terrifying," Goddard snaps. He looks down into his cup and sighs. "I didn't mean to come off so..." his words trail and he sits silently.

  130. Aara lays her head on his shoulder. "It's only been a few hours," she tells him. "We'd just gone through some pretty horrific things right before we woke up here."

    Gill nods. "Still in shock?"

    "I think so." She kisses Goddard's shoulder. "We'll be fine. We always are, aren't we nuur'eni?"

  131. Goddard simply nods and sinks into the seat so he is low enough to rest his head on Aara's shoulder.

  132. "You use that word often, what does it mean?" Tallyn asks.

    Combing Goddard's hair with her fingers, she smiles. "Light of my life. It's a little ironic, really," she laughs.

    "How so?"

    "He was a death wizard and I was an executioner when we met."

    Gill laughs so hard he snorts.

  133. "Laughing because it's ironic or you don't believe we could be such things?"

  134. "Aside from the fact that you look exactly how I'd picture a death wizard and she looks nothing like any executioner I've ever seen, it's the irony," Gill explains. "That two people so dark would use such a word to describe the other."

    "Is it, Gillyfish?" Tallyn asks dryly.

    "Sir! That is private speak only."

  135. Goddard can't help but laugh. "Aren't you glad I call you lecai and not something silly like that?"

  136. "I certainly am, cuddlebug," she laughs.

    Gill glares at Tallyn for a moment. "What does lecai mean?"

  137. Goddard laughs at Aara. "Oh it means light," he tells him.

  138. "How fitting," Tallyn says, watching Aara.

    She nods, looking down at Goddard adoringly. "It is."

    "How long have you known each other?" Gill asks.

    "Oh, um...five years? Is that right?"

  139. Goddard nods. "That seems about right. I feels so long ago though."

  140. "You've been together all that time?" Gill asks.

    "Aren't you inquisitive tonight?" Tallyn murmurs.

    "Ah...not exactly," she starts. "It's long and complicated. But for the most part, yes."

  141. "And we'll be together for many more."

  142. Gill sighed. "I remember when we were like that, fresh faced and new. Don't you, Tallyn?"

    "That was seventy five years ago. So yes. Did you find everything you needed on your errand earlier?"

    "Yes, Madam Appleman was-"

    "Delightful, isn't she? Archibald is a riot, too. You'd never know she raised him from a kitten."

  143. "Never would have guessed," Goddard says, trying to picture such a thing.

  144. "A touching story," Tallyn tells him. "She was recently widowed, he orphaned. She took him in and made him her apprentice."

    "That is sweet," Aara sighs.

  145. "It does, doesn't- "

    The door flies open and Two runs in, a sheet clutched around his waist and panic in his face. "Four! Thank gods I found you!"

    "What's wrong?"

    "Oh my, he is cute!"

    Two stops panicking long enough to smile charmingly at Gill. "My thanks," he says. "Four! I made stuff light up!"

    The pink skinned girl from earlier, also draped in a sheet, leans on the doorjamb. "I told you already," she says boredly. "It's just a spell. Simple magic. Children can do Light."

  146. "Two can use magic too? I'm not helping him," Goddard mumbles.

  147. "Look Sheik!" he says excitedly, picking up his glass. He closes his eyes and strains, trying to make it light up.

    "Careful, you don't want to pop," Gill laughs.

    Aara waits patiently until his face gets red. "Ok, stop," she says. "I'm sorry, but we do need to go. Apparently I have a genius on my hands."

    Gill stands and kisses her cheek, and Tallyn pulls her close, brushing his lips across her cheek lightly, grazing the corner of her mouth. Aara blushes and he holds her closer. "Later, perhaps?" he murmurs.

  148. "Sure we'd love to come back later. We'll bring Gath and a properly dressed Two," Goddard says. He wraps an arm around Aara and pulls her along with him out the door.

  149. Two follows them out, babbling about his new talent. "I really am a better version of myself!" he laughs, tossing the girl over his shoulder. "Let's go celebrate, Kryn!"

    Aara giggles nervously as she's swept out the door. "They're nice."

  150. "Really? I'm thinking more, obnoxious? That sounds like it fits better."

  151. "You don't like them? I thought Gill was sweet."

  152. She pulls him to a stop and lets Two pass them. Pushing him against the wall, she looks up at him with a small smile. "Is something wrong, love?"

  153. "We're not in a room?" he grins. "Though if we just went at it right here, maybe a certain someone would see and realize that you're interested in being alone with me and not him."

  154. She gasped, pretending to be scandalized. "Those are the words of a jealous, possessive man." She pins his arms to his side and presses against him.

  155. "Oh? Not me. Never." He presses his face into her neck before giving her a few kisses.

  156. "What a shame..." she murmurs. "A jealous man would be so passionate, I think. Not that you lack passion."

  157. "I could give it a try I suppose. You are mine after all and no one else can have..." He pauses and rests his chin on the top of her head. "Did does that preventative work? Before I take myself to the point of no return."

  158. She giggles. "Archibald said an ounce a day, every day. It tastes like pond scum."

  159. "Should we wait a day? Just to be certain?"

  160. "Madam said it would be fine after an hour or so. She gave me a dose in her lab."

  161. "That's an hour right? More than an hour."

  162. "More than an hour," she agrees. "I'll take a double dose just to be sure tomorrow..."

  163. "Then let's go and put the room we were so kindly given to good use."

  164. "Are you going to throw me over your shoulder and run the way Two did just now?"

  165. "Is that what a jealous and possessive man would do?" He shrugs and does just that a lot more smoothly than he even thought he could. "Let's go celebrate magic or something!" he laughs.

  166. Gill pops his head out the door. "Why is there so much-" He sees Aara over Goddard's shoulder and laughs.

    She waves, laughing, as Goddard runs for the stairs.

  167. He carries her into her room, assuming Sethai would be in his and gently plops Aara down on the bed. He crawls onto the bed as well and props himself up over her.

  168. Suddenly shy, she reaches up and puts a hand on his cheek. "Just as beautiful as when we first met." Tangling her hand in his hair, she pulls him down for a kiss.
