Friday, February 26, 2016

"No. He says he wants to drink all my gold away or he won't work for anyone who's not a druchii. We're still druchii to him. Maybe one day he won;t feel that way. Eventually he'll have to and then who knows what he'll do."


  1. She shrugs. "Those seem like decent enough reasons to hang around. It's as good as Two's." She sighs and leans against him. "For two people who didn't want to have a family, we've certainly ended up with one," she laughs. "A little ironic, isn't it?"

  2. "I never want children but a family is fine but then again, I suppose our definition of family is different?"

  3. "I'm pretty sure Two is a child," she laughs. "But I suppose it is." She pauses at a stall to look over some dried fruit, and for the first time she doesn't hate the sight of her hands. "Hm. I think your jewelry is helping, Goddard," she tells him with a smile. "It was a good idea."

  4. "Of course it was a good idea. I only have good ideas," he grins.

  5. She smiles indulgently and makes agreeable sounds. "Do we stick out?" she asks, looking around. "I mean, nobody really dresses or looks like we do..."

  6. "I've always stood out. Now I feel like I might fit in more and that will take some getting used to." A couple walks by them and they both give Goddard flirtatious stares and waves. Goddard can't help but wave back.

    "Ah I'm sorry lecai. That's something else I'm not entirely used to."

  7. She shrugs. "It's fine, hayati. I've always known you were a flirt. I talked with Gill, he explained a lot."

  8. "Explained what? Did he say something about me? And to think, I was starting to like him!"

  9. "Calm down," she laughs. "He explained how this open agreement idea works. And how I can adjust to it."

  10. "Oh. Well then that was nice of him. I'm sorry I couldn't explain it to you better myself though. I've never had to try and explain it."

  11. "Birds!" she pulls him over to a large display full of brightly colored birds of all sizes. "You're also not the jealous kind," she adds, admiring a pair in a cage. "And I am, so he explained it from a different perspective." She glances at him with a grin. "I know what I have to do now."

  12. "Get a bird?" he asks, unsure of what she might say. "I'd suggest a corvid of some kind."

  13. She shakes her head. "I doubt birds would do well with our nomadic ways."

  14. "A corvid would," he nods. "But I don't really see any here. It's like a fluttering rainbow."

  15. "It does sound pretty, but no, no birds. After having to leave Ibben behind, I don't think I want another pet." She turns away from the birds. "Do you need anything? Another trip to the apothecary?"

  16. "I could always use more supplies to make 'magic' with. You can never have too many."

  17. She weaves her arm through his again. "Has your magic changed much? I was surprised to learn Two and Gath have it."

  18. "I'm not surprised. Elves have always had the ability to tap into magic easily. We gave it to the humans and even the druchii in Naggaroth could do it. They just weren't allowed to. Gath could have always done it and apparently only being part elf means you inherent some sort of ability, even if it's as silly as what Two can do. What I can do hasn't really changed I suppose. It's how I do it."

  19. She has to force herself not to tell him. I want to surprise him when I can really control it. "Maybe Two and his glowing pillows will be useful," she says instead. "Was he a good student this morning?"

  20. "Surprisingly yes, he was a very good student. He took it seriously and keeps practicing."

  21. "He was like that before, too. I remember him being a very serious with Ustadh; especially if it's something that could be dangerous. He doesn't play around until he knows he can do it safely."

  22. "And maybe when you finally admit it, I can help you with your magic," he snickers. "I even gave Gath an initial lesson though I don't think he needed it. Not sure why he bothered."

  23. "Me? I haven't set anything on fire or frozen things."

  24. "You don't have to have done that. I think that requires more skill though. What Two and Gath do is very small and temporary. I think you and Gath can do the same thing."

  25. She frowns. "Are you talking about this morning with my hair? I still don't know what happened."

  26. Goddard shrugs. "I can't help you figure out what happened if you don't believe me. And it made you so mad for whatever reason. I thought I'd just wait for you to come to me if you found something out."

  27. "How would you feel if Two had magic and you didn't? He's an idiot. It was pretty disappointing. Maybe someone in the crowd did something to my hair? What was wrong with it, anyway?"

  28. "But you do have magic," he sighs. "You'll see."

  29. "It's fine if I don't, nuur'eni."

    He's going to ruin the surprise...

  30. "You do," he mutters. "But you're just being stubborn. I'm not surprised," Goddard chuckles.

  31. Goddard smiles and kisses her head as they walk.

  32. She wraps an arm around his waist, smiling. "Gill asked me to dinner earlier, do you want to come?"

  33. "Is this part of our agreement? Because I really have no choice then do I?"

  34. She laughs. "You don't have to go if you don't want. I'm sure they won't hold it against you. I, however, will have to find a dress. He said we were going out."

  35. "Would I have to get dressed up? I like my robes."

  36. "Your hem looks a little you still have the nicer ones I embroidered? Those might still be fine."

  37. Goddard glances at all the windows of the shops around him and something catches his eye. "I've got it." He grabs her hand and leads her to a window, pointing out a black shirt with shimmering purple and silver embroidery. "It's better than I thought," he mutters, noticing the pattern on the back is a stylized raven done with the same shimmering thread.

  38. "That's lovely. So you'll come?"

  39. "Only after I buy that," he smiles and rushes in to get the shirt.

    "I've never really gotten anything like this for myself. I'm a little excited about it." He says once they exit the shop again. "Let's find you something now."

  40. "It's very nice, I like the raven."

    She follows him into a dress shop. The first thing that catches her eye is a fitted black jacket with a fluttering, hip length skirt slightly longer in back than front attached. "Ooh," she murmurs, "this is nice. Look! It has a hood!"

  41. "Is that what you want to get? I think it would amazing on you. Or off you. On the floor, piled in a corner," he grins

  42. She grins and tries it on. "I think it's a start," she says, turning to look at the lace up back in a nearby mirror. Her eyes go wide, and she turns around, moving toward a deep blue dress. "Oh," she whispers, walking around the dress form. Cut daringly low, it's made up of many layers of silk flaring from the hip. Along the neckline and hem is silver scrolling embroidery. "Oh."

  43. "That would look even better in the corner."

  44. She looks at him from the corner of her eye, smirking. "Should I try it on?"

  45. "We shouldn't do that right now in the store!" he gasps.

  46. She laughs. "I'm talking about wearing it, not taking it off." She asks the salesperson to help her into a room and hands him the jacket. "I'll be back."

    "This will look lovely with your odd coloring," the girl says, helping Aara into it and making a few pinned adjustments. "Look, almost no alterations, too!"

    "That's a first," Aara mutters.

    "Want to go show him?"

    With a little squeal, she gathers up the numerous layers and goes into the store. "So what do you think?" she asks, letting the dress settle around her.

  47. Goddard frowns. "Do we really have to go? Do we? Do I really have to share you? I'd rather keep you all to myself." His frown quickly becomes a large grin.

  48. "Selfish," she accuses, swishing her skirts at him. "I like this place, clothes fit me here."

  49. "And yet another positive to this whole thing. Best part is your ears."

  50. She winks and goes back to the dressing room so the girl can make adjustments. Before they leave she buys a dark purple dress, pants, a tunic, two more shirts and the black jacket.

    "I'm going to need to sell some of those loose gems I have," she laughs as they leave. "I won't be able to pay for my leathers tomorrow otherwise."

  51. "Then let's go do that while we're out and about. Maybe I'll find something else to wear that isn't the same robe look."

  52. She nods, glad she keeps a few handfuls in her purse just in case. At a jeweler, she sells most of them, replenishing her funds. "I can't wait for you to see my new armor," she tells him. "It's gorgeous."

  53. "What's it look like? Or will it be a surprise?"

  54. "It's- ah...befitting all my former occupations," she says vaguely. "But you'll like it, I'm sure."

  55. "What did Gath find? Or um never mind. I'll see all this armor later."

  56. "I couldn't tell you anyway. We went to separate armorers," she tells him. "I wasn't expecting to find anything, really. I was still hoping my scales would shownup somewhere."

  57. "I'm glad you found something but with the way this place is, I'm pretty sure you could find almost anything."

  58. "Seems like it." She spots another clothing shop with a tunic in the window. Darker blue than her dress, it has black and gray satin trim and long, slightly flared sleeves. "Oh you need that!" she says, pulling him inside. "Just because you're a wizard doesn't mean you only have to wear robes."

  59. "I like robes thank you very much," he jokes. "But I really do like that. I agree. I need it."

  60. "I'm fond of them too," she agrees. "They allow for extraordinarily easy access. But you have a rather impressive backside..." she adds, running her hand over said bodypart. Aara sends him into a dressing room with a black shirt and some rather form fitting pants.

  61. Goddard goes into the dressing room and not even five seconds go by when he hears a soft voice call from the other side of the curtain.

    "Did you need any help?" she asks.

    "I should be fine, thank you," Goddard replies.

    The head of a beautiful girl peeks in. Her medium length hair is a deep blue, almost black and she has two tiny horns on her forehead. She looks Goddard up and down with her green eyes and smiles. "Are you sure?"

    "I suddenly feel like I have no idea what I'm doing."

  62. Aara pokes around, picking out some new clothes for Two while she waits and trying to ignore the pretty girl loitering near the dressing rooms.

    "Fancy meeting you here."

    Looking up, she smiles at Tallyn. "Hello, Tallyn."

    He walks up and bows, kissing her fingertips softly. "Feeling better, I see."

    As he rises up, he doesn't let go of her hand. "With nuur'eni, for dinner tonight."

    "Oh, the nuur'ninny is coming."

    "Gill said he could come-"

    Tallyn only smiles and draws her near. "I don't mind," he assures her. "Bring him."

  63. "Then why don't I help you out..." she pauses and slides into the room. "Of your clothes, you long and flexy thing you."

  64. "Have some shopping to do yourself?" she asks, eyes downcast.

    "Replacing a shirt that I chivalrously allowed a beautiful woman to ruin."

    She gasps and looks up. "Oh please let me buy it. I'm sorry."

    Tallyn chuckles and runs the back of his fingers down the side of her neck. "If I can't allow you to ruin my clothes, then I'm not worthy of your attention."

  65. She says a lot of things that might be helpful about fitting clothes but Goddard isn't paying attention. All he can focus on are her hands sliding across his body, smoothing out the fabric over areas he's pretty positive don't need any smoothing.

    He jumps when she pricks him with a needle as she tries to pin a bit of the fabric. "Oh I'm sorry," she says, kissing his jaw apologetically.

    "Oh's fine...really," he stammers.

    "You like that huh? Well we wouldn't want to ruin your beautiful new shirt now would we?"

  66. Aara giggles, leaning toward him. "I really am sorry about earlier," she murmurs.

    "Why are you apologizing? It was a lovely kiss."

    "I was drunk."

    He tilts her chin up. "Perhaps we can try it again? Without my rude interruptions?"

  67. Goddard shakes his head and she takes a step back. "You should probably change so we can get your new clothes taken care of."

  68. He's a hair's breadth away when she winces and leans away. "Goddard is taking a long time just to try on some clothes."

    Tallyn clenches his jaw and nods. "Shall I check on him?"

    "Oh, um, no. I'll don't."

    Tallyn walks her over to Goddard room and twitches the curtain open a bit. "Nuur'eni? Are you-" She clears her throat and closes the curtain, face burning.

  69. Goddard quickly pulls away from kissing the girl when he sees Aara. "Ah ha sorry," he mumbles, scooping up the rest of his clothes and throwing them on.

    She looks at him with an almost amused disappointment and carefully folds his hew clothes. "I'll take care of these for you." She skips out of the room and past Aara.

    Goddard waits a few seconds before he steps out as well. "Aara I'm sor...Tallyn?!" he says surprised.

  70. Tallyn grins. "Hello again, nuur'ninny."

    Clenching her jaw, Aara carefully folds the clothes she picked out for Two and pays for them. It takes all her self control not to stab the girl.

  71. "Aara," Goddard tries again, ignoring Tallyn. "I'm sorry. I'll just shun everyone. Please don't be ma..." He stops talking and smiles at the girl as she returns with his clothes. "Thank you," he stammers, handing over coins.

    She nods with a smile. "Come back anytime." She winks before she turns around and walks away.

    "Aara," he whines softly.

  72. Aara grabs her package and turns to him with a smile. "I'm not mad. Tallyn, we'll see you tonight?"

    Tallyn tries to hide his amusement and bows over her hand, kissing the inside of her wrist. "Of course, sweetheart."

    Tossing her hair, she nods to the door. "Shall we, hayati?"

  73. "Yes," he mumbles, hugging the package with his new clothes. He walks behind her, unsure of what to do to fix his mistake.

    His ears perk up. I didn't think I'd have to use that spare jewelry I got so soon. Idiot.

  74. Aara pauses and lets him catch up. "What's wrong? Didn't you like the clothes? You don't have to buy something you don't like."

  75. "I do like them. I just...don't pretend it didn't..." he groans and rubs his forehead. "I have something for you when we get back," he smiles.

  76. "I was surprised," she admits. "I just didn't expect to find you tangled up with someone in there." Maybe I'm a little mad. But I have no reason to be. I almost did the same thing.

  77. "I'll make it up to you," he smiles. "And if I can still come to dinner, I'll behave especially if it's just Gill and Sunny."

  78. "You don't have to make it up to me. And you can come if you want."

  79. She stops walking. "Please don't make it up to me," she pleads. "Because if you do, then it'll be like you've done something wrong, and you haven't. That's not how I want this to work, nuur'eni."

  80. "I already feel as if I've done something wrong. It's too late."

  81. He narrows his eyes. I don't believe her. Not for a second. She's testing me. Goddard smiles and stands beside her. "Well what do you want to do now then?"

  82. "You still need to go to the apothecary," she reminds him. "We got distracted." Not jealous. Just let it go, like Gill said, and be better.

  83. "I guess we can stop there since we're already out." He holds his arm out, hoping she'll take it and walk with him.

  84. Aara juggles her packages so she can take his arm. "We should have gotten a cart to carry all this."

  85. Goddard loops his tail around his package and takes hers in his free arm. "There."

  86. "No- you can't -" She sighs, amused. "That wasn't what I meant. You know there are things for Two in there."

  87. Goddard shrugs. "There are things in here for you too aren't there?"

  88. "You know there are. You just don't like Two. More than anyone's not liked Two. Ever."

  89. "I'm not carrying anything for him. I'm carrying things for you," he grins.

  90. She rolls her eyes and gives up. "We should get some tea, too. I don't want to have to go downstairs every time I'm thirsty."

  91. He nods. "Maybe the place with the alcohol and candy and such has tea. Unless you saw some where else you wanted to try."

  92. "I figured I'd just ask Madam Appleman. Maybe Archibald can point me in the right direction."

  93. "That's a much better idea than wandering around."

  94. She nods. When they reach Appleman's Apothecary, she stops him before going in. "Give me those, and you can explore the shelves freely," she says, holding her hands out for their packages.

  95. He hands them over and smiles nervously. "Thank you lecai. My hands will be full of nothing but all the supplies I'm running low on."

  96. She stays by the door, not wanting to bump into anything with so much in her arms.

    "Welcome back," Archibald says dryly. "Anything I can help you with?"

  97. "Sadly, my mental list of supplies is so scattered, I wouldn't know what I needed until I saw it."

  98. The cat shrugs and goes back to his lists, and Aara watches people out the window.

  99. Goddard moves quickly, not wanting to take too long and cause suspicion like last time. He easily finds ingredients he needed and some he had forgotten he could have made something useful with.

  100. Well, it happened. Much sooner than I thought. But I didn't get mad and lose my temper. But that was so embarrassing with Tallyn there. Her jaw clenches at the memory. But I handled it, right? And I didn't shut him or out or yell. Maybe I can live with this arrangement.

  101. He takes everything up to the desk and as he's counting out coins asks, "Would you happen to have tea? Or know of a place where we could find some really good tea?"

  102. Archibald nods. "We blend tea here. We have herbal, floral, green, white, and black. Looking for anything in particular?"

  103. Goddard draws a blank on the kinds of tea Aara has made. "Hmmm surprise me? Two different kinds."

  104. Archibald nods and turns to a wall of jars behind him. "We'll start with our most popular, a black tea with bergamont. And...something lighter? White, perhaps?" he mutters to himself. "Or...I know!"

    He spends a few moments mixing a twa filled with dark brown, red, and blue bits before tossing in a handful of odd yellow pieces.

    "Here you are," he says, adding up the total.

  105. "Thank you very much." Goddard gathers everything up and heads outside to Aara. "I got you tea," he smiles. "I wasnt sure what kind so I asked Archi to surprise me. You have two mystery teas."

  106. Aara jumps a little, lost in her thoughts. "Oh, thank you," she says with a smile. "It completely slipped my mind. Mm, they smell good," she adds and kisses his cheek.

  107. "Anything else we need before dinner?"

  108. "I can't think of anything...I wish I had time to train a little. Two could use a could beating."

  109. "Where could we even train? Not in our room. We'll have to ask Gill and Sunny. I'm sure they'll do back flips to accommodate you," he chuckles.

  110. She gives him a disbelieving look. "I doubt that. Our novelty will wear off soon, I'm sure."

  111. "By the time it wears off, we might all be really close friends. Well, maybe you and Gill and then it won't matter."

  112. "Maybe. We'll have to ask later."

  113. "Shall we go back and get ready? I'm running out of limbs to hold things with."

  114. She laughs and takes half the packages, looping her arm through his. "I hope Gill and Tallyn can control themselves. We're going to make a pretty attractive pair tonight."

  115. "I know I'll control myself," he laughs.

  116. "You don't necessarily have too..."

  117. "Of course I do! I want you to have a good time."

  118. She just nods instead of insisting that she isn't upset again. "I'm sure we'll have a good time."

  119. "I'll even try not to insult Su-I mean, Tallyn. See? Already working on it."

  120. She laughs lightly. "You are, love."

    Back at the inn, she dumps a package in Two's lap. "Here. Try these on. Also, I'm going out tonight. Behave yourself."

    He sits up. "Want me to go?"

    She laughs, carrying her things to her room. "Heavens no. I'm quite capable of guarding myself."

  121. Goddard goes into his room and dumps everything out onto the bed. Sethai lifts his head up, annoyed at almost being crushed by bottles and such. Goddard then begins to dump out other bags until he finds the package with the matching jewelry he had gotten earlier. "Ah good," he sighs.

    He changes into his new clothes, deciding to wear the black shirt with the raven, and admires himself in the mirror.

    "Where are you going?" Otto asks.

    Goddard spins around. "Father! I'm having dinner with Aara and two...hmmm...friends."

    Otto laughs. "Well, you look really nice."

    "Thank you." He sits on the bed beside Otto. "Do we have any level of self control? Can I tap into it?"

    "What do you mean?"

    "Do you think you could ever just stop eating chocolate."

    Otto makes a pained noise that scares Goddard. "Father are you alright?"

    "Why would you ever suggest a thing?" Otto says.

  122. To her surprise, a maid knocks on Aara's door moments after she arrives. "I'm here to help you dress, miss," the girl says softly.

    Wrapped in a robe, Aara smiles appreciatively. "Thank the gods," she laughs. "I'm terribly inept at more than a braid or a bun."

    The girl returns her smile. "Well, miss, I happen to be well trained in styling hair and applying cosmetics. Shall we?" she asks, gesturing to the vanity for Aara to sit.

  123. "I was wondering if there was hope for me!"

    "There was never any hope for you son..."


    Otto snickers.

  124. "Such scars...Ph, I'm sorry miss. That was rude of me."

    Aara looks at her in the mirror and smiles. "Don't apologize. I'm something of a war hero in my land. I have many scars."

    "Would you prefer to wear your hair down?"

    "Up, please. They don't bother me."

  125. "Just be yourself. How can you ever hope to be with someone for so long if you can't be yourselves and love each other for yourselves? And if you end up hating each other for who you are, then there's no point..."

    "No!" Goddard interrupts. "I don't want to think about that..."

  126. After sweeping her hair up and securing it with pins, the girl turns Aara around and begins brushing powders over her eyelids. Aara applies khol around her eyes and a touch of paint to her lips before sending the girl away.

    Before getting dressed, Aara straps two daggers at her ankles, another two on her thighs, and two small, flat throwing knives to her forearms. Figuring that's good enough for a night out, she changes into her dress.

  127. "You will and I know you have already. You'll figure everything out. You're smart."

    Goddard smiles.

    "I mean, you'd have to be. I raised you and I'm the smartest person I know!"

    "Oh shut up." Goddard sighs. "I'm glad you're here."

    "I'm glad I'm here too," Otto nods. "Now go and have fun."

    Goddard leaves his room and goes into the common room to wait for Aara.

  128. Aara sits in front of the mirror and removes her gold jewelry, thinking it will clash with the silver on her dress and saving the Pendant of Morr for last.

    I haven't taken it off since the old woman gave it to me. Thay feels like a lifetime ago.

    Without the gold, all that's left is Goddard's ring and the bracelet ring combination he bought her the night before. Smoothing her long sleeves over the weapons strapped to her forearm, she admires how the amethysts compliment the dark blue fabric. Looking at herself in the mirror, she shrugs and stands. "I guess thats it," she says, going into the common room.

  129. When Aara steps into the room, Goddard immediately goes up to her. "You look beautiful. You just keep getting more beautiful every day. Please slow down. One day, you'll stop my heart."

  130. She rolls her eyes, but can't help the big smile she gives him. "You're such a liar," she teases.

    Two whistles from the table where he pours some wine. "That's some dress. Those tiny breasts of yours look good. How many weapons do you have on you?"

  131. Goddard points at Two. "Shut up. I swear I'll turn you into a frog and leave you that way and Sethai has eaten frogs before." He turns back to Aara and holds out a small silken package.

  132. "What? It was a compliment. How many, anyway?"


    "Good girl."

    Aara eyes the package suspiciously. "This is why I think it is, is it? Because I'm not upset."

    "Sheik why do you want Four mad at you?"

  133. "I don't want her mad at me!" Goddard snaps. "Why do you think I got her jewelry? Jewelry doesn't make women mad!"

  134. With a deep sigh, Aara puts the box down and crosses her arms. "Stop it."

  135. "Yes Two, stop. I told you to shut up already."

  136. "You're the one biting my head off! All I did was ask a question! I'm not the one doing things to make her mad."

    "If you two are going to fight, I'll go alone."

  137. "If you leave me here with him we'll just keep fighting! Open it and then we can go."

  138. She starts to protest, but closes her mouth, knowing the only way to stop their argument is to just open the box. Goddard won't feel better until I do, and Two won't stop pestering him until he knows why.

    Opening the box, she sees a necklace and earrings to match her bracelets. "Oh Goddard, they're beautiful," she says, smiling up at him.

  139. "And you'll make them look even better."

  140. She hands him the necklace and turns around. "Would you mind?"

  141. Goddard picks up the necklace and takes his time securing the clip. Enough time to give Two a smug smile. "There you are lecai."

  142. Turning back to him, she puts on the earrings. "There. Better?"

    "You look lovely, Four," Two mutters into his cup.

  143. Goddard grins at Aara. "Well, let's go." He takes her arm before they leave and gives Two a wave good bye.

  144. "I'm going out later," Two calls behind them.

    "Fine," Aara responds with a wave. "Give Kryn my regards."

    Out in the hall, she sighs. "Why do you two always have to fight? At least Gath and I exchange barbs and go on."

  145. "I've never seriously come to you wanting to get rid of Two though after we've fought."

  146. "Oh no no. Only semi-serious. Serious enough," he teases.

  147. "A little," she agrees, squeezing his arm. They meet Gill and Tallyn on the stairs, and Gill stops and dramatically puts his hand over his heart.

    "By the gods, I'm being struck blind," he gasps.

    Aara laughs at him as Tallyn steps closer and bows over her hand, kissing the inside of her wrist. "You're that a knife?"

  148. "Multiple knives," Goddard tells him.

  149. Tallyn grins and pulls her close. "I like to line dangerously," he murmurs.

    Aara laughs and untangles herself from him. "Hopefully not as dangerously as we do," she quips, shifting back toward Goddard.

    Gill grabs Goddard's other arm. "Your lady has blinded me," he declares, "I'm in desperate need of an escort."

  150. "Me? Why me? Tallyn has two perfectly good arms."

  151. Gill smiles wickedly as they walk on. "I'm dying to know what gives Aara such a captivated look when you smile at her."

  152. "Well, you'll be dead in no time," he laughs nervously.

  153. "Oh my, you must not be as fragile as you look, sweetheart," Tallyn says, grabbing Gill and walking before them. "I can't let my own dear husband risk his life."

    Aara grins at Goddard. "Let's say I'm tougher than I look."

  154. Gill sighs. "You never let me have any fun," he pouts.

    Aara chuckles as Tallyn laughs at him. "I'm sure I'll find some way to make it unto you," he says in a bored tone.

    "But I'm missing out..."

    "I'm sure he's not that good, my heart," Tallyn insists. "Now Aara, on the other hand...we can share her if she's all right with that."

    Aara looks at Goddard and raises a brow. "You are that good, nuur'eni," she assures him.

  155. "I guess he'll never know," he shrugs with a smile.

  156. As they step outside, they see two large sedan chairs waiting fir them. "My, this must have been some favor you did," Tallyn says.

    Gill only grins and reaches for Aara's hand. "Shall we, oh radiant one?"

    Aara kisses Goddard's cheek and climbs into the sedan with Gill while Tallyn approaches the second. "Come along, Goddard."

  157. "Yeah sure," Goddard mumbles, following him.

  158. "Why so sullen?" He asks, settling in. "Surely you two have made up from that little interlude this afternoon?"

  159. "I don't know. She said she's not mad but I don't believe she isn't mad."

  160. "A wise man would take her word for it," Tallyn observed. "She seemed rather calm, if a bit embarrassed to stumble upon it. Isn't that what you two wanted?"

  161. "That's what I wanted because that's how I thought it would always be. That's not what humans do and I know, I know, she's not a human now, but she still thinks very much like a human."

  162. "Then she's made an admirable effort on your behalf." Tallyn shifted to face him. "If she isn't behaving like she's angry, don't demean her attempt."

  163. "I'm not. I'm just being careful. I don't want to lose her but I also don't want a repeat of what happened to my face. Even though she said it would never happen again, I'm sure anyone could understand why I would want to be careful."

  164. "So you'll have to trust her." He frowns. "What did she do to your face?"

  165. "Put a permanent smile on my face," he laughs.

  166. Tallyn stares at him a moment before laughing loudly. "She did that?" he laughs, pointing at her laughing with Gill. "That dainty woman? My my, she just gets more and more intriguing..."

  167. "Don't let her size fool you. Let that be a warning if you try anything funny," he chuckles.

  168. Tallyn raises a brow. "I don't intend to amuse her. But all the same, I suggest you act normally so that you don't upset her."

  169. "I'll try. But you two can help me out. Don't touch me. Don't let anyone else but her touch me."

  170. "Maybe I seem to have issues with self control...maybe...a little bit...that woman in the dressing room took full advantage of that."

  171. Tallyn chuckles. "Obviously. And your natural allure doesn't seem to help matters. But you do realize that you both have to be honest and accepting of one another -and your flaws- for your relationship to work. It took Gill and I years to figure it out. Have you actually talked about what happened today?"

  172. "Not really? And I can see how that could be a problem." He holds his head in his hands. "I'll just keep doing it."

  173. Tallyn chuckles again and pats him on the back. "Get through tonight, and explain your concerns when we get back. If you two can't reach a real compromise, you're fighting a losing battle. If you can, I hope you're half as happy as I am with Gill."

  174. "What you said is similar to what my father said. It's good advice. Makes sense. But it's easier said than done I suppose."

  175. "I can assure you it is. And if I might offer a last piece of advice: be just as adoring to her in front of other lovers as you are alone. It will help keep her feeling secure in your affections. Ah, here we are," he says as they arrive at a small restaurant.

  176. "Adoring her is easy." He makes his way over to Aara as quickly as possible so that he can help her climb out.

  177. "Why thank you, nuur'eni." Aara offers him a dazzling smile as she takes his hand to her down. "I hope your ride wasn't too trying?"

    "Abominable," Tallyn declares, claiming his own date. "Your nuur'ninny is incapable of conversation."

  178. "Sunny is pretty terrible at conversations. Couldn't have one with him even if I tried." Goddard kisses her hand before he tucks it under his arm.

  179. "I should kick him," Tallyn tells Gill.

    "But he has such a finely made backside..." he whines.

    Aara smiles and leans on his arm.

  180. Goddard kisses the top of her head. "Did you have a nice ride with? Or could you not even think with the amount of talking I'm sure he did."

  181. "It was nice. He's lending me a book of poetry."

  182. "That's nice. You can never read too many books." He follows behind Tallyn and Gill, trying to calm his mind and focus on Aara and having a nice time.

  183. After an exquisite meal that Gill only smiles and doesn't pay for, they make their way back home.

    "Goodnight, my darlings!" A drunk Gill shouts, stumbling over Tallyn and fussing at him for it.

    Aara laughs, almost drunk herself. "Goodnight!" she calls, scooping her skirts up with one hand and clinging to Goddard.

  184. "Careful. Don't knock me over," Goddard laughs. "I'm only slightly better off than you. Let's get you on a couch or bed or something. Something soft."

  185. "Mmm, you're soft," she murmurs and presses herself against him. "Some places less than others."

  186. He chuckles mischievously. "A bed then?"

  187. "Do we have to go that far? It's all the way at the top."

  188. She giggles and pulls him into the nearest broom closet.

  189. "This is good," he murmurs as he closes the door behind them with his tail while his hands are busy with her.

  190. A little while and a lot of wrinkled clothes later, Aara peeks out the door before slipping out and toward the staircase. "Come on," she laughs, trying to avoid being noticed by the patrons. "I think I can make it upstairs now."

  191. "I didn't do a very good job then did I? But I suppose it's for the best. I wouldn't want to leave you unable to move in a broom closet."
