Monday, February 22, 2016

Tallyn gets back to his feet. "Gill, I told-" he opens the door wide and scowls. "You. Look, she doesn't want to see you."


  1. "And why should I believe you? You just want to keep her from me."

  2. "If she did, she wouldn't have come to see me," he says smugly. "You are, after all, the one who caused all this."

    Aara lifts her head from the pillow she's buried it in and sees four men at two doors. "Goddard?"

    "Don't worry, sweetheart. I'll get rid of him."

  3. "You're obviously just taking advantage of her," Goddard snorts.

  4. "I don't take advantage of drunk women. I don't have to."

    "Don't fight..." Aara says quietly.

    "I promised she didn't have to see you, and you'll have to get through me before you do." He smirks. "Frankly, I don't think you can. Hit me," he mouths.

  5. For a second, Goddard contemplates hitting him in the mouth but he instead hits him in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him. He pats him on the back and goes to Aara.

    "Come on lecai. I'm here."

  6. Aara looks up at him blearily, her bottom lip quivering.

  7. Goddard wraps his arms around her and hugs her tightly. "Do you want me to stay here with you or do you want me to help you get to your room?"

  8. "I can't see anyone," she mumbles. "And I'm drunk. That lady thought it was a good idea."

  9. "That's alright if you're drunk and what do you mean you can't see anyone?"

  10. "I'm so petty," she moans. "And I don't have my hands"

  11. He chuckles and grabs her hands. "You have your hands lecai."

  12. She hiccups. "Did you yell at Gath?"

  13. "I did, so you don't have to worry about him anymore."

  14. She looks down. "You shouldn't have. He was just being his typical self. He doesn't like me very much."

    Tallyn catches his breath and slips out, closing the door behind him.

  15. "He doesn't like anyone and he deserves to know that hurting you is far from acceptable. His typical behavior doesn't usually involve this kind of reaction so don't worry. He deserved it."

  16. Her head hangs even lower. "No he didn't. We just snapped at each other as normal. I don't know why I got so mad."

  17. "Is something else going on then? Is it your hands? You know that wasn't what made you who you are. You made you."

  18. "It's different, Goddard. I feel," she sighs. "Do you remember how you felt the night you tried to get rid of your mutations?"

  19. "I felt a lot of things but yes I remember."

  20. "I feel like that. Naked and scared. I don't even know how it happened." She sniffs. "Everyone else woke up pretty much the same, or better...but I must have done something wrong."

  21. "I was happy too. Like I said, I felt a lot of things but horns, tail, fangs or none of it at all, I'm the same so you're the same. If you had done something wrong, don't you think you may have been punished with an extra eye or four legs or the horns you cut off grown back?" he snickers.

  22. She frowns. "Horns? I never cut off any horns."

  23. "That example was lost on you wasn't it?" he smiles. "Let's go to your room so you can sleep this off and then please, can we talk?"

  24. She nods, setting the pillow aside. "I feel kinda sick..."

  25. Goddard moves slightly behind her. "Please don't throw up on me lecai. That's disgusting."

  26. She puts a hand on her forehead. "I don't think I'm that sick." She stumbles, falling to the floor and knocking over a large floor vase.

    "Oops," she laughs.

  27. "That was already broken before we got here. We are not responsible for that," he says quickly, scooping her up and carrying her out.

  28. "Oooohhh," she moans, closing her eyes against the wave of dizziness.

  29. "I'm taking a great risk here," he mumbles as he carefully carries her toward their apartment.

  30. Two looks up from a book when they come in. "Is she hurt?" he asks, worried.

  31. "She's just drunk. Very very drunk but she's alright." He carries her into her room and lays her on the bed. "Do you need anything?"

  32. She shakes her head, crawling under her pillows. "Maybe a bucket?"

  33. "Yes." Goddard quickly runs into the common room and spots a bucket full of cut flowers. He dumps them out onto the floor and rushes back to Aara. "Here you go."

  34. He's greeted with a little snore from underneath a mountain of pillows.

  35. "Oh good," he sighs and places the bucket on the floor close to the bed. "Sleep well my love," Goddard says softly, lifting the pillow up and kissing her cheek.

  36. "Is excessive drinking new, or does she always do this when she gets upset?" Two asks from the door, turning a page.

  37. "I'm not sure it was necessarily excessive and more the strength of the drink. Gath had something he didn't need much of to really affect him and I had one drink while I was down there and I think it's getting to my head. How in the world did I carry her up here?"

  38. "Yes but I'm not the strongest. Physically anyway. I guess I should lay down before I fall over. I don't want you carrying me anywhere."

  39. Two chuckles and takes a chair near the window. "Never fear, Sheik," he says as he puts his feet on the sill. "I won't."

  40. "Good." Goddard goes into his room and groans when he sees Gath still on his bed and reading a book. "Why are you here still?" He crawls into bed and lays down. Goddard can feel his body relaxing and he begins to chuckles into the blankets, thinking about knocking the wind out of Tallyn. "Oh were asking for it."

  41. Tallyn plucks at his shirt as he takes his seat at the end of the bar. "How is she?" Gill asks.

    Sighing over the loss of a perfectly good shirt, he nods. "She's fine. I think whatever they went through is a little more intense than they indicated last night. She was having some sort of breakdown."

    "Well they're obviously young. He's 75 if he's a day."

    Tallyn laughs. "He's young? Gill, she was human two days ago. She's not even thirty."

    Gill laughs. "You always bring the most interesting people home, darling."

  42. "Who?" Gath stops reading for a moment. "Was she alright?"

    "Aara's fine and I punched Sunny."


    "Who?" Goddard laughs. "I had a drink."

    Gath open the book back up. "I see. Must have been a good one."

    "It was." He plays with the end of Gath's ear. "It was pretty strong."

    "I bet." He turns a page.

    "So what do you feel like doing?"


    Goddard frowns. "Really?"


    Goddard makes some grumbling sounds and snuggles against Gath. "I'll just rest my eyes then while you read."

  43. Two doesn't look up from his book on archaic battle strategem until he hears a low, miserable moan from beneath the pile of pillows on the bed.

    "So do you feel better?" he asks.

    "No," grains the pillows.

    "Made an ass of yourself, didn't you?"


    "Ready to talk?"

    Aara lifts her head, instantly overcome with nausea. Two laughs as she puts her head in the bucket and vomits.

  44. Goddard lifts his head. "Did you hear something?"

    "I think she vomited."

    Goddard gasps. "Don't worry lecai! I'm coming!" He pushes himself up but his hands slip on the edge of the bed and Goddard lands on the floor with a thud.

  45. Aara collapses on the bed, groaning, and Two closes his book. "Finished?"

    "I'm dying. Ask me later."

    He laughs and goes to pull the bell rope in the common room while she vomits again.

  46. Gath grabs Goddard by an arm and helps him to his feet.

    "No no I'm fine. I can walk," Goddard mumbles as he stumbles into almost everything in his path to the bathroom door.

    Gath sighs and walks beside him the rest of the way so he can steady himself.

    "I'm here!" Goddard says, opening her bedroom door. "What do you need my love!"

  47. "An exorcism," Two quips, grimacing so he opens the window and goes to answer the knock, bucket in hand.

    Aara just groans and drops back onto the pillow.

  48. Goddard crawls across the bed to Aara and rubs her back. "I'm here. I've fixed it all now haven't I?"

  49. "I'm dying. I'm never accepting drinks from a beautiful woman ever again," she moans into the pillow.

  50. "This is not the first time a beautiful woman has filled you with alcohol before is it?" Goddard asks. "How come I never get that kind of attention from beautiful women anymore? Maybe that will change in this place. Maybe Gill can give me more free drinks."

  51. Goddard pats her back. "I see. Understandable. Well I'll let you rest. Gath, help me up. I'm not sure I can make it."

  52. Two returns with an empty basin, and Aara reaches out and pats Goddard blindly on the head, "thank you, nuur'eni" barely understandable.

  53. "You're both pathetic," Gath sneers.

    "Why are you so mean?"

  54. She weakly makes a rude gesture behind her head.

  55. "Shhh lecai don't say those things," Goddard says pushing her hand down. "Alright Gath. I'm sorry. Help me up."

    Gath narrows his eyes.

    "Please?" Goddard begs.

  56. She leans over the side of the bed, reaching for the basin but only dry heaving. "Oh gods," she moans. "There's nothing left."

  57. "Well that's good isn't it?" Goddard gets to his feet and leans on Gath. "Now you can't vomit anymore. It's terrible. I avoid it at all costs."

  58. Aara manages to get to her feet with minimal nausea. "Standing. Improvement." Wavering on her feet, she waves at Goddard and makes her slow way into the bathroom, closing the door gently behind her.

  59. "Let's go," Gath says, practically shoving Goddard back into his own bed.

    "Stay here," Goddard mumbles into the pillow, wrapping his tail around Gath's leg and not letting go until he agrees to stay and read.

  60. She runs a bath and rinses out her mouth. "Uzzaya save me, I've made such a fool of myself," she says to the gray reflection in the mirror. "I have to apologize to Two and Goddard and..." her head droops. "Gill and Tallyn. Bless those two."

  61. Goddard sighs happily. The alcohol is relaxing him and twisting his fingers around Gath's hair is even more calming. Gath hasn't even tried to pry his tail from around his leg and Goddard smiles as if he were having a good dream.

  62. Up to her chin in bubbles, she sighs as the hot water soothes her aching head. Opening her hand, she focuses on the bubbles around her, gasping softly when a few large bubbles appear from her hand and float into the air.

    She said small magic, how small? Can I open the door?

    After a few tries, an Arabyan word appears on the steamy mirror as if she'd wrote it with her own finger. Headache forgotten, she laughs in delight, snuffing out a nearby candle.

    "Shit," she mutters when she can't get it lit again.

  63. Tired of hearing Goddard whine everytime he has to turn a page and take his hand off his head, Gath tries the magic from earlier. The page flips slowly without him even having to touch it.

    "Oh I like this," Gath says chuckles.

    "Mmmm me too," Goddard smiles.

    Gath swats Goddard's head. "Not you. This magic."

  64. Trying again, half the candles in the room go out. "Damn it," she mutters, sinking low in the water. The warmth and dim light and comforting scent of jasmine work against her, and it isn't long before Aara starts to doze.

  65. "Poor child, torturing yourself over this..."

    Aara opens her eyes and sees the pretty arabyan woman from her last dream. "Who are you?"

    The woman smiles and opens her arms to show her. "Don't you know, Aara? You talk to me all the time."

    Frowning in confusion, Aara studies her. "But I don't know you."

    Sadness falls over the woman's features. "Precious child. You really don't remember."

    "What have I forgotten?" she asks eagerly, leaning forward in the bath.

    "Why your marks are gone."

    "Why?" she asks desperately.

    The woman smiles, making her whole being light up. "You gave them up."


    Aara sputters, choking on water and pulling herself up. "Damn it!" she gasps, pushing heavy wet hair off her face.

  66. "What was that?" Goddard sits up quickly.

    "I think she's in the tub. Maybe drowning?" Gath says still trying to read.

    "Drowning?!" Goddard climbs over him and rushes to the door and throws it open. "Don't drown lecai!"

  67. Aara looks up, holding her hair off her face and looking generally like a drowned rat. "I'm not," she tells him. "I just fell asleep, is all," she adds, sinking up to her chin again.

  68. "That! That is how you drown! That is exactly how you drown in the tub!"

  69. She grins at the bubbles still floating around the room. "But I didn't."

  70. "But you could have!" He walks into the room and sits on the floor by the tub, leaning against it. "I'll make sure you don't fall asleep again and drown. I can't have you drown especially not in a tub."

  71. She laughs and rests her hand on his head. "I'm sorry about earlier," she says after a while.

  72. "As long as you're safe, I forgive you." He watches the bubbles curiously. Bubbles in a bath don't usually work that way but he shakes his head and closes his eyes.

    "I'm glad those two found you and not someone who would have hurt you. I'll have to thank them. And maybe apologize to Sunny," he mutters.

  73. "They didn't really find me, exactly...I was....delivered? them."

  74. "Well. I guess I won't have to do any of that then," he snickers. "Good. But no matter who it was, I'm glad they were kind enough to keep you safe. You are safe right? Still in one piece?" He turns around and hangs on the side of the tub, facing her.

  75. She arches an eyebrow. "Do I look like I'm missing anything?"

  76. "I can't see under the bubbles. Maybe I'll have to feel around?" He grins.

  77. She returns his grin before it slides away. "I wasn't really mad at Gath. I mean, he was a jerk, but nothing unusual." She looks down, shameful. "I shouldn't have disappeared on either of you." She sighs. "Or suggested we just abandon Two and Gath."

  78. "Are you just stressed?" He holds her hand and runs his fingers across the top.

  79. "Yes. I keep having these dreams where a woman talks to me about them, but something always happens to wake me up before it goes anywhere."

  80. He grabs both her hands and holds onto them. "Let me tell you something. You can't keep running away from things. You face them. Deal with them. Accept them. You can't run from something for three hundred years or wait for a dream to explain something. That will get tiring. I want to help you. I'm here for you. I want you to remember that. I love you and I need you to be alright for those three hundred years and beyond."

  81. Her eyes fill with tears and she sniffs. "I know," she whispers as they spill over. "I'm trying, Goddard."

  82. "And you're doing a good job," he smiles. "Especially since you joined the elves a little later in life."

  83. "I feel like I've done nothing but embarrass myself," she mumbles. "But I won't go out the window again."

  84. "You have to learn to deal with embarrassment too," he chuckles. "We'll all live for a long time and we'll remember."

  85. "Or I could just stay in this lovely apartment and you can bring all the interesting people you meet to me."

  86. "I said you can't hide," he chuckles.

  87. She grins. "No, you said I couldn't run away. That, my love, is different."

  88. "Running and hiding go hand in hand."

  89. "Fine," she sighs. "You do have to admit, I deserved that breakdown like none other before it." She lays the side of her face against the edge of the tub. "Can I tell you something stupid?"

  90. "Remember when we talked about how we were pointlessly insecure? Well," she looks down at their joined hands. "After seeing the way everyone reacts to doesn't seem so pointless. And I know you'd feel better with an open agreement like Gill and Tallyn have. Can we work on that? Or rather, help me work on that?"

  91. "I've been working on that? At least I think I have? I haven't gone after anyone on my own or anything!" He puts his hands on the sides of his face, trying not to smile.

  92. "Oh no. You just get starry eyed and desperate over you-know-who every time you see him."

  93. "Hey! That's only because I know he won't react to it and it's kind of funny how annoyed he gets. If he didn't react with annoyance and hilarity, I wouldn't do much..."

  94. She laughs, then groans and lowers her voice to appear her headache. "Enjoy rejection, do you?" she jokes. "Maybe I should use that tactic more."

  95. "Only when he does it is it funny. Sort of. You've already accepted me. You can't reject me now!"

  96. "Oh? Is that how it works?" she asks, eyes twinkling. "I don't know all these things, you know. What else can I not do?"

  97. Goddard frowns. "Are you trying to be sarcastic? Is this because I've told you you can do whatever you want but now I'm telling you you can't do something?"

  98. "And I assumed the answer would be Two or Tallyn," she jokes. "Teasing aside, I'm going to try very hard not to be jealous."

  99. Goddard tilts his head and kisses her lips. "I don't care who lecai. I may whine and complain and put on a show, but in the end, because I live for so long," he chuckles, "I have to accept it and deal with it and so on and so forth. As long as I know you are mine because I am yours."

  100. Her eyes get misty again. "It really can be like Tallyn said? As long as we're both in the right bed at the end of the day, it doesn't matter?" She kisses the palm of his hand. "Because I might be able to share you that way."

  101. "That's the only way I assumed it could be. That was also the only way I had seen it done. I'm sorry I didn't seriously try to consider something more human for you."

  102. "I didn't realize how silly it sounded. Or how much you've struggled." She looks up at him, blinking. "I love you so much, I just want you to be happy."

  103. "And I want you to be happy. But you seem more difficult to make happy," he laughs. "I'm easier to make happy. So tell me, what can I do to make you happy?"

  104. "You do a pretty good job of it. I think I just need to get ahold of myself."

  105. "Are you sure?" His ears droop. "I sometimes feel I make you so miserable."

  106. She cups his cheek and looks him straight in the eye. "You do not make me miserable. I may be unhappy or anxious sometimes, but nuur'eni, look at what we've gone through. Sometimes it all just weighs heavily on the mind and heart. I wouldn't be alive if it weren't for you. The only time you've ever made me miserable was when you couldn't stand to be around me."

  107. "And even after that, I still couldn't have you not in my life. If that isn't a lesson in being an elf and trying to move on, I don't know what is."

  108. He's right. He couldn't be near me and still went to Araby to help me.

    "Good thing I'm only half elf," she tells him. "At least there's a learning curve."

  109. "You didn't start out as an elf so all of this is acceptable. Hmm actually, no matter what I'd accept it. You accepted my face which was far worse than anything else."

  110. "Your face was wonderful," she insists. "Once I got over the shock." She taps his nose. "Then, and now, it's a face to love."

  111. He smiles and uses the tub to push himself to his feet. "I see you won't be drowning anytime soon. I should let you finish before the water gets cold."

  112. She nods. "I have to go see if Gill and I are still friends, too," she laughs.

  113. "I'm not sure you could do anything to make them love you any less," he laughs.

    Goddard goes back into his room and stands beside the bed. "Go to your own room," he tells Gath.

    Gath narrows his eyes. "You asked me to stay and now you're kicking me out? Make up your mind."

    "You should just go..."

    Without another word, Gath leaves and goes back to his room. Goddard lays on the bed and looks up at the ceiling.

  114. After he leaves, she closes her eyes and focuses on one candle. One this time. Just one. You can do it, Hera taught you.

    Whispering, she laughs when the candle she wants is lit, but half a second later the other all go out.


  115. Goddard rolls over and grabs a pillow with one arm and Sethai with the other. "This is so complicated," he mumbles to Sethai.

  116. After bathing and drying her hair in the relative dark, she dresses and goes to find Two, still reading. "You don't usually read so much."

    "You never had anything worth reading," he says, turning a page. "I like this."

    "Well, I'm going down to the common room if you get bored."

    "Probably will."

    After that, shebstarts to knock on Goddard's door but pauses. "Hey, tell Goddard where I went if he asks," she tells Two instead.

    He grunts in acknowledgement as she goes downstairs.

  117. The bathroom seems strangely quiet and Goddard rolls out of the bed to make sure Aara didn't fall asleep and drown. He peeks into the bathroom and sees it's empty.

    "Where did she go now?" he mumbles to himself. He walks into the common room and finds Two. "Did Aara escape again? What did I do now?"

  118. "She didn't want to disturb you," Two says, eyes on his book and one hand toying with the glass sphere from earlier. "Went downstairs."


    Aara approaches the bar sheepishly and climbs onto a stool at the end. She draws circles on the bar around a peculiar scratch in the bar.

    "Your husband is paying for that," she hears.

    Looking up, Aara's face burns when she sees Gill polishing a yellow bottle. "He's not my husband."

    Gill's brow wrinkles and he tilts his head. "He isn't?"

    She shakes her head, a little stunned that he'd assume she and Goddard were married.

    "That explains a little," he says, leaning on the bar. "How are you?"

    She looks down again, circling the scratch. "Fine. Embarrassed."

    Gill tilts her chin up with a finger. "You should be. Tallyn will never be the same."

    "Can I ask you something?"


  119. "Oh. Alright." Goddard goes over to Gath's room and opens the door. "Magic?"

    "I'm fine. Go to your own room," Gath says, not looking up from his book.

    Goddard frowns and flops down into a chair in the common room.

  120. "What's wrong Sheik?"

    "But how do you just let go of the jealousy?"

    Gill laughs, setting her tea in front of her. "It's not easy. Even though I was the one who took advantage of the agreement, it killed me whenever Tallyn flirted. I was so upset the first time he went home with someone I pulled a stunt not unlike what you did today."

    "What did you do?"

    Gill shrugs. "Made sure that I was better." He sips his own tea. "The better lover. Better man. Better whatever he needed at the moment. But most importantly, I made sure I was the better friend."

    "So how do I do it? I'm selfish and jealous and I have an awful temper."

    He laughs. "You'll manage. But darling, it takes time. You're going to fight and it will hurt when you see someone leading him by the nose. You'll get revenge by flaunting lovers in front of him. Try and be patient and honest with him and yourself." He pats her hand before going off to help someone.

    It sounds so easy...

  121. "Aara wandered off again, Gath doesn't want my company. Both of them are very confusing and I'm stuck with you."

  122. "So go downstairs with her if you don't want to be here with me," he says with a shrug. "She told me to tell you where she'd gone." He looks up at Goddard finally. "Sheik, we're all a little saddle sore. Why don't you go downstairs, dance a little, and pretend you've never met Four so you can win her over again?"

  123. "She obviously didn't want to be around me if she went down stairs again. Probably went to see Sunny and Gill," he mumbles. "Which is fine! It's fine!"

  124. "Pretty sure she went to apologize for making an ass of herself. Which she excels at, incidently. Go."


    Aara sits with her back to the bar, watching a young man with astonishing red hair play his lute and sing. Sipping her tea, she considers going for Goddard or Two and making them go exploring with her.

  125. "Fine. Maybe Gill will feel pity for me and give me another free drink." He waves lazily at Two and leaves, heading to the bar.

  126. "More tea?"

    Aara looks over her shoulder at Gill ad smiles. "Yes please. This is really good. What is it?"

    "Black tea with strawberry and vanilla bean. Tallyn likes it."

    She nods. "Where is he?"

    Gill jerks his head behind him. "In his office. He handles the business, I handle the people."

    She nods, sipping her tea.

  127. Goddard sees Aara at the bar and sits next to her. "Just let me know if you'd rather not be around me," Goddard says to her. "Everyone else has."

  128. Gill purses his lips and makes a smacking noise. "I love having you around, precious."

    Aara brightens and reaches for his hand, squeezing it. "So do I, nuur'eni." She offers him a sip from her cup. "Tea?"

  129. He smiles and shakes his head. "Enjoy your most likely free tea. I already used up my free drink I'm sure."

  130. Gill leans closer and makes kissing noise at him. "For a kiss I'll give you all the free tea you want."

    "That's a good deal," Aara tells him. "He charges me by the cup."

  131. Goddard chuckles and digs through the various pouches for a coin. "Just give her more tea."

  132. Looking a little insulted, Gill waves away the money. "Trust me, with what your apartment costs, your money's no good here. Unless you're asking for something special, your meals are covered."

    Aara lays her head on Goddard's shoulder and takes a deep breath.

  133. Goddard looks at Gill appologetically but doesn't say anything. He turns and smiles at Aara. "I'm fine. I don't need anything."

  134. Gill just grins and winks before heading into the kitchen yelling Tallyn's name and demanding affection.

    Burying her nose in his neck, Aara smiles against his skin. "Five years, a million miles, two worlds, and gallons of jasmine and you still smell like grave dirt and books."

  135. "At least I don't smell like sulfur. Being a demon and all. I'll take dirt and books any day."

  136. "You would need a lot more baths if you smelled like sulfur," she giggles. "I'm glad of that everything's that's changed, this hasn't."

  137. "Agreed. Honestly, I don't think we really have changed too much. Like Two said, ourselves but better."

  138. "Oh I've definitely changed since we met," she laughs. "I don't run from the room the minute you smile at me anymore."

  139. "That's good. But I was thinking more since we got here. We both have changed a lot since we've met."

  140. "Mostly the ears," she agrees. "Now I understand why you liked it when I played with your ears."

  141. "Mm yes. That's always the best." He reaches over and gently runs his finger along hers to watch her reaction.

  142. She bites her lip on a grin, involuntarily leaning toward him and sighing. "You're an evil, evil man, Goddard."

  143. She gasps and opens her eyes wide. "Me? I'm going to require an example."

  144. "Everything you do," he laughs. "And the daggers. Especially the daggers."

  145. "I can't help that my skills and your tastes coincide," she says innocently.

  146. He sighs longingly. "So sad we can'y play with them. But you make up for it."

  147. "What?" she asks, blinking rapidly. "But Goddard! I'm not that fragile anymore!"

  148. "It's always been more me being worried that I'd snap and do who knows what. I don't want to be a monster."

  149. "Nuur'eni, you're not a monster. You couldn't be, and you'd never do me real harm."

  150. "I'm not sure what I'd do now," he shrugs. "Being a demon and all. We already gave it up anyway. I shouldn't even be thinking about it," he laughs embarrassed. "I'm sorry. Forget I said anything."

  151. "You gave it up," she pouts. "I was biding my time until you came to your senses."

  152. "You can always stab Two some more."

  153. "He doesn't have the reaction you do. Couldn't we at least try?"

  154. "I'll figure it out on my own lecai. You could always give him direction. I'm sure he'd do whatever you asked."

  155. She sighs and tries to not pout. "All right, I'll let you work it out. But no Two. If you change your mind, you'll tell me?"

  156. "Don't worry, you'll be the first to know...well only person to know," he laughs.

  157. "I think that's for the best, for safety reasons." She looks down, toying with his hand. "I could hold my own if you snapped. But I don't have to be the only person you..." Her face flushes and she still doesn't look up at him.

  158. He tilts his head. "I don't tell anyone about it for those exact safety reasons. You have to trust some before you do that."

  159. "That's not what I mean," she stammers. "I mean that is what I mean about the daggers, but not what I mean about the rest of it."

  160. She huffs out a breath, frowning at her lap. "I'm trying to tell you that I won't hit you or Gath if you two..."

  161. Goddard blinks a few times then laughs. "Are you saying what I think you're saying? oh lecai, no matter what I say oyr how I feel, I could never do that to you."

  162. "But you like him," she says quietly. "A lot. And he likes you."

  163. He shakes his head. "He doesn't really like me. Why would you think that? And I like a lot of people. I won't pursue anything though. Not seriously. Don't worry."

  164. "I know that. It's not seeking out pleasure that bothers me. But he does like you. He told me your advances were endearing."

  165. Goddard laughs again. "Did Gill put something in your tea?"

  166. "Fine. Don't believe it," she says, sliding off her stool. "Dance with me instead," she says, holding out a hand.

  167. "He did put something in your tea. I'll have to yell at him for that. It's a very unbelievable thing. Unless he was drunk." He takes her hand and moves away from the bar to dance with her.

  168. "He did not," she laughs, joining the other dancers. "And he did say that. I asked him in the market when we all went exploring."

  169. "He was probably just trying to get you mad. Why ask him that?"

  170. "Because you wanted to know," she reminds him. "And it didn't work if he was."

  171. "Maybe he was still too shocked. I'm sure he'll come up with a better idea."

  172. "If that's what you want to believe," she laughs, spinning around him.

  173. "It's the truth. Plus, it isn't fair to tease me with things like that."

  174. "You're right, hayati. I'll stop," she giggles.

  175. "Good. This is just another example of you trying to be mean to me. I'll add it to the long list."

  176. "I refuse to let you hold this against me. I'm telling the truth."

  177. "Maybe he said it. Maybe. I don't think you'd lie to me but I do think he'd lie to you. Lying is just what he does."

  178. She shrugs, spinning into his arms as the song ends. "Who kissed who?" she asks, breathless. "Did he kiss you, or you him? That should tell you everything."

  179. Goddard wraps his tail around her. "He did," he mumbles. "But he was drunk. That blue stuff was strong. I only went in there to talk about magic."

  180. "Ustadh used to say that drunken words were sober thoughts. That's why I never drank."

  181. "It still doesn't matter. You don't have to worry about it."

  182. She shakes her head. "I told you, have him if you want. I'm not going to say anything. Or hit anyone," she adds quickly, "except maybe Two. For other stuff."

    Gill was right. I can do this.

  183. Goddard frowns. "You can't tell me things like that. I know it'd hurt you especially since he's around all the time. He's my retainer."

  184. She wraps her arm around his. "Let's go for a walk," she suggests.

  185. He nods and kisses her head. "Maybe we can find some more interesting places to visit."

  186. Outside, she lets him pick the direction. "You know, we've never lived on our own," she tells him. "Between Koroush and Otto we never really had the chance. It's so strange to have retainers instead of being them."

  187. "Living on our own...Are you going to talk about getting rid of them again? And then what about Sethai? He's half Sethai half father."

  188. "No," she assures him. "This strange little family just isn't what I pictured when I thought about our future. Although it is nice to get away from them sometimes. The three of us get annoyed with each other."

  189. Goddard looks down as they walk. He tries to imagine what it would be like without father and Gath and Two. Even knowing they would still all be alive, just not around, makes him a little sad. "What do you want then?"

  190. "I'm not saying that I want something different, nuur'eni. I'm just saying it's not what I pictured. But that doesn't matter now," she adds, squeezing his arm gently. "Now we have two people who sort of depend on us, and a new situation. I can't just send Two home if he does something stupid. I have to provide for the idiot."

  191. "They can't sit around like bumps on a log. But we could let they stay with us if they still wanted to that is. Have you asked Two?"

  192. She laughs. "Oh, he would be horrified and insulted. A Mashi Al'Maut breaking an oath? Inconceivable. Even if I released him from service he'd probably stay for the sheer pleasure of hearing his own language from time to time."

  193. "So you couldn't get rid of him even if you tried?"

  194. "Probably not permanently. Something really terrible would have to happen for him to walk away. We take our oaths very seriously," she explains. "What about Gath?"

  195. "I've told him more than once he could leave," he shrugs, "and he's not going anywhere apparently. Though he may leave if I really wanted him to."
