Sunday, May 29, 2016

Aara watches him go, letting out a relieved breath. That's done, then. This can work...

Her nerves melt away and a wide grin slides across her face. "Nuur'eni..." she calls, heading for her room. "Are you ready?"


  1. "Yes," Goddard replies happily. "But my patience is running low."

  2. "Then I didn't wait long enough," she chuckles, closing her bedroom door behind her. Aara goes to her chest of draws and removed several silk scarves. "Before anything happens, are you all right with me tying you up?" she asks seriously, sitting beside him on the bed.

  3. He nods. "I'll be fine. I put myself in your capable hands. I trust you lecai."

  4. She smiles brightly and kisses him gently. "Good. Because this may hurt," she tells him as she ties his wrist. In a moment, his feet and hands are tied to the bed posts and she's blindfolding him.

  5. She laughs and leaves him to dig through her pack for her tools. Never in my life would I have thought I'd use these for play, she thinks, pulling out her whetstone.

    She selects an old dagger she never uses anymore and wanders over to the bed, purposefully filling the blade.

  6. "What is that?" Goddard asks as he tilts his head and listens carefully.

  7. "That is one of my knives on a whetstone," she tells him.

  8. "That doesn't sound like something you should be doing...but...I trust you."

  9. "Do you want me to tell you, or show you?" she asks, going back to her desk. "Either way, I keep my promise: no blood."

  10. Goddard takes a deep breath. "I know. Show me."

  11. She comes back, clipping a weighted pincer to the tip of one ear and kissing his cheek. "Soon. This is only the beginning."

  12. He takes a quick short breath and grins. "Don't take too long..."

  13. She grabs a handful of hear and jerks his head back. "It will take as long as it takes," she whispers harshly, biting his neck.

  14. "Sorry," he whispers and bites his lip.

  15. Several hours later, Aara removes the last weighted clip and kisses the bruised skin tenderly before taking off his blindfold.

    "How are you?" she asks softly, untieing him and gathering him close.

  16. "Lecai..." he sighs, hugging her tightly, "this feels better than having too much wine. Even though outside, I feel like parts of me are on fire, a good fire mind you, inside, I feel wonderful."

  17. She rubs his back, laying her cheek on the top of his head, just wanting to hold him. "All right, love. Take it easy for the rest of today, I didn't know my foot rack could dislocate a toe." She lifts his head and cups his face. "That means stay off your feet, Nuur'eni."

  18. "It'll be fine. I don't need my toes anyway, but I think a nap would be nice."

  19. She wiggles into a more comfortable position, not letting him go. "Then sleep, love," she whispers, kissing the top of his head.

  20. Goddard nods and closes his eyes. "I look forward to the next time we do this," he mumbles sleepily.

  21. "I think I do too," she tells him. Aara holds him until he's sleeping peacefully, then gets up and works at her desk.

  22. "Finally," Gath sighs. I couldn't hear myself think. I should have left again once I saw they were still at it... He picks up his lute again and begins to play a slow song.

  23. Aara lifts her head, hearing music. "Must be Two," she mumbles. She checks on Goddard and kisses his forehead before tossing her robe over her tunic and going to the common room.

  24. I wonder if she really wanted to have drinks. I'm not expecting her to show up. doesn't matter... Gath stops playing as he thinks. He shakes his head and continues playing.

  25. She doesn't see Two, and realised the music is coming from Gath's room. Shrugging, Aara sets water to boil and grabs a pear from the ever present bowl of fruit. Plopping onto the couch, she puts her feet on the table and idly snacks.

    I wonder...

    Mouth full of fruit, she mumbles her spell and starts doodling on her leg. Just like Goddard mentioned weeks ago, the little drawing shows up and stays until she wipes it away.


  26. "Finally! What in the world were you doing to him? Couldn't tell if it was torture or the opposite," Otto says, walking out into the common room.

  27. "Ustadh!" she cries, scooping him up and kissing his head. "Um, technically both."

  28. "He's such a strange boy," Otto sighs, shaking his head. "I swear, I never dropped him. Not once. He was too big to pick up anyway."

  29. She shrugs. "He enjoys it, and oddly enough, my torture training is useful sometimes," she laughs, carrying him back to the couch. "How have you been? We've missed you."

  30. "I've been doing well. Maybe one day we can see each other again. I could meet you in Arvender. Not for a long time. But it's better than nothing. Just don't wander into the woods because of the music."

  31. "Nuur'eni would like that. And me, too. Would you like a little tea? Can you stay long?" she asks, getting up to pour water over her teabag.

  32. "Yes would be nice. I came to bring him another book. Did you fix up the mess he had? I was surprised when I came back. It's usually so disorganized. I knew it wasn't anything he had done himself."

  33. She makes him a cup and brings them both to the table. "It wasn't me," she laughs. "I went looking for him last week and a stack fell on me, so I leave his room alone. He probably thinks mine is too neat with it's shelves and labels."

  34. "If your room wasn't to his liking, he wouldn't be sleeping in it now. Must have been the angry tall one. I'm not sure why. Maybe because he couldn't find anything when he went looking for something?" Otto carefully sips the tea. "Hmm, I suppose when you have the ability to breath fire, hot tea doesn't really feel that hot."

  35. She chuckles. "I suppose not. But it's good tea, at least."

  36. "You always make good tea. You're the only one who makes tea," he chuckles.

  37. "I know. The boys all seem to like coffee."

  38. "Coffee is good too, but tea, tea is something different, special. Goddard has better taste in women than he does in drinks."

  39. "Well thank you, Ustadh. It's the ritual of making tea that makes it special," she says softly. "That's what Rayya always said."

  40. "I'm pretty sure you're what makes it special."

  41. She blushes and covers her face with her hands. "I think you're more charming than you were before."

  42. "Really? I never got the chance to show you the full extent of how charming I could be. I could blame it on being a small, cute dragon, right now, but honestly, it doesn't matter what form I'm in, I'd sweep anyone off their feet."

  43. Aara's blush deepens. "I believe you."

  44. "My goal will be to make you blush when we meet in Arvender. I look...different...very different. It may not be as easy."

  45. She laughs. "Is it? Don't doubt your considerable charm Ustadh.'s not that hard to make me blush."

  46. "I bet the tall angry one hasn't done it," he laughs. "Probably never could make anyone blush."

  47. She frowns. "I imagine your son is the only person who could get close enough to find out in the last hundred years."

  48. "He's not a bad kid. He only acts like one. He should cut it out though. That sort of bad attitude won't do him any good here," Otto snorts.

  49. "Or e-" She laughs and bites her lip. "I know he's not. In the felt like we were becoming friends."

  50. Otto tilts his head. "That's good? Why do you still hate each other though? None of you kids make sense sometimes. Wait, I stand corrected, Two makes the most sense out of all of you."

  51. "I don't hate him," she mutters, scooting down and propping her feet on the edge of the table. "I feel..." she sighs. "Threatened by him. He makes me feel like I'm still a bond servant."

  52. "He probably feels the same way. It's hard to imagine you are not something you have been for too many years. Just remember, neither of you are."

  53. "Except I don't treat him like one, and he treats everyone that way," she mutters. "I don't know what happened when we got here. Suddenly there were all these walls between us and neither giving anything."

  54. "Neither of you treat anyone that way. He just has a bad attitude."

  55. "Yes he does," she grumbles. "Ustadh, how can I get through to him?" she asks softly.

  56. "What has he done recently that is treating anyone like a servant?"

  57. "It's his manner. Condescending and dismissive. Any time I try to be nice he snaps at me." She picks at the embroidery on her tunic. "Getting him to talk to me is like pulling teeth."

  58. "Do you know anything about druchii besides the overly murderous side?"

  59. "Goddard told me about the rift between asur, but that's it," she tells him. "Ustadh, if you try to tell me there's a warm fluffy side where they don't torture people and rip out hearts, I'm going to be hard pressed to believe you."

  60. Otto laughs. "That is simply how druchii treat even other druchii. They are a society without trust, even of their own family. If he thought of you as a slave, he wouldn't even bother talking to you at all. He wouldn't utter a word in your direction."

  61. She raises an eyebrow and dips her tea.

  62. "I bet he talked a lot less or at least differently when you first met him? What he says may not seem any different, but it's how he says it that will change."

  63. She squints, trying to remember. "He bites his tongue a lot more," she muses. "I don't like that; I'd rather be insulted than coddled. I don't know, Ustadh. He just seems like he's rather I leave him alone."

  64. "He probably bites his tongue because he thinks that is what he is supposed to do. If he wanted to be left alone, he would disappear." Otto tilts his head a few times. "He wouldn't be sitting in his room playing if he didn't want someone to potentially bother him."

  65. "By 'someone' you mean Goddard. If I went in there he's be annoyed and mad until I left."

  66. "I mean anyone. I bet he would act annoyed with anyone, but that doesn't mean he really is annoyed." He squints up at Aara. "Why would you think I meant just Goddard?"

  67. "No reason," she stutters. "He just likes him more than me or Two."

  68. "There is a reason. You can't hide anything from me. I'm a master of reading people."

  69. "I think we have some chocolate around here, I'll go look if you want."

  70. "Oh that'll be nice. I can have some chocolate while you explain your reason," he says happily. "Or," Otto jumps up onto her shoulder. "You can tell me while we look."

  71. She gives him an ashamed look. "Not going to work, is it?"

  72. "That might work on everyone else, but I'm different. I'm a dragon," he laughs.

  73. Aara sits back down, not looking at him and letting her hair fall to curtain her face. "He and...They've- um." Her voice gets softer and softer as she stutters. "Gath and-" She sniffs. "They're lovers," she finally whispers.

  74. Otto is silent for a moment then laughs. "I wouldn't use that word. You'd have to call the whole city of Altdorf that as well. Or half of it at least."

  75. "It's different than some drunk in a closet."

  76. "It just is. He says..." She sniffs again and tells him about their conversation downstairs. "I don't doubt that he loves me," she finishes. "But I'm struggling to accept that it's not just a drunk in a closet."

  77. "Wait...wait...he said he'd...are you sure this is my son you're talking about? He hasn't dragged half of this infinite city into a closet by now?"

  78. She raises her head and looks at him, surprised. "You don't know? I thought for certain he would have said something!"

  79. "I haven't been around for a while...have I been away that long?"

  80. "Ustadh...He hasn't slept with anyone but me since...since the Auturii tower. Until now," she adds quietly.

  81. "That's a feat," Otto mumbles. "I'd say that's cause for a celebration. I never mean a lot more to him than I could have imagined."

  82. "I think he's afraid of my temper of he does anything."

  83. "He doesn't want to hurt you. But if that's the case, why do anything with tall and angry?"

  84. Her bottom lip quivers and she clenches her jaw. "Because he doesn't feel like he has to protect him. And apparently I make him feel like he has to protect me. It's a little galling, really," she snorts. "My most of my life has been the exact opposite."

  85. "So nothing more than what you've already said? I'm not sure he feels like he has to protect you. Maybe more like, he could protect you. You don't want him to feel that way?"

  86. "I don't know how to accept it gracefully," she admits. "I appreciate the desire," she asks with a shrug. "I'm the worst freed person alive," she laughs. "It's been years and I still don't understand it."

  87. "Just be you. Just take a deep breath," Otto breaths in. "And be you. Understand that he does what he does because he loves you. He needs to be needed. He's incredibly needy," he chuckles. "As for tall and angry...he must be doing something. I know Goddard is persistent, but he needs something given for him to keep going that far."

  88. "I told you, he likes Goddard."

  89. "That just sounds so strange..." Otto shakes his head. "What do you want little lecai? Do you want them to stop?"

  90. "I don't know. I want to figure out how this is all supposed to work so I don't feel like hindrance to Goddard's happiness...and I want to cut out my jealousy and insecurities. Every time I think I have...realizing that I haven't is a slap in the face."

  91. "He wants you to be happy. As long as you're happy, he'll be happy."

  92. "I'm not sure anyone is currently happy," she mutters. "Except Two. But he's an idiot."

  93. "What would make you happy? I have a theory, if you are all as predictable as I think you are..."

  94. "If you are happy, then Goddard will be happy, and it might be possible for Gath to be happy."

  95. "And how should I be happy watching Goddard make a fool of himself over Gath?"

  96. "Either tell him to stop or accept it. Hmm would it be better he went after everything with legs, or just one?"

  97. "I' trying to accept it. It's just easier said than done."

  98. "Are you sure it wouldn't just be easier to tell him to stop? No offense, but he seems to have made more progress."

  99. "That wouldn't make him happy. I don't want him to feel trapped or...get bored."

  100. "I don't think you have to worry about that. Not after what I heard..."

  101. She blushes. "I fell in love with him just as he was, bone jaw and all. I don't want him to change. I just want to share my life with his as long as I can. I'm trying to accept what's happening between them, it's just taking time."

  102. "I'll tell him to stop for you then," Otto nods. "It'll work better than you think. Everyone needs to be on board if you hope to attempt what I once had."

  103. She raises a brow. "What you once had?"

  104. "Yes yes. We were probably almost you and Goddard," he snickers. "I traveled a lot and she liked to tag along. For too many years to count, this was just how things were. One day, she started talking about children, a topic I had no desire in discussing, so she found someone else who felt the way she did."

  105. "Ustadh if this story ends poorly I'm going to hug you for it, but then I'll pinch you for not helping."

  106. Otto smiles as best as a dragon can smile. "She kept adventuring with me, of course the trips slowed down and then eventually stopped when she became pregnant. But when I had the chance, I'd go visit her. And he didn't mind at all. Just like I didn't mind she wanted him for a family. When she wasn't busy taking care of babies, we'd plan small trips together and I'm sure if I went back, as an elf of course, we could go right back to that life."

  107. "So how do I get the time to get used to all this and everyone be happy in the meantime?"

  108. "You have to let it happen...if it's still going to happen. He might be set on just focusing on you. As I said, if you're happy, he'll he happy, and Gath will be happy. Look at're running the show," he chuckles. "Nothing like a servant huh?"

  109. "Freedom is overrated," she grumbles for the millionth time since Har Ganeth.

  110. "And yet, if it were taken from you again, you'd miss it and you'd fight for it."

  111. She scowls. "It wasn't-" Shut up, he doesn't know and do you really want to get into all that right now anyway?

    "So..." she sighs. "I'm going to think on that. Do you really think peaceful, happy cohabitation is possible for the three of us?"

  112. Otto tilts his head and stares up Aara, like a bird evaluating something. "Yes," he finally says. "I think anything is possible."

  113. "I'll put more effort into it then, Ustadh," she promises.

  114. "It'll all be fine. Trust me," he nods. "No matter what you crazy kids decide to do. It won't always be easy for any of you, but you'll figure out something, and it will work."

  115. She lets out a breath she didnt realize she was holding. "I hope so."

  116. "Did you hear nothing I said?" he chuckles. "It will be. Expect it to all be fine. Sadly, I must be off to do magical dragon things. I'd give you a hug and a kiss, but it would just be awkward with this form."

  117. "Then allow me," she says with a smile, scooping him up and kissing the top of his head a dozen times. "I'll have chocolate ready next time. Anything you want me to tell Nuur'eni?"

  118. "I'd love to leave a message that might make him want to yell at me later, but instead, just tell him I love him and I'll plan to see him soon. I want to see all of you. Bring Two and Kryn and Gath. You're like all the children I didn't want," Otto laughs, "but I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have you. Life would be empty and lonely."

  119. "Oh you'll love Kryn," she laughs. "I'll them them, Ustadh."

  120. "Thank you." Otto bows his head, and when the small dragon lifts it's head up again, it's obvious that Otto is gone and Sethai remains.

  121. Aara squeaks at Sethai and scratches under his chin. "You and Ustadh are the best friends a girl could have," she tells him.

  122. Sethai chirps happily and rubs his head against Aara.

  123. She bites off part of her pear for him and sits back, considering her talk with Otto as she strokes Sethai down the back like a cat.

  124. Gath picks up his glass and frowns when he realizes it's empty. He groans loudly when he realizes the bottle beside it is in the same state. He steps out into the common room and heads to the table that usually has fruit and wine on it, acknowledging Aara with only a nod. I wonder if she was serious about what she said before...

  125. "Where would you like to go later?" she asks. "I know a seedy bar in the Hive, or we could have wine at Kryn's place, or anywhere you know."

  126. "Wherever you want and would feel most comfortable," he says as he fills his glass.

  127. He likes Kryn...a lot. Maybe if we go there he'll be comfortable and we can start thawing a little.

    "Kryn's cafe is fine," she says. "Meet an hour or two before anti-peak?"

  128. Gath drinks half of the wine in the glass and refills it before putting the bottle down. "That's fine."

  129. "All right," she says, giving him a smile. "Oh, Otto sends his love."

  130. "Is that who that was? I heard voices, but I wasn't quiet sure who you were talking with."

  131. "My lord missed him? I guess he's out cold after whatever you did to him."

  132. "He was exhausted. And I needed to talk with Ustadh alone, anyway."

  133. "I see. Seems he showed up conveniently for you."

  134. "I think I was more convenient for him," she laughs, chirping at Sethai and offering him kisses and fruit.

  135. Sethai chirps back and takes a pieces of fruit from her.

    "Well, I will leave you to your...fruit, and we'll talk later."

  136. She nods, playing with Sethai as he goes.

  137. Gath puts his wine on a table and lays on his bed, hands behind his head. What is this going to be like? Is it going to become hostile again? He sighs, wondering how conversations have become more difficult than combat.

  138. Aara gathers up a snack for Goddard on a plate and settles Sethai on her shoulder. "Do you want to wake him?" she asks the tiny dragon as she goes into her room. "Or should we let him sleep and study a while longer?"

  139. Sethai makes a whirring sound and dives onto the bed with Goddard. "Hmm what do you want," he murmurs, wrapping an arm around Sethai. "Go bother lecai."

  140. "But lecai came to bother you," she says, stretching out beside him with the plate. "You just missed your father."

  141. He seems to wake up instantly. "What?" he picks up Sethai and frowns at him. "You were here, and you didn't even say hi?!"

  142. "He brought you a book, I think. But he said to tell you he loves you, and we should go see him sometime soon. All of us, even Kryn."

  143. "See him where? He's the one who has to see us!" Goddard crosses his arms. "Well...that was sweet of him anyway," he mumbles.

  144. She leans forward and gives him small kisses until he stops pouting. "I'll tell you, but you have to promise to get to your studies later. And eat this delicious snack I've brought."

  145. She leans forward to whisper in his ear, her lips brushing his earlobe. "Arvender," she whispers. "He said to come see him there."

  146. A chill runs up his spine. "Arvender?" Goddard whispers as he tries to remember why that sounds familiar. "I can't think when you do that."

  147. She catches his earlobe between her teeth and tugs gently. "Arvender. The plane we crossed to when we took the first job from Brighteyes."

  148. "Oh...the...the place with the trees...alright..."

  149. "Mmhmm," she murmurs. "But not tonight." She picks up a small piece of fruit and offers it to him. "How do you feel?"

  150. "Good, because I didn't want to go anywhere tonight." He takes the piece of fruit. "A little sore in places, but just fine lecai."

  151. "Good. I think we should have a quiet afternoon working, dinner up here, and then I have to go out after."

  152. He nods in agreement and takes another bite of fruit. "Where are you going?"

  153. "I'm going to Kryn's cafe for a drink with Gath, since we didn't have lunch. Would you like me to bring you something back?"

  154. Goddard coughs, almost choking on the piece of fruit. "Doing what with who? Are my ears broken?"

  155. "What is this, a whole party? Kryn, Two, you...Gath...why wasn't I invited!"

  156. Aara laughs. "It's not a party. I just thought he would be more comfortable there," she explains.

  157. "Comfortable for....? You're not going to assassinate him are you?"

  158. "What! I have to ask! I'm not sure why you'd have a drink at Kryn's with him."

  159. "You do not! You wanted us to have lunch together. That seems a little out of our reach right now, but a drink doesn't seem out of the realm of possibility."

  160. "But I had to set that up. Who did this one?"

  161. "If you have a problem with this you'll have to order one of us not to go," she tells him. "And the only orders I'll take from you are the fun naked kind."

  162. "I...I don't have a problem...I just get worried that there will be missing limbs or something..."

  163. She smiles softly. "Don't worry, Nuur'eni, Rayya taught me enough table manners to know it's impolite to kill people at the table."

  164. "Lecai! Is that why you picked Kryn's? So you wouldn't be tempted to kill each other? Wouldn't want to leave her with a mess to clean up would you?"

  165. "You wanted us to talk, right? I thought he might not be miserable if we go somewhere he's comfortable. Why are you overreacting?"

  166. "I'm not over reacting. I'm making sure you're going to be safe and happy."

  167. "You are so. I asked him to have a drink, that's all. I promised you that I'd make an effort," she reminds him. "Here it is."

  168. Goddard smiles and gives her a kiss. "You don't have to, but if you're determined for whatever reason, I wish you luck."

  169. "I think I'm going to need it," she says ruefully. "Do you want me to bring you a book? I still don't want you out of bed yet."

  170. "The nice boring farm book would be nice."

  171. "I'll be back," she says, and goes off to his room. "What in seven hells..."

    Like Otto had said, his room is neat and organized. Almost as detailed as her own. "Well..." she whispers, scanning the shelf for his book. Once she finds it, she returns.

    "What are you willing to do for it?" she asks playfully, holding it above her head as she climbs into the bed.

  172. "Anything you want," he grins. "And that was fast..."

  173. "Hmmm..." she pretend to think as she straddles him. "I think I to turn Two into a toad. But only for a day, you'd need to turn him back into Two."

  174. "Lecai...I have a secret..." he says softly.

  175. "I don't actually know how to turn anyone into a toad," he whispers. "I'm pretty sure I can, but I haven't come across that yet in my books. I'll ask father and then I'll turn anyone you want into a toad."

  176. Her eyes widen dramatically and she gasps. "I suppose you don't get your book, then," she whispers back, putting it behind her.

  177. "Then I'd better go study so I can learn this as soon as possible."

  178. "But you can't go anywhere, remember?" she tells him with a giggle. She opens the book and starts flipping through pages, still sitting on him. "My, this is boring, Nuur'eni."

  179. "I know! And that's why I want to read it if I'm going to be confined to bed rest."

  180. She gives him a playful look over the edge of the book. "Perhaps you can persuade me to give it to you."

  181. "How so? I thought I was supposed to be resting." He grins. "But I guess I don't really have to."

  182. "Staying off your feet doesn't mean you can't convince me," she laughs, leaning forward and pinning the book between them.

  183. Goddard growls softly and wraps his arms around her before rolling them over so he's on top. He winces for a moment before moving to nibbling her ear. "Give me the book, or I'll stop," he breaths.

  184. An uncontrollable shiver runs through her and she lets out a small moan. "What a conundrum," she whispers unsteadily, "if I give you the book, you will stop..."

  185. "No no...I'll tuck the book away and keep far should I go?"

  186. She gasps when his fang grazes her earlobe, and she melts. "I've never been so...thrilled to give a book..." she breathes.

  187. Goddard gives the book a gentle tug, pulling it away. He tucks it under the pillow before wrapping his arms around her and kissing a long her collar bone. "So much for a quiet afternoon working and getting dinner huh?"

  188. "It's a long afternoon," she giggles.

  189. "Do you think it'll be long enough? I suppose there's always the rest of the night...and early morning... and..." his words trail off as his hands wander and he kisses her deeply.

  190. "We are terrible stusents," she laughs, toying with the fluffy end of his tail. "Ustadh and Locke will be quite disappointed."
