Saturday, May 21, 2016

"I wish-" She stumbles over her dropped cup, dragging the sheet through water. "Damn it," she mutters, kneeling to clean up the mess.


  1. "You can leave that. I'll get it once you head back to sleep."

  2. She shakes her head, grabbing a napkin from the table to clean up. "I doubt I'll be sleeping anytime soon anyway," she says, clenching her hand so it doesn't shake as she remembers her dream.

  3. "What I wish is that we weren't always at odds with one another," she blurts out. As soon as she speaks her eyes go wide and she covers her mouth before turning to wipe up water. Face burning, Aara let's her hair fall on either side of her face, for once not caring if her whipping scars are visible.

  4. "I've tried. I apologize if it wasn't enough."

  5. "So have I," she whispers. "So why doesn't it work?"

  6. "Maybe it's because of what I am, though, it doesn't seem to affect how you see him. Maybe it's the horns or something."

  7. "Or maybe you just don't find weak, feeble humans worth your time."

  8. "I didn't see that when we were trapped in the pit. If I did, I wouldn't have bothered doing all that I did."

  9. She turns on her knee and sits right in the puddle of water. "So why don't you like me now? I've tried to be nice and helpful or just leave you alone, but every time I do I get bit."

  10. Gath shrugs. "I suppose my humor is not to your liking?"

  11. She raises an eyebrow at him. "You can't tell me that snarling at me the way you do is humorous."

  12. "Is there a specific instance you're thinking of?"

  13. "You're generally taciturn and prickly. You- you act like I'm beneath you."

  14. "Habit? It's never bothered him though, so I'm not sure? I apologize."

  15. "Stop apologizing. I can never tell if you're sincere or just doing it because you want to make him happy." She draws her knees up to her chest and hugs them.

  16. "Sadly, I do not think there is anything I can do to change that."

  17. "Not today there isn't. Maybe tomorrow."

  18. He raises a brow. "Any idea on what that would be? You seem to have an idea."

  19. She bites her lip and looks away sullenly. Why should I bother? I encouraged them once and all it Did was hurt me.

    After wrestling with herself in silence, she sighs. "Get him out of the apartment. It doesn't really matter where."

  20. "I'm not even sure he'd accept my apology, and even if he did, he probably wouldn't want to do that anyway, and if he did want to go, wouldn't that only prove your theory?"

  21. "He'll accept it. Goddard is afraid of you. He feels betrayed, in a sense. You'll have to rebuild his trust in you." Unconsciously she puts a hand over the scars on one side of her neck. "You may have to be patient."

  22. "He was never afraid of me before. I'm not going to push him if he does not want to bother with me any longer."

  23. "He'll come to you. Just be nice to him, if you know how," she says wryly. "See, he trusted you, let down his guard and...and...fell a little in love with you," she admits softly, tears pricking her eyes. "And you hurt him, more than physically. Just show him that trust wasn't misplaced. He is just as bothered by what he did as you are."

  24. "I was always nice to him," Gath says quickly then clears his throat. "He loves you. I shouldn't have allowed myself to..." Feel? "To...get so comfortable around my...employer..."

  25. "I know he does. And I know I'm not worthy of it. But he loves you, too, I think. At least a little." She pauses, trying to weed out the right words. "I want him happy, and if being with you is what makes that happen, well..." She shrugs.

  26. "Are you afraid to find out? I've stolen a lot in my life- most of my life has been, really. I can't really blame anyone for taking what happiness they can, when they can."

  27. "I don't need him to love me. I don't even need him to like me. I'm not afraid to find these things out." He lets out a loud, long sigh. "You're right. I do want him to be happy, that doesn't make my apologies less sincere." Gath rubs his forehead. "I want him to simply exist happily."

  28. "You know what that will take, don't you?"

  29. Gath shrugs. "I'm sure it will involve me leaving. I'm sure everyone else will be grateful for it. I can still help with the rent. It's not like I need to stay here to pay."

  30. "We're you always so wrong in our world, or did it happen when you changed elf types?" she chuckles.

  31. Gath furrows his brow. "It's easier to assume the worst. You prepare for it better. You don't feel disappointed when you've known all along things were going to bad, and if something does go well, you're surprised and it's a nice surprise for once."

  32. "Depending on how you see it, this might be worse than leaving," she laughs. "Because of we want him happy, you and I are going to have to figure out how to be friends."

  33. "I've tried. I make myself available for anything. I'm not the kind of person to walk up to someone and set up a flowery dinner date. That's not going to happen if that's what you're expecting. I'll say what he says."

  34. "I'm clearly no good at it either. But we can make a more...obvious effort. At least I'm willing to try."

  35. "Are you?" Damn, I was doing so well...

  36. She raises an eyebrow. "I've done much harder things for his sake."

  37. "We'll see. I'm not sure what kind of genuine friendship can form after what I've done. I think, if he wants me around, I can tolerate and avoid situations."

  38. She frowns. "After what you've done...? To me? What did you do?"

  39. "I've hit you. I couldn't have hit you hard enough to knock your memory loose."

  40. She waves a hand. "Oh that. I deserved it for saying he treats you that way. But if it bothers you, your apology is accepted."

  41. Gath slowly bows low. "One day, it will sink in that that is no longer my life."

  42. "One day I'll talk in riddles like every other elf in the worlds."

  43. "I give your first effort a very low score. You might get better later."

  44. "Maybe I'll just steal your method as I go."

  45. "If I'm still around for you to steal from. You should go back to bed."

  46. She nods, gathering the wet sheet closer and rising. "You will be." As she walks toward her room, part of the sheet snaps and makes a cracking sound. Instinctively Aara freezes, her back painfully straight and holding her breath before she realizes she did it herself and laughs nervously.


  47. "Goodnight." Gath goes back into his room and closes the door.

    "What happened?" Goddard mutters sleepily. "Where did you go lecai?"

  48. "I needed some water," she tells him, letting the sheet fall on the floor and crawling under the blanket with him.

  49. "Hmm alright, don't go running off again." He puts an arm over her and pulls her close. "I miss you too much."

  50. She laughs softly and wraps a leg around him. "I won't, Nuur'eni. Go back to sleep."

  51. Goddard nuzzles her shoulder. "Good because I need you," he says softly before drifting off to sleep.

  52. She hugs him tightly, fighting tears. "I need you more," she whispers.

  53. Goddard wakes up to something scratching at his ear. "What is that?" he mumbles and turns his head to see Sethai. "Oh...I was supposed to study wasn't I?" he whispers. Goddard carefully leaves the bed. Aara usually wakes up before him but it's still too early and he wants her to get every minute of sleep she can.

  54. An hour later, Aara cries out Goddard's name in the grip of another nightmare.

  55. He rushes back into her bedroom and practically dives in with her. "It's alright. I'm here. I'm here."

  56. She wakes up instantly and starts running her hands over him, checking for wounds, panicked. "All right," she whispers. "You're fine. Not hurt. She can't hurt you. All right," she sighs, leaning her head on his chest and coming fully awake. "I'm going to ask Locke if he knows how to get rid of these."

  57. "Of course I'm fine. No one's going to hurt me. Or you. We're fine." Goddard kisses her forehead and smooths her hair down.

  58. Aara stays still a moment, collecting herself, before raising her head. She looks tired, with deep purple smudges under her eyes. "What were you doing? Did I sleep late? I can't remember when I finally went to sleep..."

  59. "Sethai was bothering me to study that's all. I woke up even earlier than you."

  60. "I didn't sleep well at all, so I'm not surprised." She stretches and starts to get up. "I think I'll sit in the garden and meditate today," she tells him. "For a while, anyway. I feel like I couldn't focus on anything."

  61. "Alright. I'll probably catch up on my reading. I'd rather not get so behind that father shows up instead of just Sethai."

  62. She nods, digging through her armoire. "Come down later if you want. I promise to sit in a corner and not distract you," she laughs.

  63. "If you wanted to stay with me, it might be easier for you to sit in my room. I need...everything in there."

  64. She gets dressed and kisses the top of his head, mindful of the horns. "I need a little fresh air and light," she tells him. "Study, and we'll have lunch up here."

  65. "You know where to find me if you need me," he smiles. "And father can't get mad at me for dropping my studies if you needed me."

  66. "Back to your books then, and don't forget breakfast if you haven't eaten." She gives him one last kiss and goes into the common room, grabbing a cup of coffee and surveying the breakfast tray sent up.

  67. "I have not eaten," he says as he follows her. "Nothing on this tray looks as good as you do, but I won't slow our day down," he snickers. "We can do more of that later."

  68. She laughs. "You sound like an addict."

  69. "Yes? But you knew this right?"

  70. "Yes, I remember you told me as much. Only now I actually understand," she laughs.

  71. "Unless you need a break. I can entertain myself."

  72. She shakes her head and hugs him. "If I was addicted to you as a human, can you imagine how much more do I am now?"

  73. "As long as you can handle me."

  74. She chuckles and gently tweaks his nose. "Handle you? Nuur'eni, I've been holding back."

  75. "Really? Why would you do that?" he gasps.

  76. "Because you said no blood."

  77. Goddard frowns. "Oh...yes...I thought maybe there was something else."

  78. "There may be," she says, sipping her coffee. "Later we can explore the depths of my depravity."

  79. Aara winks and grabs a piece of fruit just as Two stumbles out of his room.

    "Oh. Hey Four."

    "Where have you been?"


  80. "Two, you are the laziest thing ever," Goddard sighs.

  81. Two covers his hand with a fist and belches. "No, Sheik," he says, taking Aara's coffee and sitting on the floor near her. "I am a busy person."

  82. "Well, I am far more busy than you will ever be," Goddard says, grabbing a few pieces of food. "Manipulating the very glue of the universe..."

  83. Two slurps Aara's coffee loudly. "Well I was planning a-" he stops before he says too much. "Thing."

  84. "A thing."

    "What kind of thing?" Aara asks, taking her coffee back.

    "Just a thing."

  85. "Sheik! I will tell you when it's your damn business!"

    Aara laughs and cons his hair. "Calm down. It must be very important."

    "It could be."

  86. "It doesn't involve me obviously," Goddard huffs. "It can't be that important."

  87. "Sheik, things happen all around you that center on you and you are oblivious."

    "Ooh, snippy this morning," Aara says. "Come downstairs and meditate with me. You seem to need it."

    Two watches her get up and go toward the door. "I'll follow in a moment," he assures her. "Put on some damn shoes, Four!"

  88. "She doesn't have to wear shoes if she doesn't want to."

  89. Aara blows Goddard a kiss and breezes out the door in her bare feet.

    "So I tracked down this Aaron fellow," Two begins, standing and preparing his own coffee. "Seems he keeps up with the dates both here and our world."

  90. Goddard raises a brow. "Really? Go on..."

  91. "And Four turns twenty eight in a few days."

  92. Goddard furrows his brow. " this something special for humans?"

  93. "Only that it's a birthday, not the age. But I know she forgets how old she is, and the way she's traveled dates don't mean much." He sits down with a sticky sweet bun and his coffee. "I thought she might like a party."

  94. Goddard seems a bit confused. "Alright. Is there anything special we have to do? Doesn't it get tedious to do them every ye...well, I guess when you don't live what are we doing?"

  95. Two frowns. "You don't celebrate birthdays?"

  96. "No. Father is a few thousand years old. We live for a long time. What would be the point?"

  97. "Well considering the year she's had I think she deserves one. I've got it all planned out, I just need you to keep her distracted and away from here the day of."

  98. "Just let me know when, and I'll make sure she's sufficiently distracted."

  99. He nods. "I will. Now I'm going to go down there and sulk. Don't let on this was pleasant." He polished off his breakfast and grins. "And don't forget to buy her a gift. Something nice and unique."

  100. Goddard begins to nod and then stops. "I have to buy something special? When am I supposed to have the time to do that?"

  101. Two shrugs and heads for the door. "You've got days, and she does her own thing most of the time. Make her some fancy potion or something. This may be the only one she ever celebrates."

  102. Goddard sighs and goes back to his room. "I wish father was around to help me. He might be good at figuring out a special gift..."

  103. Two finds her in a corner of the herb section, eyes closed and back straight. "If you have come to shatter my calm, I will stab you," she says without looking up.

    "You're creepy."

  104. Before Goddard can get comfortable at his desk, he hears a knock on his door. "Two, I think I can do this just fine," he groans. "But whatever...come in."

    Goddard almost leaps out of his chair when Gath comes into his room and closes the door behind him. He quickly gets to his feet with a startled sound as Gath takes a knee and bows like he had done the night before with Aara.

    "My lord," Gath says.

    "What do you want? Wait why are you doing this! Stop it!"

  105. "How did you know I was here?"

    "I felt you as soon as you stepped outside," she says, eyes still closed. "And you're too loud."

    Two grins and sits beside her, mirroring her position and closing his eyes.

  106. Gath grits his teeth, trying not to be annoyed at the fact they both reacted the same way. "My lord, I apologize for what I've done to you and to her."

    "Done to her? Aara? What did you do to her!?"

    "I slapped her."

    "You what!?" Goddard snaps. "Wait, was that...Gath! Why would you do that?!"

    "Would it make any difference?"

    "Probably not but still!"

    "Something about being your kyrkhan bastard and stroking your ego."

    "Ouch....well...that's still no reason to hit her!"

  107. "I'm going to spend the day with Kryn."

    "You're always doing that."

    "Then I'll spend it with you."

    "Shut up and meditate."

  108. "You should be apologizing to her you idiot! Not to me!"

    "I already have," Gath says, his head still bowed.

    Goddard is surprised. "You did? Really?"

    "Yes my lord."

    Goddard sits on the floor in front of Gath. "Would you stop that. I should be apologizing for biting you. You've asked me multiple times not to do it, and I did it anyway. I'm sorry."

    "Apology accepted."

    "And I accept yours as well."

    "If my services are no longer required, I should probably find somewhere else to be."

  109. Aara loses track of time and settles deep into herself, soothed by the quiet morning and the scent of the herbs.

  110. "What?! No! Gath," Goddard tries to lift his head up. "Sit down! Look at me."

    With a sigh, Gath sits down on the floor.

    "You know, I didn't buy you because I needed a retainer. I thought I was saving you. I thought we could be friends. I thought I could be around someone like myself again. I was still grieving father. I said you were my retainer, because it was the only thing you would have received sponged well to. If I said you were my friend, what would you have done then?"

    Gath thinks for a moment. "Laughed in your face?"

    "Exactly," Goddard sighs.

  111. "I want you to stay, not because I need a retainer, but because you're my friend. If you want to leave though, can..."

    "I'll stay as long as you never say any of this again, my lord," Gath mumbles.

    Goddard laughs. "Too much for you?" He studies Gath's face and hesitantly passes a finger over the spot where he had scratched him. "I'm so glad it's gone," he says softly.

    "I thought you'd be afraid of me after what I had done. Not sit with me and laugh."

    "I was afraid. Until you kneeled and apologized. That surprised me."

    Goddard takes a deep breath. "Well, I should get back to my studies. You can stay in here if you want. Maybe read, learn more spells. I'm not sure where you'd sit, but there's space somewhere."

  112. After a while, Aara speaks softly. "I spoke with Gath last night."

    "I speak with him all the time."

    She opens her eyes wide and turns to look at him. "You do?"

    Two doesn't move except to shrug. "The Not-Sheik is funny."

  113. Gath looks around the cluttered room. "Looks like the room of a wizard."

    Goddard chuckles and sits back at his desk. "A wizard without an apprentice. They usually clean everything."

    Gath sits on a small clear area of the bed and pucks up one of the many books on it. "You accumulated a lot of books quickly."

    "I think father and Sethai worked together to make a lot of this collection."

  114. "No he's not."

    Two chuckles and turns to look at her. "Yes, he is. And I think he's be a good friend for you if you'd let him."

  115. Gath nods and quietly flips through the pages of the book. He never thought he'd have any dealings with magic. It was always something terrible. Something to be feared, and here he was, learning it.

    Goddard mumbles softly to himself as he reads and writes.

  116. "I've tried!"

    "Snapping at each other like bad tempered puppies is not trying."

    "Two! I have not! He just always seemed to want to be left alone."

    "You have to try harder."

  117. "Shit," Goddard whispers after a very long silence. A strong gust of wind roars through the room for a second before suddenly dying down. All the books, papers, and other light objects get tossed around the room.

    "What the hell was that?" Gath grumbles, smoothing out his hair.

    "A mistake. Now I have to reorganize."

    "It was organized before? Whatever you say..."

  118. "I-" She scoffs and turns her nose up at him. "You are an idiot."

    Two laughs and ruffles her hair. "Perhaps I am."

    "Shut up and meditate."

  119. Gath grabs a hand full of papers and looks them over. "A lot of these are blank and talk about five different things. You have books all over. I bet some are empty and none of these piles have any sort of theme."

    "But I know...knew...where everything was! Look," Goddard picks up a book, "This one is...wait this" Goddard sighs. "I'll be here forever."

    "You obviously don't know what you're doing. I'll fix it."

    "You'll mess it up!" Goddard huffs.

    "Really? I'll mess up the mess?"

    "Hmm I guess not..."

  120. Slowly, Aara tips her mind into deep meditation. Her thoughts dissolve and she's left with nothing but the sound of air rushing in and out of her lungs. She carefully moves her focus from one part of her body to another, pushing healing intent into her small aches and pains before moving on. When her focus returns to her center, she boxes up her fears examining each one before putting it away.

  121. "I hope Aara meditates for a long time," Goddard mumbles. "If I start now...I can go back to this...and maybe..."

    "Just do what you were doing, I'll fix this mess," Gath says.

    "Are you going to be my apprentice?" Goddard asks cheerfully.

    "What? No. This will just make it easier for me to borrow books if I need them."

  122. Two finds meditation easy, but chains it up to his simple nature and lack of great regrets. Instead he meditates on Kryn, his favorite subject.

  123. Goddard narrows his eyes at Gath who ignores him. With a sigh, he goes back to his studies, hoping he can finish and spend more time with Aara before the day is done.

  124. "Hey Four."

    "Shut up."

    "No I mean it. I have a question."

    She sighs. "What is it?"

  125. "Why wouldn't you want to be my apprentice?" Goddard asks after a while.

    "Do your...whatever you're doing," Gath grunts, flipping through a stack of papers. He doesn't understand how anyone could find anything in this mess.

    "I am. Why?"

    "I'm not sure I'd have much faith in your tutelage if your mind is as big a mess as your room."

  126. "What is that plant? It smells funny."

    "Two!" she shouts in frustration, startling other patrons in the garden.

    "What? It does!"

    Pinching the bridge of her nose, she sighs. "That is basil, you colossal idiot."

  127. "I think I would be an excellent teacher!" Goddard snaps. "I can focus when I have to!"

    "Like you're focusing now?"

    Goddard groans loudly in frustration.

    "I have no real use for magic anyway. It's more useful to teach you how to fight with a sword than to teach me how to use magic."

  128. "Oh, all right," he says cheerfully. "Thank you."

    "You're welcome," she says testily. "Now can I please meditate in peace?"

    "I can go see Kryn."

    "Fine! Go! Just be quiet about it!"

    Two looks sheepish and closes his eyes. "I'll be quiet, Four. I promise."

    She sighs and closes her eyes, straightening her back again. "Just...I need to get my head straight."

  129. An impish grin spreads across Goddard's face. "The difference is, it's possible for me to learn how to use a sword...and be good at it..."

    Gath stops flipping through the papers. "What?..."

  130. After a while, Two sighs, shifts a little, and eventually gives up. Slouching, he runs his fingers through the gravel underneath them and picks up two larger pieces, playing with them like soldiers, albeit silently.

  131. Goddard shrugs.

    "You're just trying to push my buttons. I'd throw a book at you, but I've done enough damage. I don't want to shred you. You know how flimsy wizards are."

    "I am not flimsy!"

  132. "Go away," she says finally.


    "Go away!"

    Two jumps to his feet and kisses her atop the head. "As you wish, my lady! I'll be back for dinner!"

    "I don't believe you," she grumbles as he sprints away.

  133. "Whatever you say my lord," Gath says.

    "I'm going to find Aara," Goddard mumbles, sliding his chair back and getting up out of his seat. "I have plenty of time for this, and no time for you."

  134. Aara is deep in meditation, back to examining her nightmares, this time the one in which Goddard tears her apart in his ship's cargo. Terrifying, yes...but he didn't. We pulled away, and regrouped, and I came back. That dream isn't how it happened.

    Her focus is so intense she can't hear anything going on around her.

  135. With a huff, Goddard leaves his room and heads down stairs. He peeks into the garden and spots Aara. "I shouldn't disturb her," he whispers to himself. Goddard goes back to the bar and takes a seat.

  136. She struggles to relive the memory, glossing over the desire and honing in on the moment that scares her most. She can feel her body reacting to her fear as she watches the scene play out in her mind. She shivers when his claws drag down either side of her neck.


    "Well hello Nurr'Ninny," Tallyn says, coming over. "Your girl is out there."

  137. "She looks deep in thought. I don't want to bother her."

  138. Tallyn grins wickedly and wiggled his eyebrows. "So you've come to entertain me...I'm sure we can find something to do."

  139. Goddard shakes his head. "You should be helping me to stop that! Not encourage it!"

  140. "If you sleep around she won't feel guilty about doing it too," Tallyn says gruffly, leaning close to Goddard. "Then I get you both."

  141. "She wouldn't do it even if I slept with this whole bar on a packed night."

  142. Tallyn clucks his tongue and leans on the bar, invading his space. "Don't count on that," he advises. "I almost had her the day you made that stupid scene in the dressing room while you were out shopping. If you had just stayed home another moment..." He reaches out and tugs on one of Goddard's earrings. "But I'll happily take a consolation prize."

  143. "You almost had nothing," Goddard snickers.

  144. "That's between me and her," he says into Goddard's ear. "You and I, now...that could be something."

  145. Goddard's ear twitches. "In your dreams Sunny..."

  146. "I'd make dreams you don't even know about come true," Tallyn promises, putting his hands on the bar on either side of Goddard and caging him in. "Come on, Nuur'Ninny. Let's go have a little fun. Your girl can wait a while."

  147. Goddard closes his eyes and sighs. "I can't do that to her. My...habits...have caused a lot of problems."

  148. Tallyn raises an eyebrow. "Now that's something I could fix," he chuckles. "I'll just put the two of you in bed with me and we'll hash it out."

  149. "How is that supposed to help? That sounds like it would make things worse."

  150. "Everyone gets what they want. But," Tallyn drawls. "If you don't want to have any fun...I'll just leave you to...whatever you're doing."

  151. "I do...want to have fun that is...but..."

  152. "But...she's not alright with that. No matter how much she says she is. I can see the fire in her," he snickers.

  153. "I'm sure between you and me We can handle that," Tallyn chuckles, running a hand through Goddard's hair.

  154. "No, now you'd better just back up a bit before I try to duck under your arm and either accidentally impale you, or rip your fancy shirt."

  155. Tallyn chuckles and leans forward to kiss Goddard on the nose. "Whatever you say, Nuur'Ninny."

  156. Once he has the space to move, Goddard quickly goes into the garden again. He sits beside Aara and gently taps her shoulder.

  157. Aara shrieks and scrambles to the side.

  158. Goddard yelps and jumps back. "What did I do?! I'm sorry lecai!"

  159. She puts a hand on her chest, breathing deeply and shuddering. "No, it's not your fault," she gasps. "I just...wasn't here."

  160. "I'm sorry. I knew I should have let you be, but Tallyn was being so annoying..."

  161. "No, it's fine," she insists. "Is it lunchtime already?"

  162. "Gath was also annoying, so I cut my studies short and decided to come sit with you."

  163. She laughs, still catching her breath. "Two was being annoying, so I sent him away."

  164. "Must be one of those day? I can wait until you're done."

  165. "I, uh...I'm finished." So finished. "I think I went a little too deep in my head," she laughs, running her neck.

  166. "We're both finished early? Good! Let's get lunch now and hope Tallyn doesn't try to put himself on the menu."

  167. "Himself?" she stammers, getting to her feet. "I don't understand."

  168. "He was trying to seduce me. You can yell at him yourself when we order something."

  169. "Oh. Oh. Did...? Nevermind!" she laughs nervously, pulling her hair forward on both sides of her neck. "I'll yell at him if you want."

  170. "I thought you'd want to. I'm...trying to cut back," he laughs.

  171. "Unless you don't want to bother with him at all and eat somewhere else. He might try the same nonsense on you. Rejection doesn't seem to slow him down does it?"

  172. She laughs as they go into the bar. "I told you he's persistent. Wait here." She winks at him and goes over to Tallyn, forcibly turning him around.

    "Well hello, Sweetheart. I see you're ready for some rough play."

    Aara grabs his collar and pulls him down to her level. "Goddard is uncomfortable from your advances," she whispers harshly.

  173. Goddard is surprised she'd actually tell Tallyn anything. This is really happening. No one will ever flirt with me again. But that's good right?

  174. "I assume you want me to stop?" Tallyn asks nervously, swallowing hard.

    Aara gives him a sharp grin, her hand moving his collar to carress his neck. "I think it's hilarious. Continue."

    Tallyn grabs her by the shoulders and holds her in place so he can kiss her deeply. "He'll be an interesting beginning."

    "To what?"

    "Having both of you in my bed."

    Aara scowls and pushes him off her. "Don't."

  175. "Hey Sunny, don't get all excited. I'd feel bad for Gill if he had to take care of you after Aara knocked you onto the floor," he says getting closer to the bar.

  176. Tallyn winks at them. "Nuur'Ninny she can do anything she wants to me," he says, cupping her cheek. "Anything, Sweetheart."

    Aara gives him a small smile and brushes his hand away. "Then get me some lunch," she says softly. "I'd like the fish."

    Tallyn laughs. "Whatever you say, Aara. Goddard?"

  177. "I'll have whatever she's having. And if you twist that in some way, I'll hit you myself."

  178. Tallyn just grins. "You can twist all on your own, can't you?" He laughs and goes off into the kitchen, hailing Gill loudly.

    Aara shakes her head and sits at a table. "Persistent."

  179. "I think you've sufficiently threatened him."

  180. She grins and shrugs. "Maybe. If he really bothers you I'll make sure he knows."

  181. Goddard chuckles before he takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. "So...he didn't have a scratch across his face. Just like you said..."

  182. Aara nods. "I treated it, and he asked if magic would leave a scar. When I told him no he went back into his room a while. When he came out it was healed."

  183. "And...he said he apologized for hitting you? Did he? Apologize I mean..."

  184. "He said he was sorry for what he did to me and to you. I asked what he had done to you and without a fight or a riddle or anything, he just told me."

  185. She bites her lip and looks down at her hands, knitting her fingers together. "Did he tell what I said?"

  186. "Now that, he didn't want to do at first. But he only refused once."

  187. She won't look up at him. "I shouldn't have said you did that. You don't, do you?" she asks quietly. Ustadh would be ashamed of me. Rayya would, too. It seems I fail their teachings everywhere.

  188. "Of course not! The closest I've ever comes to that was when I lied in Naggaroth about everyone being slaves."
