Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Tallyn chases Aara down and grabs her arms. "Listen, I don't know what is happening, and later I'm going to have a serious talk with you and Gill. But didn't you order lunch for two and there's only one upstairs?"

"I can't go up there like this. He left a handprint!"

"Tell him there was a fight and you got caught up."

Aara starts to argue. "That might work...but Gath will say something."

"Well then he looks like the giant ass, doesn't he? Go upstairs," he commands, pushing her inside.


  1. I could go look. But that might ruin it. Or maybe she's just trying to make me miss her more... Goddard smiles at the thought of giving her a big hug when she gets back.

  2. Tallyn sends their lunch tray up and puts the wine in her hand. "Go. I'll make sure no one says anything."

    "Thank you," she says and runs up the stairs. "Nuur'eni I'm sorry it took so long," she says brightly when she enters.

  3. Goddard rolls out of the seat, and once he's standing before her, gasps, staring at her face. "Lecai! What happened?" He gently touches the red mark and her lip.

  4. "If I tell you the truth you will be upset. But if I tell you the yarn they're spinning downstairs for your benefit you'll be less upset. So which would you like?"

  5. Goddard crosses his arms. "The truth lecai. Did you really need to ask?"

  6. She shrugs. "I said something cruel. I deserved it. Now let's have lunch."

  7. Goddard frowns. "How am I supposed to have lunch when you won't tell me exactly what happened?"

  8. "Goddard, I did," she insists. "Can we please not talk about it? It's not a big deal."

  9. "If it wasn't a big deal, you'd tell me. You'd tell me some idiot said something to you or did something and you knocked him out, and you'd tell me how Tallyn and Gill reacted so I could laugh at them."

  10. She sighs. "Well I was the idiot this time," she admits. "And from what I understand Tallyn threw the brute out. And since I'm trying to not let myself be ruled by my temper, I'd rather not talk about it. I opened my mouth and got what I deserved. Satisfied?"

  11. "Not really," he sighs and curls up in his seat. "But I'll let you be."

  12. She sits at his feet and rests her cheek against his knee. "Thank you."

  13. "Anything for you lecai," he says softly, closing his eyes. "Except eating right now. Don't ask me to eat."

  14. "Are you unwell?" she asks, worried. "I can make you some tea or get you anything you want."

  15. Goddard shakes his head. "Just trying to deal with today. Better to do it sooner than later."

  16. "I tried to get him to come up and talk with you," she says softly. "I...uh...we weren't very nice about it."

  17. "I said I didn't want to see him," Goddard mumbles. "He'll just angrily stare at me or something..."

  18. If you can't stand one another why do you want each other so badly?

    "If he's going to be with you, he has to learn to deal with that," she tells him. "Somehow. Just like I have."

  19. "He's around to stand a few feet in front of me and keep all those crazy monsters away," he huffs. "He'll say he doesn't have to deal with that. You're different lecai."

  20. Sure...that's the only reason...

    Wanting to draw his attention away from depressing things, she grabs the oud and sits on her feet. "Any requests?"

  21. Goddard shakes his head. "Eat lecai. Don't worry about entertaining me."

  22. "I want to. I don't like seeing you so upset."

  23. She sighs and fixes a small plate, sitting at his feet again and picking at it.

  24. "I'm sorry. This probably sounds dumb, but don't let my stupidity ruin your day. I'll be fine."

  25. She shrugs. "I didn't have any plans. Locke can wait a day, and I don't feel like going that deep into the Hive like this," she says, waving at her sling.

  26. "I-I can go with you so you can still do what you wanted."

  27. "No, love, we can stay here. There's nothing important I need to do."

  28. "I know how important your lessons can be." He kisses the top of her head and smiles. "Eat and we'll go. I'll behave this time. Or I'll stand outside."

  29. "I don't think it's safe to leave you outside," she teases. "Some bubble headed ninny will steal you away."

  30. "No. You don't have to worry about that."

  31. "All the same I'd rather not risk it," she says, kissing his knee.

  32. "Then I'll sit inside and behave."

  33. "It's nothing fun anyway," she says. "Just a recitation of paralytics and how to yell the difference between them. Shouldn't be more than an hour."

  34. "I'll bring a book then. Or take a nap."

  35. "I'll take you to a place I know after," she says. "They make different kinds of coffee and pastries. Real home made stuff. You'll like it."

  36. "I might be able to handle coffee by then."

  37. She tries to keep the worry from her face and fails. "Hayati, it will be fine."

  38. Goddard laughs. "That's what I've been trying to tell you."

  39. "I'm just worried about you. You rarely get so upset."

  40. Goddard sighs. "I was afraid. And this wasn't like the fear of something that makes sense, like when some mind blowing abomination tries to eat you. It was someone I...trusted. That'd be like if father tried to eat me when he was that bigger dragon, or if you tried to stab me in my sleep."

  41. "I'm quite familiar with that," she tells him. And it would kill him to know I still have nightmares about it sometimes.

  42. "Oh lecai...I'm sorry...I'm worse than I thought I was. How does anyone put up with me?"

  43. "Why are you sorry?" she asks, getting up into his lap. "I am so in love with you I can handle anything you throw at me. You just try and see how I juggle," she challenges, giving him lots of small kisses all over his face.

  44. He manages a smile for a few seconds and gives her a kiss back. "I'm disappointed in myself. That's something I could do to you again if I don't stay focused."

  45. "Listen, that was years ago, and we were still testing limits and that ship was influencing you. I'm not afraid of you, and I doubt we'll ever run across another sunken ship full of the ghosts of druchii."

  46. "I didn't need the ship this time..."

  47. "Do you...maybe...Do you think-" She pinches the bridge of her nose and collects her thoughts. "Do you think you need an outlet? A safe one? We could try..."

  48. "I think maybe I need to either stop everything...strange I do or do everything alone," he chuckles, shaking his head.

  49. "If that's what you want. I still think we could work it out and no one get hurt." She brushes back his hair and cuddles him close. "But whatever you decide, I'll support you."

  50. She jumps up, pulling him to his feet. "Let's get out of here."

  51. He nods and stands up. "Let's go get you poisoned?" he jokes.

  52. "Oh I haven't been poisoned in days," she says flippantly.

  53. "I'd like to keep it that way, but I'm not sure if I can."

  54. She smiles. "For you, I can promise the rest of the week."

  55. "I'll enjoy the week of sanity. Lead on. Let's go get a carriage and you can count your alley ways."

  56. "I don't need to count anymore," she says proudly, waving down a carriage.

  57. "How often have you been going there?" he asks, sounding a bit worried.

  58. "Every few days," she says. "It's pretty boring. Lots of lecture and recitation and mixing. I take a lot of notes."

  59. "How do you do this without me knowing?" he frowns.

  60. "I don't know. I always tell you when I'm leaving."

  61. "But not what you're doing. I never thought it was to poison yourself."

  62. "I didn't think you wanted to know."

  63. "I don't? But then again, I do? I just want to make sure you're safe."

  64. "I am. Tallyn comes with me if I'm doing any testing." She squeezed his hand. "It's not that often. You haven't even noticed."

  65. "This is just something for me to deal with. I'll be fine."

  66. "You don't have to deal with it. There's nothing to worry about, I swear. You can ask Tallyn, he's only come with me once. Usually I have a...test subject."

  67. "Mentally deal with," he chuckles. "You won't let me help, so I have to figure something else out. Maybe meditation?"

  68. "I'd love for you to help. But I won't let you take anything. But...Nuur'eni, you're pretty terrible at meditation," she laughs.

  69. "Any suggestions to distract myself then? So I don't end up pacing a circle into the floor?"

  70. "There's some pretty interesting looking books in the lab," she tells him.

  71. "That'll only help for so long, but it'll have to do."

  72. Aara laughs. "This won't take long, I promise. You might even be amazed by my powers of memory."

  73. "I already know you remember things well."

  74. Aara smiles as the carriage stops and they start walking. Before long they are standing in the lab at the back of Locke's shop, and she tirelessly recites the components and effects of ten paralytics.

  75. Goddard keeps himself occupied with a book about various plants and their effects, and decides he needs more books that aren't reference material. He needs more stories about things he doesn't think he will have. Calm, peaceful stories, with no conflicts, monsters, or drama.

  76. About half an hour later Locke lets her go, and Aara comes up to Goddard. "Ready to go?"

  77. He closes the book and nods. "I might need some new reading material."

  78. "Like novels?" she asks as they leave. "I have a few of you want them."

  79. "I need something...boring," he chuckles. "No drama, no monsters, no fighting."

  80. She laughs. "Then you don't want my books. They're full of guilty pleasures. I'm sure we can find you something on the way back."

  81. "The gods know I don't need any of that," he sighs.

  82. "Do you want coffee? Or sweet things?" she asks.

  83. "Well you're in luck," she says, "we're just a few streets away. She loops her arm through his and walks slowly in silence until they reach a small, cramped shop that smells like coffee and burned cake.

  84. Goddard takes a deep breath. "This is going to be nice and relaxing. I can feel it."

  85. She pulls him inside and settles him in a dim corner booth before ordering coffee and what's called "the sweet spread" for them.

  86. "You come here every time you finish poisoning yourself?" he jokes.

  87. "No, Aaron brought me here once, and Gill and I have come here a time or two."

  88. "I don't do anything fun, but I'm glad you do."

  89. "We could change that," she suggests. "You don't have to stay locked up in the apartment reading all the time."

  90. "What should I do? I've never been able to walk around like nothing was wrong with me. Maybe I should start with finding friends," he chuckles.

  91. "Come out with me," she suggests. "Two is always trying to get me to go out with him and Kryn. We can do that."

  92. "Of course,' he smiles. "But you also have Tallyn, Gill, Aaron. Sethai doesn't count for me."

  93. "Gill loves you," she tells him. "Tallyn is pretty fond of you. And...well, Aaron doesn't like you," she laughs, "he still thinks he can steal me away."

  94. Goddard laughs. "Well, I don't like him much either. He lives in a dream land."

  95. "I know, that's why I don't let him come to the inn."

  96. "Just because I don't like him, doesn't mean I couldn't put up with him if you wanted to invite him over. He's your friend."

  97. "It's fine this way. Two doesn't like him either. He says 'Four he disrupts the peaceful complexity of my home life and he makes the Sheik look as if he had smelled a camels ass,'" she says, lowering her voice comically.

  98. "What? I do no such thing! And he's not usually home, so you can invite them all if you want. Have a tea party."

  99. "Maybe. Do you feel up to going out with Two tonight, or should we wait till tomorrow?"

  100. Goddard rubs his shoulder and shakes his head. "Maybe I'll be less ore tomorrow."

  101. "Maybe when we get home I can give you a massage?" she suggests. A large tray arrives, piled high with cakes, cookies, and pastries. It's nothing elaborate, but it gives off a homey aroma, as if your grandmother is in the back rolling out dough.

  102. "Oh this looks good." Goddard puts a large spoonful of sugar into his coffee and fights back a frown before picking up one of the cookies. "Oh, father would like these, and maybe those."

  103. "We can have some wrapped up," she suggests. "Kryn's bakery is...fancier, but this place feels more like home."

  104. "Maybe he'll show up. It's been a while, or it's felt like it has been."

  105. "It does seem like a while...I miss him, and I know you do too."

  106. "I do miss him, but I'm glad knowing he's still around. There were times when he wasn't around for a while and I was alone, but I knew he'd come back."

  107. She nods, picking at a piece of pie. She knows he doesn't want to be alone, but she just doesn't know what to do for him.

    "Maybe later-"

    "Aara!" they hear, followed by a greeting in Arabyan. "I didn't know you'd be here today!"

    She looks up to see Aaron making his graceful way through the made of tables toward them.

    "Should I get rid of him?" she asks quietly.

  108. "No lecai. If you want to talk to him, talk to him."

  109. She nods just as Aaron slides into her side of the booth. "I haven't seen you in days," he says, wrapping his arms around her and kissing her.

    Aara breaks away and leans back. "Aaron-"

    "I'm glad you're here."

    "You've met Goddard," she says, looking over at him. Aaron's face falls as he realizes she isn't alone, and he sits back.

  110. "Sorry my presence is so disappointing."

  111. Aaron gives him a charming smile. "I can ignore you if she can," he says, and pulls Aara close for another kiss before she can say anything.

    "Aaron what is wrong with you?" she asks. "You never act like this."

  112. "It's apparently been days lecai," Goddard says dramatically.

  113. Aara laughs at him and holds Aaron at arm's length. "Keep your hands to yourself. Remember what I told you in Nuln?"

    Aaron nods. "Your rules are too rigid, Aara..."

    "All the same," she says sternly. "Go."

  114. "Does she enforce them so strictly on you, too?" he asks sullenly.

    "Actually, he's the one with the rule," she says. "Now go. I'll write to you later."

  115. "I'm not whatever you are," Goddard smiles. "I'm more. I don't have any rules."

  116. "I could be more," Aaron murmurs in her ear. "Give me a chance and I'll show you everything you've been missing."

    Aara rolls her eyes.

  117. "You're only assuming she's missing something. Now give her some space. She obviously wants it."

  118. "Fine, I look forward to hearing from you," he says, kissing her cheek. "Be safe, my love."

    "Yes yes, what a show you're putting on," she says irritably. "I'm with Goddard."

  119. With a smirk, Goddard waves to Aaron.

  120. Aaron narrows his eyes at Goddard. "On second thought...To help with your rules," he says, returning to sit with her. "He should know I'm going to steal you away. Then he won't be so surprised when you're gone."

    Aara lifts an eyebrow. "Oh are you?"

  121. "I'm pretty sure any stealing would be against her will and she'd stab you. Then we'd be seeing a lot less of you."

  122. "You'll be seeing a lot less of her by then, too. Do you tell him when we see each other, Aara?"

    "What? No, why would I-"

    "See? You don't even know she's leaving you."

  123. No...he's lying. Why would she hide anything like that. I wouldn't care and she knows...or...

    Goddard laughs. "I haven't forgotten what kind of a story teller you were."

  124. Aara scowls at Aaron. "Quit making it sound like we're something we aren't. Goddard don't listen to him."

  125. "Of course not. I know where you are when we go to sleep at night, and it isn't with him."

  126. "There's still quite a few hours-"

    Aara elbows him so hard he almost falls out of the booth. "Why are you being such a jerk? You never act like this."

    Grimacing, Aaron runs his side. "He brings out the worst in me, lovebird."

  127. "That doesn't matter. You're no threat to what we have."

  128. "That's right," Aara says, wishing she'd sat with Goddard. "I've told you that."

    Aaron waves a hand. "Yes yes, all a part of your rules. And yet I've broken at least three of them."

    "Don't think that won't have consequences."

  129. Goddard sips his coffee and watches them. Rules? What rules? I can't even seriously ask after all the things I've done.

  130. "Are we still going to see the musicians?" he asks.

    "If you leave right now...maybe."

    "Fine, one last kiss."

    Aara shakes her head and pushes him out of the booth. Aaron laughs, sitting on the floor. "I love that fire," he tells her as he stands. "Enjoy your day, lovebird. Goddard," he says stiffly, nodding.

  131. Goddard waves almost as if he were shooing away a fly.

  132. She sighs once he's gone. "I'm sorry, nuur'eni. He never acts that way..."

  133. "You don't have to be sorry, but you should tell me when you're going to watch shows and such so I can find some way to entertain myself," he smiles.

  134. "I was going to," she tells him. "We've only met here in the Hive a few times after my lessons...the other day he sent a note asking to take me to a concert. We haven't been seeing one another that way," she adds hastily. "So it's not like he's...anything," she hitters nervously.

  135. Goddard chuckles. "The fact that I'm here with you having coffee and sweets tells me I have nothing to worry about. You shouldn't worry either."

  136. Oh but I do...

    "I know," she says, sipping her coffee.

  137. "Maybe I'll find some of those boring books I wanted while you're out."

  138. "It's in a few days," she says. "Assuming I even go after the fuss he made just now."

  139. "I thought you liked being fussed over? I'm sorry I didn't do too much of it when he showed up. Next time."

  140. "Only by you," she admits, blushing a little.

  141. Goddard smiles. "Just me? Why is that?"

  142. "Because I Don't do it nearly enough?" he chuckles.

  143. "Because you're the only one that matters."

  144. Goddard leans over the table, trying not to upset any of the food, and kisses Aara.

  145. She laughs, pushing the tray aside and leans forward to kiss him back.

  146. "So is one of the rules kissing public? I'm glad I don't have to worry about anything like that."

  147. "Sort of. Do you want to know them?"

  148. "Why not. Then I can rub them in his face later." He smiles at her innocently and looks the tray over before picking out a roll covered in a melted icing.

  149. She takes a drink of coffee and returns his smile. "They're all about you, anyway. First, no one will ever be a priority over you," she says, ticking it off on her fingers. "Second, they will not impose on my time with you, and will not interrupt us if seen in public. Third, they are not welcome around you. Fourth, they will not kiss or otherwise attempt to seduce me in front of you without my given permission- which will probably never happen. Fifth, they will not turn up unexpectedly at our lodgings. And six...Goddard holds the power to banish anyone from my company. If you don't like them, I won't see them at all."

  150. "Hmm those seem a little rough, considering we are almost always together." Goddard grins. "Wonderful. It must drive Aaron crazy." He takes one of her hands and gives it a squeeze. "Honestly, that last one is the only one I have a real problem with. Don't have me dictate who you can and cannot spend time with...should I adopt these rules? I don't think I'll ever have anyone like Aaron around, but, just in case. Would that work for you? Just in case?"

  151. "I'm only saying that if you really dislike someone, I won't bother. It's not about them. And you don't have to have any rules. Do what you want. I just...haven't lost the habit of living with rules yet. It makes me feel a little more in control of my life."

  152. "Doing what I want doesn't seem to be working well," he laughs. "But that makes sense. You'll have to stab Aaron though if you ever expect him to actually listen to and respect your rules."

  153. "I'm trying to deal with it. It would help if he and I didn't react poorly with one another and explode," she laughs. "And Aaron will definitely have consequences that will make him rethink another stunt like today."

  154. "You react poorly because I'm around. Do you think It'll upset me?"

  155. "No, we react poorly because he's an ass and so am I."

  156. Goddard laughs. "You are not an ass."

  157. She nods. "You're right. I'm a jealous ass. I really should have seen this coming, I was terribly jealous of Katarina and all her curves," she pouts. "She made me look like a boy beside her."

  158. "You are a little jealous," he agrees with a smile. "Just a little! Not much...and you looked amazing. You always do."

  159. "I am a lot," she argues playfully. "I never was before we met, though..." She shrugs and pours more coffee. "But it's one of the things I'm working on with all the meditation I'm doing."

  160. "I must be some kind of catch then? I guess I should feel lucky you don't lock me up in your room, away from everyone else."

  161. "You are, and don't tempt me," she purrs, winking at him.

  162. "Oh, I shouldn't have given you any ideas. I don't know how long I'd last...or how long you'd last," he snickers. "I'd be ravenous by the time you came back after your concerts and such."

  163. "Well if I could do that I wouldn't bother with any other forms of entertainment. We'd just have room service and ravish each other all the time," she laughs. "Just like now, only with fewer interruptions."

  164. "We'd get kicked out really fast."

  165. "Hmm, that's a good point. Still a tempting thought, for a little while."

  166. "Two would have to keep up with the rent, if he doesn't run off with Kryn."

  167. She frowns and looks into her cup. "I think he might be getting ready to do just that..."

  168. "You don't want him to leave...she could just stay with us?"

  169. She shrugs and looks up with a bright smile. "He'll do what he wants. He hasn't said anything, anyway. It's just a feeling."

  170. "Maybe they'll stay and you'll always have them around."

  171. She laughs. "That might be worse than him leaving. She can be scary. Did you see how she stamped her foot and gave Gath an earful?"

  172. "Yeah...she just doesn't know what he is..." Goddard clears his throat. "She probably wouldn't have to worry about him anyway. I wouldn't be surprised if he left."

  173. "He won't," she tell him.

  174. "How do you know? He has no reason to stay. He was a good shield too..."

  175. She shrugs. "He just won't. You said yourself that he won't work for anyone but druchii."

    Why am I insulted for "thinking like a human" when he can't even admit he's no longer druchii?

  176. "Well then he won't work for anyone," he snorts. "He'll sort it out soon enough."

  177. She pops a miniature cookie into her mouth. "He's not going anywhere. He's have to talk to people then to secure work or lodgings and that's out of the question," she says around it. "Besides, he likes you."

  178. "He likes torturing me," Goddard mumbles. "He figures he can make me miserable without any back lash. Until I turn him into a frog."

  179. She laughs and chokes on her cookie. "If you turn anyone into a frog I need to be there," she gasps.

  180. "I'll be sure to let you know. Oh...maybe I can practice on Aaron."

  181. "Be my guest," she snickers.

  182. "You say that...until he ends up a frog, and then you'll get worried because I'm sure I'll have no idea how to fix it."

  183. "Then use me to practice. Motivate you."

  184. "No. And don't try and don't try to use this as some sort of comparison for anything..."

  185. She grins behind her coffee cup. "Oh my," she says innocently, fluttering her lashes, "you are just too smart for me, O Great and Terrible Wizard."

  186. Aara laughs. "Watch it, mister," she threatens, "I'll use my magic to make your coffee salty instead of sweet."

  187. "I'll just change it back. I'm the great and terrible wizard, remember?"

  188. "Oh yes, of course," she laughs. She reaches across the table and strokes his cheek fondly. "How could I ever forget?"

  189. "It's a little understandable. Most people think great wizard and think of someone with a long white beard. Not anything like this," he grins. "And I suppose I don't cast too often. When I have to, I dispose of the threat quickly. Not enough time for a proper display of my power."

  190. "Your magic is big and impressive...Sethai has a beard...that must mean Otto is the ideal," she giggles.

  191. Goddard rolls his eyes. "He'd agree with you."

  192. "I know he would. He would say I have good taste. And I do."

  193. "You see where I get my ego from?"

  194. Smiling, she moves to sit beside him. "Well..." she breathes, running a finger over his ear. "Your ego is different."
