Thursday, May 5, 2016

She gasps and straightens up. "You injure me nuur'eni," she says dramatically, a hand in her chest. "I only moved here so I could flatter and cuddle you and take care of you."


  1. "You know I always have other ideas. Let's do what you said."

  2. She scoots close and puts her arms around him. "You have the handsomest nose I have ever seen."

  3. "That's the best compliment I've ever gotten, especially since I'm new to this whole nose business."

  4. "And your voice is like a symphony of dark and shadowed things," she croons. "I could listen to it for centuries."

  5. Goddard grins. "Lucky you! You'll be able to."

  6. "And you have excellent taste in women," she adds.

  7. "Hmm how big is the mirror in your room? Do you need a bigger one? A full wall of mirrors? That sounds like it could be fun..."

  8. "Yes. Mentioning my excellent taste in women...I assumed you might want to look at yourself all day," he chuckles.

  9. "Just the elf ego coming out," she counters. "Proof I've changed. Maybe I should go back to veils and counteract it. Then you'll feel even more special when you see me without it."

  10. " lecai, please don't," he groans. "Not again."

  11. She laughs. "So much dislike for a piece of silk... And I'm not even that pretty."

  12. "You're beautiful. Whoever told you you weren't pretty was lying. You have inn keepers, musicians, cooks, vagrants, all going after you. Thinking they can steal you from me."

  13. She laughs. "Vagrants? And Tallyn and Gill don't count," she adds, "they me."

  14. "Aaron of course! And what do you mean us? Maybe Tallyn likes to torment me. I'm not sure what Gill would want with me either."

  15. "That's what Gill told me. I think he has eyes for you, love."

  16. "That would upset both you and Tallyn. That doesn't sound like something he'd want to do."

  17. "Why would it upset Tallyn? It'd just make him pursue me harder." She leans in closer and lowers her voice. "Last week Gill and I were sitting in the garden late on night and he was a little drunk. That's when he told me they'd like us both. At once," she giggles.

  18. "I'm not sure Tallyn really likes 'sharing' Gill."

  19. She frowns. "Really? Haven't you ever seen them go their separate ways? They laugh and promise details to one another later," she laughs. "They just seem so...easy about it."

  20. "Never. But I'm not around them as much as you are."

  21. "You should come down to the bar more. Kote has been after me to sing."

  22. "Maybe I will. Will you sing? Or is he still causing problems for you?"

  23. "I'm pretty sure it started as a joke by Two."

  24. "Two always starting trouble," Goddard chuckles.

  25. "I just wish he'd cause me a little less," she laughs. "But once he finds out my voice is fixed, he'll really start pressuring me to do it."

  26. "And that's when you grab your daggers."

  27. "Maybe..." she starts, then smiles and shakes her head. "Nevermind."

  28. "What? Do you have something better than stabbing him? He doesn't seem to like it very much."

  29. "I'd sing," she offers, "if you sat in front."

  30. "Oh? Of course I'd sit in front. I'd sit in front every single time you sang if you wanted me to."

  31. "Oh I think I'd only ever do it once," she says nervously. "But I'd sing for you."

  32. Goddard shrugs. "Who knows, you might like it so much, you become the star of the Golden Glow Inn. People will travel far, from other dimensions, just to hear you sing a song."

  33. "You sir, are all full of nonsense," she laughs. "A spotlight is no place for a shadow."

  34. "I'm sure someone out there would agree, the best place to hide is in plain sight."

  35. "Let's start with once and see how many rotten tomatoes Gill throws."

  36. "Do you think he'd ever own a rotten tomato? That seems below him."

  37. "Depends on how much he's had to drink." She looks at the tray and all they've eaten. "Do you want to wrap this up and go find some books? Or we can stay here and snack some more." She kisses his shoulder. "Whatever you want, Nuur'eni."

  38. "Books might be a good idea. I'd also be fine with you just dragging me around the city."

  39. "Well then," she waves the waitress over and has her wrap up what they haven't eaten and pays the bill.

    Once outside, she pulls her arm out of the sling and sighs. "That's better," she says, rolling her shoulder and wrapping the scarf around her neck.

  40. "Are you sure? Don't push yourself if your arm still hurts. Put it back on. I think it looks lovely on you anyway," he smiles.

  41. "If I have to compliment a sling for you to take better care of yourself, I will."

  42. "It doesn't hurt," she tells him. "It was a little sore but it's been resting since it happened. Urian said it would be fine in a few hours, and it is." She squeezes his hand. "Would you feel better if I have Tallyn take a look at it?"

  43. Goddard nods. "I suppose I can trust the word of a doctor."

  44. "I will Then. But I promise it's fine. Zarek just tugged a little too hard is all."

  45. "Maybe you should injure them before they injure you."

  46. "I'll injure them for you. Maybe. If they can injure you, I doubt I'd be able to do anything to them."

  47. "I wasn't paying attention, that's all. It wouldn't have hurt if I had."

  48. "I do. Now let's find you some books."

  49. "Boring like...plants? Rocks? A biography? Those tend to be pretty boring."

  50. "There aren't any boring stories? I have enough books on plants and such."

  51. "I bet we can find a nice boring story about some old dead king," she says as they walk. "Or an old dead miller, if that's not boring enough."

  52. "Those both sound fantastic."

  53. She leads him out of the Hive and towards the shops in the market district. "Why something boring, my love?" she asks after a while.

  54. "I have enough drama, love, fighting, monsters...everything in my life now. I just want something to disappear into."

  55. She nods. "We do bring a lot to the table, don't we? I'm sorry."

  56. "You're sorry? It isn't your fault lecai. Maybe I just have bad luck with the adventures I end up in."

  57. "Don't say that...your adventures brought you to me. Granted, not all of them have been grand, but I'd say you've been pretty lucky." She looks down at her feet. "I know I'm not making things any easier, either..."

  58. "Not the people in my adventures. Just the adventures themselves. And what do you mean? You make a lot of things easier."

  59. "I make you worry a lot. I still have nightmares. And...I'm strange," she adds, "even for Sigil. I cause you a lot of stress."

  60. "I worry about lots of things. If I didn't have you, I'd find something else to worry about." He laughs. "Lecai, I'm stranger than you. I cause myself a lot of stress."

  61. She nods. "I suppose it's a good thing our strangeness mesh. Oh, here's the bookstores," she says, holding out a hand. "A whole street, just got books."

  62. "Good. I was hoping we could avoid our 'favorite' book store with our 'favorite' task master," he mumbles.

  63. "Brighteyes? I kind of like him, and his money is as good as anyone else's."

  64. "I don't want to risk my search for something boring. He might send us on a quest to find him some kind of magical tomato on the tail of a dragon."

  65. She laughs and opens the door to the first shop. "You're probably right. Let's find you something boring."

  66. Goddard sighs as he looks over the shelves of books. He isn't sure what he wants exists. He walks up to a gnome with soft purple hair ties up loosely and large glasses who looks like she's sorting and putting away books.

    "Excuse me," he says, crouching down. "Might you be able to help me find something specific?"

    She turns around slowly, practically hugging a large book, and once she faces him, her eyes go wide and she blushes. "Oh! Oh my...of course..."

  67. Aara peruses a nearby shelf full of trashy romance novels, trying not to pay too much attention to what she knows will be an endless flirtation for Goddard.

    Maybe this will make him feel better...

  68. Goddard smiles. "Thank you!"

    "What do you need?" she asks softly.

    "This may sound crazy," he starts, almost embarrassed. "But, I want something boring. And not like a reference book for herbs or anything."

    "Oh! Why would you want something like that?" She almost seems to hide behind the book after she asks the question. "I'm sorry, that's none of my business..."

    Goddard shakes his head. "No it's fine."

    "It's just that," she looks at his mismatched eyes and the scars on his face, then leans to the side, and watches his tail swish behind him. "You look far from boring."

  69. Aara flips through a few books before finding something halfway interesting. Turning her back, she bites her lip and listens to the gnome gush over Goddard.

  70. Goddard sighs. "And this is why I want something boring. I've been through a lot. Maybe even, too much."

    She nods, wondering what kind of stories he could tell.

    "We may have something. It's about a farmer and..."

    "That already sounds perfect," he grins.

    "One moment." She carefully places the book she was holding down and dashes around one of the shelves.

    Goddard turns toward Aara. "I thought this would have been harder. I can start my collection with a boring farmer."

  71. "That's good," she murmurs, getting unexpectedly wrapped up in the book she's holding.

  72. It doesn't take long for the gnome to return with a book that looks as if it were rarely opened. She holds it out to Goddard and watches his clawed, bandaged hand take it from her.

    "I hope that's boring enough..."

    Goddard chuckles and opens to random pages, reading a few sentences here and there. "Oh no...a pack of wolves..." he mutters.

    "Is that too much?"

    He shakes his head. "A pack of regular, normal wolves sounds like it might be nice."

  73. "You might not find anything if you want absolutely no conflict," she says, turning to face him. "A little is always necessary to move the plot."

  74. Goddard nods in agreement. "I suppose normal farm conflict will be fine."

    The gnome smiles and after watching him for a few moments, begins to nervously twist one of her rings around her finger. "Um, I'm sorry," she stammers, "I don't want to seem rude or...anything...but..."

    Goddard looks up from the book and her eyes drop down to her hands quickly.

    " seem like you have stories to tell..."

    "I do..."

    "And I've read all of these books..."


    "Oh...oh thank you day we could...that is if you aren't busy...doing too much...could we have coffee and you could tell me some of your stories?"

    Goddard takes a breath to speak but doesn't say anything right away. "Maybe," he finally says with a smile.

  75. Aara raises an eyebrow and turns back to the shelf. "You'll enjoy that. Ask him about the time he raised an enormous ship from the depths and crewed it with the souls of the damned."

  76. Goddard looks up at Aara with a frown while the gnome looks up at her with wide eyes. "Re-really?! Did you see it?" she asks.

  77. "Amazing," she whispers and turns to Goddard with a hopeful look.

    "She has a better memory than I do," Goddard chuckles. "Maybe she'll come along and help me out. I've taken one too many hits to the head..."

  78. Aara closes her book and smiles. "Dear me, you know I'm no storyteller."

  79. "I'll tell the stories, you can just remind me of all the details I've missed..." he gets to his feet. "Thank you," he says to the gnome.

    "You're very come back, I'll see if I have another boring book for you."

    Goddard nods and goes to pay for the book.

  80. Aara grabs up another blank journal and approaches the counter. "He has wonderful stories," she tells her with a wink. "How much are these?"

  81. She bashfully looks at the books Aara is holding then frowns. "Le-let me double check." She disappears around the same book shelf.

    "Don't tell her that," Goddard mumbles.

  82. "What? It's true," she says with a sweet smile and a shrug.

  83. "Well then, I guess one day you'll have to not go to your early morning training and come with me instead to have a day full of coffee and stories."

  84. She laughs and leans against the counter. "You don't really need me to tell stories all day."

  85. "Then she'll get none," he whispers as the gnome reappears from around the corner.

    "One gold for the blank one and one gold, fifty silver for the stories," she tells them both.

    Goddard nods and hands her five gold coins. "That should cover it. Thank you again."

    "Oh thank you thank you!" she smiles up at them.

  86. "And why is that?" she whispers as their books get wrapped up.

  87. Goddard remains quiet until their books are wrapped and they've stepped outside. "I don't want to get her little hopes up," Goddard mumbles.

  88. Aara laughs. "Because if she tries you won't be able to resist her? Goddard, it doesn't matter."

  89. "She is pretty cute," Goddard admits, almost too quietly for Aara to hear.

  90. "Have her now if you want," she tells him with an impish grin. "I can browse for a few minutes."

  91. "Aara no!" Goddard yelps. "It was obvious she was attracted to me...who isn't anymore," he sighs, "but that's not going to happen!"

  92. She laughs and loops her arm through his. "You say that as if it isn't a dream come true for you."

  93. She frowns. "Why is that, Nuur'eni?"

  94. "It's troublesome now. Where was this when I was running around Altdorf years ago? Or maybe it's this place, I don't know. People here are different."

  95. "Neither do I, but it might have something to do with the fact that there are so many different...things living together in one place."

  96. She smiled and kisses his hand. "You aren't making any sense. Why don't we go home and I'll give you that massage?"

  97. Goddard looks at her confused. "How am I not making any sense?"

  98. "You aren't being clear. Races of all kinds lived in Altdorf, aside from more types of people, I don't see what you mean."

  99. "Races that looked humanoid and normal, sure. There are so many things here that would have been taken for monsters of chaos. The Empire would set this whole place on fire. Not only are there monsters, but there are those who accepted said monsters, and you can't have that going on. Here, it's as if I were of slaanesh without the creepy, horrible parts."

  100. "If it were like this before, I wouldn't have had to try so hard to not be seen and found out or have to worry about getting anyone so drunk they wouldn't ask why my face felt so strange."

  101. "Are you...are you saying you feel too attractive?" she gasps.

  102. "With my current status, yes."

  103. "Um...well what would I say's er not married but maybe...kind of like...less than that but more than...this is difficult!"

  104. "You mean you and me? Sort of married?"

  105. "Yes! Is there a word for this? There has to be somewhere."

  106. She covers her grin. "Engaged, I believe," she giggles.

  107. "But that means we are to be married later and we aren't...are we?"

  108. "Well engaged means to be not quite married. It doesn't necessarily have to mean that we ever intend to get married." She makes an amused grimace. "Is that too permanent for you? Would having a fianceé be bothersome? Do you have a better word?"

  109. "Not really. I had just never thought about it. Maybe fiancee would deter people? This might work?"

  110. "Call me whatever you want," she tells him, squeezing his arm gently. "Just so long as it means yours. And please, don't think you aren't free to accept offers."

  111. "If that is a word people will understand as you being mine, then I'll use that," he smiles.

  112. "If you like." She shrugs and then laughs. "This might be the most unusual, casual betrothal I've ever heard of."

  113. "You have to like it too, and will you call me the same? Is this something we should even be talking about?" Goddard takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly.

  114. "Hmmm...fianceé...Goddard's fianceé..." Her eyes widen a little and she laughs. "You know, I think I do like it."

  115. "Then that's what we'll be," he grins.

  116. "All right then, my khatib," she chirps. "That's settled."

  117. "I take it that's your word for it? I'm not sure I have a word for it? Druchii or Asur."

  118. "It is. And...considering how druchii marriages go, I'm not sure it would be appropriate," she chuckes.

  119. "Most of their words are violent. I'm surprised we even had a word for bread. Unless someone was able to make that violent as well."

  120. "I've eaten your bread. It was," she laughs.

  121. "I'm sorry," he frowns. "But you will never have to worry about that ever again."

  122. "Don't be sorry," she tells him, stopping and putting a hand on his cheek. "I'm not, and never will be. We survived; almost unscathed, too. And we did a great thing there, and I'd do it again."

  123. "And I would too. Minus a few details."

  124. "Oh, you mean the part when your magic ran through you and showered me in a fine mist of your blood?" she giggles. "Or when I was mostly naked in a snowy street?"

  125. "And the tentacles, that tower, the wife...thing...I am going to miss Eglanore though. I hope he's well."

  126. "Really? I thought those were the best parts," she says with twisted cheer. "I especially loved being cut up by magic and hallucinating."

  127. "Lecai, that isn't even remotely funny."

  128. "No, it's not, but I'm not sure I can live with it if I can't find something to laugh at about it now and then. Laughter and time are the great healers, Nuur'eni."

  129. "That does make sense, but don't expect me to laugh about it. You wouldn't laugh at me for losing all my armor and then not having anything to protect my squishy body when I faced the brides in on the stair case would you?"

  130. "Of course not. That armor was doing you more harm than good. But sometimes I do have to laugh at it all, or else it's worse." She hugs him tightly. "I've finally shed my guilt over it, I just have to work on the rest."

  131. "You'll do fine," he says, hugging her back just as tight. "Maybe I should pamper you when we get home instead of you giving me a massage."

  132. "What? No. You're the one who needs pampering. I have a nice peppermint oil that will work wonders on your soreness. I will make you a hot bath and read that boring book to you while you relax."

  133. "I'll be fine lecai. Really. But if you feel like you must do something, a bath would be fine. It requires the least amount of effort."

  134. "You deserve maximum effort," she insists. "Just let me take care of you, all right? You're always taking care of me."

  135. Goddard sighs. "If that's what you really want. You could be doing far more interesting things, like setting up your musical debut by the bar."

  136. "That doesn't matter. I don't care if I never do it. You, and your comfort matter."

  137. "Not right now. Nuur'eni, don't make me beg. Just put yourself in my hands and let me do what I want," she pouts, looking up at him through her lashes.

  138. "That wording...I put myself in your hands...and you can do whatever you want...."

  139. "Have I ever let you down?" she murmurs, leaning close so he can catch the scent of jasmine in her hair.

  140. "Then it's settled. Let's go home."

  141. Goddard eagerly walks with her back without a single added complaint.

  142. Aara laughs and let's him hurry her along and up to their rooms.

  143. Goddard tosses his book onto his bed before he goes into Aara's room and climbs onto her bed. "I'm yours to do whatever with," he says, his voice muffled by her blankets.

  144. Settingbdown her sweets and books, she goes and starts running a bath. "Come in here," she calls.

  145. Goddard slowly makes his way to the bathroom and leans against the wall. "If you don't sing, you might be able to convince Tallyn to open a spa, and you could run it."

  146. "Why would I do that?" she asks, pouring salt into the water and swirling it. "I plan to hoard money until I can't sell my sword any more, then retire to somewhere nice and hot."

  147. "It's a lot safer than all this portal traveling?" he shrugs. "It was worth a shot. And nice and hot? Why would you want to do that to yourself? You don't want to be somewhere nice and cool? With beautiful snow?"

  148. "I remember when I thought snow was beautiful," she laughs, starting to undress him. "Then we slept in it and I had to break it off my legs so I could walk. Although I am willing to compromise somewhere in the middle."

  149. "We wouldn't have to sleep in it again, but if you have your heart set on somewhere hot, keep in mind, I may live in a tent in a windowless room for the rest of eternity," he chuckles.

  150. She laughs. "We have lots of time to decide that," she tells him. "Get in."

  151. "We could just stay here. I don't want to have to move my room. Then I'd have to re-organize everything again. It's awful," he whines, climbing into the water.

  152. "That would be terrible," she laughs, pouring oil into her hand. Pulling a stool close to the tub, she starts massaging his neck and shoulders gently, the peppermint making her hands tingle.

  153. "I'm going to smell delicious," he murmurs. "Good thing we don't have to deal with any large creatures. I might be seen as a snack."

  154. "You won't want to move when I'm done, so you might as well be tasty."

  155. "Well lucky you then. You won't have to chase me down to do whatever else you have planned."

  156. She chuckles. "My plan is to pamper and coddle you for the rest of the day so that you feel good as new and well rested."

  157. "I'm sure it'll only last a few hours, but I think it'll be worth it. Thank you."

  158. "A few hours is worth it," she tells him, moving from his neck to his scalp.

  159. Goddard closes his eyes and takes deep breaths, feeling his muscles relax. Instead of fighting it and worrying about drowning in the bath, he trusts Aara won't let him slip and if he does, she'll save him.

  160. She smiled when she feels him relax, and starts to hum a soothing, soft song.

  161. In his mind, Goddard sees images of dragons, moving like smoke through ink. A part of him worries they'll turn on him, but that feeling doesn't last long. He can hear Aara humming but he isn't sure how far away she is or where she is, but he assumes she must be safe. His ears twitch and mumbles her name and something about dragons.

  162. She grins at his mumbling and moves to work one of his arms, starting at the shoulder and going all the way down to his fingertips.

  163. His fingers twitch and he opens one of his eyes halfway. "I didn't scratch you did I?" he says softly before closing his eye again.

  164. "No, Nuur'eni," she whispers.

  165. Goddard smiles and makes a soft humming sound.

  166. After doing his other arm, she drains the water and lays lots of warm, fluffy towels on the floor. Rolling up her sleeves, she determines to best way to get him out without disturbing him is to just pick him up.

    Climbing in beside him, Aara puts one arm over her shoulder and picks him up gently.

  167. "I don't want to go," he mumbles. "Don't make me go..."

  168. "You aren't going anywhere," she assured him, and climbs awkwardly to the floor and lays him down. With a little giggle, she rolls him over and pours more warm oil down his back.

  169. "Not with all the bats around," he grumbles.

  170. "There aren't any bats here. I let them all out."

  171. Aara spends almost an hour on his back before rolling him over and taking a good look at his chest. "A little bruised," she murmurs, running her hands over his ribs. "Nuur'eni, wake up."

  172. "Did the bell ring?" he asks before he yawns and opens his eyes. "Oh, hi lecai. Did I fall asleep?"

  173. "For a while. You don't usually talk in your sleep," she tells him. "How do you feel?"

  174. "Someone was talking to me," he says. "I thought it was father. I feel really good actually. Thank you> What's next?"

  175. "That's good, love," she says softly, brushing back his hair. "What would you like? Rest in bed? Read? Go downstairs and sit in the garden? Your wish is my command."

  176. "That wasn't what this was supposed to be. You were supposed to do whatever you wanted. I put myself in your hands."

  177. "In that case..." She gets a mischievous glint in her eye.

  178. "I think I know what that means," he grins.

  179. She grins and leans over him, getting close enough to kiss and her hair falling over them. "Do you, Nuur'eni?" she whispers, barely breathing and letting her lashes flutter slightly.

  180. "Yes. I normally wouldn't say this, but because of the circumstances, be gentle. Especially around the ribs."

  181. "Gentle?" Aara captures his bottom lip between her teeth before kissing him gently. "You're going to need to get dressed," she says softly.

  182. "Get...get dressed? Oh, should I wear something for you to cut off maybe?"

  183. "Oh no...I'm saving that for something special. Like my birthday." She sits up, pulling him to a sitting position. "Besides...when it's time for us both to be undressed, I intend to be so gentle you'll hate it."
