Sunday, May 8, 2016

"Oh you're mean," he grins. "But this doesn't seem like it's going to be what I thought it would have been." He goes into his room and after much muttering and rummaging, finally gets dressed. "Alright lecai, do with me what you will."


  1. While he gets dressed, Aara changes into a simple, pretty day dress that leaves her shoulders bare and braids her hair back.

    "We are going to go walk through the Ladies' Ward, like we used to in Altdorf," she tells him. "And have dinner out, somewhere quiet, and then we'll come home and I will release you to do whatever you'd like."

  2. "This sounds like something normal people would do. It'll be a nice change."

  3. "We can be normal," she tells him, draping a lilac colored shawl over her arms. "Or at least try. We look pretty normal. Well...As normal as we'll ever look," she laughs as they leave.

  4. "You look normal. I don't. Well...a little maybe? Some things look more strange than I do."

  5. "Normal is relative." She waves to Gill and Tallyn at the bar as they go outside. "I happen to like how you look."

  6. "You and everyone else," he sighs.

  7. "Should I make a fuss when they flirt?"

  8. "If you want? That might make things easier for me."

  9. "I'll only do it if you want me to. I haven't because I thought you enjoyed it."

  10. "I used to, but it's slowly been becoming...not as fun?" he laughs nervously.

  11. Her eyebrows shoot up in surprise. "Why not? What's happened?"

  12. "Obviously I don't, unless you're referring to when I hit you," she sighs. "We've talked about that, and I have apologized a thousand times."

  13. He shakes his head. "I'm not worried about my own face. I'm worried about everyone else's face."

  14. She gasps. "I'd never hurt someone like that! I'm a jealous person, yes," she admits sheepishly, "but it's not as bad as it was. If that's what you're afraid of someone getting hurt...well, I'd never...not over something so meaningless..."

  15. Goddard chuckles softly. "But mostly, I don't like seeing you upset. I want you to be happy. Always."

  16. She moves under his arm as they walk. "It won't upset me. It's happened before and I didn't let it bother me..."

    Not much, anyway, she thinks.

  17. "I know it still does, even if it's just a little," he says softly. "And I'm sorry..."

  18. "Stop being sorry. I knew what I was getting into, Nuur'eni. All I want is your love and a little discretion." She chuckles and pats his chest. "You're very good at at least one of those things."

  19. "Well, I know it isn't discretion," he mutters.

  20. "To be fair, it's not," she chuckles. "When Gath kissed you, you acted as if you'd killed Two. Maybe you should ask Gill or Tallyn about it," she suggests. "They've clarified so much for me."

  21. "Being discreet? And I never kissed him! He kissed me. That's different..."

  22. "Oh...yes...of course you did..." Goddard stammers and clears his throat. "I don't have to be discreet since that won't be happening anymore. The whole kissing me thing...alright where are we going lecai?"

  23. "There's a garden here I like," she tells him, turning into a large park. "It has lots of roses and fountains. I like to meditate here."

  24. "We aren't going to meditate are we? Is that what normal couples do?"

  25. Aara throws her head back and laughs. "No, love, we aren't. I just like it and I think you might, too." She points to a huge gazebo covered in red roses. "See that?"

  26. "That looks almost as beautiful as you do."

  27. "Flattery gets you everywhere," she laughs. "And I think your vision is biased."

  28. "It is not biased. Yours just can't see as well as mine."

  29. "I'll have you know I can see better than ever, and yours must be terrible." She catches herself before she reaches up to cover the scar on her cheek.

  30. "I just know what looks good." He kisses her cheek. "If I look as amazing as I do with all my scars, then you look amazing too."

  31. "When you put it that way I can hardly argue," she laughs.

  32. "So what are we going to do? Sit under the rose covered gazebo, gaze into each other's eyes? Make everyone who walks by jealous, wishing they could have what we have, or have us?"

  33. "If you want," she laughs. "So normal people do that?"

  34. "I'm just throwing out guesses as to what you have planned. I'm in your hands until we get back remember? For all I know, we're going to train under the roses. That seems like something normal for us."

  35. "No training, no meditation," she promises. "Other physical activity...well, I have plans," she grins, pulling him to the gazebo.

  36. "Here? Even after what happened at the inn? You're braver than I thought."

  37. "Don't be silly. That was full daylight and a crowded inn. And no one is getting undressed," she informs him, pulling him to sit with her and curling up against him.


  38. Goddard wraps an arm around her and relaxes in the seat with a sigh. He listens to the sounds of people talking and walking around. It reminds him of Altdorf but different. Calmer.

  39. Aara smiles and reaches for his hand. It's so different from home. No princes to protect or sand between my toes. Hell, there's not any sand at all. "Ten years ago, I'd have been outraged if someone told me I'd end up free, in another world, blank, and engaged to a demon," she laughs. "I'd have punched them right in the nose."

  40. "It's that bad huh?" he chuckles.

  41. "What? No! It just sounds so...unlike me," she laughs. "At least unlike sixteen year old me."

  42. "It does sound rather unbelievable when you put it in those words. Sounds like a story book."

  43. "And those are the less exciting parts. Would you have believed that you would end up in Nagaroth rising around on a cold one?...Well...maybe you would have," she laughs.

  44. "I wasn't looking forward to losing the ability to feel. Those things are terrifying. I'm glad I got rid of it. I never thought I'd ever have to go back there."

  45. "Me too. I remember feeling particularly foolish one night when I remembered you couldn't feel anything."

  46. "We'll never have to worry about that again."

  47. "Don't be so sure...I study poisons, remember?" she giggles. "But it would be me who could feel anything.,

  48. Goddard leans his head back to hide his frown and takes a deep slow breath. "I'd like to forget this was something you were interested in."

  49. She giggles. "Not another word about it then," she promises.

  50. "That is, until you do what I had suggested for my own sanity."

  51. "I'm not giving you anything lethal. But I'm also not going to take anything lethal myself," she tells him. "Locke and I talked about it last week, and he agrees with you. So he's contracting"

  52. "I didn't expect anything lethal...and what do you mean cooperative? I'm cooperative!"

  53. "Cooperative as in not you and not me," she tells him. "All he said was he's find someone."

  54. " long as you aren't doing it to yourself."

  55. "A few I may want to try, but nothing terrible. I promise. Now, back to this gazing into one another's eyes and making everyone jealous..."

  56. Goddard nods and relaxes again. "As nice as this is, I think we'd get bored if we completely gave up what we do."

  57. "I agree. Two could manage, but the three of us..." She shrugs and smiles a little. "We are what we are."

  58. "You, me, and that other one."

  59. "You, me, and that other one."

  60. "Exactly. How could he manage on his own? We have to buy his chocolate for him."

  61. "He'd figure something out. He's been figuring things our for entirely too many years. He's good at that."

  62. "But no pockets," She giggles.

  63. "That's assuming he's limited to... possessing Sethai. We don't know what he is now or what he can do. I just know this method is probably the easiest. He likes to take shortcuts if he can."

  64. "Because he's smart," she says, blowing on Gddard's ear softly. "Like his son."

  65. "You mean I'm smart like my father. He taught me everything. So you can blame him for all that I do," Goddard chuckles.

  66. "Oh I know," she laughs. "It's a good thing I love him too."

  67. "Does he know this? I don't think he does. I'm sure he'd use it agianst me more often."

  68. "He probably would. That's why I don't say anything," she chuckles.

  69. "It'll be our secret," he whispers close to her ear.

  70. "Oh good," she purrs. "I love secrets."

    They watch people strolling for a while as evening comes on. "Are you ready for dinner?"

  71. "What am I having? You or actual food?"

  72. "Possibly? I like where this is going."

  73. She wiggled her eyebrows at him and grins. "Good, because I have the best idea." She stands and holds her hand out to him. "Let's hurry before they fill up."

  74. "You seem to know where you're going...what we're run around an awful lot without me don't you?" he chuckles.

  75. "It's a long walk to the gymnasium," she reminds him. "Sometimes Gill or Tallyn go with me and Two. They show me things."

  76. "They go with you and Two, and they only show you things? Interesting."

  77. "Oh, Tallyn is always trying to take me to this place," she tells him. "I just keep turning him down."

  78. Goddard raises a brow. "Then it must be more interesting than I initially thought. I know how how his mind works..."

  79. She gives him a mysterious smile. "Let's just say you've never done anything quite like this."

    They arrive before a tall building made of white stone with many windows, most of them with the drapes pulled tight. Aara surpresses a nervous shiver and enters with Goddard behind her.

    The entryway is dimly lit with floating candles giving off a deep blue light, matching the lush carpet beneath their feet. A man approaches, eyeing them curiously.

    "Two guests, or one?" he asks quietly, his voice deep.

    Aara gives Goddard another smile before answering. "One."

    "The gentleman, I presume?"

    She nods, pushing Goddard forward.

    "Come along, sir. There is a drink awaiting you."

  80. "One? Lecai? What is going on?" He turns to Aara and furrows his brow. "We were supposed to be spending this time together."

  81. "We are, I promise," she tells him. "Go have your drink, relax, and I'll be with you soon." She gives him a quick kiss and nudges him to follow the man.

  82. "You'd better come out wearing a single sheer piece of fabric for me to tear off," he mumbles and begrudgingly follows the man.

  83. She laughs and waves him off. Goddard is led to a large room full of people having drinks. Some are alone, others in groups as small as three or as large as twenty. The excitement in the room is almost tangible.

    "My lady?"

    Aara turns to see another man waiting for her. "Oh yes, my turn," she laughs nervously.

    "First time?"

    She nods, toying with the end of her braid, and he chuckles.

    "Don't worry, there's a drink in it for you. A lot of people need a little liquid courage."

  84. Goddard takes a seat and looks around the room. This would normally be an environment he might actually enjoy, but all he can think about is disappointing Aara with some stupid stunt. No no. Think about all the amazing surprises she could possible have for you here...that's better...

  85. "Are you comfortable?"

    Aara shifts her shoulders a little. "Mostly. I'm fine."

    "Good. I shall retrieve your gentleman." The young man pauses and gives her a smile. "Don't worry. You'll upset the wine."

    Aara tries not to laugh, and the wine glass resting on her shoulder shivers as he leaves.

    "Sir? Your table is ready," the man says to Goddard. "Follow me, please."

  86. With a nod, Goddard follows and continues to think about Aara, wearing nothing but a sheer black sash. Like a shadow... He smiles to himself at the image.

  87. Goddard is led into a small, private dining room with a long table. It's overly warm, but as soon as he sees Aara lying on the table covered in a long piece of sheer silk, it's obvious.

    "Dinner is served, sir," the man says, throwing Aara a wink.

    Aara shifts a little, naked beneath the silk, and tries to stay still do that the good placed on her doesn't move.

  88. Goddard grins. "This place grants wishes," he says softly and takes a seat. "You look delicious lecai."

  89. She giggles, the wine glass shivering again. "I told you that you'd never done this before."

  90. "In all my years, I have not done this. And Tallyn wanted to bring you here? I'll have to have some words with him..."

  91. "He's been practically begging. Although I believe he mentioned dessert, not dinner."

  92. "Will we be having dessert too?" he asks. Aara can't tell if his eyes are looking over the food or her.

  93. "Maybe, if you everything on your plate," she says with a wicked look in her eyes. "All you've eaten today is sweets and coffee..."

  94. "You're sweeter than everything I've had all day." He finally plucks up a piece of food and eats it. "I think this only tastes as good as it does because it was on you."

  95. "And what will you eat? Or will I have to be a platter later?"

  96. Goddard nods and carefully feeds her after each piece he eats.

  97. She giggles. "Enjoying yourself?"

  98. She smiled up at him. "Good. Maybe I'll actually make plans next time you put yourself in my hands."

  99. "This wasn't planned? Are you sure?"

  100. "This was not planned," she admits. "I wanted to bring you here, I just intended to rent a different room and not go home that night. They have overnight...dining...available."

  101. "Oh they do? Or, we could always stay home and recreate it. I'm sure Tallyn would appreciate knowing we think his inn's food is good enough for this."

  102. "Maybe." She shifts and shivers as some sauce drips down her side. "This is interesting."

  103. "Want me to get that for you?"

  104. "If you don't mind," she laughs. "I've never been a plate before."

  105. Goddard grins before he slowly licks the sauce up in one motion. "Better?"

  106. Her breath catches and she shivers again beneath the silk. "Um...yes?"

  107. He lazily tips over a piece of food with a claw so it gets on her skin. "Oops..."

  108. "Messy demon," she chides, her voice thick. "Why you ever bother to use your hands is beyond me."

  109. Goddard shrugs and does the same as before, watching her reaction with a grin.

  110. Aara watches him with interesting one eyebrow arched.

  111. "Or will your shivering cease if I do this too often?"

  112. "I guess you'll have to find out."

  113. He takes another piece of food with only his mouth, making sure to get up every last trace of the food.

  114. She gasps and let's out a strained giggle. "Oh I'm going to be the guest next time," she says breathlessly, shifting a little.

  115. "That doesn't sound like it'd be too fun. I'm sure I'd end up just ruining the food."

  116. What's going to happen once I finish every single bite?"

  117. "Well..." She lifts her head and surverys how much is left. "Then you're really going to be in my hands."

  118. "Then I'd better move faster," he grins as he takes another piece of food, grazing her skin with his fangs.

  119. Aara sets her face in a grin as he eats, glad to see him carefree and teasing.

  120. It doesn't take long before Goddard finishes up all the food, taking the time to feed Aara as well. "So now...what's for dessert?"

  121. She sits up slowly, stretching her arms overhead and letting the silk shift fall away. With a wicked grin, she slides into his lap, straddling him, and nibbles on his ear. "You are, my love...and I promise to be extra gentle..."

  122. "That's not fair," he mutters. "That's maybe even a little cruel."

  123. "You said to be gentle with you," she murmurs, moving her lips to his neck. "And I intend the point of distraction," she giggles.

  124. "Oh I'm sure you'll be fine..." She raises an eyebrow at him. "Unless, of course, you plan to ask for what you...beg, even?"

  125. "I'll beg...please lecai...please..."

  126. Aara pulls the tablecloth up over them, propping herself up on one elbow. "How do you feel? Still sore?" she asks, reaching for a glass of wine.

  127. "Yes but I don't mind at all," he breaths. "That was worth it. You're always worth everything."

  128. She laughs. "You know how to boost a girl's ego." She laces her fingers through his and kisses the back of his hand. "I just want you happy, nuur'eni."

  129. "I am happy," he smiles. "Knowing you exist makes me happy. Knowing you're mine, well, that puts me over the moons...moon...does this place have a moon?"

  130. "I don't think so, but maybe we can take a small vacation to a world with a moon."

  131. "Hmm we'd have to go through one of those portals wouldn't we...I'd rather pretend this place has a moon. Much safer."

  132. "Maybe we can have Two light up his little glass thing and hang it in my room, then we could pretend to have a moon."

  133. "Then he'd be annoying. So proud of his little light," he snickers. "We don't want that. At least, I don't want that."

  134. She laughs with him and sits up. "We should probably get dressed before our time runs out. I'd hate to have someone else walk in expecting us both to be for dinner."

  135. "It all depends. Maybe it could be fun?" he grins, gathering up his clothes and getting dressed. "But I don't think you'd handle that well."

  136. "Oh? Why is that?" she asks, slipping into her dress and looking for her stockings.

  137. "You're reaction at the inn was pretty funny. To being caught and to"

  138. She blushes and turns her face away. "I can't help it."

  139. "I know I know," he chuckles, kissing her neck. "I'll enjoy your adorable reaction until one day, it fades away."

  140. "I would think eventually it would," Goddard shrugs. "After so long, you get used to things? Or maybe it won't because you're different. You were a human once. You see things differently than I do, even if you now have a few extra years."

  141. "One of the many things we'll just have to wait and see, I suppose. Ready for dessert? It's getting late, but Kryn's bakery isn't far and it stays open late," she says as they leave their dining room.

    She sees the young man who helped her set up and blushes when he stops her. "All well, then?" he asks, brushing her neck with his thumb. "You have some sauce."

    "Ah, yes," she stammers. "Everything was fine, I think. Goddard?"

  142. Goddard puts an arm around Aara's waist. "That was the most perfect, delicious, dinner I have ever had."

  143. The man nods, keeping his eyes on her. "Come back soon," he says, and walks away.

    "I'm glad you enjoyed it," she tells Goddard as they leave.

  144. "Did I do something wrong? Or was he just jealous of my dinner?" he whispers once they are outside.

  145. "I don't know," she says with a shrug. "Maybe he was? I can't think why."

  146. "He probably eats on the most mundane plates."

  147. She rolls her eyes. "I'm not that interesting."

  148. "Of course you are! I can't think of anyone more interesting than you."

  149. "You must have known some pretty boring people."

  150. "'ve been around've seen...that," he chuckles.

  151. She sighs good naturedly and gives up. "A few scars means that I'm interesting," she laughs. "Would that I had known that as a girl."

  152. "I don't see your scars, and you don't know why anyone else thinks you're interesting. You just assume it's your scars. It could be anything else. Everything else."

  153. Like what? I'm pretty boring...

    She wraps her arm around his waist and leans against him. "You're so good to me," she tells him.

  154. "You deserve the best." Goddard kisses her head then laughs. "Not sure how you ended up with me."

  155. "Your taste in everything else is impeccable."

  156. "Are you saying a death wizard isn't a solid match for one of the Mashi Al'Maut? Because if so, I'm pretty certain you're wrong." She pulls him into a shadow and down to kiss her deeply. "We prove it all the time."

  157. "I was going to try and disagree with you, but that kiss made me forget everything I was going to say," he smiles before kissing her again.

  158. She laughs, wrapping her arms around his neck. "And I mean that in and out of bed," she chuckles. "We're a pretty good team."

  159. "Oh those skills have nothing to do with being a death wizard. If anything, that could have potentially ruined those skills."

  160. "Still. I make people dead and you talk to them. Ustadh would be pleased. Well...maybe."

  161. "I wonder if I can still do that...I haven't tried."

  162. Her eyes go big with sudden excitement. "Oh let's find out! Who can I kill and not get in trouble for?" she asks, turning around and surveying the crowd. "Maybe we can find some scoundrel in the Hive?"

  163. "Lecai! You can't just go around looking for people to kill!" he laughs.

  164. She looks at him with total confusion. "I...can't? Why do we live here then!"

  165. Goddard chuckles. "You wouldn't have been able to do that in Altdorf either."

  166. "I'm pretty sure I killed at least one person in Altdorf..." she muses. "Surely we can find someone..."

  167. "No no, we will not go search for someone to murder. I know I said I was going to put myself in your hands, but we just can't."

  168. "Murder is such an ugly word," she pouts. "I'm not a murderer."

  169. "I don't know where any cemeteries are."

  170. "I can figure it out without spilling blood or finding a cemetery," he smiles. "I wouldn't be surprised if I couldn't do it anymore."

  171. "The dead are a tad boring anyway."

  172. She shrugs and grins. "It's a good thing I fell in love with the rest of you," she giggles. "Your death magic was what drew me in first."

  173. "So I wouldn't have been as intriguing if I were a bright wizard? Or studied in the celestial college?"

  174. "I don't know. No more than anyone else I suppose. Of course it took someone like you to catch my eye, what else would have interested me the way you did?"

  175. "And here I thought it was my charm. And roses."

  176. "It was," she insists. "It was kismet, Nuur'eni."

  177. He nods. "I'm glad I was the way I was then. No one needed those roses anyway."

  178. "Exactly. Now, on to important matters: dessert, or dead person?"

  179. "Oh...all right. The bakery is...this way, I think."

  180. "Maybe we could buy some cookies shaped like dead people?"

  181. She snorts out a laugh. "Kryn will have to read your mind first. We've never been here so she'll have to do her spooky thing if she's there."

  182. "It's not necessarily mind's like...I don't know. She'll have to explain it."

  183. "Oh this will be an interesting trip to a bakery."
