Saturday, April 30, 2016

Gath sits on the floor, a little shocked at what he almost did.

Goddard gasps for air and sits up, wrapping his arms around his mid section, trying to slow down his breathing.


  1. Aara looks at Gath, taking in his injuries. "You, stay here. Don't touch your face, and I may be able to keep it from scarring." She offers her free arm to Goddard to help him up. "Goddard, come on, love."

  2. "I'm sorry," Goddard gasps, as he stands up and leaves with Aara.

  3. Aara takes him to her room and gets a basin of water and cloth. "Does anything in particular hurt?" she asks gently, wiping at the blood on his face.

  4. Goddard motions toward his neck and chest. "And everything else," he says softly.

  5. She frowns in concern, opening his robes. "Oh, lie back and keep this cloth over the cuts while I get my kit."

    Going to the fire, she stirs it up and sets a kettle over it before getting her kit open.

  6. Gath examines his face in a mirror, trying to mentally compare it to other wounds he's gotten and trying to imagine what the scar might look like. He curses and slams his fist on a table, more angry at himself than anything else.

  7. She makes quick work of bandaging Goddard's wounds while water boils. "Here," she says, setting tea on the table. "It's bitter, but it'll take the edge off the pain."

  8. Goddard nods. He takes her hand and kisses it before he picks up the tea.

  9. "Just rest, I'll be back," she tells him, kissing his forehead.

    Picking up another cup and her kit, she goes to knock softly on Gath's door.

  10. "Come in," Gath says. He started taking care of some of the deeper wounds in his arms.

  11. "No, don't," she says gently, setting her things down and covering his hands with hers. "Let me." Wincing, she slides her arm out of the sling and uses that hand to press a bandage to the cut on his face.

  12. "What happened to you?" He moves away and motions for her to put her arm back. "I have years of scars. A few more won't kill me. An injured arm you don't let heal can get you killed though."

  13. "It's just a wrenched shoulder. Don't worry about me and tell me what happened," she tells him as she starts working.

  14. Gath shakes his head. "Are you sure you want to know?"

  15. "I can almost guarantee I know of worse things than what's happened in this room. Drink this, I added some sugar."

  16. Gath shrugs. "It all started when he bit me." He points to a familiar looking injury. "I told him not to and he did it anyway and I guess we both snapped. I tried not to hurt him but..."

  17. She nods. "I have one of those on my shoulder," she says softly, trying not to think about why Goddard would bite him. "He's fine. Shaken but resting." Aara realizes her hands are shaking and bites her lip as she ties off a bandage.

  18. Gath notices her hands and sighs. "I wasn't going to hit him. No matter how much I may have wanted to."

  19. "I know the look of a punch that's not going to land," she tells him.

  20. "Then why are you's me isn't it? Just me..."

  21. "Because he was hurt. You're hurt."

  22. "He'll be fine. Sore, but fine. I don't have claws like he does. I'm pretty sure he scratched himself up."

  23. "I know. Tilt your head back, let me get a good look." She moved to sit on the bed and guides his head to her lap.

  24. "I've fought countless warriors, monsters, armies, and that scrawny wizard is the one who catches my face," he sighs.

  25. "He's good at being a pain in the ass," she agrees, her brows knitted in concentration. "They don't need stitches, and I can close then up with minimal scarring of any."

  26. "I suppose I can say I fought a demon and I wouldn't be lying."

  27. She snorts in amusement. "This is going to sting," she warns him before applying a thin salve and pinching the cut closed.

  28. Gath raises a brow. "Sting? Where?"

  29. "I've had to be. Done? I should get to work taking care of this mess."

  30. She nods, easing her arm back into the sling and gathering her things to go.

  31. Gath gets to work, gathering up bloodied sheets and picking up everything knocked to the floor in their scuffle.

  32. Aara pauses at the door, feeling like she should say somethinf, but shakes her head and goes back to Goddard.

    "How do you feel, nuur'eni?" she asks, brushing the hair out of his face.

  33. She sits beside him and puts his head in her lap. "Because it hurts? Or because you but him?"

  34. Goddard covers his eyes with a hand. "Because I bit him."

  35. "Well you won't do it again," she says softly. Now that the rush and confusion is over, Aara feels strange, almost calm, but a little empty, too.

  36. Goddard shakes his head. "No I won't. I'll just stay away from him..."

  37. "If that's what you want, nuur'eni. He's fine, by the way. His face won't scar."

  38. "I don't want to...I just think I should."

  39. He looks up at her sadly then hangs his head again. "Or I can just get my teeth pulled. Muzzled?"

  40. "That won't do. I'm rather fond of nibbled and bitten on."

  41. "Just the four, not all of them." He leans his head against her. "I thought today might have been a good day."

  42. "It's not even lunchtime. There's still time for it to change."

  43. "What am I supposed to do? Just hide in here? Hide in my room? Damn...and that pen..."

  44. She smoothes his hair. "I can't imagine why you'd need to hide away."

  45. He looks at her, confused. "I cut his face. I bit him. He was going to knock my teeth out."

  46. "Yes you did. And no, he wasn't. That's why I only knocked him off you instead of attacking him."

  47. "How do you know?" He buries his face in his hands. "He gives me a stupid pen and then tries to take my teeth out. I'll never understand..."

  48. "Nuur'eni, I know what a pulled punch looks like. He wasn't letting that one go. Calm down."

  49. Goddard curls up on the bed and pulls a pillow over his head. "I'm as awful as I feel. How do you put up with me?"

  50. "I don't know why you do...I love you too."

  51. She almost laughs. "Because once, long ago in a faraway land, Morr and Uzzaya decided to have a laugh."

  52. "They're worse than me. What happened to your arm lecai? Weren't you supposed to be taking things a little easier?"

  53. "It's nothing," she tells him. "An accident. I'll be fine tonight."

  54. "Won't you just go off and do the same thing and make it worse? Or get hurt some place else?"

  55. She laughs softly, running a finger along the tip of his ear. "It was an actual accident, I didn't seem it out, I promise. My mind was elsewhere and my arm got twisted, that's all. So we both learned a lesson," she says, kissing his head.

  56. Goddard groans. "You don't have to stay here with me lecai. I actually should go to my room and do what I was supposed to be doing. I can't lay here and be pitiful all day...well I could, but I shouldn't."

  57. She nods and helps him up, even if he doesn't need it. "I'll be in the other room if you want me," she tells him.

  58. Goddard nods and takes a seat at his desk. With a sigh, he sifts through the papers and books and goes back to what he was working on.

    It doesn't take Gath long to clean up and he wonders if it's because he's used to dealing with these sorts of messes. He sits in his arm chair with a sigh and fidgets bit before he pulls a book out stuck in the cushion. It's the book he had borrow from Goddard. "Well, I'm not giving it back any time soon," he mumbles and opens it to read.

  59. After kissing the tip of his ear, Aara leaves Goddard to his work and goes to the common room. Knowing that no one wants to talk, and not wanting to think on her own, she gets Two's oud and sits in her favorite chair by the window, picking out a simple song. She has to stop and adjust her sling, but soon she's comfortable enough to sit back and play.

  60. "Hmm I wonder." Gath gently touches his cheek and closes the book. He looks out into the common room and sees Aara playing by the window. "Have you ever had a wound healed by any magical means?" he asks, walking up to her.

  61. She pauses playing and nods. "You saw it, one time. Right after my duel with Two in Araby."

  62. "Ah yes. That doesn't...leave a scar does it?"

  63. "I never really thought about it." She shifts, setting aside the instrument and lifts her shirt, examining her side. It's as smooth as uncut skin. "I guess not... You could ask Otto, he used a healing spell on me a time or two."

  64. "You never know when he's going to show up, and I'm not about to go looking for Sethai. I'm going to try something myself."

  65. "How do you mean to do that?"

  66. She shrugs and picks her song back up. "Good luck. If you find something to remove scars, let me know."

  67. "I think if you cut the scar out and do this, you can technically remove it?" he mumbles and goes back into his room to try and figure out a curative spell he was interested in.

  68. She shudders at the thought of cutting half her back away. "Maybe not, after all," she whispers.

  69. If he can figure out one spell, Gath thinks he's capable of figuring out another. But this one is different, more difficult, and mentally draining. "How does anyone do this everyday?" he groans.

  70. Obviously they were in the middle of something...No. Stop it. Just...just don't think about it, Aara. Instead, she focuses on her fingerings, mumbling at how terrible she's gotten without practice.

  71. This would be easier if I had someone who knew anything about magic to teach me... Gath rolls his eyes and sighs, wondering if he could just pay someone else in the city to cast the spell for him.

  72. After a while she quits doing around and starts to play in earnest, whispering the words to herself before eventually singing in a quiet, timid voice.

    "Oh, the wayward wind is a restless wind
    A restless wind that yearns to wander
    And he was born the next of kin
    The next of kin to the wayward wind..."

    Aara's song falls apart in her hands when she realizes what her voice sounds like.

  73. Gath moves his hand from his face and looks in the mirror. "That worked...surprisingly well. But not worth the effort for every scratch." He rubs his forehead and takes a deep breath.

  74. Aara hums softly, hearing the pitch before singing the next verse. Her voice is smooth, steady, and far prettier than it ever was as a human.

    "Oh my...,

  75. Gath steps out into the common room and catches Aara singing.

  76. Eyes closed and concentrating on the strings, she doesn't notice that she isn't alone. As the song goes on, Aara gets a little bolder and songs a little louder.

    "Oh I met him there in a border town
    He vowed we'd never part
    Though he tried his best to settle down
    I'm now alone with a broken heart."

  77. Gath leans against the wall, crosses his arms, and quietly listens, wondering how long it'll take her to notice him.

  78. When she finishes the song she sets back and opens her eyes, flinching so hard when she sees Gath her bracelets clang.

  79. Gath claps slowly. "Untrue words, but nice nonetheless."

  80. "I-I thought I was a-alone," she stammers, blushing. "What do y-you mean?"

  81. "Your lyrics. You have no reason to sing such things."

  82. Her blush deepens. "Oh. It's just a song. I like the chorus about the wind."

  83. "A song is never just a song."

  84. She shrugs. "Then what do you think?"

  85. "I think you're singing about him."

  86. Purposefully keeping her face impassive, she shrugs again. "Or maybe I just like the chorus."

  87. "Doubt it..." he walks up to her and points to his face where the scratch was. "Did I miss anything?"

  88. "I've always liked sad songs," she insists. "And-" She frowns. "No. It's perfect."

  89. "Just like it was before," he snickers.

  90. She tilts her head, frowning again. "No...maybe you should check that eyelid..."

  91. His smile melts away incredibly fast. "What?"

  92. "It could just be the light," she suggests. "I mean, your ego casts a lot of shadow."

  93. He narrows his eyes and gives her a stern look. "I should have known..."

  94. She grins impishly. "Just a joke, Gath."

  95. "I know what jokes are. I do have a sense of humor. Darker than most, but it's there."

  96. "There haven't been many good opportunities."

  97. She shrugs, watching him. What's going on? Why is he talking to me so much? He doesn't even like me.

  98. Assuming her silence means she is done with him, he lets out a light sigh. "I should probably make myself scarce for the rest of the day."

  99. He frowns and motions toward Goddard's shut door.

  100. "He'll come out when he's ready."

  101. "I don't want to be the reason he stays locked up," he mumbles.

  102. "So you'll avoid him instead?"

  103. She shrugs and starts playing again. "Have it your way."

  104. "I thought you'd be glad..." he says as he goes to leave.

  105. "You thought..." She laughs. "Nevermind."

  106. He pauses when she laughs but doesn't turn. "What?"

  107. "Of course..." he continues out the front door.

  108. She plays louder as he leaves. "I just thought you cared for him," she whispers to herself in Arabyan.

  109. Goddard's door creaks open a bit and Aara can see the tip of his horns. "Did he leave?" he almost whispers.

  110. Goddard opens the door and steps out with a sigh. "Good! I really wanted some tea."

  111. She sets Two's oud aside and goes over to hug him. "It'll be fine, hayati."

  112. Goddard hugs her back. "I'm pretty sure he hates me and he hates rather thoroughly..."

  113. It would be so easy...I could finish it now and drive them apart... Aara is silent while she thinks. But...I can't cause Goddard any more pain. Damn me to hell, she thinks, eyes stinging.

    "No, my love," she assured him softly. "He doesn't hate you."

    I hate Gath. And myself.

  114. "That's sweet lecai," he kisses her cheek. "But it's alright...I guess."

  115. "I'm not lying. I wish I were, but I'm not."

  116. She nods, looking away. "Like you, he's upset. But...I bet you can find him if you go downstairs now..."

  117. Goddard pulls her close and holds her tightly. "I-I don't want to."

  118. "Yes you do," she says softly. "His face is fine, and he's more worried about you anyway."

  119. "His face is fine? Since when do you compliment his face?"

  120. She grimaces. "I'm not complimenting him. His 's e is fine because it's unhurt because he learned a new spell."

  121. "Learned a spell? Or do you mean he just did that one he already knew and just hid it? I'm familiar with that sort of thing..."

  122. "He probably lied..." he kisses her head and plops himself into a chair, not even bothering with tea.

  123. She sits on the arm of his chair, balancing her legs on the other. "You didn't want tea," she accuses gently, leaning against the chair and running her hand through his hair.

  124. "Maybe I still do?" He closes his eyes. "Or maybe I didn't like being alone as much as I thought I would."

  125. "Do- do you want me to go find him for you?"

  126. Goddard jumps. "Merciful Morr no!"

  127. She nods. "All right. I can order lunch or we can go for a walk? Whatever you want."

  128. "I don't feel very hungry, but if you want to eat, that's fine. I know you were off getting your arm hurt. You're probably starving."

  129. "I know," she says, getting up to get the oud. "This will make you happy." She sits on the floor in front of him and plays a familiar, happy song he's heard her sing a thousand times before her voice left.

  130. Goddard grins widely. "Oh lecai, you sound beautiful and you're singing again."

  131. She stops singing and jumps into his lap. "It must have been fixed with the elf half," she says excitedly. "I never even thought so try since before we were in Nuln."

  132. "Maybe you should try dancing again too."

  133. Her nose wrinkles. "Why? I was terrible."

  134. "Past tense," he shrugs with a chuckle.

  135. "Maybe I'll just dance for you," she whispers in his ear. "Alone, so no one can see what happens when I fall into your lap."

  136. "I'm sure everyone has a pretty good idea what goes on when you fall into my lap."

  137. She chuckles. "I'm pretty sure I caused you injury...And I meant my awkward, graceless fall."

  138. "Oh...obviously my mind is someplace else."

  139. "Oh," she laughs, "obviously."

  140. "It tends to be there most of the time." His smile wavers but he laughs. "Maybe I should start fixing that."

  141. She hugs him tightly. "I love everything about you. Even that. I am going to go downstairs, talk Gill into giving me a bottle of something fancy and a lunch to go with it. Then I'm going to come up here and let you have a choice to eat lunch off a plate or off me." She kisses him softly. "How does that sound?"

  142. "That sounds like it could be fun. Maybe I'll surprise you and eat off the plate," he chuckles.

  143. "Now that would surprise me," she laughs. "Maybe disappoint me a little, too. I'll be right back."

  144. Goddard nods and sinks into his seat again. "I'll miss you."

  145. "Not for long."

    Aara blows him a kiss and goes downstairs, keeping an eye out for Gath as she approached the bar.

    "Hello, sweetheart," Tallyn croons, leaning over the bar. "Had enough of the ninny and ready for a real elf?"

    "You know better than that," she laughs.

    "When are you going to let me take you out? Show you off? Teach you what real pleasure is?"

    "Some other time," she tells him. "How about a bottle of something fancy for now? And lunch?"

  146. Gath sits in a large chair in a quiet, dark corner where he can watch the rest of the room. He sees Aara and frowns, hoping she didn't come down here looking to bother him.

  147. "For you, anything," Tallyn says and hands her a bottle of wine. "I'll have lunch in a moment. A glass till then?"

    Aara casually looks around, spotting Gath in a corner. "Sure."

    She takes her glass and walks over to sit in front of him, ignoring the voice in her head telling her to leave him alone.

  148. Gath doesn't say anything. He simply watches her movements and waits for her to speak. He assumes she must have something to say to him if she came over.

  149. "I told him you're fine, and you don't hate him."

  150. "He came out of his room? I thought he might have. And why would you do that?"

  151. "Because it's true. What I didn't tell him is that you're afraid to face him."

  152. Gath smirks. "Me? Afraid of him?"

  153. She returns his smirk. "I didnt say that."

  154. "Afraid to face him?" he sighs, raising a brow.

  155. Her smile changes to a smile. "So you can listen when you want. That's a good sign."

  156. "Oh that list is much too complex and personal," she tells him, feigning amusement.

    Why are you toying with this? Just do it and go on.

  157. "So cold and superior, it's just as well you've fought before he could fall in love with you. He'd waste himself trying to warm you up," she says coldly.

  158. "Before?" Gath grins. "I'm sure he's already there, and has been for quiet a while."

  159. A servant comes over with a tray of light lunch things for her, and she laughs. "I can't possibly carry that," she says, gesturing to her sling, "be a dear and take it up for me."

    Once the girl is gone, Aara studies Gath a moment. Seven hells. He better be glad I love him.

    "Do yourself a favor," she says, her voice brittle. "Take that bottle of wine and follow that tray."

  160. "Right now, I think he'd make a terrified noise and hide if I showed up with that food."

  161. "Just go up and grovel at his feet like the kyrkhan bastard he treats you like," she says with venom. "Call him 'my lord' and stroke his ego and you'll be back in his graces."

  162. Gath's eyes go wide and he simply reacts without thinking. In the instant it takes for him to blink once, he raises a hand and slaps Aara across the face. A soft gasp escapes his mouth when he realizes what he's done.

  163. Aara's head snaps to the side and any expression in her face falls away. Silently, she reaches up and touches her lip, coming away with blood.

  164. "Don't," she snaps. "All you've done is show me how right I am."

  165. "Right about what?" He tries to keep his voice calm and even.

  166. "That druchii hurt me," she says calmly as she stands. "Every single one."

  167. "You..." he closes his eyes for a moment, trying to be more careful with his words. "He hasn't."

  168. She raises an eyebrow. "Shows what you know. Take the wine. Go upstairs."

    Curbing the urge to toss her wine in his face, she turns and walks outside, ignoring Tallyn as he runs over to the table.

    "What the hell just happened?" he asks Gath. "You just hit her!"

  169. "What does it matter? Would you believe me? Would you even allow me to explain?" he mumbles, rubbing his forehead.

  170. "I'm waiting for just that!"

  171. "I'd have to explain what I was, where we all came from, for you to potentially understand why I did it. So why don't we just skip all that, and you just get angry at me for slapping poor, sweet, defenseless little Aara."

  172. "Get out of my bar," Tallyn tells him and points for the stairs. "And hope I don't evict the lot of you."

  173. "You'd get rid of all of them because of me?" Gath snorts, and quickly gets to his feet. "They've done nothing to you, and neither have I....not yet..."

  174. "Now."

    Tallyn goes to look for Aara but doesn't have to go far. She's sitting on the sidewalk, leaning against the outer wall of the inn.

  175. Gath rushes past both of them and heads away from the inn.

  176. "Good riddance," Tallyn mutters. "I should ban him from the inn entirely."

    Aara stands up and follows Gath. "What the hell are you doing?" she snaps. "Are you really such a coward that you won't go to him? Even now?"

  177. Gath stops. "What good would it do him to have to see his terrifying slave right now? Hmm? Or is that what you'd like? For him to get rid of me...and find another."

  178. "I'd love nothing better for it to be any one of the faceless mass in this godforsaken city. But it's not. It's you. And I'm so damn in love with him I can't do anything but tell you to go. So go apologize for what happened earlier and quit acting like you don't give a damn about anything!"

  179. "Acting like I don't give a damn?"

  180. "Tallyn," she says softly as he cautiously approaches. "Will you tell Goddard something's come up and I need to go help Aaron in the Hive?"

    "Well yes, of course-"

    "Thank you." Aara nods to both of them and starts walking.

  181. "He'll only care about her," Gath mumbles and walks in the opposite direction of Aara.

  182. Tallyn shakes his head. "I'm going to evict them all," he says to himself. "Gill's got to find less interesting friends."

  183. Goddard sighs and looks up at the ceiling. Where is she. Is she trying to bring up a feast? Or maybe she's trying to surprise me with something else.
