Wednesday, April 20, 2016

"I myself have learned more from doing and less from books."


  1. "And I've learned from books. The only thing I had to learn by doing was fighting which makes sense."

  2. She turns on him, pulling the hood of her cloak down. "Why? Do you really think it will make me safe? What if something happens to you?"

  3. He takes one step back, surprised. "I don't think anything will happen to me because I'll have you, smart and not dulled by poison, mixing what I need. It's better if you still feel you can't just learn by reading."

  4. She releases a deep sigh and closes her eyes a moment. Opening them, she starts counting and walks slowly, pulling her hood up again.

  5. "Imagine if I tried to practice magic drunk? Father would have hurt me himself before I hurt myself."

  6. She just keeps counting and turning.

  7. "Yes?"

    "Sheik..." Two whispers a warning.

  8. "Shut up Two...lecai, this is the only way I can protect you in this situation."

  9. "'re not mad anymore?" he smiles.

  10. "Is that what you want?"


  11. "Shut up Two...of course I don't want you mad at me, but I want it to be because you see how silly it is for you to drink any of that yourself."

    "My lord..." Gath says.

    "What is with both of you!?"

  12. Two lifts his hands and gives up. "There it is. You've done it now."

    Her shoulders tense and she doesn't look at him. "Then no, I'm not mad. See, love? You always get what you want."

  13. "What's that supposed to mean?"

  14. "Let's go home."

    Two takes hold of Goddard's shoulders and let's her walk ahead a bit. "Preserve your life and ask that question later, Sheik. For the love of all that's holy, wait."

  15. "Oh let him ask now," Gath says. "Maybe he'll learn something. He can't read that in a book."

  16. "Sheik, no."


    He curses under his breath and points at Goddard's face. "Don't listen to him. That's not good advice."


    "Coming my lady!"

  17. "What..."

    "For all your intelligence, you're an idiot my lord."

    "I know she's mad about the poison thing, but what does me getting anything have to do with it?" he mumbles. "And I do not! I want lots of things I don't have or can't have."

  18. "Yes?"

    "Walk with me."

    Two puts an arm around her shoulders and matches his stride to hers. All the fight has gone out of her, like a fire that burns up quick and hot and then does away.

    "Eleven...twelve...turn here."

  19. "Like what?"

    "Father for one," Goddard mumbles. "And I can't seem to keep her safe, even from herself. I want her safe more than anything."

  20. "Why do you claim to love each other so deeply but fight so often?" Two asks quietly.

    "I don't know."

    "You make Kryn and I look like sainted lovers," he chuckles. "We don't argue at all. Our wishes are always the same."

    "So you've lost your balls then?"

  21. "That's it?" Gath asks and notices Goddard's face getting pink.

    "Well...I can't mention some other things..." Goddard says softly.

    "What other things?"

    "You," he mumbles and Gath laughs.

    "You've already had that."

    "Not I was in that tower and...and that once doesn't really do...I can't even talk to you!"

    "Has she ever actually said you couldn't?"

    "I know I can't! I'm not dumb! It'll make her mad!"

    Gath laughs again. "Ah my lord, you're extra comical today."

  22. "I'll let that slide because you're upset," Two says easily.

  23. "How is that funny?!"

    "You've already angered her to the point where she doesn't even want to talk to you. And you're worried about making her mad."

  24. After a while she takes a deep breath. "I'd this what he wants?" she asks quietly.

    "What do you mean?"

    "Without me he wouldn't feel guilty about anything, and his guilt makes me feel like I'm holding him back from happiness..."

    "Shut up, Aara. Sheik will do whatever he will do. All he wants is your love."

  25. "But...I don't want her mad at me! What am I supposed to do? She won't tell me! Why won't she tell me!?"

    "Maybe torturing you makes her happy," Gath shrugs.

  26. "Even when I don't fight with him or get angry he still pushes. I forgive him everything, he can do whatever he wants. I don't know what else to do, Rafiq."

    Two runs her arm and kisses the top of her head. "Ask him."

    "That's stupid."

  27. "Why is everything to complicated?" Goddard sighs. "I wish she'd just talk to me. I am a good listener!"

    "I can't take any more humor today. At least from you," Gath snickers.

  28. She stops walking and gestures to the street outside the alley. "Hire a carriage or something to take you home," she says, giving him money. "I'd rather walk- alone," she adds before he can protest.

  29. Goddard catches up to Aara, not having heard anything she's told Two. "He's being so annoying you sent him away?" he chuckles.

  30. "No, he's hailing the three of you a carriage. I want to walk."

  31. "I'll walk with you," Goddard offers. "Gath can leave too."

  32. She shrugs and nods at Two to go on without her.

  33. "Of course I want to walk with you."

    Gath pats Goddard's head before he goes to follow Two. "Stay alive my lord."

  34. "Very well then." Crossing her arms over her chest, she watched their retainers ride out of the Hive.

  35. Goddard walks as close to Aara as he can. "I know you're mad about what I did today, but it'll be alright lecai."

  36. "What if it's not?" she asks calmly. "What if I'm so afraid for you that I make a mess of everything? What if I lose you? If I killed you I might as well find a way home and let Khaine or whoever have me. You completely ambushed me knowing how I felt."

  37. Goddard frowns, knowing his honesty won't necessarily be helpful right now. "Now you know how I feel. At least this way, you'll be way more focused."

  38. "How can you trust me with your life but not with my own?" She rips her hood off and faces him. "What do you want me to do? Give up my trade? Be a docile lady of leisure and read all day?"

  39. "Because poison's very nature is to incapacitate you! If you're incapable of making the remedy properly because you can't see straight or one of your hands becomes paralyzed, how are you supposed to fix it?" He tries his best to not get too worked up in public.

    "I'm not asking you to give anything up. I'm not asking you to be a docile lady of leisure, I want you to see there are better and more logical ways to go about something like this."

  40. "Don't do this," she pleads, her voice unsteady. "I hardly ever ask you for anything, but I'm begging you. I'll do anything you want."

  41. "Read up on these things. Use Sethai or rats or something else. I'll make you something that reacts with poisons if I have to, but don't take them yourself."

  42. "You don't understand," she insists. "It's not for practice. It's so that I know exactly how it feels, and to use it sparingly. Telling you it's fear inducing and suffocating isn't as meaningful as knowing it."

  43. "How does that even make sense lecai? I'll take a bright wizard's word for it when he tells me fire burns. I'm not going to set myself on fire just so I understand it."

  44. "Did you never touch a flame as a child? Because it was bright and pretty?" she asks softly. "Do you remember those weeks in Altdorf, the last time we were there?"

  45. "No I never touched a fire or anything else I knew was going to hurt me for no reason," he sighs. "What about them?"

  46. "Every day of that was torture. If you died because of me...I couldn't go on." She runs at her eyes, irritated with herself.

  47. "I'm not ever going to die because of you. I won't allow it," he smiles.

  48. "Then you have to promise not to do this."

  49. "Then you can't drink it yourself."

  50. "Why are you being so difficult?"

  51. "Why are you being so difficult?"

  52. "Promise you won't do this."

  53. "Only if you don't drink it yourself. If you're going to insist on drinking it yourself, then I'll have to drink it for you."

  54. "You are a trial sometimes," she sighs, a little amusement in her voice.

  55. "You're going to drink it aren't you? Well...I request a bed with a lot of pillows and blankets or just set me up in the bathroom. I'll be fine."

  56. "Who do you think would make and administer it?"

  57. "Then what are you going to do that doesn't involve you using it on yourself? You won't discuss alternatives."

  58. "Then I guess we won't talk about it."

  59. Goddard crosses his arms. "Which means, I'm drinking it."

  60. She considers making a deal with him, but rejects the idea. I don't want a relationship filled with agreements and conditions.

    "My love, you will be disappointed."

  61. "Because I'm not giving you anything that could hurt you."

  62. "You don't have to give it to me. I can just take it on my own. Or you can give it to Gath and he'll give it to me. I'm sure he'd be all for poisoning me."

  63. She shakes her head and goes back to walking. "No."

  64. Goddard stays close to her. "We can't just ignore this and leave it to be discussed later when things could go wrong."

  65. "I'm not ignoring it. I've told you my decision. When I'm finished with my assignment I'll discuss alternatives with Lock."

  66. "And what if his instruction is to use me?"

  67. "Then I will terminate our assosciation."

  68. "And what will you do then, since you were so determined to learn about poisons?"

  69. "Do something else," she shrugs.

  70. "I still don't understand why you think there is only one way of doing this," he sighs.

  71. "And I still don't understand why you're so adamant about volunteering to be poisoned. Don't we know I have better skills to use on you?"

  72. "You're the one who insists the poison must be taken by someone to provide some kind of meaningful learning experience. I am simply helping you with your single minded methods."

  73. "Except you aren't helping. I can't focus if you're sick or impared. What if you hallucinate and attack me?"

  74. "Tie me down," he grins slyly.

  75. "You don't like being tied down."

  76. Goddard shrugs. "I'll learn to love it...maybe."

  77. "We can go round and round about this, but it will only end one way: you not doing it. I'm not willing to risk you, and if you're that determined, I just won't have any practical training."

  78. Goddard furrows his brow, frustrated with her. "Fine. You do whatever you're going to do...I'll just...I'll just figure something else out..."

  79. "Why are you acting like I'm keeping you from something? Do you actually want to be poisoned?"

  80. "If I said yes, would you believe me?"

  81. "Because you want to do your poison thing one specific way for whatever reason, and this is the only way you can do it, and I can keep you safe! You have your practicality, I have my sanity."

  82. "I was completely safe," she tells him, putting her hands on his chest. "Completely."

  83. "Maybe this one time. But you can't say that with complete certainty each time, and you know that."

  84. "I wouldn't do it if I wasn't certain. It's not as if I'd planned on ingesting cyanide." Feeling defeat inevitable, she tries one last time. "Don't make me responsible for hurting you. You're not just a body to experiment on."

  85. "You wouldn't be and neither are you. The difference is, I've been through more. Which way is the way out of this awful place?"

  86. She points in the same direction the carriage went in. "That way."

  87. "I've always told you, you can do whatever you want. I seem to keep forgetting I've said that. I also forget, you aren't a human anymore. I can't fight you for hundreds of years." Goddard smiles. "So, I just need to let you do what you'll do and I'll find something for myself to do. I love you lecai." He sighs and turns to walk in the direction she pointed in.

  88. "You'll do whatever you want anyway," she mutters under her breath and resists the urge the throw a rock at his retreating head. "You always do."

  89. Goddard walks down the road, mumbling to himself. He feels a tug on his robes and looks down to see a child skipping beside him. "Go away kid," he grumbles.

    "Oh hey I thought you looked familiar."

    Goddard furrows his brow. "I don't know any kids."

    "Ah but you didn't see me like this before." With a puff of smoke, the child becomes a familiar looking imp.

    "I thought I gave you coin and I'd never see you again..." Goddard huffs.

    "Yes, but see, I need more."

    "For what?"

    The imp shrugs. "Is your lady getting you down again?"

    "Why do you always assume my moping is because of her?" Goddard says, annoyed.

    "I'm not wrong am I?"

    Goddard sighs.

  90. Aara keeps him in sight, even as the imp approaches him. He's right, we can't keep fighting this way...

  91. "I just know these things. I also know you have money..."

    "I'm not your bank," Goddard mumbles.

    "You could be," the imp says sweetly. "Just one coin? And I'll leave you to your moping."

    Goddard pulls out a copper coin and gives it to the imp with a smirk.

    "Oh...I thought we were friends," the imp whines.

    "You said one coin and you'd leave."

    "I did...I did...well, I'll find you again. Moping about your lady problems."

    Goddard grits his teeth as he watches the imp disappear in a puff of smoke.

  92. Close behind him, Aara can't help but laugh.

  93. "Lady problems," Goddard mumbles to himself. "I don't have lady problems..."

  94. Giggling, she slips her arms around him, pulling him to a stop. "No, you don't," she whispers. "I hate fighting with you."

  95. "Lecai! I thought you were over....not here...hi..."

  96. "I'm sneaky, remember?" she says, turning him around. "You're right. We can't fight like this for hundreds of years, otherwise we might as well be druchii. Now," she begins, taking his hands and looking down at them. "I won't drink any poisons, but you won't either. That seems to be something each of us wants, yes?"

  97. "I just want you to be safe," he sighs. "If you drink your poison, do it with Lock around, or sit with Tallyn. Don't run off on your own or hide in your room."

  98. "Hush, I'm not done. That whole 'do whatever I want' business: I know. But I don't." Kissing his knuckles, she's quiet a long time. "I love you, and I want to keep you safe."

  99. Goddard shakes his head. "It's like when the wizards are learning their spells. Sure, they can blow themselves up or a demon could crawl forth from their rib cage, but they always had their teachers around. I always had father. I just...I need to know you have someone who knows exactly what they're doing around."

  100. "To be fair, I do. Ustadh drilled a hundred components and their antidotes into my head, and I've read half a hundred books on the matter. I promise I won't do anything without extensive knowledge and proper supervision." She wraps her arms around him tightly and presses her face into his chest. "Now tell me you forgive me," she mumbles before biting him gently.

  101. "I do, I'll always forgive you, but having yourself to supervise your own experiments isn't what I mean. It's either Lock or Tallyn. Not Aara on her own."

  102. "Not Aara on her own," she agrees, biting him again.

  103. He tries not to laugh but fails. "Stop it. You obviously didn't like being caught in the act. There's a lot more people around here."

  104. "I was mostly naked! But getting you all roles up...that's something else entirely."

  105. "Are you prepared to deal with what's going to happen when we get back?"

  106. She grins and toys with as piece of his hair. "Maybe...What will happen?"

  107. She raises an eyebrow at him. "Think you can take it? I'm feeling better than my usual self."

  108. "I can take whatever you can throw at me...well...when we're in the bedroom anyway."

  109. Aara laughs up at him. "Maybe... Nuur'eni, take me home."

  110. "You're the one who knows how to get back. I have no idea where I'm going. I figured I'd either end up asking someone, or one of you would come and find me later."

  111. "I was following you so you didn't get lost." Taking his hand, she pulls him toward the inn.

  112. "See? I knew someone would rescue me," he smiles.

  113. "Always."

    It's a long walk through the Hive, then the Market Ward and on to the Clerk's.

  114. "I guess that wasn't so bad," Goddard says on the edge of being out of breath. "I think I've still got some energy in me."

  115. "Gods I hope so," she laughs, dragging him upstairs and to her bedroom.

    "Well it seems they've made up," Two says to no one in particular.

  116. "Of course they'd make up," Gath mumbles. "From the small amount of time Iv'e known them, that's one of the reoccurring themes."

  117. Two nods. "I'm pretty certain she'd forgive him anything. Also, I think she likes a good fight now and then. Stokes the flames, so to speak."

  118. "Strange how they assume that it will always end that way. What if one day it doesn't?"

  119. Two shrugs. "Then the fire's gone out and it's best for them both to go their separate ways."

  120. "Hopefully it doesn't involved back stabbing."

  121. He shakes his head. "Aara wouldn't do that. Not to him."

  122. "You insult her," Two tells him. "Haven't you learned anything about her?"

  123. "She's unpredictable and slightly terrifying," he says flatly.

  124. "Terrifying? You think my little lady is terrifying?" he chuckles. "And she is as predictable as any woman. She just acts out differently."

  125. "You think women are predictable? Humans must work differently."

  126. "I guess druchii women were predictable in the sense that they will eventually try to kill you."

  127. Two nods. "I guess I should say that woman is predictable. All you have to do is watch a little while. It's easy," he says with a shrug.

  128. "Too time consuming for the inevitable back stab."

  129. Two sits back, taking a drink of his wine. "She'd sooner cut her own throat, you know."

  130. "Maybe. Until it becomes more beneficial to cut his."

  131. "At some point you'll have to trust her," he says, a muscle in his jaw twitching. "But whatever you do, don't compare my lady to whatever druchii betrayed you."

  132. "I'm not comparing her to one that betrayed me. I'm comparing her to every druchii I've ever met."

  133. "Your comparison is flawed. She was never druchii."

  134. "I only really knew druchii, so it's the only thing I have to compare her to."

  135. Two's relaxed, easygoing look has not cnanged, but his voice takes on a keen edge. "Then don't compare her to anything." He drains the last of his wine and goes to her door. "Four! I'm going to see Kryn!" he shouts, and laughs at her muffled, laughing response as he leaves.

  136. "So defensive," Gath sneers. He pics up the bottle and carries what's left of the wine into his room.

  137. ---

    Aara laughs softly, tracing one of Goddard's scars on his chest. "You're going to be covered in bruises," she tells him, kissing a red mark already turning purple on his shoulder.

  138. "I don't mind," he grins and lazily twists a piece of her hair around his fingers.

  139. "I know you don't," she laughs, sitting up. A part of her wants to talk about him and Gath, but a louder, more insecure part wants to stay away from the topic as long as possible. What I need are some friends, she thinks.

    "It's later than I thought," she says instead. "Should we order dinner or go see what's downstairs?"

  140. Goddard gently runs a claw along the curves of her body. "Let's stay here. Have one of the useless retainers order us food."

  141. She shivers, grinning. "Well my retainer is off being useless," she tells him. "Yours will probably say no out of spite."

  142. "He'll say yes. He has to eat too and he'd probably rather stay up here than go anywhere."

  143. She tries not to frown and instead toys with the tip of his tail, sliding it over her skin. "I'm not hungry yet...are you?"

  144. "More hungry for you than anything else. If you aren't hungry, then we don't have to get anything."

  145. "How lucky for you," she murmurs, leaning down to kiss his stomach. "I seem to be in ample supply..."

  146. "Ah good. I'm particularly ravenous tonight..."

  147. ---

    Aara's stomach growls, making her clap her hands over it and laugh. "I'm starving," she laughs. "Has your appetite been sated?"

  148. "For you," he grins. "I guess we should find something to eat. We need energy."

  149. "For now," she says, returning his grin. "It's well past anti-peak, but maybe I can sneak down there and grab something?"

  150. "Should I go with you? Then we can carry up a lot more...or get caught and we can both get yelled at."

  151. She kisses the tip of his nose. "Or I can use my hard won childhood skills and not get caught," she laughs. Rolling off the bed, she scoops up her skirt and blouse. "Even with all my bracelets I'm still quieter than you naked."

  152. "I was only ever slightly sneaky," he chuckles. "I'll wait for you then. Should I make tea or anything?"

  153. She opens her tea box and selects one of the new ones he bought her. "This one, I think," she says, handing it to him. Barefoot and disheveled, she gives him one last long kiss before slipping out into the common room.

  154. Goddard puts on a simple shirt and pants and follows her. "Be careful Tallyn and Gill don't catch you. They might make you stay so they can cook you a real meal."

  155. She laughs. "They won't," she tells him with a wink and heads downstairs.

    It must be later than I thought. All the hall lamps have been lowered for the evening, providing just enough light to see the beginning of the dark stairway.

  156. Goddard sets up the water for the tea and notices the soft flicker of candle light from Gath's door. He pokes his head in to see Gath reading. "Want some tea?" he asks.

    "Sure, why not."

    Goddard squints at the book cover. "Is that one of mine?" He moves into the room and stands beside his bed, leaning down to read the page. "Why are you reading about spells? I have much more interesting books."

    "This is interesting." Gath puts the book down beside him and gives Goddard's shirt a tug.

    A part of him knows he shouldn't, but Goddard doesn't listen to it and he climbs on top of Gath. He folds his arms under his chin and rests on Gath's chest.

    "Oh this perfect," Gath says.


    Gath picks up the book, opens to the page he was on, and rests the book against Goddard's horns. "Perfect," he smirks.

    Goddard frowns. "Really? A book rest?"

  157. Making a game of it, Aara moves from one pocket of darkness to the other, making no sound. When she makes it to the common room downstairs, she pauses, scanning the room. It looks dark and empty with chairs up on the tables, so she starts moving around the edges to the kitchen.

    "Careful," a voice says off to the side of the room. "Gill is known to stay late in the kitchen making menus."


  158. "Do you have time to be more than a book rest?" Gath says. "Or the energy?"

    "No!" Goddard says quickly. "I didn't come in here for that! I came to offer you tea so you don't feel like some neglected, lonely, cold..."

    "So many compliments my lord," Gath grumbles.

  159. Clashing her hands behind her back innocently, Aara turns to the voice and smiles sweetly. "I'm hoping if he is about he'll take pity on a poor girl who missed her dinner."

    She hears a low chuckle, and Kote, the inn's bard, steps out of the shadow. "He might," he agrees. "If he does, maybe she'll let a starving musician join her? I'll sing for my supper."

  160. Goddard chuckles. "I should make sure I don't boil all the water away."

    "Didn't you just set that up? It'll be fine..."

  161. "That depends, do you have a good voice?" she teased.

    Kote grabs his chest as if mortally wounded. "My lady! You do me a great injustice!" He approaches slowly, backing her against a table and managing not to be aggressive. "A lesser man would attempt to curb that tongue."

    Aara lifts her chin defiantly and gives a cool look. "And you?"

    He grins. "I don't mind a sharp tongue so long as a woman knows how to use it."

  162. Gath moves the book and runs a hand along Goddard's chin, down his neck, and over his shoulder. "Hmm you wouldn't let me do anything that would have left even a scratch," he says, passing over the bruise.

    "Don't act like you don't know why," Goddard says, turning his head.

    "I'm not. I was leading up to asking if it mattered now..."

  163. Aara raises a brow in response.

    Kote laughs, drawing just a hair closer. "Your silence doesn't do you credit. I'd rather hear the melody when you speak."

    "Pretty, empty words from a performer," she says with a smile. She has to fight her sudden attraction to the red haired young man, not sure if she actually wants him or If she's still feeling the afterglow of her night with Goddard. "If you'll excuse me, I'm on a mission."

    "I don't see you leaving."

    His eyes, greener than her own, sparkle in the darkness and he leans in closer. Aara doesn't move until he's close enough to kiss her, and she pulls away slightly.

  164. "Of course it does!"

    "Is she that observant?" Gath pushes Goddard off and onto his back.

    "Of course..." Goddard stammers.

    "Maybe if it's here," Gath touches his shoulder. "But lower...she won't know."

    "Oh she will," Goddard whispers. "So...nothing for you..."

  165. Kote's eyes go wide and he pulls away. "I'm sorry, my lady," he says quickly, instantly apologetic. "I just thought..."

    "Y- Yes?"

    He shrugs and offers her a charming smile. "That we were onto something."

    She bites her lip on a smile. Me too... She reaches out and puts a hand on his chest, crippling his shirt in her fist. "You know...I haven't kissed many men," she tells him softly. "And out of them, I've been kissed more than I kissed."

    His apology dies on his lips. "And?"

  166. Gath leans forward and kisses Goddard. He then brushes his lips against the bruise on his shoulder and gently bites, grinning at how Goddard tries to pretend he doesn't want more.

    "You just like torturing me, don't you?"

    Gath presses his lips to Goddard's ear and says softly, "You should check the water."

    Goddard lets out a disappointed groan.

  167. "And I think this time I don't want to be kissed."

    Confusion muddles his sharp features for a moment before he ventures a question. "My lady...would you like to kiss me?"

    Amusement lights her eyes. "Do you even know my name?"

    "Everyone who works at the Goldenglow knows your name, Aara. And Goddard's. And those of your retainers."

    "Good," she murmurs, pulling him closer. Wisely, he lets her take her time before she presses her lips to his.

  168. "I'll do it," Gath snickers. "Because if you leave, you probably won't be coming back."

  169. Instead of breaking away, she deepens their kiss, making a low sound in her throat. Taking this as ample encouragement, Kote picks her up and they tumble into a nearby booth.

  170. Goddard lays down on his stomach and pulls a pillow close. I shouldn't be in here...this pillow smells nice...but I shouldn't be here...why am I still here...

    It doesn't take long before Gath returns and positions himself over Goddard, kissing the back of his neck. "Are we going to play this game again?"

    "What game?"

    "The one where you say you can't and make up excuses then promptly throw them out the window."

    "You cheat..."

    "Yes. Yes I do..."

  171. Aara tenses underneath Kote, who lifts his head. "Did I hurt you?" he asks, brushing his lips against the lip he'd been nibbling.

    "How long have I been gone? I have to get back," she tells him, pushing him off her.

    "It hasn't been that long," he tells her, helping her out of the booth and into his arms for another deep kiss. "We've barely gotten started."

    "And we'll get back to that, I'm sure," she says, twisting out of his arms. "Some other time."

    He laughs at her sudden nervousness and calls out before she gets to the stairs. "You were going to the kitchen?"

  172. "You can't even tell I did anything," Gath says sitting up.

    "Except that a few look darker. Maybe a little bigger."

    "They normally change anyway. How about that tea now?"

    Goddard curses under his breath and rushes out to the common room to find it empty. "She's not back?"

    "Lucky us," Gath says, following Goddard. He sits down and watches Goddard get the tea ready.

  173. "Shit! Yes. I just-" she gives up and passes by him to the kitchen, but Kote grabs her up for one more passionate kiss. "Stop that," she demands. "I've got to get back."

    Laughing at her, he follows her into the kitchen. Jumping up on a counter, he watches her rush around, gathering bread and fruit and cheese. "There's leftover cake under the cloth," he tells her and hands her a tray, plucking an apple from her arm. "When will this 'some other time' come to pass?"

    "I don't know. Just not now."

  174. Goddard shoots Gath a dirty look. "What if something happened?" He sits down with a cup of tea, not bothering to get Gath one.

    "Where did she go? To get food? She's fine." He looks at Goddard's cup and furrows his brow. "And where's my tea?"

    "Get it yourself," Goddard smiles.

  175. "Shall I write a song for you?" He teases, following her out of the kitchen. "I'll call it Some Other Time, and sing it every time I see you until you end my torment."

    "Oh shut up or I'll never speak to you again."

    He takes her tray and sets it aside, pulling her close. "Words aren't necessary when bodies speak."

    "I have to go," she whispers.

    "Then I bid you goodnight, my lady," he says, kissing her hand.

    Taking up her tray again, she smiles up at him. "Goodnight, Kote," she says, and goes upstairs.

  176. With a sigh, Gath gets up to make himself a cup of tea.

    "Why do you keep doing this?" Goddard asks.


    "This! What just happened!"

    "There's no one else," Gath shrugs.

    "There's plenty of other people around! Just take a step outside, you damn recluse!"

    Gath chuckles. "There's no one else I...hmm never mind..."

  177. Breathless and flushed, Aara enters their apartment. "Success, my love..." Her words trail off as soon as she sees Gath.

  178. Goddard grins. "I was about to go look for you. I thought you may have gotten lost, or captured."

    "Just here for the tea," Gath says, noticing what Goddard did not. After dumping extra honey into his tea, he goes back into his room.

  179. "No, not lost," she titters, ignoring Gath completely.

  180. Goddard walks up to Aara and takes a few of the food items from her. He studies her face for a second, noticing something different and shakes his head. "Captured. I see."

  181. Goddard nods. "Yes. It would appear you were incapacitated for a while." He squints. "Oh yes. A while for sure."

  182. She laughs nervously. "Nuur'eni, what do you mean?"

  183. He gently taps her chin and sits down.
