Thursday, April 28, 2016

Two and Kryn fall into the apartment in a riot of giggles and kisses. Aara looks up from her book and laughs when they hurriedly try to fix their clothing.

"Oh...hello Four, Sheik," Two laughs, angling so Kryn can adjust her dress.

"I'd say we're even Kryn," Aara laughs.


  1. Goddard laughs then leans to the side, trying to look behind them. "Um...I thought...where's..." he glances at Aara then back at Two and Kryn. "I guess it'd be stupid of me to think you'd know where Gath is," Goddard laughs. "He couldn't have possibly been with you two."

  2. "He was," Two says as they come further into the room to sit. "Then he became an add and I left him where he was. I imagine he'll be around."

    Kryn gasps and slaps his arm. "You didn't tell me you'd quarreled! You can't just leave a friend like that!"

    "That one I can!"

  3. Goddard furrows his brow then buries his face in the blanket draped over Aara's lap. "I guess he'll make it back alive eventually."

  4. "He'll be fine, love," she assured him, stroking his hair. "He's not exactly helpless."

    Two snorts. "Sure."

  5. "There you fools are," a gruff voice calls from the still open door. "I thought I'd get back before you."

    Goddard lets out a sigh of relief and nuzzles Aara's side.

  6. "See?" she whispers.

    "Why?" Two asks. "We aren't as drunk as you are, camel ass."

    "I am not a fool, duckling," Kryn admonishes. "Don't be rude to me because you and Rafi quarreled."

  7. "'re a fool for sticking with him," Gath snickers. "And I am not drunk. Almost. Very close. But not."

  8. "You're a bigger fool," she says sweetly. "You're-"

    "Kryn," Aara says gently and gives her a slight shake of her head.

  9. Gath crouches beside Kryn. "I'm...?"

  10. "A poor drunk after the good time we had tonight. You should be ashamed of yourself behaving so poorly in front of people who care about you." Two starts to open his mouth but she elbows him. "Apologize to me."

  11. "It was all his fault. He gets nothing. But you...I am sorry."

  12. She grants him a bright smile and leans forward to kiss his nose. "Apology accepted, duckling."

    Two makes an outraged sound and Aara just stares at him.

    What in seven hells did I just see? she wonders.

    "Shut up, Rafi. I don't know what you two fought over so it must be worked out between you."

  13. Goddard watches Aara's face and chuckles into the blanket.

    "Two isn't very helpful with matters of the heart," Gath mumbles and gets to his feet.

  14. "I was so! You just didn't like the answers!"

    Kryn gets to her feet and stamps at them like children. "I came here to make love, not listen to you bicker like two old women. Rafi, take me to bed."

    Two jumps up and throws her over his shoulder. "Yes ma'am!"

    Aara shakes her head at them as they go into his room. "I swear she's a different person every time I see her..."

  15. Gath looks at Goddard and Aara for a moment before he nods slightly and gets to his room, trying to not stumble.

  16. "Nuur'eni...what did we just see?"

  17. "Three people who have had a lot to drink? And I mean, a lot..."

  18. Aara starts to laugh, silently at first, her whole body shaking with it until she can't hold it in anymore. "She just...and then he apologized...duckling..." she laughs.

  19. "He's not so bad...but duckling? That's a stretch."

  20. "Maybe not to you. To everyone else he's rude and distant. I've tried, and you know that. But she just..." She shrugs, still laughing. "I don't know"

  21. "Even when he said something rude, she didn't let up, and you tried to get her to not say anything."

  22. "I half expected him to draw a weapon on her."

  23. Goddard frowns. "That's not something he'd has a long time."

  24. She raises a brow. "One can never be sure with a viper."

  25. Aara distantly feels her temper rising but ignores it. "What? In spite of my efforts he's no friend of mine."

  26. "He's one of those you have to put extra effort into, but, if you don't want to befriend him, it's understandable. You don't have to try. It's a lot of work anyway."

  27. She sighs and combs through his hair with her fingers. "I thought I'd made progress, but when we got here...I feel like I've been shut out. Even Two has a better report with him than I do. Nothing works," she adds sadly.

  28. "Do you actually want to be friends with him?"

  29. She looks at him in shock. "Haven't I been saying that? I wanted to be his friend in Araby. He just doesn't like me," she says with a shrug. "And I suppose I need to get used to it."

  30. "I didn't know if you genuinely wanted to or thought you just should," Goddard shrugs. "And didn't you two dance? Or do you not remember? What was that all about?"

  31. "He's never drunk to the point where he doesn't know what he's doing."

  32. "Obviously he was drunk enough to dance. Or at least to get me to stop asking."

  33. "But if he really didn't want to, he wouldn't have."

  34. "Nuur'eni, I love you, but he's liked me even less since...I was sick. I don't know if there's anything you or I can do to change that."

  35. "That doesn't make any sense. Maybe you both should have lunch together."

  36. She laughs and kisses him. "I'll never believe he's agree to it."

  37. "Would you agree to it? I'm sure if I asked him, the first thing he'd say would be something like 'She wouldn't do that. She hates me.' or something similar."

  38. "If it will make you happy, I'd be delighted."

  39. Goddard frowns. "I'm trying to make you happy lecai."

  40. She smoothes her fingers over his forehead. "You do."

  41. "I'm not trying to set up you two having lunch for me. It's for you."

  42. She sighs. "Yes, I will do it. But this is my last try," she warns.

  43. "But do you really want to? You don't have to. I'm not sure why you might feel like you had to, but I can't help but feel that's the case."

  44. "Yes, I really do," she insists. "But I'm only willing to beat my head against the wall for so long. Urian would happily for it for me."

  45. "And those are words that make me wonder if you really want that," he sighs. "But I'll bring it up anyway."

  46. She tilts his face up and looks him in the eye. "I mean it. But if he doesn't at least try, what more can I do?"

  47. "Shove your friendship down his throat until he either respects you and your persistence or he gets tired and just stops putting up a fight?" Goddard grins.

  48. "You're asking for a lot. If he wants nothing to do with me there's nothing else to be done."

  49. "Exactly what I said," he laughs. "If it helps, think of it as torturing him."

  50. "I don't want to do that, either," she says softly.

  51. "I don't want to annoy him. He already doesn't like me, and I'm not keen on making that worse. He likes you. And I promised I wouldn't put you in the middle of any bickering between us."

  52. "He doesn't like anyone," Goddard mumbles. "He probably just puts up with everyone's existence since it's either that, or death."

  53. "He likes you well enough," she snickers.

  54. "No," he mumbles and crosses his arms. "He teases me. It's cruel."

  55. "Is it a bitter pill my love? I remember a certain wizard teasing a certain virgin to distraction more than once," she chuckles.

  56. "That's not the same thing." He puts his arms around her and pulls her close. "I have this now."

  57. "And now I know enough to tease you back."

  58. "I'll never have anything even close to this again," he says softly before kissing her.

  59. She makes a happy sound and tosses her book away.

  60. He smiles. "I didn't mean to be so distracting."

  61. She pulls him close for another kiss. "I'd rather study you anyway."

  62. "You sure you don't have me memorized already?"

  63. She laughs and lies back, pulling him with her. "Oh no...I'm a very thorough student..."

  64. -----

    Gath turns the package over in his hands. It wasn't a flower, but it was nice and it was the only thing he could manage to purchase while he was as drunk as he was. He steps out of his room and instantly sees Aara and Goddard, still asleep in the common room.

    "Of course," he mutters, retreating back into his room and wincing at the loud noise the door makes. He didn't mean to close it so hard behind him.

    Goddard jolts awake, looks around the empty room and yawns. "Good morning lecai," he says.

  65. She jerks and nearly falls off the couch. "Hmmm good morning," she mumbles, shifting slightly and pressing her face to his neck.

  66. "Did that wake you up too? Or was that just me? Am I going crazy again?"

  67. "Maybe?" she yawns. "Go back to sleep."

  68. Goddard mumbles some gibberish before he closes his eyes.

  69. "Hey no spell casting when you're asleep."

  70. "Don't worry," he whispers sleepily.

  71. After a few minutes, Aara realizes she isn't going back to sleep. Raising her head, she grabs the same shirt she took from Goddard the night before and slips into it before getting up to put on water for tea and pants.

  72. Gath stuffs the package into a drawer, wondering why he even bothered. Just like a stupid child... He takes a breath and steps out into the common room again to see if there is any fruit he can have for breakfast.

  73. Aara straightens, glad for once to be so short his shirt reaches nearly to her knees. Oh.

    At least try...

    "Good morning."

  74. Gath nods. Try. "Good morning."

  75. She searches the common room for her pants, finding them over by a window. "Tea will be ready soon," she stammers and goes to wash and dress.

  76. She leaves before he gets the chance to thank her. He finds a few bits of left over fruit and takes a seat across from Goddard.

    Goddard yawns and stretches, forcing his eyes open. He sees Gath and smiles. "Watching me sleep huh?"

    Gath rolls his eyes. "Yes my lord. I have to make sure you don't hurt yourself even while sleeping. You're the clumsiest person I know."

  77. Aara grimaces at the terrible taste of the preventative she gets from Madame Appleman. "Disgusting but worth it," she sighs and braids her hair. Once dressed, she goes back to finish the tea.

  78. Goddard sits up and turns to watch Aara. "Good morning," he tells her happily. "Oh this might be perfect. You two can sit and chat while I wash up. Maybe do mage things..." he grins and gathers up the blankets and clothes and dashes off to his room.

  79. "But I-" she says as he runs out, "-have plans this morning." She shrugs And finishes the tea, pouring herself a cup.

  80. Gath raises a brow and pours himself a cup of tea. "What's he up to?"

  81. She shrugs and sits by the window. "Something sneaky, I'm sure."

  82. Gath sits in the seat he was in before and silently sips his tea. A few minutes later, Goddard peeks into the common room and sighs.

    She's not even sitting near him. Is it worth setting up the lunch? Does she actually want this or is she just trying to make me happy? He frowns at the thought of her putting herself through something she finds unpleasant just for him.

  83. Aara looks blankly outside, trying to clear her mind before she goes to train. Giving up, she glances over at Gath.

    "Ah...did you have a good time out last night?" she ventures. There. Nobody can say I didn't try.

  84. Gath is quiet, thoughtful a moment, then finally says, "Actually, I did. It was an...interesting night."

  85. "That's nice." She glances at the time and slurps down the rest of her tea. "Shit. I'm going to be late."

    She gets up and grabs her swords and harness. "Goddard I have to go!" she calls out. "See you later!"

  86. When Aara leaves, Goddard leans out of his door with a groan.

    "Are you a spy today my lord?"

    "No! I'm a diplomat."

    "A diplomat?"

    "Yes. Be nice to Aara. She wants to be your friend."

    "Why does everyone keep telling me this?"


    "Nothing. What stupid thing are you going to ask of me?"

  87. "I want you and Aara to have lunch together. I want her to see you aren't as bad as you pretend to be."

    "But she hates me," Gath scoffs.

    "See, I knew you'd say that, but she wants to do this. She said this is the last chance she'll give you though."

    Gath snorts. "Last chance? I'm not seeing much of an effort if she wanted to be friends so badly."

    "What did Kryn do that you guys were so buddy buddy?"

    Gath thinks for a moment. "'s because she didn't know what I was. She wasn't afraid I'd attack her or something. Kind of like you."

  88. Urian waits for Aara at the gates to the gymnasium, arms crosses. "You're late, lass," he says gruffly.

    "I know, I'm sorry."

    "No excuse?"

    She shrugs. "None you want to hear."

    He nods, his thick beard hiding a small grin. "Well then. Let's get started."

  89. "I know if you wanted to, I'd be dead already," Goddard mumbles. "She's had a...rough time...with druchii."

    "I know. But we aren't in Naggaroth. I'm not a mercenary sent after her."

    "Just do the lunch and play nice. Please?"

    Gath narrows his eyes at Goddard.

    "For me?"

    "Oh, that isn't fair," Gath mutters.

  90. "No, pin him this way. That way will get your arm broke, girl."

    Aara adjusts her arm and feels the pressure ease. "Oh."

    "Didn't no one ever teach you to properly wrestle?"

    She stands and helps her opponent up. "No. My skills are...different."

    Urian frowns. "Well I'm gonna fix that. Do it again."

  91. Goddard smiles and waits for his reply.

    Gath lets out a long sigh and nods. "Fine. I'll do this lunch. I can't guarantee I'll have much to talk about on my own, but if she actually says more than two words, I can reply...politely."

    Goddard claps his hands and jumps to his feet. "Good. I'll leave you to pout about lunch. I have some notes I've been neglecting."

    "'ll just be in your room all day?"

    Goddard groans out a yes and disappears into his room.

  92. I don't know why I agreed to this lunch anyway. He'll only do it because Goddard wants him to, and frankly I'm tired of trying with him. Getting anything more than sarcasm and an insult out of him is like-

    Aara's thoughts are interrupted by a wrenching pain in her shoulder and she scrambles away, cradling her arm.

    "It wouldn't have hurt if you'd had your head here, instead of up your arse," Urian tells her, crouching to examine it. "It's fine. Might bruise but fine."

  93. Gath goes into his room and finds the package. Why am I even considering this? Nothing is going to happen. She won't give him any slack on that chain. I don't even care that she's around or she'll always be his favorite...I just...

    He looks up and is surprised to see he's standing in front of Goddard's door.

  94. Urian studies her a moment before lowering himself to sit. "Here, stretch it out," he says, massaging her shoulder. "I know you and that pup that calls himself a retainer are different. Anyone can see it. But ye remind me of my daughter, and I can't help feeling you need a papa sometimes."

    Aara just stares for a moment. "My own wasn't much good to me.:'(

    "Well here's some fatherly advice from a damn fine papa: get yourself a friend. Not one of those hooligans that follow you in here time to time. A real one, a girl you can talk with and trust."

    Looking away, she nods. "Yes, Urian."

    "Then bring her here so I can meet my next wife," he laughs, letting her arm down. "Rest a bit, then we'll play with those swords of yours."

  95. Gath knocks on the door before he cracks it open. "My lor...Goddard..."

    Goddard looks up from the papers strewn all over his desk and forces a frown. "Goddard? Is the world coming to an end? You almost never say my name."

    Gath closes his eyes and contemplates turning around and leaving the building.

  96. Two shuffles into the common room, wearing only pants and a dopey grin. "That was a good night indeed," he says to himself, pouring tea.

  97. Not wanting to deal with Two right now, Gath slips into Goddard's room and shuts the door behind him. "Here," he mumbles and holds the small, flat package out to Goddard.

    Goddard takes it and looks it over before looking up at Gath. "What's this?"

    Gath closes his eyes again. "Why are you asking? Why can't you just open it? Why did I even think this was a good idea?"

    Goddard bites his lip, trying not to laugh. He didn't expect his question to get such a response.

    "If you don't want a present, I'll just take it back..."

    "No no," Goddard smiles. "I just..."

    Gath groans and walks out into the common room, heading toward his own room. "You have terrible ideas," he tells Two.

  98. "You have terrible follow-through!"

  99. "You weren't there! You were too busy with Kryn and I was talked into having lunch with your lady. Not the one in your room...the other one...anyway...I should have just stayed in my room."

    Goddard shakes his head and goes to unwrap what he's assuming is a gift. "Oh..." he carefully lifts up a feather pen. He has a lot of writing utensils, but this is different. It's a large, shiny black feather with an intricately carved metal end. He's never had a pen like this. They usually get crushed and he tosses them away. "This is really nice..."

  100. Two grins. "Kryn left this morning, actually. She works early."

  101. "And what are you going to do?" Gath huffs. "I feel like I should head out too."

  102. "I was thinking about some breakfast first- something real, not all this fruit. Then maybe over to the Market Ward, see what I see." He stretches his feet, wiggling his long toes. "Want to come?"

  103. "Yes, anything to forget my stupidity just now."

  104. Two laughs. "What did you do?" he asks as he goes to his room to get dressed.

  105. "I gave him a pen and then," he makes a rough sound in his throat, "I got annoyed and walked out."

  106. Two coughs to cover another laugh. "You have it bad, my friend."

  107. "Have what bad? What are you talking about now?"

  108. "Nothing," he says, pulling on his boots. He wanders around his room, picking up small things for his pockets it belt pouch.

    "All right. Breakfast. Meat. Eggs. Coffee. Maybe a beer."

  109. "Sounds good. Now let's go before he comes out and says anything about it."

  110. Two shrugs and follows him out. "Did Four already go? I know she had plans today."

  111. "Yes she did. My lord tried to leave us alone to chat. She seemed eager to escape my company."

  112. Two laughs, brushing his hair back. "Did she manage to get a word in edgewise? You two can small talk a politician to death."

  113. "She did manage to ask how last night was. I was surprised by that."

  114. "That's called 'effort.' Maybe now you can recognise it."

  115. "It'll last for all of three seconds before she whimpers and gives up."

  116. "Really? Because she makes an effort to be kind to you often."

  117. "Really? Because she makes an effort to be kind to you often."

  118. "When? Saying one thing and shutting down after i respond isn't really an effort. She puts effort when she's fighting, gets injured, and keeps fighting. That's effort."

  119. "She makes small efforts," Two insists. "When she orders dinner, she asks for extra wine even if she doesn't touch it. She makes enough tea so you can have some if you want- and I've heard her offer it to you. She even made you that bath yesterday."

  120. "How am I supposed to believe any of that is actually for me and not just her being generally polite? And that bath...that was for you. There was no way that was for me. You were just too stubborn to take it."

  121. Two shakes his head. "She knows my preferences. That wasn't mine. And even if it is being generally polite, it's a lot more than you give in return." He pats Gath's shoulder as they step outside. "Now what's this about a lunch with Four?"

  122. "I'm not sure. It's supposed to be 'the last chance' she's giving me? Even though you all, wrongly, assume she wants to be friends."

  123. Two waves his hand. "Don't pay attention to that part. It's unnecessary. Did she ask you to have lunch with her?"

  124. "My lord asked. She was probably too afraid to do it on her own."

  125. "Are you doing this because you want to talk to her or because he wants you to?"

  126. "Why would I talk to someone on my own who has no interest in talking to me? He asked, so I'll do it. I'm his retainer. This is a trivial thing."

  127. "If it's so trivial, don't go. He'll get over it, and she'll pretend it doesn't bother her."

  128. "But then he'll get mad that she's unhappy and it'll be a huge mess," Gath sighs. "Is that worth it? I'd rather deal with a trivial lunch I was told to do."

  129. Two nods, holding open the door to a rustic restaurant he's fond of. "Is it today? Or did he just say 'have lunch'?"

  130. "Im not sure. I assumed he'd talk it over with her first. Her schedule and time is what matters. Not mine."

  131. "Two usuals, Frannie," he says when a sweet old lady approaches. "So why is it bothering you? I know for a fact you two have spoken before. I've even seen you dance together."

  132. "That's another thing that's confusing. After the pit, and dancing, she continues to hate me."

  133. Two laughs. "You think that's hatred? Ask her about the guard who whipped her in a few years. That's hatred." Two thanks Frannie when she brings out coffee, milk, and sugar for them. "I doubt it's even a strong dislike, and if it is, it's fear."

  134. "I don't see why. I even tried to keep her from feeling afraid in that pit." He shrugs. "Maybe she'll never get over that. She'll never get over a lot of things." Gath begins to add large amounts of sugar to his coffee.

  135. Two is quiet a moment, remembering late one night when she couldn't sleep and told him about it. "You have no idea how grateful she is for that," he says softly. "Or how grateful I am, for that matter."

  136. "And yet, that means nothing. As if I were pretending or it never happened. That's her own mind, and if she refuses to look at things like that, and she wants to remain afraid, that's on her." He sips his coffee to make sure it has enough sugar.

  137. "I could try and explain, but you'd probably have the same reaction as Sheik. Ahh Fran, you're the loveliest," he says as giant platters of food arrive for them. Without another word he digs in, closing his eyes in pleasure.

  138. "You two also still think very much like humans. I suppose it can't be helped. You won't explain things or put more effort, even though you have so much time..."

  139. "Hey," he says, insulted. "It's taking time. I like to think I'm adjusting incredibly well. This is my best self yet. Like I said, our culture wasn't kind to women, and life in general wasn't kind to our Four. You have to either get through those walls, or find a way over them, like Sheik."

  140. "I tried." He takes a bite of food. "And I guess we'll see what happens after this lunch."

  141. He nods. "A little advice, friend to friend: make the first move, and make it a bold, honest one. It'll stun her, and after she's had a minute to process it, she's more likely to open up to you again. Something spooked her, and that's why she shut down."

  142. "What am I supposed to start with? I obviously don't know what I'm doing around her," he says, rolling his eyes.

  143. "Tell her the truth," he says between bites. "That Sheik asked you to do this so there would be peace between you, and whether you want to build a friendship with her or just coexist pleasantly. If she doesn't respond, keep talking. And watch her hands. If they knit together like this," he puts his fork down and mimics the way Aara twists her fingers together nervously. "She's holding something back, and it's probably not bad. Tense and calmly folded in her lap is deliberate, and probably bad. Mudras are a good thing."

  144. "If you think that'll work," he shrugs.

  145. "It won't hurt." After a minute, he pauses eating. "What was happening when I got up, anyway? Your annoyed thing?"

  146. Gath almost chokes on a bite of bread. He takes a sip of coffee and clears his throat. "Instead of opening the damned package I picked up, he asks what it is," he says calmly.

  147. Two chuckles. "That's pretty typical of it's wrapped. Did he smile?"

  148. "I think he was trying not to laugh at me. The ungrateful little..."

  149. "No no no," Two laughs. "A smile is good! That's what you were going for, remember?"

  150. "He was pleased at the prospect of a gift. It's not the gift that matters most, it's the giving."

  151. "Well at least I won't know if he actually hated it or not unless he tels me later."

  152. "It's stupid, honestly. I must have been too drunk to realize it. It's just a feather pen."

  153. "That's a great gift for bookish old Sheik! Well done!"

  154. "Really? It's a black feather too. With a silver end." He doesn't look up from his plate of food.

  155. "Even better. Something to hold on to for a time. You're not so bad at this, after all."

    Why am I doing this?! She's going to kill me...

    "You, ah...You won't ever mention any of this to Four, will you?"

  156. Gath chuckles. "I didn't mean it that way. I'm actually unsure of what you're talking about."

  157. "I do believe if Four knew I was telling you these things about her, she's stab me. And to frank, that hurts like seven hells."

    Not to mention tips on romancing the Sheik...

  158. "You act as if I'm gathering information on a target for a job..."

  159. "You are, in a way," Two points out. "In your dealings with both of them."

  160. "I'm not going to kill either of them," he snorts.

  161. "But you are gathering information on how to handle the situation. And Four is a professional. When she stabs me, it's not fatal, but it hurts. I'd like to avoid it."

  162. "But it's all for a good cause isn't it? She shouldn't have a problem with that."

  163. "As you well know, her temper is formidable and her fuse is short, and she won't think anything of taking it out on me before she realizes I may have done any good." He shovels more good into his mouth and swallows before speaking again. "So, just never mention that I told you how to romance the Sheik or handle her. Because we're friends and my death would upset Kryn and you would have an emotional female bombarding you."

  164. "At this point you can quit lying to me and yourself," Two tells him, pointing with his fork. "You hate Four so I know it's not her."

  165. "And...what if I were? Why help me? DO you want him gone so you can get to her?"

  166. "I have Kryn, and no other could match her. But...Now, I don't know her feelings where you and Sheik are concerned, but she may take offense at my helping. And she'd be right to."

  167. "If it makes you feel any better, I have no intention of breaking them up."

  168. "You don't? Then why romance him in the first place?"

  169. Gath narrows his eyes at Two. "You ask a lot of questions and I am tired of them. So...just know...I might wear noisy armor to keep that fragile pile of bones safe, but without it, I'm silent and you won't wake up if you repeat anything I say."

  170. Two narrows his eyes right back. "You asked a lot of annoying questions last night."

  171. "They weren't personal questions."

  172. "But could get me stabbed nonetheless, which is the perfect reason not to say anything to her. Or anyone for that matter."

  173. "I don't need, nor do I expect all of his, or anyone else's, attention or affection. And as much as I hate it, not even I can escape emotions, and that...scrawny imp...has dredged them up with his...I don't even know what he does, but it..." He looks up at Two with eyes that look as if they'd pierce his soul.

  174. Two nods. "Be careful," is all he says.

  175. Gath raises a brow. "You seem strangely alright with that."

  176. "You said you have no intention of breaking them up. I'm going to take you at your word, and hope that Four doesn't get hurt in the process. If that happens...I will be not so all right. Anything else is between you and her."

  177. "I'm also prepared to completely give up, and lock everything up again."

  178. "Like I said. Be careful, and kind to her. This will not be easy."

  179. "I don't think she is capable of thinking like an elf in this situation."

  180. "It may her some time. She's done some amazing things in her time." Two tosses his napkin on the table and a few coins with it. "Ready to go?"

  181. Gath nods and gives Two one final threatening look.

  182. "Don't give me that look. Now I have to buy some gifts for my ladies, save those looks for bargaining."

  183. "I should head back and take care of my armor." He gives two a wave before he heads of in the direction of the apartment.

    Gath doesn't bother to check in on Goddard or ask about the pen. He goes straight to his room and begins to clean his armor, finding sand stuck in all the intricate carvings.

    Goddard peeks his head into Gath's room and smiles. "Why'd you run off like that?"

    "You and your silly questions," Gath mumbles.

    "Thank you," Goddard says. "I haven't a clue as to why you'd get me something like that, but it's really nice and I appreciate it."

    "You're welcome." Gath tries to ignore Goddard as he sits on the bed behind him and plays with his hair. "Shouldn't you be doing wizard things?"

    "I can do them later. I want to sit in here with you while everyone else is gone."

    "Isn't that dangerous?"

  184. "'Atta girl!"

    Aara pins an opponent, someone twice her size, and grits her teeth against the pain in her shoulder before releasing him.

    "Ah, damn!" she hisses, holding her arm close. "Urian are you sure this is fine?"

  185. Gath leans his head back. "Dangerous and full of 'I can't's' and 'I shouldn'ts'? And you want to sit here?"

    Goddard bites his lip. I knew this would happen and I came in here anyway...I was just supposed to say thank you... "Is that all you want from me? Is that why you give me pens?"

    Gath snickers. "You came in here on your own. I didn't dangle the pen in front of you and lead you onto my bed. No. That's not why I got you a gift."

    "Then why?"

    Gath turns around and slides a hand along Goddard's neck, pulling him close and kissing him unexpectedly.

    Goddard's eyes go wide for a moment before he closes them. Oh you're an idiot. Why did you come in here again? Is it because you're a fool who can't control himself? Of course it is...

  186. "It's a little swollen," Urian harumphs. "Go home and put it in a along for the day."

    Aara groans and gathers her things pitifully.

    "Cheer up, lass," Urian laughs. "Come back in a few days when that shoulder is feeling better."

  187. Goddard pulls away and kisses down Gath's neck and along the collar bone. His teeth graze his skin and Gath hisses. "Watch your teeth."

    "But I want to. You'd like it..." Goddard breaths.


    Gath feels a sharp pain, and he shoves Goddard away, hard enough he falls off the bed. "Didn't I say not to do that?!" Gath snaps, holding a hand to his shoulder and stomping over to the other side of the bed as Goddard gets to his feet.

  188. Goddard shoves Gath back. "You do things like that to me all the time!" he yells back.

    "The difference is, you actually want me to do those things! I didn't want you to bite me!" Gath almost shoves Goddard onto the floor again but Goddard braces himself and with what sounds like a snarl, just tackles Gath.

  189. Aara walks home, thinking over Urian's advice. Where do you even start? I suppose I could ask Gill or Tallyn to help.

  190. Gath tries his best to pin Goddard down without hurting him too badly, but he can't seem to get past his clawing and snapping and when he finally does catch his wrists, he has to let him go again or risk getting a horn stuck in him.

    "You stupid little," Gath growls as they struggle, knock things over and get blood on everything.

  191. Aara finally relents and hires a sedan to take her home, stopping to purchase a silk scarf for a sling.

    Now I'm hurting and I have to spend my afternoon with Gath...lucky me, she thinks as she climbs the stairs. When she enters the apartment she pauses, instincts alert to the sounds of a fight.

    "Goddard?" she calls softly.

  192. Suddenly, Goddard freezes and gasps as his hand makes contact with Gath's head. Gath blinks his left eye a few times as blood stings it. Goddard has left two scratches across his face, starting above his right eye, going across the bridge of his nose, over his left eye, and across his cheek.

    Without another thought, Gath hits Goddard in the chest, knocking the wind out of him and throwing him flat onto his back. He puts an arm firmly across Goddard's throat and ignores the claws digging in, trying to pry him off. Gath balls his free hand into a fist and pulls it back to strike Goddard and knock his pointy little teeth out as he's often threatened.

    The instant Goddard turns his head and flinches, is the instant Gath realizes he's about to do something he'll regret forever and doesn't follow through with the swing.
