Wednesday, April 27, 2016

"That's part of what I li..." Gath clears his throat and quickly goes back to his drink.


  1. "Oh no, absolutely not. Does it bother you how much you want him?"

  2. "What? No! I mean, I don't!" He puts his glass up to his lips. "Well I have...needs..." he mumbles.

  3. Two takes a drink also. "Needs that could be met by anyone. Is it him, or are you too shy to find anyone else?"

  4. "Shy?" Gath scoffs. "It's easier and safer. I don't have to worry about him putting a blade in my back."

  5. "Of all the one night stands I've had, none of them have stabbed me. I think you are shy."

  6. Gath narrows his eyes. "Lucky you. I have been."

  7. "No wonder you're shy."

    Kryn returns and sits in Two's lap. "Miss me?"

    "Absolutely," he tells her, kissing her cheek.

  8. "It's not shy," Gath snaps. "It's choosing life. Nothing wrong with that."

  9. "Rafiq don't tease Gath," Kryn scolds.

    "Oh go dance with Simmon," he laughs, pushing her out of his lap. "You know he'll come over here and I can't stand him."

  10. "So, you give her flowers to start the day then give demands later for her to dance with someone else? Interesting," Gath snickers.

  11. "If it keeps that simpering fool away from me I'll allow," Two grumbles.

    Kryn laughs and kisses him deeply before flitting over to drop a kiss on the top of Gath's head. With another giggle, she skips away.

    "I don't mind who she dances with. I didn't mind who she slept with. I just want to make her smile," Two says in a find tone, watching her.

  12. "And what if she went off into someone else's bed tomorrow?"

  13. "I might feel a little slighted since I'm taking her home tonight, but that's her business."

  14. "You know what I mean," Gath grumbles. "Why can't other certain people be fine with such things." He looks into his empty cup and refills is slowly, unsure if he should keep going. His head is starting to feel strange.

  15. "Why don't you ask Aara yourself?"

  16. "You don't know that." Two refills his own cup. "Look at it this way, my friend: you are attempting to undo a lifetime of habits, yes?"

  17. "For myself? Trying to undo a few things, yes."

  18. "So is she. There's a lifetime of our culture inside her head, and it's not exactly kind to women. She's got thousands of years of rules and restrictions and voices telling her that every single thing she does is wrong. And Sheik's voice, trying to tell her it isn't. Aara and you are in the same place, trying to do the same thing, wanting the same person. She might be more understanding than you're giving her credit for."

  19. Gath makes a snorting sound and takes a sip of his drink. "If I 'bother' her and get her upset, he'll just get mad at me."

  20. "He loves her. He wants her happy." Two drains his wine and tops off both of their cups. "Just talk to her, Gath. Don't talk in circles or be vague."

  21. "Why is it a waste of time?"

  22. "Because. It just is. She wouldn't let him...and I's a waste of time to even talk to you."

  23. "You're afraid to talk to her," Two says. "She denies him nothing, haven't you noticed? She clearly hasn't stopped him from being with you sexually."

  24. "Her existence makes things difficult. Once isn't anything. And every time it's a whole lot of I can't and I shouldn't and Aara this Aara that," he says sounding exhausted. "I know no other of sho...I hate them both," he sighs.

  25. "If that were true you'd leave. And you shouldn't blame her for what he says and does."

  26. "She has him wrapped around her finger. He's afraid he'd lose her if he breathed funny."

  27. "You make that awkward girl who's afraid of shadows and squids sound like a manipulative mastermind," Two chuckles.

  28. "Only to him. He's weak minded and not as smart as he thinks he is."

  29. "I'll grant you that. And yet, for all his faults- and you've listed more than a few- you still stay."

  30. Gath pushes his hair back and to the side before he rests his head on the table. "It's my job..."

  31. "It doesn't have to be. Your skills would be better put to use elsewhere."

  32. "I don't have the best...personality. This is easier."

  33. "That's true. You're standoffish and cold and insulting. I wonder why she's afraid to talk you...?"

  34. Gath shrugs. "Maybe because of everything you just said."

  35. "Well, I'm going to take my woman back," Two says and stands. "Drink all you want, I have a tab."

  36. "Alone. Just how I thought I'd end up tonight," he snickers and takes another sip of his drink.

  37. Two deftly catches Kryn when Summon spins her out, holding her close. "My turn," he tells the young man, burying his nose in her yellow hair. "Go away."

    Kryn giggles and turns in his arms. "So possessive."

    "Only while I can be, love."

  38. Gath watches them lazily, wondering if he'll ever change. If things in general will change. "I think I could be alright drinking alone till I'm on the edge of losing myself for the rest of my life," he mumbles to himself.

  39. Two holds her close, as if she is the most precious thing in the world, and dances slowly.

    Aara puts on Goddard's shirt, the one with the crows, and wiggles into pants. "We decided we'd get out of bed for dinner," she laughs, climbing on top of Goddard again. "Remember?" she asks softly, her mouth moving across her chest.

  40. "You're not making it any easier," Goddard smiles.

  41. "I can't help it," she says between kisses. "You're too tempting, naked and relaxed and lying here..."

  42. "I'd put clothes on if you'd let me up."

  43. She groans playfully and rolls over. "Hey."

  44. Goddard sits up and taps her in the center of her chest. "I'll have to remember that's mine so I don't just rip it off you."

  45. "Looks better on me anyway," she says with a grin. Aara lifts the collar over her nose and inhales deeply. "Smells like you."

  46. He finally climbs out of bed and gets dressed. "What should we do for dinner lecai? Feeling like anything in particular?"

  47. " meat," she decides, then looks surprised. "Wait, what? Red meat? Me?"

  48. "Obviously you have a craving after you've deprived your body of meat. I'm sure we can find something delicious."

  49. "Let's stay in the inn," she suggests. "We can have dinner in the garden."

  50. "Regular dinner or...special dinner like last time," he grins.

  51. She gets to her feet and tugs on his waisrband, pulling him close. "I guess you'll have to wait and see," she murmurs.

  52. "Oh I know. I'll have a special dessert." He leans in and kisses her, pulling back sooner than he'd like. "Uh we'll never get food if we keep this up. Let's go!"

  53. She laughs and follows him out, not bothering with shoes. "I really like living here, don't you?"

  54. "Yes I do. At first I was unsure, but everyday it just feels more and more like home. My room is starting to look just as cluttered as before."

  55. Aara considers her own room, with its books and her toxin kit set up and gear in a corner. It's full of her trade, with few personal items, just like Araby. "I guess mine looks like my other one...I hadn't thought about it."

  56. "I'm used to and expect piles of books, papers, jars. It also has to come naturally. If I just threw everything around, it wouldn't be as organized as it is."

  57. She shrugs. "I just never had much time for personal things after I went with Koroush. I never got in the habit of putting myself into a room."

    When they get down the bar, she hears Kote singing and groans. "It's that damn song again," she mutters.

  58. "He does seem to play this a lot for whatever reason."

  59. It's a fairly new song, and really popular with the evening crowd. Gill especially likes it and requests it all the time.

    "I just wish he'd write a new song," she mutters. "Some Other Time is a terrible name."

  60. "It seems to have real significance to him."

  61. As soon as Kote sees them, his voice gets deeper, more sorrowful as he sings about a woman who always rebuffs him.

    "He's just a fluff headed musician," she says, not looking at him. "They don't have real feelings."

  62. "I always thought musicians put the most feeling into their work. I think that's how every artist works."

  63. "Not that one. He's an idiot."

    She leads him outside to the garden and curls up on a couch.

  64. "I thought you got along?" Goddard says confused. "Oh well," he shrugs.

  65. "We did until he wrote...we did," she stalkers.

  66. Goddard chuckles. "You can't possibly hate that song that much. Or do you have some knowledge about what went into it? Is it that bad?"

  67. "It's not really so bad..." she conceeds. "I just don't like it."

  68. Aara blushes and stammers and scowls. "He's so infruriating."

  69. "Now I really want to know," he laughs.

  70. Aara looks up at him through her lashes and smiles wickedly before sliding into his lap to straddle him. "No you don't," she whispers, nibbling on his ear.

  71. "We're supposed to be eating," he says, kissing her softly.

  72. "Food's not here yet."

    She groans when the song gets louder, indicating Kote has decided to walk and play. When she hears him at the door, she lifts her head and shoots him a dirty look.

    Kote finishes his song, leaving the listener hopeful. "Do you like my song, lady?" he asks, leaning on the doorway.

    "No. Go away."

  73. "Hey, what's the story with that song?" Goddard asks. "I think she knows but she won't tell me."

  74. Kote smiles and takes a seat across from them. "She does indeed. She helped me write it."

  75. "Lecai! Are you putting that poetry reading and writing to good use?" he smiles.

  76. "He's lying, Nuur'eni," she says with a sigh, getting out of his lap.

    "I'm wounded you would say so," Kote says in anguish. "Did you not give me the inspiration for my song?"

    "Oh shut up," she snaps.

  77. "Is that why you don't like it? It isn't as good as you want it to be? Oh, she said she didn't like the title. Now is your chance to fix it."

  78. Kote smiles even brighter. "Perhaps we can work on it later, my lady? I'm more than willing to focus on it Until you're satisfied."

    "What? No! I'm not working on anything with you."

  79. "Go on lecai. If he's going to keep playing something you helped with, you may as well be proud of it."

  80. "Goddard I didn't help write that terrible song!"

    Kote looks hurt, which only makes her frown at him. "My lady, you know as well as I do we discussed it in that very bar late one night. I can't believe you'd deny it now."

  81. "She says she can't do a lot of things but she ends up being fairly well at them," Goddard chuckles.

  82. Aara groans and blushes deeply and curses her horrible luck. "I hate you," she tells Kote.

    The bard only gives her that charming smile, the same one that made her want to kiss him so badly. "But my lady, I desire your help so greatly. Surely my lord can spare you a few hours."


  83. "Don't be silly. Of course. I could always study spells or something."

  84. ""

    "It's decided! We can meet down here after they lock up and work until I've wrung out all the best things from you."

    "No. I'm not meeting with you."

  85. "Are you too tired from earlier? There's always tomorrow."

  86. "No. I mean yes! I'm too tired," she says. "Nuur'eni has taken every bit of my energy."

    "I'm willing to do all the work, my lady. All I'd need is your presence to inspire me."

    "What skills you must have to do it all by yourself," she quips. "You must have lots of practice alone."

  87. Goddard smiles. "You're his muse? I know you're my muse."

  88. "Then I'm certain you understand my need of her," Kote appeals.

    Aara curses at him in Arabyan. "I'd rather just be your muse," she tells Goddard, stroking his ear.

  89. "I think it would be a compliment to inspire someone."

  90. "Only when you say it. No one else matters."

  91. "You're too amazing to not inspire others."

  92. "She sets a man to burning," Kote agrees. "Let me have a chance to fix the song, Aara."

    Agitated, she makes several mudras before burying her face in Goddard's arm. "No."

  93. "It truly must be a terrible song for you to want nothing to do with it or me," Kote says sadly.

    "Go away."

  94. "I'm sorry," Goddard frowns. "I like the song."

  95. "Unrequited desire is a universal knowing," Kote agrees. Their food arrives and he stands. "I'll leave you to your dinner, but please my lord, be my advocate. If the song can be changed, I'm willing to put in the hours."

    As soon as he's gone, Aara breathes a sigh of relief. "Uzzaya be thanked."

  96. "I don;t understand why you wouldn't want to try and fix the song when you dislike it, especially if he's going to keep playing it," Goddard says before taking a bite of the food.

  97. " don't...I..." If it's possible to blush harder, she does.

  98. Goddard squints. "Why on earth would you be blushing so much? What's so embarrassing?"

  99. "Because that stupid song is about me," she moans.

  100. Goddard is quiet for a moment then laughs. "What? How?"

  101. "Because he's an idiot." She sighs and moved some of the food around on her plate. "He's the one who 'captured' me in the bar a while back..."

  102. Goddard's eyes go wide. "Ooooh..." he snickers a bit. "I'm sorry lecai. I didn't know." He kisses her forehead. "I wouldn't have said anything."

  103. "I'm so sorry Nuur'eni! I never thought he'd have the nerve to actually say those things! I wouldn't have even said anything otherwise."

  104. "There is nothing for you to apologize for," he smiles. "Eat! I know you're hungry."

  105. She looks miserable and picks at her food. "You're not upset?" she asks sadly. "You should be."

  106. "He was just sitting here asking if he could have sex with me. I should never have kissed him."

  107. "If I had known, I'd have taken his head off for you if you wanted, but he's gone and there's no reason to be mad at you."

  108. You idiot...he's sleeping with someone and here you are upset over having kissed some dumb musician. Goddard doesn't care.

    "Oh...all right."

  109. "I just care that you're safe and I know as much as I want to keep you safe, and pretend I'm doing a great job, you can handle yourself."

  110. Aara nearly upsets her plate when she throws her arms around his neck. "You do an amazing job," she tells him. "Better than anyone ever."

  111. Goddard lets out a surprised gasp then holds her tightly. "I try," he says softly.

  112. "You do," she whispers. "I love you more than I can say." She kisses his cheek and sits back, picking up her fork.

  113. "I will if I can convince him to stop playing that damn song."

  114. Goddard chuckles. "Since you want nothing more to do with him, just let him sing it until his last breath."

  115. Aara looks down at her plate. "I'll threaten to break his hand and make him stop."

  116. "I suppose if you really wanted to. I'd prefer the slow, painful approach. Hopefully he'll listen?"

  117. "Maybe. I'll at least ask Gill to stop requesting it. It makes me sound something I'm not."

  118. "And what would that be?'d rather just be done with all of this..."

  119. Her brows draw together. "I'm not sure. Like... Like some kind of femme fatale or heart breaker, maybe." She glances up at him. "Does it bother you? Knowing it was him?"

  120. Goddard shakes his head. "No one would bother me. Oh and please, don't take that as I don't care about you. I love you more than anything. It's just that sort of thing was never something I saw the same way you see it."

  121. She nods. "I know you're right. It's just not easy trying to change that mindset. All that rigidty growing up," she sighs. "They think it's supposed to make things easier...but that's only if you never leave Araby."

  122. Goddard frowns. "I'm sorry. If I had never..."

  123. "As if you had any choice," she laughs. "I pursued you just as much as you ever did me. Our first time together was my plan, remember?" She winks and grins at him. "I set my sights on you."

  124. "Yeah, but I gave you roses I stole off a grave," he laughs embarrassed.

  125. She sighs happily. " did. So it must have been fate. You were the first make beside Koroush and Ustadh who saw my face in ten years. I don't think I could have picked better." She takes a large bite of her steak and moans. "Why is this so good?"

  126. Goddard shrugs. "You need it? Two isn't wrong when he says you eat a lot of vegetables, but I still think you can eat what you want to eat."

  127. "Maybe. Meat is usually too heavy, and I tend to jump around a lot. Except lately," she laughs. "I'm trying not to train so much, but it's making me lazy."

  128. "Nothing wrong with being a little lazy."

  129. She arches a brow at him. "Have me met? My name's Aara," she says, holding a hand out to him.

  130. Goddard laughs. "You try to change something more difficult to change, but won't budge on something much easier like being lazy and eating meat."

  131. "Laziness isn't in me. Too much energy puts me on edge."

  132. "Well, I hope I help with that energy," he grins.

  133. "You certainly do," she tells him.

  134. "Well I'm glad I can help you with something."

  135. "And thankfully you excell..."


    Two and Kryn eventually come back to the table. "Drunk yet?" he asks Gath, sitting down and pouring them both wine.

  136. "Drunk enough," Gath says, wondering if he should skip the cup and drink right from the bottle. "I should probably stop though."

  137. "Why? I'll make sure you make it home without injury. Relax," he tells him. Another friend of Kryn's asks her to dance, and she hops up to accept. "Kryn will dance as long as her feet will take it, and we'll order a carriage home."

  138. "I haven't been drunk in...years. Too many years to count. Why start now?"

  139. "Because for once you can drink around someone who won't let anything happen?"

  140. "And who's to say you won't be the one doing the stabbing?" Gath says in a suspicious tone. "There's only one person I might get drunk around. Might."

  141. Two laughs. "Have it your way."

  142. "Of course. There is no other way to have things," Gath mumbles.

  143. "Of course there is. You're just stubborn."

  144. "Then tell me." He sits up straight and narrows his eyes at Two. "The only useful thing I've learned from you all night is giving flowers and that's not even all that helpful. I knew I should have stayed home."

  145. "How do you...well..." he scratches his head, unable to find words that won't make him sound like an idiot. "How?" Gath finally says, motioning toward Kryn.

  146. "Two! Don't make me say more words..." Gath groans and covers his face with his hands. "This stuff is strong."

  147. "I don't know what you want me to tell you."

  148. "I'll figure it out myself then. I've at least got that whole flower thing to try out," he mumbles.

  149. "Do you want me to tell you how to make him..." Two's eyes go a little wide. "Are you in love with Sheik?"

  150. "What?! Why? Why would you even think...Two...just..."

  151. "Why else would you want to know how to romance someone? You don't know anyone else and you're afraid to talk to Aara."

  152. "I am not afraid to talk to her! I just have no desire to talk to her."

  153. "Because you're in love with him. I'm not going to tell her."

  154. "You can't tell her something that's not true anyway," Gath snorts.

  155. "All right then," he chuckles. "What do you want to know about romancing someone?"

  156. "Everything. That flower thing was good." He plants an elbow on the table and rests his chin in his palm, swaying slightly for only a moment.

  157. "Well...compliments are good- sincere ones, so don't get too flowery at first. Spend time with...her, doing something she likes." He thinks a moment. "Don't be selfish, especially if they're with someone else, it'll put strain on your relationship and you don't want that. Hmmm...little things are good. Be generally nice and maybe lighten up a little, you're a little intense."

  158. Gath listens and nods as if he's mentally writing it all down. "I'm never flowery...spending time is difficult...hmmm...I am incredibly generous...intense?"

  159. "With...with time! I am not selfish with time!"

  160. "You didn't specify," Two chuckles, "calm down. See this is the intensity I meant."

  161. "Because for once you can drink around someone who won't let anything happen?"

  162. "It's too difficult to talk, let alone specify anything."

  163. "Just relax. Smile more, and not just at the object of your affection. If...this going to fall in love with you, it'll either happen or it won't. But being surly and rude to everyone around you won't help."

  164. "I try," Gath groans. "What if the people around are being...difficult?"

  165. "Do you have any idea how badly Four wants to be close to you? If she's difficult it's because you're closed."

  166. Gath blurts out a laugh. "What are you talking about? You can't possibly be more drunk than I am."

  167. "Then why doesn't she even make an attempt? lord doesn't care what I do or say. He just talks to me, no matter how stupid I think he sounds, no matter how rude I am."

  168. "Your lord is far better at being social than Aara. And you're cold and disapproving to her. It's less hurtful to shy away from that than reach for it."

  169. "Well, she hasn't shown me anything besides being a timid brat."

  170. "A brat she can be," Two laughs. "But timid? She's afraid druchii. That's plain to see."

  171. "What, does she think I'm going to turn her into a flag? She isn't afraid of him and he's the same thing."

  172. "He's different you know it. But even with her fears she isn't that timid. She blacked your eye when you were an ass."

  173. "She'd never try that again," he hisses. "I'll...I'll...take one of her fingers."

  174. "See? And you deserved that and you know it. I'd be willing to be that if you were kind to her you'd see a big difference in the way Sheik is with you."

  175. "It wouldn't matter how nice I was to her. He'll always be wrapped around her finger. Doing whatever she wants. Like some dumb puppy."

  176. "Quit acting stupid. You know better, and if he's wrapped around her finger he put himself there."

    Every word I say betrays my lady...

  177. "He is fairly dimwitted...but that doesn't matter."

  178. Two stands. "And neither will you if you continue this way. I've told you: the way to him is to make peace with her. She's never deny him something he wants." He gives Gath a curt nod and goes off to find Kryn.

  179. "She does it all the time, and she probably doesn't even know it," he mutters to himself.

  180. "Rafi! What are you doing?"

    "I have other plans for you, sweetling," he growls, kissing her.

    "Oh...take me home then," she giggles. "Just let me say goodbye?"

    "Make it fast."

    Kryn hurries over to Gath and puts a hand on his shoulder. "It seems he's ready to go," she laughs. "I hope we do this again soon," she adds, leaning down and kissing his cheek. "Goodnight, duckling." With another giggle she's gone.

  181. "I'm not staying here," Gath mutters. He slowly gets to his feet and once the ground stops moving, he picks up the bottle and walks toward the door. "I'll just finish this in the morning..."
