Thursday, April 14, 2016

"Laughing and saying you don't care about something sounds like someone who's given up..."


  1. "Not at all," she assures him. "I just don't care if he's grumpy and antagonizing. That's how he always is toward me anyway. I know you're in love with me, and that's what matters."

  2. "Well then. You can threaten him and have your questions and all that and I can go back to being alright."

  3. "Just to back to being all right," she tells him, kissing the top of his hand.

  4. "I'll try. I can't promise I'll be able to hold it all together if you drink more poison though."

  5. "Would you rather not know if I do?"

  6. "I'm pretty certain I would have noticed what was going on whether you told me or not," he frowns. "I may have not known you poisoned yourself, but I would have known you were sick and then you would have had to explain. I'm not sure you can hide any future instances now."

  7. She gives him a impish look. "Don't tempt me to try."

  8. "Lecai!" he huffs. "That's not funny!"

  9. She snickers. "It's about as funny as your nose bit."

  10. "No, it is not even comparable. My nose was in no danger."

  11. She grins and lifts her hands, bracelets chiming cheerfully.

  12. "You can't win this one. No matter how adorable you are."

  13. "I'll get you," she tells him sweetly, "one day."

  14. "I'll just have to make sure I'm one step ahead of you then."

  15. Goddard smiles and gets to his feet. "I should probably try to fix the door. I think I remember skimming over something in the book."

  16. Aara follows him, still feeling strange and sickly sick as the poison and antidote wear off. "Did I say anything particularly embarrassing earlier?"

  17. Goddard sits at his cluttered desk and flips through the pages of his spell book. "You don't remember any of it?"

  18. She shakes her head and sits on the floor. "I remember telling you I didn't do it because of you, and that it didn't matter It gets fuzzy after that."

  19. "You thought Gill was your Ustadh and wanted us to call you Four. You said you and I were both rats and you called me Tarik."

  20. She grins until he gets to the last part. "Oh."

  21. "That was your brother right?" Goddard looks up at her and frowns. "I'm sorry lecai. I'll go back to searching. Quietly."

  22. "No, it's fine. I just never talk about it."

  23. "If you ever do, I'm here...there it is! I can fix this door and Tallyn and Gill will never have to know!"

  24. She scoots closer and looks over his shoulder. "I know," she says softly. "There's just not much to talk about. It was an accident. I happened to be around that day."

  25. Goddard takes the book and the broken piece to the door. "I don't think you've ever told me what happened."

  26. "I don't know if I've ever said it out loud," she admits. "He was a dockman, helping load and unload cargo. A rope snapped and he and two others were trapped. I had just stolen a fish almost as big as I was and running for his protection when I came across the accident. Someone's hand stuck out from the rubble, so I left my fish to hold it. The hand was cold for a long time when they uncovered my brother and the two others." Aara takes a deep, calming breath. "I'd been holding Tarik's hand the whole time."

  27. He carefully sets all the broken pieces together. "I'm sorry lecai. A lot of what I did in Altdorf was help the living. Are you still grieving?" Goddard turns back to the door and reads the spell, slowly mending the door.

  28. She thinks back to that day, the thirteen days that followed it, and the priest with papery hands talking about destiny. "No," she says with a soft smile. "I helped prepare him for the burial. But I always felt he and our brother Rimon- he died when I was just a baby- watched over me."

  29. Goddard smiles and wonders if he can still talk to the dead. "I'm sure they did."

  30. "That was when I ran away and started sleeping in the tombs, too." She watched the door slowly come back together. "That's useful."

  31. "Hmm why do that?" Goddard tries the door and nods, satisfied with the fix.

  32. "My mother kept us too close. My sisters were gone and married and Ali and I were the only ones left. I couldn't bear her grief."

  33. "I'm sorry I mentioned anything. But if I didn't tell you myself, you may have just asked Gill to tell you what happened while you were hallucinating. He may have made up something too. Probably worse than me saying you broke the door."

  34. She hugs him from behind. "It doesn't bother me. I spent a lot of time with the priests back then, it helped."

  35. "If I couldn't handle spell casting, that's what I would have become. One of the priests of Morr."

  36. "You'd have been good at it. I considered being a priestess before Koroush caught me."

  37. "Would you have been the same person? I know I would have," he chuckles.

  38. She laughs, imagining herself draped in blue with a silver veil covering her. "Probably not. Serene and soft spoken and definitely not as rash."

  39. "I'd have still gone after you." Goddard turns around and pulls her close.

  40. She laughs. "And I might have had the strength of will to rebuff you." Leaning her head on his shoulder, she sighs. "Uzzaya be thanked I'm not a priestess."

  41. "Are you sure?" He gently drags a claw along her jaw. "I'd just had to have tried harder."

  42. She shivers. "A vow of virginity to a goddess is stronger than a debt to a man," she whispers. "And you tried hard enough as it was."

  43. "Worth every bit of effort," he smiles.

  44. Aara lets herself relax and sink into his arms, letting go of the turmoil of the day. Of a few self concious thoughts plague her, she does her best to ignore them.

  45. Goddard rests his head on top of hers. "You talked about sleeping earlier. Do you still want to rest?"

  46. "It might be best. He gave me something to help with my cold, but I'm pretty tired..."

  47. "Then let's tuck you in. And can you at least promise to not poison yourself anymore until you're over your cold?"

  48. She offers him a grin. "For you, I promise."

  49. "That's a start," he sighs and leads her to her bed.

  50. She lets him tuck her in and fuss over her a bit, enjoying the attention even as exhaustion weighs in her. "Nuur'eni?"

  51. "Yes lecai?" Goddard sits on the bed beside her.

  52. She puts her head in his lap and yawns. "You still love me best, though?" she asks uncertainly. "Even though you and Gath..."

  53. "Of course. Nothing, no one, could ever be more important to me than you are. You're my lecai." He curls his tail around her and run his fingers through her hair.

  54. "That's nice to know," she sighs, closing her eyes.

  55. "I hope I'm the same to you," he says softly.

  56. "Hmmm..."

    Aara sleeps for a few hours before waking in the middle of the night. Restless and thirsty like never before, she changes from her sweat stained clothes into her old, comfortable sleeping tunic and goes into the common room.

  57. Gath is sitting by the fire in the common room, sharpening and cleaning his swords, daggers, and even Goddard's scythe. Sentai is curled up by Gath's feet but lifts his head and chirps when he sees Aara.

  58. She waves her fingers to Sethai as she goes to pour some water, not trusting her raw, dry throat to speak just yet.

  59. Sethai flies over to Aara and seems to be looking her over. He perches on her shoulder and twists around so he can look at her face.

  60. She takes a long drink, patting him on the head. "Hello, Sethai," she rasps, the volume barely above a whisper.

  61. After giving her a few nuzzles, he flies back over to the blades and rests by the scythe.

    Gath glances up at Aara for a second. Should I say something? It could make her angry. But then again, not talking to her can make her angry...humans... He shakes his head at how confusing everyone else can seem to him at times.

  62. She catches his glance and nods, sitting by a window and rubbing her bloodshot eyes.

  63. Gath finishes one of the swords and moves to the scythe. "Our lord is a slacker," he tells Sethai. "If you need something sharpened while I'm here, let me know," Gath says to Aara, not looking up from the blade.

  64. "Only because he knows you'll do it for him," she says softly. "And thank you, but mine are all taken care of."

  65. "I've seen him sharpen it. Obviously he's better with books than blades." He's quiet for a few moments as he examines the weapon. "I couldn't help but over hear, you drank poison?"

  66. "Belladonna." She nods. "I made it, then I drank it."

  67. "To show my teacher I was committed to it."

  68. Gath chuckles. "I know a few things about poison. I never used it though. Poison was a cowards way of assassination. offense. But I would never want to try any of it. I'd be dead. When druchii used poison, it was to be fast and hopeless. I knew what to mix to kill and that was that."

  69. "Ustadh called it a woman's weapon, but he taught us the basics. I've used it once or twice without my lord's knowledge."

  70. "I know some liked to dip their blades in poison. If you were cut, it may not have killed you as quickly since it may have dried up some, but you were openly attacking anyway."

  71. She shrugs. "Sometimes a threat needs to be removed before it can act. I cared deeply for my prince, and his father gave me orders from time to time on our travels."

  72. "Some jobs were very slow and time consuming. Others were over quickly."

  73. She looks out the window and nods, knowing exactly what he means.

  74. "My favorite job though, is this one. It can be boring when all I have left to do is this, but I get paid to do nothing. Well, nothing compared to what I used to do."

  75. "I only ever served my prince and his interests. It's been years since he freed me and I still don't know what to do with myself sometimes."

  76. "I worked for whoever would pay me the most."

  77. "On the contrary; it was a blessing."

  78. "I guess your situation may have been different than anything I could imagine."

  79. She shrugs. "We were poor. Koroush saved my life and gave me a better one than I ever deserved."

  80. "Why didn't you think you deserved better?"

  81. She shrugs again. "I was a thief; I deserved to have my hands cut off. Not to live in golden palaces and see the world beside a prince."

  82. "You'd have made a better druchii than a human."

  83. Is that a compliment? she wonders, raising a brow. "It would have been a lonely life, I imagine. I'd rather trust the people around me."

  84. "I suppose life was lonely. You sometimes couldn't even trust your own retainers, slaves, one."

  85. "That's what Goddard has told me." She looks down at the cup in her hands, thinking back to how easily she believed the druchii woman in Nuln. "A little mistrust is healthy, though."

  86. "Yes. Not having a dagger planted in you is very healthy."

  87. She nods and refills her cup. "I should get back to bed," she tells him.

  88. Gath nods. "I'm surprised he hasn't gotten up yet, wandering around half asleep looking for you."

  89. She shrugs, giving him a small smile before going back to her room. Setting her water aside, she crawls back into bed and pulls Goddard close.

  90. "There you are," Goddard mumbles sleepily. "I was afraid I was going to have to hunt you down. Make sure you weren't jumping out windows or drinking poison."

  91. "Just getting some water," she tells him. "No windows or poison involved. I love you."

  92. Aara sleeps hard and late. When she finally drags herself out of bed, she's sure she's slept the day away. Rinsing the last of the charcoal out of her mouth, she doesn't even bother changing out of her tunic before going into the common room.

  93. Goddard tosses a hand of cards onto the table. "Again. You cheater," he mumbles.

    "I'm not doing anything until you pick those up," Gath frowns. "And I'm not cheating. You're just bad at card games."

  94. Two looks up from sharpening his sword and laughs at them. "Sheik I think you are a sore loser."

    Aara grins and comes up behind Goddard to hug him.

  95. "I am not a sore loser! I just know when I'm being cheated, that's all." Goddard grins and holds down Aara's arms. "I can lose every card game though, because this is a win. How are you feeling today lecai?"

  96. "Like I was dying and then I poisoned myself," she croaks.

  97. "Well...that is what happened, but you can easily avoid one of those and have it never happen again."

  98. "I'm sure a cold can..." she trails off when there's a knock on the door. "I've got it."

    When she opens the door there's an errand boy carrying a huge base of lillies. "For...Belladonna?" he asks.

    "That's me," she tells him and takes them. "They must be from Lock," she adds, pulling the card. "I do hope these are congratulatory. If not, my name is Smith." Setting them on a table, she laughs.

  99. "I haven't met this Lock, and I already don't like him," Goddard grumbles and motions for cards.

  100. Still laughing, she tucks the card and the rest of it's unread message away. "But a sense of humor. Lock Smith?" she laughs.

  101. "She makes the most interesting friends, doesn't she?" Gath says, looking at his cards and shifting them around.

    "Not really," Goddard huffs.

  102. "I do, actually," she says agreeably to Gath. Leaning over Goddard's shoulder, she looks at his cards. "And I made you my friend," she whispers in his ear.

  103. Goddard grins and looks back at his cards and the table, realizing he's lost again. "What?! How?"

    "Because you don't pay attention. She's a better distraction that anything I could ever say."

  104. She winks at Gath and kisses the top of Goddard's head before sitting beside him.

  105. "I'm done being cheated." Goddard pushes the cards away and puts an arm around Aara.

    "A little tip, my lord, don't ever get into gambling."

  106. Gath shuffles the cards and deals. Goddard watches him carefully, convinced he's cheating somehow.

  107. Aara winks and makes flirtatious faces at Goddard, hardly paying attention to the game as she plays.

  108. "Lecai, you're gonna lose...the card game anyway. You'll win whatever you want from me though."

  109. She plays her last move and smiles sweetly. "I think I'll just win what I want from you and the game."

  110. Gath's eyes widen slightly and he puts his cards down. "Hmm."

    "Wait...did you win? How did you win?"

  111. "I did." She kisses his cheek and stands. "I'm going to get dressed and run some errands. Two?"

    "Yes my lady?"

    "I'll want you with me today. Look presentable."

    He chuckles, polishing his sword. "As you wish."

  112. "You aren't going to poison yourself again are you?" Goddard asks quickly, jumping to his feet.

  113. "Probably not. But I do need to report to him. You can come if you want."

  114. "I think I will," Goddard huffs. "Then I'll know who to kill and where to find him if anything happens."

  115. She grins and goes to her room to wash up and change. When she emerges, dressed in mostly Arabyan clothing, Two is waiting patiently, his sword strapped on.

    "You look like a dignitary," he chuckles.

    "I feel better, I wanted to look nice, too," she explains, swishing her purple skirt around. It sits low on her hips, the fullness complimenting her snug black shirt and purple and black embroidered vest.

    Gesturing to her jewelry, he frowns. "You kind of look like one of Sheik's...people...with all the purple."

    She poked his ribs. "Don't be rude."

  116. "My people?" Goddard asks, confused. He follows them and Gath follows him.

  117. Two runs where she poked him and gestures to Goddard. "The Morr people," he specifies.

    Aara rolls her eyes as they walk out. "You're being stupid," she tells him. "There's nothing wrong with my clothes. I think the shop did a good job on them."

  118. "Aara dispenses death, I deal with death, Morr is the god of the dead, the winds are purple...nothing wrong with any of that," Goddard chuckles. "Well, that's how that all used to be anyway."

  119. "I didn't say anything was wrong," he perists. "Just that it's not your usual color."

    "No I'm pretty sure I wear black often," she says, winking at Goddard.

    Two gangs his head and sighs, holding her cloak out for her before they go outside. "I give up, my lady. You're too clever for me," he says in a monotone voice.

  120. "And we all know purple and black go incredibly well together. It's just natural," Goddard grins. "So where are we going lecai?"

  121. "Deep into the Hive," she tells him. "Should we walk all the way, or get a sedan?"

  122. "Is it far?" Goddard groans. "I know, I've walked much further distances, but if I don't have to, I don't want to."

    "You'll get fat my lord."


  123. "It's a long walk," she tells him.

    Two just sighs and waves down a small open carriage just big enough for four.

  124. "Ahh good. Two is being useful. Why can't you be useful Gath?"

    "I'm not in the mood to list off everything I do for you my lord. It's a long list."

  125. Two hands her into the carriage and climbs in to sit beside her. "No foolishness out of you," he mutters to her. "You've been I'll and stupid."

    Aara ignores him and tells the driver where to go as the others climb in.

  126. Goddard sits across from Aara. "With a name like the Hive, I'm not expecting this trip to be fun at all."

  127. She waves her hand. "It's not like the Clerk's or Lady's wards, but it's not like...Well's fine," she assured them. "I made it there and back without incident."

  128. Goddard narrows his eyes at Aara. "Without...without incident?"

  129. "Not a one! I even walked back."

  130. Goddard raises a brow. "Not a one..." he says slowly and leans forward. "What would you call all that poison madness? I'd classify that as an incident."

  131. She leans forward and mirrors his raised eyebrow. "Something that didn't happen on my way in or out of the Hive," she tells him before kissing him quickly. "We shouldn't talk about something that upsets you so much, Nuur'eni."

  132. He crosses his arms and leans back. "It happened while you were there."

  133. "But what I do to me is different than being accosted in an alley."

  134. "No it isn't. This just means you don't need anyone to go after you. You can damage yourself all on your own, and I don't think that's necessarily a positive character trait lecai."

  135. She smiles sweetly and sits back. "I'm not the only one who does damage to themselves. And for the record," she adds, "I was perfectly calm and capable. You were the one who got upset and shouted."

  136. "She's got you there," Gath says.

    "There's no chance I could get seriously hurt!" Goddard huffs. "It's not like something could go wrong and I'd put a sword through my own heart."

  137. "So we'd hope," she retorts. "You didn't really know what would happen with the demon blood."

  138. "It's when someone else is around that I get crazy," he mumbles. "I was alone. No one was going to get mauled..."

  139. "Well. Now you know you won't go mad over a few scratches, and I know what it feels like to be poisoned by belladonna."

    "I should have just went out on my own this morning," Two grumbles.

  140. "Why are you so grumpy? This doesn't involve you."

  141. "Doesn't seem to concern-"

    Aara elbows him. "Stop it."

    "Yes my lady."

  142. Goddard snickers and leans his head back, looking up at the buildings. "One day, I'll get used to this," he mumbles.

  143. As they enter the Hive, the carriage comes to a halt. "Begging your pardon," the driver says, "but I'm not going any further, ma'am."

    Aara tosses him a silver coin and jumps down. "That's all right," she says cheerfully.

    Two looks around the surrounding buildings and scowls. "Are you sure you want to be here?" be asks.

    Aara just laughs and pulls her hood up. "This is hardly my first visit," she tells him.

  144. "I feel it's a very bad sign when your carriage driver refuses to take you any further into an area." Goddard walks close to Aara and keeps his eyes on the shadows and any movement.

  145. "Maybe," she agrees. "But this is considered a rougher part of Sigil. I doubt he'd want to take any risks." Looking around, she gets her bearings and starts counting under her breath as they pass streets and alleys.

  146. "What are you doing lecai?" Goddard whispers.

  147. "I'm counting so I know when to turn," she whispers back. After a while, she makes a left turn and starts counting again.

  148. Goddard goes to speak again but Gath puts a hand on his shoulder and pulls him back. "If you cause her to lose count, we could end up incident. So shut lord..."

  149. She giggles and keeps counting, leading them turn after turn until she stops suddenly. "Stay here," she tells them. "I want to make sure no one else sees you."

    Pulling her hood father down to shadow her face, she disappears around a corner.

  150. Goddard frowns. "Should we be letting her wander off alone?"

    "You worry too much. Although what she did with the poison was stupid, she can kill anyone she wants. No one's going to be able to do anything to her."

    Goddard narrows his eyes at Gath. "How is that supposed to make me feel better?"

    "You wouldn't be worried about me if I went off on my own, would you? See? It's pointless."

    Goddard's ears droop and he keeps his eye on the corner for, waiting for Aara to reappear. Except I would...and father was the strongest person I'd ever known....and... He sighs and tries to think more positively.

  151. The door chimes and Aara slips in, keeping her hood up as another patron hastily raises his own on his way out. Lock sees her and smiles.

    "Ahh, Belladonna," he says happily. "So the flowers were congratulatory after all."

    "I've got others with me," she says. "My..." she pauses, searching for a word to accurately describe Goddard without being crude. "My betrothed," she says, stretching the truth only a little. "And our retainers."

    Lock nods his frizzy grey head. "Where did you leave them?"

    "At the 'c.'"

    He nods again and gathers a few things in his hands. "Retrieve them. I'll be ready."

    She nods and quickly returns to Goddard. "Did you miss me?" she asks cheerfully, pushing her hood back a little.

  152. Goddard smiles. "Of course!" He walks up to her and looks at her face carefully. "You didn't drink anything in that short amount of time did you?"

  153. She gives him a moment to study her. "No, hayati." Reaching back, she pulls her hood back as far forward as possible and beckons them on.

    A short time later they approach an apothecary shop just like any other, the bell chiming as they enter.

    An old man approaches and greets them. He looks like someone's cheerful old grandfather and smells like rich pipe tobacco.

  154. Goddard gives a nod and a quiet hello as he glances at the items around the shop. He elbows Gath and nods toward the old man.

    Gath nods and mumbles a greeting.

  155. "Come in, come in'" he says, drawing them further into the shop and putting out a light on the window. "I've got a delicious drink that will make your tongue sing. Candy?" he offers Two, pulling out a handful.

    Aara follows him to the back where there's an old, comfortable sitting area. Before she can sit, Lock cups her face and studies her. "Well, you came through no worse for wear," he says with satisfaction. "Cold still bothering you?"

    "A little."

  156. Goddard takes a piece of candy and pops it into his mouth. After he takes a seat, he turns to Gath. " that..." Goddard softly asks Gath in druhiir.

    "If that candy kills you..." Gath begins in druhiir with a smirk as soon as Goddard swallows it.

  157. Lock nods and relaxes her. "I thought it might." He turns and gets a small coal of pale orange liquid from his desk. "Here," he says and hands it to her.

    Aara sniffs it before tossing it back. "Orange, lemon,"

    He laughs and claps softly. "Very good. You missed honey, but that will clear your cold and invigorate you."

  158. ((druhiir))

    Goddard furrows his brow then winces, looking down at his tail wrapped tightly around Gath's hand. "What's that for?" Goddard hisses.

    "Just stopping you from saying something you'll probably have to apologize for later."

  159. The old man sucks into the back while everyone makes themselves comfortable. "Not a poison," she whispers to Goddard. "He promised to give me something for my cold if I came back today."

    "This candy is good," Two says, popping in another piece.

  160. "If?! If you came back today?!" Goddard whispers angrily. "Was he not expecting you to return?!"

  161. "I might not have felt well enough to come back," she whispers back. "And some people don't come back after the first test, I imagine. Calm down," she adds as Lock returns with a tray.

    "Here we are. Hot chocolate." He hands cups of chocolate around. "Now, Belladonna, tell me about yesterday."

    Aara quickly tells him everything she can remember from the day before.

    "Did you have trouble with the recipe?"

    "No, sir."

  162. Goddard stares down into his cup with a worried look on his face. He looks at Gath.

    "You were begging to drink poison the other day weren't you?" Gath whispers.

    Goddard narrows his eyes and watches as Gath takes a sip.

  163. Lock watches them and laughs. "You needn't fear. I would never harm one of Belladonna's," he says, sipping his own. "Provided, of course, she assured me they know how to stay silent."

    "They do," she promises.

    "Good. Now I know why the girl has come, but the three of you...why did you come with her?"

  164. Goddard looks down at his tail and Gath lets go. "I wanted to make sure she was safe and see what you thought about letting me drink the poison instead."

    Gath sighs.

    "Look at it this way, she'll be an even better student, since she won't have her mind clouded by anything trying to fix me up, and I won't lose my sanity, worrying that she's going to end up dead."

  165. The gentle old man looks from Aara to Goddard, silent for a long time. "Belladonna, what do you say to this?"

    Her eyes blaze and she sets her cup down. "He and I have discussed it I refused."

    "Then, young man, why should I say yes when my student has said no?"

  166. Goddard tries his best to not look at Aara. "Well, because you're the teacher. If you feel it may help her learn better, why not? I know I would learn anything better if it was to keep her safe. I thought, maybe you would see the opportunity for a new learning experience."

  167. Lock runs his chin, nodding. "He has a point."

    "Lock, I-"

    Holding up a hand, he silences her. "He would not be the first to ask, not will he be the last. You do understand it could become very unpleasant?"

  168. Goddard nods. "I've been through numerous unpleasant things."

  169. "No!" Aara exclaims, her fist rattling the dishes on the table. "No. I won't allow it."

    Lock chortles gleefully. "Don't you trust yourself, Belladonna?"

    "It's not that, I-"

    "Then he may do so, if he wishes."

    "Lock!" she gasps.

  170. "You got your wish my lord," Gath says flatly, crossing his arms.

    "Ah what do you care," Goddard mumbles. "I do want to do this. I need her to be safe, no matter how angry it might make her."

  171. "I've been safe the whole time!" she protests. "Lock, he doesn't trust me in this!"

    "On the contrary, it seems he trusts you enough to put his life in your hands."

    She makes an irritated mudra and glares at her teacher. "How am I supposed to think of he's dying in front of me?!"

    "Quickly, Belladonna."

  172. "So...are you giving me something today?"

  173. "No!" she shouts.

    Lock gives her a stern look and holds up a hand. "No. She will leave with reading and instruction. Perhaps next time, if I am pleased with her progress. Enjoy your chocolate," he says and rises. "Belladonna and I have work."

    Radiating fury, Aara follows him into a back room.

  174. "No poison and she's mad at you." Gath snickers.

    Goddard frowns and drinks his hot chocolate. "Eventually I'll get it...and she won't be mad."

    "I could po..."


    Gath chuckles and leans back in his seat.

  175. Two watches quietly and drinks his chocolate. He's a fool. She'll never learn now.

    A few minutes later Aara slams the door and walks quickly through the shop. "Let's go."

    Jumping to his feet, Two stays half a step behind her.

  176. "What happened in there?" Goddard asks, quickly getting to his feet and trying to walk beside her.

  177. "I was given my assignment," she tells him, and starts counting backward from the door.

  178. "Well, what is it?" he frowns.

  179. "That's not so bad. I read all the time."

  180. "Reading is how I figured out how to do everything. It works." He tries to hold onto her hand.

  181. She pulls her hand away from him, still counting. "Not everything can be learned from books."
