Thursday, April 7, 2016

When Tallyn steps out to check on her, she's sound asleep, curled up in her chair with her book abandoned on the table beside her. Chuckling, her drapes a shawl he's brought across her and let's her rest peacefully. After plucking a few herbs, he crushes them and throws them on the heater, the sharp scent filling the air around her.


  1. Goddard can't help but chuckle. He takes a deep breath and once he gets his legs free, he sits up and pulls Gath down, putting his arms around his neck. "Better?"

    "I don't know if I should bother now," Gath says flatly, turning his head, trying not to smile as Goddard's eyes go wide.

  2. Aara dreams of her Ustadh, sitting in front of him in awe of his knowledge and his peace as he talks about the importance of meditation for a Mashi Al'Maut.

    I stopped somewhere along the way.

    "Hmm, yes," Ustadh says. "That is one of the reasons you are so afraid."

    Her spine straightens and she jerks her head up. "Ustadh I am
    not afraid!"

    The old man chuckkes, looking just like the day she met him.

  3. "I'm sure you deserve to suffer more," Gath says, "but I'll think of other ways to make up for it." He interrupts whatever Goddard was going to say with a deep kiss. His fingers brush against the cuts and he smiles a little at how it causes Goddard to tug almost desperately at the buttons on his shirt.

  4. "Four, you are my best student. You have fought gods and monsters and even the darker parts of your self. But these emotions, the doubt and fear, they hold you back."

    "What do I do?" she asks sadly.

    He gives her a rare smile, the kind that used to make her glow with pride. "These emotions, they are visitors. Let them come, and then let them go."

  5. Gath pulls away long enough to take his shirt off himself before it's torn to shreds. "You can't scratch me or bite me," he reminds Goddard. "Do you have any rules?"

    "Do anything you want. Except kill me," Goddard says before pulling him back down.

  6. "Yes, Ustadh. I understand."

    Resting easily for once, Aara curls up and coughs a little in her sleep.

  7. ...

    Gath sits up on the edge of the bed and Goddard hugs him from behind.

    "You're worried?"

    Goddard nods.

    "You'll live."

    Goddard makes a sad sound and let's Gath go so they both can get dressed. "What am I going to do," he says helplessly.

    "Whatever you've always done?"

    "I've never been in this kind of situation before!" Goddard hisses.

  8. "You're awake," Tallyn cheers. "How do you feel?"

    Taking a deep breath, Aara shrugs. "Physically? Like I've been trampled by a thousand camels. My throat feels raw and my head full of cotton. Ribs hurt and my stomach muscles. But otherwise...better." She coughs, loud and rough.

    "Are you feeling up to solid food?"

    She nods. "And some company?"

    He raises his eyebrows a fraction. "I suppose you've earned it." He steps inside to order lunch and wine for two and returns to sit across from her.

  9. Gath looks at all the bottles in Goddard's room, trying to find one filled with alcohol and not eyes or a potion. "Well, this will be a new puzzle for you, oh brilliant wizard."

    "Have you ever been in a situation like this?" Goddard asks.

    "Never had anyone else after her," Gath shrugs. "I wouldn't know how to handle this."

    "You'll at least help me?"

    Gath laughs. "I'd probably make it worse, but I'll do what I can. Are any of these ingest-able? Or are they all just disgusting?"

  10. "So what would you like to talk about?"

    She shrugs. "I just don't want to be alone."

    Tallyn's brows draw together. "Where is Goddard?"

    She shrugs again. "Upstairs? He may have left. I don't really know."

    "I can send for him," he offers.

    "Tell me about learning to be a physician," she says instead. "My mother was a healer, I know some of what you do."

  11. "You can ingest them, but you shouldn't, if you want to stay alive." Goddard takes a deep breath and exhales slowly. "I should go check on Aara. I was up here too long."

    "Was it so bad?"

    "No I mean yes! I mean..." Goddard shakes his head. "Just don't say anything about this."

    "Never, my little kuyash."

    Goddard snorts and walks out into the common room. He picks up Sethai who's been sitting in front of the door. "You need a hobby. I'll give you some treasure to guard."

  12. "My mother was a physician also. She realized my talent early and gave me basic training until I went away to school."

    "Mine taught me herb lore," Aara tells him. "But I didn't learn much before I ran away."

    He starts, surprised. "You ran away?"

    She nods. "I was ten, and we were poor. I lived in a tomb outside a nearby city for a year."

  13. Goddard quickly makes his way down stairs and back to the garden.

  14. "That's...tragic."

    She shrugs. "It wasn't so bad. I was- and am still- a good pickpocket." They hear the doors open and look up to see Goddard. "Hello, hayati," she says with a smile.

  15. "Sorry I was so long lecai," he apologizes and takes a seat in the empty lounge chair. "Feeling any better?"

  16. "Was it? I fell asleep," she tells him. "I guess I feel better."

  17. "Even five minutes is a long time to be away from you," he smiles. "And when you're sick, five minutes can feel like forever."

  18. She shrugs. "I didn't notice. I spoke with Gill a little and when I woke up Tallyn was here."

    Sitting back with a satisfied smile, Tallyn sips his wine. "I simply saved her from loneliness."

  19. "I'm glad you had company then." Goddard watches Tallyn drink his wine and his hunger rushes over him. "I suddenly feel as if I'm starving," he laughs and has a few bites of food. "Have you eaten lecai?"

  20. "A little. Those roasted potatoes are good, and so is the chicken."

    "Gill is planning fish for dinner," Tallyn says. "Maybe if you're feeling up to it you can come down to the barroom and have dinner."

  21. "Sounds delicious," Goddard nods, taking more food now that he knows Aara has already had some.

  22. "It is," he assured Goddard.

    Aara reaches out and pours a cup of wine for Goddard and hands it to him. "It sounds fun. I'm sure I'll be up to having dinner downstairs."

  23. Goddard takes the wine and tries to drink it a little too quickly. He coughs a bit but takes this opportunity to try and fix something he remembered too late. He tilts the cup a little more mid cough and spills the wine on his lap. Goddard curses under his breath.

  24. "Goddard! Are you all right?" She grabs a napkin and starts mopping at the wine down the front of his shirt. She pauses and tilts her head, watching him up close.

  25. "Just drank it a little too fast is all," he mumbles. "I guess I was hungrier and thirstier than I thought? I'm sorry. I'll be back after I clean up."

  26. She sniffs. "Look in on Two for me? I don't want him getting-" she breaks off in a big sneeze.

  27. Goddard chuckles. "I will. Excuse me." He gets up and rushes back inside.

  28. "Was he acting strangely?" she asks Tallyn.

    "Sweetheart, is strange," he laughs. "Now, how can I tempt you to coming out with me alone one evening?"

  29. Gath is in the common room, having wine and petting Sethai, when Goddard stomps in and goes to his bathroom.

    "I'm so stupid!" he groans loudly.

  30. Surprised, she laughs. "And what would we do?"

    "I'd take you to some peaceful place in the forest. Perhaps by a lake, and enjoy your company by starlight. We would ride horses and dance and enjoy one another's company."

    "Sounds romantic."

    "That is pleasure, my kind of romance is much more...more."

  31. Gath stands in the doorway between Goddard's room and the bathroom. "Did she figure it out? That was fast."

    "No! I was panicking and for got and I had to spill the wine and I'm stupid! Go check in on Two. Aara told me to but I have to do this first."

    Gath shrugs and goes to knock on Two's door. "My lord was sent by your lady to check in on you and then he gave the task to me. So here I am," he sighs.

  32. Two growls and throws a pillow at the door. "Let me sleep," he grumbles. "I sat up with those idiots all night."

  33. Two stomps over and opens the door. "I'm fine. Not sick. Just sleeping. Go away." Without another word he closes the door and goes back to bed.

  34. Gath shrugs and goes back to Goddard. "My lord, you don't have to scrub as if I had given you the plague."

    "Shut up," Goddard growls. "Is Two alive?"



  35. "More?"

    Tallyn nods. "And reserved for only one. Which I'm sure you understand."

    Aara blushes and nods. "Of course."

    His grin turns into a smirk. "Is that a blush or fever?"

  36. "I feel so much better," Goddard sighs.

    "I could take that as an insult." Gath smirks. "But I know you enjoyed every..."

    "Stop talking!" Goddard gets dressed quickly and leaves the apartment. When the door doesn't close behind him, he turns to see Gath following him. "What are you doing!?"

    "Getting food?" Gath frowns. "Am I not allowed to eat now? And don't worry, unlike you, I washed up and changed."

  37. "Ah, fever," she lies, instantly regretting it as he comes closer to feel her forehead.

    "Liar," he chuckles, returning to his seat.

  38. Assuming Gath will eat at the bar, Goddard speeds ahead of him and out into the garden.

    "I hope I didn't miss much," Goddard says a bit out of breath but with a smile. "Luckily wine doesn't really stain black fabric." He kisses Aara's forehead and takes a seat.

    "Private party?" Gath asks from the doorway. "Hiding the food from me my lord?"

  39. "Tallyn was just telling me how he'd get me into bed," she laughs.

  40. "Go eat inside!" Goddard yells at Gath then turns to Aara and Tallyn and tries to laugh. "Into yours or mine? Surely not his."

  41. "I don't share my bed with anyone but Gill," Tallyn sniffs. "It's rude to take lovers into your home. Luckily, I know a little place where there's always a bed or two open."

  42. After hearing Tallyn's comment, Gath quietly leaves to eat elsewhere.

    Goddard pours himself a cup of wine and drinks slowly, just nodding as Tallyn speaks.

  43. "Why did Gath leave?" Aara asks. "Call him back."

  44. "He knew he was interrupting us and finally decided to do something polite?" Goddard suggests.

  45. "That's good to know," Gath says reappearing at the door. "Especially since I'm hungry now and don't feel like waiting."

  46. She gestures to the table. "Help yourself."

  47. Gath nods and makes himself a plate of food. "Feeling better?" he asks Aara before he takes a seat by Goddard.

  48. "A little."

    "Well this looks like fun," Tallyn says. "So I'll leave you to it. Consider my offer, Aara."

  49. She nods, sipping her wine and nibbling on a slice of buttered bread.

  50. "Not the...what Tallyn was just talking about? Right?"

  51. "Actually he was talking about taking me somewhere private beside a lake," she clarifies. "I would hope he wouldn't be so terrible as to seduce me right in front of Gill."

  52. "Oh of course not. Not in his presence any way or in mine I suppose." He goes back to sipping his wine.

  53. She raises an eyebrow and watches him a moment. "No, he would have more grace than that. Like he said, not in his home. I wouldn't dream of allowing it to happen, either."

  54. "So never anywhere here? They live here don't they?"

  55. She laughs. "I think he meant their apartment. Which I agree with," she adds. "Even with their agreement, it would be flaunting it, don't you think?"

  56. "And what if they didn't have an extra house somewhere?" He mumbles into his cup.

  57. "Nuur'eni, I don't know the details of their agreement."

  58. "What do you think Gath?"

    Gath closes his eyes to avoid giving Goddard a telling, dirty look. "I don't see why it would matter. No one seemed to care in Naggaroth."

  59. Suspicious, she stands and slides her feet into her shoes. "Yet another lovely reason to be grateful we aren't in Naggaroth. Enjoy your lunch, I'm going to lie down."

  60. "I'll help you," Goddard says and moves to help her get to her feet. "I can tuck you in and get your tent going if you need it. Maybe get you tea. Read."

  61. She waves him off with a smile. "Oh I'm fine, Goddard. I just want to look in on Two and get out of the sun. Stay, there's so much food and you seemed ravenous."

  62. "Two is grumpy and tired and I can eat more later. I'm fine."

  63. She doesn't say anything, but let's him lead her inside. "You're leaving Gath behind," she says once they're out of earshot. "I'm sure he won't appreciate that."

  64. "I didn't tell him that I would be right back this time," he grins. "So he has no reason to be mad."

  65. "And he wasn't too mad at me before anyway."

  66. "He doesn't seem to get angry about much of anything."

  67. "No he doesn't. It can be a little scary. At least you know where you stand with someone if they get mad at you."

  68. "I used to be like that. It's something I'd like to work on again."

  69. "Being angry? When was the last time you were even angry lecai?"

  70. "I mean not being angry at all. Ustadh taught us to be more in control than I've been, and I need to quit wasting energy on my temper."

  71. "Ah I see. As long as you always let me know how you feel."

  72. "If it's helpful or necessary, I will. Otherwise I don't see a need in bothering you with petty things."

  73. He smiles and takes her hand, kissing the top of it.

  74. Back in their apartment, she quietly goes into Two's room, touching his forehead lightly checking for fever. "Sleep well," she whispers, going back to the common room.

  75. "See? He's fine. Get comfortable and rest or maybe get your stones and plan some jewelry designs?"

  76. "Is something bothering you?" she asks as she goes to her room. "I hope you don't really think I'd fall for Tallyn's charm. I wasn't going to consider it."

  77. "No, unless you really wanted to, but I know you wouldn't, but that's not to say you couldn't!"

  78. "So what bothering you? Was Two an ass? I'll wake him up and pummel him if he was."

  79. She nods and sits by the window with her journal.

  80. Should I tell her? No no she's so calm now. And she's sick. Just don't do it again...oh you know you'll do it it somewhere else next time? Goddard sits in a chair and watches her, trying not to fidget.

  81. Aara fidgets under his gaze, describing their job for Brighteyes, her cold and treatment in as much detail as possible and ending her entry with Goddard's odd behavior.

    Something is wrong, but he doesn't seem to want to tell me. He'll probably tell Gath if it bothers him too much. I simply have to learn to live with his having someone else to confide in.

  82. Goddard sighs and let's himself sink into the seat. It's fine. It'll be fine. This isn't anything new right?

  83. She puts her pencil down with a sigh. "Being sick is terrible," she tells him. "I'm bored but don't feel well enough to go out."

  84. "We could do something here. I'll bring you whatever you want."

  85. "You don't have to stay with me. There's no point in us both being irritiable and bored."

  86. "I'm not irritable or bored! Are...are you? You are...I'm sorry..."

  87. "Hyati, why are you apologizing?" She frowns. "Something's bothering you. Have I done something to upset you? You can tell me."

  88. "No you haven't done a thing lecai! I thought maybe I was bothering you."

  89. "You're just acting strangely..."

  90. "You just are. Are you feeling poorly?" she asks, putting a hand on his forehead. "You don't have a fever."

  91. "All right," she says, sitting back and opening her book to an unfinished sketch.

  92. Relax or you'll crack...if you intend to hide it... Goddard has to force himself to relax his jaw.

  93. Aara stares out the window, coughing occasionally before standing up and going back to the common room to stare at the book shelf.

  94. Goddard follows her. He stands beside Aara and gently rubs her back. "Looking for a new book to start?"

  95. She shrugs. "Maybe. It seems like everything I read is either useful or poetry. Maybe a novel would be fun. Something scandalous and shallow."

  96. He laughs almost sadly, feeling as if she just described him.

  97. She looks up at him from the corner of her eye, grinning slowly. "You never finished my treatment earlier. And I can't help but think we aren't likely to be interrupted now."

  98. "Probably not," he grins. "As long as you feel up to it."

  99. She grabs his hand and pulls him to his bedroom. "I doubt that tent will be..." She pauses when she sees the mess of blood on the sheets. "Goddard, what happened here?"

  100. "No no not...there..." He collects his racing thoughts. " know I like to...cut myself...I just...when I...that's how I do things."

  101. "Let's just go in your tent." He leans in and buries his face in her neck, trying to hide his nervous smile.

  102. "Nuur'eni that's a lot of blood. Do you need stitches?" she asks, pulling his robes up to look at the cuts.

  103. "No. I just kept...pressing on them. I didn't let them close up after I did it." She finds a few, shallow, normal looking cuts that just seem to be incredibly irritated.

  104. "Why would you do it that way? Goddard they could get infected!"

  105. "No its fine. I'll be fine. I've had worse happen to me."

  106. "Are you sure? They're so irritated..." Her gaze moved from the cuts to his face. "Is that what's bothering you? They hurt? We don't have to do anything."

  107. "They don't hurt and if you want, you can make new ones..."

  108. "Now I know something is going on," she says' crossing her arms over her chest. "You took that option away after what happened in Araby."

  109. His eyes go wide. "Well...we aren't in Araby and I didn't go crazy or anything...but I-I guess it's different when...alone...and all...probably shouldn't do it then..."

  110. She narrows her eyes into green slits. "Our location didn't have anything to do with it," she reminds him. "And you said you wouldn't do it alone now because of the demon...blood..." Her face goes blank and she pulls her hands away. "I see."

  111. "I was seeing if the demon blood would make me do anything crazy!"

  112. "And did it?" she asks calmly.

  113. "No well not anything craziwr than normal...I guess nothing change but I thought maybe...just this once...because didn't get to make these."

  114. She raises an eyebrow. "No, I don't think I will. Some other time perhaps," she says distantly, returning to stand in front of the bookcase.

  115. He quickly moves in front of her. "Lecai, please. I'm sorry."

  116. "You could have lost control! What would have happened if your blood lust got the better of you and someone got hurt? We had an agreement, Goddard! You told me there would be none of that until we knew if you could handle it. You can't just go around slicing into yourself without someone there to restrain you if the worst happens!"

  117. He takes a few quick, short breaths and blinks quickly. "I'm sorry," he whispers.

  118. She starts coughing, grabbing the shelf for support until it passes. "I'm going downstairs," she tells him, moving for the door.

  119. "Why?" He tries to put his arms around Aara to pull her close to hug her.

  120. She lets him hold her, but keeps herself stuff. "Because you lied to me and I'm upset about it."

  121. "I wasn't going to use the dagger at first, but I just don't think I could have done anything if I didn't and I really needed to..." He holds her tightly and bites his lip. You have to say it it'll only be worse but we had the agreement you didn't do anything wrong but you did because it was him and in your own home even...

  122. "That doesn't change the fact that you didn't keep your word," she says flatly.

  123. "I didn't want to hurt you. I didn't want to do it around you and hurt you again or scare you."

  124. She steps out of his arms and turns to face him. "You asked me to tell you how I feel," she tells him. "Well, this hurts. I'm going downstairs."

  125. "If-if that's what you really want...I love you lecai. I'm sorry...I'm so sorry..."

  126. "I love you," she tells him. "I just don't want to talk to you right now."

    Alone, she goes down the bar and sits in a corner booth away from the light and crowd.

  127. Goddard goes into his room and rips the sheets off the bed, mumbling to himself about how much of an idiot he is.

    Gath is seated at the bar with a drink. He watches Aara and wonders what had happened upstairs.

  128. A servant recognizes her and asks if she'd like anything, and Aara reaches into her purse for a handful of coins. "Not wine, and not water."

    A few minutes later she returns with a dark blue bottle and a glass.

  129. Goddard picks up Sethai and stares at him. "I need a hug. Are you in there?" he asks the dragon who just squirms to get free. "Damn it...father, why couldn't you have picked a bigger dragon? Or just fix your....incorporeal problems..."

  130. Two stumbles out of his room, shirtless and pulling on pants. "Why all the yelling?" he mumbles. "Shut up, Four."

  131. Goddard hears Two and holds his breath to keep from mumbling anything more. He sighs and goes back to fixing his bed.

  132. Not seeing anyone, Two flips onto the couch and reads a letter Kryn left for him.

    Downstairs, Aara toys with her clean glass, considering the bottle and whether or not she wants to drown this particular situation.

  133. "What did you do now?"

    Goddard turns around and looks down at the little dragon behind him. "Father! I messed up!" he drops to his knees.

    "I know. Why do you think I'm here? What part of your life did you wreck now?"

    Goddard lays on the floor and whispers close to his head. "Aara's going to kill me. I need advice. You're old right? You've probably had to deal with something like this before, right? And probably multiple times too."

  134. With a muttered curse, she tips the bottle and pours a measure of pale blue liquor into her glass. "Might as well."

  135. "What are you talking about?" Otto asks, sounding insulted.

    "See...I...well...Gath an..."

    "Say no more...please," Otto snorts.


    Gath walks over to Aara and picks up the bottle, examining how much of the drink is left. "Should you be drinking this so fast? My lord will be so upset if you get drunk and disappear again."

  136. She jerks the bottle out of his hand and sets it in the booth between her and the wall. "Somehow I don't think he will."

  137. "And why is that? You're his light after all."


    "I don't need details."

    "I wasn't going to give you any," Goddard hisses. "But I don't know what to do. Why would I even bother. I love her so much. I'm an idiot."

    "Yes you are," Otto nods.

    "You're not helping!"

  138. "As if you don't know," she mutters bitterly.

  139. "No, I don't." Gath slowly sits in the seat across from her, unsure of what she might do.


    "Goddard, there was a woman I loved. She'd adventure with me and I'd pull out every magic trick I knew just to see her smile. And she loved me."

  140. "Sure," she scoffs. "I saw the evidence. I know what he-" She cuts herself off and just blankly stares at the table. "He lied to me."

  141. She couldn't have found out. Could she? She'd be launching that bottle at my head wouldn't she? "The...cuts?" he asks.


    "She loved me because I'd run around and blow things up," Otto snickers. "But she wanted a family and I had no desire for children ever."

    "Hey!" Goddard interrupts.

    "Children interfere with adventuring!" Otto snaps.

  142. She just sneers and has a drink from her glass.

  143. "You can't be mad at him for...doing what he does," Gath says, still trying to feel her out. "Didn't you know about all of his oddities before hand?"


    "Children also seem to interfere with stories they asked for," Otto huffs. "So, she had another. He was very quiet and more into his home and business and she loved him."

    "I'm sorry," Goddard mutters.

    "What for?"

  144. "I'm damn well allowed to be mad at being lied to!"

  145. "'d rather him do the stupid things he'd do, and tell you right away?"


    "Well, because she wanted him?"

    "That didn't stop her from loving me too. She'd still occasionally come with me to get material for her books until she settled down and finally did have a few kids. I'd go visit them when I was in Ulthuan."

    "But everyone involved was an elf..."

  146. "Uzzaya save me from idiots," she mutters in her native tongue before taking another drink.

  147. "Things like that are important to tell someone like him. If you don't tell him what he's supposed to do, or what he's not supposed to do, he'll just keep doing what he does. Not that what he does is necessarily, inherently bad."


    "Everyone in your situation is an elf too! Have you looked at all of your ears!?" Otto grumbles. "You're all young and ignorant, I shouldn't be so annoyed but merciful Morr, you all stressing out stresses me out. I'm going to end up dead with a heart attack..."

    "Don't say that father!"

  148. "He's not a child," she says evenly. "He gave me his word it wouldn't happen, and he did it anyway. He didn't care what would happen or how I'd feel about it."

  149. "He cares. He just doesn't think. You can read every book in the world and still be an idiot."


    "What should I do father?"

    "How do you feel about what you've done?"


    "Then you have to tell her. Because it won't get better. It'll get worse."

    Goddard covers his head with hands and groans loudly.

  150. "Then maybe it's time he gets a taste of his own medicine," she says, pouring herself another drink and returning the bottle to it's place beside her. She doesn't look at Gath as she takes a long, slow drink.

    She knows that underneath her anger is concern, but she's hurt that he didn't trust her enough to keep his word, and lying about it is even worse.

  151. Goddard feels the dragon nuzzle his head and then he hears the sound of wings flapping. He gets to his feet. "I can do this," he tells himself before he makes what feels like an endless journey down the stairs.


    Gath raises a brow. "What do you plan on doing?"

  152. Aara stands and grabs the bottle, clearly less intoxicated than he thought. "Why would I tell you?" she asks with a cold smile. Without another word, she turns on her heel and leaves the inn.

  153. Goddard finally reaches the common room and looks around. He doesn't see Aara, but he sees Gath, and makes his way over to him. "Have you seen Aara?" he asks, taking a seat beside him.

    "She left a while ago," he says.

    "Damn." Goddard covers his face with his hands. "I was going to tell her...get this done and over with and accept whatever heart break happens."

    "You'll live."

    "Shut up..."

  154. The moment she's outside, she uses magic to make her hair shorter and a lighter brown and flags down a sedan.

    "Where too?"

    "A book seller. One who carried unconvential reading material."

  155. "I'm pretty sure I could sew up your jaw if she takes it off again," Gath snickers.

    "That's not funny!" Goddard rubs his cheeks. "But, I love her more than my jaw, so if that'll make her happy, so be it."

  156. "I ain't sticking around these parts," the man says as she disembarks. "Ain't fitting for a girl like yourself neither."

    Aara smiles up at the sign. "I'm sure I'll be fine," she assures him and hands him a full gold coin. "A tip for your trouble."

  157. Goddard takes a deep breath. "I'm going to be alone and jawless," he whimpers.

  158. "I'd rather take ye home," he offers. "Ain't fitting."

    Aara only smiles and goes inside. It's dark and cool, with shelves on the walls and neat labels on many bottles.

    "Ahh, welcome to Hemlock's Herbs and Potions."

    With a sweet smile, Aara goes deeper into the shop, looking for the speaker.

  159. "No you won't," Gath assures him. "Do you want me to buy you a whole bottle of wine? Or that blue drink?"

    "Buy it for me with my money right?"

    "No no my lord. I'll use my own." Gath gets up and walks over to the bar.

  160. Hemlock bows and smiles at her. "I look forward to spending more time with you again, Belladonna," he says charmingly. "I look forward to your progress."

    Aara gathers up her purchases and steps into the evening air. The Hive is alive with activity, and no one notices a small woman with brown hair clutching a parcel. Coughing into her handkerchief, Aara makes her way home.

  161. "We've been sitting here for hours," Gath mumbles into his glass.

    "But she's not back yet," Goddard says take a sip of his drink as he lazily twirls a strand of Gath's hair around his finger. "I won't take my eyes off the door until she comes in."

  162. After a few small purchases, Aara eventually returns to the Golden Glow, keeping her spelled hair and eye color in place as she moves through the crowded room for the stairs.

  163. Goddard rests his chin on the table with a sigh. "I didn't even tell her and she's already gone." He stares at his empty glass and motions for Gath to fill it. "I always do those too! Why did it matter now!" he sniffles.

  164. Noticing her hands shaking, Aara sets up her purchases in her room, not seeing Two but seeing a note from from in her room. It's starting. I have two hours.

    Dizzy, Aara goes back downstairs, fanning herself with her hand and approaching the bar. "I, uh...I need a bottle?" she says uncertainly.

    Gill's assistant looks at her expectantly. "Of...?"

    "Something strong. Wine. Not sweet."

    "The whole bottle?"

    She nods, gripping the bar. "Quickly please

  165. "She said something about you lying," Gath says filling both their glasses. "Wait until you tell her this."

    Goddard makes a few sounds as if he were sobbing but drowns it out with his drink.

  166. "Please give this to Tallyn," she adds, handing him a note.

    "And you are...?"

    She grins, even against her discomfort, and lets her spell go. Her eyes go from brown to bright green and dialated, and her hair grows long and black.

    "Sorry. Hurry please, I'm on a time limit."

  167. "Do you think I'll sit here fore...hey! Don't shove me. I'll spill my drink."

    Gath points toward the bar and Goddard looks. "Lecai! How'd she sneak by?"

    "You drank too much?" Gath shrugs.

    "Come with me."

    Gath laughs and gets out of his seat, moving in the opposite direction of the bar.

    "Coward!" Goddard yells before he softly whimpers and makes his way toward Aara.

  168. Taking the bottle of wine, Aara closes her eyes and takes deep breaths before weaving through the crowded room again.

  169. "Lecai!" he calls to her, trying his best to follow her. "I have to talk to you. It's very important."

  170. It's not hard, even in his drunken state. "I'm sure you do," she says. "And I'm sure it is. But I can't really talk just now."

  171. He grabs onto her and tries to pull her into a quiet corner. "Please. It's killing me."

  172. "Goddard, please, I can't talk now," she says, swallowing dryly. Her eyes are dilated and her skin flushed. Blinking rapidly, she tries to disengage herself from him. "I'm very busy. I have to make an antidote for the poison I drank an hour ago."

  173. "You did what?!" he looks paler than he's ever looked before. "What did you take?! What did it look like? I probably have something!"

  174. "I have it under control. It's part of...of a lesson. Now can I please handle this?" She heads up the stairs at a faster pace. "We can have our talk when I'm not busy killing myself."

  175. Goddard follows her, running every possible antidote to various things he has through his mind. "This isn't how you learn things! What possible lesson could this be!?"

  176. "The kind you don't learn in a college," she tells him. "I heard of a place where people like me can...learn new techniques. Lesson one is that he teaches you to brew a poison, sends you home with the supplies and recipe for the antidote, and if you live you get lesson two."

    In their apartment, she goes directly to the set up at her desk and starts working.

  177. "That isn't someone teaching you anything!" he says angrily. "That's...that's...if I ever find this person, they won't be giving any more lessons! Lecai, why would you do this?!"

  178. In spite of her serious activity, she grins. "Because I wanted to. I guess I just wasn't thinking."

  179. "No! You weren't! Now what did you take! You can't figure out an antidote if you don't know what you took."

  180. "I know what I took," she insists, measuring out charcoal and putting wine to boil. "I made it myself, Nuur'eni."

  181. "Well what was it so I can help!"

  182. She sighs, grinding the coal. "It was a tincture of belladonna," she tells him. "I'm going to be..." she gasps a couple times. "I'm fine. Let me do this."

    She works quickly and competently, following her directions to the letter.

  183. Goddard sits on the floor beside her and passes a sleeve across his eyes. "Why couldn't you come to me if you wanted to learn this? You know I have so many books. Why would you go to someone and poison yourself?"

  184. "Because this is how assassin's learn. And I was upset with you and wanted to make you worry about where I was for a few hours."

  185. "You were mad at me so you run off and poison yourself?!" he snaps.

  186. "I didn't set out with that in mind," she says calmly. "I told you I wanted to be alone. Besides, you didn't seem to have missed me."

    She mixes charcoal powder into the boiling wine until it's thick and gooey.

  187. "I could leave you to be alone if you needed it, but that doesn't mean you go and poison yourself! And what do you mean I didn't miss you? I was waiting for who knows how long for you!"

  188. "I've told you, it wasn't my plan. I only intended to look around the place at first." Adding in more wine and a last clear liquid, she mixes it up. "Would you rather I sat in the dark and cut into myself?"

    Saluting him with her cup, she drains the mixture. "Now very soon I'm going to be very sick, but it'll pass quickly."

  189. "Nothing was going to happen to me! Not like this! Not like what you're doing to yourself!"

  190. "Stop overreacting or you'll have to go into the common room. I will be fine. And I have an unnecessary backup plan." She said her some wine around her mouth and spits it into a ready bucket. "Frankly I don't see much difference between my little exercise and your own."

  191. "There wasn't the possibility I could end up dead Aara!"

  192. "And neither will I, I keep telling you that."
