Sunday, December 27, 2015

Post Masquerade

Two sprawls at Aara's feet, idly sharpening one of her daggers. "So...who was that woman?" he asks in Arabyan.

"No one you need concern yourself with," she tells him in the common tongue. She chews her knuckle, copying down notes from the book on reading druhirr. "This is so complicated," she mutters.

"And yet you have an expert right there," he says, nodding towards Goddard. "Why don't you ask him to help? Why are you keeping this from him? Surely he wouldn't want to miss out on an incredibly beautiful dark elf around."

"Because I haven't decided what to tell him, exactly."

"Four, that sounds like you plan on keeping things from him. If it's serious, shouldn't he know?"

Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Two narrows his eyes at them. "That was cruel of you. She has done nothing but been kind to you. To try and help you. She gave you armor, wine, her trust. Everything she could give you. It was her who arranged the wine in your room when we got back to the palace, not Rayya."


Aaron manages to keep his face composed. "I see."

"In my life, I have been a thief, a bodyguard, an executioner, a murderer, and an assassin. I have killed for love, fame, and money. Among other reasons. Did your fortune teller tell you that?"

He shakes his head. "Not even close. But...why are you telling me this?"

"You think you want me to be your lover. You need to know."

"Um...anything else, I guess?"

She nods. "I killed five asur and ate their hearts."

Thursday, December 10, 2015

"It can. But it can also make you do things you didn't think you would or could. Because you're thinking of that other person and how what you do affects them."

Sunday, December 6, 2015


"I've learned Two is jealous of my accomplishments, he has a new tooth I must have, you have a strange definition of protective, you think I'm the better man and love me, you could never not kiss me, you climb well, you don't mind doing things in public, you want me to drag you into a closet...and..." he sighs dramatically. "Gath doesn't like me..."

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


Goddard buries his face in her hair and neck and she giggles. Gath ignores them until she lets out a yelp. 

"I don't know what sort of stuff you're into, but you can't bite me! Not that hard anyway! Am I bleeding?!"

Gath stands and hurriedly drags Goddard to his feet. "Looks like it's time for us to go my lord." 

"I'm not done...I much time..." 

"Of course you do, let's go." 

Sunday, November 29, 2015


Two laughs as they leave the audience with the woman. "You looked ridiculous! Like some doll they play dress up with!"

"Shut up."

"White with pink flowers! Not even a respectable color!"

She smacks him in the gut. "I said shut up."

"Oooo, is someone feeling jealous?" he taunts in arabyan.  "Your sheik sure had eyes for her, didn't he?"

"No," she pouts, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Liar. You two haven't even slept together yet and he's already eying someone else. Of course you're jealous."

"Rafiq shut up."

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


"It's what I said. It's feeling the pain and the blood blah blah blah. The feeling of cutting someone in her case. It's pleasure. Or do you not even know the mundane kind?" he snickers.

Sunday, November 22, 2015


"Right now." Gath bites into a piece of meat and motions for Goddard to speak. 

"Yes well," Goddard clears his throat. "Aara. I just wanted you to know that I uh am happy that you're happy and no matter what, or who," he coughs and pauses.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

An Argument of True Things

Two shakes his head, one hand making a small mudra. "No. Until now I have only served the one lord, and his business never took us from Araby."

Monday, November 16, 2015

Oasis Camping

"I am the best retainer you'll ever have, my lord."

"I'm not so sure about that," Goddard huffs and sits next to Gath even though he's annoyed with him. After a few moments of silently sitting with their arms crossed, Goddard sighs.

"Feeling better kuyash?"

Goddard laughs. "Wow...thanks...I'm the best oribhein you could ever serve because I'll let you get away with things like that. Let's get something to eat."

They walk toward the fire and sit across from Two. "You didn't poison this did you?" Gath asks.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Desert Camping

Aara watches Two as he pokes at the fire. Another responsibility. Why is he here? He should have known I wouldn't be able to refuse him. The comfort of a  fellow cadet, someone who looks and sounds like home. A home I don't really belong to anymore. How could I refuse someone willing to witness my life, whatever happens or wherever I go?

Someone willing to witness my death?

"Four, get off your ass."

Friday, October 30, 2015

Goddard shrugs. "At least I was nice enough to back off when someone expressed total and complete disinterest in me. I'm at least leagues smarter than he is."

Sunday, October 25, 2015

New Friends

Aara chuckles. "It hurts," she admits, laying a hand across her midsection. "Catching statues wasn't exactly in my training."

The physician nods as he probes her bruised abdomen, moving her hand out of the way and raising her shirt higher. "You did a brave thing. You could have been seriously hurt."

She grimaces as he pokes her. "So could the Khalif. He is far more important."

The physician nods. "And you will live. There will be soreness, and much bruising. I suggest no sparring or strenuous activities for a few days. Relax. Allow the Khalif to treat you as a lady of leisure."

Aara groans. "No, please don't tell him that. I'll go mad if I have to lie around doing nothing."

The older man laughs and hands her a pot of ointment. "This will ease some of the discomfort."

She nods and watches him go, leaving her door open. Gingerly she pokes her stomach, testing the swelling herself. "It's not so bad," she mutters as she gets up. Catching herself in the mirror, she holds her shirt up. Her torso is bruised from ribs to hips, her back scraped and bruised, but nothing broken. "Mm, maybe it's a little bad."

Monday, October 19, 2015

Benham Alcazar in Araby

It's late when Aara slips out of her rooms and makes her way to the roof of Koroush's palace. Stepping out of her sandals, she unwinds her scarf and unpins her veil, leaving them in a pile before walking across the marble. I'm glad this is the same, she thinks, gazing at the rich surroundings and holding a blanket around her shoulders. Potted fruit trees, flowering arches, braziers, benches and softer seating are spread across the roof, arranged in intimate little spaces so that guests can gaze upon the city in comfort. As a girl, this had been her favorite place; for one so short, it had given her deep pleasure to stand on the thick, waist-high wall surrounding the area and look down upon the entire city. Now, it only served as a reminder of the suffering of her people by some unknown force.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Altdorf...And the Truth

Once she spots the walls surrounding Altdorf, Aara reigns in her horse. I can't do this. I can't go into his city and tell him about his father. Swallowing hard, she calls out to Goddard, trying to smile when he turns to look at her.

"Nuur'eni, let's celebrate," she suggests. "Let's go to the bath house and indulge ourselves a while. A bath, the steamroom, a massage. We deserve it, don't you think?"