Thursday, November 22, 2012


Goddard curls up. "Damn bats," he mumbles still asleep. He rolls over onto his other side and curls up again. "Loaves hehe..." He twists his fingers up in his hair and slowly opens his eyes. "Hmmm just dreaming," he grumbles and sits up. He stretches while he quietly watches Aara.


  1. It's a little while before she notices he's awake. "Good morning," she says, lowering her weapon and wiping sweat from her brow. "Sleep well?"

  2. "Actually, yes. I think it's been a while since I've slept that well. How about you?" he hops up off the floor and almost falls over. "And what are you up to?"

  3. "I haven't slept so well in a long time." She begins to move again slowly, starting at the beginning. "This is how I was trained in swordplay. I've been doing it since I was eleven."

  4. "I've been cleaning since I was eleven," he chuckles. "I try to avoid it when I can. How much longer do you train?"

  5. "I trained for six years before I left with Koroush. I'll never stop going through the motions every day." She thinks a moment. "It's like reciting a recipe you never want to forget. If you don't remind yourself, you'll forget faster than you realize."

  6. "Do i have time to grab a book?" he asks. "That way we can "train" together? Well...I'd be doing a lot more sitting than you but it's working my brain."

  7. She nods, her movements achingly slow and precise. "Breakfast won't be long," she adds as he heads for the stairs.

  8. Goddard quickly returns with one of the large tomes, his writing kit and the book he writes in. While Aara is seemingly dancing with her sword, Goddard sits on the floor, hunched over books, writing.

  9. After another hour of working, Aara loses interest. Putting away the sparring sword, she moves to sit near Goddard, but not close enough to get her sweat on him or his books.

  10. He doesn't react to her sitting by him. Goddard is staring down at the tome and mumbling softly. It sounds similar to the two kinds of elven Aara has heard him speak before, but it still sounds very different.

  11. Aara leaves him to his studies ans heads upstairs to the common room. Breakfast isn't on the table yet, so she goes to the back room to clean up and change into a proper Walking Death costume.

    When she returns there's a man sitting at a table, his hands and arms covered in names. With no one else up and about yet, she accepts his invitation to sit and talk.

  12. Tannin wakes early and stretches. Pulling on his boots, he sits up and rubs his eyes. Yawning, he reaches for his sword, and begins to apply sacred oils to it, while saying his morning prayers. For some odd reason, his sword starts to glow for a second. He quickly rubs his eyes, and yep, the sword is still glowing.

    " well THAT is new " he thinks to himself. After a bit, the sword blade returns to its normal dark steel color.

  13. It isn't long before the assassin leaves, carrying a letter for her. Biting her knuckle, Aara watches him go.

    If that stupid elf makes me regret this...

  14. Goddard suddenly becomes aware of how quiet it is and looks around. "Aara? Where did she go?"

    She probably was not interested in your book reading Master. I quite like watching you read!

    "Weirdo...but you're probably right. Even I think this can be boring sometimes."

    He gathers up all his books and his scythe and heads up to change then eat.

  15. Katarina relaxes in the tub, breathing deeply the steam. The scent of Vanilla hangs in the air driving her deeper into relaxation.

    You need to stop worrying about that infernal elf. While Aarta is a concern, the things she spoke of are years distant. You will have plenty of time to let her know that she will never have to turn to a brothel as long as you can help it. Hopefully, she can adjust to the cold...

    Pinching her nose, she slides slowly beneath the water line and disappears.

  16. What in the 9 hells is going on!

    Tannins possessions start to all glow with a holy light. His armor changes slightly, with glowing plates forming to augment weakspots in the armor. The blade on his sword glows with a blue fire. Tannin feels incredibly courageous and resilient, and even begins to glow himself.

    He stumbles out of his room and down the hall, and eventually finds himself in the washroom where he slips and knocks over one of the tubs

  17. Aara meets Goddard on the stairs, her freshly sharpened weapons gleaming against the black silk. "We have no time for breakfast," she tells him. "I've made other arrangements. Hurry Goddard."

  18. Goddard is confused. "Um ok? What's happened?" he asks as he follows her. "Did something happen? Or do you just have something else wonderful to show me?"

  19. She doesn't answer, only bites on her knuckle as they leave. She leads him to the bazaar and pauses. "Two streets over, three up. I don't ever want to discuss it, so don't bring it up. Ever, Goddard."

    Turning, she enters the Temple of Uzzaya and speaks with a priestess.

  20. Hearing the echo of clatter beneath the water, Katarina sits up right in the tub. She pull her wet hair out of her face and wipes wipes the lingering water from around her eyes.

    "Who's there?" she demands in a loud voice. "If that's you Goddard, so help me, Aara will cry when she sees what I've done."

  21. "Ow" Tannin says simply. Standing up, Tannin notices his sword is still in blue flames. Wiping the water out of his eyes, he sees an odd reflection in the water on the ground.

    Looking closer, he can clearly see a BEAUTIFUL woman standing over his shoulder, smiling. He quickly turns to see who this woman is, but no one is there. He quickly turns back to the reflection, and the woman is gone.

    "What in the 9 hells is ACTUALLY going on" He demands to no one in particular

  22. "Um...ok?" he says even more confused than before and watches her enter the temple. Goddard walks off, following her directions, occasionally looking back behind him and then all around him.

    "I don't know what I did," he whispers.

    Don't trust it Master!

    "A part of me doesn't either...but it's it couldn't be all that bad...can it?" he gulps.

    I'm here for you Master! We can handle anything!

  23. Standing to get a better look, Katarina is surprised to see Tannin. She wraps herself in the large white linen towel next to her tub.

    "Tannin?! Why are you crashing about in here? What's going on?" she asks puzzled, pulling her long blonde hair behind her.

  24. Shaking his head, the glow around him begins to fade. The blue flames on his sword begin to retract down the blade slowly into the hilt. A stylized Grail now sits mounted in the center of the hilt on both sides. Looking around, he gets an odd look on his face and passes out.

  25. "Tannin!" she yells as the knight falls to the ground.

    Climbing out of the tub, Katarina rushes to his side and looks him over. No blood. No wounds. Doesn't look like he hit his head.

    "Tannin, wake up! she says cradling his head.

    Slapping his face lightly, she continues. "Tannin. Please, wake up. Don't do this to me. I need my brave knight to help me through the nightmares. Wake up, Tannin!"

  26. Tannin finds him self in a dark clearing. The trees rise up around him menacingly. In the middle of the clearing, a lake almost glows in the darkness. A man dressed in green armor stands across from him on the opposite side of the lake. In the middle of the lake sitting on a small island, a small woman stands and turns to Tannin, smiling. She holds a Sword and one hand, a Grail in the other.

    Tannin can barely focus on her; her beautiful is literally blinding him. Suddenly, they stand face to face, the green armored knight flanks them.

    "Arise, my champion. You are pure of heart, and thus deserving of my blessings. Stay on this path, and one day you may receive a drink from the grail. Now, Please, wake up. Don't do this to me. I need my brave knight to help me through the nightmares. Wake up, Tannin! Wake up, Tannin! Wake up...." The lady says. The vision fades out, and he fades back into consciousness, Katarina standing over him.

  27. See his eyes flutter open, Katarina backs off a little. "Tannin? Are you there? Can you hear me?"

  28. "I think I'm here. I wasnt here a second ago. I was...With the lady. And now you're here... I was not prepared for any of this to happen this early in the morning. And...OH GODS YOUR NAKED" Tannin says, quickly diverting his eyes.

  29. "Towel." she says pointing at the white linen wrapped around her. "All you have on is pants, so we are close to being even on nakedness, Ser." she says standing up with a giggle.

    "What happened Tannin? You stumbled in here as if on a 6th bottle, glowing oddly, and then you passed out."

  30. Sitting up, tannin puts both of his hands up to his temples and starts rubbing.

    "I woke up, everything started glowing and spitting fire and growing armor, I stumbled in here trying to get away from it. And then The Lady...Yeah, THAT Lady decided this would be a great time to have a conversation. Apparently, thats her blessings taking physical form."

    Standing up and picking up his sword, he rubs the Grails that have "grown" on the hilt.
    "I gatta say, Im pretty partial to the flame thing"

  31. Katarina scrunches up her face in thought. "Lady... lady... oh! That mysterious elven woman that blesses your people? The one you told me about on the raft?

    "Congratulations, I guess. You managed to gain her favor, that must be an accomplishment."

  32. "I didnt do anything special. Why am I the one that gains her blessing? Why do I get to be special?"

    Tannin starts shaking his sword. "Any idea how to make this thing go all flaming again?"

  33. "Sorry, but I have no idea how your Lady's magic works. I could feel it ripple the winds though." she replies shrugging.

    "When my tetya taught me in the beginning, she told me to feel the power in me and visualize it in my mind to make it so. Maybe it might help you?"

    "Don't worry. You'll figure it out. I know you will." she leans down and kisses him on the cheek. "For luck." she says with a slight smile.

    Turning away, she heads toward he tub. "Now, if you would please excuse yourself, Ser Tannin. I have a bath to get back to and I prefer not to bathe in the company of men. Even those so noble as yourself."

  34. Tannin turns red, and then says "Of..Of course!" He slowly walks out of the room, looking at his sword.

    how the HELL did you do that thing... Just when I figure every thing out, somthing else gets thrown in the mix

  35. A little over an hour later, Goddard re-appears and leans in toward the innkeeper.

    "You are a good understanding good man!"

    The innkeeper raises a brow and shakes his head.

    Goddard flops down onto a line of pillows, tucks his hands behind his head, and sighs happily.

  36. Tannin walks down the stairs to grab some breakfast. Seeing Goddard, he gives him a friendly smile.

    "Wanna see a neat trick?" he says to Goddard

  37. "Sure why not," Goddard says cheerfully and sits up. "You can do magic too?" he chuckles.

  38. Tannin draws his swords and gives it a stern look.

    He looks like hes about to have an aneurism focusing on his sword.

    after about a minute he starts shaking the sword
    "YouuselesshunkofmetalyoujustworkedtwentyminutesagodontmakemelookstupidinfrontofGoddard" Tannin says, a vein poping on his forehead

  39. Goddard looks confused for a moment and then bursts out laughing. "I'm sorry Khaladh. I know how attached you are to that, but yelling at it won't make it do anything."

  40. "Well thats depressing. It was just doing all kinds of glowy flamey stuff. I saw the lady and everything. Its going to be a gooooooooood day." Tannin says.

  41. "It's a pretty fantastic day already," he smirks. "Any day you see a lady is a good day."

  42. Aara is escorted back moments later by two of the preistesses from the temple. After a quiet word with the innkeeper, she is all but dumped into his hands. She is silent, and walks slowly and stiffly with the support of the serving girl. Her hair, which was up neatly when they left, is loose and tangled, and her khol liner sloppy and smeared.

    She gives a half hearted wave at Tannin and Goddard but never looks at them as the girl leads her upstairs to the baths.

  43. "What the," Goddard mutters as he watches Aara walk by. "Excuse me Khaladh," he gets up and slowly and follows her.

    "Lecai?" He asks softly, not even sure he should bother her.

  44. Aara half turns her head, giving him her profile. "Yes, nuur'eni?" The serving girl moves a large changing shade into place, and guides Aara behind it to undress her while the bath is prepared.

  45. Katarina snores lightly in her tub, having fallen asleep in relaxation.

  46. Aara looks briefly at Katarina sleeping. She nods. "I'm fine." She piles her hair atop her head and gingerly slips into the bathtub. Gesturing for Goddard to come closer, she leans back and sighs.

    "I'm tired, is all." She offers him a weak smile and begins washing the khol away.

  47. "From what? You need me to do anything?" He leans up against the tub.

  48. "No, the priestesses did all that can be done," she murmurs. "It's nothing. Sometimes Uzzaya is hard on us." She notices two small wounds on her neck. "Goddard..." Aara reaches up and touches them gently, a frown on her face. "Goddard, what happened after I sent you to the harem? Was there only one woman?"

  49. "Shoot...I knew that felt too nice to not leave a mark..." He puts his hand over it and then looks down at his hand to see a little bit of blood.

    "Uh oh...what is it," he asks nervously. "And um...there wasn't only one. I didn't go anywhere else afterward."

  50. Aara, you idiot! You walked him right into it! Panic rising, she leans forward and moves his head at an angle to see better.

    "Goddard...I think you've been bitten by something more than a woman." She puts two fingers on her own throat. "You have marks, right here."

  51. "What?!" He looks a bit panicked as he softly touches his neck, getting a better idea as to what he has.

    "I...I don't remember anything except everything feeling wonderful and dreamlike..."

  52. Katarina murmurs in her sleep. "It was delightful. Oh, to taste something as sweet again!"

    A dreamy smile plays across her lips.

  53. Aara laughs bitterly. "I should have let you suffer," she laughs, standing and reaching for her towel. Her back is covered in angry red welts, but she's already forgotten them. She gestures for the girl to help her dress quickly,cursing in Arabyan all the while.

  54. "Never mind me!" He gasps. "Aara what happened to you!"

  55. "It's a chastisement," she explains, pinning her veil in place and grabbing up her stockings and boots. "A long overdue one, too."

  56. "Chasti-what? Is this because of something I did?"

  57. Aara pauses and rolls her eyes at him. Feeling arrogant, are we? "No, it's because of what I did. Haven't you ever felt guilty about something you had little choice in doing?" She sits on a stool and puts on her shoes. "One of the duties the priestesses of Uzzaya hold dear is absolving people of their guilt." She sighs. "I sent you to the harem so I could take absolution before we go further on our journey."

    Close enough.

  58. Goddard's ears droop and he places a hand back on his neck.

    "I feel guilty now..." he sighs.

  59. Standing, she puts a hand on his cheek. "Don't. There's no reason for it. I knew you would try to talk me out of it or something equally ridiculous. Not all of these names have been gotten honorably or with a sense of justice. Besides," she pulls her hand away and looks down, "it's the one thing I can't give you. I thought you'd be safe."

  60. Goddard pulls Aara close and gives her a hug, careful to not hurt her back. He lets go and takes a step back. "I'm not going to die am I?" he asks concerned.

  61. "I don't know. I mean, I don't think so. If she- it- wanted you dead, you'd be dead already." She squeezes his hands. "Just stay in sight and let me know if you start to feel strange. I don't know what will happen, and I want to be able to send for a bone priest if necessary."

  62. "Bone priest..." Goddard laughs nervously.

    "And to think...I was planning ahead for a few thousand years...never would have thought that would be the death of me..."

  63. "For information, nuur'eni." She leads him up to the roof and looks out over the sand. "I'm sorry," she whispers. "I did this to you."

  64. "Don't be sorry. It's not your fault," he smiles and passes his hand softly over her cheek.

    "I'm sure I would have ended up in a predicament like this on my own know how I am..."

  65. She sighs. "I do know, and that's why I did it." She looks up at him hopefully. "Do you think we can not tell anyone I orchestrated it? I feel like Katarina is half-ready to spirit me away to Kislev as it is," she laughs. "She still doesn't understand how I can live this way."

  66. Katarina finds herself in a dark area, but in a bright spot light.

    Nothing can be seen beyond the edge of the light. Suddenly her Aunt's voice echoes from around her.

    "Foolish girl, you finally begin to look inward on your errors."

    Swallowing heavily, Katarina turns trying to locate the voice. "Tetya Mishka? Where am I?"

    The voice returns dripping with scorn. "A place of learning and chastisement for you."

    A spotlight appears off to Kasha's left, revealing herself in the full garb of the Sisterhood standing triumphant over an Orc.

    "You started so well, your took to your training better than I have ever heard. But then... you decided to start throwing it away."

    The spotlight dies and a new one appears, showing her and a young military man embraced in a kiss. "Who did you think you were kidding with this relationship? You knew the vows you would one day take, so did he. Did you think he would wait potentially years for you? He never would. After all, men are only interested in two things... violence and the conquest of women. It is why they are weak."

    The spotlight goes out and another shines on Katarina weeping over the young man's lifeless body. "In the end, even if he had waited for you... this was probably the most humane outcome."

    Katarina spits angrily on the ground. "Show yourself, suka! You confess to murdering him! I will see the crows eat your frozen eyes!"

    "There's that temper that will be your undoing. How can a daughter of the widow have such fire in them? It cannot be. But his death was a necessary sacrifice to bring a depth of coldness to your heart. After all, how does the widow's heart grow cold? She loses that which she loves dearest. Unfortunately, I think it is high time you made another sacrifice. And since its one you show concern for this traveling group will have to do."

    "Goddard. I pick Goddard! Have your minions kill him, or better yet face the elf yourself. Maybe you'll both die and rid me of all sorts of troubles." Katarina responds too quickly.

    The spotlight fades away again, then reappears showing two shadows oddly shaped shadows with glowing green eyes.

    "No, no. The elf has other things in store for him. How about choosing the walking legends? But alas, you only tolerate them. This needs to be personal."

    Another spotlight appears showing Koroush. "How about the princeling? You respect him and have some admiration, but again this must be more personal."

    Tannin appears in the next spotlight. The knight is in full armor bending knee to something in the darkness. "Now we get closer. The Brettonian has made you heart flutter at least once by now, I know you. Maybe the coldness can come through heartbreak and not through death. After all, he has a Lady already that he seeks and you would never be first before her."

    The light broadens to show an impossibly beautiful elf woman who looks a little like Katarina.

    "Shows what you know. She's something like a god to him. If a man can love a god more than any woman, that is a depth of devotion unmatched." Kasha retorts.

    "And like all deities, death follows them just as closely." the voice responds and the light grows wider still. A green shadow stands behind Tannin, with a sword upraised to strike down the kneeling knight.

    "But no... the only you really care for is her."

    The light then shows Aara.

  67. Aara is bent over as if crawling on the ground. Her veil is ripped off and her face shows signs of a great beating. Both eyes are blackend, her nose has been crushed, she is missing teeth, and her jaw hangs loose and dislocated. Her silk garments have been ripped and torn, cuts and lash marks showing on her skin below.

    "The one you seek to save. How fitting a turn that you seek to save almost the same sister as before."

    Katarina tries to move to Aara, but the light at the edge feels solid under her hands. She begins pounding with both fists trying to get to the injured woman.

    "You monster! What would you do to her? She..."

    "Is a killer. She pours out death like a serving girl pours wine at a feast. You see her as a sheltered innocent who suffers in a culture of oppression and slavery. She is hardly that."

    The barrier holding Kasha vanishes and she rushes to Aara's side. As she reaches down to comfort her, the woman turns to ash and blows away in a spontaneous wind.

    Fading in and standing above Kasha a darker image of Aara in black silks wielding two frightening daggers appears. "This is what she truly is, a predatory animal. Despite her naive nature on a great many things, she is walking death."

    Katarina back peddles away from the image and back to her spotlight. "So what does this mean, tetya? I'm supposed to not care about anyone else in the world? You care for your child and I know you are actively trying for a daughter of your own! That is love to some degree. I make no apologies for the company I found myself in. Even the rats and Goddard! What good will sacrificing any of them do me?"

    Another light appears behind her and shows a woman in her thirties. She is dressed in a semblance of the standard Ice Witch's garb, but with a masculine cut to the clothing. Her hair is solid white and her pale skin shows frost across it. While her voice sounds like that of Katarina's Aunt... the face is her own.

    "Because if you are not willing to sacrifice those as needed, you will not survive. I do not regret any of the sacrifices others have made for me. You won't either... in time."

    "How? You're not Mishka. You're me!" Kasha breathes

    The older woman nods solemnly. "No, you were me, before I began to think with my head and not my heart. Take the path I offer, child. Or you will die."

    The older Katarina leans down and kisses the younger on the forehead. The kiss is ice cold and numbing at first, then it feels like burning as she begins to freeze solid.

    Sitting bolt up right in the cold water, Katarina screams and begins to sob. "No, no. Never. I refuse."

  68. "I don't understand how any of you can live the way you do," he sighs and laughs. "And I won't tell anyone. Thank you," he hugs her again. "I'd hold you tighter but I don;t want to hurt you."

  69. "No, you wouldn't," she agrees. "And thank you, though the worst has passed. By nightfall there won't be so much as a mark."

  70. Goddard kisses Aara's forehead then heads back down. "I'd better wrap this up before I become a bigger target than I already am."

  71. Katarina barely covers herself with her towel as she rushes from the baths still sobbing.

    She makes it to her room and buries her face into the pillows on her bed.

  72. She nods and lets him go. I made a foolish decision, she thinks. It would have been best to just let him suffer until he took matters into his own hands. Now I'm responsible for what could be his death. Looking down at her hands, she sighs. Possibly more responsible to him than any of the others.

    Taking a deep breath, she heads down to the kitchen. Perhaps I'll make that honey cake I told Kasha about. I could use some sweetness.

  73. Goddard gets to his things to wrap his neck and hears someone crying. "Katarina? Is that you? Are you ok?"

  74. Tannin sits on his bed, looking down the length of his sword, eyes squinted. He sees Katarina run in, and without turning his head says "Everything ok? you were in the washes for a while"

  75. Goddard's ears flatten when he hears Tannin.

    She really won't want anything to do with me I shut my trap and take care of my neck.

  76. Standing, Tannin Sheathes his sword and walks over. Not knowing her state of dress, he leaves the silk divider in place.

    "Hey, Im here for you if you want to talk." Tannin says softly

  77. Goddard loosens the wrappings.

    No need to kill yourself over her rejecting're probably gonna die now anyway.

  78. Katarina offers another muffled reply.

    "Please go away right now Tannin. I don't want to hurt or sacrifice you even if I don't know how I feel exactly; but I know you love your Lady more than anything else even though she looks like a real beautiful elf version of me. But even if I don't have to sacrifice you or hurt you, that shadow thing is still going to try to stab you in the back with a sword while you kneel at the lady's feet."

  79. "Go away, Goddard! What's the use... she said I can't even get rid of you even if I tried."

  80. Cocking an eyebrow, Tannin looks to see where Goddards voice came from. Point in that direction, he says "Yeah...What he said? and what shadow is going to kill me while I pray?!" Tannin says, slightly disturbed

  81. "Who said that about me? They are sort of right...are they spying on me?"

  82. "The older ice me in my dream. Said you all had some part to die, except stupid Goddard who I can't even give away. Tannin might not have to, but the green thing was probably going to kill him anyway; so I should ignore any feelings for him because he can't love anyone more than his Lady."

  83. "That is really confusing but...we all die Katarina," he finishes wrapping his neck. "Some sooner than others...just bad dreams...or lay off that drink Khaladh has been passing around..."

  84. "Wait a green thing...? Was he a knight like me? And what feelins for me? " Tannin says wide eyed

  85. "I have not been drinking his sweet wine. Its not even that strong either.

    "No. I don't know. Icy bitch me didn't say, just showed me a green shadow with a sword trying to stab you in the back.

    "Horrible dreams in this place!. Why won't they stop? Dark Elves and now me telling me to let the ones I care for most to die."

  86. "Icy bitch looking in a mirror? And hey...we made it off that ship just fine. Sure it wasn't cozy but we made it off."

  87. "I know its just a dream, but by the Lady Im confused as hell"

  88. "Shut up Goddard! You're not funny! She had frost on her skin and her hair was solid white. She kissed me on my forehead and I started to turn to ice. Then I woke up!"

  89. Aara sets one of the serving girls to playing an oud while she begins the long process of making Al' Salooq. It isn't long before she forgets the welts on her back, or what she did to Goddard, and finds herself singing and dancing around the room while she works.

    Maybe I should just stay here forever...

  90. "Just remember it was just a dream. Unless it turns into a vision. They we should worry"

  91. "But what's the difference between a dream and a vision?"

  92. "Hopefully not what happens to Aara." Katarina's muffled voice replies with a large dose of sadness.

  93. "Things started happening after my vision. Like my sword doing stuff"

  94. "She's dangerous, serving death wine or death like wine. She is not what we think. And if she isn't a killer, she's beaten, whipped, and tortured past all recognition then she became ashes in my hands."

  95. "She's not dangerous!" Goddard storms off to look for Aara.

    That ice witch is the dangerous one! Not lecai. And I won't let anything happen to my lecai...

  96. "I mean...she kinda is. And by kinda dangerous I mean really dangerous, but thats ok."

  97. "We all are." she says softly, voice unmuffled. She pokes her tear stained face out from the curtain and looks up at Tannin. He hair is still damp and plastered to her head.

    She sniffs a couple of times still looking on the verge of tears. "I don't want to hurt people and become the cold witch she was."

  98. The music stops suddenly, leaving Aara to sing a few notes alone before realizing she's not alone. Turning to see what the problem is, she sees Goddard standing at the door, watching her with a big grin.

    "You shouldn't spy, nuur'eni," she laughs, turning slightly pink.

  99. "I don't spy...I...ok well when it's a pretty lady I sort of spy," he grins. "Why stop?"

  100. She puts a hand to her chest and sighs dramatically. "I've forgotten all the words suddenly. Your rugged good looks have driven them from my mind."

    She wipes flour on a towel and walks over to him. Lowering the wrappings around his neck, her worry returns. "How does it feel?" she asks, fixing the covering.

  101. "Yeah...suuuuure," he chuckles. "It stings some but other wise I feel fine. I'm trying not to think about it much. Don't worry about it. I'm not," he smiles.

  102. Katarina excuses herself from Tannin. She returns to the baths to finish washing her hair. When she returns she is mostly dry and in a linen robe. The inviting scent of vanilla swirls around her even more now.

    Looking at Tannin, she asks "Am I cold and mean, other than to Goddard?"

  103. She tries to muster up a smile for him. "Where are Katarina and Tannin? Surely she's not still sleeping in the bath room," she laughs, returning to the counter to continue mixing the batter. "She's liable to turn it to an ice block in her sleep."

  104. "She's already a block of ice," he folds his arms. "And she's talking a bunch of non-sense about some dream she had...Tannin is with her...I wonder if his hormones will kick in..."

  105. "I don't know if the lot of us could handle any more," she laughs, licking batter off her finger. "You're enough as it is." She hands Goddard a bowl filled with long skinny dark beans. "Grind these for me, would you?"

  106. "Not at all. I find you to be a kind soul. Goddard deserves the treatment you give him." Tannin says. Hes finally finished dressing and is now wearing his full set of armor sans headgear

  107. Goddard snickers and then looks at the bowl confused. "What is this?" he picks one up and looks it over.

  108. "It's a vanilla bean. Chew on it, it's very sweet." Aara begins shaving cinnamon into the batter, humming her song again.

  109. "Oooohhh! I've never seen it like this before," he chews on one of the vanilla beans and crushes the rest.

    "What are we making lecai?" he looks over her shoulder.

  110. "We are making Al' Salooq. It's a cake layered with vanilla and toasted nuts, then drowned in honey. It's a sweet, dense dessert. I thought I'd make one for tonight's meal." As she works, she looks up at him. "What kind of dream did Katarina have?"

  111. This comment has been removed by the author.

  112. "Something about everyone but me dying...I don't know...non-sense...everyone dies. I think it's because of my kin's ship." he mumbles. "This dessert sounds really good. Will we be able to take whatever is left with us when we head out?" he asks, trying to change the subject.

  113. Katarina fidgets with her hair as she speaks to Tannin.

    "No he doesn't... I don't know. In my country only boorish men and drunkards paw at women the way he does, especially one of my rank and station. So I wrote him off as just a childish man whore.

    "After an argument on the boat, I called him a coward and he became angry. Everything changed then, his eyes did some weird motion that was unnerving. His skin and face, didn't feel normal. I've felt his hands, they feel normal his face... its unnatural. Then to learn he is some dread sorcerer of the Dark Elves on top of that...

    "Aara has asked me to trust her judgment that Goddard is innocent and trustworthy. She says he proclaims his disdain for them and wants to not be like them.

    "I'm telling you this because I first went to Goddard when we discovered things about the first book you guarded. He is more learned in the ways of magic than I and it made sense to get his opinion. Now that I think about it, I think he might have been staring at my chest for most of the conversation. Still, he and I agreed that these books were dangerous and should be kept from evil hands and destroyed if possible. Now I'm not sure I can trust Goddard to help me now, if at all.

    "If we find this book, I'm not so much worried that the book gets stolen so much as if we actually return it to that insane old man. A man that consorts with Dark Elves and tries to sell us to that Sylvanian count as slaves... I dare not think of the evils he might use that much Dhar magic for.

    "Will you help me figure out a method of destroying the book or keeping it away from the old man and the thief?"

  114. "Hmm, yes, you and I understand death a little more than she does, I believe. That's probably why it came out as nonsense." She begins pouring a thin layer of batter, then sprinkling nuts, spices, and vanilla in layers until she reaches the top of the dish. "The cake will keep in a sense. It will become somewhat hard and be sticky. It's still nice. I'll show you."

    Once she puts the dish in the oven, she opens various jars and pots until she comes up with a small square of dark gold. "Try it," she says, holding it out to him.

  115. Goddard grabs her wrist and eats the square but catches her fingers softly in his mouth and licks her fingers to make sure he got all of it. He grins at Aara, "Delicious."

  116. Aara giggles, but doesn't draw her hand away. "It's very good," she murmurs, looking up at him and taking a deep breath. "I bet you do that to all the girls."

    Why in heaven does he have this affect on me? Surely any other man could do the same.

  117. "I've never mixed food and girls...I think I need to do that more often," he chuckles and lets her hand go.

  118. She smirks. "At least I'm a first for something," she jokes. She leans against the counter, then flinches when she presses against her welts. Stepping forward again, she rubs the spot.

  119. You're also the first girl I've ever actually cared for...

    He smiles thoughtfully and then looks sadly at Aara when she flinches. "I don't know what you could have possibly felt guilty about..."

  120. She sighs. "I'm innocent in the relationships of a man and woman, yes, but not in all things. I deserve the reputation of Walking Death. I've killed for pleasure, mercy, rage, justice, and other reasons not worth mentioning. If I'm to honor the memory of those who have bled on my blade, I cannot spend my life being weighed down by guilt and self-loathing. So I give myself over to the priestesses, and they punish me as they see fit." She smiles. "It's usually not so bad, I just waited too long to be treated gently."

  121. "If all you needed was a spanking you could have just asked me," he laughs.

  122. She laughs. "It's a little more complicated than that." She pauses, thinking. "Would you like to see a full chastisement?"

  123. "I'm still not completely sure I understand what this word means but it involves whips right?" he chuckles. "I should have taken one from that ship..."

  124. "A scourge, yes," she laughs. "It can be a lengthy process, but one you might find interesting. Especially as you find pain to be pleasurable." She grins wickedly. "I might even participate as a beater."

  125. Seeing Tannin's thinking. She touches him on the arm, "Please think about it and let me know, Tannin. You're one of the strongest and bravest Warriors I have seen. Knowing you are there will help."

    Turning, she ducks into the shuttered area of her bed and throws on a linen shirt, breeches, and her boots.

    Arriving in the common room, she sniff the air and closes her eyes. Following the warm aroma to the kitchen, she sees Goddard an Aara. Her smile fades and sadness wraps around her heart.

    I remember looking like that... I miss you, love. More so in the simple things than anything else.

    Fixing a fake smile on her face, she steps into the kitchen. "Something smells a little like me in here. Whacha cooking this time Aara?"

  126. "Al' Salooq," Aara answers. "The honey cake I was telling you about yesterday. It keeps well enough that we can take it with us when we leave." She looks over at Goddard and laughs. "Assuming it isn't devoured tonight."

    Turning her eyes back to Katarina, she frowns. "Goddard tells me you've had a nightmare, are you alright?"

  127. "Ah, now wonder it smells familiar. I've been soaking and washing my hair with one of the ingredients. Thank you for baking it, though I can't make any promises on helping take some with us."

    She pauses as she sniffs the can of cinnamon. "Nightmares, actually. I've not had a decent sleep in this place. The days are peaceful and paradise, but night has been filled with terror. I'm ashamed that I and Tannin have sought solace in bottles to deal with our troubles. Though what Goddard is probably referring to is just an unrelated bad dream. No dark elves and no horrible ship, just a bad dream despite what Tannin thinks."

  128. Aara nods. "Our journey here has not been as pleasant as we would have desired. If you like, I can give you a tea that will leave you dreamless."

  129. "If it allows me to wake up without my liver feeling like a brick, then I would enjoy some. Thank you."

    Taking a pinch of something and popping it into her mouth, she chews thoughtfully for a moment and swallows. "Its very amusing, in some respects. My order are trained thoroughly in magic, yet we do not hold study on dreams the way I've heard your college does, Goddard. The wise women, it seems to be their purview to decipher the mysteries we dream.

    "How do your people view these things, Aarta?"

  130. Way to ruin the moment iceberg...

    Goddard leans up against the counter.

    "We don't so much study dreams as we just go straight to the dead and ask questions. Those who study Hysh seek to know the truths of the world. They may be better at that than I."

  131. Aara shrugs. "Dreams are important to us. Many believe that they tell you your future if you're brave and clever enough to read it correctly."

  132. Katarina forces herself to relax a little when Goddard speaks, but she tenses up a little.

    "And if it's an older version of yourself conversing with you? And you don't like who you will be?"

  133. "That would truly be considered a bad omen. You'd have to try to change your future, and that may not be easy. Sometimes in running from something you find yourself closer to it."

  134. "Then don't be that person," he says as if this were the obvious answer. "You make yourself who you are and if you have some kind of road map to avoid things you don't like, then lucky can we go so you can beat me Aara? That is what's going to happen right?"

  135. Aara laughs. "The cake is not yet done. I promise you won't miss out on anything, nuur'eni."

  136. "Words to think on. Thank you Aara. If you want to spar with Goddard, or at least I hope that's what is referring to... I can watch the oven. Just let me know what to watch for so the cakes don't get ruined."

  137. "We have to wait for this cake?" he groans. Goddard grins at Katarina. "Noooo that's not what I'm referring to," he smirks.

  138. "Must you be that way? You can't act like a proper gentleman and not make lewd comments?" Katarina asks with a slightly disgusted look on her face.

  139. Aara laughs. "Yes, we have to wait for the cake. But once it's done we'll leave it to cool and go."

  140. Walking down stairs, Tannin goes off the see what all the laughter is about. He stands proped up at the door, and smiles at everyone

  141. "Oh look...your proper gentleman blah blah blah whatever appeared..."

  142. "Can it be more than sometimes? Aara and Tannin both have mentioned that I should give you a second chance after the Dark Elves. But this trust has to be come with some manner of respect. If you can't respect me by keeping a better reign on yourself, then I don't think I can trust you more."

    She takes a few steps to a point where only Goddard can see her face as she mouths the words what ever you actually are.

    "Can we agree on this, Goddard?"

  143. Aara shakes her head as she goes to the oven. Will they ever stop bickering at one another like children? But I suppose it's better than being at each other's throats.

    "Ha! Look, nuur'eni, your patience has been rewarded!" She pulls it from the oven and sets it aside to cool. "I'll need to get my weapons, and then we can go."

  144. "I guess I know where the skaven are...squarely up Goddards arse it seems" Tannin says, a puzzled look on his face

  145. Katarina stops and stares at Tannin. Covering her hand with her mouth, she tries to stifle a fit of laughter.

  146. Goddard makes a fist. "Look here witch. I am asur. I'm not whatever you are making up in your frozen little speak of respect and then you pull that? I will not agree to anything with you if you are going to be caught up on what I am..."

    He leaves the kitchen and heads out the front door, plopping down onto a patch of shaded sand.

  147. "I have NEVER seen a more emotional elf in my life! He needs to...Elf-man up or something"

  148. Aara watches him go, sad for him. "Kasha, he's right. What he isn't important, and you should know that. You said yourself that your order is cold and unfeeling, but you aren't like that. Tannin's people ran over my land as if to ruin it, but I don't hold it against him, nor does he condescend to me because I was born poor." She walks to the door and pauses, looking over her shoulder. "We cannot continue on if what we each are is important. Learn who he is."

    She continues on to get her weapons before leaving.

  149. "That would be nice if all he seemed wasn't innuendo and vapor. What is a part of who were are. And this has little to do with elves of any flavor at this point. When I grabbed his face in that argument to make him look me in the eye... it went beyond elves and into something cold and unflesh like. Something he may have shared with you, but that actively hides from us.

    "We can't learn who he is if he hides it."

  150. Master don't listen to her!

    "It's hard to not listen with all that talking she does...maybe someone can cut out her tongue or sew her mouth shut..."

    Master if I could I would...

    Goddard thinks for a moment. "No...that would upset Aara..."

  151. Aara ignores her and goes outside to find Goddard. "Come along, love," she says brightly, offering her hand. "They do not understand, and likely never will. But we will forget all the unpleasantness for a little while longer."

  152. Shrugging, Tannin turns to Katarina.
    "Ive decided I'll help you. However, If you attempt to learn from those books, to harness what ever dark power is in them... Well I think what will happen is quite clear."

  153. "Quite clear. I don't even think I could if I wanted too.

    "I don't get that elf and I suppose I never will. Every time, I offer an olive branch he retreats and cries that judge him on being a dark elf on weird idea. You just saw, utter nonsense. I'd like to cut out his tongue and sew his mouth shut to stop that incessant whining. But that would upset Aara..."

    Katarina sighs and shakes her head. "But at least they left us the honey cake. You still have some bottles of that berry stuff?"

  154. Goddard begins to draw little people in the sand. He doesn't look up at Aara. He draws long ears on one of the figures. "People like her are why I spent most of my time in a single room of a huge dusty old building. It's why I like to be alone." He slaps one palm down onto the group of figures off to the side.

    "I sometimes wish everyone would go away...or" he drops a handful of sand on the one with the long ears. "Maybe it's easier if I go...go back to my dark dusty room and never come out." He sighs.

  155. Aara kneels in front of him. "I'm sorry, nuur'eni. But not everyone is so stubborn." She leans forward and kisses his forehead. "You have years and years to lock yourself away after I'm gone. Until then...well, until then I want to show you wonders."

  156. "Yeah I think I should, but I dont know if we should take Aara's cake. Besides, we have servents to cook for us, I dont see why Aara always cooks."

  157. "She said it was for all of us and that she hoped we would leave some for the next leg of the trip. I assumed she was making for all us and not just the sad sack." She pauses for a moment

    "It think I have a better idea. I have yet to go outside these walls. Let me get a bit more attired and we can go find something in the market. Maybe you can even show me that place where you got your title."

  158. "That sounds like A WONDERFUL Idea! I'll get my armor wraped. If you want, we can ride Sircco into town"

  159. "I'd love to!" she replies.

    Running to her bed, she ties off everything and adjusts her tagelmust in the mirror. With the veil buttoned into place, she heads to the stables to join up with Tannin.

  160. Aara once again leads him through the bazaar, buying lunch as they wander about looking at the wares. When they eventually make it to the temple, she leaves Goddard at the door to speak with the priestess.

    After a moment, she beckonds Goddard inside. "Sit here, don't speak, don't move," she instructs. "I'll be back out soon."

    When she returns, she's wearing a dark blue set of robes and a mask over her face. In her hand she carries a scourge. The applicant, a young man with only a few names tattooed on his hand, kneels before her and whispers a string of words in rapid Arabyan. She nods silently and lays a hand on his head in blessing.

    Then the young man is stripped of his shirt, and she raises the whip.

  161. Goddard looks on, surprisingly disinterested.

  162. When it's over, Aara returns and sits next to him. "What did you think?" she asks, toying with the whip she's brought with her.

  163. "It was interesting. I learned something new," he sighs. "You know when I was on the druchii ship, they had me whip two who missed with their shots."

  164. Tannin double checks the barding of Sirocco.

    "I know its heavy, but Ive got to get you use to it. It will be alot heavier once I get enough money to get you scales like mine." Tannin says, rubbing the spot between the large horses eyes.

    Noticing Katarina approach, he smiles. He has the scale coif pulled down around his neck like a a bunched up scarf. He wears his tabbard tightly wrapped around his chest like Koroush showed him, and wears a dark riding cloak around his back fastened with the symbol of his office.


  165. "Definitely! I've been curious to see how Sirocco really rides after that brief jaunt on the ship."

    With his help she climbs on and looks expectantly out to the streets.

  166. Aara leans against him. "I wish I had the words to make you feel better." She takes his hand and is silent a moment. "Is there anything I can do?"

  167. With a smile, Tannin simply says "Hold on. I have a promise to keep."

    He spurs Sirocco, and they take off south. At a slow trot (for the massive horse) they head to the outskirts of town.

  168. Katarina wraps her arms around Tannin and holds on tightly. "Ready? What promise?"

  169. "You don't want to know that," he says softly, closing his eyes. "My mind goes to dark places..."

  170. "You'll see" He says simply. Once they get to the outskirts, he speaks again

    "I know the sand will make this hard on you, but you still deserve it."

    Sirocco snorts, and bursts into life at a full galop, riding east around the town. Despite the sand, armor, and pair of riders, the horse is biblically fast.

  171. She reaches up and turns his head to face her. "Nuur'eni, when will you believe that you aren't alone?" She leans her forehead against his. "I'm here for you."

  172. "You won't always be here," he whispers.

  173. "You're right, I won't," she agrees. "I'll die one day. But isn't that more reason to make this time count?"

  174. "Yes...part of me knows this, and the other part doesn't care."

  175. Aara wraps her arms around him. "That's alright, I care enough for both parts. Goddard, Katarina is just using you as a target. She is unhappy, and seeing us together makes it worse so she lashes out at you." She smiles and nips his shoulder. "She might even be a little jealous," she jokes.

    Standing, she pulls him to his feet. "Come with me. I have one more gift for you."

  176. He smiles a bit when Aara says Katarina is unhappy and may be jealous. Goddard stands up and follows Aara. "You sure? This whole giving me gifts thing hasn't really worked too well today."

  177. She grins. "I tried this morning. And was ridiculously jealous when I sent you off. But," her eyes twinkle as she smiles, "this is different. If it goes badly, I will never give you another gift."

    She leads him to a stall in the bazaar that has curtains on all sides. When they arrive, the man working there is clearly expecting them. He motions them inside the curtains, where they find a comfortable couch and table full of wine and sweets.

  178. "I don't possibly see how this could go wrong," he sits down. "Unless I drink too much of this."

  179. Aara curls up in his lap, cuddling close. "Just don't move too much," she whispers in his ear.

    The man sits in a chair at one end, an easel in front of him. He chatters at Aara for a moment before picking up a piece of charcoal.

  180. Goddard laughs. "This is all wrong. I'm no work of art. Should I move so it's just you on canvas?"

  181. "Hush, and stay right where you are," she answers. "I said this was for you, but really it's for me." She looks up at him and smiles. "You won't be able to forget what I look like, and you can finally see yourself through my eyes, nuur'eni." She nibbles on a piece of cheese. "So humor me."

  182. Goddard relaxes. "This does mean a lot to me," he says softly. "Mirrors tell me the truth. I only fool the eyes of others and this happened to me while I was still young. I don't know what I look like now."

  183. "Well you will soon." She meets his eyes. "And no matter what face I see, it's still you, and still precious to me."

    It isn't long before the artist calls her over to look. Aara stands there for a long time, staring at Goddard on the page and Goddard in the flesh. In the picture he reclines on the couch, a glass of wine in his hand and smiling down at her while she- cuddled against him- looks up at Goddard.

    "It's perfect," she whispers. "Nuur'eni, come see."

  184. He slowly gets up. He seems unsure about whether he should look or not. Goddard stands behind the canvas for a moment before stepping around to look.

    He studies it for a while before he smiles. "I do look good."

  185. She laughs, nudging him. "I've told you as much." She pays the artist and arranges for it to be painted and delivered by nightfall. The artist tells her something that makes her blush and stutter before leaving the stall.

    "Well, our day is open now, we can return to the inn or adventure in the bazaar."

  186. "What did he say that made you go all pink?"

  187. Aara doesn't look at him. "He said it was a privilege to paint such a loving couple," she mutters. "And if you get tired of me that he'll welcome me- I'll only be his fourth wife."

  188. "Greedy bastard!" Goddard wraps his arm around Aara and pulls her close.

  189. Aara laughs. "Have you always been like this? Jealous with your women?"

  190. "This may sound horrible but...I've never cared about them enough."

  191. So I am different, then? Thank Uzzaya.

    "Then it is their loss," she declares. She slaps his backside with the whip she took from the temple.
