Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Moonlight waltz of Dragon and Cobra

"I see no woman here. No man either. Just 2 warriors" Tannin says circling


  1. She grins. "Good. Then I won't hold back anymore." Taking a running start, she slides between his legs, tapping his calves without cutting him. His downward swing just catches her cheek, and she feels the skin open.

  2. "What's happening, you pear," Goddard peeks his head around the corner to watch.

  3. "Pear?!" Katarina responds gritting her teeth. With a dirty look at Goddard, she smirks. "Nothing, just deeply romantic kissing."

  4. Goddard grits his teeth. "You liar! If that was the case, you wouldn't be over smiling!"

  5. "Would I?" she replies feigning aloofness

  6. Tannin bounces a bit, turning to face Aara. A fatal strike, for us both

    How do I get through those daggers...Shes like lightning

    Use that speed against her? its worth a shot
    Tannin thunders forward again, fainting another downward strike to the head, but comming in with a knee to the stomach

  7. "After you drooled over him like a dog with a slab of meat?" he smirks.

  8. Aara doesn't anticipate his knee, and hits the ground, gasping as she sweeps his own feet out from under him.

  9. "I think you have me confused with someone else. I did not drool over Tannin, nor have I. I simply stated why women would consider him more attractive than you. Unlike some people, whose eyes pop out at every woman they see..."

    She stops and hisses while cringing at a few of the blows.

  10. Tannin hits the ground on his back, hard, loseing the grip on his sword.

    where had that come from? How?

    Wide eyed, Tannin relizes hes on the ground, weaponless, and hes lost sight of his opponent.

    Rolling hard to the left, Tannin draws his boot dagger, crouching like a dragon about to pounce, trying to locate his blade in his peripherals

  11. He's too late. Aara appears behind him and places one dagger gently at his throat. Gasping, she taps him lightly. "I promised I wouldn't hurt you," she says, grinning.

  12. " up!"

    He rests his head on top of Katarina's head.

    "That should be meeeee," he whines. "Laying down on my back and her attacking me..."

  13. More than annoyed, Katarina pulls away from Goddard hard and suddenly. "Get off me, you lummox!" she says rather loudly.

    As she pulls away, her foot catches on Goddard's robe and she trips backwards,legs tangling further and pulling the elf down as well.

    The two land on top of each other and smash a planter next to them with a loud crash of pottery breaking.

  14. "A point for you then" Tannin says with a wicked smile

    Retrieving his blade, He looks at her and salutes with it.

    "Again?" Tannin says, changing the grip on his sword

  15. The sound of pottery breaking cuts off her reply. Looking over, she sees Katarina and Goddard take a spill. "It seems we have an audience," she murmurs.

  16. "You crazy woman! If you want me on top of you, or to be on top of me...whatever...all you have to do is ask!"

  17. "I seem to recall doing just that," Aara says as she walks over. "What are you doing out here?"

  18. Katarina gasps in horror. "I would NEVER ask you nor do I want you to be anywhere on top of me or the other way around. You arrogant little weasel. I tripped in your long flowing skirt. Perhaps m'lady would prefer a shorter train next time!"

  19. Tannin takes a second to check his neck. looking at his had, he sees a small bit of blood. Good. Id have hate to come out of this unscathed

    Looking over at the mess, he follows Aara.

  20. "Aara! Lecai!....SHUT UP WITCH IT'S NOT A DRESS!" He struggles to stand up. " was her fault." Goddard points to Katarina.

  21. Sheathing her daggers, Aara crosses her arms. "So you were dragged out here to see if Tannin learned all about my knives, right?"

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. "He didn't have a shirt!" Goddard points at Tannin.

  24. Aara raises an eyebrow. "Hmm, yes. And now he's glistening with sweat in the moonlight. And a little blood," she adds with a smile.

  25. Katarina untangles herself from Goddard's robes and stands up. She edges away from the elf and towards Tannin.

    She covers her mouth to stifle a giggle at Goddard's defense.

  26. "What, you expected me to get my fine shirt cut to ribbons? Skin grows back, but ruining a fine shirt...." Tannin shakes his head

  27. "I think he expected something else entirely," Aara says. Turning to Goddard, she asks "satisfied?"

  28. Goddard grits his teeth and turns a fairly bright shade of pink. "Ripping clothes off is more fun," he grumbles.

    He looks down, turns around and walks back into the building.

  29. Katarina sees the pained look in Goddard's eyes and curse herself. I don't trust that elf and I honestly think he is undressing me with his eyes at any glance, but this is for Aarta.

    "Aarta, no. He just wanted to make sure you were going to be okay. Goddard made a jab at me not caring if you got hurt and I followed him out to continue the squabble like the children we are.

    "We were watching the fight when he decided to use me as a head rest, trying to insult my height. Then I got tangled in his gown and... well here you have us."

  30. Aara follows. "What did you expect?" She asks, no sarcasm or accusation in her voice.

  31. "I guess our sparing match is over then.." Tannin says, shrugging to katarina

  32. "You know how my brain works!" he says frustrated. "And then the pear going on and on about khaladh and his muscles and looks and courteous manners and she called me a string bean..."

  33. Aara laughs and reaches for his hand. "I like your good looks and manners. Tannin was only helping me work out my frustration. " Covered in blood and sand, she smiles. "I do believe you're jealous, nuur'eni."

  34. "Stop calling me a pear, jerk!" Katarina fires back.

    "You know what? You're welcome to your lumps on this one."

    Turning to the half clad knight, "Tannin, would you care to accompany a lady to dinner? I believe it is getting cold now."

    With that she turns and heads inside.

  35. seeing Goddard and Aara bickering, Tannin follows Katarina inside.

    "Im going to go put somthing more appropriate on for dinner, I'll be down shortly Lady Katarina"

    He returns shortly wearing a blue linnin shirt and dark trousers, his sword belt tied tight around his waist and a town around his neck

  36. He puffs up his cheeks and exhales. "You're a mess now...and what happened to your face?"

  37. Katarina sits down and begins to pick through the plate of cold food the servant girl had prepared for her.

  38. "I kept my head too high," she explained. Why don't you come clean it up while I have a bath?" She tenderly prods it and winces. "I can't stitch my own cheek."

  39. He perks up quickly. "Of course!"

  40. Tannin sits across from Katarina

    "That woman is lightning fast" Tannin says, sipping on a cup of water and drying off his face

  41. She laughs. "I'll put my weapons away and meet you in there." Catching his hand, she leans forward and kisses his cheek. "Thank you," she whispers before walking away.

  42. He smiles and heads off to wait for her.

    When Aara enters the room, she finds a shirtless Goddard, flexing one arm and softly poking at it with his other hand.

  43. "And I thought I was the muscle," she giggles.

  44. "Ha ha lecai," he turns around. "Turning thousands of pages doesn't exactly work your arms out."

    He puts a hand to her face. "It doesn't look too bad."

  45. She puts a hand over his eyes and slips out of her robe. Tossing it on his head, she gets in the tub, sighing as the hot water melts her. After submerging herself, she gives him another look.

    "Really? Because it hurts like seven hells."

  46. I need to go clean up. Its been a long day.

    Tannin enters the wash room.
    "I hope Im not intruding?" Tannin says, taking his shirt off and signaling to the servant girl to fill one of the baths

  47. "You know I can cover my own eyes," he says pulling the robe down and letting it fall to the floor. "I might not do a very good job of it but I can try."

    Goddard slumps when Tannin enters the room.

    What?! Why?!

  48. Aara sinks a little lower, but shakes her head. "Not at all. And thank you, I think that really did the trick." She hisses when Goddard cleans her wound. "Ow!"

  49. GAH! She didn't make him're doomed Goddard...

    "I'm sorry," he softly touches her cheek and then hangs his hands in the water.

  50. Tannin finishes disrobing and slips into the hot water.

    "Any time. Im going to need a rematch, obviously."

    Reaching over the side of the tube, Tannin pulls a flask out oh his belt, and takes a sip.

    "Ah...Thats the stuff" Tannin says, slipping lower into the water

  51. Aara hands him a sponge. "Wash my back, nuur'eni?" she asks, turning toward him.

  52. Merciful Morr Goddard! You are a string bean! You're fine where it counts the most but still!

    He splashes water onto his face and spots Aara's scar. His eyes follow it down her back and he suddenly smiles once he is no longer looking at the curve of her scar, but the curve of her body.

  53. Gathering her hair over one shoulder, she looks back at him. When she sees the look on his face, she rolls her eyes and hands him a vial. "Scrub hard," she murmurs.

    "Tannin, what is it you're drinking now?"

  54. "Yes ma'am," he takes the sponge and the vial and gets to cleaning her back, unhappy now that the suds are ruining his view through the clear water.

  55. "Blackberry Brandy, from my home town. Its relaxing" Tannin says

    He holds the flask out towards aara and goddard, wordlessly offer then a sample

  56. "Thank you, but no," she says, waving it away.

  57. "Relaxing?" Goddard grabs the flask and takes a drink.

    It's not working!

    He goes back to washing Aara's back. He lets the sponge float off into the water and just uses his hands and makes little circles on her back.

  58. Aara moans blissfully and shifts her shoulders, crooning at him in Arabyan as she relaxes against him.

  59. Goddard moves his foot, slipping on some soap and water and falls.

    "Sigmar's sausage!"

  60. Aara is shocked out of her reverie. "Are you hurt?" She doesn't realize she's asked in Arabyan. Leaning out of the tub, she continues to ask him questions in a language he can't understand.

  61. Tannin finishes washing himself, but stays in the hot water. He takes another swig from his flask and then rests with his hands behind his head.

    Not looking over at the mess, he says "Aara, your speaking in squiggles again"

  62. "Goddard! Are you alright?" She's careful to speak in reikspeil thia time.

  63. Goddard chuckles as he rubs the back of his head. "That's a good way to describe it, khaladh."

    He sits up but stays on the floor. "I'm fine...I have a hard head, remember?"

  64. Tannin gives a glance over to Goddard.
    he looks fine. He he was hurt he would be bleeding or yelping

    Tannin stands and gets out of the tub, donning the soft robe the servant girl gives him. He gathers his belongings and says "I believe I will retire for now."

    He turns and leaves, going up to his room to put on some night clothes

  65. Aara settles back into the water. "How could I forget? My hand still aches."

  66. "You didn't have to hit me so hard," he chuckles. "I can barely feel anything around there anyway. You'll have to aim someplace else."

    He pops up over the side of the tub, almost slipping again but catching himself. "Just...don't aim too low..."

  67. Aara laughs. "I didn't know that, did I?" Looking him from head to toe, she smirks. "How low can I aim, then?"

  68. "well...depends on what you are trying to do. If it's like last time...stay above my waist. If it's going to be something 'nice', you can aim wherever you want."

  69. She grins, relaxing against the wall of the tub. "I'll keep that in mind. Did you like dinner, nuur'eni?" she asks softly, sinking up to her chin in the steaming water.

  70. "It was delicious. We did a good job despite the distractions...did you get to eat? I didn't see you at dinner."

  71. She nodded. "I stayed in the kitchen- I thought we both would benefit from a little space down? Your lamb was wonderful. They'll serve the leftovers with breakfast tomorrow."

  72. Goddard wets his hands and slicks his hair back. "That will be a delicious breakfast. And you'll sit with me at breakfast? Unless I do something else to get you all hot and bothered," he grins.

  73. "I don't know if you can resist the temptation," she giggles. "But yes, I'll sit with you. How does...don't..." She makes a vague gesture over her head. "Practice?"

  74. "Huh? Oh yeah...Lots of practice. Same with eating," he laughs. "And especially drinking. Plus the way I keep my hair cut. Most asur keep their hair really long. At least the asur I've seen."

  75. Aara nods, lifting a hand out of the water and draping it over the edge of the tub. "I didn't mean to laugh, nuur'eni. I had the most bizarre thought, and couldn't help it."

  76. "It's better you laugh at me then try and say...set me on fire...what are you thinking?"

  77. "Just that you thought Tannin and I were having a moonlit...private meeting," she giggles again. "I just wanted to bash someone's head in." She runs her hand over his hair. "My silly, jealous elf."

  78. "Is this a bad thing?" he murmurs, closing his eyes.

  79. "No. It makes me feel important." She smiles. "And desired. I like it very much."

  80. "You are very much so those things," he says, grabbing her hand and kissing. "If you don't like this...let me know. I know it can't feel...right."

  81. "It feels...strange. Not unpleasant, just different."

  82. "I had a woman kiss me once suddenly...she said it was weird but was too drunk to care," he says looking down at the water. "I don't think anyone could get used to that."

  83. Aara laughs nervously. "I don't think I'm quite brave enough to try yet." She puts her hand on his cheek and smiles. "I still think you're beautiful, nuur'eni."

  84. "If I'm beautiful then you're a goddess," he chuckles.

  85. She splashed him playfully. "It's a shame you didn't watch the match, I bested him just with my daggers." She sounds-and looks- incredibly smug.

  86. "I tried to but somebody decided to attack me," he shakes his head to 'fix' his hair.

    "You keep telling me how good you are with that and I missed the chance to see."

  87. "I've never fought against someone with a scythe, maybe you can learn firsthand," she muses. "I'd like to be prepared for whatever comes at us. What do you think? Willing to test your scythe against my daggers?"

  88. "Alright. I have a feeling I don't have to worry about hurting you," he chuckles. "Name the time and place. Just make sure I have enough room. You don't want my clumsy self breaking anything."

  89. She grins broadly. "I don't think you have to worry about that, either. Would the basement be too small? I'd rather not fight outside again right after cleaning up." She dunks her head under water, then pops back up and starts washing it.

  90. He laughs. "Yeah that should be plenty of room."

  91. "Good! Go on and get ready, I'll get dressed and meet you in the common room." She has a big, girlish smile on her face. "I'm so excited! A scythe against my daggers!"

  92. Goddard laughs and heads off to get his scythe and change into something he is less likely to trip over. He also figures no shirt will be the way to go. He waits for Aara in the common room.

  93. Aara arrives soon after, clad in leather leggings and a close-fitting shirt. Her hair is in a knot at the back of her head and she only wears the two daggers at her waist. Her excitement is clear in every move she makes.

    Down in the basement, she takes a good assessment of his weapon. "Can you show me how you use it first? I don't think I've ever seen anyone fight with one before, and I don't want to block high if you're swinging low."

  94. Goddard nods. "It's similar to when I used the staff. The staff was too light for me though. I'm used to the weight this has." He spins it around and it swishes and seems to move on its own sometimes. He makes it look easy.

  95. She makes an appreciative sound. Drawing her daggers, she crosses them before her and takes a solid stance. "Come at me, then," she says with a smirk.

  96. "Don't get caught..." He says as he swings at her, low and from the right. He moves forward as the weight pulls him.

  97. She doesn't block or strike, but dances out of the way. "Has some pull, then? Hmm..." Before he's finished with the follow-through on his swing, she jumps over the handle, slipping inside his guard and taps his ribs with the handle of a dagger.

    "How can you defend yourself with such a wide reach?"

  98. "You hope the thing you are swinging grass...isn't moving quite as fast," he laughs as he flips it around and uses the other end which has a small spike.

    "Point for you. I don't think I'll get any points. I can't exactly just tap you with this." He moves past her and flips it around behind him.

  99. "I don't think you could hit me if you tried," she laughs. "As far as weapons's interesting, but not very defensive, is it? Except the spiked end. Can I try?"

  100. Goddard plunks the blade down and holds the handle out to Aara. "Imma stand over here...don't swing it at me," he laughs.

  101. Aara laughs. "Stand back a little farther."

    She swings it a few times, mindful of the spike on the end. It's far too long for her to use properly. Giving it a few test spins, she almost takes her own leg off. She lets out a little squeal as the momentum takes her with it, throwing them across the room.

    No longer in control of the overly long weapon, she wraps herself around the staff and holds on. "Oof!" she grunts, landing hard on the padded floor.

  102. "You done?" Goddard laughs. "I have a dagger too," he pulls the weapon from his boot, " I'm not as good with this though."

  103. Aara just lays there. "That hurt," she moans. Lifting her head, she looks over at him. "I think I broke my pride."

  104. "Awww," he chuckles and walks over, offering her a hand.
    "I think your pride is fine."

  105. Yawning, she pulls him to the floor with her and cuddles close. "I say we just sleep here," she murmurs.

  106. "All I get was a rib tap? What about these skills I keep hearing about," he laughs as he flops down beside her. "The whole floor is a cushion...I could sleep here just fine."

  107. "I can't hurt you," she murmurs. "Not twice in a day."

  108. "If you do it right, you can hurt me all day," he stretches and then snuggles up with her.

  109. She laughs sleepily. "Maybe I'll hurt you tomorrow." She's quickly falling into sleep. "Just don't go, nuur'eni…"

  110. Goddard smiles. "I'm not going anywhere," he whispers.

  111. ________________________________________________________________

    Aara wakes early, the unfamiliar sensation of being wrapped in Goddard's arms making it especially difficult. Slipping out of his arms carefully so as not to wake him, she watches his easy, even breathing a moment. I would have thought I'd have nightmares, she thinks as she lets her hair down.

    She pulls off her boots and stands in stocking feet. Might as well get started here before breakfast. After stretching, she retrieves the wooden scimitar she used sparring against Goddard the first time. Aara begins moving slowly at first, keeping the curved, blunt edge of the back of the blade close to her body and using her left hand to help guide and force the blade forward as she turns and thrusts. As she moves through the same routine she has done every day for ten years, she slowly adds speed and a sharp edge to her movements.

    It's a dance, Aara. A deadly dance that can cost both of you your lives, but it must be beautiful also...Don't forget that.
