Sunday, November 18, 2012

NOT on a boat...aawww

Goddard and Aara finally get back to the roof of the building the party is staying at after visiting the bones priests.

"Why did we need to jump on roofs," Goddard pants. "You know I'm clumsy...I could have died...maybe..."


  1. Before dawn, Tannin awakes. He dresses in full armor, and wraps in like Koroush instructed him with cloth of dark blue and red. Proceeding to his steed, he does the same for Sirocco.

    Tannin rides through the port city at a slow trot. Passers by give him strange looks, but he pays them no mind remember the promise he made to Aara and Koroush. He purchases a warm piece of some sort of flatbread from a merchant just opening her stall, and eats as he rides. Eventually, he reaches his destination.

    He rides to a 2 story, walled adobe building. On either side of the single entrance, Banners bearing a crowned Grail are draped over the walls. As he approaches, guards with Halberds block his path, crossing them in front of the entrance into the courtyard. Knights wielding Bec-de-corbins also approach from inside the courtyard, and men-at-arms with crossbows train them on Tannin.

    "Oi! Your'a bit, lost, 'ont ya fink? You lot 'ont git ta strolls up in 'ere when ever ye wants" One of the Guards calls.

    Quitly, Tannin upholsters his lance, holding it upright and allowing his banner to unfurl. This causes the guards to raise the crossbows, assuming the worst. Tannin also removes his shemagh so the guards can identify him as a Bretonnian. In perfect, cliped Breton, Tannin says
    "I wish to speak to the ambassador. I Am Sir Tannin of Carcasson, son of Count Ulric."

    "Why 'int ya just say so!" The guard replys with a laugh, and they let him through.

  2. Advancement, pt 2

    A young boy takes the reigns of Sirocco, and leads her over to water. With thanks, Tannin pats his horse on the flank and enters the building.

    In the entrance way, Tannin draws his sword and kneels before the Alter of the lady, sword tip into the ground. There is a divot in the ground, where many a knight has done the same.

    "M'lady, grant me the strength to vanquish my foes, keep my companions safe, and to bring honor to my family, to my king, and to you. Bless my sword to maintain its keen edge, to always strike true, and for me to always be found worthy of wielding it. In Your name, Amen"
    Tannin prays.

    "Amen indeed, my young friend. You're up awfully early, arnt you? Please please, rise and join me at my desk." A portly man says, placing a hand on Tannin's shoulder. He wears extremely fine garb and robes, with a jewel-inlaid Grail neckless. He also wears a dark cloak with flur-de-lays embroidered along the edges. A Crowed Gail cloak pin holds it together, the symbol of King Leoncoeur's Royal Knights.

    Tannin Stands, bows, and follows him. After a short walk, they sit opposite each other at a large wood desk, heavy laden with papers.

    "I am Ambassador Édouard, who do I have the pleasure of speaking to this morning?" The portly man says.

    Tannin begins to recite his family name and line, as is custom. While doing so, he presents the royal ambassador with his patents of nobility.

  3. "My my!" Édouard says with a hearty chuckle.

    "I am on my erranty tour, and wish to send word back home. I hope that with my recent accomplishments, my father might elevate me to a full knight. I was hopping this office could send a missive on my behalf. I still have much to do."

    "You've traveled far for an errant! Tell me of your travels" Édouard says.

    Tannin proceeds to recount his entire tour to the ambassador, who waits patiently and listens intently. As he finishes, The ambassador excuses himself, and returns a few moments later with a group of knights.

    To Tannins confusion, the ambassador asks him to stand. The knights circle him, gaining a measure of him. After a minute, the knights file to the back of the room, and each in turn gives a nod to the ambassador.

    The ambassador gives Tannin a serious look. "We will send your missive, but your father wont be appointing you a position. Both myself and my cadre believe your story. On behalf of King Louen Leoncoeur, I believe you to be fitting of the Title of Royal Knight. Continue on with your current business, and as always be prepared to answer the call of the King and the Lady."

    Casually, the Ambassador tosses Tannin a cloak pin simialr to his own, a symbol of the kings royal knights. The ambassador sets to modifying Tannins Patients of nobility, which now includes a royal seal.

  4. Aara smiles and squeezes his hand. "You were safe, nuur'eni, I promise. But I needed to get away to speak with the bone priest. I fear they might not have allowed everyone into the temple, and I'm loathe to speak of our quest outside."

    Biting her knuckle thoughtfully, she stares up at the stars. "I'm home."

  5. He smiles. "If I didn't have you I'd have fallen and most likely hit my head. Those bone priests were my kind of people. Very interesting..."

    Goddard looks up at the stars too. "How's it feel? Didn't you miss home?"

  6. "Bone priests and Walking Death share a strange companionship. Where I deal death out, he cares for them. Making sure the priests are provided for is part of my responsibility to those who have gone before me and will come after. I can only hope that when it's my time, I am so well cared for."

    At his question, she looks up at the sky and thinks a long moment. "It's like putting on an old pair of shoes. Comfortable and right. I know my place here."

  7. "That's good..." He seems a bit more quiet and distant. " don't hate me? After my kin showed up and kinda pointed me out to everyone..."

    He sighs. "I hope I don't have to sleep with one eye open. I wasn't raised by them...I was a stowaway. To get away from them...I was on a ship like that when I was young. The Empire attacked it..."

  8. Aara unpins her veil and looks him directly in the eye. "I heard a story about a family that was broken through folly, not one of treachery and murder. What you are is of no matter to me. Who you are, nuur'eni, is what's important to me."

    She puts a hand on his chest and smiles. "You'll be safe. Don't worry."

  9. Katarina paces about in her room. She grumbles to herself about Aara and Goddard.

    "I know she can take care of herself, physically. Emotionally, she's still got much to learn of how cold and cruel the ways of love can be. How stupid can you be, Kasha?! You encouraged her to seek this out. Even after everything reminded you of the last time you did that... and look how well that turned out. Ilka has that nasty brand, Alenka nearly lost an eye. Dimitri got that arrow wound. You nearly lost a hand. That Attaman lost his son and was forced to leave the area. And father lost a strong group to pull his Winged Lancers from. But is was worth it that that kidnapping abusive synsuka got killed horribly and that Ilka was saved.

    "Is it happening again with Goddard changing from this harmless philanderer with a lopsided grin to a monster with shifting eyes and a racial propensity to butcher people? Or can I trust him to still be that silly stupid elf boy that wants to flirt with every woman he meets likes he claims?

    "I didn't want to push Aara away in trying to help her. But she is a woman grown and is capable of her own decisions. But maybe if she heard that story..."

    Katarina nods to herself. "Yes, she should hear it. She reminds me so much of Ilka, its best she know why I seem over protective of her." Leaving the room, she heads for the roof, hoping that Aara is alone.

  10. "I'm glad I have you lecai," he puts a hand over hers. "I told that story to see what your opinion might be...I knew one day everyone would find out. I just didn't expect it to be that way."

    He shows her his name on his wrist again. "Goddard Soulshatter of Har Ganeth...that's why I didn't want to tell you where my family name was's the City of Executioners in Naggaraond. My mother was a bride of Khaine."

  11. Katarina pauses on the stairs to the roof, somewhat eavesdropping; but not wanting to interrupt. City of Executioners? Bride of Khaine? My what pleasant names your people have, Goddard..."

  12. "And I am a plain girl from a poor family a day's ride from here," she says. "Does that make a difference to you?"

  13. "I just thought I'd tell you all of that now since I had kept it from you before," he lowers his head.

  14. She shrugs. "Like I said, it makes no matter to me, nuur'eni." Nudging him, she smiles. "So long as you don't plan to butcher me in my sleep."

  15. Katarina waits, seeing if this is a moment to interrupt.

  16. "Never lecai," he says softly holding her hands.

  17. "Then high or dark is of no importance to me. You are Goddard, my adorable nuur'eni."

    Laying her head against his shoulder, she sits in the peaceful warmth and silence.

  18. Seeing an opportunity, Katarina walks up the last few stairs.

    Seeing the two embracing, she pauses then clears her throat. "Pardon me, but could I speak to you Aara... alone."

  19. Goddard's ears flatten when he hears Katarina's voice.

    What does she want...she going to tell Aara all the terrible things about asur?

  20. Aara looks up at Goddard and squeezes his hand. "Peace, Goddard. For me, at least. I won't be long and I'll stay in sight. Pick a constellation and when I return I'll tell you its story."

    She stands, brushing the tip of Goddards ear with her fingers before leading Katarina to a far corner of the roof.

  21. "I'll just go get a bath," he mumble. "That asur ship wasn't terribly accommodating."

    He heads down the stairs, careful to not touch or look at Katarina.

  22. Alone with Katarina, Aara gestures for her to sit. "What is it you'd like to speak of, Kasha?"

  23. "Let me first begin by apologizing. You were right on the ship. You don't need me to be a protector or hover over you. I am sorry for that. You just remind me of my younger sister, Irsa. Long dark hair and deep brown soulful eyes, just like you. While she was also a little plain, people could simply become lost in her eyes.

    "I saw you and... Goddard and things bore a resemblance to an event past that happened to my dear sister. I didn't want to see you hurt emotionally and physically. That tale is tragic and cost my family and my love; but it would have cost us more if my brother Alkesandr had not come to me and my Dimitri that night."

  24. "As I said, I appreciate what you meant. But the way you went about it wasn't fair. But your apology is accepted."

  25. Goddard gets into the wash room and looks around. "Wow...this looks like something I need..."

    Yes Master. Your kin kept quite a messy ship.

    "No kidding," Goddard responds as he tries carefully to not get stuck in the fabric again.

    "Phew! No I have mastered the skill of removing this type of clothing..." he smirks at Nacht who is sitting on the edge of the tub.

    I never doubted you for a second Master.

    Goddard hops into the tub. "I think imma stay in here for a nice long time..."

  26. So does one actually get cleaned? The shadow floats around the room.

    "I don't know...nor do I care right now," he pinches his nose, take a deep breath, and holds it as he quickly goes underwater and then pops back up.

    Is that necessary Master?

    "Of course it is! You can drown in almost any amount of liquid...people have drowned in bowls of soup for Sigmar's sake!"

    When you are right, you are right Master...

  27. "Thank you." Katarina replies visibly relieved.

    "I should have never have stuck my nose into this once, let alone twice. I could not bear to have helped cause you any of the pain my sister went through at the hands of that whoreson! And the mark he left on her..."

    Aara can see Kasha's hands clench into fists of anger at the last.

    The girl stops herself taking a few deep breaths. "Many who meet me see me as cold, you've seen more of the truth. My sisterhood is called to be dispassionate and sometimes something happens to us and there is a change and our hearts grow cold... my aunt chides me still. And if she ever knew my part in that night.

    "I ramble on about something you know nothing about. Would you like to hear of why I fear for you, Aara?"

  28. Aara nods. Goddard mentioned something about what she saw. I didn't understand now, but perhaps this will enlighten me.

  29. Goddard begins to poke at the vials that are around the tub. "What is this for?"

    Maybe to make your bath into a soup for drowning hehe...

    " are father's creation," Goddard groans. "I bet Aara would know," he says slyly.

  30. Katarina sits down and takes a breath.

    "It started 3 years ago. An Attatman, a leader of a more nomadic family or clan of Ungol descent, came into my father's territory. He had a son who met met sister Irsa and fell madly in love with her.

    "Irsa wrote me to tell of the new people in the area and their signing a pact with my father. And how this boy was completely smitten with her.

    "I had come across this clan with my aunt and the soldiers under her command chasing down a pack of goblins that had raided some grain stores. The young man was very handsome and seemed kind. So I offered sisterly advice that if she felt inclined, to return his attentions. It would potential make for a smart match and if there was love, then all the better.

    "She did and she was happy, until things began to change. The kind young man became cruel, not to her, but to others and to animals as well. It was if a mask began to slip off. Irsa confided in our brother, Aleksandr, that she didn't know if she could love a man that abusive to others.

    "Eventually, his wrath fell on her. She defended a servant girl, a child, who spilled a serving dish. The whoreson had picked the child up by throat and was strangling her with one hand. Irsa told him to stop, but saw only madness in his eyes. He slapped her and knocked her to the ground. He immediately became sorrowful and apologized that it would never happen again. But then it did.

    "Irsa was scared when she wrote me. I advised her to break it off, telling Father and Mother. Mother may be a cold woman, but she is not one to ignore the abuse of her children. Sadly, Irsa only told Aleksandr when she ended the courtship.

    "The whoreson had enough gall to come to the estate demanding her. He met with the point of Aleksandr's sword and the promise of a slow death if he ever thought to see or touch Irsa again. The next week when my parents were out in Kislev on matters, Irsa disappeared from her room. Aleksandr knew it to be a kidnapping. He rode to my uncle's estate to let me know what had happened. In anger I gathered my armor and weapons. Dimitri would not hear of me going alone with Aleksandr to reclaim our sister, so he came with us.

    "The rest of that day is something I never wish to encounter for the rest of my life..."

  31. "Before you go farther, Kasha, I should tell you that my situation with Goddard is vastly different. One instance being that this seems to have happened almost without our knowing, not at anyone's encouragement. Another being that Master Koroush, who I belong to and will not let this continue should he see so much as a shadow of violence toward me."

  32. She looks down at her hands. "And I trust him. He will not hurt me."

  33. "I think you should get Aara," Goddard mumbles as he sniffs the contents of the vials. "Wait until she's done talking to that witch though...don't interrupt her...she might come and ruin this bath."

    You sure Master? With you in this...state?

    "Oh of course!" he laughs. "Especially while in this state..." are just...

    It floats away and silently watches the women talk.

  34. "In a many ways it is, but not all violence is physical." Katarina concedes. "I see myself as encouraging you and the end of the argument you encountered initially began as encouragement to Goddard. He starting becoming nervous about his caring for you. He seemed to get cold feet. I tried to spark him past that nervousness; but something else was triggered instead.

    "In the end, we didn't let it continue either. But some of the damage was already done.

    "When we arrived at their settlement, the wedding tradition had already begun. Irsa was in the main tent effectively under guard of most every man in the clan. The rest including some bear tamers were patrolling the area to make sure that nothing interrupted the proceedings. They knew Aleksandr would try something to defend his sister's honour. They did not plan on me or the hardened soldier of Dimitri.

    "We were able to take out the closest sentries and sneak into camp. Looking for a way to scatter the group. They had sacrificed a bull as an offering and also as a feast. Bottles and skins of alcohol littered the camp. I was sent to find and make sure none of the women would interfere, but found a tent with a few sleeping drunkards. As I was there another entered and I was forced to hide. In order to escape I had to strangle the man from behind with his own socks.

    "Dimitri took some of the full bottle and made little bombs from them. He set fire to part of the cap and set out a warning. That drew enough of the men away. So Aleksandr could sneak into the main tent.

    "I found the servants under guard with a small girl tied above a pot of boiling oil. Killing the guards I nearly lost my right hand from a cut. Freeing the servants, they told me the girl had been held as collateral to make sure Irsa went through with the marriage. The girl would die first if Irsa said no in the morning.

    "The trickery was discovered and the men returned. Finding Dimitri, they attacked. He was wounded with an arrow before he was able to engage them hand to hand. Aleksandr began a duel with the whoreson and killed him in front of his father.

    "The servants were angry at their treatment and wanted blood for blood. I lead them outside, where they engaged the men of the camp. Dimitri and I entered the main tent. Aleksandr now had a bloody cut down one eye and had one arm wrapped around Irsa the other held his sword in defense. The whoreson's father had his weapon raised for attack, but backed off at my presence. Ice Witches are feared and respect in my country, apprentices not so much; but my robes were enough to cause hesitation.

    "He was warned to leave my father's lands under penalty of death. We shuffled Irsa on to Aleksadr's horse and the servant girl onto mine. It was then that the Attaman had one last trick, he called down one of his bear tamers on us. The beast attacked, but Dimitri charged the creature and took the brunt of its blows on his armor. He slayed the bear that night while I use a spell to kill its tamer."

  35. Katarina continues...

    "It was near the mid of night when we rode from the burning camp. We rode til the near exhaustion of our horses, barely making it to a known safe refuge. It was there we saw some of the horror done to Irsa. She had been beaten and tied up, but the whoreson had taken a cattle brand and marked her lower back with his family's symbol... marking her as their property... cattle.

    "Aleksander has the scar above his eye. Irsa has recovered mostly, but still bears that horrible mark, I have the scar on my wrist." Katarina rolls up her sleeve and an odd scar goes along part of her wrist on the inside.

    "Dimitri... many would say he cursed himself that night. Bears are sacred animals and to kill one even in defense is... dangerous.

    "I will not lie to you, during that argument with Goddard he started saying things about becoming possessive and overly jealous. He became very frightening in his manner and speech. He said a human could not understand that it was an elf thing, but I have seen them in a human before. Seeing that ship of butchers drove his words deeper.

    "I know you have Koroush to protect you and you yourself are an able combatant. Most likely more than enough to kill me or even Goddard, maybe even combined. But still I have seen horrors and have a sister's concern in my heart for you, Aara. But I respect your decisions and want you to find some of the happiness that comes from giving and receiving love."

  36. Aara looks down. "I can see why you wouldn't like the reminder. But I don't understand what there is to fear from Goddard.'

  37. "At first, I would have only worried about him being a flirt and a little more than a man with a wandering eye and hand. That coupled with a woman not completely skilled in the ways of the sidenʹya emotsiy, where your emotions sit; it could have ended with painful feelings. But nothing dangerous.

    "It was when he started speaking to me that he couldn't care for you in the same way lest he become addicted, obsessed and possessive... that is what scared me. It had never occurred to me that could be the case, he had told of how all he did was never leave his home, read books, cook, and clean. I just read his nervousness as being something along the lines him never having had actually feelings of care for someone before.

    "Seeing the rest of his kin, those words took on much darker meaning. I'm not sure that I can trust him. He says he chooses to not be like them... and is either a perfect liar or honestly choosing to be different. In my eyes, only time will tell; I want to believe him though. But I trust you Aara and Koroush."

  38. Aara nods. "Thank you, Kasha. It makes sense that you would feel that way. I will think more on what you've said and take care. But until I have a reason not to, I will believe and trust Goddard."

  39. Poor Master...this horrible woman doesn't understand...

    "What? What horrible woman? Sarath? What's she saying about me!" One of the vials slips and falls into the water. "Ugh I hope that didn't break..."

    I'm afraid to ask what you broke Master...

    "SHUT IT!"

    She's talking about how you will get possessive and obsessed over Aara...

    "She wasn't listening to a damn thing," Goddard grumbles as he tries to find the vial.

    You were vague Master...

    "I had to be..."

  40. Katarina smiles. "Time will tell. But to better topics of conversation.

    "I was asking Koroush for things to know about your city and culture here. One to be safe and another for curiosity. Naturally, he could offer me little about what a woman should expect. I felt I ought to get your expert opinion before we set out tomorrow morning."

  41. Aara shrugged. "Keep your face.covered and act modestly. I'll do my best to keep us in safe houses, but unless I say it's safe, don't unveil outside even if I do so. I'm...less likely to be accosted than an outsider.

  42. "Koroush said something about speaking and men as well. Is it I am not supposed to speak to men or just in public? I think I know what Goddard might prefer of me now."

  43. "Speak to me, softly, when in public if possible. It will not be so hard. Just keep in mind that it's not personal. It's just how things are. We could no more change it than tannin can change being an infidel."

  44. Katarina smiles and pats Aara reassuringly on the hand. "I know. Its so different from my country though, I might just be speechless due to looking at everything. I'll do my best. Tannin is the one I worry about though, your two countries seem to have a 'history' with each other."

  45. Lecai...Master is confused about the vials in the tub and could use your help...I could relay the information but I really think he needs you to be there...

  46. Aara nodded. "Thank you, I'll be there presently." Standing, she smiled at Katarina. "And thank you for sharing this with me. I won't forget."

    Moments later, she steps into the steamy, dimly lit bath room. "You needed me, nuur'eni?"

  47. Katarina giggles a little. "You might want to go help him. If he can't figure out those beautiful scented oils, he might not be the evil mastermind I think he is.

    "Thank you for your time and the advice, Aara. I will see you in the morning. Koroush has decided we will set out for a library to learn more of this vampire and that we should also seek council from the bone priests in the morning."

  48. "Yes," he mumbles as he finally fishes out the vial he dropped into the water. "What is this? Where is the soap?" he hands her a vial.

  49. She smiles and retrieves a length of ribbon to tie her hair back. "You're holding it."

    Aara moves to the fire and grabs a pitcher full of hot water and a sponge. She sniffs a few oils before settling on one, then pours a generous amount into his bath and swirls it around. A slightly earthy smell fills the air and she nods. Plucking the via from him hand, she dips the sponge in the clean water, then pours the thicker liquid onto it.

    "There, dearest," she says, handing it to him. Seating herself on a nearby stool, she laughs at his expression. "Rub it like a bar of soap, it will lather."

  50. "Ahhh ok. I'd have made a mess if you didn't help me."

    He looks away. "So...what did the ice with want?" he asks. "Did she spit out horrible lies?"

  51. "She told me a disturbing story about her sister's experience with and abusive lover. Her concerns are understandable, but not particularly valid." Reaching for another sponge, she soaps it and begins to wash his back. "And in the light of things, she isn't certain she can trust you. I however, reason to feel that way."

  52. "What?" He exclaims annoyed. "Is she trying to compare me to an abusive lover?! I'm the best lover! I'm only abusive if you ask!"

    "I like that kind of stuff...and some women like it too," he says thoughtfully.

    "But the nerve of that crazy witch! And too bad for her, she'll never find out what kind of lover I am," he splashes water on his face.

  53. Aara laughs and pours clean hot water over his shoulders. "I wouldn't say she thinks you're abusive, but it seems your explination of your feelings sounded...what was her word? Possessive. Addicted." She giggles and skitters her fingers over the back of his neck. "Although I think I might like being the object of addiction."

  54. Goddard chuckles when she touches his neck.

    "That...if she didn't infuriate me so, I would have explained better. Asur don't feel as humans do. We feel more deeply. We get curious about feeling even more deeply..."

    "Sometimes 'normal' ways of getting that feeling one craves, stop becoming enough and you look for something new or you try different and stronger ways to feel..."

    "Which is why I asked the witch to zap me," he grumbles quickly at the end.

  55. Aara nods. "It's similar with humans. Sometimes feelings just go numb, and you have to search out a stronger version. It makes sense." Sitting back down, her shoulders are just level with the rim of the tub. "Perhaps you should at least hear her out, nuur'eni. And give yourself a chance to explain. Katarina had my safety and happiness at heart, and we all cannot bear so much discord among us."

  56. "Except the levels asur need, a human may not survive."

    His ears go flat against his head. "I'm not talking to her...she's mad! Maybe more so than father! And that's pretty bad..."

    This is true... the shadow speaks to Aara.

  57. "It was only a suggestion." Rising, she went to the door and asked the servant waiting there to prepare a second bath. "Should I send your clothing to be laundered? There's a robe for you to wear in the meantime."

  58. "Fresh clean clothes too? This place is great," he hops out of the tub and makes no hurry getting to the robe and putting it on.

  59. Aara gasps and instantly covers her eyes. "Goddard! What are you- why- I- cover up! For my sake!"

    Turning completely around, she peeks through her hand just enough to grab a long robe and throw it at him.

  60. "Ok ok," he laughs. "It's a bad thing to even just look?" He puts the robe on. "This thing is amazing."

  61. "It's...I don't know," her face is red with embarassment when she finally uncovers her eyes. Moving behind a curtain, she changes into a robe herself, then hands both sets of clothing to the servant waiting.

    "This is a safe house. It's designed to care for people like me," she explains as she sits back down, waiting for her bath to be finished. "There's one in every city. We can come here and know that we will not be informed upon, the walls have no ears, and can rest without being on guard all the time. We can even seek medical attention here. When I was in training, I was taught the pattern and signs to find them. That's why there's been no objection to anyone's request."

  62. She's avoiding the question!

    "I see, " he says watching the bath get made. "It's been very nice to be able to relax since we started this adventure."

  63. When it's ready and the servant bows out, she adds an oil that produces a lovely jasamine scent. Another produces a thick series of bubbles when agitated. "Turn around, nuur'eni," she instructs. "Just for a moment."

    When he does so, chuckling, she slips quickly from her robe to the bath, sighing as she sinks into the hot water nearly up to her chin. "You can turn back around."

    I feel like I wasn't fast enough...or does he always look at me that way? she thinks as she uses the ribbon to secure her hair high above the water.

  64. Goddard walks up to the tub and leans his back against it. "How far away is your home from here?"

  65. "It depends on which home you mean. Before I met Koroush, I traveled back and forth from here to a tiny little village a day's ride from here. Medena, Master's seat of power, is 20 days' ride to the south."

  66. "That. Castle Koroush. With the dancing and the harem..." He chuckles as he thinks about what it might be like there.

  67. Aara laughs. "You mean Behnam Alcazar. Access to the harem will have to be granted by Master's father. There are groves of fruit trees, gardens of exceptional beauty, and extensive libraries. There will be dancing and tumbling at the feasts to celebrate his homecoming."

  68. "Did Koroush get his winning personality from his father?" Goddard mumbles.

    I hope this guy is much more generous...

  69. She thinks a long moment. "You could say that. The Khalif is far more stern than Koroush. Our time away has given him some measure of flexibility."

  70. "Oh Sigmar, why," Goddard slides down to the floor. "More stern? Flexible?! You're kidding right?" He shakes his head.

  71. Aara shook her head as she soaped a sponge. "I wouldn't suggest a trip to the harem. I have revenge to take out on Koroush for making me go silent for a day." She grinned wickedly as she lifted a leg out of the water to wash. "If I have my way, he won't be able to walk for a week."

  72. "How exactly are you going to do that?! I've been told I can do the same," he snickers ,"but I somehow don't think it's with the same...methods."

  73. "Wouldn't you love to know." Untying her hair, she slides under the water to dampen it, then soaps it too. "There are some things I've learned from the harem, some pleasant, some not so pleasant."

  74. Goddard stands up quickly and peeks over the edge of the tub. "I'm dyin to know."

  75. She splashes his face. "You heard Master Koroush." Deepening her voice to a comedic level, she imitates his smooth cadence. "'If you desire more than mere companionship, you must speak with me first,' remember?" She dunks her head again to rinse, then just leans back against the wall.

    "I have dreamed about a decent bath for months," she sighs.

  76. His ears droop. "That's so...awkward..." He slides back to the floor.

    "Ahh the things I've dreamed about..." he mumbles.

  77. "All the same, he is my protector and guardian. And I cannot do it." She hangs a hand out the side, toying with a piece of his damp hair. "What are those things, and who are they done with?"

  78. "Hmmm...what? The not being able to walk thing," he chuckles. "If I tell you, you're probably going to turn as red as an apple! Or pull my hair out..."

  79. She gives his hair a gentle tug. "You said you liked your hair being pulled," she laughs. She's quiet a long moment. "Nuur'eni, the night of the argument...Katarina said she'd try to spark you past your nervousness, and something else was triggered. And you tried to tell me to go ask her what she'd seen.

    "Goddard, what did she see in you?"

  80. "Spark me past my nervousness? She viciously attacked me with her big mouth! And not in a good way..."

  81. "Then you tell me what happened. I only caught the last part of it before coming back for you." Aara massages one of his ears gently. "All I know is you were shouting at each other, and as I came on deck you were storming off to your cabin."

  82. He gets quiet for a long moment then finally speaks. "I do want to show you's not easy. It's easy to show the witch because she's infuriating and she hates me. I could never feel that way toward you..."

  83. Aara nods. "Alright, nuur'eni. I just hate that the two of you have come to such terms because of me."

  84. "You have to be mad...want to hurt me...maybe if we spar..." Goddard looks down at the floor, thinking.

  85. "Are you afraid of what will happen?" she asks quietly.

  86. "My mother...she used to tell me that there is only one way to handle fear, and that is to force fear's hand. If you would like to try, we can go into the basement and spar."

  87. "But...our clothes went off to get washed," he says confused.

  88. "I can fight in a skirt, I should be able to fight in a robe. Cover your eyes and don't peek."

    She gets out, wraps up in a large towel, and goes behind a curtain to dry off and slip into her robe. A few minutes later, she emerges, her robe dragging the floor. "'s a little long, but I can manage." She holds out a hand to him. "Shall we?"

  89. "Merciful Morr! Yes!" He takes her hand, grinning.

  90. Aara leads him down the stairs and through the common room. After speaking to the innkeeper for a moment, she leads Goddard down to the basement.

    It's a simple room, well lit and spacious. There's a slight give to the floor, revealing how well padded it is. Along one wall is a wide selection of wooden sparring weapons. Aara selects a scimitar and goes through a few movements of her morning routine to check it's weight. Because of her fighting style, it looks like she practically dancing with the weapon.

    "Take your pick, nuur'eni. Although I'm afraid there isn't a scythe."

  91. Goddard stares at her a moment before he finally snaps out of it and picks up a staff. He swings it around some, getting used to the fact that there isn't a blade attached to the end of it.

    "Close enough..."

    This is so not going to work...might work for something else but defiantly not what you wanted to do...

  92. Without warning, Aara attacks. One hand holds the weapon while she uses the other to control the extra length of robe.

  93. Shocked, Goddard manages to block the attack. His foot slips and he almost falls. His eyes are not focused on where they should be.

    He laughs. "I don't think this is going to work." He swings low, aiming for her feet.

  94. She springs into the air, narrowly avoiding his swing and stretches her sword arm toward the hand on his staff.

  95. She catches his fingers.
    "Ow ow," he laughs and moves forward past her, flicking the bottom of the staff up and catching her robe.

    "So close..." He smirks.

  96. "Oops," she says, smiling sweetly. "Having fun yet?" When he sweeps past her lunge, she shifts mid-movement and uses her leg to propel her into the air, sword dancing toward his head.

  97. Distracted by fluttering robes, she gets Goddard in the back of his head. He falls over onto the floor. He's laughing.

  98. His staff catches the edge of her robe and takes her down with him. With a loud "oomph!" she lands on him, one of his arms tangled with her legs and the other pinned beneath her. She's laughing so hard she doesn't even make a sound.

  99. "Are you ok," Goddard manages to finally speak. When he pulls his arm away he slides a finger down her leg and sits up. "That was too fun for words.

  100. She nods, gasping for air. Crawling off him, she takes a moment to catch her breath. "I don't think I've had that much fun in a long time," she manages. Sitting up and making sure she's covered, she pushes her mass of hair behind her. "You are quite the opponent when you're focused. I think I'll take to wearing bathrobes all the time."

  101. Goddard falls on his back again with her suggestion. "I love bath robes..." He puts his hands behind his head and closes his eyes. "You should tell me a story now."

  102. Aara lays with her head on his stomach. "Hmmm..."

    "Once, long before our races began to fight over land and wealth, before your family splintered, Allay and Uzzaya walked the earth together. She was fearsome with her weapon, and blinding in her beauty. Allay was gentle and kind, and could see into people's souls.

    "It is said that they came to a village where a virgin was being given to her husband the next day, and everyone was preparing for a large wedding. The man already had ten wives and he was cruel to them all, but he was rich and her family was desperate for money."

  103. "10 wives? I'd have a hard time getting one! Lucky...I don't know how I could make time for every single one of them...but...I guess I could figure it out."

  104. "He bought them all, silly. And he was cruel so it didn't matter if he made time for them.

    "Allay saw into his heart and knew the girl would be dead within the season if allowed to marry him. He told Uzzaya to spirit her away in the night, to train her so she may defend herself.

    "Uzzaya did as she was told, and Allay stopped the moon in the sky so everyone slept for one whole year without waking. In that year, the girl, who was named Adahara, became a great warrior under Uzzaya's gentle teaching.

    "Before Allay allowed the moon to move on her path, he went to Adahara and asked her what she would do with her life.

    "Adahara knew this question would come, and was prepared. "Master, I would form a band of women to fight against the cruelties of men. They shall be priestesses of Uzzaya and do her bidding, and they should all be virgins."

  105. "Well I would obviously be a much better husband to my 10 wives..."

    "A whole year of sleep...sounds great. Catch up on all that missed sleep."

  106. She laughs. "Just what has you up at night, love? You seemed to sleep well enough to me."

    "Allay thought over this and agreed, for he had dreamed of a time when women would need the strength to protect themselves.

    "So Allay and Uzzaya left the village at dawn, allowing Adahara to form her priestesses. But it was not long into her new life that the man whom she had rejected went into a rage and killed her on the steps of her own temple.

    "But her death was not in vain. The priestesses of Adaharas Virgins live on, and can be found in the temples of Uzzaya, caring for women and.children, protecting them when necessary."

    She took a deep breath. How was that?"

  107. "That was one of the few nights I have actually slept's bats...the thought of those things stuck in my thank you! And they do get stuck."

    "I liked it lecai...I may not seem like it, but I think women should be treated well and should be able to and encouraged to stab someone if need be. Don;t tell the witch I said that...if i look at her funny, she may take me up on that and it won't be fun."

  108. Aara sat up. "Speaking of sleep, we should go upstairs and to our pallets. They don't look soft, but they are lovelier than anything we've had recently. Perhaps you'd like to sleep next to me? I'd like to keep an eye on you just in case," she suggests. "And I imagine our clothing is clean and dry."

  109. "Can't I just sleep in this?" he crawls over and puts his head in her lap and curls up.

  110. Later in the night, Katarina sits bolt up right in bed. Sweat covers her body and she breathes heavily.

    It was just a nightmare, the elves aren't here. You are safe, Kasha.

    Rising, she feels her way to a pitcher of water and takes a long drink. Leaving her room, she goes up to the roof. Looking at the stars, her brow furrows.

    They're mostly wrong. The Great Bear should be off to my left and the Cub with too. And why can I see the Kossar? Such a strange land; the stars are off, making underground buildings for the dead, low walls around a major city, even the material of the buildings is odd. The domes on some of the buildings in the distance are quite beautiful though, a little bit of home at least.

    Tannin seemed to think that there was some sort of ambassador here for his people. Is it too much to hope that one for Kislev exists as well? Probably not. Still I need to get another letter back to uchitelʹnitsa Mishka. Whoever this Herr Schmidt is , he's powerful and definitely cannot be trusted. To command the respect and admiration of such monsters...

    She shudders less from the chill night air and more from fear seizing her heart.

  111. Goddard and Aara reappear. She heads to bed but Goddard isn't quiet sleepy yet, nor is he ready to give up the robe. He does however keep his scythe close.

  112. Tannin heads to the roof. Its been a whille since hes seen the night sky without it moving around. Hes taken off most of his armor...most of it. He is still fully kitted from the waist down, but only wears a simple tunic and cloak to protect against the cold. To further protect agisnts the cold, he also carries one of his bottles of Bretonnian Blackberry brandy, as well as some left over food from dinner.

    Seeing katarina on the roof, he walks over to sit beside her. Wordlessly, he pops the cork and offers the bottle to her.

  113. After long while, Katarina begins to think of heading back down. The chill in the air is becoming to much in the thin linen robe. I imagine it would be too late to call for another hot bath. A shame, perhaps tomorrow before we leave. Their oils were magnificent.

    Pulling a strand of her hair forward, she inhales the scent of jasmine and smiles. Such wonderful scents.

    The sound of a cork next to her causes her to jump slightly. "Tannin! What? What are you doing up here so late?" she asks a little breathless.

  114. Tannin shrugs, and takes a long drink.
    "I havnt seen the sky not moving in some time. Between that sensation and the dark elf pleasure yacht (he says that completely seriously) I figured laying by the stars and having a nice drink seemed like a great idea."

  115. "Hmmm...those two are up on the roof," Goddard whispers.

    Shall I go spy Master?

    "What? No! Don't do that!"

    But Master! You know the iceberg speaks ill of you!

    "I can't take you seriously when you call her such things," Goddard stifles a laugh.

  116. Katarina takes the proffered bottle and downs some of the wine. A little won't hurt to weaken the nightmares.

    "Its more of the elves for me. I had a nightmare and needed some fresh air. Thank you for staying so close on that horrible ship, it meant a lot that you were there and stayed awake the entire time."

  117. It could be a plot against your life Master!

    "I'm sure there is a plot to kill me somewhere in her head but you can't spy on them! That's...I're not doing it!"

    Yes Master. Further proof that you are a kind trusting soul.

    Godard just stares at the shadow as if it were insane.

  118. And Master...if she intends to kill you, why not get her first?

    Goddard slaps his own forehead.

    Its the safest way to go Master!

    "No that's the craziest way to follow my suggestions! You stop making suggestions.!"

    Yes Master.

  119. Downing another considerable measure, Tannin says
    "Admittedly, I was hopping one of those corsairs would try somthing. I favor those cloaks they wear. Fits the legend of Tannin, Coeur de Dragon, that my brother cultivated amongst the pesents in our town. Leon is such a fantastic story teller that for the longest time the commoners thought that my mother had infact given birth to a dragon, when in reality Im no more a dragon then you are."

  120. Taking another drought, Katarina looks curiously at Tannin. "What does Coeur mean?"

  121. "So...what do you suggest I try and find for breakfast tomorrow," Goddard smirks.

    But...but...MASTER! You told me not to suggest things! Why do you confuse me so!

    Goddard snickers. are truly a cactus!

  122. Struggling for the words, Tannin eventually says "It dosnt translate well. Literally the phrase coeur de mégère translates to Heart of Dragon, but The Dragonhearted would be more accurate"

  123. "You would suggest such a spikey food?"

    Master, I am sure you could pull those off and find a use for them...

    "Yeah...I could couldn't I...HEY! What are you suggesting?"

    Nothing Master...hehe

  124. "Very impressive to be sure." she replies taking another drought.

    After a few moments of silence. She speaks up again. "I feel like we're being watched. I had it for some time before you came up here. Now I feel it again. Like there is someone out there in the shadows who is just staring at us intently."

  125. Taking a deep swig, Tannin says simply "Do we care that we are being watched? If its an Assassin, eventually he will strike. Otherwise, what would the watcher gain? The Bretonnian and the Keslivte enjoy the stars and a stiff drink at night?"

  126. "I don't know. Something is just off... Maybe its my nerves, still not recovered from that ship. I have seen horrible things. The results of greenskin raids, battle field injuries, and even some whoreson's torturous ideas of fun... but never have I encountered anything like that ship. And never will not be a short enough time to encounter one again."

    Looking somewhat pained, Katarina sighs and closes her eyes.

  127. Goddard finally changes out of the bathrobe and sits by whatever dim light he can find with one of the tomes. Ghyran.


    He grabs the Shyish tome.


  128. "Get me a light," Goddard whispers.

    Master, I can't do that.

    "Well why not?!"

    The shadow flies through Goddard's face. "Oh...that...why did father make you that way?"

    Because you would have killed me as soon as you saw me Master.

    "Oh yeah, that's right...darn...this will be fine then."

    Goddard has every tome opened to a particularly interesting page. He takes his writing book out and turns to the last clean page. It's where he and Aara wrote their names.

    I never asked her what that was...

    He goes to the next page and begins to write.

  129. In the last hour before dawn, Aara wakes with a start. She sits up, tightening her robe and looking around. Silly haven't had that dream in years. Reaching back, she rubs at the scar over her shoulder. Shaking the last images of the dream from her mind, she sees Goddard huddled by the only lamp lit in the room. He seems extremely engrossed in one of his books.

    Moving slowly and quietly so as not to disturb him, she rises and walks through the shadows, then turns the lamp up so it's light is brighter.

  130. Goddard yawns and rubs his eyes. He looks up only long enough to see that it is Aara then motions for her to sit by him.

    "I forgot to ask you," he flips back a surprisingly large amount of pages to get back to where they wrote their names. "You couldn't talk and tell me what this meant."

    He yawns again.

  131. She tuckes her robe around her feet and looks over the book. "Oh, that just says nuur'eni. Aren't you tired?" she yawns.

  132. "A little. When I study, I don't really notice the time or that I'm tired. The next time I get to sleep though, it will be a deep, restful sleep."

    He rubs his eyes again. "It's easier to find peace to sleep than to find peace to study so I took this moment."

  133. She nods. "There will be even less time when we leave the cities and start moving across the dessert. We should make sure you have plenty of oilcloth to keep the sand out of them." She looks out the window, judging the growing light. "Would you like to see something?"

  134. "Sure," he closes all the books back up and stacks them before he follows Aara. "Maybe we can get some of that stuff that helps you wake up?"

  135. Aara leads him up to the roof, turning him to face the vast expanse of desert to the east. The sun is just starting to climb over the horizon to the east, bringing with it an intense pink light slowly brightening the purple gloom. "Just watch," she whispers, taking his hand.

    And then the light hits the sand. It explodes in a rainbow of white, yellow, orange, and red, sparkling like diamonds and rubies across the open waves of sand. As the light grows, she sighs, morning light catching the ruby hanging from the pendant at her throat. The night is chased away as if the old stories were true and there were soldiers fighting in the war between night and day.

    "People think this is called the Burning Sands because of the heat...but this is why."

  136. "Wow..."

    All the sleepiness that was in his eyes is instantly gone.

    "I have never seen anything like this...maybe that's what I can do for a few thousand and see things like this. Things that I have never seen."

  137. Hearing a muffled whimper, Aara and Goddard see two figures sitting in each other's arms in one corner of the roof. Several empty brandy bottles lay around them. Tannin and Katarina are out cold.

    Tannin sits there, a half empty bottle in one hand and his other arm around Katarina protectively. She sits there with both arms around his waist and head head on his chest, thankfully she is not snoring.

  138. "Poor Sir Dragon...not one piece of clothing looks like it was even touched..." Goddard shakes his head.

  139. Aara snorts and bumps against his shoulder. "It's a shame he doesn't have your charm, nuur'eni. You nearly had my robe when we sparred."

  140. "I did?" he asks innocently. "If he wants advice, I'll gladly give it," he laughs. "But...I have a feeling he's on sarath's side where I'm concerned."

  141. Her brow creases and she looks over at the two sleeping. "Sarath? That's not what you called her before."

  142. Goddard crosses his arms. "It's means unyielding hatred," he says simply.

  143. "She must have said some very upsetting things," Aara says. "I wish you could at least be on civil terms. We have a difficult journey ahead of us, and will need each other."

  144. "Tell her to be civil..." he mumbles. "She's the one who went off on me first...if she didn't want to zap me she could have said no..."

  145. Aara wraps her arms around his waist. "You're the one who started that, slapping her on the backside. And then you asked for it, knowing she'd love a chance to put you in your place. I'm not sure I would have turned that oppertunity down," she laughs.

  146. "Ok I deserved what I got for the slap...but that other stuff was after the zap."

    "And...if you could zap me you would?" he grins.

  147. Katarina stirs a little and partially opens her eyes. She gasps and quickly checks her clothing. Satisfied she turns and looks up at Aara and Goddard.

    "This isn't what it looks like." she whispers

  148. "I'm pretty good with those daggers," she whispers. "You saw that already."

    When Katarina wakes up, Aara turns to her with an eyebrow raised. "It isn't?" she asks. "It looks quiet innocent to me."

  149. "It doesn't look like anything" Goddard says disappointed. "So don't even worry about that..."

  150. Katarina, carefully moves Tannin's arm and wobbly stands up. She grips the side of the roof to stabilize herself.

    "Innocent, yes. Then exactly as it appears! Nothing that will cost him. Ugh! Legs asleep, legs asleep."

    She hobbles around trying to get feeling back.

  151. "That's not what I meant when I said I made it so a woman couldn't walk for a week," Goddard chuckles softly leaning toward Aara.

  152. Aara laughs, turning her face into his chest to muffle the sound. "It seems Tannin is greatly lacking in all you skills. Kasha, I'm about to go order breakfast for us, if you like you can have some of your clothing sent to be laundered. Just ask one of the servants."

  153. "Thank you, Aara. I will remember that for later. I think I will need another hot bath to shake the night from my body. It get surprisingly chilly here.

    "I would appreciate it if you didn't mention this to Tannin. He would probably see this as a breach of his honour. When he guarded me on the ship after learning what happened to you, Aara, he slept on his bedroll blocking the door and in his cabin...

    I would hate to cause him undue grief, especially as he is seeking out that Brettonian Ambassador today."

  154. Aara nods. "Of course not, Kasha."

  155. "It's a special derivative of my name for use of family and very close friends." she replies.

  156. "Oh well...I guess I won't call you that..."

  157. Aara sighs. "I wish you two would work this out. Both of you were fighting for the same thing, just from different sides."

  158. Katarina looks away from Aara, not able to hold her eyes. "I don't think I have much to say to the dark sorcerer right now. Maybe if he apologizes and explains some of the things he said in elven and also the Sar... something he yelled at me twice on the galleon."

  159. "And have you apologized for what you've said, proud Kasha? It seems to me that each of you have to take a step forward. Both of you," she says, cutting her eyes to Goddard. "At the very least, be civil to one another. Stubborn mules," she mutters.

  160. "You see what she calls me?" Goddard points an accusing finger at Katarina and crosses his arms again.

    "I at least speak the truth...she just tries to insult me..."

  161. "70 years old and acting like a child, nuur'eni," she chides gently. "You both think you're so worldly and wise, but you can't see what's right before you." She takes Goddard's hand and moves toward the door. "One of you will have to break first."

    With that, she goes inside and down to the common room.

  162. Goddard follows Aara, grumbling. "She doesn't listen! That's her problem. How in the world did any man fall for anything but her body? SHe is cruel and not in a good way..."

  163. Katarina's checks flush further in the cold morning air knowing Aara is right. She clenches her jaw in an effort to not fire a barb back at Goddard.

    She follows them into the common room. And clenches her fists.

    "I apologize for insulting you Goddard. Ata is right, we cannot fight like this. At some point perhaps we can be friends again. I'm going to go get a hot bath now.

    "I will attmept to carry on this conversation then."

  164. This comment has been removed by the author.

  165. Watching her go, Aara slides a look to Goddard. "Goddard, dearest, you know I'm right as well. At least give it a try." Just then Ibben appears, having been playing about the house. "Ibben! Where have you been all night?" she asks, giving him a treat.

  166. Goddard clasps a hand over his mouth, not realizing Katarina was following them.

    "I'm not sorry I slapped your rear end...but I am sorry...I slapped your rear know what I mean..." he grumbles.

  167. Another sigh. "At least it's a start." Turning, she asks the innkeeper for a large breakfast and tea. Going to a table, she sits on a pillow, her robe spread out around her. When he hesitates, she smiles and pats the cushion next to her.

  168. After much maneuvering and shifting on the pillow, Goddard is finally comfortable. "What kind of interesting foods will we be served?" he asks excitedly.

  169. Aara thanks the girl who bring a pot of hot water and a selection of teas. Selecting a jasamine blend, she pours the water over the tiny linen bag and lets it soak. "Sniff them," she whispers, handing him the teas. "They will taste how they smell."

  170. He's like a child with a new toy. Goddard is very curious about the teas, scents, tastes. This is all very different from what he saw in Altdorf and what he got in the dark dusty college. The fanciest food Goddard ever was able to buy was chocolate. He never had money to try anything different that was imported.

    "If they taste like the smell, then these are all going to be delicious!"

  171. "We'll have labneh," she answers, stirring her tea. "It's a warm, flat bread slightly toasted. There will be hummus, jams, garlic, lemon, olives, dried mint, honey, olive oil, and kishta- it's a thick cream made of three kinds of milk. There will also be a selection of fruit, such as figs, dates, and oranges." Watching him with the teas, she plucks one out of the basket and places it into his cup. "You'll like this one," she says, pouring water over the bag.

    A sweet citrus scent rises from it almost instantly. "Let it set for a moment to get the full flavor."

  172. "That all sounds amazing," Goddard says, watching Aara make the tea. "I can't wait to eat."

    He carefully watches the tea in his cup, as if he were watching something very important. "It's like a potion...except I don't have to worry about it killing me," he whispers to himself.

  173. "When I was a little girl, I used to choose jasamine because it was the prettiest flower I knew of. I would tell myself it was a potion, and if I drank it, I would be as pretty as the flower. I'm still somewhat plain, so it didn't work," she laughs as the food starts to arrive.

  174. Goddard looks up at Aara and away from the tea. "You're prettier than the flowers," he smiles.

  175. She blushes and looks down. "I suppose it did work. I just needed a wizard to help it along."

    She begins spreading, sprinkling, and drizzling various things on little triangles of bread, handing small pieces of food to Ibben. "Would you like to see the city today? I need to go to the temple of Uzzaya, you're more than welcome to come along."

  176. "I'd love to go with you," Goddard says, working hard on stacking as many things as he can onto the bread.

  177. Aara laughs at his delight. "I told you, you should just stay here when our mission is complete."

    A servant girl approaches and kneels to whisper in Aara's ear. Looking suprised, she turns to look at her. "Tell him it wasn't necessary, but he has my thanks," she says with a smile.

  178. "I'm considering it..." Goddard says with a mouthful of food. He swallows.

    "What happened?"

  179. "The innkeeper has offered to loan me a dress for the day," she answers. "Walking Death is not an official organization, but a highly respected art form. It's not a reputation one earns lightly. Those who fall under the description tend to visit temples and cities in elaborate costume." She grins. "I think you'll like it."

  180. "If it involves you, of course I'll like it," he smiles. "You don't need any help getting in this costume do you? Or...getting out of it...?" he grins.

  181. Katarina lets the hot water melt her. When the servant girl returns, she asks "I'm curious, do you happen to have any other scents. While this jasmine is beautiful, I was wondering if there was something less floral and more mellow, but feminine."

    The girl bows and returns with several vials. "These fit your request, saydati. The plant they come from grows beyond Nekehara and is prized for its aroma and its flavor in foods." She hands Katarina the vials then pours in another bucket of hot water.

    Thanking her kindly, the young witch lathers up and breathes in the scent. "It does smell good enough to eat."

  182. Aara gives him a playful shove. "No, I do not. Besides, I want you to see the entire thing, not the pieces."

  183. Pinching her nose, Kat slides beneath the water. She rise up and pours a vial into her hair. Lathering it up, she leans back and relaxes some more.

    No stress, no frustrations, nothing but peace at last.

  184. "I'd rather see fabric just go out the window..." he smirks. "But if that's not gonna happen then I will just have to see what this looks like on you. I'll go grab my things and we can head out."

    Goddard heads back to where all his belongings are and stops. Something smells can eat a's very faint.

    He looks around, sniffing the air and following the smell to a closed door. "Ah ha!" he opens the door quickly to the room Katarina is in.

  185. Goddard sees the bathtubs. One is filled with steaming water. Several buckets, a towel and a robe are sit nearby.

  186. "Hmmm...well this isn't right..." he shrugs and walks back out to gather his scythe and belts.

  187. This comment has been removed by the author.

  188. Katarina rises from the tub and reaches for a towel. She looks around. Was someone just in here? Probably the servant girl. Though I would not put it past that elf to declare his dislike for me then try to peep on me in the bath.

    Blotting dry, she dons the robe again and wraps her hair in the towel. Heading to the common room, her stomach rumbles. I hope they have some of the dates, Aarta was telling me about. I should love to try them.

  189. He comes back down, pulling at fabric so it's more comfortable. "I'm sure this is all wrong," he mumbles.

    He looks around a bit for Aara and then asks the innkeeper for her.

  190. Aara emerges from a back room. Her hair is loose and uncovered, her green eyes rimmed with heavy khol. From her nose down is a sheer silk veil covered in silver beading resembling a skull's rictus grin. The bodice is square-necked but modest, the sleeves sheer and full before catching tightly around her wrists. The skirt is full and makes a swishing sound when she walks, the hem a handspan deep with beading and embroidery- mostly skulls and skeletal hands linked together.

    The bells hidden among the beads chime softly, announcing her to Goddard before he sees her.

  191. Goddard's jaw drops.

    Master! Find your words!

  192. This comment has been removed by the author.
