Thursday, November 8, 2012

We're on a floating 2 x 4

Goddard stares at Katarina and shudders. "I'm sure you can think of things my elven brain couldn't even can keep all that to yourself..."


  1. "Oh, but our rat friend just needed to know my plots and schemes..." Katarina says too sweetly.

  2. "Can...can you go back to being violent?" Goddard tilts his head. "When you sound sweeter than chocolate, it sort of scares me..."

  3. "I'm trying to recall, what is chocolate again. I've heard the word and know its something decadent, but don't recall having seen it."

  4. "'ve never had chocolate?" he asks shocked. "You poor thing...hold on."

    He walks over to the saddle bags on Zhane and begins to dump them out one by one. When he seems to not have found what he is looking for, he puts everything back and moves to another.

    "HA! Here we go..." he returns with a 2x2 inch square wrapped in pretty paper. "I try to always have some with me. Makes me think happy thoughts," he says handing it to Katarina.

  5. Katarina opens the box to find slightly melted dark brown lumps wrapped in a thin paper. While the sight is not too appetizing, a wonderous fragrance washes over her.

    "Soo this is chocolate..."

  6. Goddard looks into the box over Katarina's shoulder and laughs. "Ok's not supposed to look like that normally. It's been a little too hot for it lately. But it should still taste good. Try it."

  7. 'Half-witted ladything, her plan-plan makes no sense. And wouldn't work-work anyways...' Neeska thinks, assuring himself even as his minds runs through scenario after scenario to determine what exactly that plan is.

    "Is that pile of droppings for eat-eating? You are a filthy-filthy one, elfthing."

  8. "Are you just grossed out because it's chocolate and not actual droppings?" Goddard smirks. "You animals with your inferior digestive system munch on that all the time..."

  9. Katarina takes a sidestep away from Goddard. But pulls a piece of chocolate out of the box. "You obviously know nothing of our kind if you think that. This is a delicacy where I am from and only the most important people can get a hold of it.

    "So if you want to insult it and don't want any, then we understand that it is just too good for you."
