Sunday, November 4, 2012

We're on a boat...

The party has gotten to know each other a bit the first few days of the trip and are settling in as they head to Sylvania.

Goddard was about to explain what Sigmar's sausage was all about but chuckles and figures it will be a bit more amusing to let them wonder. He walks over to the side and peers down at the water. He shivers a little bit but keeps watching the waves. He continues to listen to the strange conversations and chimes in with inappropriate comments when he feels its....appropriate...


  1. Katarina sighs, turning away from the southerners. Having had enough culuture for the moment, she makes her way back to her horse and gear. Getting back to grooming her horse, Anya, she regains a bit of peace and calm. Rummaging through her bag, she finds two carrots left. As she gives Anya the first, the large Breton horse next to her nudges her several times.

    Katarina smiles a little. "Well, at least horses are all the same where ever they are from." She gives the last carrot to the large warhorse and pets it a few times on the forehead.

  2. Goddard watches Katarina quietly until she feeds a carrot to that silly horse and leaves his beauty carrotless. UNACCEPTABLE! He walks over and hugs his horses head.

    "Oh see that? That pushy horse gets all the should kick his ass..."

    The horse just stands there quietly. No surprise.

    "You disappoint me..."

  3. Hearing the bemoanings of Goddard, Katarina rolls her eyes and wonders to herself. Such a needy elf. I wonder if all his kind are like him.

    "You know that he is actually a she, right? The knight's horse is a mare." she responds to Goddard.

  4. Neeska turns away from the carriage window and lets the curtain fall back into place. "Silly manthings, big horses take all their food-food. Better to eat them instead-stead."

    He looks around the inside of the carriage. He hates it. He shouldn't have to hold up in this wretched contraption for the sake of the pitiful manthing driving the boat. 'Of course,' he thinks, 'outside no better-good. Too many tree-trees.'

    At least its close to dusk, when the wretch goes to sleep and he can emerge from his "cell". He finds himself strangely interested in conversing with the lessers in his charge. 'This is good-good,' he tells himself. 'A good leader should asses-appraise the forces at his command.'

    Until then, he produces and begins to contemplate one of his warpstone tokens, as if great secrets are held in its green glow.

  5. "Oh..."
    A smile creeps across his face and into a toothy grin.
    "Well Zhane my good man, this changes know what to do..."

    He nudges the black horse with his elbow. The animal twitches it's tail and does nothing else.

    "Such a disappointment..."

  6. Katarina shakes her head and tries to supress a smile. "You might want to check if Zhane is a gelding. Most places don't sell stallions for just riding. They are too aggressive with other horses."

  7. In the carriage Crow is sitting on one side looking at Neeska, trying to wield a weapon with his tail. Failing miserably. "Man-things having value-worth", he laughed to him self.

  8. "A what now?" He looks at her confused.
    "The only thing I know about horses is riding them...and feeding them...and cleaning up after them..."

    Goddard starts to grumble and trails off.

  9. "A gelding. It means... well..." Katarina mimics the snipping motion of two fingers that Aaya had done earlier when embarrassing the knight about his beard.

  10. Neeska shakes his head without looking up from his token. "Crow, you are not the only weapon-tool of the Horned Rat. The lessers have their place, AND their use-uses."

    He smilies slightly with mischief.

    "Beside, the metal manthing has more kill-kills than you so far..."

  11. "OH GOSH!"

    Goddard dramatically hugs Zhane's head and pets the animal.

    "What did father do to you!? Such a cruel poor thing...I can still get problem with cuddling..." he raises an eyebrow and looks at Katarina.

  12. "IS cause he cheats-cheats," he says in a raised tone, "He uses horse-beast."

    "Tell me-me. How I do better-better."

  13. "Im sure Zhane is of noble blood, firey spirit, and mighty constitution Goddard, but Dakkar is a Bretonnian warhorse, a bit much for that...pony, I think" Tannin says with a laugh as he joins the group at the horses.

  14. Goddard narrows his eyes at Tannin.
    "One, he's not a 'pony' and two...he can handle any lady...ya know...if he felt like it."

    He lifts up Zhane's long bangs and looks at the animal's eyes.
    "He's not feelin' like it..."

  15. Raising his hands in defence, Tannin says" I jest I jest. Zhane is a fine steed. Looks like he might get spooked when steel starts clashing, but otherwise worthy of any rider"

  16. Katarina smirks as the elf and the human poke at each other. She quietly watches them, bushing out Anya.

  17. "With this hair?" Goddard fluffs the horse's mane.
    "No he's not for fighting...he's for looking good."

    He rubs the horses ears and says something to him in elven.

    Zhane bobs his head up and down.

    Goddard looks at Katarina to see if she take note of his "horse whispering".

  18. "Form over function for you then?" Tannin asks?

    Tannin reaches into one of Dakkar's saddle bags, digging for something. He pulls out a bundle of parchment paper, dragging the banner from his Lance out with it as well, which spills onto the floor.

    "By the ladies fat arse..." he swears under his breath, bending down to pick up his banner.

    He hands Goddard the bundle of parchment. "Treats, for the horses" he says, and begins refolding his banner with care

  19. He finally looks up at that and stares at Crow for a moment before speaking.

    "So you are willing to learn, yes-yes? Good. Your first lesson-counsel: the greatest warrior is as weak-weak as a hairless ratling if he stands alone. Do you think-think it coincidence that the Lords of Decay are all great clan leaders? NO-NO! You must improve-strengthen not only yourself-self but also your underlings, as I am doing with you; and know-know how to use them, as I am doing with the lessers."

    He looks back out the window, noticing first the commotion around the horses and second that the sun had gone down. "And to do that, you must-must understand those you lead-command. Come-come, and observe..."

    He gets up, pulls up his robe's hood, and leaves the carriage.

  20. "We don't usually ride into battle...or ride any where for that matter. I'm surprised father even had a horse. He made me take care of him regardless..."
    He grumbles some more and then curiously watches Tanninfumble around with something.

    "Humans say weird things," Goddard mumbles thinking about that Sigmar saying. He takes a treat and gives it to Zhane.

    He notices motion by the carriage and groans. "Can't we put a lock on that..."

  21. Goddard scoots close to Katarina, his arms folded, and leans toward her.

    "It's getting darker, and...slightly cool...I guess...and the spooky creatures are coming out. Won't you keep me warm?"

  22. Crow just looks at the seer in disbelief, that something is as good as he is. He then gets up and follows him out, needing to move around a bit. By now every one has noticed his garb has changed from leather and simple pants to bulky, lumpy wrappings, black to a deep red in color. He also makes a slight chinging noise as he moves.

  23. "Actually, it still feels exceptionally warm to me. If you feel cold though, you could wrap yourself in Zhane's blanket since your not riding him. It should keep you comfortable." Katarina says rolling her eyes at the ever flirtatious elf.

  24. Goddard's arms flop to his side and he sort of slumps.

    "You do indeed come from a cold cold place..."

    He stands tall again, obviously not seriously affected by her turning him down for the millionth time, and says, "But you'll warm up to me..."

    He goes to walk past the skaven and stops, looking at Crow with confused eyes. "You fuzzballs need to just stay in that carriage...really..."

    He brushes past them and goes to look off the edge of the boat that is closest to this group.

  25. "Come now Goddard, there is plenty of boat for our rat friends. Besides, I bet it gets lonely in that carriage all day." Tannin says, combing his horse

  26. In a low voice, she replies. "Colder than you can imagine."

  27. "Your rat friends..." Goddard grumbles, now looking out at the slowly darkening horizon.

    "Rodents and I don't mix well..."

  28. "Not lonely manthing, but boring-dull. Skaven were not meant for this kind of travel."

  29. "I bet you mix well with fire-fire, elfthing. Why don't be useful for once-once and make us some supper."

  30. "I do apologize for having to keep you locked up in that carriage, but you must understand your kind are not normally met with kindness on the surface. Case and point, Goddard."

    "So Lady Zarakova(sp?), We know so little about you. Care to share stories?" Tannin says. His stomach loudly protests aginst his current action, and he adds "Over a Meal, perhaps? Im sure Neska is hungry also"

  31. Goddard's ears twitch. He walks over to Katarina and takes her hands.

    "If you are hungry, I will gladly cook you something...maybe I can find some candles...we can sit somewhere together...just you and me..."

  32. Katarina looks stunned, but then quickly regains her composure pushing Goddard's hands away. "Goddard, no. I mean... look, you don't even know me. In a way its flattering, but this path is not the way to my heart nor does it lead into my bed. If you want my friendship, you'd do well to not to pursue this farther.

    "Food does sound good, but no dinners alone. Anyone can join." she says with a small smile.

    The young woman picks up her slingbag and moves away from the horses toward the midship. The spot between Goddard and Tannin noticeably colder than it ought to be on a hot summer's night.


  33. "But what better way to get to know me than to have me all to yourself!" Goddard yells to Katarina as she walks off.

    He grabs his sling bag in a huff and stalks off for a kitchen mumbling to himself the entire time he is cooking.

    "What is wrong with her? This stuff ALWAYS works...what does she think? Is she too good for me? No no it can't be...I mean...I'm ME..."

    "Do I need to be..." he stops stirring the soup he's making and goes quiet for a moment, thinking, and then goes back to stirring and mumbling. "Do I need to be NICE? Girls like that? Hmmmm...maybe it's cuz she's from the land of icy crazy women...the silky one isn't as bad..."

    The soup actually smells really really good.

  34. Maybe tetya Mishka is right. While I have much ability to control the magic of our land, I don't have the heart for it. She and Mat' are both very cold women despite being loving towards their family. Is it the magic itself that makes them so, or is it their duty before I knew them. Proklyatiye!

    Sitting down with Tannin. Katarina sighs a little, still ruffled by Goddard's odd advances. As she pulls out some rations and a small silver flask, she turns to the knight. "Well Ser Tannin, it seems I know little of you as well; other than your tendency to fight honor duels for common bar wenches. But let's make a trade. You tell me something, then I'll tell you something.

    "What's your family like? I take they aren't selling you to the highest bidder."

  35. After performing his nightly prayers to the Horned Rat with Crow, Neeska wanders over to the assembling group. He sticks his snout above the bubbling soup, his nose twitching a few times as he sniffs.

    "Not bad elfthing, but it needs more meat-meat." He looks over to the horses, a...hunger? his beady black eyes.

  36. Goddard hears Katarina chatting with Tannin and furiously stirs the soup.

    He grumbles in elven.

    "Oh I like'll sit and talk with him but never mind me who is much more interested...AND trades are better too...I take something off...then she would... stupid Bret knight..."

    Goddard fills a bowl with soup and shoves it at Neeska.
    "I don't have meat-meat so you'll have to deal with this. Unless you go jump in the water and catch me some fish..."

    He scoops soup into 3 small bowls and walks over to the table with all 3 balanced on his arms. He puts 2 down. And notices Katarina has rations.

    "I slave over a hot fire to make you dinner...with love even! And you eat THIS?!"

    He takes his bowl of soup and walks toward the horses.

    He yells back, "And I only made hers with love!"

    He flops down by Zhane and speaks some angry sounding elven in between his angry sips of soup.

  37. "Goddard,I..." she starts as the elf hurriedly walks away. "I didn't know..."

    Feeling a little guilty though not knowing why, Katarina grits her teeth and looks down at the steaming bowl of soup. She picks up the bowl, but shivers slightly. The bowl seems to steam more for a second then stop. Around her the air feels much cooler than before.

    Taking a cautious sip, the soup is now lukewarm at best. She sips some more, feeling more guilty as it is quite good. With a sigh, she looks at Tannin then glances over at where Goddard had settled in.

  38. Goddard finishes his soup and lays down on the deck, looking up at the sky.

    "Zhane...I don't think I'm cut out for social situations..."

    The horse seems to nod.

    "Oh gee thanks!" he says playfully annoyed.

    "I wanna go home..." he whispers.

    Zhane shakes his head.

    "You're a don't know...anything..."

    Zhane presses down on Goddard's stomach with his nose.

    "OW OW OK OK SORRY! You're freakin' me out...too smart...or you want me to pet you...I don't know." He pets the horses forehead and Zhane backs his nose up enough so he isn't squishing Goddard.

    "Just wanna be have no idea what I'm talking about."

  39. After seeing every one with soup, Crow walks to the pot and simply picks it up and goes to sit with Neeska. Letting it cool for a moment, he then downs the rest very quickly. Crow eats just as you would imagine a rat man would, not the neatest of eaters. He spills quite a bit on his wrappings and when he stops to breath he dribbles soup from his mouth. After he finishes it off, he then moves to the side of the boat and looks at the water.

  40. Tannin says a quick prayer to the lady before eating. An awkward mix of future tense "Common" and words that simply have no equivalent. He begins talking, not touching his soup until Katarina does, and then quickly engulfing it.

    "Oh no, I am not for sale. It is our custom for Knights like my self to go out into the world and seek prestige for ourselves, before being fully accepted as a Knight of the realm." Tannin says.

    Reminiscing as if in a flashback, he adds "My family...lets see here. My father is The Count of our dukedom. Hes been blessed by the lady, and stands amongst my nations Grail Knights. He is strong and courageous, but fair. When he holds court, he likes to stand as an equal to everyone. Anyone can bring up any issue, and will be treated fairly. He holds no grudges, what happens in court stays in court. My Mother is a kind woman. Fair of skin and dark of hair. My father credits her with the prosperity of our lands. My brother is currently on his quest for the grail. He wishes to join our father amongst the Grail knights. I havnt seen him in some time. He is much harsher, and would rather solve his issues at the point of a sword rather then with wit or kind word. I do miss him. He was key in my training with sword and lance when I was younger."

  41. "What the..." Goddard hears the clanging of...the pot? He flips over just in time to see Crow polish off the whole pot of soup.

    "What...what if I wanted seconds?!" He sighs. "Well at least someone liked it." He can hear Tannin's voice. He can't tell what he's saying but Goddard is sure he's talking to Katarina. Yeah...she's definitely still sitting there.

    "Blah blah blah blah blah," Goddard makes talking motions with his hand.

  42. A few second later Crow runs back to the carriage going in and closing the door. Not a moment later he comes running back out in nothing but scrap of cloth around his waist and he then leaps over the side of the boat in to the water.

  43. Goddard watches Crow confused and then in shock as he jumps off the side. A few seconds later he sighs. "I should probably go make sure the thing doesn't drown..."

    He walks over to the side where Crow jumped off and looks for the skaven. "Oh it gone?"

  44. Katarina nods thoughtfully. "Hmmm. What is a Knight of the Realm and Grail Knight? I'm sorry, but I'm not understanding those terms."

  45. Goddard sits down on the deck and hangs his legs over the edge. He lifts his legs back up quickly and sits cross legged, looking at the water. That thing might just pop up and grab him...

  46. "Knights that have completed their errantry tour are granted a fief or a position in the household of one of the higher ranking nobles houses. My father has offered many a knight such a position. They do what their lord asks, excepting quests and gaining glory for themselves in the process.

    As for grail knights... They are paragons of the knightly idea. The Lady of the Lake, our goddess, appears the them and grants them a drink from the Holy Grail, which forever transforms them" Tannin explains

  47. "Interesting, so you and I are not much different then in terms of status. We're both apprentices in a sense.

    "Well, as I promised. My family... my father is the Boyar of Chovsk, my grandfather granted him the title and land early, so that he might live free of burden in his remaining years. Chovsk is a large tirsa near the captial, Kislev. It is from the people living there and the Ataman villages around it that my father gains his military support and draws the cavalry, archers, and one of the finest contingents of Winged Lancers in the land.

    My mother is a member of the same Sisterhood I belong to, as is my aunt, and my late grandmothers. She is a wife, a mother to my 5 brothers and sisters, but she defends the realm as fiercely as my father whenever she is called to battle. She is honored for her bravery especially against the greenskins. In one battle, she cut down their banner and delivered the Maiden's Kiss to the leader. With him shattered, the rest of the warband was easily dealt with. That banner hangs in our great hall as a token of that great victory. When I killed my first greenskin at age 14, my aunt granted me this token (she leans in and shows the silver nose stud) as a reminder that my mother's strength runs deep in me.

    "For the most part, unless called to arms to defend our homes or the protect the Empire... we live in peace. The servants and slaves till the land, we raise our special Kislevarin horses, and we enjoy life."

    Katarina opens the flask and takes a swig from it. She offers the flask to Tannin. "This is Kvas. It's said it will put hair on the chest of a man. Something others around here say you seem to lack." She covers her mouth as she tries to stifle a smile and a giggle.

    "I suppose you are wondering about my Sisterhood, aren't you? And why we go to battle?"

  48. "My apprenticeship is already over. This is test. To make sure Im worthy of riding into battle in Her name." Tannin says, taking to offered flask and knocking back a gulp.

    He coughs slightly, but handles it alot better then was probably expected

    "My lands are also plagued with greenskins, but our women do not fight." He says pulling a chain from around his neck and setting it on the table.
    Attached to the chain is a small ork tusk, about 2 inches long, with a small golden Grail device attached to the top where the chain loops into the tusk.

    "Iron orks decided to attack our town when I also was about 14. I had been training with my sword for about 7 years then, and was fairly confident in my skills. " He says, gripping the hilt of the sword on his hip
    "Some of the orks broke though our battle lines and made it into the courtyard of my fathers castle. I caught a lesser greenskin attempted to sneak up on Lord Westle The lion, and cut him collarbone to waist. My first vanquished foe in battle" He says proudly, trailing off.

    Coming back from his thoughts seconds later, he says "Yes I am quite curious about your kind. The concept of women in battle is extremely foreign to me"

  49. After a minute or two of seeing nothing in the water, Goddard stands up and walks past where Tannin and Katarina are talking. He doesn't stop walking but as he walks toward them and past them he says, " seems like we have one less furball to worry about...don't thank me...I actually had nothing to do with it. He threw himself overboard."

    He tries to see if his soup was eaten by the humans but he doesn't get a very good view of the bowls.

  50. "Goddard, please join us! You cooked such a lovely meal I would feel aweful if you didnt have a chance to relax and let us sing your praises!" Tannin says cheerfully

  51. He had just walked past them when Tannin spoke. "Really?" he mutters, his back to them. He shakes his head and spins around.

    "I mean of course it was lovely and I would appreciate some praise for my hard work and efforts!"

    He stands by the two for a bit, seemingly thoughtful. He grabs a chair, puts it as close to Katarina's seat as he can and sits down.

  52. "The soup was lovely, Goddard. I would have it served at my table at any meal!" Tannin Embelishes with a slight bow.

    "Lady Zarakova(sp?) and I were just swapping stories of killing greenskins and the differences between our people" Tannin says, point on the table to his ork tusk neckless

  53. Aara sighed and balanced herself carefully on the rail of the boat. Closing her eyes, she tried to breathe deeply and slowly, but all she could think about was the horror Katarina and Goddard had shown when she explained that her tattooed hands were markings for each person she had slain. Perhaps it was best that she hadn't elaborated. The knowledge that those markings were the names of the dead probably wouldn't have helped matters. Staring down at her hands, she thought on the responsibility they represented: to honor both the dead and Master Koroush. She had a feeling the steel-clad infidel would understand.

    Did they think she was a monster? She hoped not, Goddard reminded her of her favorite harem guard, a sweet but stumbling manchild, and Katarina and her frozen water were fascinating.

    Resolving to withold food from herself until the next day, she closed her eyes and thought of home.

  54. "Then we are still fairly even. I was sent to the Empire to deliver a letter from my Mistress as part of my final test. If I had not been lured by the odds winds that night, I would be returning home.

    "Long ago, the women of the my people learned that those who do not carry swords can still die upon them... or more usually suffer fates worse than death. Women have been very important in our culture to begin with. We are not commoodoties nor tokens for men to fight over. We have a voice equal to or greater than any man.

    "In that time, before there was one nation and one unified people, there arose tribal leaders that warred with each other, the orks, the Kurgan, the Norse, the trolls, and other things long since vanished. Some of the Khans that rose to lead these tribes were women, called Khan-Queens. Many were the widows of the Khan, but others rose up to lead of their own power. All though all were shaman priestesses of our gods and learned from one called "The Ancient Widow". The Widow told my ancestors that she was Kislev and that she was the land. She would give her power only to women who wished to be strong enough to defend their families and home; but at the cost of freeing her from Chaos tainted creatures that held her prisoner. The greatest of these priestesses rose up with her husband and began to unite the tribes one by one until he became known as the Khan of the people. When he died in the last battle, his wife, Miska, took the title as Khan-Queen and won the day. United under her, the Godpodars, entered the land that the Ancient Widow had told them about. There they purged the taint and began to settle in the land. Those that wished to join us were allowed, those that chose enmity were destroyed by the powers Kislev gave to her adopted daughters.

    The Ungols joined with us and helped establish our cavalry forces. With the new cavalry and the powers of the Khan Queens... Kislev as a nation was born driving out the Roppsmen, Kurgan, and Norsii. My sisterhood began, led by the Khan-Queen; but its leadership is not tied to the throne. While the political title has changed, and the kingdom is more like others in political structure, the Sisterhood endures as serve Kislev. Kislev is the land, and the land is Kislev. To serve Kislev is to defend her and her children. While our current Tzarina is the head of the Sisterhood and sits on the throne, when her time comes another the leadership of either will probably pass onto different people."

  55. Katarina turns to face Goddard. "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were going to cook for all of us. You seemed angry and left, I assumed wrongly of you. Thank you, though. It was very good." She gives him a slight smile.

    Katarina continues on to Tannin, "The Sisterhood takes an active role in defending the people as our magic is potent and cleansed by the Ancient Widow so that we might never carry the taint of chaos.

    "After I am pronounced ready. I will be called an Ice Maiden and sent to journey and wander the lands learning of magic, the people, and Kislev herself. I take my vow of chastity to emulate the Widow. Until I prove my understanding, I must live by those vows till death take me.

    "Once I achieve that understanding, I will let go of my vows and made a full Ice Witch. Then the Sisterhood will look at what role I can also best serve with my personal life."

  56. Goddard grins at Katarina. "Thank you! And you're most welcome...anything for you..."

    His jaw then sort of drops. "Cha...chastity? You don't take vows seriously do you? Or at least all of them? Any way I can help you understand what you need to understand faster so you can kiss those vows good bye?" He forces a laugh.

  57. "A witch, you say?" Tannin says with extreme sarcasm. He reaches into his bag and plops one of the wheel lock pistols onto the table.

    "Good thing our friend back at the tavern didnt hear you say that." He gestures towards the weapon, and says "Better in the hands of one of us then left to burn, I think. Even if they are...uncivilized"

    "Our young maidens are put through a similar process. They are brought before the prophetess of the Lady, and those that show latent magic abilities are brought before the Lady herself. They are taught to control they powers, and are usually seen at the forfront of our armies. A symbol of what we fight for, and what we fight to protect. Whille I concede the point that those that do not wield steel can still be hurt by it, we Bretonnians understand that and thus train ourselves so that when the time comes, we can more then protect those that cannot protect themselves. It is our duty. It is my duty to protect you and Aara as well, reguardless of how capable you are. I do this because the Lady demands it of me. While I do not wish to offend you, It is a vow I have taken since my Knighting, one I cannot break."

  58. "Very seriously, Goddard. As per my culture, if a woman widowed, she must not take comfort in the arms of another man for the rest of her life. If a widow is found to be improper, she is exiled from the community and go to one of the cities to live as the harlot she must be. The same fate would await me if I broke that vow. I would exiled from the Sisterhood, I would shame my family to the point of being ostracized, and forced out into the world by myself branded for ill repute."

  59. After about an hour goes by sense Goddard saw Crow jump ship. A loud scraping noise can be heard from that side of the ship. Not long after it started Crow emerges from over the side of the boat and in his tail is a small amount of fish, around 8 or so. He then walks over to Neeska and speaks to him, "Have them cook-cook these." he then walks over to Goddard and holds out the fish toward him.

  60. Goddard gets up off the chair, seemingly annoyed.

    "Who cares about your long as your point in being lonely! I know if I had a wife and I inevitably kick the bucket, I'd like her to do whatever made her happy! Even if that was to be with someone else! And that doesn't make you a harlot! And...and if you broke your vow, it's not like you'd be all alone!" He doesn't seem to be "thinking" as he's talking.

    "I...I'd..." his tone softens and he quickly pulls his half mask up over his mouth and pushes past Crow, toward Aara.

    He takes a deep breath and says with a hopeful tone, " don't have any horrible chastity vows do you?"

  61. Katarina watches Goddard and turns to Tannin. "He's absolutely incorrigible."

  62. Aara opens one eye when she hears Goddard approach. Feeling much better and more at peace, she smiles. "No. Master Koroush may disapprove, and thus denying me a physical companion, but there are no vows involved. I carry a blood-debt, and must stay with him until it is fulfilled, but should he choose to have me married or release me to find my own path, I would do so."

  63. "PHEW! That's good to hear..."

    He looks up at the sky. "You don't hate me after all...
    Wait...would his disapproval involve possibly having me killed?" Goddard asks a bit concerned. Maybe Moor does hate him. Lovely women around him with awful rules attached.

  64. "One minute hes fine, the next I doubt he could tell an ork from a horseshoe... Must ave been talkin to the dragons a bit much, eh?" Tannin replys

  65. "What's a horseshoe?" Katarina asks. "Is the ground in Brettonia so difficult that your horses need shoes like us? I don't see any on her now."

  66. With Goddard ignoring him, he moves to the next person at the table, Katarina. He simply holds the fish out waiting for her to take it.

  67. Aara laughs and slides down from the rail. "I'm not sure. I suppose that would depend on his mood. Once a man sought to tear away my veil because he caught a glimpse of my face while washing, and master killed him." She points to a line of marks on the inside of her left wrist. "This is his name, here. It is to remind me that a woman's beauty can be deadly as well."

  68. "Eww, you're dripping everywhere wet rat. Take those to the pot over there." Katarina says recoiling slightly and pointing to where Goddard brought the soup from.

  69. Caught a bit off guard at his jest being completly misunderstood, Tannin chuckles to himself and explains about the horseshoes
    ""A fully armored knight weighs quite a bit, and we ride our horses very hard in battle. We shoe them to insure that the horse comes to no harm in such extreme situations. "

  70. "Oh..." Goddard chuckles nervously. "Um...what kind of mood is he usually he a nice guy...easily angered...jealous...

    "I mean your master really has nothing to worry about right? No need for jealousy that handsome devil..." He says a bit loudly, hoping Koroush may hear this and it may put him in a good enough mood.

  71. "In leather or cloth shoes?" Katarina asks innocently

  72. Crow looks at the pot the back at the girl, and shoves the fish closer.

  73. puzzled, Tannin trys to make sure he comprehends the question, and then continues

    "Its not like a shoe or boot that we would wear. Its a metal half ring that we put on the bottom of their hooves" he says

  74. "How does it stay on if its not ties like a normal shoe or boot?"

    As Crow shoves the fish closer, Katarina pushes them away. "No, thank you. Take those somewhere else, now."

  75. Aara raises an eyebrow before realizing that Goddard probably cannot see it. "Master is always generous and kind to me. He says I am as if a sister to him. Only more useful."

  76. "Generous I mean...If wanted to try something different...and you asked...and he was feeling generous could you do who...whatever you wanted to do?" he fights the urge to get closer to her. He feels like Moor may come for him personally.

  77. Her eyes widen in shock. "I could never ask such a thing of Master Koroush! What shame it would bring him! He would cut out my tongue!"

    She covers her mouth with her hands at the thought.

  78. Scheiße! You idiot! Dumb dumb dumb...

    Goddard's long ears droop and he takes a few steps backward. "Well I had no idea! I'm sorry! So so sorry...that's horrible..." he says genuinely apologetic.

  79. Aara reaches out to touch his arm. "I cannot say such a thing because it is improper for a woman to speak of such to a man. Discussions of such things are done between the requesting individual and the one who holds her loyalty. For example, you would have to speak to Master Koroush."

  80. His ears perk back up.

    "Oh? Um...ok...that's a little awkward...but I will keep that in mind," he manages a chuckle and moves back to where he was previously standing.

    "Has er...anyone ever asked? And lived?" Part of him doesn't even know why he is still talking.

  81. He's a strange one. "Ahh...not to my knowledge. I'm sure Master Koroush could tell you."

  82. " no...or...I'll hold off on that...maybe...maybe later...Oh ya know what...I think that fuzzball wanted me to cook something...yeah...COME HERE RAT THING!" Goddard gives a quick bow and sort of slaps Crow on the back, taking the fish from him.

    "Good job ratte! I thought you drowned..."

  83. Katarina breathes a sigh of relief as Goddard pulls the rat away from her. "Well, he looks the part though."

  84. Finally seeing someone gets it, he follows the elf over to the pot.

  85. "I dunno...I was less pushy after drowning..." Goddard says to Katarina as he pulls a dagger from his boot and begins to prepare the fish, gutting and scaling them.

  86. Aara laughs softly. With little else to do, she falls into the various stretch and movement exercises Koroush taught her. Drawing her scimitar, she moves slowly and precisely.

  87. Distracted, Katarina turns to Goddard. "Wait! You drowned?!"

  88. "Yep," Goddard says still focusing on the fish. "I was on a ship as a kid and it was attacked and wrecked. If my master didn't find me on the shore, you all wouldn't have been blessed with my presence right now..."

  89. I'm not certain if that is a good thing, yet. Katarina idly wonders.

    "So that's how you came to study under him?"

  90. This comment has been removed by the author.

  91. Koroush rests on his silken bedroll, appearing to be asleep. His mind is moving constantly, faster than the strike of a cobra. He wonders at the Gods' reasons for putting himself and his companion with this group of infidels and what purpose it all serves. He would never question the validity of the choice, just wonders on the outcome. What role will they serve, will they be loyal or untrustworthy? Will he be forced to put one, or more of them to the test to try their mettle? He prays that his humble knowledge and abilities will be enough to assist them on the journeys they face and to build a fist of iron to crush through the wall of stone the world presents to them.He prays to live up to the image of what a man is in his father's eyes and that he can, someday, fill his father's shoes with a magnanimous attitude toward his peoples and the ferocity of a lion toward his enemies.

  92. "Yeah. Though for the longest time it was less study and more being a house maid," he says as he starts a small fire to cook the fish with. "And chef. But I never did mind cooking."

  93. The aroma of the fish beginning to cook stirs Koroush from his thoughts and he rises from his bedroll. Walking over to the elf, he gives him a friendly smile.

  94. Goddard's eyes open wide for a second when he sees Koroush walk up to him and he breaths a sigh of relief when he sees the smile...but wait...these people come from a strange place...what if a smile is bad?

    "Ahh so nice to see you up and about," he says offering a fish on a stick. " plates or anything..."

  95. "Thank you, my friend. It is very kind of you to see to the needs of others. The gods smile upon those with a giving heart." Koroush takes the stick and begins to gingerly eat the cooked fish, savoring the delicate flavors of the meat."Tell me, friend elf, why do you not live among your own peoples?"

  96. " teacher is an elf...shouldn't that be all the elf I need?" he says with a forced smile.

  97. "My friend, it is obvious that you need the companionship of one like yourself. There is nothing like the feeling of someone of like mind sharing your hopes, your dreams, your life." He kneels beside Goddard and stokes the fire with a poker and watches the flaming ashes fly toward the heavens.I wide grin crossing his face as he seems to drift off in thought for a moment.

  98. Goddard chuckles. "Otto and I are the only elves who are like minded and can understand each others' hopes and dreams."

    He sort of stares at the fire thoughtfully. It just took one question from one stranger to put him in a totally different mood. "It's weird...this is the first time I've been away. I...guess I miss the crazy old guy...I guess you're right."

  99. "I do not know how I could make it through these strange lands without Aara's soft face and kind smile to remind me what I have waiting for me in Araby. She has been a gift from the Gods." He stares longingly in Aara's direction as he toys with the fire. Koroush takes another fish and stands, then moving off toward Aara.

  100. After concluding her exercises, Aara placed her scimitar with her bedroll and approached Koroush and Goddard. "Master, I trust you slept well?" she asked, steepling her hands and giving him a bow. "Goddard and I had the most delightful talk. I told him about the man who tried to tear my veil. I would very much like to him the dance the women in the harem taught me, if you approve." Turning to Goddard, she laughed a little. "Though I should warn you: I'm not very good."

  101. Koroush hands Aara the cooked fish and then smiles."Perhaps you should eat a little something first, would hate for you to not perform well for the elf"

  102. Goddard watches Koroush and shakes his head.

    Well hell if I had a woman with me I wouldn't miss that crazy old elf AT ALL! Damn spell he was putting on me! Woman is better than Otto...

    "Wha?" He looks over at Aara and shakes his head again. Harder this time.

    I...I don't get these people...are they trying to kill me?

    "I don't think you could be bad at anything," he then dreamily says to Aara. "I mean...OH Morr...uh Sir please don't over think what I just said uh...compliments you as well right? Right?"

  103. "She is mine and when you speak well of her, you speak well of me.If you insult her, you have insulted me and that would be a most unpleasant thing to have to deal with." Koroush steps back and give Aara room to begin her dance after she finishes the fish he handed her.

  104. "Oh believe me...I only have good things to say about her..."

    ....I don't think before I speak do I...

  105. Aara bows her head, her smile hidden by her veil and eyes on her feet. "I fear I am. Without a weapon in my hand I'm of little use. Even Master Koroush says I was a horrible pick pocket. There are women in the harem who could make you weep for their beauty and grace. I only do as well as I can manage."

    After changing into clothing more appropriate for dancing, Aara asks Koroush for a drumbeat so that she can begin.

  106. Goddard sits on the floor cross legged. He feels he may as well sit down now before he falls over later.

  107. As the drumbeat begins, the sound of laughter can be heard from where Tannin and Katarina are sitting. Tannin seems to be describing something in great detail gesturing with his hands in between chuckles. Katarina is holding her sides from laughing till the point she falls over on her side.

  108. Koroush produces a small drum from his saddlebags and begins to produce a slow rhythmic beat to get Aara's hips working. A smile dances across his face as he watches her young supple body move in the firelight.

  109. "...and then..."Tannin says helplessly out of breath "...and then Sir Duros turns to the duke and says... he says thats not my mother, thats an ork!"

  110. Aara begins, trying hard to remember all the movements the bellydancers taught her. It seems to be going well, and she starts to not try so hard when she makes a deep forward step, catching the silk of her skirts and sliding right into Goddards lap.

    "Oh! Oh!" she cries, covering her face with her hands. "Oh, Goddard! I'm sorry! I told you I wasn't very good!"

  111. Koroush stops the drumbeat to observe Goddard's next moves, weighing them as a lion weighs the movements of a zebra before striking.

  112. Goddard's eyes get wide and he quickly puts his hands on the deck to support himself. Partially because he just about melted, and partly because he doesn't trust his own hands and would like to keep them from being lopped off later.

    "Uh no worries! You're doing dancing I've ever this supposed to happen? You made it look too graceful to be an accident," he nervously laughs.

    He then looks over at Koroush and mentally congratulates himself for thinking before grabbing...

  113. Aara blushes so deeply she's certain Goddard can see right through her veil. "I'm very sorry, Goddard. Master, I-" Sliding off his lap, she grabs her sling bag in one hand and catches her skirts up in another and runs below deck to change back into her normal clothing. Master Koroush wouldn't hurt him, would he? Master knows I'm clumsy. He wouldn't hold that against Goddard.

    Would he?

  114. Goddard sees the smile play across Koroushes' lips as he moves over to help Aara from Goddard's lap. Koroush looks into Aara's eyes, "That's not part of the dance, are you well?"

  115. Goddard sits very still and quiet and watches Koroush. Will he need to come to the rescue of Aara? Or would Goddard have to run for his own life. Such a bittersweet moment. A beautiful woman falls into his lap and Morr just ran a finger down his spine. He visibly shudders for a second from the chill.

  116. When Aara returns, she is clad in her everyday clothes. Covered from head to toe once more, she feels some of her embarrassment fade away slowly. Returning to Goddard and Koroush, she keeps here eyes down and bows to them both. "My apologies, Master, for my mistake. I will not attempt it again until I've had more time with a teacher."

    Looking up at Goddard, she is relieved that he appears unhurt. "Goddard, I am sorry," she says again. "I am a poor representation of the women who have taught me. You aren't hurt, are you?"

  117. Koroush sighs heavily "Perhaps it is time we relax and just meditate on our inner strengths and weaknesses." Koroush returns to his bedroll and lies down.

  118. Goddard's ears droop when she says she won't try this dancing again. He's never seen dancing like this and...what if she never finds a teacher?!

    "No need to apologize. I've never seen dancing like this before so to see it at all for the first time was wonderful all on its own."

    "And no...I'm not hurt..." Was she expecting this guy to hurt me after that!!

    Goddard's brain races after Koroush speaks. Oh Scheiße! Was I supposed to be grabby? Did I offend him? Is it safe for me to sleep tonight? Other cultures hurt my brain...

  119. Aara sits next to Goddard. "Good. I'm heavy, and I was afraid I'd hurt you when I landed." Lowering her voice, she leaned her head towards his. "You needn't fear Master. He is overprotective, yes, but only because I am special to him. And he did not call for your hands to be removed, so he must like you!"

  120. "You're not heavy," he says with a smile which soon fades.

    "My hands..." Goddard looks down at each hand. "Oh he likes me...good...yeah...I kinda need my hands to work 'magic'..." he lets his hands slide across the floor so he slowly ends up on his back. He folds his hands on his stomach and closes his eyes.

  121. Aara picks at her veil. "I hope one day you can see the dancers at Master Koroush's home. They will take your breath away. Everything in Araby is beautiful. When the sun rises the night sky is painted by the hands of the gods in rich reds and oranges, and you can see the sand sparkling as the light grows. Even at night when it grows chill, to lie back and watch the constellations moving through their dance is like a glimpse into the heavens. The stars sparkling like diamonds." She laughs and plucks at the many layers of cloth Goddard seems to be wearing. "But you cannot wear this, it will be too hot. I will help dress you in sandsilk and linens so that the burning sun will not harm you."

    Wrapping her arms around her knees and resting her chin there, Aara sat in comfortable silence next to the elf. He's very nervous, isn't he?

  122. Crow watches the female man-thing fall on the elf-thing, and laughs to him self at how clumsy they all are. He then takes the remaining fish to the carriage and proceeds to devour them. Crow them moves in to the carriage, emerging a moment later back in his bulky wrappings.

  123. Goddard keeps his eyes closed as Aara speaks of where she is from. He tries to picture what it would look like and seems to be having a hard time. It must be too beautiful to try and imagine.

    He tenses up slightly and opens his eyes when she touches him but then relaxes when he doesn't see an ax over head.

    "It would cover up my arms?" he asks.

    "Or...never have words on your that a good thing over there?" He begins to unravel the black wrappings he wears on his arms. They start at his knuckles, end at his elbow and then new ones go from his elbow to the bottom of his shoulder. He only takes it off up to his wrist, but he has strange black writing on the back of his hand.

  124. "No, it doesn't have to cover your arms completely. I worry that your pale skin might blister in the sun, so you might want something with loose sleeves."

    Pushing her sleeves up to her elbows, she displayed her hands and wrists. "This is my honor," she said. "It is hard for a woman to earn respect in Araby, and each name on my flesh is a victory to be respected. When people see my markings, they know I am worthy of respect and honor." Looking up into his eyes, she smiled. "So yes, it is a good thing. Not a normal thing for a woman, but a good thing." Taking Goddards hands in her own, she studies his black marks. "Are these good things for you?"

  125. "Yeah living in a dark building for a few decades does wonders for ones complexion," Goddard says sarcastically with a laugh.

    "Pretty," he says following the lines with his eyes.

    "Heh...yours have much more meaning. You get honor and respect...I get threats. These aren't anything too special. Just cheating when it comes to magic...but people here don't like magic. Especially the magic I deal in," he smiles a little and is not tense at all when she takes his hand. Still no ax...all is well. Or won't be an ax...

    "You saw that guy who was going after Sir Dragon...turned on me real fast when he saw I was a wizard. To me they are good things but to others they are not."

  126. "I am not very familiar with your magic," Aara admits. "Is it evil? What does it do? Are you in danger?" Her eyes widen as she envisions mobs of people chasing after Goddard with pitchforks and torches. Quickly following that thought is a wicked little gleam in her green eyes. "Can you show me something?"

  127. "To many it's evil I me death is inevitable," he says and then chuckles. "For me a natural death would just take much longer...but it will happen. I will eventually die. I guess people don't like to think about it." He hopes he doesn't scare her off. He used to scare other mages at the college. They just started to avoid him.

    "What's it do? It can keep people from dying right away for a short period of time or help you face death with no fear. It can let you talk to spirits and interact with souls," he says thoughtfully.

    He suddenly looks embarrassed. "I'm just an apprentice...I haven't fully figured out how to control the Amethyst winds yet. But hang around long enough and you'll see."

    He sits up and pulls one of the tiny animal skulls from his belt and holds it up. He then closes his hands around it. "This is pretty useful for humans," he says and whispers something in elven. "I can see in the dark anyway so for me it's just nice to look at," he says as he opens his hands and the little bat skull is glowing brightly like a lantern.

  128. Aara gasps when she sees the skull glowing. "How beautiful!" She looks down at her hands. "Death comes for us all. For some, it's on the edge of a blade. For others it is old age and disease." She's quiet for a long moment before looking back up at him. "I understand. I think the infidel over there would also. And Master Koroush. Possibly the ice maid." Raising her left hand to show him, she smiled. "Creatures rarely have clean hands. You and I are just more honest about it. Now," she said, standing and pulling him to his feet, "let's go see if Katarina will show me frozen."

  129. When Aara is silent, Goddard wonders if he's said too many depressing things as he was taught to do. He smiles when she looks back up at him.

    Once he stands up he sighs. "Oh I have seen plenty of ice from that one...but what's a little more gonna hurt?"

  130. ..."and then I look over to see Sir Henry, whos COVERED head to toe in ork blood, approaching my brother. And he says, "Somthing smells a bit...funny in here" This causes sir tannin to Roar with laughter.

    Taking a second to compose himself, he stands at the arrival of Aara and Goddard, and offers her his seat

  131. Katarina covers her mouth and nose to keep her drink from coming out while giggling at Tannin's joke.

    She looks up at Goddard and Aara and smiles. "Please sit, Ser Tannin was telling some most humorous stories of the people in his country. Tell them the one about the baron with the horse wife!"

    She passes the small silver flask to Tannin after taking a quick sip from it.

  132. "Greetings infidel, Katarina," Aara says lightly, accepting the seat he offers. "Goddard and I have been dull, and I have made a fool of myself and fell over. But I have heard much laughter from here, and I should very much like to join in. And hear more about frozen things."

  133. Goddard folds his arms and waits till Tannin stops laughing.

    "I'm sure it wasn't that funny Sir Dragon...I agree with Aara...I wanna hear about where this Snowflake is from," he motions with his head toward Katarina.

  134. Tannin turns up the silver flask, and then frowns, holding it upturned over the deck, empty.

    "No matter!" he says, and turns, heading for his horse.

  135. "And not about your horrible vows..." he grumbles.

  136. "Katarina...what's a snowflake?"

  137. "You're not going to believe this one, its single drop of frozen rain that is kind of soft. Not hard like hail.

    "When the first snows start to fall, all the children like to run out and catch one on our tongues as sign of good luck for the winter to come." she replies with a wistful smile.

  138. "I like winter," Goddard says happily.

  139. More of this "frozen" word. I will be glad when I see what it is.

    "That sounds...nice? Is it nice? What does a snowflake taste like? Have you tasted one?" She sighs, trying to picture it. "Maybe one day I can see one."

  140. Returning shortly, Tannin holds 4 small metal cups and a medium sized dark bottle.

    "We have shared drink of your land, perhaps we shall share drink of mine? Goddard, Lady Aara ? Care to taste a fine wine of Bretonnia ?" Tannin says, setting the cups down on the table

  141. Katarina takes a cup and sniffs the liquid as it pours in. "We usually don't drink wine, just klvas. Wine is typically for special occasions. Thank you Ser Tannin.

    "It tastes like, well, pure water. The flake melts almost immediately on your tongue. Yes, many times. I still will do it just for remembering simpler times as a child. I hope you can, though I'm afraid you and Koroush would need some heavier clothes to help you stay warm."

  142. "It's just really cold water so it tastes like water," Goddard says as he gets down on one knee. "I'm sure this boat captain won't mind a few extra scratches on this trash heap." He pulls his dagger out and scratches a shape into the deck.

    "This is what a snowflake looks like. They are VERY small and each one is different." He stands up and takes the cup off the table.

    "You aren't trying to kill me are you?" he says as he looks down at it.

  143. Aara lowers her head. "I thank you, but I cannot accept. Master Koroush says that we must not partake of anything that will dull our wits. I am happy with water," she adds brightly. "It will help me imagine a snowflake."

    She looks at Goddards design scratched into the deck. "That is lovely. It's like a little jewel. But what kind of clothing would we wear there? I'm afraid we did not bring much."

  144. "Goddard, if I had planned on killing you it would be with steel or lance. Not something as dishonorable as poison" He says, raising his cup.

    "To new friendships" he says, draining the cup.
    "Bordeaux Red... aged 20 years in ork...Erm forgive me, oak. That.... Klvas, as you call it, is stronger then I realized!" tannin says, turning red

    He pours himself another measure, and swirls it around the cup, taking in all the sweet aromas of the dark red wine

  145. Tannin takes one of the empty cups and pours a large measure of water into it from a waterskin on his belt, and then passes it to Aara.

    "That I can understand. Wine was one of the key points in the story Lady Zarakova mentioned about the baron and the horse"

  146. "Mozhem li my stradatʹ , kak mnogo gorya , kak kapli vina, kotoroye my sobirayemsya ostavitʹ v nashikh ochkakh!" Katarina says raising her cup.

  147. "Not," Goddard says before he drinks down the whole thing quickly. He shakes his head and puts the cup down.

  148. He looks at Katarina confused. "I know this stuff isnt THAT strong...what was that?"

  149. With a smile, Tannin shakes his head slightly.
    "He knows nothing of fighting honorably. Hes probably never fought an honorable opponent, so can I really blame him?"

    "Another cup, Goddard? " Tannin asks, holding the bottle over the empty cup before Goddard

  150. "A toast in my country. I believe it translates out to 'May we suffer as much sorrow as drops we are about to leave in our glasses!'

    "Don't be too troubled Ser Tannin, klvas is strong stuff. Its not sweet like your wine, but it warms the belly on cold nights." Katarina replies

  151. "It is said in my homeland that poison is a woman's weapon," Aara adds. "And if Master Koroush hasn't killed you yet, I can't imagine that anyone else would have reason to." She sips her water as she listens to Katarina's translation. "That is a rather interesting toast," she laughs.

  152. "Sure...why the hell not Sir Dragon," Goddard holds the cup up.

    "Ok see Snowy, when you say it in Reikspeil, it makes much more sense," he says raising his cup after it's full again and then drinks it quickly again. "Very nice toast," he flips the cup upside down. " Ahh look...nothing left," he shakes the cup at Tannin.

  153. Nudging Katarina, Tannin says with a chuckle "If he keeps it up, I'll have to change the story to The horse and the Elf"

    He then turns the bottle up and fills up Goddards cup once again

  154. "Tell me, what is Bretonia like? Are there great plains of sands like mine, or mountains of frozen like where Katarina is from?"
